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S01.E04: Not Fade Away

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I agree. Why on earth would the military pick that particular LA suburb? It isn't like it has any important value or is located away from other populated areas. On TWD, it made sense that when we saw the military overrun protecting the CDC. LA is full of medical research facilities and other government offices that would be much easier to protect and it would make more sense to protect. I mean, how will the military be resupplied with food, weapons, etc, way out in the suburbs? Where is its back up? 

My husband and I were wondering if this unit was really acting on any orders or had communications with anyone, and were just faking it.  And maybe Mosley is just taking charge.  Hint;  golf balls.  (which did make me laugh).  But then that doctor showed up, so I guess that isn't the case.

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I'm trying to remember where I've seen the actress who plays the doctor.


 She was one of the people holding Toni Colette hostage in that awful show Hostages on CBS a few years ago.


 I get the idea of clearing the the area around the safe zone so there's no walkers, looters or weary refugees trying to take down the fences, but I find it incredibly difficult to believe that much real estate could be cleared of every living thing.  LA is so densely populated there just wouldn't be enough time, manpower or ammo to kill that many people.   Even though it's just the burbs, there's still a ton of people to say nothing of the people fleeing the city itself.  

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This episode was better (not saying much considering the previous 3) but still a bunch of nonsense situations.  I'm convinced that Madison ios a cyborg.  She has ZERO emotion.  She has one stoic look (resting bitch face or RBF) and that's the range of her expressions.  Just got done with secsee times with Travis? RBF.  Super disgusted with all the dead bodies in the neighborhood? RBF.  Very angry with my junkie kid? RBF.  My junkie son is beaten and taken forcibly away? RBF.


Am I the only one who can't tell the difference between Ophelia and Travis' ex wife? Perhaps I just don't care enough.


Nick must be Keith Richards in training.  How in the hell do you mainline morphine and then just wander home and chil out in the driveway?


Alicia giving herself a prison tattoo?  Mmmmkay.  So she's super smart, but emotionally stunted because she misses her zombie boyfriend so much she wants to preserve his sharpie drawing.  Yawn.


I don't quite get the note Susan left for Patrick.  Am I supposed to understand she purposefully ODed on her heart meds 2 days into the apocalypse?  Lightweight.  I just figured she ran out of heart meds because she couldn't get them refilled and had a heart attack.


Ok, so head military guy is evil.  Anytime someone in the ZA plays golf we know that = EVIL.  Thanks for the anvil, show.  And WTF?  Travis briefly mentions something about seeing something signaling his son from outside the perimeter.  And then at the end, said persons are killed by gunfire.  If it was the military, how did they find them?  Travis didn't give any details on which direction they were spotted.  Why would the military be killing survivors?  Apparently they are bored because they are resorting to GOLF of all things to keep them busy.

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I think the military have "sterilized" some of the surrounding neighborhoods. It was some minor accident of terrain and a fairly low incidence of walkers that afforded them the relative protection of the military occupation, as opposed to being evacuated elsewhere or shot on sight.

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Nick's theft of the morphine was horrible. No wonder he was so laid back swimming in the pool earlier in the show.


I'm just glad he was able to relax while his mother bitched and moaned about a nurse not staying home to cook and clean for them.  And the pool was so nice for him even though the pump hadn't been on in 9 days. 


Poor Madison, though, so overworked having to watch him and Alicia like a hawk, er, um, I mean, sneaking out in broad daylight, cutting holes in the safety fence, without telling anyone where she went.  While her kids break into houses and steal drugs and create their own tattoos while that lazy Liza goes God knows where.

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Anyone else have deja vu from that Alicia/Nick bathroom scene?  Only thing missing there was a hospital bed and a bio readings machine.  *experiences shivers of revulsion in remembrance of that e1 scene*


And assuming they can break A/N up, if Chris is 'destined' to be with Alicia, then its obvious that Nick & Ofelia will be a "thing" in the future, too.  But to be honest, at this point, I'm rooting for Chris/Ofelia.


