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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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WOW, didn't know people could just go romping through the admitting part of the hospital  carrying people without going to the ER first!! OH, pardon me, that was king Jason right? Exception noted!!!!

I thought that he would set her on her feet and magically Praise Be she would be healed, not even any bruises! Jason has healed!



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I am still not getting where this Sam forgetting about Danny is coming from....she has a head injury and probably has no idea how long she was in that basement since she kept passing out.  I am sure once she is coherent she'll ask about him.  Last she knew he was sleeping over his grandma's. 


Why didn't Saint Sam call Danny on her broken phone and ask him to come get her? The bad parenting on display from her these last few episodes has been SICKENING. 

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I thought Sonny Carly and Michael was such filler....LOL at Sonny being filler.


It's a step in the right direction.  I didn't catch killer Sonny in the first segment and thought that the episode was going to be killer Sonny free. 

Edited by sunnyface
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About half the houses on my street, including mine, have oil heat, but the tank is almost always buried underground. If it's not buried, it's usually away from the house in a storage shed and the lines leading to the furnace are buried. The tank in Liz's house looked weird though because it was in the basement (which happens, but isn't common), was twice as big as a normal tank, and was leaking oil into a little pan, which everyone seemed to think was just fine.


I live in the Midwest and our oil tanks are above ground. Mine was right next to the washer and dryer when I purchased my house but I had it removed for gas installation because it's cheaper.

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WOW, didn't know people could just go romping through the admitting part of the hospital  carrying people without going to the ER first!! OH, pardon me, that was king Jason right? Exception noted!!!!

He did bring her into the emergency part, fwiw. It was there in huge letters when he brought her in.

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Same here. How dumb am I?


Not dumb. Hopefully optimistic. 


Sonny and Carly, of all people, offering the advice not to pressure people and to respect their choices is pretty fuckin' rich. 


I always have a good laugh at their lack of self-awareness. 


They really need to let people be hated for genuine reasons for a while.


Sonny first! 


Day Player Doctor: "Her BP and heart rate are normal. She's on 100% oxygen and I've opened her sweater to expose her sports bra. I'll leave you alone with her now."


I'd love to see the the blooper reel filled with this kind of snark. 



If Sonny is popular despite everything he's done from Karen until present, and Luke's rape of Laura not affecting (effecting? which is correct?) his anti-hero status much at all, why does Franco have to remain a pariah forever?  Don't throw me out, I'm just curious! 

I did like his scenes with Liz. Nice energy. 

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If Sonny is popular despite everything he's done from Karen until present, and Luke's rape of Laura not affecting (effecting? which is correct?) his anti-hero status much at all, why does Franco have to remain a pariah forever?  Don't throw me out, I'm just curious!


Effect is the noun, affect is the verb. So affecting. I loathe both Sonny and Luke, so I'm not the right person to ask.


And I realize I'm the only one who feels this way, and considering how much she's gotten away with, I shouldn't be complaining. But why is it that Sonny and Franco have all of their crimes magically wiped away and are now seen as pillars of the community while Ava is trashed verbally six ways to Sunday as if she's the devil and anti-Christ rolled into one? At least no one can say that she's being praised. It just really really really irks me. A LOT.

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Franco isn't seen as a pillar of the community. Far from it. I wouldn't even say Sonny is either, there are still people who don't like him. I don't even think his children "like" him. Love him, maybe, but those two things are worlds apart in my view. Yes, the writers give Sonny regular tongue baths, but they also show him doing heinous things, so to an extent, they let the audience make up their minds how to feel.

I think Ava may be trashed just a little bit more because she's a woman, and women are generally considered to be warmer, and more sensitive. They ARE judged more harshly by society in general when they commit violent crimes, especially when they seem to not really have any remorse over what they did.

I was watching a repeat of Joe Kenda, Homicide Hunter, last night. The killer plucked the man's eyeballs out and shoved one down his throat that he choked on. The killer was a woman, and yes, I'll admit it: I was more horrified that it was a woman that did it than I would have been if it were a man.

