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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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.And someone should tell Maxie maybe Nathan loves Claudette because she doesn't try to shake him out of his sleep after he's just received a damn gunshot wound.



That part was ridiculous.  I know Maxie is selfish, but my god....Shaking the shit out of a gunshot victim is a little much.


I am really glad Jason asked Sam to come,  and she didn't just show up like spoilers indicated.  And....if 2 days have passed in PC, why is Liz in the same outfit she was in last Thursday?  Yes I pay attention to these things, since I covet her sweater.   Jason's face when Liz was sleeping on his shoulder was pretty hilarious though.

  • Love 11

Ya'll Andre is da bomb! I love him.  I can't believe these writers are actually writing a therapist who is authentic sounding(I know I know enjoy it while it lasts). Most decent therapists are more a sounding board and allow the patient to work out the best course with some well placed input and don't judge or preach. Plus he is fine as heck and made me enjoy Anna. He and Anna have mad chemistry. I'm glad she isn't an actual patient of his;)


Sam and Jason straight up adorable. BM has always been great with kids but never with DNAJ so that says something about someone. I was hoping he'd look a little different after his "surgery"...sigh.


I love my det. Special Kitty but this Claudette story has fail written all over it. I want him to drop Maxie like a bad habit at this point.


Tracy's memory loss was interesting until this seizure. What was that she looked like a bad bride of Frankinstein imitation.


Also tell me why I care about Nik and Hayden. Though I did LOL at Liz saying she kind of hated Nik's wife...heh! don't we all.


Liz reel in the bitch face. ugh!


I hope this Anna's lost child reveal is sooner rather than later. I can't take Nupatrickdocgriffin and his puppy-dog stalking for a year.

  • Love 5

My take on the repetitiveness of the name of the hospital is that maybe a lot of people watch soaps with half an eye while doing other stuff these days - I know I never sit all the way through an episode; I am either fast forwarding or reading or working or doing something else at the same time - There must be some reason they keep repeating it - 


Liz really is such a downer debbie - gad, get over it and the preview for tomorrow with her sniveling little comment to Jason about Sam.  Ugh.  


So - how many operations has this kid had already?  I think I lost count.


I am guessing Tracy had a stroke though it seemed a rather unusual physically - but, everything leading up to it seemed stroke-like.  Hope she gets immediate care as is needed.

  • Love 3

I was anticipating that I would be extremely bored by today, but surprisingly I wasn't. It had some really nice moments.


The whole Anna/Andre/Jordan thing is clunky because I still feel like we don't really know Andre that well. And he and Jordan have an undefined relationship. I feel like he's closer to Anna emotionally even though she's his patient, which I would still have a problem then if they got together. Don't date your patients.


I know everyone loves the boys, and it was a little cute that they were excited to see their brother, but they don't do anything for me. And Liz is following her same pattern as usual, panting after what she can't have.


Felicia looks great, but this Claudette thing is TOO. STUPID. FOR. WORDS. I don't give a fuck who she is. I'm insulted I have to even find out.


I have a history with seizures, had my first one when I was 18 (alcohol triggered) so that scene was hard for me to watch - JE made it very realistic. Tracy's eyeroll looks towards Julexis were giving me life though.


Jason and Sam are kind of adorable with lighting up around each other. Sam seems downright giddy. I approve.


Previews: Ava/Jordan is always good for me.

  • Love 7
The whole Anna/Andre/Jordan thing is clunky because I still feel like we don't really know Andre that well. And he and Jordan have an undefined relationship. I feel like he's closer to Anna emotionally even though she's his patient, which I would still have a problem then if they got together. Don't date your patients.


Actually part of the scene was to make it clear she wasn't his patient. She isn't paying him and he was off duty when they were talking. He just has really good calm people skills and knows a lot about Anna's issues from when he was a colleague helping she and Robert track Carlos.

Actually part of the scene was to make it clear she wasn't his patient. She isn't paying him and he was off duty when they were talking. He just has really good calm people skills and knows a lot about Anna's issues from when he was a colleague helping she and Robert track Carlos.


But I'm not just talking about this particular conversation. I understand he wasn't on the clock on the time, and he's good at his job and everything. But if they're going to ever be a couple, I'd prefer it if she wasn't his patient anymore.

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I don't think she's currently his patient (I can't remember the last time we saw them have a therapy session), but their relationship did begin as therapist and patient and it's because of that relationship that he knows the truth about Anna "killing" Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos.  So it colors it a little for me, though I'm sure the show is steering this more in a, "But you're dating my BFF Jordan, we cannot be!" direction.


I do agree with tvgoddess, I feel like we really know nothing about Andre and the relationship with Jordan was pretty much slapped together off-screen.

  • Love 4
I have a history with seizures, had my first one when I was 18 (alcohol triggered) so that scene was hard for me to watch - JE made it very realistic. Tracy's eyeroll looks towards Julexis were giving me life though.



