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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Ooooh, there's an idea! They can explain Michael's sudden forgiveness and ass kissing of Sonny by saying Helena put a chip in his brain. Or even that she replaced the real Michael with a robot. For reasons.

I don't think so. I saw some spoiler pics of her, those two kids that are supposedly her's, and Nik at the hospital.

I will accept REASONS! as an explanation for Helena/brain chip for Michael's dumbass regression.

I'm thinking that Liz and her kids can be shoved off screen indefinitely depending on BH's contract negotiations. How hard would it be? Just say that Jake has extensive surgeries and PT. Liz has no goddamn house to come home to. Jason sure as shit isn't staying there with his injured son for long. And now they have another excuse to hide Monica. She can be off visiting Jake in far off PA. The only on screen person that I would believe would actually miss Liz is Nik. Not counting Laura and Lulu. As Laura isn't actually on air enough and Lulu hasn't really talked to Liz in months. Liz almost has no other real contact on the show.

Edited by stlbf

I think if my husband cheated on me in our bed with my cousin he could probably tell me the sky is blue and I'd be all, "BITCH IT IS NOT!"



I would understand anger months ago, but they have worked through a lot those initial feelings and Lulu is at a point where she has made the decision to actively try to work on she and Dante getting back together. If she still does not value his opinion or input into their son's well being it doesn't bode well for them ever working things out. Holding on to anger over the cheating still then she may as well just not even try to work things out.


It wasn't like he was being all neanderthal "my woman will not make an independent decision". He was concerned for the safety of both she and their son due to things he knows from his job about mob wars and gun running on the docks. In other words he was doing something for a valid reason not just because Lulu was making an independent decision.


To me if Dante is proven right it just shows that holding onto resentment at the expense of good sense is harmful.

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 1

It wasn't like he was being all neanderthal "my woman will not make an independent decision".

It came off more that way to me. It reminded me of his neanderthal shit when Johnny returned last time. Or even with Dillon. They've completely ruined Dante though imo and DZ clearly doesn't give one fuck about even trying anymore.

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The balls on Nikolas having no qualms about seeking out Sam's help in investigating Rebecca Budig, which, again, he should have done MONTHS ago.  I cannot believe the show is just sweeping everything Nikolas did re: ELQ and Jason under the rug and setting him up as the lovesick victim of Rebecca Budig, the woman he tried to have killed.  HAAATE!


Wow that was a mess of retconning going on in the Paul/Anna scenes.  Like I mentioned in the spoiler thread, using a savage (the show's words) off-screen rape of Susan to lessen Paul's sins grosses me out.


I found all the "Psych!" moments with Olivia today sooo annoying.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 13

Douchey Prince gets Sam to investigate by playing the protective father/"my son" card.  Ugh. And then she cares about how he feels if she finds dirt on Hayden? That is some Saint Sam propping all the way.  Of course Nikolas having Hayden shot didn't come up as he's saying he doesn't trust her.


I missed some of the Sloane stuff - is anything Paul told Anna true, or is he just trying to play on her sympathies as a mother whose daughter has been through trauma? Regardless, Anna looks fabulous, esp. that beautiful hair.


Good to see Diane.


Nobody deserves to have their kid screaming at them more than S&C. He is sooooo Sonny's kid. 

  • Love 2

Sam's a good investigator? This show, this SHOW.


I mean, just as IF Nikolas would ever consider Sam to do anything other than detect when her 10 inch heels are located.


I mean really, what was the point of those scenes? Sam is basically stupid all the time. She's terrible at being a PI.  Nikolas did a mean thing to her.


He would NEVER go to her for ANY kind of help. He's rich. He's powerful and connected.


Just stop trying to sell Saint Sam.  Relax GH. RELAX. She's here, she's not going anywhere. FINE. But maybe don't prop her braindead ass EVERY day, okay?

  • Love 7

It's really rich, Sonny lecturing anyone on actions having consequences.  Tell me, Mr. Corinthos, how were any of your kids supposed to learn that lesson from you?


So, another thing Morgan never learned is that sex on the job is not encouraged?  It amuses me greatly that the one and only child of both Sonny and Carly is dumb as a post.


