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S03.E01: New Captain

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So the new captain is Bill Hader. As much as I like Bill Hader, I already miss Holt. Pepper O’Pigeon is definitely a Holt name, it’s clearly the best one. As dumb as the Pigeon suit was, Holt was definitely ready to rock it.


And raise your hand if you thought Hader would last past episode one.


“’I Hope It Wasn’t A Mistake’ the name of your sex tape? (gasp) The name of OUR sex tape!” Well, that gag finally came to its logical conclusion.


"An officer named Norm Scully has been in the bathroom for the past 72 minutes."
"Oh, that means he's halfway."


"Gina Linetti, the human form of the 100 emoji." Sounds like something she’d say.


"Light and breezy is how you describe a linen pantsuit!" Doyle has experience with that. And we get another callback to Doyle’s obsession with shampooing someone else’s hair being the most erotic thing ever.

Edited by Galileo908
  • Love 5

We`ve all been Vultured!


I love Jake and Amy, so I am thrilled we wont be sitting through anymore "will they or wont they" or them trying to be together but hiding it from everyone. That would have gotten old fast. Kudos writers.


My growing crush on Andy Samburg continues. Seriously, when did I start finding him so attractive?!

  • Love 9

I was thinking after about 15 seconds of Bill Hader, "This is a different level of (un)reality than the rest of the show -- this isn't going to sustain at all." And it turned out that they agreed! He's gone, and we have the Vulture.


Jake and Amy truly aren't the cause of the captain's death, and they shouldn't feel guilty about it. (Alternatively, if they truly think they're responsible, they're not feeling nearly guilty enough.)


I continue to be delighted by the way the Jake-Amy thing is being handled; other series, please take note. The "don't tell anyone," the "no sex for now," the "just go back to being colleagues"... all ran their course within one episode.

  • Love 6

I love Bill Hader, and I loved his character. I actually thought it was going to be a running gag with him falling unconscious and coming back to work over and over. I guess that would have gotten old.


The way Amy and Jake's relationship is being handled is just right. 


I am so looking forward to Holt one-upping Wuntch. 


Linetti Set Go is pretty cute.

  • Love 3

Diaz wanted to watch the security tape!


With Boyle! I love those two being friends (and nothing more).


I had no idea Dean Winters was in this episode, because I always miss the guest actors in the credits, so it was a kick to see him at the end.


Ben/Leslie, April/Andy, Jake/Amy--no showrunner does sitcom couples better and with less drawn-out angst than Mike Schur. 

  • Love 10

It's back!


I love Bill Hader, but I found Dozerman to be one-note and wore out his welcome early on (to be fair, I think some of it was on purpose), so I'm glad he was just an one and done character.  I was surprised though that they actually had him get killed off, although admittedly in amusing fashion.  Still, I felt like he was mainly here for his past connection to Samberg and to drum up interest for the premiere, and it was just holding off until the real "new captain" shows up.  Which, more on that later...


Well, so far, so good on the Jake/Amy department.  I like that them actually in a relationship isn't messing up their normal banter at the right moments (like when they were pretending in front of Boyle), and I find their awkwardness to be fun and entertaining, and not obnoxious. I think it just helps that Andy Samberg and Melissa Fumero work well together.  Of course, they did have to scare me with the bit of Amy deciding to end it, but thankfully that was just a big fake-out.  I actually think the show might be able to pull it off, which shouldn't surprise me after Schur managed to do that on Parks & Rec.


Glad they brought Wuntch back and I love how she still brings the worst out of Holt, even if I agree with him.  Watching him desperately refuse to name the pigeon in order to spite her, was perfect.  Really loved the bit when he started bitching about making the mascot a pigeon in general.  And then him in the pigeon suite at the end.  I hope Holt gets back to the Nine-Nine soon, but this was a fun diversion.  Even Gina didn't annoy me too much.


Of course, Boyle would be almost as invested in the Jake/Amy relationship as they themselves are.