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Name me one character who has not fallen in line with praising Sonny or taking Sonny's side of things as of now.


Maybe "pillar of the community" is too strong a phrase. But they're out there, giving advice, being seen as moral compasses, etc. I will give Franco some small credit for being self-aware enough to know that he doesn't want to pass on his own DNA and that no court in their right mind would give him and Nina a baby.

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Personally I can't stand Ava and I like Sonny though I don't see him as a good person. My issues with Ava are when has she ever done something good? Sonny has done some terrible things but he has also done some good and selfless things like jumping off the boat with a bomb. You'd never see Ava do something like that. Same with Franco. He was very selfless when he helped poor Nina and now he is trying to help DNAJ.


Ava is all about Ava 24/7. She will lie and manipulate anyone anytime to get her way. bleck!


Plus majority of soap viewers are women and in general women are harder on other women than they are men. Sonny also knows or is related to a majority of the main characters whereas Ava is more isolated socially. I don't feel most people in PC like Franco more tolerate him.

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I personally find the narrative the show has often tried to paint that Sonny is somehow better than Ava ridiculous because, really, Sonny and Ava are the same.  They're both mobsters, they're both murderers, they both slept with their children's significant others, etc..


Why is Sonny better?  Because, over the many years he's been on this show, he's amassed more canvas connections to tell us he is?

Edited by TeeVee329
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I think people are pushing back against the Franco rehab for a couple of reasons. There was never anything gray about Franco. He was the sweeps stunt of the famous movie star; he came on and did really dreadful things until the famous movie star's bulk-taped scenes ran out, and then he was gone. But now they're trying to make him happen as a central character, with another actor, and that involves a lot of delicate dancing around with retconning and mitigation.


So it's not comparable in my mind to Luke, Sonny, Todd Manning, and Jack Deveraux having fan bases. Besides which, 20-35 years have gone by since those characters caught on and got a foothold, and these are more sensitive times.  


The misogyny of Sonny is repellent, though. Still and always. Even when a woman is in his good graces and he's being nice to her, he's doing it in a way that makes it obviously the other side of the coin of his pathology. I'd have no problem with the show presenting a misogynistic character (I'm not one of those people who want to censor books and songs, for example, that present attitudes that are outside the current liberal-academic orthodoxy), but they present him as misogynistic and then act as though we're supposed to find him so darn lovable. Except for rare light-bulb moments like that great comeback from Alexis, years ago, when he said, "Look, bitch..." to her ("We're all bitches to you eventually"). 

Edited by Asp Burger
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If Sonny is popular despite everything he's done from Karen until present, and Luke's rape of Laura not affecting (effecting? which is correct?) his anti-hero status much at all, why does Franco have to remain a pariah forever?  Don't throw me out, I'm just curious!

Laura forgave Luke, but years later Lucky was understandably horrified that she not only forgave him but made a family with him, so much so that he moved out of the house while still a teenager. Sonny is popular because in the 90s, Brenda contributed greatly to it and taking care of Stone during the HIV storyline. Franco is so problematic that they keep hitching him to more established characters and families like the Qs, the Baldwins,Kevin and Lucy  and then think that just because he used to make shitty art he should be an art therapist, even though the position is more heavy on the therapist and less on the art.


They should all be trashed six ways to Sunday or in prison or in Sonny's case, AJ should still be alive (Kate should still be alive too and if they had to write her out, moved to either Paris, Milan or NYC). It is pretty damn weird that Kiki is ready to have sex with Morgan, but is hard with her mother, since at they both cheated on her, but Ava gave birth and raised her.(Conversely that could be why she is so hard on her) As Fylaki (sp?) said in the GH News thread, probably the biggest problem with GH is that it is rotten and has been rotten to its core since Steve Hardy died, since he was bedrock and heart of GH, even if he wasn't the lead anymore and they never promoted anyone else comparable. Luke may have been the star of GH, but he was never the moral pillar. The closest was Mac, despite being the police commissioner even if somewhat of an incompetent one, was always a good upstanding man and father. They decided on SB's Jason and Sonny, with those two busy bodies giving speeches on morality and how everyone else sucked despite being hard core criminals. Like some bullshit personal code of conduct is anything comparable to actual morality. 


