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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I thought about it, and I am ok if Nikolas knew about Jake. Just for the chance to hear this exchange:

Liz: You KNEW my baby was alive this whole time and you said NOTHING? How could you DO THAT?

Nikolas: Well....you already grieved for him. Who was I hurting?

They'll just have him use Helena as an excuse. That's all Ron's plans are for every crazy ass story: "Helena did it! Deal with it!"

  • Love 2

Haters to the left!  Jacob Martin Morgan is alive and well!


Nik was pissed at Liz for running another DNA test that showed Aiden was Lucky's kid, so it would not surprise me in the least that he knew Jake was on Cassadine Island under his BSC grandmother's control.


Jake never should have died in the first place and now he's back in town.

  • Love 5

I thought about it, and I am ok if Nikolas knew about Jake.  Just for the chance to hear this exchange:


Liz:  You KNEW my baby was alive this whole time and you said NOTHING?  How could you DO THAT?


Nikolas:  Well....you already grieved for him.  Who was I hurting?



Liez: You KNEW my baby was alive this whole time and you said NOTHING?  How could you DO THAT?


Nik: The same way you could let Jason fuck you every night while his wife lives a few neighborhoods over, his son grows up without his father, and his mother goes through life thinking her son was murdered and kicked into the harbor.


Because he never should have been dead in the first place.


Dead Now Alive Jake should have never even existed in the first place.

  • Love 15


the choices that made him the happiest all came from loving Laura.

I'm surprised TG didn't choke while saying those lines.


His face said it all though...he got this kind of sour look for a fleeting second...or maybe I imagined it because AFAIC TG ruined all that rich layered Luke & Laura history for me with his big mouth comments. I will be glad when he's gone. Enjoyed him back in the day but since he's had more input into Luke's character....not at all.


ETA...About Jake...why has nobody asked if the kid's OK?? We all know Helena & minions like to play mind games. He could be programmed to kill for crying out loud. (Kidding...sort of.) And if she had this big secret, why implant Jake/Jason with a chip to control him?? Why not tell him his son is alive & if he doesn't obey then little Jake will pay. This storyline stinks more than 3 day garbage in the summer sun. Hell, she coulda used this on Luke in SO many ways. What a great chance to torture the Spencers!! (Not that I want her to anymore but still.....creative writing...storylines ...reasons...)


And if Nik knew....??? Wow. Ron trashed a lot of years for ol' Nik Cassadine in just a few short months.


And why am I thinking about this fakakta show anyway at this hour? lol

Edited by RedRockRosie
  • Love 5

I'm watching Friday's episode now.

That kid is a bomb or something. He's a ninja demon trained by Helena to kill. (Also, I'd have slipped him a twenty spot if he'd have run that car into Luke's ankle.)

Shut up, Valerie. This is a record of Ron ruining a character. Like, if you're going to be a homewrecker, own it. Jordan is not your mom. She's cool, awesome, and needs to slap you. Because ugh.

So Paul is that dude from Desperate Housewives? Awesome. Can Eva Longoria replace Rosalie and then seduce Morgan? Can AJ Quartermaine be revived? Will Helena remember Robin is somewhere? Because that's bad when your kidnapper forgets you.

Dear Micheal, can you haz no pity with Nik? You're unemployed. Just start telling people off.

OMG! MONICA! And new Dillion.....

  • Love 4
He dumps a new character front and center, gives them instant angst, and then expects the viewers to give a rats ass.



Hello Nina.  Hello Nina.


Nik: The same way you could let Jason you every night while his wife lives a few neighborhoods over, his son grows up without his father, and his mother goes through life thinking her son was murdered and kicked into the harbor.


I am enjoying the performances of Nik and Liz as not perfect characters.  Sam has been turning in some solid episodes.  Seeing Ethan and Lucky and remembering oldLulu (JMB) and then watching nuLulu/Dante/Nathan and recently Morgan, Michael, Maxie and cute cop - I see that the current younger set is overall not cutting it.  It is nice to see the chemistry of the next age level (with the addition of nuJason) translate into a polished front-end of a solid soap opera.  With Luke soon to be gone, the next person that needs to go is Sonny.  Anyone know how much long his contract is for?

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Came to the thread to find out if I wanted to spend five hours catching up on all of this week's episodes on Hulu.... and I think the verdict is 'no'... I don't know that I can stomach a little Jake back from the dead when his father, who is also going by the name of Jake, is also back from the dead.


