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Kim Kardashian Thomas Humphries West

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Only if she has her ovaries removed.

Correct. She wouldn't be suddenly in menopause without her uterus. (I've had a hysterectomy.) Removal of only the uterus doesn't cause menopause. Removing the ovaries, a surgery called oophorectomy, is what would trigger menopause. All that happens when the uterus is removed is that the woman stops having periods. The ovaries can keep on producing estrogen and eggs until the woman reaches the natural menopause age, typically late 50s to early 60s.

Kim can't get pregnant again without a uterus, or if she did (rare), the fetus would not survive. There is a very small risk of an ectopic pregnancy, where the fetus starts growing outside the uterus (often in the fallopian tubes, sometimes called a "tubal pregnancy"). It's life-threatening to the mother, and the fetus never survives. However, ectopic pregnancies are extremely rare after hysterectomy. This article says the chance is about one in a million.


"Is An Ectopic Pregnancy Likely After Hysterectomy?"

With her ovaries intact, Kim can still ovulate and produce eggs. The eggs can be harvested, fertilized, and implanted in a surrogate. So she could have more children after this one, even if she does have her uterus removed.

Here's an article about her condition, placenta accreta. I tried to find an article written in simple language instead of complicated medical jargon. This one is pretty good.


"Pregnancy Complications: Placenta Accreta"

Excerpt: Because the placenta is attached so firmly to the uterine wall, it cannot separate as it normally would after delivery. Further, the uterus cannot contract enough to control bleeding after delivery. The severe bleeding that results - and the operations performed to control it - are the main causes of injury and death due to placenta accreta. Blood transfusions are required in over half of the women with placenta accreta and a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) is almost always necessary... The most significant risk to the baby is prematurity. Nearly two-thirds of babies born to mothers with placenta accreta are born prematurely, usually between the 34th and 35th week of pregnancy.


Now as far as whether Kim really does have placenta accreta, we just don't know whether she's being truthful.

Edited to add: if Kim truly has this condition, she should quit traveling and stay home, close to her doctor, when she reaches her eighth month. The article said there was a high risk of premature birth at 34 to 35 weeks. I don't remember how long she kept doing national and international travel during her first pregnancy, but it seems like she did it very late into the pregnancy.

Edited by Coffeecup
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I don't believe Kimmy actually has this condition. And I too have had a hystectomy, but still have my ovaries and nothing has changed.

I don't think she does either. For all her whining about fertility issues, she's been pregnant twice within three years. If Kim is due in December that means she got pregnant in April before North was even two years old. I'd hardly call that struggling to conceive. I think Kris is working overtime to give Kim the sympathy edit but nobody believes the story because they lie about everything else.

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And when North was born I recall Khloe giving Caitlyn the

411 on how it went and imitating Kims pathetic "pushing"

No mention of massive blood loss or she almost died !!!!

Kris was home ringing the gong and screeching about she was born Motherfuckers!!!!

No way this was all kept hidden for two years. More likely it took two years to find a story they might be able to sell to their fans. That doctor she was seeing never even gave her condition a name..... Probably didn't want to get called on lying.

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I was looking for a link for something when I ran across this picture of Kim & Kanye from when they first started dating in 2012. Look how much different Kim's face is now, look how much better she's dressed. Kanye may have gotten her on the A list, but he totally destroyed her looks.

OMG! She doesn't even favor that pic now! I'm truly speechless.

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Kim could take a lesson or two from Coco.


Coco is currently 6 months pregnant and still looking great. Her body shape is similar to Kimmys (admittedly Coco works out a LOT, does a lot of yoga, is very athletic so her body is a lot tighter - unlike Kim who only wears gym gear for photo ops) & she handles her pregnancy so well. She certainly is not a blow up fish. Take that, Kim! (And Kim could take a lesson in personality, character, sincerity and friendliness from Coco too, but I digress).

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She has nothing else to offer other than her "pregnancy lips" and those bloated balloons on her chest. She wears them like a badge of honor.

When is little Go East West due?


I wonder who told her that pregnant women sometimes get larger lips... Which makes her think it's OK to get some extra cc in her lips during her regular touch up.

I wonder who told her that pregnant women sometimes get larger lips... Which makes her think it's OK to get some extra cc in her lips during her regular touch up.

That's the same excuse Octomom Nadya Suleman used when she was trying to deny she'd had her lips enhanced. It was obvious she'd had tons of lip injections (you can tell by looking at old pictures of her), but when challenged, she'd say "My lips always swell up when I'm pregnant." Now it's six years after the octuplet pregnancy and her lips are still huge. Maybe that's where Kimmie got the idea to claim that her own Octolips are a natural result of pregnancy.

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That's the same excuse Octomom Nadya Suleman used when she was trying to deny she'd had her lips enhanced. It was obvious she'd had tons of lip injections (you can tell by looking at old pictures of her), but when challenged, she'd say "My lips always swell up when I'm pregnant." Now it's six years after the octuplet pregnancy and her lips are still huge. Maybe that's where Kimmie got the idea to claim that her own Octolips are a natural result of pregnancy.

