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S06.E09: Run Away

Tara Ariano
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I feel SO BAD for Vee (and Jo - but he at least got to 'enjoy' sex with Kail).  


I can totally see Javi, Jo, and Vee getting along great and keeping the kids together so they can grow up as a "family".  Sure, Lincoln and Vee's baby aren't blood related - but they DO have a sibling in common so they COULD grow up as "cousins".  Hell, I have cousins that are truly not related to me AT ALL (they are cousins of MY cousins but on their "other" side) and we call each other cousins and treat each other as such.  


I could totally see Jo & Vee inviting Lincoln with them when taking Issac & their daughter on a fun trip (like to an amusement park or the beach) the same way I could see Kail refusing to allow Isaac's sister to come to his birthday party. 


Jo & Vee's house is going to be a refuge - I can totally see it - and I can see Lincoln being jealous as he grows up that HE isn't able to leave Kail the way Isaac is to visit his dad.  Hell, I think Javi might start to resent Isaac for the same reason :) 

  • Love 11

I hope of all of that doesn't happen but I do see that if she doesn't change her behaviour it is leading to that. I do think that Kail really has that unsolved betrayel she feels of Jo. When she cheated with Jo on Jordan and really thought (or maybe even Jo really made her think that, guys can be huge assholes if they want sex) that they would get back together. That is the reason I feel she is acting a fool all the time when it comes to Jo and Vee. With Jo alone she is kind of fine but as soon as his life with Vee comes into play she becomes crazy Kail. And it isn't even because she feels Vee is prettier. I mean she is friends with very pretty girls (like gigi) and that was when Jo was still around so don't think that comes into play at all. I just feel that it is because it is Vee. The girl that Jo went back to and the girl that he left her for even though she threw away her relationship because of him.


She probably felt real good about it when Vee and Jo broke up a year or two ago. She really needs to deal with her feelings instead of ignoring them. You are not stronger and over it if you act like a bitch. You're just acting like a bitch. So for her kids sake, she should just deal with her feelings. I always feel like they can have it all. They are kind of the same group of people even. They would greatly benefit if everything went better.


Can't wait for this episode. Especially because I am curious what kind of crazy advice Dawn has to bring. I saw the preview and I feel she loves to stress Leah out. Like she scares her into going back in her corner just when Leah is trying to be more open.

Edited by TM2
  • Love 3

I feel SO BAD for Vee (and Jo - but he at least got to 'enjoy' sex with Kail).

I can totally see Javi, Jo, and Vee getting along great and keeping the kids together so they can grow up as a "family". Sure, Lincoln and Vee's baby aren't blood related - but they DO have a sibling in common so they COULD grow up as "cousins". Hell, I have cousins that are truly not related to me AT ALL (they are cousins of MY cousins but on their "other" side) and we call each other cousins and treat each other as such.

I could totally see Jo & Vee inviting Lincoln with them when taking Issac & their daughter on a fun trip (like to an amusement park or the beach) the same way I could see Kail refusing to allow Isaac's sister to come to his birthday party.

Jo & Vee's house is going to be a refuge - I can totally see it - and I can see Lincoln being jealous as he grows up that HE isn't able to leave Kail the way Isaac is to visit his dad. Hell, I think Javi might start to resent Isaac for the same reason :)

I think Lincoln will be ok, at least he has Javi. I do see the above situation with Leah's youngest. She really is SOL when her sisters head off to Corey and Miranda's while her Dad doesn't even work in the same state where she lives.

  • Love 3

I've done way too much thinking about the half sibling issue.  Corey and Miranda seem like decent people and I can see them including Addie in birthday parties and special outings.  They're going to have to tread softy there though.  Leah had lots of fertile years ahead of her and I can see the girlses having 10 more half siblings by 10 different baby daddies.

  • Love 7

I've done way too much thinking about the half sibling issue. Corey and Miranda seem like decent people and I can see them including Addie in birthday parties and special outings. They're going to have to tread softy there though. Leah had lots of fertile years ahead of her and I can see the girlses having 10 more half siblings by 10 different baby daddies.

It's scary to think about how young these girls are and the fact that they've still got 15+ reproductive years left. I can see Chelsea settling down with Cole, but these other girls will have four baby daddies under their belts by the time they're 30.

