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S02.E12: Episode 12

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Tanner getting down on one knee to propose was painful to watch - how old is that guy? The way he struggled and then his awkward position while he was down there made me wonder if he has some kind of arthritic condition. I wasn't sure he was going to make it back up again, then when he grabbed on to Jade's hand and she helped pull him up I had to lol!

  • Love 10

I think Tenley absolutely used Idaho as an excuse. I never got the impression that she was really into Joshua. I've seen the way she was with Kiptyn on Bachelor Pad, and the way she was with Joshua was not remotely close. I think Joshua provided a much-needed ego boost after the difficult breakup from Kiptyn, but nothing more. And he got to spend time with a woman way out of his league, so they both got something out of it, hence no drama over their breakup.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 5
Tenley gave as an excuse that it would be a long distance relationship. What was she expecting? Someone from her hometown? It was just an excuse.


This was my thought as well. I guess if she lives in San Diego there is the possibility that she would fall for one of the LA-based famewhores and that would be easier than Idaho, but I agree with many that it was just an excuse to let him down gently. Poor Josh seemed so sweet but so simple... and that's the nicest way of putting it. In a way they might be a nice balance for each other, but I think Tenley needs somebody who will reciprocate a bit of that energy she's putting out.


Tanner and Jade... this just could not have seemed more producer-driven to me. Everyone loved the proposal at the end of last summer's BiP, so of course, let's do it again. When Jade first realized what was happening she did not seem...particularly overjoyed to me. More like WTF oh god I have to say yes this is on tv. I give them 50/50 odds on making it to the altar. Jade seems nice enough and she's very pretty, but her speech patterns drive me crazy. She pauses at odd times, draws every simple sentence out like she's trying to think of the right words only to come up with banal nothingness, and has a particularly noxious case of uptalk. 


Samantha and Nick...well, I'm just glad this show is over so I don't have to hear about how Samantha is the most gorgeous being ever. My eyeballs must me broken, because to me she looks like a straight up drag queen. Maybe there's a reason Nick keeps calling her the most beautiful...thing...he's ever seen... 


Cassandra is gorgeous and comes across as level-headed and mature, and I'd be curious to see if her and Justin go far as a couple. He seemed so much more animated and personable with her than anyone else and even started to seem attractive. They might just be a good match. 


The 'one month later' updates at the end were lacking. Witness protection program for Kirk? Really, show? Carly seemed to state quite the opposite, that she never wanted to see or speak to him again. Poking fun is ok but not when it doesn't even make sense and relies on lazy misogynistic tropes. And of course, Ashley S. is crazy. Even with her apparently genuine loopiness, she's still the voice of reason among these nutjobs. 

  • Love 5

The 'one month later' updates at the end were lacking. Witness protection program for Kirk? Really, show? Carly seemed to state quite the opposite, that she never wanted to see or speak to him again.


I think this is more about the reaction he's getting from "Bachelor Nation", the majority of which seems to love Carly and is outraged on her behalf.

  • Love 2

I saw part 2 of the finale before part 1, so imagine my surprise to see the two long-term potential couples at the end (Cassandra/Justin and Nick/Samantha) weren't even together the week before, and the smug destined-to-be-marrieds (Carly/Kirk and Tenley/Joshua) were kaput. I've since seen Part 1 today, and i'm STILL not understanding where these couples came from, but okay. (Shrug)

  • Love 1

Maybe it's because I'm a military wife but I don't see Idaho as hardship duty.  To me, if you're lucky enough to find a kind gentle man who cherishes you and makes your knees weak then you should rather be close to him than close to good shopping and restaurants.  Tenley may think that she's far too sophisticated to  'fit in' in Idaho  but she's probably not.

I agree with this 100% but I'm a country vs city girl so if the tables were turned I can see Joshua having a little adjusting to do in a big city. Then again he had talked about living in Hawaii for awhile so yeah as long as there's compromise and really wanting to be with someone anything's possible. Or to use the old cliche, "where there's a will there's a way."

