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I can't imagine an NFL team doing that.

Not in a million years. NFL teams only hire men of the utmost character and moral standards. They'd never turn a blind eye to a problem child in the hopes that his talent would negate any off the field nonsense.

On a non-snarky note, I think it all boils down to a crappy team betting on the wrong horse. Some guys excel in the league, others crash and burn. Manziel is quickly proving to be the latter.

Edited by BitterApple
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This article was written before he was drafted and before he met the girlfriend.   His own dad was tiptoeing around his anger to avoid violent outbursts.   Sorry it was obvious that Manziel had an anger management problem but everyone wrote it off as a kid under too much pressure, instead of seeing it for what it was.   When Manziel doesn't get his way, can't control things, he gets violent.   Football player, cop, car assembly line worker it's the same thing -- abuser.  Until he gets his life under control and works on his own issues, nothing is going to change.   He's going to wind up like Ryan Leaf (who at least was not an abuser) or Lawrence Phillips.

Yes, I have read these things before but I think they don't mean that is necessarily a raging abusive, homicidal, suicidal person.


Just because he has struggled with his anger doesn't mean he's guilty of all of the stuff that Colleen says he is guilty of. These situations with Colleen is the first time in his life that he's ever been accused of being abusive, homicidal and suicidal. 


Here's an interesting point about his dad. Around the time that Johnny was being searched for by the Fort Police Department, they called his dad and asked about Johnny's well-being. His father stated that Johnny was fine and not to call him again unless there was a warrant for Johnny's arrest. If Dad was concerned about Johnny being suicidal at that time, he should have been more cooperative with the police or offered more insight into Johnny, but he didn't. 


That phone call was how they determined that Johnny was okay. It wasn't until later in on after the details came out regarding the incident that Johnny's father wanted to get Johnny committed, and thought he was suicidal. That makes me wonder if the dad too, like many other people is just believing Colleen's account 100%, and trying to rush to action based off it. WHEN exactly did he determine that Johnny might be suicidal? It didn't seem to be the night that the cops called him asking about Johnny's well-being/whereabouts. WHY is he convinced that Johnny is suicidal? Did Johnny act strange around him after the incident, or is he just rolling with Colleen what claims?


Someone close to Johnny yesterday said that Johnny is concerned about all the stories about him and that he's "okay". This appears to be the second time that Johnny is indicating that he isn't suicidal. I have my doubts about him being suicidal and I hope I am never proven wrong about that. If Colleen is at least lying about him being suicidal, then that is a problem.


I think that the Dallas PD will investigate this situation again and hopefully they will examine everything that they can to determine what cause of action should be taken. If this is taken to court, I believe that they will look over everything with a fine toothed comb and hopefully the right outcome (whatever that is ) will happen.


At least I believe they won't just make decisions based of 100% of what someone is saying, without really examining/investigating things. That is a dangerous approach to handling situations, especially when people's livelihoods are on the line here. I'm glad that the court system doesn't seek to automatically condemn people the way that the court of public opinion does.

Edited by lam48
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You are stuck on the words "homicidal" and "suicidal" like they only mean one thing.   As stated, if he has threatened others or himself, he would qualify for those terms.  


Read the book Football Pros and Cons to find out how many times police just fail to file a report on violence by athletes.   This is just the first time we heard about him abusing women.   Who knows how many times it happened before that it wasn't reported.   Prior to that article he had thrown a temper tantrum at practice and wound up shoving a freshman out of the way - not as part of play.   That's assault by the legal definition.   SO yeah, he has assaulted people before and we've heard about it.  


As for his dad allegedly saying that only call again if he had a warrant, I doubt it.   His dad is saying he is very concerned that Manziel won't even reach his next birthday.   Guess which one I believe more?


The warning signs were there for Jonny.   Everyone chose to overlook them because they thought he would produce on the field.   

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Lots of players have warning signs.


Jameis Winston. Multiple encounters with law enforcement, including what I think was a very credible accusation of rape. Tyrann Matheiu, multiple drug test failures leading to his dismissal from LSU. Vontaze Burfict, anger management and drug use issues that caused him to go undrafted.


Are all of them destined to flame out because of off field issues like Manziel?


(Personally, I would have pegged Burfict to be far more likey to flame out than Manziel.)

