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S17.E37: Episode 37

Tara Ariano

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HA! Austin's reaction to being evicted was amazing. A-maz-ing. That was the best thing ever this season. I actually jumped up in my seat and laughed loud enough for the neighbors to hear when Vanessa broke the tie. The look on his face was great. Hell, the look on Liz's face was great. I really thought he was going to flip a couch there. He is so bitter. "No one in jury will vote for Vanessa." Sorry, not a Vanessa fan but if she makes it it final 2, his might be the only vote against her. The rest of them will probably respect the "game moves" once they have a little time and distance from the BB house.


Liz had major stank face during the HoH comp. I had my fingers crossed that Johnny Mac was going to win but no, of course it's Steve. I call bullshit to his "I forgot to put another zero" claim there at the very end.

  • Love 14

Watching Austin show his ass as he got blindsided, and then watching his bluster kind of deflate during his interview with Julie once he realized he didn't have a huge audience of "Judas" fans cheering his bitch ass on during his ridiculous tirade about Vanessa was everything to me. EVERYTHING. I have never been a Vanessa fan, but I almost want her to win now just because he was such a prick about it. Because he was totally going to pick her to get to the end over Liz. Or John. I mean, really.

So new drinking game - take a sip (not a shot, don't want to kill anyone) any time someone says "Me, Myself or I". Take two sips if those words are used incorrectly. Congrats - you are now drunk!

I have no idea what is going on in Johnny Mac's head at any given moment, but he entertains the hell out of me. I just can't help it. And he wasn't wrong in thinking that his best move might just be whatever Vanessa thinks is not his best move. Because her "acting" there was pretty poor. "Oh, I JUST realized! We would totally be 100% for final three if we just booted Austin! Wow! I had not thought of that before!"

And then her tears after Austin's eviction? Good lord, I wanted Liz to smack Vanessa in that moment. Own a freaking decision, and not play for sympathy when you just completely blindsided Liz. And now I'm back to wanting her out this week.

  • Love 21

Only episode of the season that I've found an East Coast feed of to watch live and SO glad I did! Austin, what a chump, especially after his punchable speech! And then to reference his failed wrestling career as if anyone knows what he is talking about? Ha. He is going to be so crushed that neither he or the twins got a "family at home" package during a live show - Big Brother pretty much disregarded them!

Yay Steve! Glad he won so he can relax for a bit. He doesn't even have to vote.

Are Brenchel coming on the show to announce she's pregnant? What else could it be?

I'm so happy right now. Toodles Austin, you big barefooted ape!

  • Love 8

I loved this episode! It was so great to see Austin blindsided and then be so gracious, oops, acting like such an ass on his way out.

I would have liked Johnny Mac to win the HOH but hopefully it will still work out that Johnny Mac and Steve will be in the final 3. Usually, by this time on BB, my favorite HG's are out and I don't like anyone that is in the Final 3.

Edited by Uwbadgmad
  • Love 8

"Vanessa, how could you stab me in the back.... oh wait, you're crying and you're really really sorry?  My bad, of course I'm not upset you, and you alone, voted me out of the game."  I wonder how many times she's gotten out of things in the real world by turning on the waterworks.  Geez.  


As everyone else says, it was a great episode.  Austin? Blindsided and OUT.  Vanessa?  Still in, but with the knowledge that not everyone wuvs her.   Here's hoping Steve puts up Liz and Vanessa. 

Edited by Thalia
  • Love 9

And he wasn't wrong in thinking that his best move might just be whatever Vanessa thinks is not his best move. Because her "acting" there was pretty poor. "Oh, I JUST realized! We would totally be 100% for final three if we just booted Austin! Wow! I had not thought of that before!"

And then her tears after Austin's eviction? Good lord, I wanted Liz to smack Vanessa in that moment. Own a freaking decision, and not play for sympathy when you just completely blindsided Liz. And now I'm back to wanting her out this week.

She is such a bad bad actress and her people management is shit. She couldn't even pretend to not be a sore looser when John won the POV but hours later she's trying to convince him of what his right move is.

Her inability to own her move would loose her this game. I wanted Liz to punch her.

  • Love 11

And now Austin is thinking, "Well, at least I'll get $25,000 for being the favorite house guest."


Off to vote for Johnny Mac.

That's going to make for another wonderful Frankie-moment.

Julie: third place, Steve, second place James.... Camera zoomed in on a confident and proud Austin... Johnny Mac!!! <insert Austin rage>

Edited by Nutella
  • Love 11

I don't think Austin will be up for any TAR spot have than performance. I'd love Johnny Mac/Steve for TAR.