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 2

Sigh. How did this show get so boring? First few episodes, I was ridiculously entertained. And then the Juelia plot went on and on, which got annoying and it became a snooze fest. The shows payoff is a big yawn. Who can take Chris seriously when he acts like the final rose is do or die!? Please, that is so stupid. For some reason, I'm not invested enough in Jade and Tanner to care that they got engaged. There was no build up of their relationship to relish in.

  • Love 6

The whole Samantha comment of how "Joe was just all drama and, it took me awhile, but Nick was my prince charming all along" with the forced smile made me cringe. I don't understand why she felt like she needed to stay until the end. It's not like there was any money incentive for her..... 


I do agree, though, that the finale was rather boring. I'm also pretty upset they never had the "you might be pregnant" thing this season that they said would happen. I wonder why they showed that then never aired it.... 

  • Love 4

Sigh. How did this show get so boring? First few episodes, I was ridiculously entertained. And then the Juelia plot went on and on, which got annoying and it became a snooze fest.

Yeah, by the point where Joe was a villain for not taking his permanent vows of fidelity towards Juelia, then Juelia was finally gone, then Juelia came back, then Mikey was back.... I just started asking myself when Nashville's new season was starting.

  • Love 3

Taking the BIP loop back to its point of origin, beyond the obvious scripted, suggested and heavily edited portions of the show we have 'the game' such as it is.


At the risk of repetition, The Bachelor/Bachelorette shows build and retain an audience because the eliminations are guaranteed to produce tension through suspense, disappointment, sadness, joy, etc.  (see also:  Miss America, American Idol, et al).  Bachelor In Paradise attempts to modify this and use it in a multiple-couples format but despite the rushed, obvious, desperate jockeying and you-use-me-I'll-use-you hookups there is no guarantee that the field will be narrowed in a way that corresponds to the planned schedule.  In fact, the near-constant unilateral decisions to leave by many of the Bippers in the later stages must have had the producers pulling their expensive hair transplants out.


Now...a show that can edit rodents and crustaceans into plausible human-animal conversations doesn't really blink when it comes to such disruptions - they simply attempt to portray the chaos as a cliffhanger with the usual mismatched reaction shots, overloud musical crescendos and Chris Harrison's 'Most Dramatic In History' shtick which has sunk below host/audience in-joke and is now squarely in the realm of self-parody whether he admits it or not.


And so, in a remarkably convenient outcome that remarkably and conveniently mimicked last year's finale, Tanner & Jade got engaged.  Oh, a few couples 'stayed together' at the end but they were clearly ambivalent and/or disingenuous about life beyond the lights and cameras.  Then and now, the question remains:  what if more than one couple were as strongly linked as Tanner & Jade?  Would we see multiple proposals and would Neil Lane be reconsidering his on-camera product placement due to the cost of the freebies?  Would said proposals become as boring as city buses passing by?


It can be fairly said that it isn't a competition per se (as Nick pointed out) but it can also be fairly said that the result was luck but more likely deus ex machina courtesy of the producers and scriptwriters.


Personal preferences aside, I'm still at a loss to understand logically why Bachelor Pad's format was jettisoned (ratings notwithstanding) considering it gave the producers everything they want or claim to want:  alumni from multiple seasons thus reinforcing the brand, drunken antics, Big Brother-style scheming, crying/fighting/arguing/apologizing, sex appeal (or sex full stop) and good old fashioned greed.  They could have shifted BP to Mexico for budgetary reasons but was BP really that expensive given that most of it took place at the mansion?


As for BIP, the formula still needs tweaked.  Date cards are fine - they bring out the usual excitement, disappointment, etc. but the producers should also be randomly assigning dates.  The results could be spectacular (a couple forms unexpectedly) or a train wreck but would rarely be boring even if the dates themselves were boring for the Bippers.  In addition, random or specifically chosen dates could induce jealousy, worry, anger, etc. in a heretofore stable couple. Limit late arrivals to one or two per sex and try to bring in a former romantic interest of one of the Bippers rather than someone on a Bipper's wish list.  Stir them up and you will stir audience interest.