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Burfict is going to get himself permanently suspended sometime soon. I think his particular flame-out is going to come ON the field, where he finally does something so egregious he can't skate by on people basically not looking anymore. He's f'ing nuts and out of control.

Edited by stealinghome
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On a lighter note, CBS is airing Super Bowl's Greatest Halftime Shows at 9 pm EST.


I bet it's all Left Shark and no Wardrobe Malfunction.

But Wardrobe Malfunction has got to be one of the most famous of shows. Or Infamous. But they could at least show a clip of Janet Jackson (fully clothed) and Justin Timberlake--it would be a nice wink-wink to the audience.

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When that actually happened, we were all milling about because it was half time. I think I was doing dishes, some people went out to smoke it, my gf was gearing up another batch of wings (and I mean, the chicken just melted in your mouth, literally falls off the bone). No one knew anything about it until like an hour after the game. 


I remember Prince, but I don't know when that was, and I couldn't name another half time show. Not even like, the year/the show. Just name one. I have no idea. 

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I had fallen asleep during halftime the year of the "wardrobe malfunction" and woke up (in a recliner, so staring at the TV) right as he exposed her breast.  So I'm in that semi-confused state where asleep transitions to awake, and wondering, "Wait, am I looking at a nipple right now?"  I was at my parents' house, but they were both out of the room, so I had no one to ask.  So I wasn't entirely sure what had happened until I heard about it after the game.


I remember Prince, but I don't know when that was, and I couldn't name another half time show. Not even like, the year/the show. Just name one. I have no idea.


I usually skip the national anthem (I saw Whitney Houston's performance, thankfully, and will probably watch Lady Gaga as I think she has a great voice, too) and the halftime performances are just background noise as I'm milling around.  I remember when the performers were college marching bands, and being kind of "what are they doing at a football game?" about it when New Kids on the Block performed.  I could never have imagined what was to come.  I remember U2, Michael Jackson, Madonna, a Motown gathering, the Rolling Stones, and Springsteen, but just to say I remember they have done halftime shows; I don't specifically remember anything about the shows.  Oh, and Beyoncé.

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I watched the beginning of the Super Bowl's best halftime shows.


I think they spent more time documenting the behind the scenes of last week's Super Bowl halftime than the Halftime itself.



Anyways, this year, much of the game will be played in sunlight. The halftime show will also happen before the sun goes down. (Game begins at 3:30, sun goes down around 5:35 pm.)

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Ugh, I'm getting all these stupid "suggested pages" in my Facebook feed offering healthy alternatives to traditional Super Bowl food. Seriously, who the eff wants to eat oven baked chicken wings and dairy-free nachos on Super Bowl Sunday? Bring on the cheese, sour cream and deep fried grease. We only live once.

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I watched the whole Super Bowl's Best Halftimes show and was bit disappointed that they spent so much time on behind the scenes and the producers talking heads, instead of just showing the damn shows.  I thought they spent too much time on Katy Perry and Beyonce.  I did enjoy seeing the Prince show that I never saw, and seeing Bruno Mars again.  


I remember watching Nipplegate as it happened, and I remember thinking "Did I see what I think I just saw?  Nah."  And then, by golly, turns out I did.  I remember not liking Justin Timberlake for a long time afterwards because I thought he could have supported Janet more but instead left her twisting in the wind.  


I actually like Coldplay's music but I think they're too mellow for the SB, so it's a good idea to have someone else on stage to pump things up.  I'm just sorry it's Beyonce.  Again.  At least Bruno Mars will be there.

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who the eff wants to eat oven baked chicken wings


Ooh, I do.  I love chicken wings just about any way, but one of my favorites - and what we're having this year - happens to be baked rather than fried.  (It's not a health choice; they're dipped in butter and then coated in a mixture of parmesan cheese, herbs, and spices.)

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I actually like Coldplay's music but I think they're too mellow for the SB, so it's a good idea to have someone else on stage to pump things up.  I'm just sorry it's Beyonce.  Again.  At least Bruno Mars will be there.


