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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Those dresses in the picture still clealry have a specific color scheme. All are different tones of the same color. Sam, Kristina, and Molly wore 3 completely different colors and styles.

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Sonny has made such a point of being strong and well and not needing the wheel chair.  So any second as soon as the gunman turns his back and lets his guard down I expect Sonny will leap up and save the day for everyone again. Of course the governor's daughter isn't in the church right now, but it won't matter if Sonny turns the tables and saves everyone. Once again, he will be Prince of Port Charles.

  • Love 2

Did someone tell the actor playing the minister that this was theater instead of television? People walking outside my apartment heard him. Though I kinda hope it turns out he's an ex-Navy Seal and he saves the day instead of the inevitable Sonny.

Kiki dying…too bad she'll live (I assume).

Lulu drowning…see above.

So Sam takes a gun to Nik & Britt's engagement party, but not to her parents' wedding? I'm surprised she's not packing a gun and at least three knives.

Michael (or Carly) should have just knocked out Morgan.

Franco might be tolerable if Sam and Michael were allowed to punch him in the face every time they cross paths with him.

  • Love 7


  • Why did Alexis deny that she was Alexis Jerome to the gunman, after she had just finished marrying Julian?


Probably because she is keeping her last name.   So her name ISN'T Alexis Jerome, it is Alexis Davis.


I like that Sam, Molly and Kristina didn't give their last names.  I am not sure Kristina would have been smart enough to say Davis instead of Corinthos.  Although I am sure the fact that she is Sonny's daughter will come out tomorrow at some point.


It took me a minute to figure out why Nina flipped out after Nathan was shot....than I was like "oh yeah....their relat....zzzzzz"


Carly, CPR might work better if you didn't do it on her breast bone.

  • Love 13

Jeez, I wish I knew how to quote on this iPad! Anyway..in response to Grrpants09, yes it has to be a wig or toupe or something, because BC's hair was VERY thin on top, all on its own. His scalp was glaringly visible. And now he's sporting a veritable thicket on his head. That actually must be tough for a young man to deal with, especially in show biz.

  • Love 2

Well show I guess you've succeeded in making me briefly like Franco. Are you fucking happy?!


When Dixon said, "Maybe I'll just shoot Sonny," I screamed "DO IT!"


Of all the characters I'd like to see die, Nathan, Kiki, and Lulu are pretty low on the list, but one of these fuckers better bite it or else there really is no point.

  • Love 7

Jeez, I wish I knew how to quote on this iPad! Anyway..in response to Grrpants09, yes it has to be a wig or toupe or something, because BC's hair was VERY thin on top, all on its own. His scalp was glaringly visible. And now he's sporting a veritable thicket on his head. That actually must be tough for a young man to deal with, especially in show biz.

You tap a post twice and the quote button appears in the right hand corner.

Those dresses in the picture still clealry have a specific color scheme. All are different tones of the same color. Sam, Kristina, and Molly wore 3 completely different colors and styles.

I'm partial to it because that's what I had at my wedding--in 1981!  Dusty mauve, cranberry, and purple, three totally different styles selected by the women, but similar fabrics.  It worked.  I thought it worked here too.


Did someone tell the actor playing the minister that this was theater instead of television? People walking outside my apartment heard him. Though I kinda hope it turns out he's an ex-Navy Seal and he saves the day instead of the inevitable Sonny.

Kiki dying…too bad she'll live (I assume).

Lulu drowning…see above.

So Sam takes a gun to Nik & Britt's engagement party, but not to her parents' wedding? I'm surprised she's not packing a gun and at least three knives.

Michael (or Carly) should have just knocked out Morgan.

Franco might be tolerable if Sam and Michael were allowed to punch him in the face every time they cross paths with him.

HaHaHa!  I liked the Minister, I thought he actually brought something to the character unlike the usual invisible extras.

  • Love 3

I'm not big on Julexis, but I thought the actors gave it their all during the scenes where they were saying their vowels

I also  heard them say consonants!!! {sorry, couldn't resist!}


Doesn't Sam usually go out strapped for action?

Shoot me, I'd rather have Kiki live and Lulu die.


And I REALLY need to see a doctor because I kinda love Franco lately.

This is Sonny's big moment, He will rise from his wheelchair whip out  a gun and save everyone.


People should have been taking their coats off to keep Kiki warm.

Why don't they just TASER Morgan?


Plywood is shot AGAIN? ~bored now~

Edited by One More Time
  • Love 2

I hope that Maxie learns a lesson in humility for once and SHUTS UP instead of ordering Nathan around. I am sooo tired of her bossiness. Unfortunately, Nathan will probably be all sentimental and touched that she showed concern when he was shot.

I hate how stupidly they write Maxie all so Nathan can be there without his gun. Maxie has been in two situations where she, along with a group of people, have been held up twice, and she was the daughter of the police commissioner. It has to be the hen pecking woman that makes Nathan give up his gun, it can't be Nathan who feels uncomfortable bring a gun inside a church while he is off duty.