A musical chairs-style competition and 'finding romance' (bleugh) are an effective pairing on TB.  'Finding romance', with at least half the field almost guaranteed to advance each week combined with....nothing much, really, on BIP leaves it looking like what it is i.e. a half-baked idea that still lacks structure.

Edited by Rainsong
  • Love 5

I liked Tenley and Joshua as a couple, and I believe Tenley was right to end it while on the show, BUT I agree that the distance was just an excuse. Tenley probably learned that Joshua lived in Idaho the day she met him and IMO shouldn't have let anything progress if that was such a dealbreaker for her. I don't think distance was the real reason, but it became a scapegoat because she didn't want to be with Joshua and wanted to let him go in the easiest possible way. There's no way Joshua could take offense if Tenley cited long distance as the reason for the breakup instead of something she doesn't like about him. My guess is that Tenley thought Joshua was a great guy, but she just didn't feel any chemistry. I think she would've found a way to make it happen otherwise.

It wasn't really long distance that was the issue, it was different lifestyles. She said that more than once. I think his location specifically -- a one-stoplight town in Idaho -- was symbolic of the huge chasm between the ways they want to live their lives. Just like many of us found it hard to believe that Chris Soules' bachelorettes would really want to move to itty-bitty Arlington, Iowa. 

  • Love 5

Best of luck to Tanner and Jade! Tanner is wise enough to realize he's not gonna do better than a woman who did videos for Playboy.

Because you can't choose a finer mother for your children than a woman who's nude photos are all over the internet? Maybe I'm thinking too far ahead but I always feel for these kids; that day in seventh grade when mom's picture gets passed around the back of the snickering class. The guys on Paradise Island all seemed to think those videos proved Jade was the hottest of all the women there, but they only really proved she was the one willing to do that. Jade also had the same personality I've noticed in most stripper/porn models -- mealy mouthed and timid in a "do with me what you will," sort of way. I don't see these women as wild mustangs at all, but passive man pleasers.

I was a big Tanner fan during Kaitlyn's season but now I don't think he's much deeper than Nick. I think they both have the same list of ideal qualities in for a woman; nice legs, tiny waist, big boobs, and a face.

  • Love 13

After the gasp! horrors! fainting spell about Jade's online photos and videos on Chris's season which of course immediately precluded her from Chris's favorite list (I am pretty sure I read she was his favorite until the shocking reveal), I was glad she was on BIP and that the guys seem to really like her and Tanner seems to be proud of her and crazy about her. Happy to see she seems to have found true love and that the nude stuff is no big deal. Because who cares. And in the handful of episodes I saw, that bod was not being exploited by Show--others seem to have been in more revealing attire than she was. And I thought it was great that the issue was already out there--anyone who didn't want his future kids to have a mom who posed nekkid didn't need to pursue her.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
  • Love 8

I liked Tenley and Joshua as a couple, and I believe Tenley was right to end it while on the show, BUT I agree that the distance was just an excuse. Tenley probably learned that Joshua lived in Idaho the day she met him and IMO shouldn't have let anything progress if that was such a dealbreaker for her. I don't think distance was the real reason, but it became a scapegoat because she didn't want to be with Joshua and wanted to let him go in the easiest possible way. There's no way Joshua could take offense if Tenley cited long distance as the reason for the breakup instead of something she doesn't like about him. My guess is that Tenley thought Joshua was a great guy, but she just didn't feel any chemistry. I think she would've found a way to make it happen otherwise.