  • Love 9

Going simply by the sneak peek about Javi being insecure and controlling about Jo being around. I am one of those who will say that if one has insecurity and jealousy issues, they have no business being in a relationship or getting married. What I think makes things harder for Javi to feel secure is, how Kail says with such ease that she wants a divorce. She just throws that out there with no problem or care in the world. He has already said to her how he feels about her having fun with her friends but, with him? She is miserable.  How does she expect her husband to feel secure in his marriage, whether he is around or not, when she can't stand looking at him or spending time with him?

  • Love 8

Even though they do have a solid 10-15 years of babymaking before fertility drops, I don't really think that they'll just go on having babies every other year. I can see Kail having only one more, whether with Javi or someone else. I might be in the minority, but I think Jenelle might be done. She has voiced her concern that having 2 kids from 2 dads might scare off her next douche. If her kids aren't good wingmen, then I doubt there will be more. As for Leah...I could see 2 more, easily.

  • Love 5


She has voiced her concern that having 2 kids from 2 dads might scare off her next douche. If her kids aren't good wingmen, then I doubt there will be more.

Remember, this is Jenelle speaking. This is the girl who said she was going to have an abortion because it wasn't fair to Jace to bring another child into her life without acquiring custody of him first. Then, two hours after having her abortion, she is out boinking Nipples and telling everyone how happy she is to be pregnant. Jenelle's words mean nothing to me. 

  • Love 11

Sweet Jesus, Kail is crazy. "KICK THE BALLLLL!!!! ISAAC, RUUUUUNN!!!!" Um, chillax, bitch. He's five years old, and he just learned like 5 minutes ago that he was supposed to kick the ball towards the other team's goal. Jo and Vee were cute and funny. Javi seemed engaged and supportive, but also patient. It was only Karl being crazy, once again.

  • Love 16

Momma Dawn shut up. Omg. Medical issues. Wtf. These mfs need to get their stories straight. Corey has a right to know where his girls are going. For all he knows she was going to kidnap them. It is called being an adult, he needs to know where his five year old girls are. Omg she pisses me off. And the medical bullshit, give me a break and then to call your daughter who is stressed our to the max and you put that on her plate, just shut up.

  • Love 22

Momma Dawn shut up. Omg. Medical issues. Wtf. These mfs need to get their stories straight. Corey has a right to know where his girls are going. For all he knows she was going to kidnap them. It is called being an adult, he needs to know where his five year old girls are. Omg she pisses me off. And the medical bullshit, give me a break and then to call your daughter who is stressed our to the max and you put that on her plate, just shut up.

I'm curious if rehab (the one where she stayed the full stay) opened Leah's eyes that the most toxic part of her life is her Mom.

  • Love 8

"Leah, Cory ain't gonna give you dem babies back" Shut up, dumbass. I loved Cory standing up to her.

Fuck Mama Dawn. If there was ever a time when I doubted that she wants Leah to stay an addict, that's all over now. Corey obviously wasn't trying to take them away. He wants to know where in creation that slack jawed yokel was taking his daughters! Shit, I wouldn't trust her to push my grocery cart from the soda aisle to the chips aisle (even though I know she knows her way around both. Not fat shaming, just commenting on their love for cheeseballs and mountain dew), much less taking a pair of five year olds, (one with a disability and the other with obvious behavior problems) on a plane to who knows where.

What kind of lawyer tells their drug-addicted client to leave rehab RIGHT NOW to make sure the girlies aren't taken away?! Corey didn't want Jabba the Hut taking the twins to a rehab center, so that means he's taking them away forever? What the fuck, man. Corey must be laughing his ass off when watching this show.

One that went to a not well law school? And the bar they passed had a mechanical bull? I kid, I kid. Sorta. I love that he's not really bashing Leah. He pities her, but he obviously can't stand her dumb as soup mother. I don't blame him. Dawn has always treated Corey like shit, as if he wasn't worthy of the Princess of the Holler.

  • Love 22

The kind that receive their degree via FedEx?

To defend the lawyer, that was good advice based on what information she was given. According to Leah, she was out of state, for a doctors appointment, she voluntarily handed her kids over, and the Dad refused to give them back. Of course the lawyer is going to say then go back home and pick your kids up dumbass!

Nevermind the whole thing was bullshit fabricated by Dawn to create more drama.