Speaking of back from the dead - did they explain how Helena took care of Jake while she spent two years being reanimated in Dr. FrankenRon's laboratory? Or did Robin not only come up a way to bring the dead back to life but also took time to care for (and then withhold information on) Jake?



Yes, he had a caretaker and lived in a house on the other side of Cassadine Island.

So Ron isn't even bothering to explain a single detail as to how or why Jake's death was faked, nor what he's been doing and where? This is seriously Luke, and Helena's (?) big exit story? Really?!?


I assumed I must have missed an important detail when I zoned out while bored, but I guess not! This is all so stupid.  

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The real Jake was run over by Luke. Helena's mineons  slipped in stole him switched him with some other kid. maybe even allowed the time to pass where they took the kidney for Joss. Took him to the island, kept him on the other side with a caretaker and a nanny. He has been there ever sense. Want the story to actually make sense .Watch something anything else. This makes none. he is like a zombie so after what she did to Lucky years ago I wouldn't be surprised. She didn't object to Lucky, Luke and Laura taking Jake so if he turns into a killer ala Manchurian candidate  I won't be surprised.  Him and Spencer can destroy the town ,at least what's left of it from FrankenROn. If Nick knows, and I wouldn't put it past this Nick. I hope Spencer kills him in his sleep. Just when you think the show couldn't get any dumber, Re-Ron proves you wrong.

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I could see lil Jake going all 'I have the prettiest mommy, everybody thinks so'on the town. Liez is gonna be forced to tell because of her demon spawn, bet.

Where is everybody? I mean, the good characters? Ugh to Freaco, Ninugh, Dava, Kiki, Morgan, Silas. Be gone, all of you!


Actually, those characters haven't really been featured this past week. I wouldn't call the show brilliant, but was definitely a little bit less ridiculous.


Well, except for the Jake stuff.

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They'll just have him use Helena as an excuse. That's all Ron's plans are for every crazy ass story: "Helena did it! Deal with it!"


I was actually just being facetious....I was using Liz's line justifying not telling Sam, Monica et all about Jason.  Who knows, maybe Liz will actually grow a pair and realize the stupidity of her justification now and actually do the right thing.  Maybe.   I still don't think Nikolas knew about Jake....but again with this show the most ridiculous things end up being what happen. 

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This comment says much better what I've been trying to say about Dante's (and a lot of the other characters, actually) characterization:


And frankly, I DON’T understand them wanting to make Dante “less perfect”. Dante has never been perfect. What Dante is, and always has been, is deeply and genuinely GOOD, and that’s rare on soaps. I’d like to see more of it, and I hate the idea that characters who are good people only exist to be corrupted. That’s lazy writing. What’s much harder, but also more rewarding, is writing characters who are consistently good people but also have consistent flaws. Instead of doing that, the GH writers so often just randomly make characters do horrible things which make absolutely no sense with how the character has been written in the past (this also applies to what they’re doing to Nikolas now.) That’s not complex characterization, it’s writing for pure shock value.


there's more to the comment, here:



Edited by ulkis
  • Love 20

Holy crap I'm glad that I'm just an occasional viewer these days. Silly me though, I thought the show made no damn sense because my viewing habits meant I was missing important story arcs and character development. However, when I drop into this thread to sort things out I find it makes even less sense than I thought. It really is just a load of random disconnected crap and there seems to be little or no build to anything. Ron and those enabling him must be drunk or insane or something, or just incredibly lazy and doing the bare minimum needed to earn their paycheck, either possibility works. I can't even comment on the actual show.

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 4

How many more thousand times are they going to show Valerie straddle Dante in her ugly beige spanx (or whatever the hell they are)?  It was supposed to be teh sexy, but her leap on (ex?)family man Dante was just gross.  (And I don't mean I'm absolving Dante of his role in this, it was just extremely OOC for him, drunk or not). 

Edited by ciarra
  • Love 4

How many more thousand times are they going to show Valerie straddle Dante in her ugly beige spanx (or whatever the hell they are)?  It was supposed to be teh sexy, but her leap on (ex?)family man Dante was just gross.  (And I don't mean I'm absolving Dante of his role in this, it was just extremely OOC for him, drunk or not). 


I have a feeling it's going to give the flashbacks we used to get of Maxie's purse hitting the gas valve a run for their money.

