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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Every time I relent and come back to see Genie, FrankenRon make me shut it off again. Maybe Michael can give the baby to the mob don, soras her to a teen and he can shoot her. he tried to blow up his other daughter, will now probably be training TJ to take Shawns place. Maybe TJ can shoot his mother. Duke was going to. Maybe Molly could be caught in the middle. Another character Re-Ron has completley ruined. Lucy . WTH ?I came back to see Genie, BIG Misake. Should have known better. Re-Ron fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Michael is Sonny's son. he is just as stupid as Morgan, nature or nuture .We know Ron hated SK because he got out while the getting was good. Went where he was wanted. so Sonny shooting him earned MO points with tiic.

Edited by testardo
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They way he spit out "I'll drop you on Cassadine Island where you can be HELENA'S BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH !!!!!!!"

Yikes - I didn't know whether to laugh or run screaming from the room

I don't know what being Helena's bitch would entail, I don't want to know, and it seems like the show is just hellbent on being as crude and unpleasant as possible. Ick.

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She just needs to be dead at this point. All these cartoon villians need to just be dead dead dead (Nik can join them at this point). They are dumb and embarrassing, and the fact that they get away with making people suffer is depressing.

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I'm okay with Michael forgiving Sonny. Not because Sonny earned it or deserves it, but that's the point: no one can ever do anything to deserve or earn it. Even if Sonny had gone to prison for the rest of his life, he still wouldn't deserve or earn the forgiveness. Forgiveness IMO is always about the person holding the grudge.You suffer-the other person, most likely, isn't even thinking about you on a regular basis, even if they're sorry for what they did.

I certainly don't see Sonny all that tormented over Michael not being in his life. Michael is the one with mixed feelings over it. It's for Michael's benefit that he forgive Sonny and move on. Is it fair? No. Sonny SHOULD be in jail. But he's not going to be, and Michael having the bitterness in his heart, is in the end only going to harm himself. Hating Sonny isn't going to bring AJ back or give Michael peace.

 I don't think Michael should give back Avery, either. And I also don't want Michael to ever go back to being an S&C cheeleader. But see-I don't think he will. I think he knows he can let his grudge against Sonny go, and live his life without having Sonny be a regular part of it. I don't think we're going to ever see them be a happy family unit ever again. I doubt Michael will purposely shut them out, but he also won't actively seek them out.

I think he's a Quartermaine for good now, and that's how it should be, and I'm okay with that.

With that said, Lucy is just a ridiculous human being, and I hate that it's anything SHE did or said, that made Michael change his mind.

I think Michael forgiving Sonny is acceptable as well, as long as Michael continues to not have Sonny in his life. That way Michael lets go of the hate that only hurts him....but if he decides to have any relationship with Sonny other than someone he used to know that's where I get angry. It's one thing to forgive your fathers murderer, it's quite another to start having Sunday dinners with him.

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Can't believe Rosalie was outsmarted by the likes of Michael and Jakeson.  She should have said play the damned recording.  And she should have lawyered up before writing her statement.  And she should have called Sonny and demanded his help, because she was around for the attempted hit on Michael. 

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I love how Carly is just sitting there watching the unfolding Nina/Franco/Denise drama like it's a TV show.  Shouldn't she still hate Franco with the heat of a thousand suns?  Not known for forgiveness, is our Carly.  And I've never seen a more blatant sign of TPTB's favoritism of the character of Kiki than Carly saying she's tolerating Franco and Denise in her restaurant as a favor to Kiki.  Because, seriously, Carly doing favors?  For anyone, but especially Kiki after the whole drugging Michael thing?


Wow.  For someone who was not advocating for one position or the other, Sabrina sure was pushing hard for the one.  Oh, and, by the way, Sabrina, shut up.


Maybe the best thing for A.J. who's been kidnapped multiple times and who's changed guardians multiple times is some stability in the safe and loving home she's currently in.  And, no, Sabrina, A.J.'s safety should not be compromised if the end result is Michael's "happiness."  What utter garbage she was spewing.


