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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Today's episode was a dozy, I felt like Ron was back in charge again. There was so much hack work being done I am sure it would have made him proud.

Olivia, dear, dry your pitiful, pathetic, and useless tears. If you don't want mobsters in your children's lives then stop sleeping with them and getting knocked up by them. You aren't a naive teenager anymore, you had no business bedding Julian and now you want to whine about him not just going away and actually wanting access to the child he created with you.

Oh and Ned, shut up. I hate what they've done to him because they paired him with such a dumb annoyance like Olivia. Not even Lois was this bad.

What a sad Santa set up. I have no clue who this Nelle chick is but the actress gives me Kiki vibes.

Seeing all the kids running around reminded me of just how many plot pregnancies Ron conjured up and how I do not care about a single one of them.

Whether it's Jason or Drew being hauled away in handcuffs Sam will always start shrieking and shouting because that's such a helpful tactic.

This show is making me feel sorry for Jason Morgan and I am very displeased at that. The man is dealing with his life imploding, being locked away for five years, losing all his kids to other men, one of whom was even thought to be him, and now his wife who is married to his "other self" is bothering him about getting his twin out of lockup. Yeah...that's his problem how? Good grief, the idoicy of it all burns.

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imo, they need to drop the Ted thing. It was only mildly funny the first time. Or next time Julian does it, Ned should roll his eyes and say, "yes, Tulian, it is me, Ted."

Edited by ulkis
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On 12/5/2017 at 5:20 PM, Blackie said:

It took me a lot of braincells to think why Michael would be taking Rocco to Santa.  

Same. I kept wondering why Rocco kept calling Michael "uncle". Right, totally forgot the relationship between Michael and Dante.

Andrew asking Nathan to help look after Sam was very surprising. 

Oh, and now Carly remembers that the last three years where the guy was part of her life did happen.

Julian photobombing the Santa picture was very petty and kinda funny. Sonny needs to quit with the eye rolling. Dude, you're as bad as he is. Except he's incredibly ineffective as a mobster.

I still hate Nelle. If she's pregnant, I can for her falling down a flight of stairs. It's been a while since that happened.

I can't take Maxie and Lulu on screen together.

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Is Nelle really pregnant? (I haven’t seen all of today’s ep.) With the number of unplanned kids Sonny has, you’d think he’d have stressed the importance of condoms to His sons. Double-wrap it if you have to, Michael.

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3 hours ago, seasons said:

I feel bad because I like the actress (Lisa LoC) but I just wish the Olivia character wasn't written to be so annoying...

I did see that she was on one of my favorite soaps,"Loving". And also OLTL. She's sure had an impressive career! plus, she's a Star Wars fan! 

I actually adore Lisa L. One thing I like about her is that she's distinctive...but not (to me) in a Michelle Stafford or Kristina Wagner way that comes off as mannered and grating. Those two try to be distinctive, and their line readings and expressions are distracting and weird as a result. LLC wears it naturally. She just has an interesting voice and look about her, and when they have given her strong, substantive material, she does well. Examples: Reacting to Dante's being shot in the chest by Sonny; telling Sonny that yes, in fact, he has a history of being abusive to women, and she isn't going to kiss his ass and tell him Kristina and Carly are being unfair.   

In some ways, she has had a thankless role. She's there to be a "colorful character," and the specific "color" changes in chameleon-like ways. First she was Sonny's gal pal from the neighborhood, and every conversation was about mean nuns, lovable fruit vendors, and all the sights, sounds, and smells of Old Bensonhurst. Then she was the wacky psychic lady, having visions of dogs in baby bonnets. Then...well, I missed some years, but the next time I caught up with her, she was the passive-aggressive Julexis foil, all but stalking them, and it was hard to tell whether she was clueless or malicious. Now she's some kind of Tracy proxy to be Monica's in-house frenemy, and she's obsessed with decorating. The thing tying the various versions together is her Italian cooking and brash mannerisms.  

But I never blame LLC, because she's a pro, and seems as sweet as can be. I don't know if anyone else could do better with Olivia F.  

I should never dream about General Hospital, but I dreamed that the show resurrected Alexis's blown-up sister, and they were calling her "Kay" to distinguish her from the other Kristina.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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9 minutes ago, Asp Burger said:

But I never blame LLC, because she's a pro, and seems as sweet as can be. I don't know if anyone else could do better with Olivia F.    

Yes, but she suggested Olivia being pregnant and the breast feeding story, so alas, she is to blame for some things.

13 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Is Nelle really pregnant? (I haven’t seen all of today’s ep.) With the number of unplanned kids Sonny has, you’d think he’d have stressed the importance of condoms to His sons. Double-wrap it if you have to, Michael.

Nelle didn't say she was, no.

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4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Spanish and Italian are similar. Heck a lot of languages are similar. In Hindi, do means two; Spanish it's dos. Shirt is Camisa, and in Hindi, it's Kamees. Unfortunately, her imdb doesn't state what her ethnicity is.

And then you have Maurice Bernard, who isn't Italian, but plays one, even though Sonny's mother was Cuban and his father, Mike, was Greek. And Mo is hispanic.


3 hours ago, linsav said:

LoCicero is a Sicilian name.

I like it here.

I learn stuff.

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1 hour ago, ulkis said:

Yes, but she suggested Olivia being pregnant and the breast feeding story, so alas, she is to blame for some things.

Nelle didn't say she was, no.