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ETA...About Jake...why has nobody asked if the kid's OK?? We all know Helena & minions like to play mind games. He could be programmed to kill for crying out loud. (Kidding...sort of.) And if she had this big secret, why implant Jake/Jason with a chip to control him?? Why not tell him his son is alive & if he doesn't obey then little Jake will pay.



That one I can at least make sense of in my own head - Jason Morgan has been portrayed as the be all and end all of heroes for years.  So, Helena's thinking was probably that allowing him to be himself and holding Jake over his head to keep him doing her bidding wouldn't last long, before he rounded up the troops and rescued Jake.  Much easier to just implant mind control chips in his brain and not worry about him going rogue on her or anyone else finding out that Jake was alive and living with her. 


 I cannot wait until Monday to see Liz get Jake back. Becky is going to be amazing in these scenes with JJ!


Agreed.  No matter what else Liz has done, she is owed this.  It's righting a wrong.


This comment says much better what I've been trying to say about Dante's (and a lot of the other characters, actually) characterization:


And frankly, I DON’T understand them wanting to make Dante “less perfect”. Dante has never been perfect. What Dante is, and always has been, is deeply and genuinely GOOD, and that’s rare on soaps. I’d like to see more of it, and I hate the idea that characters who are good people only exist to be corrupted. That’s lazy writing. What’s much harder, but also more rewarding, is writing characters who are consistently good people but also have consistent flaws. Instead of doing that, the GH writers so often just randomly make characters do horrible things which make absolutely no sense with how the character has been written in the past (this also applies to what they’re doing to Nikolas now.) That’s not complex characterization, it’s writing for pure shock value.



The problem is, writers come up with characters who are basically good people, and audiences immediately start complaining that said characters are "boring" or "too perfect".  So the writers then have the characters do something horrible in order to "create interest" - at which point the characters are wrecked.  It's kind of a no-win situation.


Ron and those enabling him must be drunk or insane or something, or just incredibly lazy and doing the bare minimum needed to earn their paycheck


Recently the show has been exhibiting all the signs of writer burnout.  I'm really beginning to believe this is the case.


IA.k.a. plot-point writing.


Plot point writing implies there is a plot to service.  And given how many stories go nowhere, drag out forever with a minimum of or slapdash resolution, or are dropped completely, I'm not seeing any plots for the writing to be based around.  I think the more apt term for what's happening on the show is "stunt writing" - everything is built around some huge (hopefully) ratings-grabbing "stunt" that all the writing is centered around.

Edited by yowsah1
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I was beginning to think it was just mad libs. [name] has angry sex with [name]. She immediately discusses it with [name of relative stranger/inappropriate confidante]

[dead character] is found alive !!!11 after being held for years by [random LOD member]

Either that or there's a giant wheel with various hackneyed plots and darts with character names on them.

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 11

The Resurrection of Jake could give me the one kiddie story line I may be interested in, What if both Cam and Spencer began to believe that death was an illusion? Emma and Joss could be along for the ride. Instead of the silly and age inappropriate romance story line that Ron wants to shove down out throats this could be interesting as their parents work hard to convince them that Death is all to real, and they keep pointing to Jake. Cam could keep taking bigger and bigger chances and Spencer could keep putting others in danger, because after all no one stays dead.

  • Love 1

The Resurrection of Jake could give me the one kiddie story line I may be interested in, What if both Cam and Spencer began to believe that death was an illusion? Emma and Joss could be along for the ride. Instead of the silly and age inappropriate romance story line that Ron wants to shove down out throats this could be interesting as their parents work hard to convince them that Death is all to real, and they keep pointing to Jake. Cam could keep taking bigger and bigger chances and Spencer could keep putting others in danger, because after all no one stays dead.


Or the kids think Jake is immortal, and keep doing more and more dangerous things to him, and Helena keeps having to ride in and save him.  "Nikolas, tell your son and his urchin friends to stop killing Jake." 

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The problem is, writers come up with characters who are basically good people, and audiences immediately start complaining that said characters are "boring" or "too perfect".  So the writers then have the characters do something horrible in order to "create interest" - at which point the characters are wrecked.  It's kind of a no-win situation.


In general though, I don't think there was a lot of clamoring for Dante to be messed with so badly though. Now, someone like Sabrina, that I get. She was good in a ridiculously one-dimensional way for a while. (I thought early Sabrina was fine . . . at least she was shy and gawky . . . then she got transformed at the Nurses' Ball and it was too much.)