Yeah, I know there have been comments about how silly she looked, but honestly SOME seizures do look that awkward and weird.  It depends on what kind they are and who has them.  I worked with a population of kids that were prone to them and we had some pretty scary ones occurring all of the time. 


Wasn't the point of Sam going to the hospital to bring Danny to see his brother? So where is he?


They probably didn't want to have the kid in for extra time when he would only be in one scene.....they only showed her from the chest up, so I think Danny will magically appear by her side tomorrow.

  • Love 2
Felicia looks great, but this Claudette thing is TOO. STUPID. FOR. WORDS. I don't give a fuck who she is. I'm insulted I have to even find out.


So dumb. I hate that Maxie is instantly super jealous. And that whole "Dante never gave Lulu a clue before he cheated" business was also idiotic. It had a build up, as lame as it was.

  • Love 1
I know everyone loves the boys, and it was a little cute that they were excited to see their brother, but they don't do anything for me. And Liz is following her same pattern as usual, panting after what she can't have.


Who is she panting over that she can't have? Jason? I don't see her panting over him. They didn't break up that long ago, and the lie doesn't changed that she loved him, and wanted to marry him. People don't just get over that in a few weeks. She's not doing anything to try and be with Jason, or make him see that he should be with her.


They have made it very clear that Liz knows its over, and has accepted that, and is trying to move on.


In fact, I would say that Liz has every right to wonder why Sam is there, and I would even say its a shit move to bring Sam there, knowing Liz and Sam's history, and the fact that Jake has problems with Sam.

  • Love 4

Danny and Jake are brothers same as Cam and Aiden are his brothers so if it is awesome for Cam and Aiden to come see him why not Danny?


If Liz wants the best for Jake then being a part of his dad's life includes his dad's wife. Why should Sam NOT come and bring Danny?


If it really is about Jake then Liz shouldn't have to be coddled by Sam keeping away. Liz isn't the one in the hospital.


Sam should also be able to support her husband dealing with his son's issue without having to deal with Liz's bitchface everytime they are together especially considering what LIZ tried to do to their family.

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 16

Danny and Jake are brothers same as Cam and Aiden are his brothers so if it is awesome for Cam and Aiden to come see him why not Danny?


If Liz wants the best for Jake then being a part of his dad's life includes his dad's wife. Why should Sam NOT come and bring Danny?


If it really is about Jake then Liz shouldn't have to be coddled by Sam keeping away. Liz isn't the one in the hospital.


Sam should also be able to support her husband dealing with his son's issue without having to deal with Liz's bitchface everytime they are together especially considering what LIZ tried to do to their family.

Danny barely knows Jake, and they have the rest of their lives to get to know each other. Considering that a day ago, Jake was having major issues with Sam, and Jason knows that Liz and Sam hate each other, maybe he should at least be respectful of his son's feeling for now, and not force Sam on him. That's a relationship that has to develop over time, and that Jake has to be comfortable with, but I don't think Jason actually gives a shit about Jake.


Also, Liz is Jake's mother, so while he's in the hospital, Sam does have to deal with her, if she's going to come visit, and regardless of the lie, Liz still gets a say in who visits her son.


I mean, if we are going to talk about what Liz tried to do to Sam's family, then Sam should never be around Jake considering what she tried to do to him, and Liz's family.


I do love that the previews shows the writers basically admitting that they just slapped Jasam back together with no build up what's so ever.

Edited by MissE
  • Love 3

In fact, I would say that Liz has every right to wonder why Sam is there, and I would even say its a shit move to bring Sam there, knowing Liz and Sam's history, and the fact that Jake has problems with Sam.


Yeah, Liz isn't the wronged party here and Jason is not obligated to consider her feelings/wants/needs more important than his own - she did that for 7 months.  

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 11

Jason knows that Liz and Sam hate each other


Liz and Sam hate each other?  Didn't we see recent scenes with apologies and hatchet burying?


Also, if Jason has to deal with Nikolas hanging about because he's Liz's buddy, Liz can deal with Sam hanging about.


That said, while it's fine if Jason wants Danny to come visit, a heads-up to Liz that he and Sam were on the way wouldn't have been the worst thing in the world.

  • Love 10


Also, I cannot stand the way Nikolas talks to Sam.  "Hey bitch, I don't care you were held hostage yesterday, where's my update?".


I can't believe these stupid writers think the possibility of losing fucking Rebecca Budig character is enough punishment for Nik's shitty behavior.  He SHOT HER IN THE HEAD!!! That should be the least of the consequences.

  • Love 9

I'll bet tomorrow's show has Danny by Sam's side, probably why she was shot only from the waist up today. Or Sam will mention that they ran into Monica on their way in and Danny's in the cafeteria with grandma getting a cookie (or something).