Didn't really like that "horny teenagers in the backseat of the car" 'makeup sex' scene.  Just seemed skeevy considering everything around them.

Reminded me of Lori and Shane boinking in the 'skeeter infested woods with possible zombies roaming around in like episode 2 or 3 or TWD.  Who cares if a walker comes by, at least we had sex...

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I'm just glad he was able to relax while his mother bitched and moaned about a nurse not staying home to cook and clean for them.  And the pool was so nice for him even though the pump hadn't been on in 9 days. 


Poor Madison, though, so overworked having to watch him and Alicia like a hawk, er, um, I mean, sneaking out in broad daylight, cutting holes in the safety fence, without telling anyone where she went.  While her kids break into houses and steal drugs and create their own tattoos while that lazy Liza goes God knows where.

But Maddie has all that painting to do...
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So, am I understanding correctly that most of the people we saw towards the beginning of the episode were from the "neighborhood", along with a few other survivors brought in?


If so, why does it look so crowded now when we only saw 2.5 [neighbor 'Robert' who was sick and died] other living people and 2 dead zombies in the previous 3 episodes?  Just doesn't seem likely or believable, considering the world (as they knew it) was in the process of ending - even if it seemed unlikely and crazy in the first few days.

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There is never a Zombie herd when you really need one.


Ha ha, that's great. 


Among the many things that irritated me:  Why does no one - like her mother, for examploe - care if Alicia lives or dies?  I get that Nick's an addict, and Maddie doesn't really care for Travis or his "other" (real) family, but couldn't she at least acknowlege that she has 2 children?

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I agree. Why on earth would the military pick that particular LA suburb? It isn't like it has any important value or is located away from other populated areas. On TWD, it made sense that when we saw the military overrun protecting the CDC. LA is full of medical research facilities and other government offices that would be much easier to protect and it would make more sense to protect. I mean, how will the military be resupplied with food, weapons, etc, way out in the suburbs? Where is its back up? 


I agree. Why not pick an area close to a hospital or the water so they could get resupplied quicker.


As for clearing out 17 million zombies, there's no way that happened. It's weird that there were no walkers near the fence attracted to the noise of the military trucks.

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As for clearing out 17 million zombies, there's no way that happened. It's weird that there were no walkers near the fence attracted to the noise of the military trucks.


Exactly. Where are the walkers who would be roaming all over the city searching for food? The military could not possibly have given them all a head shot. The walkers would be attracted to the noise in that community if it really is the only one nearby. This show never misses the opportunity to miss an opportunity. What is the point of setting this show in LA, if they were not going to use the terror of being trapped with walkers all around in an urban environment? All this talk about the family drama is an excuse making for bad entertainment with the lack of walkers, maybe they have a tiny budget.

Edited by SimoneS
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Am I the only one who can't tell the difference between Ophelia and Travis' ex wife? Perhaps I just don't care enough.


The only way I could tell was that Ofelia has the long pony tail, LOL.



Alicia giving herself a prison tattoo?  Mmmmkay.  So she's super smart, but emotionally stunted because she misses her zombie boyfriend so much she wants to preserve his sharpie drawing.  Yawn.


I was thinking, "Brilliant job Alicia!  All you need is to get an infection which turns gangrene right now."  That was all before they started carting away the sick people.


I don't quite get the note Susan left for Patrick.  Am I supposed to understand she purposefully ODed on her heart meds 2 days into the apocalypse?  Lightweight.  I just figured she ran out of heart meds because she couldn't get them refilled and had a heart attack.


Susan said in her letter she saw something horrible and thought God was speaking to her or it was a prophecy (I can't remember her exact words).  Maybe she was very religious and saw someone turning (the dog-eating neighbor?) or saw the dog-eater attacking the neighbors across the street and thought the end of days were here and couldn't deal with that.


ITA with everyone yelling at Madison to grab the gun!