  • Love 4

I'm really liking the Nik and Sam scenes and I am no fan of Sam or KeMo, but he brings up her energy level and it works for me.


And as for my unpopular opinion, I cannot wait until Monday to see Liz get Jake back. Becky is going to be amazing in these scenes with JJ!

Agreed. I think KeMo is at her best/Sam is at her most interesting when she's away from Mob stuff and angrily focused on other stuff - for ex. Kristina getting abused by a guy (years ago), Heather and Franco's sick minds screwing with her life, Nikolas taking ELQ from Michael. 


While I think the back-from-the-dead little Jake thing is absurd, I think JJ and Becky will be fantastic. I hated it that the last L&L2 scene we had was of Lucky walking out and Elizabeth crying and clinging to him. I'm thrilled JJ is back briefly. I haven't enjoyed watching TG in a long time, but I mostly enjoyed his work in Friday's episode. I feel like JJ truly brings out the best in him; that conversation was a lovely tribute to the real life friendship between JJ and TG. 

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Dante has never been perfect. What Dante is, and always has been, is deeply and genuinely GOOD, and that’s rare on soaps.


I think that's a highly debatable statement.  One of the first awful things Dante did was allow Sonny to go free for trying to MURDER him.  For Dante to do that is one thing, but for a POLICE OFFICER to do that is horrific. And we've seen many instances where he looks the other way, covers things up or breaks the law himself.  So no, Dante is not deeply or genuinely good. 


He's basically decent when he chooses to be decent.  But if he's so inclined, he will absolutely do what he wants.


So cheating? I can believe he'd do it.  But this cheating story and 'build up' of explaining how and why has been garbage. Like most other things on this show, the story hasn't been given the time or writing to do a half decent job.

Edited by Vella
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Lucky said that Jake has the "same face" and "same personality" as before.


Um, I'll give you same face, but unless his personality before the car accident included giving off a constant dead-eyed stare, I'm not so sure about that last one, Lucky. 


Also, it's bugging me that people keep saying on the show that it's been 5 years since this happened, when it's only been 4--the crash was in 2011. #nitpicking

Edited by UYI
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I'm not understanding this whole "Jake never should have died" argument. Why?

The intention was that Jason and Sam could have a baby without looking like a douche for walking away from Jake/the justification that well Jake died anyway- not from Mob violence - so intentionally raising a kid in Mob life isn't so bad. Also, Becky was fired, so the intended story for her was 'Mommy goes crazy from guilt/despair, keeps seeing her late son and has to go Shadybrook or Ferncliff...indefinitely." 

  • Love 5

I think that's a highly debatable statement.  One of the first awful things Dante did was allow Sonny to go free for trying to MURDER him.  For Dante to do that is one thing, but for a POLICE OFFICER to do that is horrific. And we've seen many instances where he looks the other way, covers things up or breaks the law himself.  So no, Dante is not deeply or genuinely good. 


He's basically decent when he chooses to be decent.  But if he's so inclined, he will absolutely do what he wants.


So cheating? I can believe he'd do it.  But this cheating story and 'build up' of explaining how and why has been garbage. Like most other things on this show, the story hasn't been given the time or writing to do a half decent job.


I get why other people count it, but I just can't count not telling the truth about who shot him against him. It's Sonny's world and all the other characters have to accommodate it so he can still be on it. It's why I don't hold it against Alexis for having been his lawyer, Anna for never having taken him down, etc etc.


And most of the things he's covered up and broken the law himself for hasn't been for malicious reasons. (I mean, I would've thrown Mikey in prison several times over myself but he still feels guilt over Michael being raped.)


It's a debatable statement, but I think the majority of GH viewers think of Dante as a good person.


But you're just reaffirming the original statement here:


What’s much harder, but also more rewarding, is writing characters who are consistently good people but also have consistent flaws.


Yes, he has flaws. And instead of working with that the writers just plunged straight to "cheating" because they're lazy. (same with Nikolas . . . first it's some business shenanigans and then it does straight "take a hit out on Hayden!")

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

The intention was that Jason and Sam could have a baby without looking like a douche for walking away from Jake/the justification that well Jake died anyway- not from Mob violence - so intentionally raising a kid in Mob life isn't so bad. Also, Becky was fired, so the intended story for her was 'Mommy goes crazy from guilt/despair, keeps seeing her late son and has to go Shadybrook or Ferncliff...indefinitely."