Not much of Rosa and Terry, but their bits with the Dozerman tablet (which I actually found funnier and worked better then Dozerman himself), were entertaining.  I wonder if we'll see more fall-out over Terry and Amy/Jake.  He really did seem upset about how unprofessional they were.


That said, the final tag was easily my favorite.  I don't care how preposterous are obvious it was: The Vulture as the new captain is going to be so much fun.  Dean Winters has got that type of character locked down.  That reveal makes me very optimistic for the next few episodes this season.

  • Love 2

I loved Boyle, Jake and Amy. Thought Holt and Gina were great, but am I the only one that does not think an abusive boss is funny? Munch is not funny the way she abuses Holt, and the quickly dead boss was not funny either, except in his one-off scene with Jake in his office. And now Vulture is coming to abuse the group? Just no. Bring back Holt stat or I wll find this show hard to watch.

  • Love 7

This episode felt very off to me. I've always found Wuntch too cartoonish, and then Dozerman was doubly so. So you have all these three-dimensional characters reacting to cardboard cutouts and it just doesn't work. Plus the episode just took a really long time to...get funny? I didn't laugh at anything until Boyle started his interrogation of Jake about the gym floozie. (Okay, Amy's crazed "NO!" and throwing the papers when Terry knocked on the window was funny too.) Hoping they just had a tough time getting back into the swing of things because I didn't love it.


I was unhappily surprised when they pulled the whole, "Maybe this shows we shouldn't be together!" trope with Jake and Amy, so I was very relieved they nixed it so quickly. They were very sweet the whole episode.

Edited by Carrie Ann
  • Love 3

So good! And as much as I adore Bill Hader, I'm really glad he's dead already. 


Jake's wondering how he's attracted to Amy (but wow, he is!) as she started rattling off rules was my favorite moment. It hit close to home!


I'm hoping Wunch and Holt come to a natural end at some point soon - it's just getting to be old, as much as I love everything about Raymond Holt.

  • Love 4

Not as strong a start as last season, but I get the feelings of frustration and impasse that Holt is feeling. So thanks for making me empathize, Schur and Goor.


A couple episode beat with Winters will be good, or maybe a few more with a cycling cast of Captains, but the show is at its best leveraging everyone's strengths.


That said, every character got some laughs out of me, and this was one of the better Amy episodes for me, where the joke isn't just her over the top Type A personality.

When Holt and Wuntch had a petty feud, I could understand the humor. It's not my favorite gag, but I get it.


But now she's actually for real tampering with is career and the work of the entire department-- multiple departments, actually-- and seriously tormenting him. That's not funny to me at all. In the past, they actually made a point of how she did NOT mess with his promotion or otherwise sabotage him. He only thought she had. But now they've changed it so that she really is interfering. How is that funny? I don't get it.


Likewise, I thought Hader's character wasted his talents and was too much annoyance and too little joke. It also didn't make sense. If he had that heart defect, why did he only discover it when put in charge of the 9-9? It just wasn't working for me on any level.


Why isn't Terry getting promoted? Is it just because Wuntch would never go for it? I'd like to have seen him apply, even if he got turned down. Seeing him compete futilely for the position, when he's the obvious choice and highly qualified, might have given him something to do besides scold everyone else. It would also give the rest of the precinct something to be invested in that's work-related. You know they'd be rooting for Terry. And him not getting it would give them all a conspiracy to work against, instead of leaving Holt alone with the Wuntch nemesis. For once, the team could solve a problem Holt couldn't, saving both themselves and him, by taking her down.


Jake-Amy was better than the workplace business, but it still felt a little off to me. The whole episode was uncharacteristically frantic and off-pace.

  • Love 7

This was a solid season opener. The new captain was fun for the episode, but I'm glad they realised it's not a joke that has legs. I did like Terry trying to enforce his crazy rules, and Diaz openly breaking them because they were so dumb. Good use of both characters.