No worries with the Halftime show, and I personally don't blame them for getting Beyonce (and Bruno) to "help" Coldplay. Must be an unwritten rule to have Katy be there for two consecutive years.  At the end of the day, I probably won't remember the show

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Super Bowl Trivia with Scott Hansen:   Cam Newton is trying to become just the 3rd player in Super Bowl history to win both a Heisman and a Super Bowl.   Who were the other 2?   


We now have the answers we were kicking around earlier:   Jim Plunkett and Roger Staubach (god that man was just too perfect wasn't he?  No wonder Tom Landry loved him).

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I'm getting ready to watch the NFL Honors, mostly to see if Eli is going to win the Walter Payton award, but I'm also interested in all of the other awards that are presumably going to be given out like the MVP's and whatnot.

So why is my phone blowing up with notifications from ESPN and NFL Mobile giving the names of the award winners already? How stupid. I do so loathe applies, even for something like this.

They are supposed to reveal the HOF inductees during the show too, but I already saw Twitter updates from Jim Irsay, Terrell Owens and the NFL giving some of those away.

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Read the book Football Pros and Cons to find out how many times police just fail to file a report on violence by athletes.   This is just the first time we heard about him abusing women.   Who knows how many times it happened before that it wasn't reported.   Prior to that article he had thrown a temper tantrum at practice and wound up shoving a freshman out of the way - not as part of play.   That's assault by the legal definition.   SO yeah, he has assaulted people before and we've heard about it.  


As for his dad allegedly saying that only call again if he had a warrant, I doubt it.   His dad is saying he is very concerned that Manziel won't even reach his next birthday.   Guess which one I believe more?


The warning signs were there for Jonny.   Everyone chose to overlook them because they thought he would produce on the field.   

His dad said both things, unless the police was lying. The Fort Worth PD Called Johnny's father that night and he said that Johnny was fine and not to call him again unless they had a warrant for his arrest. It was in one of the police reports. That was how much he was "concerned" about Johnny's well being that night.


As far as Johnny shoving someone as a freshmen,  that could have been a bad sign of things to come or maybe it was just a moment of anger. If that is to be counted against him as an act of assault, then have at least half the league should have incidents of assault held against them. Many people issues or not have shoved teammates (before, during, after, in locker rooms) and it wasn't part of any sort of play in a game.


Okay. I'm going to follow everyone's else's lead and talk about Superbowl stuff/happier football related things now.  I am looking forward to tomorrow's Superbowl and I really hope Carolina wins. It would be a nice Swan song for Peyton, but I like Cam better and the Panthers better, lol.



Ugh, I'm getting all these stupid "suggested pages" in my Facebook feed offering healthy alternatives to traditional Super Bowl food. Seriously, who the eff wants to eat oven baked chicken wings and dairy-free nachos on Super Bowl Sunday? Bring on the cheese, sour cream and deep fried grease. We only live once.


I like to eat healthy in general, but it is the Superbowl, and ain't nothing with some hearty grub on a day like tomorrow. I'm making quesadillas, frying them on the stovetop with some oil and little bit of butter. Deep fried chicken wings sounds great as well. :)

Edited by lam48
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Super Bowl Trivia with Scott Hansen:   Cam Newton is trying to become just the 3rd player in Super Bowl history to win both a Heisman and a Super Bowl.   Who were the other 2?   


We now have the answers we were kicking around earlier:   Jim Plunkett and Roger Staubach (god that man was just too perfect wasn't he?  No wonder Tom Landry loved him).


Charles Woodson also won a Heisman and a Super Bowl.

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Congrats to Cam Newton and Ron Rivera for winning the MVP and Coach of the year awards. I am very happy for them, (especially Cam). I am proud of Cam and what he has accomplished this year. :) I hope that Carolina wins tomorrow and that he also gets Superbowl MVP. I want him to win it all.

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Congrats to all the winners for sure and the Hall of Fame inductees.

Speaking of, while they were announcing the HoFers this year Marvin Harrison was noticably absent. Decided to check twitter/google, figured he was sick or had some kind of emergency, because otherwise what on earth would keep you from being honored as a HoFer. Come to find out the dude is suspected (if only unofficially) in a murder from few years ago? Umm what? I had no idea about this. And he's supposedly pissed its taken so long for him to get into the HoF so he's boycotting?

