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S06.E02: Wrestling with Adoption

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The fact that Jessop has repeatedly ignored Robyn's attorney should be proof enough that he doesn't want to give up his parental rights. I can't believe they were going to try adopt them in another state that is plyg friendly, despite the entire family being Nevada residents. And once again, Robyn is talking in circles with the whole "making it easy for the ex to get to court" and "I don't want to face Day-un when he is an adult and say we made it hard on his father /cue the tears/" crap.  What the hell was THAT all about? She's boo-hooing about the guy she claims abused her, took her purity and made her life hell, while Gladiator Kodouche is suiting up for WARRRRRR. 


The rest of the show was a basically a testimonial to Kody's wonderful father skilz. Too late, there's too much film out there of you being a dick to each and every one of those kids.

  • Love 20

How does TLC think that anyone is buying this story? Divorcing Meri and marrying Robyn is a monumental decision, and supposedly only done in order to adopt Robyn's kids, and yet they go ahead and do all of this first, and only then start talking to lawyers about their adoption plans. It's all backwards, of course, and now lo and behold, Robyn is expressing reservations about the process and its effect on her ex and the kids. Shocker. So the question is - what is this all about? I initially thought that it was all drummed up by TLC to create a juicy storyline and increase ratings, but now I'm reading that TLC was blindsided by the divorce/marriage. Apparently they found out about it after the fact, and tacked on an episode at the end of last season to cover the story after it was leaked, but with this fake storyline about the kids. So what's going on here? Is it all a power play by Robyn? Why would Meri go along with it?

  • Love 7

How does TLC think that anyone is buying this story? Divorcing Meri and marrying Robyn is a monumental decision, and supposedly only done in order to adopt Robyn's kids, and yet they go ahead and do all of this first, and only then start talking to lawyers about their adoption plans. It's all backwards, of course, and now lo and behold, Robyn is expressing reservations about the process and its effect on her ex and the kids. Shocker. So the question is - what is this all about? I initially thought that it was all drummed up by TLC to create a juicy storyline and increase ratings, but now I'm reading that TLC was blindsided by the divorce/marriage. Apparently they found out about it after the fact, and tacked on an episode at the end of last season to cover the story after it was leaked, but with this fake storyline about the kids. So what's going on here? Is it all a power play by Robyn? Why would Meri go along with it?

I was in shock when they asked the kids if they wanted to be adopted by Kody. They said it was a requirement to get the kids' approval so they could fill out all the adoption paperwork.  I mean ... what the --?? They go through the whole crazy divorce process for the express purpose of having Kody adopt Robyn's kids,  and only after the divorce is finalized they ask the kids if they're even interested in being adopted? In what universe does this make sense?


I don't understand Meri's motivation here. The only thing I can come up with is that the family sat down and decided to make their lives more interesting so that TLC wouldn't drop the show. Otherwise, I'm stumped.

  • Love 14

I agree with all of the above, especially the adoption crap.  I may be wrong, but I thought I saw hesitation on Dayton's and and Breana's faces -- it seemed like Aurora was the only one that threw herself onto Kody with "joy".  I think that's why Robyn is suddenly applying a bit of brakes to the Balding Plyg Warrior and his battle cry: "DERP DEE DERP DERP!!"  


I also really hope the best for Maddie, but something seems off there too.  If her fiance is LDS, why is he allegedly hanging out with people like Collier?  Is that why they did the whole "that just wasn't you guys!" segment with Kody and Collier in the Janelle special?  Also, if Caleb is her aunt's brother, and 10 years older, how did that translate to a romantic relationship now?  I mean, wouldn't they have to have been familiar with each other due to family functions, etc?    


All of this season is going to be dedicated to making them more likable and more "human", and it seems like the way that they're going to do that is to show clips of crappy behavior and then try to correct our perception of it.  You know... show how the AUDIENCE misconstrued this, that, and the other.  