I actually had a co worker whose nose totally changed during her pregnancy, it widened and kind of swelled, but her lips stayed thin and normal.

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I actually had a co worker whose nose totally changed during her pregnancy, it widened and kind of swelled, but her lips stayed thin and normal.

I've seen noses change, I knew someone whose nose swelled so much it starting cracking around the nostrils, but their noses all went back to normal after their pregnancies. Unlike Kim's lips. And ass. And boobs.

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US Magazine, "Pregnant Kim Kardashian Shows Off Curves in Body-Hugging Outfit as She Hits VMAs Red Carpet With Kanye West"


Oh my gosh! I thought Kim wore some awful outfits during her first pregnancy, but she's outdone herself this time. Scroll down to the picture that shows the side view of her. That is the most hideous maternity dress she's ever worn! She looks grotesque. It's 100x worse than the couch floral print maternity dress she wore when pregnant with North.


The dress is an unflattering khaki color, has huge pockets over her big hips, and is very tight, especially over her butt. That butt, already huge, seems to have exploded. It looks like a backwards pregnancy. Several people in the comments said she looked like an overstuffed duffle bag, and that sums it up pretty well. Weirdly, her stomach, where the actual baby is, looks pretty flat. Did the Spanx work in the front but not in the back? Did she cut a big hole in the back of the Spanx so her butt could hang free?


I will never understand why Kim, who has so much money and such access to the top designers, persists in weaing such ugly clothes that make her look so ridiculous.



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US Magazine, "Pregnant Kim Kardashian Shows Off Curves in Body-Hugging Outfit as She Hits VMAs Red Carpet With Kanye West"

Oh my gosh! I thought Kim wore some awful outfits during her first pregnancy, but she's outdone herself this time. Scroll down to the picture that shows the side view of her. That is the most hideous maternity dress she's ever worn! She looks grotesque. It's 100x worse than the couch floral print maternity dress she wore when pregnant with North.

The dress is an unflattering khaki color, has huge pockets over her big hips, and is very tight, especially over her butt. That butt, already huge, seems to have exploded. It looks like a backwards pregnancy. Several people in the comments said she looked like an overstuffed duffle bag, and that sums it up pretty well. Weirdly, her stomach, where the actual baby is, looks pretty flat. Did the Spanx work in the front but not in the back? Did she cut a big hole in the back of the Spanx so her butt could hang free?

I will never understand why Kim, who has so much money and such access to the top designers, persists in weaing such ugly clothes that make her look so ridiculous.

What is she, blind? How the hell could she look at herself in that God-awful contraption and think it looked good? There are no words...

And WTH is HE wearing? Those two idiots should have never been allowed to breed.

Edited by farmgal4
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Kim, Kylie, Kourtney, and Kanye all wore clothes by Kanye's BFF head designer of Balmain Paris Olvier something. Kylie and Kourtney looked good, I have given up on looking to Kim for style refereances, she used to dress so well, and I be like damn Yes! I like that outfit I need to try and re create that look for me. 

Here's Kim's dress with shorter sleeves. It looks ugly as hell on the model too.


Why would Kim go to the trouble of altering the dress to cover her arms, but not want her boobs supported? Why??

Cause her arms are So fat and ugly Bible. Ha! Well this is what Mrs. Kimberly West belives, I guess we've all got that one body part we hate even porn stars. Well.. She hates them when she's pregnant cause apparently that's were ALL the baby weight goes

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Cause her arms are So fat and ugly Bible. Ha! Well this is what Mrs. Kimberly West belives, I guess we've all got that one body part we hate even porn stars. Well.. She hates them when she's pregnant cause apparently that's were ALL the baby weight goes

Yes, she's that rare woman who carries her baby weight in her arms. If she alters it to cover her arms,  why not go all out and have it altered to fit over that enormous ass? What kind of a fashion statement does she make  for Balmain? I'd refuse to sell her a dress, I'd be scared it would ruin my reputation as a designer.

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I'm not normally one to critique another woman's baby weight (I gained 30 lbs with my kids) but Jesus she is huge considering she has another 3 months to go.  She looks like she's already as big as she was when she posed pregnant with North on a red carpet event wearing that big flower gown and i think she was like 8 months along at that point.  Not healthy.  

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As difficult as this may be, I do have to give some props to Kim for two things:


1)  No matter how awful or hideous her "look" is on any given day, she does own it.  Even in that horrid side photo, her head is up and she's strutting her stuff;


2)  The girl has stamina.  With all the events she attends and all the travel she puts in, when does she sleep?  Frankly, I'd be exhausted, and she's the one who's preggo.


That may well be the only positive post I'll ever make about KK.

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Oh, look. Kim is wearing spandex again with a WINTER COAT.


Is she under the false impression that wearing super tight clothing makes her look smaller?

Her clothing choices really annoy me more than they should.

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The first thing that came to my mind when I saw the side view pic is that she looks like when 2 people dress up as a horse. You know, where the person in front is standing and is the front legs of the horse, and the person in back is bent over and is the back legs of the horse. Wish I knew how to do a side by side pic!