Edited by FuriousStyles
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I figured when Marv wasn't there he was in jail already, I didn't know about the boycott. Maybe he should take a note from Terrell Owens and be gracious in defeat.

I laughed when Cam's family accepted one of his awards and his dad said "last time I spoke on Cam's behalf it didn't go so well so I'll be brief". And I see where Cam gets his good looks from.

Eric Berry too, if that fellow he was sitting next to is his dad, which I am assuming he is because the camera panned to him when Eric thanked his dad for shaving his head in solidarity. Lot of good looking people in that room last night.

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Congrats to all the winners for sure and the Hall of Fame inductees.

Speaking of, while they were announcing the HoFers this year Marvin Harrison was noticably absent. Decided to check twitter/google, figured he was sick or had some kind of emergency, because otherwise what on earth would keep you from being honored as a HoFer. Come to find out the dude is suspected (if only unofficially) in a murder from few years ago? Umm what? I had no idea about this. And he's supposedly pissed its taken so long for him to get into the HoF so he's boycotting?

I don't remember all the specifics but I believe it was a gun that MH owned that was involved in a murder.  The investigation concluded that he had no involvement but it did tarnish his reputation.  He wasn't at the ceremony last night because he thought it would be a waste of time.  He attended last year only to find out he didn't make it, so why bother this year?  He flew in overnight and will be at the introduction today during the SB.  You can bet his will be the shortest speech ever at the HoF induction.

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I remember watching Nipplegate as it happened, and I remember thinking "Did I see what I think I just saw?  Nah."  And then, by golly, turns out I did.  I remember not liking Justin Timberlake for a long time afterwards because I thought he could have supported Janet more but instead left her twisting in the wind.

I happened to be in the kitchen, getting food ready. And one of my guests yelled, "Is that a breast?"  (Uh, what else would it be? LOL) So even though I didn't see it live, I heard the reaction live. 



Congrats to all the winners for sure and the Hall of Fame inductees.

Yes, it was a good show. My son was disappointed that Josh Norman, the rookie cornerback for the Panthers, didn't win anything. I don't know him well enough to know if I should agree or not. 

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It's here!  It's here!  It's here!   The most wonderful day of the year.   Super Bowl Sunday.    Oh my.    



As for the HoF inductees, so glad that Tony Dungy and Eddie DeBartolo, Jr. made it.    Both so very deserving.   As for he who must not be named, we know induction weekend will be all about him, which will overshadow much more deserving candidates.   If it weren't for TD and ED making it, I would boycott the whole thing.

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Super Bowl Trivia with Scott Hansen:   Cam Newton is trying to become just the 3rd player in Super Bowl history to win both a Heisman and a Super Bowl.   Who were the other 2?   


We now have the answers we were kicking around earlier:   Jim Plunkett and Roger Staubach (god that man was just too perfect wasn't he?  No wonder Tom Landry loved him).


As well as Hank Hill. : )

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I laughed when Cam's family accepted one of his awards and his dad said "last time I spoke on Cam's behalf it didn't go so well so I'll be brief". And I see where Cam gets his good looks from.

Eric Berry too, if that fellow he was sitting next to is his dad, which I am assuming he is because the camera panned to him when Eric thanked his dad for shaving his head in solidarity. Lot of good looking people in that room last night.

When Eric first got up to get his award I thought that guy was like a family friend or something. But yes I think that was his dad and wow. He looks young.

I laughed at Cam's dad making that little joke and also when Aaron and Richard Rodgers went up to accept Play of the Year, when asked if he wanted to say anything Richard goes "nah, I'm the 'other' Rodgers on the team. I'll leave it all up to Aaron".

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I laughed at Cam's dad making that little joke and also when Aaron and Richard Rodgers went up to accept Play of the Year, when asked if he wanted to say anything Richard goes "nah, I'm the 'other' Rodgers on the team. I'll leave it all up to Aaron".


He should've said the "other Rodgers from Cal on the team." Anyways, Richard Rodgers' dad, Richard Sr., is an assitant coach for the Panthers. The senior Rodgers, who spoiled John Elway's chance to go to a bowl game in his senior season at Stanford by touchng the ball twice in the famous 1982 Cal-Stanford The Play, gets another chance today to help spoil Elway's day.