I hope seeing the gunfire in the window of the people signaling with the mirror woke Travis up.

Edited by Lyra Angelica
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Are they intentionally making a show without any sympathetic characters? Except maybe Liza. This is making Z Nation look like high art.

Four episodes in and the desire to punch Madison's face is still as strong as it was in episode 1.

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Survivors,you are the Native Americans and the National Guard are the Cavalry. They are not here to help you.

Maybe in this world history went a little different. They never had Japanese internment camps during WwIi, not governmental abuses during the Civil Rights Era and Vietnam. That is the only way I can believe Travis and Liza are sooo naive and trusting. I hope Nick has fun.

That being said, I like this show and can't wait for a full season.

Every generation believes that the current Government is benevolent and nothing that happened in the past could be repeated (I mentioned this last week in reference to quarantine scares during the early days of the AIDS crisis); even on the Mother Ship they decided twice now that getting to Government was the key to survival (Once with the CDC, and recently with Alexandria)!

   I don't generally like Maddie, but Liza was far too trusting and too willing to give up info to Dr. Ex. Plus, Nick, unreliable as he is, also blamed Not Nurse.

   I think there is just a loose cordoning off of the neighborhood, which is why people are just wandering into each other's homes, and that we will find that the Medical Facility will be a real lock-up, and something difficult to escape. Hope we'll find out whether the authorities have a clue.

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I hope the writers surprise me by avoiding the cliche "army guy has hots for Ofelia, and won't stop pursuing her, leading to him raping her or at least attempting it".  Everyone will see it coming from many miles away.


And as a concerned citizen, Alicia should really rethink wearing the short skirts around the army guys.  Considering the leadership, if anyone gets the belief they can do what what they want (which won't take long at all), she seems to be on a pretty short list of 'would want to do - and will do' females in the area.

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I can't be the only one who thought whatever Madison had in that coffee cup was not an alternative drink of tea. It was subtle, but she was slurring her words and unsteady when she told Travis she blamed Liza for Nick being taken in.


Yeah I'm thinking Madison is an alcoholic whose relapsing. Hence drinking from a coffee mug, it her way of hiding how much she's drinking. Although she must have been on the wagon long enough that Travis didn't know about it since they were drinking together. (Which is something else I'm wondering about how long Travis has been around.) That or she another kind of addict who is switching up addictions. My first thought in the pilot was painkillers since that would be something she could hide from the kids who apparently don't know. Given she has no issues handling Nick meds though I don't think that's her drug of choice. I have a feeling Susan was more than a babysitter and probably someone who helped Madison sober up.


I also thinking blaming Liza has less to do with what she did and more that Madison needs someone else to pick at. Its pretty typical addict behavior "everything would be fine if not for X". I do think though she picked Liza because her own insecurities about her and Travis. I'm wondering what will happen when/if these guys get back together.


I also don't like we're getting a replay of the hateful "who does the dishes" bullshit from the mothership. I am hoping this show will do better for its female characters since I am either an optimist or masochist depending on how you look at it. I gave Brannon Braga at least two more chances than I should have I can give these idiots one more. Not being beholden to Kirkman's male wish-fulfilment comics should help, I hope.



Travis had better pull his head out of his ass now, He knows what happened to whoever was signalling, that gunfire was unmistakable.


Based on the conversation with Madison in the garage I think he fully sees what's going on, he just wants to put a positive spin on it because he thinks its what his family needs. Travis is trying to lead by example he just really isn't sure what to do. Really being on the army's good side isn't a terrible short term plan though since they are in charge. I get the sense Travis is a "lets everybody get along" type which will be useful down the road (Its also not unintentionally I'm sure what Rick was/is). He just needs someone to balance that optimism which I think Maddie actually does most of the time she just drowning in liquor right now. 