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She looks like she's wearing one of those sumo wrestler blow up costumes.  I've heard of the 'lollipop' look where an actress is so skinny that her head looks huge in proportion to her stick thin body.  Kim is kind of an upside down lollipop where her little bitty head sits on top of a hugely oversized body.  I am so absolutely bewildered by this.  I'm not into fat shaming, nor do I support the side shows that used to take part in carnivals across the country, but damn!  I keep imaging her behind a red velvet rope with throngs of people jostling to stare at her - but in Victorian era costumes like in Phantom of the Opera because she's the main attraction in a freak show.

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Oh, look. Kim is wearing spandex again with a WINTER COAT.


Is she under the false impression that wearing super tight clothing makes her look smaller?

Her clothing choices really annoy me more than they should.

I think she actually was quoted as saying she preferred tight clothing since it made her appear thinner. I don't know what mirror she looks in, but Kanye must have one of those carnival ones that make heavy people appear slim and skinny much heavier. Or else she only looks at her face and it that is looking thin she figures the rest does also. No one has said she's the brightest bulb.

  • Love 5

Kim, Kylie, Kourtney, and Kanye all wore clothes by Kanye's BFF head designer of Balmain Paris Olvier something. Kylie and Kourtney looked good, I have given up on looking to Kim for style refereances, she used to dress so well, and I be like damn Yes! I like that outfit I need to try and re create that look for me. 

Here's Kim's dress with shorter sleeves. It looks ugly as hell on the model too.


That dress is fine, if it's a costume for a science fiction dystopia movie. You know, where civilization has been destroyed and you can only get new clothes by hunting wild animals and making crude clothes out of the skins. You search through the rubble of cities and can't find any zippers or buttons, so you have to use leather thongs to fasten the garment bodice closed, and you use odds and ends of old industrial metal rings for decorations. You need those big pockets so you can carry rocks for your slingshot. Also nice touch with the earrings and bracelets, which look like strands of little bones left over from the wild beast meat you roasted on a stick over your campfire. LOL.

Seriously, the dress works on the model because she's probably six feet tall and weighs about 100 pounds. Even the huge pockets don't visually add any weight to her. But on a short wide person like Kim, the dress is a total failure. She made it look even worse, if that was possible, by having the sleeves changed to long tight sleeves. She would have looked (marginally) better with the original shorter, loose sleeves. Her arms wouldn't have looked fat, because the huge sleeves would have made the arms appear slender. I don't think her arms are fat anyway. But she looks at herself and goes "OMG! My big fat arms!" instead of "OMG! I really overdid it with the butt enhancement!"

Edited by Coffeecup
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I can't help but wonder what the back view must've been for Kim to pull a winter coat over her body stocking dress. Anyone else start singing The Black Eyed Peas? "My lovely lady lumps." Lots of lumps in that dress

Seeing the picture of her kissing Kanye at the VMAs (last pic in the Daily Mail link) it looks like she's carrying a secret twin in her butt & it's the dominant one.

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I can't help but wonder what the back view must've been for Kim to pull a winter coat over her body stocking dress. Anyone else start singing The Black Eyed Peas? "My lovely lady lumps." Lots of lumps in that dress

Seeing the picture of her kissing Kanye at the VMAs (last pic in the Daily Mail link) it looks like she's carrying a secret twin in her butt & it's the dominant one.

If Kim is so determined to wear something long hanging off her shoulders to hide her ass, why doesn't she just wear capes? Then she could be Kim Kardracula.

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Seriously, the dress works on the model because she's probably six feet tall and weighs about 100 pounds. Even the huge pockets don't visually add any weight to her. But on a short wide person like Kim, the dress is a total failure. She made it look even worse, if that was possible, by having the sleeves changed to long tight sleeves. She would have looked (marginally) better with the original shorter, loose sleeves. Her arms wouldn't have looked fat, because the huge sleeves would have made the arms appear slender. I don't think her arms are fat anyway. But she looks at herself and goes "OMG! My big fat arms!" instead of "OMG! I really overdid it with the butt enhancement!"


I really believe when Kim looks in the mirror with these designs she sees herself looking like this.  I think everyone could tell her the dress isn't right for her body type but she still would think she could pull it off.  I just don't understand why she does that.  Dress to your body type and I really think she'd be successful instead of being ridiculed.

Oh, look. Kim is wearing spandex again with a WINTER COAT.


Is she under the false impression that wearing super tight clothing makes her look smaller?

Her clothing choices really annoy me more than they should.


She'd look so much better if she'd just wear her skirts at knee length or slightly higher so that she could take a full stride, rather than walking as though she were in shackles.  Alternatively - to wear her skirts long if that's her preference, wear long skirts that have a slight bias flare at the knee - still stylish, but so much more comfortable and free.



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Well, the thing is I'm pretty convinced Kanye is still dressing her and controlling her wardrobe so considering magazines like GQ and Vogue call him shit like Fashion God and one of the most stylish men in Hollywood I would think Kim at this point believes he has good taste in clothes.  IMO she's brainwashed because she did dress nice at one time. Now her personal designer is the guy who designed this



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