Nelle didn't say but she certainly implied it.  She told Michael that she thought they would be back together soon and for the long haul.  Then CarSon made a comment about grand parenthood and she said something like " I think Carly would make a great nana".   And she had this cat that ate the canary look. 

Protection people, use it!  

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Everyone needed a winter coat, except for Nelle, who just had a sweater and supposedly was to stand around in the cold all day.  Did she know she would run into Michael so she could play the poverty card while sitting on ten grand?

Olivia wore her 5 inch stiletto heels out in the snow. 

Isn't Leo a little old for a baby monitor? 

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5 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Carly got points for actually thinking about how Drew must be feeling.

That's the one thing that keeps me from being totally mad at her happiness over Jason being back.  And being Jason.  At least she's thinking of Drew, too.

That said, she'd better go and actually see him soon and actually assure him that she still wants him in her life and to be in his, or it's going to start coming off like mere lip service.

Telling us you feel for someone and showing that you do are two different things, Carly.

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Poor Drew, he admitted that he didn't  trust Sonny.

So now, I am waiting for something horrible to happen to him. One does not dis the moobster.

Edited by LillyB
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4 hours ago, CPP83 said:

This show is making me feel sorry for Jason Morgan and I am very displeased at that. The man is dealing with his life imploding, being locked away for five years, losing all his kids to other men, one of whom was even thought to be him, and now his wife who is married to his "other self" is bothering him about getting his twin out of lockup. Yeah...that's his problem how? Good grief, the idoicy of it all burns.


I happily don't feel sorry for him at all. First of all, karma's a bitch on the whole "losing his kids to other men" deal. Maybe he can call and ask AJ about how it feels to have his kid stolen from him. Oh, wait that can't happen because not only was Jason instrumental in stealing AJ's child but now AJ's dead thanks to Jason's bosom buddy, Sonny. And, anyway, when Jake was alive before he and Jason were both presumed dead Jason was never a father to Jake anyway. And Jason missed out on being a father to Danny - and missed out on those five years of his life - partially because attending to Sonny's business was more important than sticking around and spending time with Sam and Danny the night Sam was reunited with Danny. Jason will always choose Sonny's business before his family, so I'm certainly not crying that he doesn't have that family anymore. As for Sam asking Jason for help with his brother, I'm going to relish it. Jason has been the chosen one for so long. Lovely seeing someone treating him like the lesser brother. Again, he can ask AJ how that feels.

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13 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

I happily don't feel sorry for him at all. First of all, karma's a bitch on the whole "losing his kids to other men" deal. Maybe he can call and ask AJ about how it feels to have his kid stolen from him. Oh, wait that can't happen because not only was Jason instrumental in stealing AJ's child but now AJ's dead thanks to Jason's bosom buddy, Sonny. And, anyway, when Jake was alive before he and Jason were both presumed dead Jason was never a father to Jake anyway. And Jason missed out on being a father to Danny - and missed out on those five years of his life - partially because attending to Sonny's business was more important than sticking around and spending time with Sam and Danny the night Sam was reunited with Danny. Jason will always choose Sonny's business before his family, so I'm certainly not crying that he doesn't have that family anymore. As for Sam asking Jason for help with his brother, I'm going to relish it. Jason has been the chosen one for so long. Lovely seeing someone treating him like the lesser brother. Again, he can ask AJ how that feels.


I was being facetious about feeling sorry for Jason. Jason Q I didn't mind so much, especially when he was with the lovely Keisha. But when he turned into Jason Morgan I did not follow suit as a fan of that characterization.

However, despite that I still see Sam going to bug Jason about somehow helping Drew get out of jail as a ridiculous and asinine request from her, with all things considered as I mentioned before.

Jason is dealing with his own mess, tons of it, and yet Sam seems to think that he needs to take some time to give Andrew a helping hand? How is any of that his issue?

Andrew isn't Jason's long lost son or something (let's hope that never changes), he's a grownup with legal counsel, what exactly does Sam think Jason can really do? Bust him out of there illegally because he's still the same old criminal as before? Or does she want them to switch places since Jason still has Drew's "old" face?

Regardless of my dislike for Jason, and there is plenty of that to go around, that's just a bunch of b.s. for Sam to run to Jason now when she wants a favour out of him but yet can't spend five minutes talking to him about everything that's happened so far since his return. And I know that in all actuality that's all due to the stupid pacing of the plot and the writing staff, but I can't get started on them or I might never stop. 

Everything that has come out of (real) Jason's return has proven to me to be utterly pointless and poorly planned and badly acted, which is the usual with this show nowadays I find. But still, even with all of that, Drew's problem cant suddenly become Jason's dilemma to fix. 

Perhaps I might feel differently if I liked Drew anymore than I do Jason, but as far as I am concerned they both could fall off the nearest pier and I would not miss either one.

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9 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

He does, though: He's Leo's father. Olivia knew who Julian was when she willingly slept with him without benefit of birth control. She doesn't get to have the moral high ground now. Shut up, Olivia.

I've never quite understood this rationale. It's basically "the child has to pay for the parent's sins." So because Olivia expressed poor judgment by sleeping with someone dangerous like Julian she should continue to express poor judgment by not doing her damnedest to protect her child?  If worst came to worst and years down the line Leo got shot in the head like Michael did, Olivia should just shrug her shoulders and go "yeah, I could have tried to protect you from your violent father's ways but, see, I chose to sleep with him, so if you ended up getting shot because of that choice - them's the breaks."