I thought JE did a great job with Tracy's seizure today, she looked the way I felt when I had one in high school. Plus, acting out a seizure in a chair (without hurting oneself) couldn't have been easy. I think we're about to find out that Tracy's episodes have either been mini strokes or mini seizures--and this latest one is a grand mal.

  • Love 8


In fact, I would say that Liz has every right to wonder why Sam is there

LOL no she doesnt. If Nik can be there then Sam, Jason's wife and mother of his other child can also be there. I dont get why Jason would have to run it by Liez at all. What Sam and Jason do is not her business. 


Edited by backhometome
  • Love 12

Yeah considering that Nikolas recently tried to put Jason in jail for the rest of his life by lying his ass off, I'd say Nikolas shouldn't be there either. If it was a few weeks ago I might agree that Sam shouldn't be there....but the whole hospital stuff happened and Sam spoke to Jake and came to an understanding with Liz.....so being there shouldn't be an issue. Besides, Sam doesn't HAVE to go into Jakes room at all, we don't know if she does yet so she might not even go near the kid. She brought her child, Jason's son and Jakes brother, on JASONS request....so she has every right to be there. If Jason and Nikolas need to put their shit aside, than so do Liz and Sam.

I also forgot to mention this yesterday, but Tracy and Hayden are even worse than Anna and Jordan at stealth meetings. We have Half of Niks family at a table over and neither of them blinked an eye that their meeting might get back to Nikolas.

Previews...emo SERIAL KILLER Franco at Kiki's bedside, UGGGHHH.  


Also, I cannot stand the way Nikolas talks to Sam.  "Hey bitch, I don't care you were held hostage yesterday, where's my update?".

Right? What is that? She was kind of busy last night staying with her traumatized baby sisters....I am sure your stupidity in marrying a woman first and asking questions later was her FIRST priority....douche.

  • Love 11

The best thing about the Shriners Hospital for Children in Philadelphia PSAs is that Sonny didn't walk in and cure all the children at the same time, while providing financial support to all the families.


I was hating on Nicholas trying to make bow ties cool until he said it was Spencer's idea.


Tracy's seizure...... dannnnnng. And I'm not hating on JE's portrayal. I'm hating if they blow this storyline.


And can we assume the father of Hayden/Rachel/Greenlee/WhoTheHellCares is no longer living?

  • Love 5

Tracy's seizure...... dannnnnng. And I'm not hating on JE's portrayal. I'm hating if they blow this storyline.


I wonder if they can make it worse than Morgan's bipolar one, (to be clear, this is not a challenge to the writers to try to make it worse) because that one is having issues. 


Liz/Jason/Sam..... it'd be a tricky situation emotionally in real life even without all the kidnapping/threats/lies/shoddy basement heating/etc, so I think that there is no way to please any of us fans. We just have to get over it. Let the story unfold. 

Edited by Mrs OldManBalls
  • Love 2

and I also forgot to mention this yesterday, but Tracy and Hayden are even worse than Anna and Jordan at stealth meetings. We have Half of Niks family at a table over and neither of them blinked an eye that their meeting might get back to Nikolas.




Tracy openly went to see Hayden at Wyndemere about a month ago. I think she gave Laura some excuse that it was business or ELQ related, and Laura didn't really seem to question it.

Yes, I would think Nikolas's radar should immediately go up that the two of them are meeting, but Tracy giving the excuse that it's business and/or ELQ related-it's not something that would immediately raise suspicion. After all, Nikolas just controls ELQ. Don't the Q's still own it? It's perfectly reasonable to use ELQ or some other business related thing as an excuse for their meeting.

Hayden does theoretically still work there, even if we don't see it.

After all, Nikolas just controls ELQ. Don't the Q's still own it? It's perfectly reasonable to use ELQ or some other business related thing as an excuse for their meeting.


That's my understanding.  Nikolas has a majority of shares and was voted CEO, courtesy of Lucy's character assassination, but the Q's who still have their shares still own their shares in the company.

The best thing about the Shriners Hospital for Children in Philadelphia PSAs is that Sonny didn't walk in and cure all the children at the same time, while providing financial support to all the families.



I think that the saving grace of when we have a real life entity as part of the story line is that you can't really write something like "oh, look, the mobster is financially supporting Shriners Hospital for Children!  They're going to name a wing after him!"  I can't imagine any company would be like "yes, please, write in some mob ties for us!"  Yes, it's just a TV show, but, still, not the kind of brand messaging anyone would want.  

  • Love 9

Yeah, Liz isn't the wronged party here and Jason is not obligated to consider her feelings/wants/needs more important than his own - she did that for 7 months.  