If I have to see one more shot of Robyn and her pathetic fake crying, I'm going to scream.  Her real crying is horrid enough, spare us the bad acting.  

  • Love 7

I was in shock when they asked the kids if they wanted to be adopted by Kody. They said it was a requirement to get the kids' approval so they could fill out all the adoption paperwork.  I mean ... what the --?? They go through the whole crazy divorce process for the express purpose of having Kody adopt Robyn's kids,  and only after the divorce is finalized they ask the kids if they're even interested in being adopted? In what universe does this make sense?.

Not only that, but what about the their biological father? They sprung it on the kids like Kody was Santa Claus and was asking who wants toys? I do! I do! Like it was something exciting and joyful. Maybe it is that, but what if it isn't? Or more importantly, what if the kids love their bio dad, too? If I was in their position and my stepfather said he wanted to adopt me, my first thought would be about my bio dad - did he disown me? Is he no longer in the picture? I'd want to know what's going on with him before I think about my stepfather stepping into that role. This family is awful. And awfully shady.

  • Love 16

So many great comments.  Where to start?

So the question is - what is this all about? I initially thought that it was all drummed up by TLC to create a juicy storyline and increase ratings, but now I'm reading that TLC was blindsided by the divorce/marriage.


I don't believe that for a hot second. I think this was all arranged between the Lord High King of Polygamy and TLC.  After the Duggars and Honey scandals, TLC was desperate to keep this crap going.  Thus they throw together some more mediocre Little People programs and pitch ludicrous ideas in a hat for the Brown Clowns to chose from.  Then pick one that will allow the maximum amount of bawling.


Which brings me to....

The Sobsy Twins are great advertisement for how happy plural marriage is aren't they?




In what universe does this make sense?


TLC Land.  To those with half a brain it doesn't take long to figure out what a scam this whole thing is.


Again, many heartfelt thanks to those who steel themselves to watch this and report back.  I tried - and after about 2 minutes I was already throwing rubber bricks at the TV.

  • Love 6

I gave up my cable, because I got waaaay too ornery every time I had to scroll through 70 channels of Ah Bra, joory, and Jeebus channels to find anything at all to watch, so I rely on these forums for reviews before I bother to hunt down episodes or not. So my thanks to you all.

Preamble aside, it speaks volumes that, the morning after only the second ep of the new season, there's only a single page of comments. They're not even interesting enough for snark.

It it weren't for Mama June and Josh Duggar being idiots, these chowderheads would be so cancelled.

  • Love 15

On Realitytea a poster described an attempt to adopt stepchildren and said it was next to impossible anyway. And one of the reasons is that the states all get money for collecting child support, the Child Support Enforcement Incentive Payments. It's been a huge source of income for state governments, so of course they don't like it when people adopt their step children and the biological parents stop paying.

If it's true Jessop hasn't been paying, which might explain why he's off the grid in Montana, the state of Montana gets a windfall if they can squeeze it out of him. And here's the rub: in most states, because of the CSEIPs, child support is owed to the state, not the other parent. So Robyn has no business forgiving the debt. It's between him and the state. For all we know the state of Montana has been collecting it from him, and it's been going into an unclaimed property fund because the office that collects it doesn't know where Robyn is. Or there's a clerk in that office who is watching this show thinking "I'll be damned if I'm going to cut that woman a check."

I think there's more to this "we want to do this in Montana not Nevada" angle too. Since when do you change the venue of a suit to make it more convenient for the person you're suing? I bet they already consulted lawyers in Nevada who told them no judge there will terminate the parental rights of a Montana resident. And now the judge in Montana says the kids are Nevada residents so it's out of his jurisdiction, too.

Of course this gives them all the excuse to ditch their $2 million in underwater mortgages and move to Montana. That'll be good for some drama, more sullen teenagers, Meri will have to say goidbye to her wet bar.