It also feels weird to see the dragging of Olivia over this considering that in the TWoP days (and even now) the majority of people considered Carly a bad mother, not just for stealing Michael from AJ, but for giving him over to two mobsters like Jason and Sonny and constantly putting her kids in danger and not doing a thing to protect them. Even when Michael got shot in the head, Carly only saw the light temporarily. I'm pretty sure most people were on Alexis's side when she tried to keep Kristina from Sonny. Even recently, when Michael took Avery from Sonny, the majority - here anyway - were on Michael's side because, even though he was mostly doing it for revenge, Avery would have been much safer not in Sonny's custody. 


However, despite that I still see Sam going to bug Jason about somehow helping Drew get out of jail as a ridiculous and asinine request from her, with all things considered as I mentioned before.

Jason is dealing with his own mess, tons of it, and yet Sam seems to think that he needs to take some time to give Andrew a helping hand? How is any of that his issue?

Andrew isn't Jason's long lost son or something (let's hope that never changes), he's a grownup with legal counsel, what exactly does Sam think Jason can really do? Bust him out of there illegally because he's still the same old criminal as before? Or does she want them to switch places since Jason still has Drew's "old" face?

Regardless of my dislike for Jason, and there is plenty of that to go around, that's just a bunch of b.s. for Sam to run to Jason now when she wants a favour out of him but yet can't spend five minutes talking to him about everything that's happened so far since his return. And I know that in all actuality that's all due to the stupid pacing of the plot and the writing staff, but I can't get started on them or I might never stop. 


Well, Drew might not be Jason's son but he is his twin and despite Drew not wanting anything to do with him right now, Sam might believe Jason might want to help his brother out. And, while Jason's life isn't exactly one percent fixed, he's got the people he cares most back on his side (Carly, Sonny, Michael) and he's on his way to getting his name back. he might be able to spare some time to help out Drew. And, while this is not necessarily Jason's fault, more than likely Drew had his memories erased because of someone trying to get to Jason. It wouldn't be the biggest inconvenience in the world for Jason to lend a hand to keep his brother from being arrested. 

And, perhaps, I'm confused but I'm pretty sure Sam had a scene a week or so ago where she did spend five minutes with Jason talking about things but at the time there really wasn't much to talk about and now she's got things like her husband being arrested to deal with.

Mainly, I think it's a little bit jumping the gun to villify Sam over this since we don't know what she's asking of Jason or why since the scene hasn't aired yet. Maybe she thinks having Drew's twin back up his story will help convince the Navy. Maybe she thinks Jason can help get Andre to share what he knows. Maybe she thinks Jason can use his connections to help somehow. Again, we don't know since the scene hasn't aired yet.


Everything that has come out of (real) Jason's return has proven to me to be utterly pointless and poorly planned and badly acted, which is the usual with this show nowadays I find. But still, even with all of that, Drew's problem cant suddenly become Jason's dilemma to fix. 


Why not? As much as I hate it, Jason is the writer's idea of GH's greatest hero. They've always used him to solve all kinds of problems that had nothing to do with him. Why not use him to solve a problem dealing with his character's twin brother. With these two being brothers - and their relationships with Sam - they're going to be entwined in each other's storylines for some time. 

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
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18 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Well, Drew might not be Jason's son but he is his twin and despite Drew not wanting anything to do with him right now, Sam might believe Jason might want to help his brother out. And, while Jason's life isn't exactly one percent fixed, he's got the people he cares most back on his side (Carly, Sonny, Michael) and he's on his way to getting his name back. he might be able to spare some time to help out Drew. And, while this is not necessarily Jason's fault, more than likely Drew had his memories erased because of someone trying to get to Jason. It wouldn't be the biggest inconvenience in the world for Jason to lend a hand to keep his brother from being arrested. 

And, perhaps, I'm confused but I'm pretty sure Sam had a scene a week or so ago where she did spend five minutes with Jason talking about things but at the time there really wasn't much to talk about and now she's got things like her husband being arrested to deal with.

Mainly, I think it's a little bit jumping the gun to villify Sam over this since we don't know what she's asking of Jason or why since the scene hasn't aired yet. Maybe she thinks having Drew's twin back up his story will help convince the Navy. Maybe she thinks Jason can help get Andre to share what he knows. Maybe she thinks Jason can use his connections to help somehow. Again, we don't know since the scene hasn't aired yet.


The last time Drew spoke to Jason, as I recall, he declared that they weren't brothers. Jason told him to have a nice life and walked away.

Drew may be Jason's twin but they are basically strangers without any real connection on a emotional or mental level, thus far.

My main point was and is that Sam has a number of people she could call on to help out Drew, but Jason really doesn't fit. He doesn't know Drew so how can he vouch for him? He isn't law enforcement, he doesn't have a law degree, and if his own record is brought into question, having your twin be a noted mob guy may not do much for your own credibility.

As for the "five minutes", I was referring to Sam now knowing, for certain, that Jason is in fact back and she has been married to Drew these past two years. She and Jason have not talked except for a meetup on the wharf where they barely spoke, and now their next run-in involves Drew, and I don't feel that's necessary but YMMV.

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I hate that the show thinks Nelle getting pregnant is some sort of scheming plot. It's forking 2017. Nelle's supposed to be a smart, capable person—can't she do something to ELQ or the coffee business? Gah. (Nelle's red lipstick was fantastic.)

Maxie shouldn't be throwing the word "skank" around. I hate the show still uses words like that.

