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I'd like to make a formal request* that the MLB, NFL, & NHL threads be merged, solely for my benefit,as I appear to be unable to differentiate these before I hit "post" on a brilliant observation re: ARod...here in the football thread!!

*I keed, I keed.

Edited by rallymantis
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I think I lost, because I sat there and watched the whole damn thing, just as I'll sit there on Thursday evening and watch the Jags and Titans. Okay, I'm not actually sitting the whole time. Or facing the television. Maybe I'm cooking or washing my hair or playing games on my iPad. Still, those bad games with the poor kicking are there in the background, taunting me and daring me to change the channel. You can't break me, piss poor special teams!

Phil Simms sure talks a lot, doesn't he? He's not the worst commentator to ever grace the screen, yet his many, many words often add up to so little. As everyone else said, the Pats and the Steelers were sloppy with dumb penalties and more bad kicking. 

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Everyone was going on about how that was a great defensive game and sure, for about 2-3 quarters it was but that doesn't negate how putrid the offenses were (did the Seahawks just ignore the need for a real O-Line in pre-season? All of those penalties!!!!!). And the kicking in OT? What a joke! This East-coaster should've gone to bed when regulation time ended and not stayed up for the rest.

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You know, with a couple of exceptions (okay, maybe only one exception - the Pats),  it feels like this football season is taking place in Bizzarro world. Expectations are being upended. Good teams play like crap. Bad teams are good. Pretty soon up will be down.

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

For me the best part of the game was the look on Pete Carroll's face when Haushka missed the winning field goal. 

I desperately hope someone GIFed that because it was truly amazing. Of course I was watching, screaming, because I KNOW Haushka can make that kick. 

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For me the best part of the game was the look on Pete Carroll's face when Haushka missed the winning field goal. 

That look says it all, because there is just no other reaction to that miss than sheer disbelief that what you saw really happened.

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You know, with a couple of exceptions (okay, maybe only one exception - the Pats),  it feels like this football season is taking place in Bizzarro world. Expectations are being upended. Good teams play like crap. Bad teams are good. Pretty soon up will be down.

And yet the Browns will continue to provide the comforting consistency you need in this topsy-turkey season.

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Sooo I didn't watch the game.  But ive seen all the lowlights this am.  That little gif of Pete Carroll is pretty funny.  Michelle Tafoya's face in the background isn't too bad either.  As far as the Seahawks go, nothing will ever top Richard Sherman's look of utter horror after that interception in the Superbowl.

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15 hours ago, merylinkid said:

Here's a stat from ESPN:   There have been 3 6-6 ties in NFL history.   All the Cardinals fault.  1970 at KC, 1982 at Philly and tonight.   DAMN.

The Cards have been involved in three of the worst games I have ever watched. I previously mentioned the eighties game against the Giants in which it felt like neither team wanted win. Then there was the game that had the absolutely worst quarterbacking performances for two team that I have ever seen (according to nflreference.com the starting QBs went 20 for 52) and last night.

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3 hours ago, Fukui San said:

Carroll is one year older than Belichick. Win a bet or two with that info.

I had to google that out of disbelief. Holy crap, that is nuts. Then again, L.A. is like the plastic surgery capital of the world.

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Giants release Josh Brown

The Giants released the following statement from team president John Mara:

"We believed we did the right thing at every juncture in our relationship with Josh," said Mara. "Our beliefs, our judgments and our decisions were misguided. We accept that responsibility. We hope that Josh will continue to dedicate himself to rehabilitation, and to becoming a better person and father. We will continue to support him in his efforts to continue counseling, and we hope that Josh and his family can find peace and a positive resolution."

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Poll suggests National Anthem protests are responsible for declining ratings


How?  HOW?  The national anthems are barely even televised and I don't even pay attention to them even if SF is playing.

Who responded this way to this poll?  I want to find these people and make them explain this. That THIS, Colin Kaepernick's inalienable right as a citizen of this goddamn country, is what put them over the edge.  Fuck those people.