  • Love 5

If polygamy is so darn  great why are these women always crying to pretending to cry?  I predict that because of the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage, polygamy will eventually be legal.  You can't redefine traditional marriage and stop with gays.  Then where will the Browns be?  They will no longer be unusual.  One less thing for them to weep about.

  • Love 4

Not only that, but what about the their biological father? They sprung it on the kids like Kody was Santa Claus and was asking who wants toys? I do! I do! Like it was something exciting and joyful. Maybe it is that, but what if it isn't? Or more importantly, what if the kids love their bio dad, too? If I was in their position and my stepfather said he wanted to adopt me, my first thought would be about my bio dad - did he disown me? Is he no longer in the picture? I'd want to know what's going on with him before I think about my stepfather stepping into that role. This family is awful. And awfully shady.

If this is really how the issue was introduced to the children, rammed down their throats with the cameras rolling, I find it deplorable. They were put on the spot without any way to ask questions, "This is a requirement for the adoption forms. So...we're all good here, right kids?"

They act like they are doing something so self-sacrificing "for the children", but in reality these kids are going to look back on this with no small amount of regret and guilt, being railroaded into something that they may not agree with. I don't care what happens between two parents in a divorce, the children should always have the space to love both of their parents if they want to.

  • Love 10

I live in Illinois. I knew a girl that had been a teenage mother. When she got married her husband adopted her daughter. It didn't seem to complicated to me. The father couldn't be found and somehow his parental rights were cut off thus leading the way for M to adopt her.

I don't want to get too far afield here, but I would think there would be a big difference between "I haven't seen the guy since prom night" as opposed to a father who was married to the mother, had multiple children with her, and was a major part of the childrens' lives for several years. Robyn can rewrite history all she wants but talking isn't going to change that, especially in the eyes of a judge. Judges aren't stupid, and I suspect most of them would see right through this...they're messing with these kids' heads for a reality teevee plot device.

  • Love 10

It doesn't help that I don't trust a word that comes out of Robyn's mouth, she says he has had no contact, pays no child support etc, which may all be true, but I highly doubt we are getting the full story, is he even ordered to pay child support? Does Robyn allow the kids to call/accept her calls, maybe he gave up after being blocked for a while.

I have no idea if Jessop wants to give up parental rights, if he really has checked out and doesn't want to parent, then fine, but I still don't see the need for all of the dramatics.

I really hope that was a recreation when they were asking the kids, it's hard to judge by Robyn's kids because the girls can be over the top regardless and Dayton tends to be subdued regardless. All of this "do you want Kody to adopt you", do the kids even know what the implications are with that for their birth father? They are mostly older, so they might...but especially with Brianna I don't know that she does.

  • Love 1

If parents were never married, paternity never established, yes it is easier. It was also easier before the horrendously public adoption fiascos of the 90s, when fathers started asserting their rights and demanding their kids be returned by the people who had tried to adopt them. Remember "Baby Jessica?" Mother didn't tell father the kid even existed until after she had given her up. There was another one, where the mother told the father, who was overseas, that the baby was stillborn or had died, when that father found out, he also got his kid. There were a whole lot of them, in every one the adoptive parents tried to argue that the length of time, prolonged by their own obstructive shenanigans, made it in the best interests of the children to remain with them. It took a few judicial decisions around the country to get the message: that isn't going to work. Father's rights have become a cause célèbre all around the country now, with many non custodial father's demanding their parental rights. Consequently it's harder than ever to terminate somebody's parental rights.i had a friend describe how he had to fight to keep his son from being put up for adoption 20 years ago, so many people assumed he should have no say in the matter. That doesn't happen anymore. If mom doesn't want the baby, Dad gets him. Things have changed and are still changing, all in favor of fathers.

  • Love 4

Another thing I noticed last night, when that daughter didn't want to go to the wrestling meet, and Kody asked Robyn "can she stay with you?"