I think Ava may be trashed just a little bit more because she's a woman, and women are generally considered to be warmer, and more sensitive. They ARE judged more harshly by society in general when they commit violent crimes, especially when they seem to not really have any remorse over what they did.


They also get lighter sentencing by courts and some cases get found not guilty because they are women.  Griselda Blanco was released because the judge found it so unbelievable that a woman could be the head of a large crime syndicate. I don't think she is trashed because she is a woman. I think it is because a long time ago the show decided that Sonny (along with Jason) should be the new bedrock of GH, and well when you have a foundation lined with shit, these are the results. AJ was the town pariah, and 50% of the time it was for no good reason. 

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I really dont understand the Liez/Franco scenes. ...


I’m thinking Jason only remembers not liking Franco from Carly’s wedding fiasco!  So, perhaps Franco doesn’t know what to expect from Jason with MEMORIES! Franco did convince Sam that he raped her and Jason “died” before Sam found out that Jason was actually Danny’s father! Maybe Franco will use his Elizabeth’s friendship and being Jake’s therapist as a shield (of course, Jake will thrive with Franco as his art therapist) when Jason gets his memory back!

Edited by ihaterealitytv38
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They should all be trashed six ways to Sunday or in prison or in Sonny's case, AJ should still be alive (Kate should still be alive too and if they had to write her out, moved to either Paris, Milan or NYC). It is pretty damn weird that Kiki is ready to have sex with Morgan, but is hard with her mother, since at they both cheated on her, but Ava gave birth and raised her.(Conversely that could be why she is so hard on her) As Fylaki (sp?) said in the GH News thread, probably the biggest problem with GH is that it is rotten and has been rotten to its core since Steve Hardy died, since he was bedrock and heart of GH, even if he wasn't the lead anymore and they never promoted anyone else comparable. Luke may have been the star of GH, but he was never the moral pillar. 


Taking this to the History thread. 

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I personally find the narrative the show has often tried to paint that Sonny is somehow better than Ava ridiculous because, really, Sonny and Ava are the same.  They're both mobsters, they're both murderers, they both slept with their children's significant others, etc..


Why is Sonny better?  Because, over the many years he's been on this show, he's amassed more canvas connections to tell us he is?


He's better because he has dimples!!

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Name me one character who has not fallen in line with praising Sonny or taking Sonny's side of things as of now.


Maybe "pillar of the community" is too strong a phrase. But they're out there, giving advice, being seen as moral compasses, etc. I will give Franco some small credit for being self-aware enough to know that he doesn't want to pass on his own DNA and that no court in their right mind would give him and Nina a baby.


I think perhaps you might have answered a part of your own question. Franco has shown some self awareness. He does know that he has done awful things.

Even Sonny had five seconds of guilt over shooting AJ-remember him almost going crazy when Ghost AJ was tormenting him?

Has  Ava ever had a moment of self honesty, where she admits both her kids are better off without her ? Admittedly, I don't watch much of her, so maybe she has had, and I missed it. But if not.......

And I can't recall her having much if any guilt over cold bloodedly murdering Connie, or shooting Olivia.

They simply haven't written her as a warm character with much if any softness. And the one scene I saw with her sobbing into Paul's chest over Kiki, I laughed a little, because it came across as so fake. Perhaps it's the actress, but I can never tell when Ava is being sincere, IF she ever is. And while some muddiness with a character can be good-if you can keep them guessing, you might keep their interest-I think people don't want to have to guess ALL the time, what a character is truly feeling.

I want one moment with Ava where I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she does something with no ulterior motive. I can believe Franco doesn't expect something in return when defending Liz, for example. I can believe Sonny, in his own twisted way, does regret some of the things he's done.

But even if she DOES regret some of her stuff, I don't get that from Ava at all. And yeah I do believe that's enough to turn a huge chunk of the audience against you. One of the keys IMO to liking/loving a character is being able to empathize with them. It's hard to empathize with someone who seemingly has no empathy towards others.