Edited by mojoween
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In a Seton Hall Sports Poll released Thursday, 56 percent of those surveyed said they think fans are watching less because of the stand some athletes are taking by not standing during the national anthem.


I want to know how the question was posed and who was asked. What I get from the article is people think fans are watching less due to the protest not that they themselves are watching less.

And as Mojo says, it's bullshit since they rarely even televise the anthem.

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Polls can show whatever you want them to show, I don't necessarily buy that the ratings decline is Kaepernick's fault. I think it's a combination of over-saturation, too many crappy teams, and the refs being flag happy which slows down the flow of the game. Not to mention the baseball playoffs, upcoming election and return of the Walking Dead, which have all probably ciphoned off some viewers.

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Let's blame everything *but* the game though. #IntegrityOfTheGame.

I think Marc Cuban said a couple of years ago that the Thursday night game would cause this to happen because of oversaturation and a decline in play. 

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2 minutes ago, ganesh said:

Let's blame everything *but* the game though. #IntegrityOfTheGame.

I think Marc Cuban said a couple of years ago that the Thursday night game would cause this to happen because of oversaturation and a decline in play. 

I'm sure someone has studied whether there's been an increase in the rate of player injuries since the institution of the Thursday night game. Football is already an unnatural stress on the body. I certainly don't think the body was made to play a full game on Sunday then play another one four days later.  Oh yeah, and the Thursday night games have sucked!

And what about the season-ending injures to players like Adrian Peterson (love him or hate him, he's still a draw), J.J. Watt, and RG III --I think plenty of people were interested to see whether he has anything left.

Someone previously mentioned that the beginning of the season didn't have Peyton Manning or Tom Brady. That certainly affected ratings. 

And this draft class was good, but there didn't seem to be as much excitement over the top draft picks as there was in other years, such as when Luck, RG III, Jameis Winston, Johnny Manziel, Tim Tebow, Reggie Bush, Cam Newton, and Mariota were rookies. 

And numerous media outlets have discussed (along with smart people on this thread) that many people now watch the NFL on their tablets and phones, the election is drawing some TV viewers, and we are overwhelmed with things to watch on TV these days. 

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It's the headline that's misleading, not the poll (Darren Rovell. Big Surprise.). Individuals were allowed multiple responses as to what they think might be causing the drop in viewership and protests was one of the top reasons given. 


56% of respondents cited players not standing for the anthem, with 50% citing the distraction of the presidential campaign and 47% the controversy over the handling of domestic violence cases involving players.

Given that no one knows the cause, I don't think it's too unusual that protests rank in the top three. Even the league is struggling to figure out what's going on.


Other factors included games on too many days, over-saturating the market (44%), increased interest in post-season baseball (39%), the ongoing controversy over head injuries (33%) and a decline in quality of play on the field (33%).

(It also looks like the poll was conducted among adults regardless of whether they follow football or not. So if you're not a fan, what's the latest thing you have heard about the league?)

Edited by xaxat
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I like this article written for an actual sports site that says the CBA is to be blame for the drop in ratings.   Fewer practices means less time to hone the game plan.  Not knowing what to do in the game leads to all the crap we are seeing on the field, including the laundry flying.    But let's blame players quietly taking a knee during a non-playing moment of the broadcast for the drop in ratings.

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I think the decrease is definitely from oversaturation. Football on 3-4 nights (end of the season) is ridiculous to watch and  exhausting the players. Football is a brutal game and takes a toll on the players bodies and brain. Plus, I am less inclined to watch a crappy Thursday or Sunday nights matchup if I've watched a few games in the week already. 

The fact that 55% of those polled think that one of the reasons is because of the protest is ridiculous. All ratings have been down the past season or two, even the NBA and MLB (except for the WS). Leave the protesters alone.

Edited by twoods
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At least us ladies can stare at Mariota which makes the ugly football and uniforms not so ugly. Are they going to do away with these uniforms next year? Is Nike even selling a single ugly ass uniform?