Paul couldn't find Sloane when he was working for the Feds under his own name, nor years later when he was staying at the MetroCourt, under his own name?  I question Paul's smarts, too.

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 15

Whyyyyy didn't Sam get to burn down Wyndameire???


The show doesn't get to have it both ways. They don't get to have Nik and Liz jumping around for a year scared of what will happen when the Jason secret finally comes out because everyone will hate them, and then have them both suffer no consequences. Liz got yelled at for five minutes by Sam and then Carly and eventually lost Jason, whoop-de-do. That would have happened anyway. And up until a few weeks ago Liz and Jake still got 75% of Jason's time because Not-Dead Jake staged everything for attention. Jake getting hit by a car and her house blowing up were both indirect consequences of her lie. Nik, who spearheaded the lie and tried to kill Hayden and tried to manipulate his balcony fall to get Jason jailed for attempted murder, gets to marry the woman he tried to kill and today was his and Sam's first interaction since the not-wedding. Sam got to tell her piece but then immediately gave in and did what Nik wanted her to do. 

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 16

Oh, I didn't think those scenes were about "selling Saint Sam" at all.  They were all about setting up Nikolas as a lovelorn victim of Rebecca Budig, a guy who wuvs his wife and has laid his heart on the line for her, who's looking out for his son's heart too, blah blah blah BLAH.

It seems like those scenes were about both. Sam calmly tells off Nik and refuses to help him, then instantly changes her mind for Spencer's sake, drops any hint of hostility, and seems to show concern for Nik's feelings if Hayden turns out to be un-trustworthy. ITA agree with you about the set up of Nikolas, though. 


Everyone predicting Nik would get a slap on the wrist is right. Sam showed more anger/hostility toward Liz in their confrontation(s) than she did toward Nik today, while being well aware that the Jason deception started with him, her own family.

  • Love 6

Nikolas called Sam the best PI.


And he said it like he meant it.


Really. I mean c'mon. It's a silly as every single time someone tries to sell Sonny as a big bad ass mobster.


And we got proof of such brilliance when at the end of the episode, Sam leaves a message for a guy and then doesn't leave contact information.


Rainbows for Saint Sam. That wasn't about Nikolas at all. If it were, he wouldn't have been there. He would have laughed heartily at the mere idea of going to Sam for help.

  • Love 3

Wow.  I am utterly speechless, and I know I shouldn't be.  I prepared myself for shit, but honestly did not expect LESS than shit.  And that was what that bullshit with Sam and Nik was. 


What in the bluedilly FUCK was that?  Seriously?  You have 2 actors that have SHOWN in the past that they work really well off of each other when they are at odds, and you have SUCH great material to work with this time....and THAT is what we get?  I just LITERALLY can't fathom how decisions are made at this fucking show.  I just can't.  Nikolas was in Sam's HOME and LIED to her CRYING UPSET DEVASTATED FACE about her husbands ring....and it doesn't even get brought up?  Or how about his claim that "family means everything to him?"   Nada?  We get a half assed "Go to hell" and that's it.  That's the big confrontation.


At this point I think they are TRYING to tank this show.  It is still a soap correct?  Where people have big dramatic confrontations?   Show, you have one job and you are supremely fucking up on all cylinders.

  • Love 24

Rainbows for Saint Sam. That wasn't about Nikolas at all.


I can concede it having been about propping agendas for both, as Bringonthedrama said.  But not about Nikolas at all?  Oh no, I disagree with that completely.  The show has a narrative it's desperately trying to sell re: Nikolas and Rebecca Budig and it was crystal fucking clear today.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6
Wow that was a mess of retconning going on in the Paul/Anna scenes.  Like I mentioned in the spoiler thread, using a savage (the show's words) off-screen rape of Susan to lessen Paul's sins grosses me out.


Heavy, heavy sigh. As I wrote in the spoiler thread, RAPE IS NOT A PLOT POINT.


I found all the "Psych!" moments with Olivia today sooo annoying.


She's astoundingly passive-aggressive, and I hate it.


