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S17.E38: Episode 38

Tara Ariano

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Beast Mode Cowboy! Brenchel baby! I was all ready to declare this my second favourite episode of the season (because last night can't be topped). And then Vanessa wins the damned Veto. And gets rid of Johnny Mac. I don't give a shit who wins anymore. Not Liz, because she annoys me. Not Vanessa, because she exhausts me. Not Steve, because he creeps me out a little. 


So, um, is it too late to root for the ants? 

  • Love 12

I am HERE for Shelli dragging Austin's bitter ass and telling him to stfu. If Vanessa is F2, Shelli ain't letting anybody be a bitter juror about her IMO.

Ceeg, you know I don't like Vanessa, but I LOVED this! Once again I find myself wondering what I would've thought about Shelli if she didn't have barnacle Clay on her butt. She clearly gets it.

But Vanessa was at her absolute worst after the eviction. Good God that was ridiculous. And if it was "fake" then it was piss poor gameplay, because no one was buying it, certainly not Liz. Frankly, Liz was showing incredible restraint not going completely off on her. She was practically telling Liz she needed to feel bad for poor Vanessa. Meanwhile, I continue to love Johnny Mac for saying "yeah, I'm a bad guy, sorry", giving a hug, and being fucking done with it.

Man I hate Price of Right rules (still bitter about the HOH). And am really bummed that Johnny Mac got the boot although it was the right gameplay for Vanessa. As for his cringeworthy interview with Julie, I think he's incredibly socially awkward, and raising his voice and that godawful laugh are just manifestations of this. I have a rather obnoxious chuckle I break out when I'm really nervous/uncomfortable. I get it. I love him, but I'm OK with him not winning.

I think I'm rooting for Steve, I'm not sure why but I am. I'd be perfectly happy with a Vanessa win, despite my personal dislike of her, because she has played a hell of a game. I have no feelings whatsoever about Liz, so her winning would be for me like reading an awesome book, only for the last five pages to be boring and forgettable. Because this season has been really awesome for me, especially compared to the last two disasters.

  • Love 6
I also love James and his comment to the effect of "Vanessa cut you with no emotion, straight up cold".


I thought that was funny, because it showed James clearly didn't listen to anything Vanessa said afterwards. Pretty interesting metaphor for his game play.


My husband and I continue to believe Johnny Mac's voice is actually the reincarnated voice of Chicago Cubs announcer, Harry Caray. He has the voice inflection, the affable eccentricities, and the tendency to hang out with guys named Steve. Holy Cow, Johnny Mac...you got evicted (again).


Scamper Squad final 3...should be interesting.

  • Love 3

Beast Mode Cowboy! Brenchel baby! I was all ready to declare this my second favourite episode of the season (because last night can't be topped). And then Vanessa wins the damned Veto. And gets rid of Johnny Mac. I don't give a shit who wins anymore. Not Liz, because she annoys me. Not Vanessa, because she exhausts me. Not Steve, because he creeps me out a little. 


So, um, is it too late to root for the ants? 

Even though I knew this was coming, I was heartbroken. I'm so tired of never caring for the final 3 on BB except a few times in the past. I don't actually hate any of the final 3 but I really hoped Johnny Mac could have won the veto. Hopefully, he will win favorite house guest although James has a good chance of winning too. Hope the jury saw the complete show and what a bad sport Austin was when he was voted off last night.


I'm pulling for the ants too!

Edited by Uwbadgmad
  • Love 3

I missed the first bit of the episode but came in on the Jury House segment, love Julia talking about Vanessa Mind Fu on "I don't knoooooooowuh, how she got in my head-uh" and then Shelli shutting down bitter bitch Austin (and Jackie too - but I think her only point re: Van was I KNEW we had to get her out, knowing and DOING are different my dear.)


Van winning Veto was the best. I love her. She is Queen, and a boss ass bitch. If she doesn't end up in F2/win I will be full of whatever. 

  • Love 9

Vanessa at her most insufferable. Fake crying, swearing on her girlfriend, more fake crying, swearing on her mother. Rambling, self serving speech to John. She's played the game well but my god is she obnoxious as shit. I don't think anyone has made me yell shut the fuck up at my TV as often as Vanessa has.

I hate that I laughed at douchebag Caleb doing Kung fu.

I don't know what happened to JMac at the veto. He was in a zone at the start then just totally tanked at the end.

Surprised they got jury footage of Austin so quickly. Impressive turnaround by production.

Looking forward to this season ending. It's too long by 25 days.

  • Love 10

Hah! Barefooted Judas getting shut DOWN by Shelli. Sorry big guy but, shocker, not everyone agrees with how you see it through your bitter glasses...


That's was the extra punch this season needed. Judy CHOP!!! Heh. I can't help it. that was the only entertaining thing I remember about last season...


Anyhow, I didn't need to take time out to hear what "Brenchel" thought of the season... or that they are officially breeders.


I truly thought Vanessa's head might explode a few times tonight. She is reallly on edge. The veto calmed her down but the rest of the eppie she was a freakin' mess.