All true--EXCEPT when it comes to coming to the hospital* where her child is recuperating from surgery and a major trauma.  That's borderline tacky/questionable.  And it's hilarious that Danny ~misses Jason.  If there was anyone the kid would be asking for it would be Patrick and/or Emma, aka the "family" Sam had him part of for months.  


*To be clear, that's Shriners Hospital for Children in Philadelphia.  They do amazing work and no child is ever turned away.

Edited by Cheyanne11
  • Love 2

That's my understanding.  Nikolas has a majority of shares and was voted CEO, courtesy of Lucy's character assassination, but the Q's who still have their shares still own their shares in the company.



That's what I thought And I do think that once Hayden got the "position" with ELQ is when they started meeting more publically. Tracy obviously doesn't seem to care if Nikolas knows they are meeting, or she wouldn't have shown up at Windemere. The whole "plot" doesn't make sense anyway-I can't quite figure out what it is they are trying to do. If Hayden is supposed to use Nikolas shooting her as leverage to get ELQ back, why doesn't she just DO it?

I can't buy it's because there's some grand love there.

  • Love 1

If Hayden is supposed to use Nikolas shooting her as leverage to get ELQ back, why doesn't she just DO it? I can't buy it's because there's some grand love there.


I'm like 99% sure that's what the writers want us to buy. It's pretty clear that we're supposed to see that Hayden has reservations because she's actually fallen in love with Nik. It's stupid and gross and I hate it, but that's definitely how it's being written.

  • Love 2


That's borderline tacky/questionable.

I dont see it being like that at all. Maybe if his dislike for Sam is for actual logical reasons other than "big mean Sam broke up my parents". And honestly how long will these people have to tip toe around this spawn. Yes, he had surgery but he is hardly at deaths door. Plus I thought Sam/Jake already made amends when he was, again, in the hospital. His brother is Sams kid and JaSam are married so he is gong to have to put up with her. 

  • Love 6


The best thing about the Shriners Hospital for Children in Philadelphia PSAs is that Sonny didn't walk in and cure all the children at the same time, while providing financial support to all the families.


No, this miracle is to be the work of St Jason of Port Charles, the Holy Hitman, who goes about the land curing. Any minute now, he will walk among them and the children will throw away their crutches and tear off the bandages, and the "Shrine" in the name will refer thenceforth to beloved St Jason.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 4

Tracy openly went to see Hayden at Wyndemere about a month ago. I think she gave Laura some excuse that it was business or ELQ related, and Laura didn't really seem to question it.

Yes, I would think Nikolas's radar should immediately go up that the two of them are meeting, but Tracy giving the excuse that it's business and/or ELQ related-it's not something that would immediately raise suspicion. After all, Nikolas just controls ELQ. Don't the Q's still own it? It's perfectly reasonable to use ELQ or some other business related thing as an excuse for their meeting.

Hayden does theoretically still work there, even if we don't see it.

Ah, ok, that makes sense than. But it obviously got Sam suspicious, so it struck me as odd....but I don't pay attention to a lot of the Hayden Tracy stuff, so I missed the public meeting explanations.


 Sam may  figure out there's some nefarious plot, and bust Hayden. What she does with the info though, could be up in the air. She doesn't like a lot of what Nikolas did, and Danny is a Q....and it would be interesting to see Sam figure it out, and stay quiet. Or even help them, which is what I would like to see.

It wouldn't make sense, really, for Sam to run to Nikolas and tell. Especially if Hayden tells Sam Nikolas had her shot. I want to see Sam on the side of the Qs, and I think that's where her loyalty will fall.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 6

 Sam may  figure out there's some nefarious plot, and bust Hayden. What she does with the info though, could be up in the air. She doesn't like a lot of what Nikolas did, and Danny is a Q....and it would be interesting to see Sam figure it out, and stay quiet. Or even help them, which is what I would like to see.

It wouldn't make sense, really, for Sam to run to Nikolas and tell. Especially if Hayden tells Sam Nikolas had her shot. I want to see Sam on the side of the Qs, and I think that's where her loyalty will fall.


Oh, if Sam finds anything out, I assume it'll be about Rebecca Budig's past as Rachel (spoiler - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz), not about her alliance with Tracy to snake ELQ from Nikolas.

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I mean Nik went in Jake's room with Liz and he tried to have Jason put in prison for attempted murder. If Jason can be okay with Nik being around his son then Liz can be okay with Sam being around her son.


Oh yeah, I totally forgot about Nikolas and Rebecca Budig lying to try and get Jason locked up.  Does Liz know about that?  I dunno why I ask, even if she did, she'd blame it on Rebecca Budig.

  • Love 4

No, this miracle is to be the work of St Jason of Port Charles, the Holy Hitman, who goes about the land curing. Any minute now, he will walk among them and the children will throw away their crutches and tear off the bandages, and the "Shrine" in the name will refer thenceforth to beloved St Jason.

Regardless of their ability to pay?

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