Nobody deserves to have their kid screaming at them more than S&C. He is sooooo Sonny's kid.

I cracked up at Morgan crouched over Sonny while yelling at him. I'm surprised they didn't have Sonny rise up and slap Morgan. 

  • Love 5

I wish Nikolas had continued his "whatever Sam, I don't care" attitude, because he shouldn't care.  He should remember what Sam did to Alexis and he should know what Sam did to Liz and Jake when Jake was kidnapped.


But this show constantly suffers when the writers refuse to acknowledge past misdeeds.  Sonny talking about not enabling Morgan and trying to insist he had no choice but to fire Morgan SHOULD have brought Morgan furiously screaming about every shitty thing Sonny has done to Morgan alone and how much of a smug hypocrite Sonny is.


But it didn't, so of course, the scenes are ridiculous. Like every single time Anna warbles on about poor Duke and nobody rolls their eyes and says "Fucking hell Anna, Duke was a mobster. He put a hit on Jordan. Shut up about it already."



  • Love 6

Wow. wow. wow. So not only did Propped Saint Sam Kidnapping Accomplice NOT beat Nik's ass or even slap him five times, she agrees to help him investigate Big Bad Meanie Hayden (who he TRIED TO HAVE MURDERED). So his house isn't going to be burned down, he isn't going to be assaulted, he isn't going to lose his money, and he gets to bang the woman who he TRIED TO HAVE MURDERED. Ok. Even Victimized Town Pariah Liez suffered more than he did. Fuck everything. 

  • Love 16

I love how suddenly Nik is all "I have to protect MY SON." If he really cared about that twerp, he'd have considered how things would affect him before acting like a jerk. I wish Sam hadn't let herself be manipulated.


Sam is talking to a financial advisor named Mr. Corbin? Heh.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 8

Propping is supposed to improve the image of the character "benefitting" from it. This shit where Sam agrees to work for Nik? Does not make the character look good. It makes it look like what Nik did wasn't a big deal - which was the point, I guess. Which, aside from being wholly unsatisfying - is dumb. It's not like she rose above and graciously accepted a heartfelt apology, she let Nik manipulate her into working for him.

Trippy McFall Morgan may be clumsy but the show has established that she's a good PI. Aside from the times she's abandoned her work because Jason's brain was broken -again - she's solved her cases/gotten the answers she was looking for

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 14

Hey, I was telling someone today that I hope we get an Anna/Dante scene soon because of the way the storyline was merging, and there was one in the previews. woot. Anyone else have any requests (besides "hopefully Sam is saving up a punch for Nikolas?") while my conjuring power is apparently kinda strong*


*Possibly I may be as crazy as Morgan.


Ugh, I wish Sonny had pulled a summer of 2006 Alexis overly harsh parental smackdown on Morgan, starting with, "I don't think you're crazy, I think you're stupid!" Yes, Sonny is a way worse person than Morgan. Morgan still sucks. Still, at least I'm kinda entertained by him**, which is more than I can say for a lot of the things on the show.


I think Paul just made that crap up about Sloane. I liked Anna saying telling him to just get the f out of her house though.


Just. Olivia. Why. Have Morgan kill her off.


**This sweeps is actually better than last sweeps, I will say that. Remember, last February was:


- Fluke's bomb doing absolutely zilch


-Tony Geary ranting in a jail cell most of it


-Olivia found out about her pregnancy


-a whole weeks focused on friggin Spencer's birthday party and then his tragic fire 


-I think also we were graced by Spinelli? Or was that in March?

  • Love 6

Hey, I was telling someone today that I hope we get an Anna/Dante scene soon because of the way the storyline was merging, and there was one in the previews. woot. Anyone else have any requests (besides "hopefully Sam is saving up a punch for Nikolas?") while my conjuring power is apparently kinda strong*


Franco is brutally murdered.

  • Love 12

Like every single time Anna warbles on about poor Duke and nobody rolls their eyes and says "Fucking hell Anna, Duke was a mobster. He put a hit on Jordan. Shut up about it already."