And then Robyn started whining about all the activities she already had on her plate. Not that I can blame her, why couldn't Christine stay home with her own kid? Robyn was getting left behind to babysit while the rest of the family went off on a junket. Which Janelle would have preferred to go on without any of the other wives, it would have been a nice trip for just her son and his parents, something that probably never happens. But no, Kody is a rock star, and has to bring his entourage.

I have to tune in every week just to see what idiotic thing this bunch of lunatics does next.

  • Love 7

I don't want to get too far afield here, but I would think there would be a big difference between "I haven't seen the guy since prom night" as opposed to a father who was married to the mother, had multiple children with her, and was a major part of the childrens' lives for several years. Robyn can rewrite history all she wants but talking isn't going to change that, especially in the eyes of a judge. Judges aren't stupid, and I suspect most of them would see right through this...they're messing with these kids' heads for a reality teevee plot device.

Oh I completely AGREE Robin was married and her kids actually know their father. I can't imagine the father wants his parental rights terminated because Sobbin wants them to be. Her case is a lot more complicated than the girl I mentioned. I am so sick of Sobbin! She makes me so stabby towards her.

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 3

Based on Sobbyn's actions at the end of this episode, I have a feeling the adoption thing won't happen.  Disclaimer - not that I ever believed it would be completed legally.  Sobbyn got what she wanted - legal marriage to asshat.  Now, she is going to sob her way out of the adoption process.  I can already see the writing on the wall.  She thinks she's smarter than everyone - her problem is that it isn't very hard to be smarter than anyone in this group of idiots.  The rest of us see right thru her.

  • Love 15

Anyone notice that Robyn is suddenly the expert on how Kody should parent his daughters?   Umm - he has raised daughters.  They are the ones that moved out already.  Imbecile.  I  would pay money for the wives to look at her on that couch and yell  "shut the fuck up!"  when she is blathering on and on about how he should bond with the girls.  The "next batch" I believe she said.  So fucking clueless - she makes my blood pressure rise.

  • Love 5

Robyn wants to be able to tell her kids that their father didn't fight the adoption.


So, she is willing to basically break the heart of her kids by telling them their bio dad didn't want them in order to get what she wants. If this is not true and Jessop just doesn't want to engage with the Brown/TLC circus, then she is telling lies to her children that will damage them emotionally for a long time, maybe forever. I hope she is happy in the end when the luster wears off of ponytail clog boy and she ends up with at least 3 of her kids in therapy.

Edited by gardendiva
  • Love 6

Robin's son and youngest daughter didn't look all too thrilled with the adoption news. To me, their faces read "but what about our Dad"?  Plain and simple, unless the dad signs the papers relinquishing his parental rights, this isn't going to happen. It looks to me like he isn't signing s*#t so next storyline, please. 


On a shallow note, I don't get why Kody is so infatuated with Robin. Aside from her pretty hair,  she has the face of an old lady. 

  • Love 10

Day-un didn't seem all-in on the adoption.  I'm sure he was thinking about his dad.


Robyn did not want to watch Gwen.  She was stuck with one more thing on her plate.  Orchestra practice, how horrible!  I'm thinking Robyn would lilke an au pair to manage her kids for her.


There was an interview with the older kids about Kody the great father.  Madison had stuff she wanted to say, but kept her mouth shut for the most part.  She is pretty angry at her dad.  I hope that is not why she is jumping into marriage.

  • Love 3

The whole Kody adopt the kids storyline is so convoluted, it's ridiculous.  I just can't believe the Browns don't really even know what church they belong too?  I guess they just have their own church.  Have they gone to an established church?  I don't know which girl it was that didn't even know what her religion was and how it was different from Maddie's church and Kody threw her question to Christine and she could not answer.  I really believe they are just out there doing their own thing.  It would great if they could just explain in depth what their religion is and to what church they belong.

  • Love 5

It doesn't help that I don't trust a word that comes out of Robyn's mouth, she says he has had no contact, pays no child support etc, which may all be true, but I highly doubt we are getting the full story, is he even ordered to pay child support? Does Robyn allow the kids to call/accept her calls, maybe he gave up after being blocked for a while.