Amy and Jake were adorable, and their interactions felt fresh and warm, in a way that too few shows allow for couples who are/might be/should be dating.


"How do we make it not weird?"

"Let's just get super drunk."


Ah, my plan for every first date I've ever been on. The sex tape joke got that final payoff, and Amy looked pleased enough with herself that it surely wasn't a mistake.


So much of it was played so knowingly by the writers. All the 'maybe we shouldn't date', 'let's keep it a secret' stuff, and especially the 'boss won't let us be together' gag, which was immediately followed up with said boss dying. They were clearly thumbing their noses at all the other hack TV writers who fall back on lazy tropes like that, time and again. I hope these writers are smart enough to stay clear of those traps, and just take the novel approach of writing a romantic relationship between two people who care about each other.


Boyle's incessant badgering of them to date one another was fun too, and I love how much he wants the best for Jake. I also liked Rosa seeming genuinely pleased as well, even if she did say she was going to make fun of them.


Holt's subplot with Wuntch was a good revisit of their poisonous relationship. Loved the "sticks and stone," "what you had for breakfast?" gag, but I'm ready for Holt to be back at the precinct, now. I feel like they're going too far now, and Wuntch is becoming too extreme a character to work.


Still, if we need a new captain for another week or two, the Vulture is the best possible choice. It's going to be fun.

  • Love 3

Having said positive things in my first reaction (above), I'll now admit that I found the whole characterization of the Hader caption completely unfunny, and also a level of cartoony unreality quite unlike the show's usual tone (which, however out-there we may get at moments, is still grounded in recognizable human behavior). It was almost as if all the writing had been handed over to a new team who hadn't seen any of the previous episodes.


Fortunately, once he was out of the picture, things improved, and the addition of the Vulture promises a better Episode 2. But this is not an episode for the memory books, for me.

  • Love 4

Why isn't Terry getting promoted? Is it just because Wuntch would never go for it? I'd like to have seen him apply, even if he got turned down. Seeing him compete futilely for the position, when he's the obvious choice and highly qualified, might have given him something to do besides scold everyone else. It would also give the rest of the precinct something to be invested in that's work-related. You know they'd be rooting for Terry. And him not getting it would give them all a conspiracy to work against, instead of leaving Holt alone with the Wuntch nemesis. For once, the team could solve a problem Holt couldn't, saving both themselves and him, by taking her down.



Terry seems satisfied with where he is. I don't think he's seeking out the additional stress and responsibility that come with being a Captain. He's got a comfortable role that lets him be a father and still scratch the Cop itch when he can. He likes taking care of those in the station, but I couldn't see him enjoying interacting with the superiors and being responsible to them. At least not right now.

  • Love 4

So much of it was played so knowingly by the writers. All the 'maybe we shouldn't date', 'let's keep it a secret' stuff, and especially the 'boss won't let us be together' gag, which was immediately followed up with said boss dying. They were clearly thumbing their noses at all the other hack TV writers who fall back on lazy tropes like that, time and again. 

Well put. It was refreshing.


Holt's subplot with Wuntch was a good revisit of their poisonous relationship. Loved the "sticks and stone," "what you had for breakfast?" gag, but I'm ready for Holt to be back at the precinct, now.


That's probably my favorite part of their interaction, the sniping greetings.


I think I would like the Wuntch character more if she were played by a different actress. I'm not a big fan of Kyra Sedgwick. Someone with better comedy chops would do better. Paget Brewster for instance, who was probably too busy to take on this role.

  • Love 2

I think Sedgwick is good at playing her as a complete bitch.  If Paget was playing her I think I would have sympathy for Waunch and I prefer not to. The comedy comes from Braugher's side with his articulate but childish yet also-on-the-nose insults.