Oh, god, this is one of my big pet peeves.  Every time she--or Sonny or whoever--talk about Duke's death like he was Mr. McNiceGuy who ran the local animal shelter and who volunteered at a retirement home--when he wasn't helping at the food bank/homeless shelter/after school program for underprivileged children--I want to scream.  The movable line this show has in regard to what's considered a "bad" mobster vs. a "good" mobster has become more and more ludicrous every year.

  • Love 6

I shouldn't really be surprise that Nik and Sam's first meeting after the secret came out is anticlimactic as well. The writers have manage to screw up every beat in this storyline that today felt like keeping up with tradition.


The only person allowed to lay smackdowns on this show is Valerie of all people, apparently. I'm not even saying she was in the wrong to do so, it's just weird that she been the only one really to give a proper dressing down to her rival on this show recently.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

I just LITERALLY can't fathom how decisions are made at this fucking show.  I just can't.


And they're being paid to write this! It's just mind-boggling.


This shit with Paul telling the story of Susan being brutally raped by Sloane was insane. Like I just have no words. I don't know which is worse: it being true or him making it all up.


I fast forwarded the Sonny/Carly/Morgan scenes. I just couldn't with that shit today.


I am aghast at them writing Nik as a victim of Hayden while at the same time having him say today that he will do what he has to if she's lying to him, implying he'd try to have her killed. Again. It's official, Nik is the new Sonny.


I don't remember anything else.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 9

Sorry, I'm an episode or two behind.  I think Sam's fawning over Jason for rescuing her from GH is just so stupid.  He didn't break her out of jail.  And as a nurse, I must say that patients who leave AMA are always manipulative assholes.  I would love for Sam to be found unconscious, and Monica give a little PSA about ignoring your doctors and nurses, and breaking out so you can feel like a rebel and ride on the back of a motorcycle.  She can wake up just fine the next day.


ETA:  I'm pretty sure I saw that little creep Spencer playing Rob Kardashian on American Crime Story.

Edited by RedheadZombie
  • Love 1
This shit with Paul telling the story of Susan being brutally raped by Sloane was insane. Like I just have no words. I don't know which is worse: it being true or him making it all up.


Honestly, what was even the point of that story? If it's true, his killing Sloane makes some sense, but doesn't justify it. Nor does it have anything to do with him running guns. And if it's not true, then ... I don't know. It's like the writers just decided to throw in a rape story for giggles.


Also, I'm confused. Is Hayden Susan? And if she is, then how is it possible that she and Paul haven't crossed paths yet? And if she's not Susan, but Rachel, then who the fuck is Rachel? Why would everyone in PC hate Hayden if they knew she was Rachel? And why would she care seeing as how everyone in PC pretty much hates her already as Hayden? Are Rachel and Susan the same person? Does Tracy know that Rachel and Susan are the same person? I'm beginning to think Tracy isn't having blackouts at all. Jane Elliot is having blackouts just so she can take a break from this ridiculous storyline.

  • Love 12

Also, I'm confused. Is Hayden Susan? And if she is, then how is it possible that she and Paul haven't crossed paths yet? And if she's not Susan, but Rachel, then who the fuck is Rachel? Why would everyone in PC hate Hayden if they knew she was Rachel? And why would she care seeing as how everyone in PC pretty much hates her already as Hayden? Are Rachel and Susan the same person? Does Tracy know that Rachel and Susan are the same person? 


Because Helena. And reasons.

  • Love 6

You know what I was getting out of Monaco's performance? Sam really badly wanted a case and wanted something to do, but felt like she had to be all "I haven't forgotten what you've done" and go through the motions of telling him off (very halfheartedly). Then she was relieved when he played the Spencer card and she had a face-saving justification for taking the case.


Nikolas was in control of the scene, though. He correctly read the situation: the fact that she summoned her limited reserves of physical energy to get off the couch and take the meeting showed what she wanted to do. So he threw her the bone of praising her work, but he sure wasn't wasting any displays of remorse on her. 


I'm sure she will do a good job of investigating Rebecca Budig as long as any locations she has to visit are single-level or have elevators.  