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This show really isn't doing much to make me want to keep watching. There just doesn't feel like it has a cohesive storyline at all. Even in TWD by episode 4 the show had a direction, and was interesting enough to want to keep watching. So far with this I'm just bored. None of the people are likable and there's been next to no zombies....in the fucking zombie apocalypse....and in Los fucking Angeles. This is the dullest ZA show I have ever watched. Before it aired I was somewhat disappointed there'd only be 6 episodes because I really wanted to see how the epidemic (or whatever you want to call it) started and how society began to crumble (I also thought maybe they'd focus on more than just one suburban neighborhood and this annoying ass family), but now I can't wait for it to end so we can get back to the original. The only reason I'm not canceling my dvr schedule is because the boyfriend (who doesn't have cable) wants to watch it.

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Why am I starting to believe The Strain is better than this?


 She was one of the people holding Toni Colette hostage in that awful show Hostages on CBS a few years ago.


Ok so that actress has been on the stinkers Hostages and The Returned? Should her showing up here be a sign? Is she the Canadian Ted McGinley?


Count me in as not understanding all the trouble of securing this particular neighborhood. Why not Beverly Hills, Malibu, government offices, around the Staples  center (a la Katrina at the dome) etc. Doesn't make much sense.


I can't say that I hate these people (or this show) because that would require some type of emotional investment on my part. Took everything in me not to reach for my tablet and play Cookie Jam. My eyes wonder. I check out the channel guide to see what else is on and this is coming from someone who doesn't even watch the show live. I DVR and watch at 10pm.  Something is seriously wrong here. The show is about a world is falling to shit, the dead coming back to life and feeding on the living and yet I am stuck watching people locked down in probably a one mile radius lower middle class hood deal with family drama. Yeah, I get that the creators said there would be some of that but somehow I also remember talk of them showing us how it all went down. The show just needs to widen the world.


Wow Nick went from show MVP to jackhole #1 in just one scene but I am about tired of seeing his feet. He looked pretty attractive in that pool scene so I don't know how me managed that tricky u-turn of looking like he is not acquainted with a hair brush and like he just escaped from a hospital wearing the attire of a senior citizen? Presumably he was wearing his own clothes this episode. So now I am thinking he stole those clothes ep 1 because he coveted them and Sears covington twill pant are just his thing.  


AWW poor Alicia has the sads. Surprised we didn't get the usual slow side down a wall in tears trope.


Nice to see Madison getting a clue and some gumption. Wish she would get a facial expression. Anyone else looking at her and seeing Elisabeth Shue/Amy Adams fusion baby?


Travis is still... Travis.  But in fairness, I can understand him being hopeful of things turning around. He doesn't know what the audience does, but he is just so trusting. Good too see him getting his cardio in. The oldest form of self preservation/defense is running. 


Ugh just what I needed a side plot with Ofelia's love life with some homely military guy. I don't care if it is for medicine/intel. 

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I think the most uinintentionally-so-yet-very-hilarious-for-all-the-wrong-reasons thing about this episode was... being the 4th episode into the start of a ZA, we saw exactly ZERO zombies tonight, not even a flashback of one!  LOL.


Call me whatever you want, but wouldn't it seem more likely that as the number of days/episodes passed increases from the beginning of a ZA, that the witnessed numbers of the walking dead should be increasing as well, instead of becoming totally non-existant?  *scratches head in befuddlement*

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Anyone have a guess as to why Morphine Drip Wife went away with her husband, but Daniel Salazar was not allowed to accompany his wife?


P.s. Not only did Madison not pick up the gun, but she left behind her bolt cutters. I know it's early and everyone is naive, so I'm trying to be patient with them, but it's... difficult.

Edited by DEM
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Anyone have a guess as to why Morphine Drip Wife went away with her husband, but Daniel Salazar was not allowed to accompany his wife?


Show needing a reason to artificially create tension? 


I am going to speculate here, but I'm going to guess the new doctor is on the up & up, but the military that's barricading them in isn't.  She is doing things the right way, but the DB military is doing it however they want and she can't really fight back, just being a DR.