So much of it was played so knowingly by the writers. All the 'maybe we shouldn't date', 'let's keep it a secret' stuff, and especially the 'boss won't let us be together' gag, which was immediately followed up with said boss dying. They were clearly thumbing their noses at all the other hack TV writers who fall back on lazy tropes like that, time and again. I hope these writers are smart enough to stay clear of those traps, and just take the novel approach of writing a romantic relationship between two people who care about each other.


Interview with Dan Goor at EW.com about the episode:

You faked us out with Jake and Amy, bringing them together and then pulling them apart, and then bringing them back together near the end of the episode. How much back and forth was there in the writers’ room about letting that relationship play out this season? And what comedic possibilities does it bring in future weeks?
There was a lot of conversation about what to do with the two of them. And it’s very difficult in a will-they-won’t-they situation on television, given that there’s been 47,600 episodes of television, to find a new playbook. Or to do it right. Our philosophy all along has been to play things out as realistically as possible between these two people, so we looked at the two of them and said, “They’re both adults. They’re both attracted to each other. They told each other that they’re attracted to each other. It’s hard to come up with a realistic impediment to them trying to give it a go.”

We felt a little bit like anything we engineered to put between them was just going to be frustrating to everyone — to the audience, and to the writers. Because it would feel fake. That’s not to say there aren’t bumps in the road — and there are bumps in the road. And that’s not to say that work itself isn’t a bump in the road, because it’s not easy to date someone with whom you work. The elements of comedy are two-fold. One, I think there’s a lot of comedy to be mined from dating somebody with whom you work, and how your personal life plays in the professional and vice versa. And two, they’re an odd couple. So there’s odd-couple type comedy to be played for the two of them. She’s very anal-retentive and he’s exactly the opposite of that. And at no time have we said they are star-crossed lovers who can’t get in fights or tease each other or poke each other, so I think there’s a lot of opportunity for comedy.

Edited by VCRTracking
  • Love 7

Oh man, I just didn't find it funny.  Terribly disappointed with Hader's character.  Hader is so incredibly talented but what the hell was that....

I felt the same way except I was disappointed in all of it. Well, most of it. Boyle was funny. I'm going to watch again though because I might have been expecting too much. Sometimes a second go round helps.

Rosa seemed to be acting like a single lady. Did I miss a break up?

  • Love 1

Glad I tuned in last night. I'm liking this show more and more. I admit that my interest grew when they started floating Jake and Amy pairing up. So relieved that they aren't going to drag out the trite will they-won't they.

They seem to have hit just the right tone with these two. Jake is maturing a bit. I still get a kick out of those two having cute, middle school era crush facial expressions, but also the sweeter, more mature ability to articulate feelings without trying to hide everything. That is a nice change from 90% of other sitcom romances.

So adorable that Jake got a haircut and that Amy noticed (and knew it was for her benefit!). I squeed a little there.

I agree with the poster above who said that Dan Goor and Mike Schur know how to do sitcom relationships better than others (Yes to Ben/Leslie especially).

  • Love 3

Terry seems satisfied with where he is. I don't think he's seeking out the additional stress and responsibility that come with being a Captain. He's got a comfortable role that lets him be a father and still scratch the Cop itch when he can. He likes taking care of those in the station, but I couldn't see him enjoying interacting with the superiors and being responsible to them. At least not right now.

Terry is a sergeant.  He'd  have to be promoted to lieutenant first and then do time in that position, I think.   You have to take tests for these positions, and I don't remember hearing that he had taken a lieutenants' exam. 


I used to dislike Andy Samberg on SNL.  He's much better here.  Very likable if goofy.

I've never laughed as much as I did when Holt was standing in the bathroom dressed as the pigeon.

I really guffawed when the camera pulled away to reveal the gigantic orange feet.  That was the zinger.

Edited by GussieK
  • Love 1

I loved Boyle being all sassy with Terry:


Boyle: Jake, avoid the weights. No one wants you turning into another Terry. Blech.

Terry: Hey! People like the way I look.