Had forgotten about the favorite player vote. Oh yes, another rewind moment on finale nite when Austin gets taken down another peg.

Any guesses on Bren/ Rachel news? Baby brenchel ?

Edited by Diana Berry
  • Love 1

"It's time for some blood people!"   All the angels sing!!!  Great blindside!  Greater reactions by Liz and Austin!


I can understand Vanessa's "reason" to target John, but she's a big target next regardless.


Good job on that Veto Johnny.  Even thinking of throwing it was a really bad idea.  Or was he misting?  Who the hell knows!


"I want to show Vanessa I trust her"  What??  Like you had a choice to go on the block.  BTW, how did she just lose the game if nobody is going to vote for her??


I like Johnny's chaos act.  Keep them all guessing.  Including yourself.


I am so happy Austin is gone.  That eviction speech was disgusting.  Something tells me he and Steve won't be friends for 5 minutes, much less life.  "Pride goeth before the fall"??  He is just too full of himself.  I think Vanessa beats anybody if she makes F2 and owns her game.  Just don't forget to flatter them.


I hope Liz drops Austin like the hot, smelly turd that he is.  I hope they are reunited tomorrow night.  Those are the feeds I want to watch.


The HOH was hilarious.   Good job Steve.  The veto now rules.


No Julie, I really, really, really, really, don't want to see Brenchel again and I don't care if they are breeding or whatever.  Bleh.

  • Love 5

I loved how JohnnyMac played the Veto, getting everything organized and then waiting to see if someone other than Steve would win.  When Steve got too close, John just put the pieces he already had organized, up on the board.


He plays it so crazy, it's easy to remember the guy is smart.  You don't get to be a dentist without having something going on upstairs.

Edited by DEL901
  • Love 15

As soon as Julie announced there was a tie. Austin got an "oh shit!" look on his face. he thought it was an easy peasy Steve vote and knew right then that JohnMac played him. He looked over at Liz like he was ready to cry. And then he stomps off onto the stage with his nasty bare feet. "I would've won!" Shaddup Sasquatch, would shoulda coulda.


We don't very very many satisfying moments like that on BB, I was leaping out of my chair.


Now expect Vanessa to analyze every word Austin said during his fuck you out the door. her and Liz are going to be mental cases all week. Johnny and Steve, don't rest on your laurels, keep a wedge between the two women they don't somehow team up.  

  • Love 6

Ugh! I hate, hate HATE this! About 7 weeks ago I made a post that the game was now in a dangerous place where someone would realize dragging a do nothing floater like Steve to the end would be their best chance to win the game...and I guess Vanessa latched onto that. The ONLY reason he is in position now to win HOH is because he was a floater while people early in the summer were playing the game. There were whole episodes where he appeared once and maybe even not at all.


I have no love for Austin but I'd rather see him or Liz win then nobodies like Steve or Johnny Mac or a lying liar like Vanessa. I'm glad he blasted her on the way out...I hate when people are nice to the person who got you evicted.


Speaking of Vanessa...she has a pair the size of a beanbag chair to be trying to work Austin's jury vote mere seconds after she evicted him. Please Austin and Liz STAY bitter and rally the jury not to let her win. I don't want to see a manipulative millionaire win...oh, snap...I don't want Johnny Mac or Steve to win either. I'm screwed...there is no way to be happy on finale night unless Liz does the impossible.


One last thing AMERICA...please vote for James to be the $25000 winner...James was REAL...Johnny Mac has been playing a character for the ENTIRE SUMMER....he's a phony...please don't hand him a check because he is "funny". He's not.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 3

I wonder how Austin feels about being everyone's favorite eviction of the season.

During the POV tonight, was I seeing things or was JMac running back to press the button by running on the ground... while the others were using the balance beam to get to the button?

He was. Not breaking any rules since he was organizing the pieces in the trough and didn't put them up on the board. You use the balance beam to get back if you still had pieces on the board. When people's pieces fell off the board, they all ran back on the ground. He really did have a good strategy organizing everything first.

  • Love 8

That was immensely satisfying, with the exception of more fake Vanessa tears. I think her diary room tears might have been real, though. Well, most,y real.

Just before Vanessa's vote, Austin leaned back and had his hands behind his head in just the most cocky strutting-peacock pose ever. And then collapsed in on himself, making me laugh and laugh and laugh. And his bare feet- ugh. I couldn't even enjoy it because it's just so gross. Every year the HGs talk about how gross the floor gets and they all wear shoes or socks or slippers 24/7, and so it's just disgusting that he's always barefoot. Poor Julie looked like she might fall off her chair in trying to get as far away from him as possible.

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