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I watched the NFL honors and kept getting spoiled all night by the winners via social media. I assumed that was Cam's dad that accepted the award but his little joke went completely over my head.

Brett Favre never used to bother me but lately in all his public appearances he comes off as a complete douche and I can't stand the guy.

Happy Super Bowl! Because our home team is playing I've gotten roped into attending a Super Bowl party with family. Usually I put the kids to bed early, make a ton of food and sit home in the peace and quiet and enjoy the game. About half the family attending doesn't care about football so I'm going to be upset if they run their mouth the whole time about nonsense. They know how seriously me and my brother in law take football so hopefully they won't be a nuisance.

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The way I see it, if there's 1 woman who decided to waste her time to write that bogus letter, there's 100 more who felt the same but just didnt write a letter. But I bet if Cam spent a day retweeting the racist comments he's gotten it would without a doubt put an end to this debate.

Looks like ESPN did it for him. Im watching NFL Countdown and they just showed a plethora of tweets from just the last couple of weeks. Some gems: "@panthers can't believe I have to watch that n****** cam newton in the superbowl";.... "just come out and tell cam newton stop acting like a n******";...."Cam Newton is a n***** he shouldnt be in the Superbowl he should be in prison";.... "Cam newton is a dabbing f***** n*****". Edited by FuriousStyles
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There is a racial component no doubt.   But a lot of those are moron hiding behind anonymity on twitter.   There's a convenient perjorative to use when referring to African-Americans.    Women are also routinely referred to as "c" words and "lesbians" on twitter when the writer disagrees with a position they have taken.   I am sure if someone did a run down of the Peyton Manning tweets the last 2 weeks there would be just as many vitriolic ones, just not using the N word.

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Guys, it is four hours until kick-off and I still have no idea who I'm rooting for.  I hate John Elway.  I'm an NFC fan.  I'd like Cam Newton to metaphorically shove the trophy up some racist asses.  I have some sort of affection for Peyton as Eli's brother and would kind of like him to go out on top, but I can't let go of the college battery he's never taken responsibility for (and which the media has consistently glossed over).  My "root for the underdog" inclination towards Denver is fading because reports out of Vegas have bets shifting from a good 85% on Carolina to a fairly even split.  So, the Panthers, right?  But I don't "know" them.  I think I've seen them play twice this year outside of the post-season.  I just can't get good and fired up about them with so little investment.  Makes sense, but why am I experiencing this tug for Denver?  I guess because they've been so roundly dismissed in the little bit of sports media I've ingested these past two weeks. 


Oh, well.  At least the Patriots aren't in it.  It has been a very difficult week emotionally, so maybe it's good to just sit back and watch a game without really caring who walks away the winner. 

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How do you only watch half the game somewhere? Won't you miss part of the game after you leave?

The goal is to leave at the start of the Halftime Show. I have no real interest in either Coldplay or Beyonce, so it's no biggie to miss them perform. We should make it home by the second half.

I feel kind of bad because while I like my in-laws well enough, they literally have the most uncomfortable furniture known to man and there's never enough seats for everybody. They also keep their house unbearably hot. Contrast that to my huge, plush sectional and central air, and yeah, I'm not too enthused.

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I've never been a super fan of the Panthers, but I generally root for them even though I shouldn't because the Giants have been subject to some awful beatdowns at Carolina's expense, but the teenage girl in me is strong and loves black panthers (a giant poster is still hanging on my bedroom wall at my parents).

However, I have adored Peyton since before Eli was drafted and since Peyton doesn't play for someone heinous like the Pats, Stillers, Chargers or *barf* Ravens, I'll be rooting hard for him to get that second ring.

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No, I don't think Manning gets as much. I think Cam gets a large majority of the haterade because he's black. 

Truth. But Manning is also a special case, he gets a pass on everything because he's the golden boy. Just look at how much the NFL itself is trying desperately to downplay/hide the HGH mini-scandal.


I'm rooting for the Panthers, because while I don't like Cam Newton per se, I respect him, and want him to win a ring so he can give the haters the finger. He takes a lot of unfair criticism (and ITA that most of it is because he's black), and I want the haters to have to shut up. Vindication for Cam all the way. Plus I do think Carolina was the best team in the NFL this year pretty much wire-to-wire, so deserve to win.

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