Edited by TaxNerd
  • Love 12

I think hell must have frozen over because tonight's episode made me really dislike Chelsea and also made me side with Kail. I get that Cole is a nice guy but I think it's incredibly inappropriate for Aubree to be calling him Dad. Yes, Adam is a douche, but that's who Chelsea chose to procreate with. She's starting to act like Kail where she's trying to replace the less desirable father with her new man. I hope for Aubree's sake she and Cole get married otherwise it's going to be a huge disappointment and hurt for her if things don't work out.

As for Kail, Javi was acting like such a jealous bitch in the car. I don't see what the big deal was over Jo stopping by the house. It's not like he was there to have lunch and hang out, they discussed Isaac and he left. In a really bizarre, twisted way I like Jo and Kail together. They have a chemistry I don't see in their other relationships.

It's great to see that neither Jenelle nor Nathan wants Kaiser. He's just a big old burden they're trying to "pin" on each other. What a wonderful life for a child. *sigh*

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 17

Javi is insane. So sad. He is king of the house, HIS HOUSE, not their house apparently, and Kail is not permitted to speak to the father of her child without Javi there to chaperone. How pathetic. And embarrassing for Kail to have to tell Jo that she's not allowed to interact with him on her property without Javi there to monitor their conversation. Has he always demanded to be present at all of their interactions or just when it is happening across his property lines? Maybe next time Kail can stand on the lawn and Jo can stand at the curb so Javi won't get upset. Just get a divorce because you clearly don't belong together. Also Kail needs to simmer the fuck down on the sidelines. She's a terrible asshole.

LOL at Jenelle's list of cons for dating Nathan: "he's controlling, there's no trust, he's mean, he's verbally abusive, puts me down, says I'm trash." Later in the episode: "I only want to be with you!!" What a loser. Also what a great mom "MAYBE I'll pick up Kaiser". Nathan suggests he just get custody of Kaiser but I feel like he might have a hard time with that he can't miss the gym even one night. "IT'S MY GYM TIME!!!"

I said this last week after the sneak peeks were posted but Dawn is a absolute piece of shit to refuse to tell Corey where his children are going. Why does the "therapy in a facility or something like that I guess" have to be so top secret?? And why does Leah even need to see the girls like 3 days after she left? Can't she just go do her "therapy in a facility or something like that I guess" and then see them after? They really were gonna fly all "the kidses" out to the "therapy in a facility or something like that I guess"??

It's pretty crazy and dumb to have Audrey calling Cole dad after 10 months. Adam is a piece of shit of course but I'm sure he won't be thrilled about that and I don't really blame him.

  • Love 17


I don't see what the big deal was over Jo stopping by the house. It's not like he was there to have lunch and hang out, they discussed Isaac and he left.

I can see Javi being the type of guy who sniffs Kail's clothing, the bedding, the couch, anything and everything just to see if he can catch Kail cheating on him.


Javi, Javi, Javi. Please, rest assured. No other guy wants Kail. No guy in his right mind wants Kail.



Just like "Gary time".

  • Love 7



Javi is a little bitch. A insecure, whiny little bitch. Jo's son lives in "your" house. He has a reason to be there whether you are there or not. Also, Jo aint thinking about your wife man.


Kailyn, turn it down with that soccer mom stuff. He's five and just playing a game. Even if he was 13, it's not that serious.


Jennelle friend is straight over her bullshit. She's seemed depressed just visiting her and basically told her to grow the fuck up already. How long as hit been that she's shown any interest in Jace? None since her man kicked her to the curb. That ending was creepy too. You sure know how to pick him Jenelle.


Leah's mom needs to have several seats. The only thing Corey asked for was the location to make sure it's a safe place. If things weren't already sketchy, they clearly don't want Corey to know where it is so he wont know what the actual facility it is. He asked a sensible question. He's been a lot more calm about things lately than I would be.


Last week I was shitting on the  Chelsea/Pig buying thing. Really, I can't stand animals and I really can't understand the appeal of having a pig literally in your own. But, whatever. And, I mock these girls making loads of money for this crap but it's also whatever. I don't mind working hard for the money I get to screech by. I don't begrudge others for making money. It just sometimes you sit back and you think " People get paid six figures for this. To have a whole plotline where you are buying a pig and nothing else. On a show called Teen Mom? But, that was just me thinking out loud. Also, I find Chelsea's voice tiring.