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I liked the commentators discussing the name of the colors of the uniforms.  The Titans are wearing Columbia blue (which I actually like... It has a nice pop to it).  And Jax is wearing honey mustard yellow.  Hmmm.  all I can say is that the first thing I thought about was baby poop when I saw those unis.  

I meant to ask a while back whats the deal with the colorblind folks.  I thought the complaint last year was that some of the games featured uniforms that couldn't be deciphered (which to me meant that one of the teams has to wear white as a contrast).  But a couple of times so far both teams have worn colored unis.  Can someone familiar with this issue explain this.

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Color blind is not not just not seeing gray for color.   It's distinguishing between the colors seen by the same cones and rods of the eye.   Red/Green is really hard.   So they have to be careful to not choose colors that cannot be distinguished by those who can't see the differences in those colors.

But damn, can someone design a non ugly ass color?   Those grey poupon unis are hideous.

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1 hour ago, twoods said:

At least us ladies can stare at Mariota which makes the ugly football and uniforms not so ugly. Are they going to do away with these uniforms next year? Is Nike even selling a single ugly ass uniform?

Apparently taste is dead...Jonathan Kraft said a few weeks ago that the Pats were blowing through the color rush uniforms way faster than they had anticipated. Granted the Pats' were much better than some of these day-glo abominations, but really, who buys those instead of a normal jersey????

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I agree that the Pats are decent, but stay away from day glow and vomit colors. The Jags have decent colors- why couldn't they have had a nice teal color instead of mustard? We could design better uniforms than that.

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The biggest flaw I saw in the Pats Color Rush unis was that the white stripe on the pants was too wide. Narrow that down and they would have been fine. The Jaguars, OTOH, should have gone all out and added the actual jaguar spots to the mustard.

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Gah, we finally get an intriguing match up on Sunday night with Eagles-Cowboys.   It's up against game 5 of the World Series.   The NFL game should actually be good considering how the teams are playing (probably better than expected).   But everyone will see if the Indians will take the 4th game and end the Series.

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I'll watch the football game tonight if I can guarantee a Cowboys loss.  Otherwise it's WS all the way.

I find it interesting that the NFL is desperate to grow the game in London, and the League apparently has some influence with the networks if the stories about NBC and Mike Tirico are true, but they don't try to get FOX to make this game America's Game of the Week and they don't send the A broadcast team to England.

Which is also partially the schedulers fault because Saints/Seahawks is more interesting than Washington/Bengals. Even if it's been a pretty entertaining game so far.

Also, it seems like Kenny and his partner have said the word "Redskins" about 9,467 times so far today and I blame Dan Snyder for making me notice.

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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

I find it interesting that the NFL is desperate to grow the game in London, and the League apparently has some influence with the networks if the stories about NBC and Mike Tirico are true, but they don't try to get FOX to make this game America's Game of the Week and they don't send the A broadcast team to England.

Which is also partially the schedulers fault because Saints/Seahawks is more interesting than Washington/Bengals. Even if it's been a pretty entertaining game so far.

I remember Fox sending Troy Aikman and his partner to do the London game (I think it was 2 years ago), because they were wearing Remembrance Day Poppies. Joe Buck wasn't there (yay) because it during the World Series.

To be fair to the schedule makers, it comes out in April and Washington and Cincinnati both were division winners last season. And the game has been pretty close so far.

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I'm actually glad the Giants are off today because I would have hated to have the game switch at 1 p.m., which was basically when OT started, because of league rules.  I mean, I don't really have exuberant feelings about either of these teams, but this has been a fun game and I would have been so irritated to have put in three and a half hours of time with no resolution. 

I assume the rest of the country is watching their regional games now?

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3 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I'm actually glad the Giants are off today because I would have hated to have the game switch at 1 p.m., which was basically when OT started, because of league rules.  I mean, I don't really have exuberant feelings about either of these teams, but this has been a fun game and I would have been so irritated to have put in three and a half hours of time with no resolution. 

I assume the rest of the country is watching their regional games now?

This is our regional game, so we're still with it.  I was just thinking it would be another tie, but now... 

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