Once again, Sonny sneers at Julian for a conditional release when Sonny did nothing to get a pardon from the governor. I wish Julian had been able to say something about that.

10 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

I've never quite understood this rationale. It's basically "the child has to pay for the parent's sins." So because Olivia expressed poor judgment by sleeping with someone dangerous like Julian she should continue to express poor judgment by not doing her damnedest to protect her child?  If worst came to worst and years down the line Leo got shot in the head like Michael did, Olivia should just shrug her shoulders and go "yeah, I could have tried to protect you from your violent father's ways but, see, I chose to sleep with him, so if you ended up getting shot because of that choice - them's the breaks."

But why should Leo suffer by not seeing his father? Julian was right when he said to Olivia that it didn't work out that well for Dante not knowing about Sonny. And Olivia was right that Leo would want to meet his bio dad eventually, and it likely would cause some resentment and maybe worse. If you don't want your kid to have a mobster father, don't sleep with a mobster. As I wrote earlier, Olivia knew what Julian was when they slept together. I cut her a tiny bit of slack with Sonny because she was a teenager and he was still the neighborhood thug. But with Julian? No surprises. Suck it up and let Julian be in Leo's life. I don't think limited contact is unreasonable, as long as Olivia doesn't stopwatch it and allows Julian and Leo to have a genuine relationship. Let Leo decide when he's older if he wants to continue it.

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10 minutes ago, CPP83 said:


The last time Drew spoke to Jason, as I recall, he declared that they weren't brothers. Jason told him to have a nice life and walked away.

Drew may be Jason's twin but they are basically strangers without any real connection on a emotional or mental level, thus far.

My main point was and is that Sam has a number of people she could call on to help out Drew, but Jason really doesn't fit. He doesn't know Drew so how can he vouch for him? He isn't law enforcement, he doesn't have a law degree, and if his own record is brought into question, having your twin be a noted mob guy may not do much for your own credibility.

As for the "five minutes", I was referring to Sam now knowing, for certain, that Jason is in fact back and she has been married to Drew these past two years. She and Jason have not talked except for a meetup on the wharf where they barely spoke, and now their next run-in involves Drew, and I don't feel that's necessary but YMMV.

Yes, I know the last time they spoke Drew said he wanted nothing to do with Jason. I noted that in my post. They may be essentially strangers, but the biological fact remains they are brothers. So Sam may assume that Jason may want to help him out in such an extreme circumstance. It's not like Sam is requesting help because Drew can't hang up the Christmas lights. Being arrested and taken away by the Navy is a big deal. Sam's desperate to do what she can to help her husband. Plus, a lot of people that Jason cares about care about Drew in their own way so he could want to help for that reason alone.

Sam did reach out to her mom, the lawyer, who came up with a temporary fix and is now telling Sam she doesn't know how she can help. So, Sam has come up with some idea that involves Jason. Again, the scenes haven't aired so I have no idea how she's thinking he can help. Jason doesn't really have to know Drew to vouch for him. He can vouch for the story Maddox told. He can speak to waking up where he did and coming back to Port Charles and the mistaken identity with Drew. Given that it's GH, and it involves Jason, I'm sure the reasoning will be something assinine that makes Jason look like the second coming.

Sam and Jason haven't spoken since she found out he was really Jason because she is only one woman. Right now, she can't really deal with Jason since she has her current husband to think about. Not to mention Drew was just arrested so she's had her hands full with that.

Honestly, I'd love it if Sam didn't have to turn to Jason for this. At the end of the episode, I was really hoping that it wasn't Jason Sam was going to for help. Though I guess it could be worse because I thought she might be turning to Sonny. But anyway, this is GH where Jason always has to play hero, so it's not a surprise he might play hero to Drew in this situation just to up the awkward between Drew, Sam, and Jason (not that more awkward was necessary.) I just don't think Sam is horrible for turning to him, especially since I don't know why, or how, she thinks Jason can help.

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It's potentially logical for Sam to enlist Jason, because he's the one with the most direct knowledge of what "the Russians" and their clinics and whatnot are like. They need to build a case for Drew having been kidnapped for the twin project. 

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21 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

But why should Leo suffer by not seeing his father? Julian was right when he said to Olivia that it didn't work out that well for Dante not knowing about Sonny. And Olivia was right that Leo would want to meet his bio dad eventually, and it likely would cause some resentment and maybe worse. If you don't want your kid to have a mobster father, don't sleep with a mobster. As I wrote earlier, Olivia knew what Julian was when they slept together. I cut her a tiny bit of slack with Sonny because she was a teenager and he was still the neighborhood thug. But with Julian? No surprises. Suck it up and let Julian be in Leo's life. I think limited contact is unreasonable, as long as Olivia doesn't stopwatch it and allows Julian and Leo to have a genuine relationship. Let Leo decide when he's older if he wants to continue it.

Leo doesn't even know Julian right now. How is he suffering by not knowing him? There are plenty of kids in real life, and on TV, who don't know their fathers and are perfectly fine. Sam and Lucas can attest to knowing their father as adults and not being happier for it. There are some people who should not be parents. Dante is, without a doubt, the most well-adjusted of Sonny's kids. I don't think it's an accident that he's the only one who Sonny had no part in raising. And the only reason it didn't work out well for Dante was that by some fluke he ended up investigating his own father and then said father shot him because he's a thug who shouldn't be raising any children. The fact that Olivia actually had to speak about Sonny shooting Dante and admit that the only reason Sonny was sorry for shooting Dante was that Dante turned out to be his kid speaks volumes about how unfit to parent Sonny is. 