But, I enjoyed her plotline just for Aubree. She's my favorite of the little ones. I was happy to see her enjoying herself but it makes me sad how aware she already is of how poor her daddy is. She deserves so much better. I also wish Chelsea would just save the Adam bashing sessions for a time when Aubree isn't around. Even though she's trying to hide the convo, it's just silly to try and do at that time. Just save it for later. There will be plenty of time to shit Adam. PLENTY! Also happy she found a nice guy. Overall, I agree with her decision making the most out of these loons. And that's saying a lot because her deciding to lay down with Adam even once is extremely questionable.

  • Love 8

You guys. I haven't been to the gym! My gym time is my gym time!

Jenelle and Nathan are disgusting. Kaiser is nothing but an inconvenience to them. "I had to keep Kaiser for a month!" He's your child, asshole! You keep him until he turns 18.

Chelsea, no honey. There is no "dad like Cole" because Cole is not a dad. Don't put that on him. He's your boyfriend of a few months. Just stop it. And stop talking to your dumb friends in front of Aubree as if she doesn't understand. She speaks English, fool.

Damn Leah looked ROUGH when she dropped the girlses off with Corey. She should've let the blonde twin do her hair and make up.

Man, Kail hates Vee. It's quite obvious.

  • Love 23

To defend the lawyer, that was good advice based on what information she was given. According to Leah, she was out of state, for a doctors appointment, she voluntarily handed her kids over, and the Dad refused to give them back. Of course the lawyer is going to say then go back home and pick your kids up dumbass!

Nevermind the whole thing was bullshit fabricated by Dawn to create more drama.

That's true, I didn't think of it like that. To be fair to the lawyer, it's probably next to impossible to deal with Leah on a good day. And she has to filter through Leah's lies and bullshit and baby head dye.

  • Love 5

Momma Dawn shut up. Omg. Medical issues. Wtf. These mfs need to get their stories straight. Corey has a right to know where his girls are going. For all he knows she was going to kidnap them. It is called being an adult, he needs to know where his five year old girls are. Omg she pisses me off. And the medical bullshit, give me a break and then to call your daughter who is stressed our to the max and you put that on her plate, just shut up.

I have a feeling she wouldn't say exactly where Leah was because then Cory would know its a drug rehab and not a "Therapy" center.  If she had to say it, then she would be admitting Leah was addicted to drugs.  She can't have that!  


Kail wants more child support because she can barely buy the things Isaac needs, or something to that effect.  What the F ever! The tattoos, new house, Mercedes, Vacations, remolding your rooms in your houses, tell me otherwise.   

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 9

I think hell must have frozen over because tonight's episode made me really dislike Chelsea and also made me side with Kail. I get that Cole is a nice guy but I think it's incredibly inappropriate for Aubree to be calling him Dad. Yes, Adam is a douche, but that's who Chelsea chose to procreate with. She's starting to act like Kail where she's trying to replace the less desirable father with her new man. I hope for Aubree's sake she and Cole get married otherwise it's going to be a huge disappointment and hurt for her if things don't work out.

I agree that it's not right for Aubree to be calling Cole her dad at this point. They've been together for less than a year (at that point), and haven't made any comments about getting married (which I think is a good thing!). But at the same time, if Aubree initiated it, it would be hard to tell her to stop. Telling her, "no, you can't call Cole dad" might hurt her relationship with him. If she calls him dad, it's because she feels comfortable, loved and safe with him. It's a tough situation, but I agree that it's way too soon. The real difference between Adam and Jo is that Kailyn wanted to replace Jo, a good father, with her new guy as opposed to Adam, who is a shitty father. I know a lot of people aren't crazy about Jo, but I don't think he's ever done something that made me doubt his parenting.

  • Love 8

You guys. I haven't been to the gym! My gym time is my gym time!

Jenelle and Nathan are disgusting. Kaiser is nothing but an inconvenience to them. "I had to keep Kaiser for a month!" He's your child, asshole! You keep him until he turns 18.


I mean, dude, this was the first time I met a girl from the gym! I was only looking for friendship!

Wow, how sad to hear then talking about "pinning" Kaiser onto each other. And "why don't you just give me custody, Jenelle?" More like, "why don't you give my mom custody, Jenelle?"

  • Love 7

So Javi, what are you going to do when Kail goes over to Jo's house when Vee isn't there?