I guess I just come from the POV that Liz/Jason were never right for each other. So I didn't even think there ever should have been a child between them to begin with. I always like to reiterate this because I think it's important: I'm not a JaSam fan. I really never cared either way because I haaaated Jason after like, 1999. But if there was ever a woman for Jason? It was either Carly (vomit) or Sam. He needed the type of woman who accepted all the bad and supported whatever because that is who Jason was under Steve Burton.

  • Love 2
How many more thousand times are they going to show Valerie straddle Dante in her ugly beige spanx (or whatever the hell they are)?

LMAO! I felt so bad for poor BS that they made her wear those for her love scene. They must hate her.


I'm glad she wasn't wearing some sexy lingerie set, because that would be really gross, like she was planning to have sex, but they could have given her something more attractive than beige. 


I hope that when Lucky leaves this time, TPTB give him a decent reason for it for example, he took a job with the WSB and not just because reasons.


I wrote in the Spoilers thread that I wondered if Lucky will take Jake for deprogramming or something. The kid playing Jake looks older than the one playing Cam, and there's supposed to be about three years between them.


Whatever they do, they need to make it clear Lucky will stay in contact with the kids.

Edited by dubbel zout
The problem is, writers come up with characters who are basically good people, and audiences immediately start complaining that said characters are "boring" or "too perfect".  So the writers then have the characters do something horrible in order to "create interest" - at which point the characters are wrecked.  It's kind of a no-win situation.


These aren't the only two options.


You can have a hero with a flaw.


You can have a tragic hero with a fatal flaw.


You can have a hero who is largely flawless, but with conflict.  The conflict can be a problem or situational (a disease to overcome -- or not overcome (if you're Stone, for instance); financial set back; crisis of some sort). The conflict can be purely due to an adversary (Grant Putnam comes in and kidnaps you; the Cassadines try to freeze the world).


There are so many combinations and variations of the general themes that can be done.  If a writer subscribes to the point of view above -- which I often times think Ron does -- then it's time to get out of the business of writing. 

  • Love 7

I can't decide which I like better - Dead Now Alive Jake  or ****. Anyway, how long will this specimen be on our screen before he goes wherever Aidan is? Also, I'm just going to assume Liez used the trust fund originally intended for Jake to pay for Jakeson's hospital bills, so what happens now that he's back from the dead? Will Jason write another check? These are important questions and I need answers.

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I think Dom Z is a good actor-he has managed to make Dante interesting, and that's hard to do with such a normally straight laced "good guy". But his character is now covered with an invisible sheet of ick that I don't think will ever come off. I don't think it will "ruin" Dante, but it certainly does him no favors.  Still, enjoying DZ's acting.

And I skip Valerie scenes, and have since the reporter scenes in the police station. So can someone tell me if the subject of Valerie or Dante potentially losing one or both of their jobs, has ever come up? I would think, that inter department affairs are frowned upon.  But then, I'd also think Jordan wouldn't sit there and trade girly gossip with someone she knows had sex with a married co worker. Especially since both of them are her subordinates. So dumb.


To all who have said it already: that Jake kid is creepy. I remember Dylan Cash(young Michael) being called Chucky. This kid is another level entirely. I got unnerved just looking at his expression when Helena introduced him to Luke.

  • Love 4

Lucky is not staying so as they say. Let anyone but Re-Ron write him out. We need him to be mentioned from time to time seeing his boys. I think Helena has most likely done something to control things. She didn't object to them taking him. He does look like some one from another world. I hope it is just because he was raised on an island by a nanny.

Dante ,he has the genes from his sperm donor, and when he went over to the dark side. I stopped liking him. Why he should feel guilty about Michael is beyond me. He was a cop, Michael killed ,and when Michaels protectors buried the body, covered up the murder. No way it was protecting his mother and sister. The idiots covered it up, so Michael went to jail where is the guilt from them. Carley wanted revenge, Jax told her it would come back to bite her on the ass .. Wonder why this show makes no sense. Sonny and Carley gave Michael the Corintous name ,mobster family so he paid . I still say make Jake someone else BUT Jason and let the story go. Dante is Sonny's son no way out of it. He is now totally ruined. A cop with a gun who can't keep from shooting himself .keystone cops rise again. Hey maybe Re-Ron isn't any dumber than Guza.

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