The problem I have with this reasoning is that when Tenley had the choice at one time between the lawyer guy Michael, JJ or Joshua she picked Joshua because she said he gave her, "butterflies." To me that's a sign of chemistry. Maybe not a deep chemistry but chemistry nonetheless. I think when these people first get together they are not really thinking long term,(exceptions are of course Juelia, Carly and Ashley I) they are just enjoying their summer beach vacations. I think she came to really like and care for Joshua and if she thought of the distance it was something to put off for later and just see how things progressed. In the end although she cared for him it just wasn't enough. I don't agree with some who think she used him to make her feel better about herself. I'm sure he enjoyed his time with her also. One poster even said he didn't seem to take it hard. I disagree. In the limo as he was leaving his eyes were very red and you could tell he was holding back tears but he had nothing but good to say about her and didn't act like he was unfairly wronged in any way as some of the others did. It seemed to me like a case of two adults who had a nice time together, who liked and respected each other but in the end it just wasn't enough. Happens every day.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 2

Who doesn't have nude photographs on the internet? Playboy is generally looked upon as an accomplishment. It's not Hustler.

I don't think you've met every adult worker Judy. That's a tired stereotype.

Uh, millions and millions of women don't have nude photos on the Internet.  


And it was an amateur Playboy video shoot, not a traditional pictorial they hired Jade for and paid her lots of money for.  She submitted her photos and video to THEM, and they threw them online.  They did not go after her.  And she was never a part of the iconic print magazine that most people associate with the Playboy name.   And I guarantee she's never met Hugh Hefner. 


And I agree with Judy that the explicit close-ups of mom's shaved genitalia, available for anybody to view with a quick Google search, might be a tad disturbing for a middle school kid down the road.   But hey, maybe some women don't want to just limit those views to their Gynecologist. 


That said, she seems like a perfectly nice person, I totally support her decision to do what she wants and it's all between her & Tanner.  But nice people also have to live with the consequences of their actions. 

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 17

Uh, millions and millions of women don't have nude photos on the Internet.  


And it was an amateur Playboy video shoot, not a traditional pictorial they hired Jade for and paid her lots of money for.  She submitted her photos and video to THEM, and they threw them online.  They did not go after her.  And she was never a part of the iconic print magazine that most people associate with the Playboy name.   And I guarantee she's never met Hugh Hefner. 


And I agree with Judy that the explicit close-ups of mom's shaved genitalia, available for anybody to view with a quick Google search, might be a tad disturbing for a middle school kid down the road.   But hey, maybe some women don't want to just limit those views to their Gynecologist. 


That said, she seems like a perfectly nice person, I totally support her decision to do what she wants and it's all between her & Tanner.  But nice people also have to live with the consequences of their actions. 

Well said.

  • Love 5

I think Tenley absolutely used Idaho as an excuse.



Because there are no TMZ paps in Idaho, no Bachelor Family to hang out with or reality shows happening there. The story would be different, I am positive, if Joshua lived in Bev Hills. Even Compton! Gotta keep the famewhore flame burning while it's hot.

Who doesn't have nude photographs on the internet?



Mu Shu, you must give us the link to yours.

Bachelor Pad was approximately $250,000.00 more expensive than Bachelor in Paradise.



As Nick can attest to! Which brings me to this:

The whole Samantha comment of how "Joe was just all drama and, it took me awhile, but Nick was my prince charming all along" with the forced smile made me cringe. I don't understand why she felt like she needed to stay until the end. It's not like there was any money incentive for her.....



A quick comparison of bank accounts might indicate why Nick all of a sudden became prince-like and worth staying to the end for.

Really - Jade is moving to Kansas? Is that where the wild mustangs roam free these days?!



It's just one hop to the west from where she was roaming free growing up all mustang-like.

Sigh. How did this show get so boring? First few episodes, I was ridiculously entertained. And then the Juelia plot went on and on, which got annoying and it became a snooze fest. The shows payoff is a big yawn. 



You have read my mind.