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I don't like the implication of Alicia's note at the end - that she's going down the "this all God's plan" route, which usually leads to death by idiocy on these shows. Killing her off would also fit in with how her Mom has been ignoring her throughout the show ... so she can feel more guilty after Alicia dies.  Unfortunately, the actress can't move her face so we won't be able to tell at the funeral whether she's sad, guilty, stoic, or just bored. 


I'm impressed that they showed us Nick being a total asshole and Maddie beating him up but it's not enough. I think the Army would be totally justified in shooting him.  There are only so many resources to go around and he's worse than dead weight.


The set designers are constantly undercutting the rest of this show -- empty streets, no radios on, intricate memorials outside the wall but nothing inside, etc. 


ETA - Never mind the part about Alicia going religiously squirelly. I hadn't really been watching the screen by the end so I didn't realize that she was reading someone else's note. I still think, however, that the show is likely to kill her off before her Mom or brother so as to make other characters *sad*

Edited by rab01
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This show is so exhausting.  I'm trying to like it but they make it really hard!!  I want to care about the characters but how can I when the overwhelming majority of them are a complete waste of time. These are the kind of people an apocalypse is made to get rid of.  It's just so disheartening when the high point is when the mother physically abuses her son.  And I don't know what was more satisfying:  seeing Madison hit Nick or the fantasy that Kim was beating up Frank.


FTWD is what you get when a show is nothing but a cash grab.  There was no reason to make this show other than to try and wring some more money out of the Walking Dead franchise.  And it shows.  There's no creativity, no passion, no there there.  The purpose of the show is to make money.  So I guess it's serving it's purpose.  Entertaining the audience doesn't seem to have been considered.


Hi, I'm mightysparrow and I'm a Walking Dead fan.

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Maddie's description of her "issues" to Travis was annoying because they were so petty -- but I thought she was spouting the small fry bullshit complaints because she's trying not to voice the big issue she has with Travis -- that they waited to leave until morning to try for the desert, against her instincts to go to the desert the night he came back. Now they're trapped. She doesn't want to say it, I think, because it would mean openly discussing whether they are better or worse off with the military in the quarantine zone, which is very scary, and her feeling that they're worse off isn't rooted in much other than instinct. It superficially seems better, and Travis (at least until later in the episode) seemed to think that civilization is still there and that the military will eventually restore order. But Maddie's instincts, like some other people's, are telling her that's not so. However, there's not much information to work with, so she's just feeling constantly anxious and edgy, and it's coming out over the smaller things. Plus the overall constant anxiety mixed with boredom they all must feel, and the loss of privacy because of all the people in the house, one of whom is Travis's ex and the others who are strangers. It's not a flattering light we saw her in, but I kinda get it. Plus she's worried about her junkie son and feeling increasingly trapped. Maybe she thinks at least in the desert he would be forced to come off the drugs and have no other sources. But on the other hand, who knows what would have happened on the road with Mr. Doesn't Like Guns? And their food and water would probably run out pretty quick even if the travel was miraculously uneventful. Still, their current situation is disquieting and I think she feels it but doesn't feel she can talk about it with Travis, because he's too trusting and optimistic.

By the way, I thought she was going to take the gun, but had to hide from the military and then got scared and just went home as fast as she could.

Is the military executing non-zombie living people outside the fence because they figure they're all infected and potential zombies? Is our group alive just because the neighborhood is manageable to contain and they are just using the people for blood samples for research, i.e., the daily health checks?

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I don't like the implication of Alicia's note at the end - that she's going down the "this all God's plan" route, which usually leads to death by idiocy on these shows. Killing her off would also fit in with how her Mom has been ignoring her throughout the show ... so she can feel more guilty after Alicia dies.  Unfortunately, the actress can't move her face so we won't be able to tell at the funeral whether she's sad, guilty, stoic, or just bored. 


I'm impressed that they showed us Nick being a total asshole and Maddie beating him up but it's not enough. I think the Army would be totally justified in shooting him.  There are only so many resources to go around and he's worse than dead weight.