And, again, you keep saying if Olivia didn't want a baby with a mobster than don't sleep with one as if that's the end of it. Yes, it would be preferable for Olivia not to have made that mistake in the first place, but her kid should not have to suffer because of that bad decision. Her kid shouldn't have to potentially die because of that decision. It's not about "sucking it up" as if Julian is merely an annoyance Liv doesn't want to deal with.  His involvement in his kids' life could be detrimental to him actually having a life. She can tell Leo the truth when he's old enough and then he can make a decision about wanting his father in his life. Until then, she's the parent and has to do what's best for him.  I think protecting your kids from bodily harm is the most important thing. If they have resentment later in life for that choice, so be it. At least they're alive to have that resentment. 

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21 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Yes, I know the last time they spoke Drew said he wanted nothing to do with Jason. I noted that in my post. They may be essentially strangers, but the biological fact remains they are brothers. So Sam may assume that Jason may want to help him out in such an extreme circumstance. It's not like Sam is requesting help because Drew can't hang up the Christmas lights. Being arrested and taken away by the Navy is a big deal. Sam's desperate to do what she can to help her husband. Plus, a lot of people that Jason cares about care about Drew in their own way so he could want to help for that reason alone.

Sam did reach out to her mom, the lawyer, who came up with a temporary fix and is now telling Sam she doesn't know how she can help. So, Sam has come up with some idea that involves Jason. Again, the scenes haven't aired so I have no idea how she's thinking he can help. Jason doesn't really have to know Drew to vouch for him. He can vouch for the story Maddox told. He can speak to waking up where he did and coming back to Port Charles and the mistaken identity with Drew. Given that it's GH, and it involves Jason, I'm sure the reasoning will be something assinine that makes Jason look like the second coming.

Sam and Jason haven't spoken since she found out he was really Jason because she is only one woman. Right now, she can't really deal with Jason since she has her current husband to think about. Not to mention Drew was just arrested so she's had her hands full with that.

Honestly, I'd love it if Sam didn't have to turn to Jason for this. At the end of the episode, I was really hoping that it wasn't Jason Sam was going to for help. Though I guess it could be worse because I thought she might be turning to Sonny. But anyway, this is GH where Jason always has to play hero, so it's not a surprise he might play hero to Drew in this situation just to up the awkward between Drew, Sam, and Jason (not that more awkward was necessary.) I just don't think Sam is horrible for turning to him, especially since I don't know why, or how, she thinks Jason can help.


To keep from repeating myself, I'll just agree to disagree.


7 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

It's potentially logical for Sam to enlist Jason, because he's the one with the most direct knowledge of what "the Russians" and their clinics and whatnot are like. They need to build a case for Drew having been kidnapped for the twin project. 


I feel like this current coven of writers are using this Russian/clinics angle much like Ron used to fall back on those damn masks that somehow could transform anyone into another person despite height or weight differences, age differences, even sex differences. And so far, imho, they are proving just as proficient at it as he was...the stupid burns like acid.

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43 minutes ago, CPP83 said:

I feel like this current coven of writers are using this Russian/clinics angle much like Ron used to fall back on those damn masks that somehow could transform anyone into another person despite height or weight differences, age differences, even sex differences.

Those have been appropriated by Arya Stark on Game of Thrones

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On ‎12‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 9:06 PM, Cheyanne11 said:

So are Lulu and Maxie the Lucy and Ethel of the show now?  Will Dante start telling her her hairbrained schemes are driving him to a fizzy-chiatrist?  God, what an insufferable storyline with Lulu thinking she's Christine Armanpour when she's more like Andrea Zuckerman.

THIS!! Look everybody--it's THIS! Lulu just makes me want to throw up in my mouth. What  a spoiled entitled brat. Why didn't the show send her to college for a journalism course where she could be writing it for credit and work experience? D'oh!

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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7 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

Can Maxie and Nelle's babies both be tocks, please? 

Is it possible that the babies will both be viable but they will either be switched at birth, or one baby will save the other one's life such as in organ donation? We just got a brand new OBGYN doctor on the show, so maybe the two babies are her storyline.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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1 hour ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Leo doesn't even know Julian right now. How is he suffering by not knowing him? There are plenty of kids in real life, and on TV, who don't know their fathers and are perfectly fine. Sam and Lucas can attest to knowing their father as adults and not being happier for it. There are some people who should not be parents. Dante is, without a doubt, the most well-adjusted of Sonny's kids. I don't think it's an accident that he's the only one who Sonny had no part in raising. And the only reason it didn't work out well for Dante was that by some fluke he ended up investigating his own father and then said father shot him because he's a thug who shouldn't be raising any children. The fact that Olivia actually had to speak about Sonny shooting Dante and admit that the only reason Sonny was sorry for shooting Dante was that Dante turned out to be his kid speaks volumes about how unfit to parent Sonny is. 

And, again, you keep saying if Olivia didn't want a baby with a mobster than don't sleep with one as if that's the end of it. Yes, it would be preferable for Olivia not to have made that mistake in the first place, but her kid should not have to suffer because of that bad decision. Her kid shouldn't have to potentially die because of that decision. It's not about "sucking it up" as if Julian is merely an annoyance Liv doesn't want to deal with.  His involvement in his kids' life could be detrimental to him actually having a life. She can tell Leo the truth when he's old enough and then he can make a decision about wanting his father in his life. Until then, she's the parent and has to do what's best for him.  I think protecting your kids from bodily harm is the most important thing. If they have resentment later in life for that choice, so be it. At least they're alive to have that resentment. 