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 5

Yorklee2 I am totally on board with your reasoning. Tenley did not need Joshua to extend her time in Paradise. She had JJ and Michael. She could have also gone on the date with Chris Bukowski and gotten prime camera time, but she told him she has romantic feelings for Joshua and he should ask someone else. I also saw chemistry between her and Joshua. I think physical attraction was probably all that was there for Tenley, which wasn't enough to get her to move to a one-stoplight town. I also don't think it is fair to compare the way she is around Joshua with how she was around Kiptyn. She is older and more cautious now. Getting dumped will do that to you. I liked the little moments when she gives into her feelings and acts a little giddy around Joshua like spontaneously kissing him, hugging him, slapping his butt, or telling him she loves being in his arms. I also liked that after JJ kissed her and bragged about his expertise with women, Tenley went back in the night to be with Joshua. Maybe these were all faked moments, but I liked them.


The problem I have with this reasoning is that when Tenley had the choice at one time between the lawyer guy Michael, JJ or Joshua she picked Joshua because she said he gave her, "butterflies." To me that's a sign of chemistry. Maybe not a deep chemistry but chemistry nonetheless. I think when these people first get together they are not really thinking long term,(exceptions are of course Juelia, Carly and Ashley I) they are just enjoying their summer beach vacations. I think she came to really like and care for Joshua and if she thought of the distance it was something to put off for later and just see how things progressed. In the end although she cared for him it just wasn't enough. I don't agree with some who think she used him to make her feel better about herself. I'm sure he enjoyed his time with her also. One poster even said he didn't seem to take it hard. I disagree. In the limo as he was leaving his eyes were very red and you could tell he was holding back tears but he had nothing but good to say about her and didn't act like he was unfairly wronged in any way as some of the others did. It seemed to me like a case of two adults who had a nice time together, who liked and respected each other but in the end it just wasn't enough. Happens every day.


  • Love 6


It wasn't really long distance that was the issue, it was different lifestyles.

This is what I'm thinking as well.  I think if she lived in San Diego and he lived in Chicago maybe things would be different.  But they had two entirely different ways of life.  Neither is better than the other, but I can see how that would be a very difficult hurdle to overcome.  It's not just a little different, a one stoplight town is a huge adjustment.  And again I have to say it's not like Josh was jumping at the chance to move to Cali.  I'm sure there are things in need of welding there too.


Oh let me clutch my pearls at Jade being in Playboy videos!  Maybe it's just me but I don't think this is a big deal.  Yep, she has boobs and people have seen them.  Why do boobs freak people out?  I thought Jade was actually the most natural woman there, she barely wore any makeup and didn't really wear anything trampy, despite - GASP - having been in PLAYBOY!  If the worst thing her future children ever see is their mom in her bday suit then I think they will really be ok.

Edited by mostlylurking
  • Love 3

Oh let me clutch my pearls at Jade being in Playboy videos!  Maybe it's just me but I don't think this is a big deal.  Yep, she has boobs and people have seen them.  Why do boobs freak people out?  I thought Jade was actually the most natural woman there, she barely wore any makeup and didn't really wear anything trampy, despite - GASP - having been in PLAYBOY!  If the worst thing her future children ever see is their mom in her bday suit then I think they will really be ok.


I don't see what the big deal is either.  And who knows, in 15 years when these possible kids of Jade/Tanner are in middle school, the internet as we know it might be totally different and the vids will be long gone.   I think the moment Tanner told Jade on that first date that he was ok with them, then it was a non issue for them as a couple.  The bigger problem I see is her willingness to give up LA for Kansas City as those are two distinct worlds but being a big fish in a little pond might work out for them as I can see them becoming part of the social scene in KC.

  • Love 3

I always chuckle when I see Jade referred to as "natural" since it's so obvious that she's had a boob job. I guess she's "natural" in comparison to most of the other women on the Bachelor franchise shows, who in addition to boob jobs have had nose jobs, botox, lip fillers, hair and eyelash extensions, and are wearing five pounds of makeup, skimpy clothes, and high heels at all times.

  • Love 9

Playboy is generally looked upon as an accomplishment. It's not Hustler.

I don't think you've met every adult worker Judy. That's a tired stereotype.

I know Playboy is generally considered an accomplishment, that's why I quoted the line someone posted about how Tanner could look no higher. That's the part I disagree with.