I actually liked today's show pretty well. Paul and Anna made all that explanation dramatically compelling, somehow, and the Morgan scenes were almost good camp. Honestly, though, sometimes it seems that what Morgan really inherited genetically is boorishness, from both sides.  

  • Love 3

After, trying to make saints out of Sonny & Franco I think the writers were trying to cut to the chase with Paul. I guess showing a picture of a cute little blonde daughter for Paul to make him more human. I think Richard Burgi is a good actor and amazingly good looking (he looks better now then he did on AW and that was how many decades ago?) so I don't mind the long winded & impossible recon of Paul Hornsby. That said, I'm not sure I want him paired up romantically with Anna but I guess she could do worse. Actually, she did do worse when she did the nasty with Grayson McCouch. Ewwww!

  • Love 2

This entire Nik/Liz thing baffles me. Other than Sonny and Jason, there have never been two more protected characters from the fallout of their own actions.

Hayden is the MOST innocent of the three of them, having stumbled onto this situation with a promise of a paycheck from Ric (who also had to deal with Liz's hypocritical audacity) and she has to deal with a guy who tried to have her killed and Lizzie's never-ending bitchface. I literally have no craps to give about Hayden (go away right now please!) and even I can see she's being set up to take a fall so Nik/Liz never have to answer for the full extent of their disgusting actions.

  • Love 15

This entire Nik/Liz thing baffles me. Other than Sonny and Jason, there have never been two more protected characters from the fallout of their own actions.

Hayden is the MOST innocent of the three of them, having stumbled onto this situation with a promise of a paycheck from Ric (who also had to deal with Liz's hypocritical audacity) and she has to deal with a guy who tried to have her killed and Lizzie's never-ending bitchface. I literally have no craps to give about Hayden (go away right now please!) and even I can see she's being set up to take a fall so Nik/Liz never have to answer for the full extent of their disgusting actions.


Liz and Nik did dirty to a bunch of murder's, hypocrites, liars and cons, period.  Liz lost Jason for now, until she saves Danny in six months from the latest mob goons like Sam did when she saved Jake from the Russians.  Nik?  Nik is currently skating, but since he's now paired up with ReBu one of FV's pets, he will more than likely end up working at Kelly's diner while Spencer begs for crumbs while waiting tables.

Edited by Darklazr
  • Love 3



Just that there are rumors of him making another appearance soon. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I hope if it's true, he at least brings Ellie back with him.


Caught up on the last two episodes (still have Scrubs wedding and a lot of Lante crap that I probably shouldn't bother to watch, maybe I'll get around to it in 2026).


So much WTF? Do they not remember that Sloane's backstory is that he and Anna were friends and mentor/mentee all those years ago? When did Anna's friend turn into a rapist/domestic abuser? Did he play in the NFL too? And now this means that Anna slept with a rapist? GROSS. Just WTF?! Why are these people so bad at their jobs?


That being said, I did love FH the last couple of days. She's just too awesome for words.


It is so fitting that the spawn of Scarly produces the dreck that is Morgan. Trash (her) + scum (him) = refuse. LMAO though that Carly's worried about him going to see Ava, like that would be the worst possible thing in the world that he could do.


I'm already tired of this entire Hayden/Rachel/Susan clusterfuck. I despise that Sam started out great with Nik and then in the span of literally two seconds completely reversed course due to some 9 year old that everyone hates. And who gives a FUCK how Nik feels??? UGH.


Good to see Diane.


In other news, Avery's still adorable, Kiki won't cut her hair because then she'd look too much like Maxie, and Olivia really needs to get more of a life.


Previews: Ah, Davis Girls. Maybe the one thing that isn't ruined on this show. And it doesn't make up for lost time, but there's Lucas again, what a welcome sight.

  • Love 4

 And now this means that Anna slept with a rapist? GROSS. Just WTF?!


GH already crossed that line with that yucky Luke/Anna affair/ONS. And literally everyone knows about the history of Luke raping Laura. I like Anna, but she's had terrible taste in men in recent years. I don't care what she says, I will never think of Duke as a good guy. Even at his best when I saw, he was condescending toward Anna about her job/work and made jabs about her being a hypocrite. Blech.

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