Sam and Lucas did have fathers in their lives. Sam had her not so good adoptive family. And Lucas was raised by his parents, Tony and Bobbie Jones.

Dante was raised fatherless. He turned out great. Until the stench of Sonny's paternity stuck. Olivia didn't want to raise her child with a thug. Who also happened to be her cousin's long time boyfriend. Leo is different. Olivia had a great chance to keep Leo's paternity silent. Ned and Brooklyn gave Nik their proxies to ELQ to keep the secret. Olivia decided to just comeback and inform Julian of his new fatherhood. So guess what! She and Leo have to live with her decision to tell Julian. Olivia gets zero pity from me for her bitching about her choices. It made zero sense for her to tell Julian anything. The Qs lost control of ELQ for her kid and the promptly turned around and decided to tell Julian the truth. If Leo gets hurt thanks to mob violence,  then that is on her and Julian's heads.

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Anyone else turn on today's show, see Michael with that little kid and ask "who the fuck is this??" At first I thought Leo, the kid I usually forget exists, but no, he's at the Qs! It's been five minutes and I still don't know!*

Chris Van Etten has a lot of Ron's old comic tendencies (the "life-size Teddy Ruxpin costume" joke) and an interesting background. I thought he might be okay for the show but without a strong co-HW with real experience at the helm I think it's going to mostly be slop. And I don't think FV or ABC have any interest in strong, unfiltered new voices.

I do think Jason and Sam on the docks a few days ago made it clear the show will always go back to them - that was a classic soap pining moment, as was Alexis (the most hypocritical woman to put in this position, I might add) meddling to try to keep them apart. Sam's going to be torn between the old love and her loyalty to Drew for months. No matter what Kelly wants - and I actually do prefer Sam and Drew, and I have always bought into Sam moving away from the mob life since Danny's birth and Jason's "death" in 2012, even though it was often underwritten - I don't think there's a chance in hell the show will keep Jason and Sam apart long-term unless Kelly chooses to leave the show.

I cannot believe Maxie and Nathan are still married, or that Nathan is still on this show. I can believe Van Etten is picking up the pointless dropped daddy thread from Ron's tenure. There's so much chaff you could get rid of. Like 90% of the cast. Like, I can just start typing names I don't care about til I run into one I'd want to keep - Jordan, Nina, Franco, Liz (it's true, I like Liz and she probably shouldn't go but she's ruined right now), Valentin, Nina, Oscar, Josslyn, Nathan, Obrecht, Wes Ramsey, Julian! Alexis is ruined, would I mind her going right now, no. I still sort of like Ned and Olivia but are they contributing much? Poor Michael? Nelle? Maxie? Even Lulu and Dante feel barely there.

* - Rocco! Forgot he existed! Too many fuckin' kids.

Also: As annoying as Olivia now often is I still love LLC. And no, Julian should have no rights to Superfluous Leo. Julian is scum.

Edited by jsbt
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5 hours ago, stlbf said:

And, again, you keep saying if Olivia didn't want a baby with a mobster than don't sleep with one as if that's the end of it.

It kind of is the end of it though.  Totally off topic but I have the view that if you are sleeping with someone, don't use protection and end up pregnant I consider that a planned pregnancy.  None of this surprise or oops baby shenannies....that's actually what's supposed to happen when you have unprotected sex.  You know what--be surprised if you are having unprotected sex and you DON'T end up preggo....because then that could mean you have a problem.  Actual surprise pregnancies (using protection reliably or someone with fertility problems) are few and far between.

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8 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Suck it up and let Julian be in Leo's life. I think limited contact is unreasonable, as long as Olivia doesn't stopwatch it and allows Julian and Leo to have a genuine relationship.

I think you mean limited contact is reasonable? My brain is all mushed, or am I misreading this?

This show stopped showing its characters acting responsibly when it comes to sex after Stone died and Robin left. Only one time did they say, oh, yeah, condoms were used, but they were DEFECTIVE! And that was when Jason and Liz had their one night where Jake was conceived. 

I know I should watch before I type this, but can someone clarify if the Navy, not JAG, but Navy personnel actually came to arrest Drew based on a call from SheBeast? Or was it an anonymous tip? Because again, GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK.  Naturally, I'll take it back if that's not the case.

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47 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I know I should watch before I type this, but can someone clarify if the Navy, not JAG, but Navy personnel actually came to arrest Drew based on a call from SheBeast? Or was it an anonymous tip? Because again, GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK.  Naturally, I'll take it back if that's not the case.

There was no tip from anyone. A Master-at-arms arrested Drew at his office and then a military lawyer was at the PCPD when he wasn't immediately released to their custody. Apparently, they found out about Drew when the Navy's fingerprint records were accessed and compared to Drew's PCPD prints. The whole thing was wonky because the master-at-arms wouldn't take Drew into the PCPD in the first place and Alexis wouldn't be able to get a New York judge to stay the warrant because a state judge has no jurisdiction over an action by a military tribunal, but whatever. No TV show (except for NYPD Blue) ever gets the legal details right.

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2 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

No TV show (except for NYPD Blue) ever gets the legal details right.