  • Will Val save the day and rescue drowning Lulu? If Lulu survives, she'd better sell that boat, pronto. Bad things happen on it.
I fucking hope not. Bad enough that Lulu not only had to apologize to her but even slightly owes her for keeping her out of that report. Why does Ava get to be the only one that saves herself. Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 4

This had to be the funniest show I have seen in a long time. I don't thing TPTB meant it to be so hysterical, but it was. Imagine that scene with Morgan but substitute the Sopranos for the cartoon villains, Morgan would be so dead. I could not believe 8 men with guns dumped them in the river because Morgan told them to.

  • Love 8

Who ever wrote and blocked that dock scene it was a hot mess.


Lulu wasn't that unbelievable to me given the cold water and her wearing full clothes plus shoes and a coat. When all that stuff is wet and tangles around you it is all you can do to tread water which is what I saw her trying to do stay above water.


I LOL that Nathan and Julian tried to shield their women and Nik was using Hayden as a shield. If Dixon would have pointed that gun at him I'm sure he would have ducked down behind her. heh!


My gosh at Morgan's caterwaulin' poor Michael just isn't equipped to deal with the likes of Morgan. Why no one carted him off to the hospital for a thorazine shot is beyond me. He sure didn't need to be at the PCPD.


My poor det Special Kitty got shot again because of dumb ass Maxie. I know it was so the logical person to save the day is "unavailable" so Sonny has to step up.


That minister was so bad and hurt my ears so I had to ff most of the wedding. Alexis dress might not have been too bad on some 20 yrs younger. I really thought her sheep dog bangs were annoying.


Why have they made Jordan so useless? Anna is right behind her stumbling and bumbling too.

  • Love 3

Lulu all you had to do was swim 3 feet. All that bobbing and what not you could have made it. But no I guess Dante has to save her.

"Morgan needs you." Do you want Kiki to live Carly? That's definitely the reason she should get up. Morgan. I mean I don't want her to wake up. I don't think Kiki getting shot will hit the emotional beats the writers think it will. All these federal agents milling around while someone is bleeding out and the civilian running to the scene is the one doing CPR?

I'll bet that Nathan ends up uttering some other chick's name while he's on medication at the hospital. We'll probably discover that Nathan is currently married to someone else. It fits because the show seems to like ruining the nice men on the show. Dante is a good example and so is Nik to some extent.

Edited by Syndicate
  • Love 5

Once I stopped thinking about the utter stupidity of the show, I enjoyed the UCG, too.


I don't understand why any citizen in that town would ever go to a major event without some kind of weaponry.


I don't understand why any citizen in that town would ever go to a major event, period.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

I'll bet that Nathan ends up uttering some other chick's name while he's on medication at the hospital. We'll probably discover that Nathan is currently married to someone else. It fits because the show seems to like ruining the nice men on the show. Dante is a good example and so is Nik to some extent.


Nik has been a gross douche in his personal relationships for well over a decade - he just wasn't a gross, greedy, murderous douche until RC got his hands on the character

But yeah, Dante has been pretty thoroughly (though I hope not irretrievably) ruined

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 5

Dante has mothertruckin' bangs. Bangs.

Bryan Craig Emmy Reel #57954578656. R U NOT ENTERTAINED!?

Billy Miller's eyerolls would have been an amazing addition to the wedding, man. You're dropping the ball, Frank.

Kiki and Nathan getting shot is like....ok?

"Lulu, I know you're here, answer me." Dom, babe, say it louder for the people in the back.

"Who cares if I die?" Quote of the year.

  • Love 8

I don't understand why any citizen in that town would ever go to a major event without some kind of weaponry.


Seriously.  At this point, I'd be begging out of every social invitation.  If it was something I absolutely could not miss, I'd be attending in a bullet proof vest, under a suit of armor, covered with a haz-mat suit.  These people have all lived there long enough to know better. 

  • Love 5

Seriously. At this point, I'd be begging out of every social invitation. If it was something I absolutely could not miss, I'd be attending in a bullet proof vest, under a suit of armor, covered with a haz-mat suit. These people have all lived there long enough to know better.

Especially at a social gathering that includes Franco, Sonny, Ava, Julian, and Nina.

Wait...those are the heroes.



  • Love 6

When did that happen? She wasn't ever in a hostage situation, was she? I only remember the car bomb and Keifer

Jerry Jax held her hostage, she was there when Claudia took Carly hostage at gunpoint, Keifer's dad held her at gunpoint at the hospital, and Trey's dad held her hostage at gunpoint a couple of years ago. The entire hospital was on lockdown. She's not new to gun violence. She's witnessed Diego get shot when she was like 6. After so many years of violence I'm surprised she's still crying like a baby. Most of the people in town should be used to it by now. 