That whole conversation just made my blood boil.  There's nothing right about Michael reconciling with Sonny and Carly, or in giving A.J. back as a peace offering, like she's a thing, especially when Michael has done nothing wrong and Sonny and Carly have done nothing right or to earn reconciliation or A.J.'s return.  They are not even one bit sorry for what they did.  If any of this happens, that may be the straw that broke the camel's back for this viewer.  I can't even with the absurdity of Sabrina's thinking.  Just, wow.

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I haven't seen the end of today's episode yet, but I can't wait to see how Valerie comes away from this. She.is.a.homewrecker.

But she'll fit right in with most of the town, so there's that.

ETA: Dante is Ron's newest victim in the "He/She Would Never Do That Club."

Edited by HeatLifer
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I haven't seen the end of today's episode yet, but I can't wait to see how Valerie comes away from this. She.is.a.homewrecker.

But she'll fit right in with most of the town, so there's that.

ETA: Dante is Ron's newest victim in the "He/She Would Never Do That Club."


He made it a long time though. A character can only hold out for so long!


Is there anyone left? Michael?


ETA: I can't even muster up any aggravation towards Valerie. Yeah, I mean, it's uncool of Valerie but she's a walking plot point. The blame mostly lies with Dante.


line from today's show:


Dante: I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone


A) I hear ya Dante and 


B) Acknowledging that the characters are acting OOC doesn't really excuse it, writers, for the billionth time


Lulu is aware her husband is a detective, right? Like . . . I know he is a PCPD one, but still.

Edited by ulkis
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I think Michael forgiving Sonny is acceptable as well, as long as Michael continues to not have Sonny in his life.


That's the thing, though.  I think Michael is only considering this whole thing to have Sonny in his life.

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So we're supposed to believe Carly is letting Serial Killer and that Denise girl step foot in her hotel as a favor to Kiki? We're supposed to believe she gives a fuck about Kiki. This is some bullshit and these motherfuckers are crazy.


Dante is a stupid dumbass idiot and Valerie is useless. 


Ric had sex with Madeline. He fucked Madeline. He was inside of Madeline. What is life. 

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He made it a long time though. A character can only hold out for so long!

Is there anyone left? Michael?

ETA: I can't even muster up any aggravation towards Valerie. Yeah, I mean, it's uncool of Valerie but she's a walking plot point. The blame mostly lies with Dante.

line from today's show:

Dante: I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone

A) I hear ya Dante and

B) Acknowledging that the characters are acting OOC doesn't really excuse it, writers, for the billionth time

Lulu is aware her husband is a detective, right? Like . . . I know he is a PCPD one, but still.

Dante had a good run, for sure.

I don't give 0 shits about Valerie, but I've been of the opinion that she's been after Dante since Day 2 and it's been obvious. Ron is trying to make it seem like she's "Oh, shucks, such a good person!"

The Lulu/Dillon stuff makes my brain hurt. They suck. Always hated them from the start, even though I loved JMB and SC.

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That's the thing, though.  I think Michael is only considering this whole thing to have Sonny in his life



I would like to know why.  So Michael liked growing up with Sonny so maybe Avery will too - so I guess the shootings, murder, coma - none of that happened now?  Because Michael is feeling shitty Avery's safety isn't a concern anymore?  Also how shitty does Michael look that he is even able to just hand over the baby.  Shouldn't he feel connected to her now and the last thing he would want is her away from him?  Michael is  treating her the way Carly treated Michael.  Carly's always spewing "I gave you to whoever."  Like's he was a freaking sweater.  This shit bugs.  Like Sonny is some sort of golden god that children have to be sacrificed to to make him happy.

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I think Michael forgiving Sonny is acceptable as well, as long as Michael continues to not have Sonny in his life. That way Michael lets go of the hate that only hurts him....but if he decides to have any relationship with Sonny other than someone he used to know that's where I get angry. It's one thing to forgive your fathers murderer, it's quite another to start having Sunday dinners with him.

Agreed, but unfortunately the more I thought about it, the more I realized Avery being with Sonny is going to tether Michael to them more than is necessary. I think he'll miss that baby far more than he realizes now, and he'll go over there for her sake.  And that is what will get him caught back up in the Corinthos drama. Still, I don't think the Sonny/Michael relationship will ever be the same. How can it be? Forgiveness or not, the fact that your adopted dad killed your bio dad, and isn't even truly sorry over it, is a big ol' fat hurdle most people would not get over.