I have no idea if Jessop wants to give up parental rights, if he really has checked out and doesn't want to parent, then fine, but I still don't see the need for all of the dramatics.

I really hope that was a recreation when they were asking the kids, it's hard to judge by Robyn's kids because the girls can be over the top regardless and Dayton tends to be subdued regardless. All of this "do you want Kody to adopt you", do the kids even know what the implications are with that for their birth father? They are mostly older, so they might...but especially with Brianna I don't know that she does.

Frankly, it would not surprise me in the least if the Browns really have no intention of going "to war" about this and that Jessop is being paid to keep quiet while this "plot line" plays out.  

  • Love 1

well I'm finding that even without cable TV, I can enjoy the comments and get a very good idea of what's going on.


Sounds like Kody was going on and on about his own "rasslin'" career in HS, such as it was.  Is anyone else getting an Uncle Rico ("Napoleon Dynamite") vibe from Kody? 

Frankly, it would not surprise me in the least if the Browns really have no intention of going "to war" about this and that Jessop is being paid to keep quiet while this "plot line" plays out.  

and as usual when they're done with said plot line, no mention will be made of it again.

  • Love 5

I haven't watched in I don't know how long, DakotaJustice, and I can say the same thing. That's probably a testament to

1. The faithful reporting of those taking one for the team and watching this crap and

2. The absolute predictability of the Browns' inane nonsense. They're not bright enough, or motivated enough, to be creative.

  • Love 3
It would great if they could just explain in depth what their religion is and to what church they belong.


It can't happen because it's the Church of Make It Up as We Go Along.  They may have started out with some affiliation with the AUB but I have no doubt that got tossed to the side as soon as the Brown Clowns hit the airwaves.  Now it's bend any rule to suit what story line TLC is going with this week.


Count on the fingers of one hand the times we've seen them act religious in any way.  One or two "church services"?  They have never, to our knowledge, practiced any type of charitable works or outreach activities.  With this whole group it's "all about me".


Nearly every religion on the planet has a basic tenet of "do unto others as they would do unto you".  With the Browns it's more like "screw unto others....".

  • Love 4

It feels as if they are going down a list on a clipboard and checking off or trying to. ..every negative thing they have seen posted about their fucked up family.

They know people hate Sobbyn..so let's try and make her more likeable. (Fail)

The scenes with Kody and Janelle were so telling to me. I mean honestly, sister brother vibe..hello? There is zero sexual chemistry there but also she is the only one he seems really comfortable with where he isn't vibrating or hair flicking or looking like he is ready to chokeslam someone with his furrowed Neanderthal brow!

I bet their "song" is Easy by the Commodores. .haha

The adoption chat with the kids was disgusting. Anyone else notice Janelle and her kids were absent?

Kodys parenting style was a fail as well. While i can agree that he wouldn't have much in common with a thirteen year old girl aside from discussion about hair products. .he has zero interest in females until they are old enough to breed and he can go alpha male with his talk about swapping hormones.

Classy Sobbyn suddenly showing interest in him posting attention to the next "batch"..where her spawn are conveniently located. .haha

Aurora disturbs me already..shows some issues in her Klingon behaviours.

I agree with whoever said they will be letting this "slide" at some point and back to their other boring useless stuff.

It amazes me how people with no jobs are so incredibly busy all the time. That gets a lot of guffaws out of me.

The continuity always messes with me on this show. I think Meri DID lose a wack of weight during the break cus she was heavy in one scene then thinner in the THs..but only those that were filmed this year.

And let's not forget. .this all happened a YEAR ago! Xmas trees and divorce decrees dated Sep 2014.

I'm hoping the trailer showing Sobbyn not being able to breathe means they will admit early on this season that their tomfuckery didn't work as far as the adoption shenanigans.

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 3

Their "church" is the Brown Family Church. We got to see that in one season, they had "church:" at one of the homes, with the family, with Kody as High Priest and Robyn gave a testimony about her "purity."