It's not that I'm clutching my pearls in shock (talk about over-worked stereotypes) it's that I'm a feminist who thinks an accomplished woman is one who has achieved something with her brain. For too long we've been valued for our bodies alone and to me, being overly impressed with someone for the difficult achievement of taking her clothes off seems like pandering to old fashioned male ideas of "the one thing women are good for."

I agree that Jade was trying hard in Paradise to change her image, almost laughably hard with her hair in a schoolmarm bun and dresses to the floor. I'm just wondering why she's trying so hard to come off as demure and modest if the Playboy thing was such a claim to greatness? The fact is, she allowed herself to be used by an an exploitive business, run by a man who has made a fortune off naïve 18 year-old women. That's not a crime, but I would hardly call it an accomplishment to be proud of.

I'm not down on Jade in particular, she may be a very nice person, it's the, "Wow! Playboy! Tanner is so lucky!" that I disagree with. What has Jade done that Tenley, Samantha, Cassandra or almost any woman in the franchise couldn't have done, if they thought that was all they had to offer?

I'm not shocked by anything Jade has done. I'm just not impressed.

  • Love 20
Jade!  et. al.   Now hear this!  It is WARY and LEERY that mean caution or suspicion.   Weary means tired or worn down. which is what I get hearing people say weary when they mean Wary or Leery !!!   

Crazy, but it drives me nuts!!


Oh, that drives me nuts too! I see it constantly in writing as well. 



I don't understand Samantha and Nick at all.  When she kisses him, it looks like she's smelling a dumpster fire.  They have no visible chemistry whatsoever, and despite Nick's insistence that their 3 months of communication prior to the show assured them an easy transition into a face-to-face relationship, watching them try so pathetically to converse  didn't really back up those claims.  I guess he still has a lot of the money he won and she wants to get in on summa dat.  That's really the only guess I have left, because them being in love is not something I will ever believe.

She really does. Their kissing was very stilted with the single pecks and looked like it couldn't be over fast enough for her (to the point where he had to keep asking her for one more). And I don't think there was a single conversation that touched on anything except how hot he thinks she is. 



I'm not saying she didn't do the right thing by breaking up; I doubt she would feel comfortable in Idaho (I also doubt she would try to fit in) but her whole "I just needed to feel like a princess again and Josh did that and now that I feel special again it's time to break up with him" speech was crass. As was that rather nasty comment she made about Idahoans.

I don't think she handled the whole thing badly at all, but I laughed a little at her "you live in a one stoplight town and that's a big part of you, where I need a life with lots of friends around and things going on." I know she didn't intend it that way, but the basic gist of it was that Joshua is living a friendless boring existence.


It was making me cringe when Cassandra kept talking about how she didn't want to mess up things with Justin by not doing the overnight date. Um. If he dumps you because you wouldn't flagrantly bone down with him 24 hours after meeting him, then, you know, good riddance. What a mess.


 I was cringing at that too. Total throwback to the old "I might lose my boyfriend if I don't go all the way" trope from a bad after school special. 


I was happy to see SOMEONE being like "yeah, I basically just met this guy so...no thanks to the fantasy suite." I'm not exactly sure why she bothered to agonize over it, what exactly did she have to lose? The show was over, no one else was coming in, there was no chance of staying in paradise anyway. 


Tanner getting down on one knee to propose was painful to watch - how old is that guy? The way he struggled and then his awkward position while he was down there made me wonder if he has some kind of arthritic condition. I wasn't sure he was going to make it back up again, then when he grabbed on to Jade's hand and she helped pull him up I had to lol!


Seriously! That was the most awkward knee bend I've ever seen. They replayed the big moment later and it totally spoiled the visual to see him lurching awkwardly. 