So, I'm interested to see, now that he CAN go back to being Michael Corinthos, if he wants to, what path Michael voluntarily chooses for his life.

I do think he will ultimately choose the Q's as who he thinks of as "family". But time will tell.

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well thanks to Obama, I only got the last 30 minutes, but I'm guessing I didn't miss much.


Just when I was starting to like Sabrina, she advocates on behalf of the mobster. STFU Sabrina. Giving AJ back to Sonny is NOT the right thing to do.


Did Morgan punch Franco in the mouth?

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If the writers wanted to do a Dante cheating story, they should have capitalized on the smoking hot chemistry between him and Shirley Jones. That's a come hither look if I ever saw one, people:



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That hashtag was created in response to the shitty ratings. It was a lot of fun coming up with things to tweet and not at all difficult because of how bad RC is at his job. 

Edited by Box305
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If you're gonna show the bad, show the good also with #WhatILoveonGH

I love to hate Patrick. Does that count? Seriously, sometimes I look forward to the days he's on to see what shitty thing he does that I can expose next.

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I don't understand why Sonny had to move TJ into his home when he could just as easily paid for his dorm room. Is it because he really wants to fuck with Jordan.

All of the dorm rooms for summer housing were full.


I didn't let the Michael/Sabrina conversation bother me at all.  I thought they both made good, cogent points, and I thought that Ron did a good job of making sure both voices of the audience were heard.  Michael was rightly against basically rewarding Sonny and sending the message that all of what he did was okay, and that he'd forgiven him so suddenly.  But Sabrina was right, too.  It didn't have to be about forgiving Sonny.  Michael doesn't have to forgive him if he doesn't want to.  I thought she was more advocating for Avery than for Sonny.  I just gathered that she wants to support Michael's decision and see him do what ultimately makes him happy, and I think she sensed that getting Sonny back in his life in any extent at all is what'll make him happy.


I didn't fully agree with her, but I could understand her logic, for the most part.

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So Sabrina thinks an adult's (Michael's) happiness is more important than a child's (Avery's) safety?

After she tried to force Avery to be miscarried as revenge on Ava, Sabrina should not be allowed to weigh in on anything involving Averys welfare.

If Sabrina sleeps with Sonny, maybe she will at least get Lily-ed ...

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So Sabrina thinks an adult's (Michael's) happiness is more important than a child's (Avery's) safety?



I agree.  Its also sickening that Michael wants Sonny in his life more than keeping a little girl safe.  Maybe he really is a Corinthos because that is selfish as hell. 

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Holy Christ on a cracker. I happen to be home today (and apparently hate myself), so I thought I'd turn GH on and just see I lasted exactly six seconds of RH sucking face with MW and coming up with a mouth full of lipstick. I'm out.

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It's a hard day on GH when Dante acting OOC presents the LEAST disturbing kiss or encounter on GH. 


What the four-letter-word was up with that Franco/Ava exchange of saliva?   Lord spare us all.


And Madeleine and Ric - no, just no.

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That #Whyratingsarelow twitter thread is hysterical. I want to see Ron's face when he reads it lol!


I see Ron with his eyes squeezed shut, fingers in his ears, going "lalalalalalalala, can't see or hear you!" and then doing massive Twitter blocking for ALL!

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Ducking here, but I kinda loved Luke for a minute today when he reamed out those two simpletons, Dillon and Lulu, for showing up in BC.  I swear that, in their rush to play adventure with the grown-ups, those two left the brain they share back in Port Charles.


They look about as ready for an adventure as my cat is ... and why didn't they book two hotel rooms.  Does the now-traced credit card have that low a limit?


Oh and one more thing about the Dante/Valerie kiss.  Valerie didn't seem to be responding, but we know how these things change on the next day's show.  So we'll see. Whatever, I fully expect one or the other (or even both) to pull back and say WTF are we doing.  Lol, could even be Valerie. 

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This, because so many of my unposted comments end up exactly the same... sometimes, where TFGH is concerned, it's just not worth the effort.


to be honest, it was just a technical question that I figured out, but I hear you :)

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It's a hard day on GH when Dante acting OOC presents the LEAST disturbing kiss or encounter on GH.