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poor Nina


Yeah, you lost me here. As well as Sonny being good and selfless. 


I understand though, like I said I'm the only one. 



Even Sonny had five seconds of guilt over shooting AJ-remember him almost going crazy when Ghost AJ was tormenting him?


I've never felt guilt from Sonny over shooting AJ. He said he would do it again. He's sorry he got caught, and that he lost Michael for a too-brief time.


As for Ava, I could write about her, but if you haven't seen those moments from her, I doubt anything I say would change your mind. I am interested to see today's scenes because I think that maybe just maybe, she might be getting some dialogue along those lines. Specifically, I know that she's previously admitted her mistakes as a parent and acknowledged what she's done in regards to Kiki. But beyond that, Kiki still refuses to forgive her, so I'm not sure what else she can do.


I have to disagree on Ava never showing signs of softness. She has weak spots, and I think that's been fully illustrated with both her daughters and with Morgan. She forgave Sabrina and said she understood why she did it. Ava acknowledged that her own choices were what led Sabrina to that state. As far as sincere, that was completely sincere without any ulterior motive. I'm sure I could come up with other examples, but I'm already OT here.

Edited by tvgoddess
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Since Jason showed more emotion and panic for Sam yesterday then he has for his 8 year old son, who was hit by a car, I really hope that this is the end of his part in this story, and Liz gets to deal with the Jake stuff on her own from now on. 


If Jason cares more about Sam, then Jake, then Liz needs to just cut ties, and move on. Hopefully her breakdown today is the turning point in her Jason worship.

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Franco has shown some self awareness. He does know that he has done awful things.


But his response when his past is brought up by others - i.e. Sam a week or so ago - is to be all, "So I did bad stuff, but I had a tumor, so shut up about it."  And...that's not how life works, your victims don't have to forgive you for your transgressions against them just because you say so.


And then we have stuff like yesterday, where he went on about both his crappy upbringing and his crappy DNA.  It's all excuses, he takes no personal responsibility for anything he's done.

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If Sonny is popular despite everything he's done from Karen until present, and Luke's rape of Laura not affecting (effecting? which is correct?) his anti-hero status much at all, why does Franco have to remain a pariah forever?  Don't throw me out, I'm just curious! 

I did like his scenes with Liz. Nice energy. 


I think the difference between Sonny/Luke and Franco is they caught on fairly quickly. In fact I'm not sure but I think Luke already was pretty popular at the time of the rape. Franco, repackaged as a main character, was pretty much a fail from day 1. If any other actor had played a character that flopped as badly as Franco 2.0 did he would have been long gone at this point.


Or were you just talking about his popularity amongst the characters and not the audience?


I can see how people could like the scene yesterday, but I'm not a fan of how RoHo plays it at this point. Franco just seems like a whiny man-child to me, and his reedy-ish voice emphasizes the whininess to me. His dislike for Morgan is amusing at times, though.

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Who on this show does NOT make excuses for their actions? They all do it. And I think Franco admitting he knows he would not be allowed to legally adopt, is admittance/acknowledgement. I don't expect him, or any other character, to fall on a sword.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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With me and Franco, it's been the pile-on of excuses.  Oh, look at these DVD's, he didn't mean all the evil stuff he did.  Oh, look, he has a brain tumor, so it's extra not his fault.  Oh, look, Heather is a loony tunes so it's not Franco's fault.  Oh, and remember, his adopted mom was also lousy, poor Franco.


And like ulkis, I'm also just not into Roger Howarth's performance.

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 Sonny has done some terrible things but he has also done some good and selfless things like jumping off the boat with a bomb. You'd never see Ava do something like that. 



Sonny is a glory hog. 



Has  Ava ever had a moment of self honesty, where she admits both her kids are better off without her ? 


I think it would be a lateral move at best. Even if Ava isn't around, there are still plenty of guns and thugs, not to mention untold emotional damage from being involved with Sonny. ( and in Kiki's case, Morgan) Six of one, half a dozen of the other. 