So it's not surprising the kids have no idea what their religion is.

I had a really funny thought about Jessop and the child support: let's say you had to pay it, so a check goes to your state's office of child support enforcement. (That's how it's done these days, the check is not passed from one parent to the other anymore) Your ex, however, is an airhead who moved to another state. You know where she is, but out of spite you did not inform the office of child support enforcement, and she was too stupid to do it herself, additionally, she is now living under an alias because she's in a fake marriage. The checks, issued by the state, cannot be forwarded, so they are returned by the USPS. She thinks you aren't paying, but the state knows you are, so they don't sue you.

Anybody living in Montana who can see if the state has sought a judgement against Jessop for non payment?

  • Love 1

Note to Kody: that ponytail only highlights your hairline struggles.  Actually calling it a struggle is probably incorrect because it implies a battle is still on-going. Truth is your hairline lost and your forehead won because it advanced wayyyy beyond the crown perimeter.


I think there's more to this "we want to do this in Montana not Nevada" angle too. Since when do you change the venue of a suit to make it more convenient for the person you're suing? I bet they already consulted lawyers in Nevada who told them no judge there will terminate the parental rights of a Montana resident. And now the judge in Montana says the kids are Nevada residents so it's out of his jurisdiction, too.
Of course this gives them all the excuse to ditch their $2 million in underwater mortgages and move to Montana. That'll be good for some drama, more sullen teenagers, Meri will have to say goidbye to her wet bar.


I thought the whole Montana vs Nevada thing was fascinating. I think part of the problem is very technically legal in nature i.e., a jurisdictional issue.  NV has jurisdiction over Robyn and the kids since that is the state is their legal residence (Robyn's attorney said as much on the phones) so there can hear the adoption case but NV has no jurisdiction over Jessop unless he actually consents to it, which is unlikely since he is dodging service of process. There are what is termed "long arm statutes" that allows a court to gain personal juridiction over an out of state resident but I don't believe Jessop qualifies under those. I am no family law attorney but as far as I know merely having children reside in that state wouldn't be enough. This type of statute allows a state court to gain personal jurisdiction over an out-of-state defendant who (1) transacts business within the state, (2) commits a tort within the state, (3) commits a tort outside the state that causes an injury within the state, or (4) owns, uses, or possesses real property within the state. I'm guessing by the preview that they have to go with #3 which is why the attorney was saying that it would be on court record that Jessop was a negligent parent. Or I'm completely wrong and the attorney was saying this because now that it appears that Jessop won't be making it easy by simply giving up his parental rights, now they have to make him look negligent. Ugly either way.


How does TLC think that anyone is buying this story? Divorcing Meri and marrying Robyn is a monumental decision, and supposedly only done in order to adopt Robyn's kids, and yet they go ahead and do all of this first, and only then start talking to lawyers about their adoption plans. It's all backwards, of course, and now lo and behold, Robyn is expressing reservations about the process and its effect on her ex and the kids. Shocker. So the question is - what is this all about? I initially thought that it was all drummed up by TLC to create a juicy storyline and increase ratings, but now I'm reading that TLC was blindsided by the divorce/marriage. Apparently they found out about it after the fact, and tacked on an episode at the end of last season to cover the story after it was leaked, but with this fake storyline about the kids. So what's going on here? Is it all a power play by Robyn? Why would Meri go along with it?



It is all backwards if I for a minute believed that the real purpose of the divorce/marriage was for adopting Robyn's children which I don't so..... assbackwards? Not at all. If adoption is the sole purpose of it all, why do they seem to know so little about it? It is like they are groping in the dark and learning it as they go along. It doesn't appear to be something that they gave year(s) long thought and researched. My only question is was this cock and bull story cooked up by Robyn, Kody or a combination of both? I'm going with the latter simply because Kody would have had to spent considerable time working on Meri to get her to go through with this. Or they are just all colossally stupid, which is completely possible. 