Hey now! Original Recipe Law & Order did! And JAG did a pretty good job of getting the legalities regarding state and military jurisdictions! If the request for Drew's fingerprints was what alerted the Navy, what they would have done is taken him into custody and told the keystone cops PCPD, that Drew's case would be under military law, and not the local podunk jurisdiction.

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5 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Hey now! Original Recipe Law & Order did!

It really, really did not. More than once, I've seen clips of L&O used in continuing legal education courses just for entertainment value because they are so absurd.


The little boy playing Leo, yesterday resembles  WDV.  I wonder if they're related?

I didn't notice the resemblance, but in general, whoever does the casting does a good job getting babies who look like their parents. Rocco's a little off because I don't see a son of Dante's being that blond, but usually it's pretty convincing. I did like Julian telling Leo, "remember, I love you!" and Leo being like, "uh ... 'kay."

Edited by fishcakes
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5 hours ago, jsbt said:

Anyone else turn on today's show, see Michael with that little kid and ask "who the fuck is this??" At first I thought Leo, the kid I usually forget exists, but no, he's at the Qs! It's been five minutes and I still don't know!*

* - Rocco! Forgot he existed! Too many fuckin' kids.


Yeap.  Even with him calling Michael "Uncle Michael", I still had no clue.  Glad that they finally called him Rocco so I could figure out who he was. Maybe if they actually used the kids or - gasp - got kids that didn't all look so much alike, I might could keep them straight.  Instead, we have Rocco who is rarely seen,  two-thirds of Elizabeth's kids who are rarely seen, Leo who is rarely seen, and so on.  So let's add a junior Maxie and baby Nelle to the canvas.  Brilliant!


I hate Nelle.  Kristina was my least favorite character for so long and they finally got rid of her.  Maybe they can get rid of Nelle.  I'm thinking a random crazy wino just passing through town slices out her other kidney because he doesn't have anything better to do and that's the end of it.  She is not missed nor is she ever spoken of again.  Bonus points if Stuart Damon plays the crazy wino.

Edited by BlancheDevoreaux
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6 hours ago, jsbt said:

Anyone else turn on today's show, see Michael with that little kid and ask "who the fuck is this??" At first I thought Leo, the kid I usually forget exists, but no, he's at the Qs! It's been five minutes and I still don't know!*

LOL, I know. I had the same reaction to Leo, even though he came down in Ned's arms. And as someone posted earlier, he seems way too old for a baby monitor. He can't be an infant and old enough to say "Okay" to Julian, Show. Pick a lane.

2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:
10 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Suck it up and let Julian be in Leo's life. I think limited contact is unreasonable, as long as Olivia doesn't stopwatch it and allows Julian and Leo to have a genuine relationship.

I think you mean limited contact is reasonable? My brain is all mushed, or am I misreading this?

Yeah, I meant limited contact is reasonable. Fingers going faster than the brain.

1 hour ago, fishcakes said:

Rocco's a little off because I don't see a son of Dante's being that blond

I buy it at his age, as plenty of kids start out blond and then go darker as they get older. And Lulu is fair-skinned, so it's not like we have another InexplicablyAsian!Spencer on our hands.

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A particularly annoying episode:

- Lulu and Maxie's hairbrained ~adventure.  First off, guess what?  What Nelle did--not illegal.  So the whole "this expose will be so awesome that SAM will TELL Peter to give me a job" is both stupid and Lulu still trying to do an end-run around the hiring process.  Also, note to wardrobe: those haz-mat "suits" were made of crap, crinkly material that screwed up the sound.  Also, Maxie with the name-calling about Nelle ("bitch," "skank") is really poor form, writers--though par for the course for the asshole Maxie is being written as.

- Carly is not Avery's "mommy" no matter how many times she and Sonny say it.  Also, LO-freaking-L at Carly writing a newsletter to "all the people" they send holiday cards to.  I can only imagine: "Another year--another no convictions!  2017 was so good to us!"

- Smart move having a crime lord co-underwrite "Santa in the Park," Michael.  You just got the attention of the IRS.

- Gotta love that Olivia is now crying about evil Julian.  Remember when she wrangled him into a Christmas sweater for "family" photos?  Because I do.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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46 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

If the request for Drew's fingerprints was what alerted the Navy, what they would have done is taken him into custody and told the keystone cops PCPD, that Drew's case would be under military law, and not the local podunk jurisdiction.

The WSB would/should have superseded the Navy's case, but they had to shoehorn Alexis into this, so they went with "I have a local judge who will quash your warrant, and if you fight me, I will have you busted to swabbing the deck." Too bad they didn't get anyone from JAG to cameo to say, "That's not how the UCMJ works!"

How did Maxie and Lulu find the old Dobson scripts to stinkbomb the offices?

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2 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

How did Maxie and Lulu find the old Dobson scripts to stinkbomb the offices?

One of them, I think it was Lulu, said that her husband had the notes from his past.

2 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

- Carly is not Avery's "mommy" no matter how many times she and Sonny say it.  Also, LO-freaking-L at Carly writing a newsletter to "all the people" they send holiday cards to.  I can only imagine: "Another year--another no convictions!  2017 was so good to us!"

I really hate how this show loves taking children away from the parents who love them and would like a place in their lives.   The nightmare episodes of Alexis pretending to be the butler so that she can see Kristina who Ned and Skye (?) refuse to let her see is still horrendous.