The set designers are constantly undercutting the rest of this show -- empty streets, no radios on, intricate memorials outside the wall but nothing inside, etc. 


The never-changing old man getup that they force Nick to wear every episode........ except for when he wants to boxer-dip after finding the next best high.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Okay. First things first.


No, You do not get to give this episode the same name as arguably one of greatest series finales EVER (Angel). 


I would like to know is why is Kim Dickens so bad in this? She's a good actress in just about everything else I've ever seen her in.  The scene with Maddy pounding her fist on her car was just way too melodramatic and silly.


That said, I did not hate this episode at all. It was tense and interesting and gave me a creep factor that was pretty decent. I liked the mystery of the house that was signaling back to Chris. I thought the best scene of this series so far was Maddy making her way into the DZ and seeing what terrible things are happening.



Color me mildly intrigued about the next episode.

Edited by catrox14
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I absolutely did not get what the letter at the end was about until coming here.  I assumed Patrick was the dead boyfriend, not the missing husband (or did they show him again?).  


I'm starting to be interested in this show.  Not the content- that's kind of awful, imho- but there's something fascinating about watching a show with so many gaps.  I don't know why the military would already be this hardcore.  I don't know why exactly Madison gave up her journey to the flashing light (I'm assuming she was freaked out and ran home quickly...and without incident).  I don't know why the nurse is leaving her son behind (though he is a little pathetic).  And even though there was a little yelling at the military I'm not sure why people are so nonchalant about being informed that there's nothing living in a city where 9 days earlier there were millions of people, especially without the venting allowed/encouraged by social media (we bitch about everything...like I'm doing now).


It's just such a fascinating way to piece together a story.  In a way, while I don't feel for any of the characters I suppose I feel like them.  It's almost like a video game that way, only I don't have any control and I'm a total spectator.  


Also, I'm glad they sent two main characters off to wherever the quarantine is, 'cause maybe we'll get to see it.  Well, I'm sure we won't see it, but maybe we can get some establishing shots (perhaps with some slo-mo, maybe a song over it) to show scale and then have the main characters in the hallways and/or peeking out of windows getting glimpses of what's happening.  That's more how this show rolls.

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Ok, so how did the episode title fit in with each character?  Here's my stab (*wince* sorry Alicia! too soon?) at it;


Madison = her need to look out for her drug addict son?  Let a real emotion show on her exterior, to avoid having to keep it from fading?  (seriously, I'm struggling a bit on this one)

Travis = the need for "everything to be alright, or will be again".  "hang tough"

Nick = so obvious I shouldn't need to spell it out, but his need for a constant high

Alicia = stabbing/scarring herself with the heart that Matt drew in ink on her forearm

Chris = the need to believe that survivors and saving people in trouble comes first

Liza = not standing by while people suffer, even with limited resources with which to help them (not letting people's lives fade away)

Daniel Salazar = not letting his family succumb to the shitty ruin the new world is

Mrs Salazar = not getting gangrenous and the infection killing her

Ofelia = getting her mom help and loving, but disagreeing, with papa Salazar

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I'm trying, really trying to like this show. But it's just the same old boring that Walking Dead has done, without the compelling characters. I realized tonight just how much this show has lost me, when Alicia was reading the letter from Susan, when the voiceover called out to Patrick, I actually said out loud "who the hell is Patrick, I thought her boyfriends name was Matt?" Shame, I do like Kim Dickens, since her Friday Night Lights days, but I'm really underwhelmed with her and the show.

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So disappointed with this show. I was so looking forward to the beginning of the outbreak. Instead they just went straight to The Walking Dead: Los Angeles (but with terrible characters and writing).

I also totally missed Nick using the morphine drip. I wasn't paying too much attention but I thought he was under Hector's bed because he knew Hector was dying and wanted to speed it up or be there when he turns to kill him. Lol man was I wrong!