The adoption chat with the kids was disgusting. Anyone else notice Janelle and her kids were absent?


Janelle was there. She was in an armchair that was kinda in a dark-ish corner across from Kody and next to Sobyn but I don't think any of her kids were there though. 


Aurora is Robyn Part II Electric Bugaloo. 


I thought the 'do you want Kody to adopt you' convo was distasteful and potentially dishonest. Did they tell the kids how this would effect the relationship with their bio dad? 


Congrats to Hunter!!! 


Solomon looked so much cuter with his hair cut.  However, I wanted to vomit over Robyn and Kody's now we can have another baby interaction. Yuck!

I am increasingly appalled by how callously Kody and Robyn discuss their intentions to terminate the kids' father's parental rights...Those poor kids are being used as pawns.  I wanted to kick Kody square in the nuts when he puffed out his chest and proclaimed his intentions to "go to war" to adopt the kids if their father put up a fight.  I think David Jessop would have to be revealed as a child-molesting, grandma-kicking ax-murderer to not get my sympathy at this point.

THIS. I am becoming enraged at how this is escalating, with Kody acting as if he is rescuing those kids from some horrible fate. Bio father is still alive and they are presumably in contact with him. How dare Kody strut around and act as if it is his RIGHT to take the custody away from their bio father. WTF?! In what universe is this okay? Like SuzyLee said, unless Jessop is some kind of evil and abusive human being who is a threat to those children, there is no need for the dramatic chest pounding and threats of war from Kody.

  • Love 8

I have another question: don't custodial parents need the permission of the court to move the kids out of its jurisdiction? Did Robyn get permission to move to Nevada or is she guilty of parental abduction or at the least, contempt of court?

I have another question: don't custodial parents need the permission of the court to move the kids out of its jurisdiction? Did Robyn get permission to move to Nevada or is she guilty of parental abduction or at the least, contempt of court?

Maybe that's why Robyn "can't breathe?" Is she going to prison?

  • Love 7

I skipped through the adoption conversation because it was breaking my heart.  This is September 2015 and it's still ongoing.  At least as far as we know.  The fact that they are using those kids as pawns in the Stick it to Robyn's ex husband fight is just beyond low.  Do they think these kids don't watch this show and read the internet?  They sat through that Purity show and now this?  Despite almost everything, children love their parents.  They want and need to love their dad.  Just let them have that.  Selfish, selfish people.  

  • Love 8

I always thought Robyn was not bright enough to be stealth, but I think this whole divorce/adoption thing is her brainchild. The fact that they went through with the divorce/remarriage before they even began any of the "adoption" proceedings (at least according to the show's editing) shows a certain slyness, especially when coupled with Robyn's recent appearance of wanting to put on the brakes with the adoption stuff. She wanted to be legal wife, and she manipulated everyone to get what she wanted. The adoption will probably not happen because it is probably not legal, and maybe Robyn had a sense that this would be the outcome. But she is still legal wife. Sure, her kids might come out of this traumatized, but no matter. She is now legal wife.

  • Love 10

It was interesting when Gwendolyn asked about Madison already being baptized, because I noticed after that that Christine said she might be confused about it because their church (presumably AUB?) states in their baptisms that a person is now a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. An interesting insight into their church, especially as they hardly ever discuss these kinds of details about their religion. 

  • Love 1

Solomon looked so much cuter with his hair cut.  However, I wanted to vomit over Robyn and Kody's now we can have another baby interaction. Yuck!

I was gobsmacked at this exchange about having another baby.  I would love to have been a fly on the wall when jealous Christine saw it.  How old is Christine?  Has she ever said anything about wanting another baby?  I'm sure Meri wouldn't be too thrilled to see it either since she got shot down by Kody about trying to have another baby.  I'm assuming Janelle at her age is probably not wanting any more kids.  Also, Kody balking at kissing Janelle at the end of her "very special episode."  He asked if he'd ever kissed the other wives onscreen.  Um, Robin, all the time.