Honestly, while Ava has her flaws, the combination of Sonny/Carly/mob bodyguards is no better.  The acceptance by Joss of bodyguards to keep her safe because of what her stepfather does is chilling.  And for all Olivia's hysteria about keeping Leo away from Julian, the only Quartermaine child who wasn't severely screwed up was Emily who didn't join the household until she was a teenager.

Julian has at least as much capacity to love his child as Sonny and Jason do.  It's so ridiculous. And while Julian wasn't right to threaten Olivia with it, it's true that when Leo gets older and finds that Olivia kept him from knowing his bio-dad, heaven help her then.

Edited by statsgirl
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4 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Carly is not Avery's "mommy" no matter how many times she and Sonny say it.  Also, LO-freaking-L at Carly writing a newsletter to "all the people" they send holiday cards to.  I can only imagine: "Another year--another no convictions!  2017 was so good to us!"

Carly would go on to say "Our enemies, the Jeromes, have either been sent to prison or burned to a crisp.  So all is right with the world.  God has so been on our side.  He knows we are the "good and moral" mobsters.".

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I absolutely think Nelle is a worthless liar, but it's kind of obnoxious to watch Michael castigate her and accuse her of "having an excuse" for every misdeed when Michael trips all over himself to defend Sonny for crimes that are 10x worse than anything Nelle has done. I'm assuming Nelle is lying about the baby because she lies about everything else, but on the off chance she's actually pregnant I wouldn't be surprised if Michael goes the Sonny route of keeping his child from its mother.

I'm exhausted by Franco's fragile ego and his need to cling to Liz, since it's pretty damn clear she has no desire to leave Franco. There hasn't been a hint of hesitation from her regarding her love for Franco, so his massive insecurities are irrational and tiresome.

I think the show wants me to be impressed that Jason jumped to help Sam and Drew, but I'm not going to give him a medal for doing the decent thing. It was good that he did it but it didn't require much effort on his part, so I'm not particularly blown away by his action.

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Today left me with some "Why?" questions.

Such as "why" is Michael being given another potential baby that he never meant to conceive with some girl who seems like a walking, talking Styrofoam cutout of a human being but with less personality?

Why is Franco still being painted (see what I did there?) as someone who should be in a relationship with another person who isn't his CO? Also, why is Liz still being labeled as a woman with so lack of options for love that Franco is the best she can do right now? I have never really cared for Liz all these years but come on, being single isn't all that bad, show, it won't actually kill anyone.

Why is Jason still so terrible at holding a gun? Why does Sonny continue to pretend like he knows how to use a gun? He had a limp noodle wrist while holding it, like he was ready to fling it away and make a run for it at the first sign of danger.

Why is the Oscar kid a thing? I am truly confounded by this development. The actor, bless his little heart, is trying but it's bad, it's very bad.

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9 minutes ago, Linny said:

I'm exhausted by Franco's fragile ego and his need to cling to Liz, since it's pretty damn clear she has no desire to leave Franco. There hasn't been a hint of hesitation from her regarding her love for Franco, so his massive insecurities are irrational and tiresome.

There are two men that Franco should be a lot more insecure about, SHOW. 

I thought I was mostly numb to Liz and Franco but the past two days of Liz talking about how she's crazy in love with him makes me naseous. Damn it Liz. 

I tend to ignore the "well what about Sonny?" angle, because then no one else on this show would be able to be castigated. That said, I still blame Michael. At this point, he needs to walk away. Don't talk with her, don't blame her or praise her or anything.

Oscar mumbles just like Drew. They really must be father and son. That said, SPEAK UP KID. Or don't. I probably don't want to hear what he has to say anyway.

All those times Drew remembers sleeping with Sam except for recent years are actually memories of his brother and Sam. Is he suuuuure he doesn't want to lose the memories? Also, Courtney.

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4 minutes ago, CPP83 said:

Such as "why" is Michael being given another potential baby that he never meant to conceive with some girl who seems like a walking, talking Styrofoam cutout of a human being but with less personality?

I think Nelle is putting a plaaan into action. You're just lucky you weren't watching when they were trying to make Nelle and Michael an actual thing. At one point sexual tension was supposed to be wrung from trying to avoid looking at each other as they were taking a dip in a metal bathtub cause they were stuck in a cabin.

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It's astonishing how lame Chloe Lanier is at playing a schemer. Talk about wasting what was once fresh talent. This character never worked, and they never gave her a good enough character or writing to determine if she could soar. Either way she's done.

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I know it sounds crazy, but if they had just cut her dang hair she might have turned out better. They probably think it makes her look hotter but it just adds to her gangliness.

I want Michael to get drunk, sleep with some girl and then call Kiki over and gloat. Sure, theyre not dating anymore, but it's Kiki. He can rub it in her face how Dillon appears to have melted into the ether.

Edited by ulkis
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23 hours ago, ulkis said:

imo, they need to drop the Ted thing. It was only mildly funny the first time. Or next time Julian does it, Ned should roll his eyes and say, "yes, Tulian, it is me, Ted."

The actor can't do comedy anyway, and yes, the line was annoying the FIRST time. And it's not the kind of thing that gets funnier on repeat. It's like any joke that's over done. Like you know, William De WhatsHisFace being a good actor. Or GH being must see TV. Or you know, Julexis having sex appeal, although that one is still snicker worthy years later.


So.....how are the Anna and Finn scenes ? I seriously need something to distract me from my life right now that is frivolous and fun. Anna/Finn SOUNDS like fun in theory, and there's no Jason or Sam or Drew involved, so plus plus plus. But if they're boring, eh. Just thought I would ask.

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