Edited by Brooke0707
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So disappointed with this show. I was so looking forward to the beginning of the outbreak. Instead they just went straight to The Walking Dead: Los Angeles (but with terrible characters and writing).

I also totally missed Nick using the morphine drip. I wasn't paying too much attention but I thought he was under Hector's bed because he knew Hector was dying and wanted to speed it up or be there when he turns to kill him. Lol man was I wrong!


I think it's more that they decided to explore a more down to earth, for lack of a better phrase, collapse of society... and it's meh. I am here for zombies, and these people are freaking quarantined. This had the possibility of being really fast paced and awesome as season one of TWD was, but they've squandered it. So far episode two is the only one that really kept my interest .


And I just looked her up... I saw the doctor actress on the L word.

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Madison hacked me off in the first five minutes, bitching about Liza being gone all day, NURSING SICK PEOPLE, instead of cleaning her fucking house for her.   WTF else does Maddie even have to do HERSELF all day since they are stuck at home.  Nick is a huge liability to everyone around him, so boo fucking hoo for him getting taken away.  But by all means, blame Liza for trying to get him some damn help, which was all she was doing.  Not to mention she's Maddie's only hope now to find him or help him, even at the cost of leaving HER OWN KID behind.  Ugh.  

I will keep watching to see what the military story is.  It seems like quite a stretch that they've evacuated or killed nearly 17 million people, except for a few small "zones."  Atlanta seems chock full of zombies. 

Did I mention that I hate these people?

I'm with you.  

Madison is a stank ass bitch and it's obvious from whom Nick inherited his extreme asshole-ness.  


She's running her mouth about watching her son while she's obviously not watching her son.  Leaving a druggie with withdrawals alone in a pool - that's just brilliant. Oh, and lets go into the DMZ without any weapons - wheee!  Like you said, Liza was just trying to get Nick some help which is more than what enabler-supreme Madison has ever done for him. She beat up Nick, I hope someone (preferably Liza) beats up her.


Travis is still useless, and Liza and Salazar are the only ones worth a damn.


That one military guy playing golf - that was the worst Colonel Kilgore impersonation I've ever seen. 

Edited by GreyBunny
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I will keep watching to see what the military story is.  It seems like quite a stretch that they've evacuated or killed nearly 17 million people, except for a few small "zones."  Atlanta seems chock full of zombies.

I think that a lot of people would be hold up in at home and the real crazy will start when they run out of water and food. The first wave would be traffic jam and then the second would be when health-ies hit the streets to become Zombie Chow.


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Fuck Nick for stealing pain meds from a dying man.

I've never been a fan of Nick and this episode just sent me over the edge. Not only did he steal the pain meds, but I'm sure he just reinserted the IV back into the poor guy after contaminating it with whatever junkie crap Nick probably is infected with at this point. There's no saving this character for me now. Haaaaate. If he doesn't die in the next two episodes, I'm not coming back for next season. I can't take any more of his whining, gross selfishness. 


No great loss though. It's not like I'm going to miss any of the other characters either. And I'll even think twice before I watch anything with Kim Dickens starring in it again with her using the same expression whether she's beating her kid, having sex with her husband, or listening to someone's tragic story.

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Nick lost me when he stole the morphine like a dick, and then the writers lost me when they had him put the ill-fitting Bing Crosby clothes back on.  What reason in the world could there possibly be for Nick to not wear his own clothes at this point?  Are they TRYING to make me feel crazy?  Is it meant to be a distraction from how terrible and plot-holey this show is?  I have nothing good to say about any of these episodes, and it pisses me off so badly because I was super excited about the premise.  There were a million better ways to tell the beginning of this story.  It feels like they just stuck chimpanzees in a room full of typewriters and said, "Whatever they come up with, that's what we use."


Yes,  you are correct that we had zero zombies on this episode.  Day 9, Madison walking around far outside the protective fence she cut open, and no walkers.  Not any on the periphery.  None anywhere.  Good call, show.

Edited by Irritable
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