What the four-letter-word was up with that Franco/Ava exchange of saliva? Lord spare us all.

And Madeleine and Ric - no, just no.

So is this plus Luke, the hot sexy summer they advertised?

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Ducking here, but I kinda loved Luke for a minute today when he reamed out those two simpletons, Dillon and Lulu, for showing up in BC.  I swear that, in their rush to play adventure with the grown-ups, those two left the brain they share back in Port Charles.


I liked that too, but mostly because I hate Dillon, heh. When he was like, "I think you shouldn't listen to your parents" I was like that's funny, you seem to be all on board with their orders not to tell her husband. I also thought "shut up" and "mind your own business".

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I haven't seen the end of today's episode yet, but I can't wait to see how Valerie comes away from this. She.is.a.homewrecker.

But she'll fit right in with most of the town, so there's that.

ETA: Dante is Ron's newest victim in the "He/She Would Never Do That Club."


I'm just thankful they haven't had Dante call her or a whore or a tramp. :crosses fingers that I didn't jinx it:

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So we're supposed to believe Carly is letting Serial Killer and that Denise girl step foot in her hotel as a favor to Kiki? We're supposed to believe she gives a fuck about Kiki. This is some bullshit and these motherfuckers are crazy.


Dante is a stupid dumbass idiot and Valerie is useless. 


Ric had sex with Madeline. He fucked Madeline. He was inside of Madeline. What is life. 


Thank you @leftphalange for writing my review for me for the second time this week.  :waves:  I'll post an epic rant against "Liez" as payback one day . . .

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It's official: Dante and Lulu's story has taken the place of Ned and Olivia's to give me rage blackouts.


I love how they're treating British Columbia as if it's some mid-size city instead of an enormous province. But then, this is the show that does the same thing with Africa and gave Bolivia a coastline.


 I'm just thankful they haven't had Dante call her or a whore or a tramp. :crosses fingers that I didn't jinx it:


That's not Dante's style, so it really would make him a member of the He/She Would Never Do That Club.


Oh, poor Sonny. He's an empty nester and he's feeling it. "Michael, what are you doing here?" isn't exactly the most tactful thing to say to the son you're desperate to get back.

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So...now that Ric is boinking Madeline (has he the stomach to go back for seconds?), once he sleeps with Nina (and he will), that will make TWO mother/daughter triangles.  


I know it's a classic male fantasy, but not so much for females.  Who do they think the audience is for this show?  I don't remember anyone clamoring for more after watching Morgan cheat on Kiki AGAIN with her mother.  


And where are the lesbians?  We need a couple to bookend Brad/Lucas and act as topical plot points.  I can't believe Ron has dropped the ball on this.


Love in the afternoon?  Not really.  I'd be satisfied with lust in the afternoon if that's all I'm going to get, but I haven't really seen much evidence of that, either.  The most tepid sex on TV, thanks, GH.


*edited to add that I forgot all about the Ric/Alexis/Sam triangle, so it seems to be something of a habit for Ric....I've been doing my best to forget that, as I really want to like Ric because I like the actor playing him.  That, and him having Alexis arrested for pot possession during her brief yet poignant struggle with terminal cancer.  (Which she miraculously recovered from, and we haven't heard about since.)  Man, I miss Spinelli when he was a pot-smoking geek who hooked her up.

Edited by Reo
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That's not Dante's style, so it really would make him a member of the He/She Would Never Do That Club.


It really isn't. I mean, they didn't even have him call Dr. O. a bitch and he would have been justified in that, imo.


Why is Morgan freaking out over hurting Kiki? I know Morgan has shit for brains, but really, if he keeps having feelings for Ava/Denise, he needs to dump Kiki because he obviously doesn't care that much for her. And then maybe Kiki can go crazy and be killed and off this show already. I thought they were serious about building Morgan/Kiki up but they aren't so really, why is she still on this show?? Is it so Silas can have a family member and they can claim he's "connected" to someone on the show? THAT'S ALL I GOT AT THIS POINT.


Although I have to say, Hayley Erin looks very pretty the past couple of days. The character at this point is just so pointless though.

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My local affiliate aired the funeral of one of the victims of the Charleston killings instead of GH. My condolences to the families and friends left behind. I see from you guys that I missed nothing.

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