Boyle: Sure they do. Big guy. *shrugs eyebrows at Jake*


I think the first clue Boyle should have had that Jake and Amy were going on that date was the fact that Jake didn't give Amy a hard time for saying, "Whatev. Date the flooz."


Love this quote - "We felt a little bit like anything we engineered to put between them was just going to be frustrating to everyone — to the audience, and to the writers. Because it would feel fake." YES.

  • Love 1

I think the first clue Boyle should have had that Jake and Amy were going on that date was the fact that Jake didn't give Amy a hard time for saying, "Whatev. Date the flooz."


I love that Amy has such obvious tells when she attempts to lie, although Charles should have picked up on that line as an obvious tell.  Rosa or Gina definitely would have pounced.


Other things I love, in no particular order:


Terry Crews

The sound effect of Amy pushing Jake to the floor when surprised by the new Captain in the evidence locker

Terry Jeffords

Everything about Jake & Amy getting caught out by Terry -- the realization that there were cameras in the evidence locker, the YES/NO simultaneous response

Pepper O'Pigeon

Amy being the one to suggest getting drunk

Gina pep-talking Holt without actually knowing what his 8-point plan was about -- the perfect balance of caring while not really caring

Jake & Amy simultaneously being grown-ups and going to see each other

Amy's realization that Charles was at Jake's place and Jake's confirmation thereof


Okay, I loved pretty much everything.  Joy!!

  • Love 3

I loved Boyle, Jake and Amy. Thought Holt and Gina were great, but am I the only one that does not think an abusive boss is funny? Munch is not funny the way she abuses Holt, and the quickly dead boss was not funny either, except in his one-off scene with Jake in his office. And now Vulture is coming to abuse the group? Just no. Bring back Holt stat or I wll find this show hard to watch.



This episode felt very off to me. I've always found Wuntch too cartoonish, and then Dozerman was doubly so. So you have all these three-dimensional characters reacting to cardboard cutouts and it just doesn't work.



When Holt and Wuntch had a petty feud, I could understand the humor. It's not my favorite gag, but I get it.


But now she's actually for real tampering with is career and the work of the entire department-- multiple departments, actually-- and seriously tormenting him. That's not funny to me at all. In the past, they actually made a point of how she did NOT mess with his promotion or otherwise sabotage him. He only thought she had. But now they've changed it so that she really is interfering. How is that funny? I don't get it.


Likewise, I thought Hader's character wasted his talents and was too much annoyance and too little joke. It also didn't make sense. If he had that heart defect, why did he only discover it when put in charge of the 9-9? It just wasn't working for me on any level.


I agree so much with all the quotes above.  I was so glad that Hader's character was killed off, for realz.    I wouldn't be sad to see Wunch go either.   She is a caricature, and her storyline is just ridiculous and annoying to me now.  I hope The Vulture will be funny for a couple of episodes, but then I want Holt back in the nine-nine.


I love Jake and Amy.  I never saw Andy in anything else, and I think he is terrific on this show.   Boyle is so adorable, especially with all things Jake.   I also love that he is so invested in the Jake/Amy pairing.

  • Love 1

What other shows would have stretched for a season/half a season, B99 did in one episode. Very nice.


“’I Hope It Wasn’t A Mistake’ the name of your sex tape? (gasp) The name of OUR sex tape!” Well, that gag finally came to its logical conclusion.


The only thing  left is to have Amy's actual Sex Tape be found.



Well, it's no wonder Jake and Amy ended up in bed. Four kamikazes = Four-drink Amy, a bit of a pervert.


 That's the most subtle Easter Egg and callback I have ever seen.

  • Love 4

When Holt and Wuntch had a petty feud, I could understand the humor. It's not my favorite gag, but I get it.


But now she's actually for real tampering with is career and the work of the entire department-- multiple departments, actually-- and seriously tormenting him. That's not funny to me at all. In the past, they actually made a point of how she did NOT mess with his promotion or otherwise sabotage him. He only thought she had. But now they've changed it so that she really is interfering. How is that funny? I don't get it.