I thought I heard the name Maya mentioned a couple of times.  Who is Maya?


ETA:  I also thought it was funny how they were trying to spin Dayton's non-reaction to the adoption.  Oh, you can see he's processing it.  He's really been thinking about it.  He told me he was really into it, or some such nonsense.  I can't believe they don't realize that even if the guy isn't a great dad that the kids could still have feelings for him.

Edited by tobeannounced
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algebra, I've had the same question.  It is pretty standard I think that a non-custodial parent has to agree for the custodial parent to move the children a certain distance away.  And even if Jessup did agree, I think it would then be Robyn's responsibility to make sure the kids get to see their dad, since she is the one who moved them away.


What bugged me most about when they were asking the kids if they want to be adopted was that Kody was there.  It would be much better if Robyn had the conversation with her children privately.  With Kody sitting there, none of them were going to say no.  And I do think that Aurora was the only one 100% on board.  But the other two weren't going to say anything in front of Kody.  The whole situation is just sick.  And if it is all just a story line for a TV show, those kids are going to need plenty of therapy.


Am I nuts, or in the preview for next week do Kody and Christine go away together and take their therapist with them?!?  Now there's a plug for polygamy, when you need to take your therapist along for a get-away with one of your wives.

  • Love 7

I have another question: don't custodial parents need the permission of the court to move the kids out of its jurisdiction? Did Robyn get permission to move to Nevada or is she guilty of parental abduction or at the least, contempt of court?

I have another question: don't custodial parents need the permission of the court to move the kids out of its jurisdiction? Did Robyn get permission to move to Nevada or is she guilty of parental abduction or at the least, contempt of court?

Maybe that's why Robyn "can't breathe?" Is she going to prison?


In my own divorce and child custody case (and those I've heard about), the custodial parent has to have the other parent's permission to move far away (usually more than 100 miles), especially when that move means crossing state lines.  Also, moving more than 100 miles away usually means that the custodial parent has to make arrangements for transportation for the kids to see the noncustodial parent on their own dime.  The thing that I find most confounding in this situation is that Robyn sent the kids to see their dad not too long ago on the show.  Do they think we've forgotten that?


(Edited to add: Most judges take great pains to avoid monetizing the kids' time with either parent, meaning that they would really hate the sort of conversations that are taking place on this show right now.  Attempting to bargain with a father to give up his rights by dangling a zero child support balance in front of him as an incentive is not a good look.)

Edited by SuzyLee
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I only watched the last 20 minutes of the later episode, probably this one since I remember the Robyn backpedeling.  I can't watch it this year - it's one thing to show me vacations, school events, back-yard celebrations, even Dayton's surgery.  It's quite another to put people thru the emotional hell of divorce, Dad's remarrying a couple  months later to Baby Mama number 3, then forcing the kids to either love the idea of being adopted by Man in the room, breaking dad's heart elsewhere, or vice-versa.  These adults are all horrible people, and there are 18.5 offspring watching this circus disrupt their lives.  I really think that we won't see much of any of the offspring once they leave (we've haven't seen much of the first few lately right?    

I hope Maddie doesn't get sucked into polygamy, but I think she will.  She said that the LDS church refused her admission because of the Brown disaster of a family, right?  The only thing in favor of him being monogymous is the fact that his sister and Curtis were. Do we know Caleb's history beyond that? 

Also, we've never been told who Dayton was with when his accident occurred, other than 'friends', and Robyn was the one that practically forced him into getting back on an ATV.  If Mr. Jessup had been involved with the accident, I think Robyn would be shouting that from the hilltops.  I'm guessing it was a Brown extended family members' ATV.  I bet Jessup has insurance, but it's doesn't cover Nevada medical facilities at the same rate as Montana.  Robyn being employed by the Brown family entertainment corporation could have gotten insurance on them also.  They just don't believe in paying for it rather than Disney passes. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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