I want the show to move on from the tug of war over Jason. He's no prize. 

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I do think Ava would do anything to save her daughters if they were at risk of dying. She crawled across the floor when she literally couldn't walk and almost died herself trying to get to Avery. She ripped the IV out of her arm when she was in the hospital so she could leave and go look for her. She elected to die rather than put Avery through a medical procedure to save Ava's life. Her choices are horrible, and she's selfish and thinks about herself. But she does love them.

Edited by tvgoddess
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With the type of fall they showed? She should have broken bones, as well as a concussion, considering how tiny she is.


Playing catch-up, I just wanted to nip in here and offer that it is possible to come through with no broken bones.  I've fallen down staircases twice - Once, as a kid, I fell down the basement stairs at my friend's house and landed on my head, the second time on concrete stairs on my college campus, landing on my side and never dropping a book. - and the only injury I suffered either time was to my dignity.


Even injured as Sam was, though, I'd have liked to see that deleted scene of her going up the stairs and trying to save herself.  I mean, if she's going to crawl all over the floor anyway.  It's better than the umpteenth "Jason saves Sam" scenario.  


As to Monday's ep, I think Michael is dead to me now.    I can't even with him taking the advice of the people who murdered his father and covered it up.   I mean, geeze, he caved like he was a little kid and Mommy and Daddy said no.  Plus, Murdered A.J., Michael!  Grow a spine, kid.


Say what you will about RC, but he gave us MichaelWOP, and I'll love him forever for that, even if MWOP died too young.

Edited by Fellaway
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She hasn't gotten any of her kids shot, bombed, put into a coma, or kidnapped, so she's ahead of Sonny as far as that goes.


Plus, one could argue that breaking up her and Morgan was a favor to Kiki, heh.

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Playing catch-up, I just wanted to nip in here and offer that it is possible to come through with no broken bones. I've fallen down staircases twice - Once, as a kid, I fell down the basement stairs at my friend's house and landed on my head, the second time on concrete stairs on my college campus, landing on my side and never dropping a book. - and the only injury I suffered either time was to my dignity.

Oh, I'm sure it's possible! Every fall and every person is different.

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it is possible to come through with no broken bones. I've fallen down staircases twice

Yeah, but did you lay there for a whole day, whimpering, hallucinating Jason, who was acting constipated rather than concerned? 

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Sam can take her self righteousness today and shove it. I wish she had blown up with the house. 


Hopefully today is the last day Liz has to deal with Jasam and their saintly dumb asses. 


That stupid montage, with Liz literally losing everything, and sitting in the rubbles of her life, while Jasam reunite or whatever they did today was just unnecessary. I'm sorry, but that was just complete overkill. There was no need to have Liz lose her house, all her possessions, and have her son hit by a car, all because she hurt Scam and her dumbass husband.


They pretty much told Liz fans today, that they had no reason to watch anymore.

Edited by MissE
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The show making Liz losing her house about Jason - and not about the years she spent there with ALL her children - irritated me.


All this talk about Paul's daughter...whoever could it be! #eyeroll


It's like the show WANTS us to simply call her Rebecca Budig.

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The JaSam dialogue today and their voiceovers as Liz looks at what's left of her house and picks up the shattered glass frame of her and Jason....SUBTLE, Show.  Same regarding Paul's estranged daughter. 


The propping from Alexis made me roll my eyes, too.


The only good part was how Anna totally played Paul. FH is sooo good.  

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Who on this show does NOT make excuses for their actions? They all do it. And I think Franco admitting he knows he would not be allowed to legally adopt, is admittance/acknowledgement. I don't expect him, or any other character, to fall on a sword.




With me and Franco, it's been the pile-on of excuses.  Oh, look at these DVD's, he didn't mean all the evil stuff he did.  Oh, look, he has a brain tumor, so it's extra not his fault.  Oh, look, Heather is a loony tunes so it's not Franco's fault.  Oh, and remember, his adopted mom was also lousy, poor Franco.


And like ulkis, I'm also just not into Roger Howarth's performance.