I agree. I actually loved Wuntch when she was going through (semi) official channels to mess with Holt. She got him a job she thought he'd fail at (Giggle Pig), then she spied on him using IAB, then she got him a job she hoped he'd succeed at, only to promote him out of the Captaincy. It was a little unbelievable that she had time to bother with all that in addition to her job as Deputy Chief, but it made enough sense that those things could happen and be pushed onto Holt, that it wasn't jarring to suspend your belief that she hated him enough to go out of her way to make his life difficult.


I'm having a hard time believing that the NYPD would turn a blind eye to her subjecting a recently and highly decorated captain to this kind of behavior though. Dressing up in costumes is a job they could get any uniformed rookie cop to do. Using a captain who just made a bust that can be compared to the largest in NYPD history is a HUGE waste of resources. Also she's been recently promoted, I also have a hard time believing that a Chief in the NYPD could spend all her time overseeing the actions of a reletively small PR group, which seemingly accomplishes nothing. There's no way the NYPD would be happy with her promotion if this is how she's gonna use her time.


Before it made sense because Wuntch gave Holt a task and then went away. You could assume she was hoping Holt would fail (or succeed) without more interference from her and she was completing her regular duties in the meantime.

Edited by Maximum Taco
  • Love 4

I think making Hader's character a one episode thing was sensible from the big picture.  We needed this episode to set up Holt's stay at PR and to clean up the Jake and Amy relationship scenario from the end of last season.  If they had brought in The Vulture in this episode, there would have been too much going on.  Letting Hader be crazy for 10 minutes without developing any story out of it was the right way to build this episode.


I think my Holt moment of the week was calling it a third rate pigeon costume.  For whatever reason, it tickles me that Holt is just as annoyed that the pigeon costume isn't even a good pigeon costume as he is that he's in a pigeon costume. 

  • Love 3

I think my Holt moment of the week was calling it a third rate pigeon costume.  For whatever reason, it tickles me that Holt is just as annoyed that the pigeon costume isn't even a good pigeon costume as he is that he's in a pigeon costume. 


He was also annoyed that none of them had realised that the pigeon should clearly be called Pepper O'Pigeon. It's moments like those that make me realise Holt is no less crazy, in his own way, than the rest of them.


I'll have to watch the episode again, but I don't get the timing complaints that some have had. I felt the episode flowed well, and in regards to them rushing through the different scenarios of Jake/Amy possibly not being together, it was entirely deliberate. Making fun of other shows that wouldn't have the moment with Amy about to knock on Jake's door until the season finale, after them having tried to date and decide it wasn't working around episode 3 of the season.


Just like the, "are you guys dating?" "Yes." "No" bit, which would have been a source of drama on any other show, was cleared up instantly by Jake just explaining why he denied it.

  • Love 2

Seeing Holt in the pigeon costume reminded me of the time Herb Tarlek, while dressed up as the WKRP Carp got into a fight with the WPIG ... Pig.


Rosa had a number of those small smiles in this episode. The best one being after she showed Terry that she had accomplished Hader's character's task within 55 minutes, then busted the device with a hammer. Oh, Rosa, don't ever even think about changing.


Overall, I found this to be a good, but not great episode. I'm looking forward to Captain The Vulture next week. I can see the Nine-Nine doing everything they can to not allow him to grab credit for their having solved cases, which, of course, would allow him to grab even more credit for their work.

We`ve all been Vultured!


I love Jake and Amy, so I am thrilled we wont be sitting through anymore "will they or wont they" or them trying to be together but hiding it from everyone. That would have gotten old fast. Kudos writers.


My growing crush on Andy Samburg continues. Seriously, when did I start finding him so attractive?!


I know right! I always thought he was such a bland dork but NOW...I find him to a hot dork. So weird. 

Edited by TwistedandBored
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