Tenley did not need Joshua to extend her time in Paradise. She had JJ and Michael. She could have also gone on the date with Chris Bukowski and gotten prime camera time, but she told him she has romantic feelings for Joshua and he should ask someone else. I also saw chemistry between her and Joshua. I think physical attraction was probably all that was there for Tenley, which wasn't enough to get her to move to a one-stoplight town. I also don't think it is fair to compare the way she is around Joshua with how she was around Kiptyn. She is older and more cautious now. Getting dumped will do that to you.


Tenley is entirely too hung up on her own (not old at all) age. She seems desperate not to "waste any more time" on relationships that don't work out, but that will probably bite her in the butt down the road. Either she's going to let a really good guy go because the relationship isn't going fast enough or she's going to marry the first guy who asks and wind up divorced by 40.


Not to say that she was that into Josh, but her reluctance to even think about trying to date in the real world seemed influenced by her timetable fears. 

Yes, Nick must be on a steady bugs-only diet, because even by the final rose ceremony after they spent the night together she didn't look any more happy to kiss him.  If we hadn't already seen her graphic makeout sessions with Joe to compare it to, I would just think looking miserable was her kissing style, but I really think she was very into Joe on a physical level, and more into Nick on a ... monetary level?  Honestly, money is all I can think of when it comes to them.  I can't even say Nick "won" because he gave her the most compliments, because Joe did that plenty. 

  • Love 4

I wonder though, is Nick even still that "rich"? He won $250k three years ago; that's $160-170k after taxes, and if he's been living off of it and not working full-time, most of it is probably gone by now. It's certainly not the kind of money where he can take her on lavish trips or buy her expensive jewelry or anything like that.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 2

I really don't know, I just can't for the life of me come up with any other reason that explains them still being a couple.  It's not their deep, scintillating conversations, that's for sure. On the aftershow it was said that they have been on vacations together since Paradise.  Samantha seems to very much enjoy vacations - if she's not traveling for fun on TV then she's traveling for fun with people she met on TV.  I guess it's not a bad gig if you can get it, but I feel bad for whoever is with her.  You can only say, "OMG you have the best face/hair/eyes/body I've ever seen" so many times before it starts to get awkward. 

  • Love 4

If we hadn't already seen her graphic makeout sessions with Joe to compare it to, I would just think looking miserable was her kissing style, but I really think she was very into Joe on a physical level, and more into Nick on a ... monetary level? 

Right, she was all over Joe... yet looks like she's gonna barf when her "knight in shining armor" Nick's face comes at her. I still don't understand why she dumped Joe...I mean, of course Joe is a creep who would deserve to dumped by any normal woman. But Samantha's kind of a robot, who can't keep her hands off him, who loves drama despite all her protestations to the contrary, and shares a significant penchant for manipulation with him. So, um, what's the problem? ...It sure did make for some good television watching Joe get dumped at his own birthday party though, so I guess that's my answer!

  • Love 3


Right, she was all over Joe... yet looks like she's gonna barf when her "knight in shining armor" Nick's face comes at her. I still don't understand why she dumped Joe...I mean, of course Joe is a creep who would deserve to dumped by any normal woman. But Samantha's kind of a robot, who can't keep her hands off him, who loves drama despite all her protestations to the contrary, and shares a significant penchant for manipulation with him. So, um, what's the problem? ...It sure did make for some good television watching Joe get dumped at his own birthday party though, so I guess that's my answer!

I think Samantha regrets letting Joe go. I think she wants to be a "success story" on this show so she has to play along with Nick but secretly she is disgusted by him and can't stand him touching her. I don't  understand the appeal of Samantha. Most of these women are strikingly pretty- Ashley S and Ashley I both gorgeous, Cassandra is stunning. Even Mackenzie was cute. Jade is very pretty in a girl next door type way. Amber was beautiful, Chelsea was very cute. Samantha is very skinny and has beautiful eyes but that's about all I see. Half the time I look at her I think she's beautiful  and the other half I think she looks like she's 40 (that isn't normally a bad thing but it sure if you are actually in your 20's) or that she looks like a tranny (when she was sitting at the table with Nick)

  • Love 1

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