She hasn't gotten any of her kids shot, bombed, put into a coma, or kidnapped, so she's ahead of Sonny as far as that goes.


That’s it. The next time I stuck sitting around waiting with just my thoughts and a way to write, I’m going to make a ranking, from 31st or whatever to the first of all of the contract players as to most moral to least.  Spoiler alert:  Franco’s on the short list for No. 1, sitting right next to other serial killers and an evil dictator or two.

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Name me one character who has not fallen in line with praising Sonny or taking Sonny's side of things as of now.

Maybe "pillar of the community" is too strong a phrase. But they're out there, giving advice, being seen as moral compasses, etc. I will give Franco some small credit for being self-aware enough to know that he doesn't want to pass on his own DNA and that no court in their right mind would give him and Nina a baby.

It's a phrase Luke used, so the writers seem to think that's the case, and given the new doctor's interaction with Sonny, it doesn't seem anyone is being allowed to dislike him right now. There's no Original Recipe Patrick equivalent who has an issue with Sonny and isn't vilified in the process (like a myriad of cops were over the years), there are just varying degrees of Sonny enablers.

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Well, that was utterly DELIGHTFUL watching Sam romanticize her history with Jason.


No, no, I never got hurt! No, no, I was never in danger! No, no, the mob life cost me NOTHING! It was all GOOD, GOOD, GOOD. You never threatened to kill me, not ONCE. I never was obsessed with you, not at all!  Now let us stare dreamily at each other about a history that never existed, except in my stupid head.

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I don't dislike Sam or Liz (though Sam's whispery voice drives me crazy).  I thought Sam was out of line to confront Jake about lying, but I cannot fault Sam for falling down stairs.  I have done it a few times and I know many other people who have done it. It is pretty common from my experience.  Mind you, I dragged my own self back up those stairs and there was no locked door, thankfully!  In the end, Sam told Liz the truth, that Jake didn't hurt her, and that was the biggest relief to Liz.  And Liz is sure enough having a shitty week, but her once dead kid who was hit by a car before is alive and not a mini-Franco in making.  


I kind of hope that Port Charles people are nice to Liz in the coming weeks as she works through all of the loss she has endured, even if some of it was self-inflicted.


I don't care if Jason and Sam end up together.  I never liked Jasam 1.0, so this might be better.  And maybe they could bring a normal nice guy to town for Liz.

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Well, that was utterly DELIGHTFUL watching Sam romanticize her history with Jason.


No, no, I never got hurt! No, no, I was never in danger! 

It seriously was OTT. I caught how Jason asked her if she was ever hurt/in danger "because of me" and she replied "Your love never hurt me." When you're trying to speak carefully that way, Sam, there's a problem. Trying to whitewash their past because he's just saved her and is paying close attention to her is just so ....utterly GH at this point in time. Ugh.  

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The show making Liz losing her house about Jason - and not about the years she spent there with ALL her children - irritated me.


If it doesn't all come back to Sonny, it comes back to Jason.


I think Liz crying was mostly relief that Jake hadn't hurt Sam. No doubt there was also some disappointment at seeing Sam and Jason being cozy, and I bet the crying was also from sheer strain of having a sick kid. 


Was there no financial settlement in the divorce? Lulu should be able to afford an apartment of her own. And Dante should be paying child support for Rocco. Of course these details are totally ignored—Lulu and Dante just up and decide to divorce. Gah.


So it takes Sam falling down basement stairs, lying semiconscious near an exploding electrical outlet, and having a concussion for Jason to want to get to know her? Fuck him.


When Paul was talking about Susan, I was half-expecting a cut to Rebecca Budig. I guess they're not ready to make the reveal just yet. 


ETA: It looked like Liz was wearing the same sweater she wore today for that picture she found of her and Jason. LOL.

Edited by dubbel zout
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On a good soap, all this 'run to me' stuff would eventually lead to Jason remembering Sam being shot and all the things that followed and making some choices about who/what he wants to be going forward - but these writers on this show? Eh

Edited by Oracle42
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