Edited by In2You
  • Love 2

I watch this today and since I'm no longer invested after tuning into this show for about three decades, I found the entire episode to be pretty much hilarious.


Sonny side eyeing Franco while the wedding vows were being said. 


Franco offering up Sonny, but saving himself because after all his life has no value to anyone in that town. 


Alexis denying her husband immediately after said vows, as she pretty much says hell no, my name is Davis.


The funniest part was the gunman's annoyance at Brad and his Brad Cooper name. 


This was very funny IMO.


Oh, and I see no one has sedated Morgan indefinitely. Jeesh, he's a hot mess.

  • Love 2
Most of the people in town should be used to it by now.


I'd love it if the next time it happens, everyone groans and says, "This again?!"


Alexis denying her husband immediately after said vows, as she pretty much says hell no, my name is Davis.

How is a woman keeping her name denying her husband? Alexis is not chattel.

  • Love 16

Alexis sure reverted back Davis, didn't she? Maybe, she forgot what she was wearing that white dress for. While I hate Franco character I do think Roger Howarth is hysterical. Him offering up both Sonny & Julian was hysterical. I don't think I can take another day of Morgan ranting, raving & whining. Would someone shut him the F up!?! Jeez! Force feed him his damn pills and move along. Now, he'll be ranting, raving & whining by Kiki's bedside. It's going to be a long few months with that vigil. BTW! Where the heck is Laura? I know she doesn't actually interact with any of the adult characters in Port Charles but it would be nice to see her. Now, I know why Genie Francis stays holed up in her dressing room knitting by herself while the other woman are in Kirsten a Storms dressing room knitting. She doesn't know anyone because she never frickin works with anyone. Why is it so hard to write for Genie Francis? My rant is over.....for now. Night y'all!!

[sarcasm] I don't know why haters still got to hate on him. Viewers want someone to call Sonny out and the writers gave it to you. Why you still hatin' on poor Franco he even called himself out?[/sarcasm]


Typical GH writers trick.  A now-defunct message board for the show even had the perfect phrase to describe it:  "Right Words, Wrong Mouth".  It's a way to discount legitimate viewer complaints by putting them into the mouth of a hated character.  WRITERS:  "See, we gave you what you wanted, someone told off Sonny!"  VIEWERS:  "But that 'someone' was Franco!  Groooooaaaannnn..."


I don't understand why any citizen in that town would ever go to a major event without some kind of weaponry.


If GH ever had a bad guy break into a big event brandishing a weapon and it ended like this, I would say only nice things about it for 3 whole months!


I don't understand why any citizen in that town would ever go to a major event, period.


Now we know why Diane never goes anywhere.

Edited by yowsah1
  • Love 5

I can't believe that none of the cops had a handy tazer to take care of out-of-control perps like Morgan, but maybe they hesitate to use it because deadly force may involve legal consequences.

if anyone ever deserved deadly force, it's Morgan.


Michael is truly annoying and disappointing as he weaves and bobs trying to protect Morgan from the consequences of his actions. Michael is all demanding a lawyer too, as if everybody but Morgan is at fault for causing the problem. Michael is now as completely blind and obtuse as Carly when it comes to Morgan's culpability.


Of course the ultimate point that the Show is probably trying to make is:

"See what happens to law and order when JASON leaves town? The whole town falls apart without its JASON, who is the center."

  • Love 3

I don't even care, I loved today. Mostly because I thought there was unintentional hilariously bad acting from Morgan and Kiki, and then Dante and Nathan being the stupidest cops imaginable. But not as stupid as Morgan, because good lord. And that whiny voice is like going to haunt me in my nightmares. Someone please duct tape his ass. And then punch him. And then kill him.


The wedding parts were nice, Julexis are tolerable when they aren't embarrassing with the sex where she acts like she's never had it before, or when they're not acting like they're still the same ages they were when they conceived Sam.


Carly and Anna were useless. Completely useless. About as useless as all the idiots on the dock that didn't kill Morgan, and the ATF guys who missed like everything.


Now the Lante montage was well done, because you know they actually have a well-defined relationship that isn't just based on sex.


I would have loved Dixon forever if he went ahead and killed Sonny. He should have done that and he should have killed Morgan too. #showinmyhead


Previews: Aw, look at my girl stepping up. There you go.

  • Love 7
No, that's KeMo's over it look. It's very similar to my own.


Nah, in this case I think it's appropriate.   She has been in too many hostage situations by now to cower at the sight of a gun.   


I think it can work both ways.


So has Kristina but she was still balling like a baby. Funny how she threatened to sick Sonny on someone before.



I don't think she has been in that many held-up-by-gunpoint situations. There was Joe Jr and I can't think of anything else.

Dante has mothertruckin' bangs. Bangs.


At least it hasn't reached this phase yet:



Bryan Craig Emmy Reel #57954578656. R U NOT ENTERTAINED!?


[whisper]A teeny bit . . . [/whisper] Though not in the way they want me to be.

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