And we have Steve on the verge of throwing up...


So the "at least holding it together" prize goes to Liz and so does my vote.

Edited by Wandering Snark

I'm so sorry to see Johnny Mac go.  Darn it all.  Well, of the three left, I think I'll choose Vanessa for the win as she really did play the best game.


By the way, I voted my daily 20 votes last night at the CBS Big Brother site and tonight it's not letting me vote.  It's telling me I've reached my daily voting limit even though I haven't voted once. I'm logged in and it's the first time I've tried voting today.  Does anyone know the reason for this?

  • Love 1

I'm so sorry to see Johnny Mac go.  Darn it all.  Well, of the three left, I think I'll choose Vanessa for the win as she really did play the best game.


By the way, I voted my daily 20 votes last night at the CBS Big Brother site and tonight it's not letting me vote.  It's telling me I've reached my daily voting limit even though I haven't voted once. I'm logged in and it's the first time I've tried voting today.  Does anyone know the reason for this?


It's 20 votes per IP address. Is anyone else on your network voting?

Indeed, the jury house was awesome.


Sorry.  "Judas".  You do not have any ability to turn the jury against Vanessa and your attempts are very childish.


Production slammed him pretty good with the editing.


JMac finally saw the light.  He should have cut Steve when he had the chance.  Good exit.  He knows it really is just a game.


Vanessa made her best move.  I hope she wins

  • Love 8

JUDY CHOP! It was such a perfect bit for him. I'm a little disappointed he didn't scream it at some point during the comp, unless it was edited out. 


I was disappointed he didn't do his patented two legs at once kick and fall on his ass again.


I can't hate on Rachel's squeal at announcing her pregnancy because she genuinely seems happy. They are both fools thinking Liz and Austin are going to last though.


I think they were being tactful.  I am surprised, nay shocked, at how much I have come to like them over the years.  Their second season on TAR and Elissa turned me around on them (especially Rachel).  All the best to them and little Brenchel (but please don't name the kid that!)

  • Love 5

And we have Steve on the verge of throwing up...

I feel like Steve is always on the verge of throwing up.

Why did the jury members all have to be squished together on one couch?

There was no counting challenge this season, was there? I kinda liked those.

Smart or not I don't understand how they knew exactly what day such and such happened. I realize there's not much to do in the house but memorize shit but I still don't get it. I've been at my job a little over two months, so a somewhat comparable timeframe as these guys. But if you asked me what day 'Bob' was fired or what day the boss brought in donuts I'd have no effing idea.

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 9

Caleb is actually entertaining when he's not spinning tall tales or stalking some poor girl.

I'm still pulling for Vanessa but geez does she make it hard. About 30 seconds into her eviction speech I started screaming, "Stop talking!" Maybe production told her to stretch a bit.

Steve doesn't drink?

I didn't like Shelli when she was in the house but I loved the way she shut Austin down. He thought he was going to strut in there and take control of the jury. Surprise, muh fuh!

  • Love 8


Vanessa made her best move. I hope she wins

What am I missing? Several of you said variations of this thought. But I feel like it would have been so much smarter to get rid of Liz. She has two guaranteed votes out of 7 jurors! And won several HOHs. Whereas John was evicted once before and that's something you could really press when you are making your F2 speech to the jury. Plus he never won HOH. Why would Vanessa rather take her? I just don't get it

*edited to say, one day I know I will figure out how to use the quote system properly!

Edited by Rbonnie
  • Love 2

So what happens now? Do they have sort of a regular HoH competition and then the winner just holds the door open for the selected person to exit through?


Three HOH competitions.

1st endurance which Vanessa will probably win

2nd puzzle which Steven will probably win

3rd knowing the HG which Vanessa will probably win.

Then the winner of the most chooses who goes to final 2. Is this your first season?


By the way, I voted my daily 20 votes last night at the CBS Big Brother site and tonight it's not letting me vote.  It's telling me I've reached my daily voting limit even though I haven't voted once. I'm logged in and it's the first time I've tried voting today.  Does anyone know the reason for this?


It may be a time zone thing. If you voted after 9pm EST, it will be counted for the following day. Happened to me before voting for some other show.

What am i missing here in the HOH comp? the winning number was 2800 seconds. JMac guesses 3600, Steve guessed 601. At no time did Julie say guess the correct # without going over. Whoever is closest wins right? Isnt Jmac closer? I watched a # of times and there was no rule about going over.

please someone explain

The rule has always been in any number or guessing question the closest without going over just like on The Price is Right.

Julie has gone over this each competition involving numbers or a tiebreaker also they give them rules and is repeat them before the live show and during what are our commercial breaks. They also can see a copy of all the BB rules in the diary room.

Vanessa asked to see and read it in regards to offering HG fronting money for gambling and/school. She was trying to bribe HG like Liz and Steve and AssTin.

Also in the past HG like Evel Dick and James Rhine have looked at the rules to raise hell about various hamsters to BB

Edited by Petunia13

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