Kail needs to wear her chastity belt and bring a chaperone, of course! But he probably doesn't have to worry about her there. Kail only gets frisky in nice, upper middle class homes. Jo's fixer upper starter home won't get her going.

Der Kaiser is screwed! His parents basically "watch" him.

Jenelle even said "watch" him. Only marginally better than how she babysits Jace.

  • Love 7

Of course Kail is that mom at sporting events.

Kail was a fucking psycho! I loved how Jo and Vee were able to see that Isaac didn't seem to love soccer, but admired him for who he was. My sister is a lot younger than me, and I've been to a lot of 5 year old rec games. There's always one kid that's too busy drawing pictures in the dirt, and it's nice to see their parents appreciate that kid for who they are rather than hear them screaming "RUUUUNNNN!!!!! CHASE THE BALLLLL!!!!! THE BALL IS THAT WAY!!!!!" Good God, Karl. It's like she resolved to be the world's greatest soccer mom, and this is what she thought that meant.

Somehow I doubt Kaiser has woken up to Jenelle and Nathan's smiling faces.

I'm sure he's woken up to "duuuuuude" or "my gym time is my gym time" or "leave me alone" a lot more than smiling faces.

  • Love 9

I think my brain shut off during every one of Jenelle's segments so I have no idea what happened there, but the gist I got was "Waaaaaaaaahhhh!"


Mama Dawn can go blow me. All Corey asked was where exactly was Leah's "treatment place" where she was planning to take the girls for Mother's Day, because he has a right as their father, in his current role as their primary custodian, to decide if he wants his very young daughters going someplace that's probably not appropriate for very young children to go to. I agree that Dawn's refusal to answer was one part just plain old stubbornness, not wanting to answer her daughter's ex-husband's "prying" questions on principle, but mostly because telling him would confirm his suspicions that Leah's in a drug rehab center. I guess I don't blame Leah's lawyer for encouraging her to go back home and get things settled - the story Dawn painted for Leah, which she then recounted to her lawyer, all but had Corey taking the girls and running off like a thief in the night.


Chelsea's story continues to be the most dull, which means she's the most normal person on the show, which is good. Aubree looked cute for her graduation. Adam's a dumbass, as per usual. I'm not particularly keen on Aubree's wish to call Cole "Dad" when he moves in. For one thing, he and Chelsea have been dating only a few months. That's too much weight to put on him and her both. And I hate to have to say it, but, well, Adam. Adam may be a piece of shit and an irresponsible fool, but he's still Aubree's father and as far as I can see he genuinely cares about her. Better or worse, he's "Dad." Aubree's just confused, I think. She's older now, and more aware, and she knows that her real dad isn't "there" like other kids' dads. She sees him here and there, and sometimes he doesn't show up for things, and he doesn't act responsibly like she knows dads are supposed to - going to jail and all. "Twice," she says emphatically. Eek. And in comes Cole, a strong male figure, and he can and should be that for her for as long as he and Chelsea are together, and she sees someone who seems more dad-like than her real dad. To her credit, Chelsea didn't seem like she was all for the idea of Aubree calling Cole "Dad." She looked like she felt awkward, and distressed and saddened that the Adam situation is so apparent now to Aubree that even she wants to dethrone him. I hope Chelsea gently encourages Aubree to just keep calling Cole by his name, partly, kinda sorta because she already has a dad to call "Dad," but more importantly because it's just way too soon to be looking at Cole that way and it's not appropriate.


It never occurred to me that Kailyn would be Crazy Soccer Mom lady, but there she is. Oh my God, calm down, woman. It's nice that Jo and Vee can be here for these things much more easily now, though I don't blame Vee for feeling a little awkward and not as enthusiastic as she would have been otherwise. She's still dealing with the upheaval of moving and leaving her life behind to follow Jo here. Before everything was "their" life; now it's her tagging along for his life, as they moved here specifically for his son. She'll acclimate soon enough - as long as she doesn't have to spend too much time with Kail. That would give anyone the heebie jeebies. I have to agree with those who've noticed that Kail and Jo seem to have a better rapport and feel comfortable with each other than any of their respective significant others. But I think it's just the familiarity of having known each other for so many years and having so much history; I don't think there's any real "spark" there anymore that could hint at the possibility of lingering feelings or anything. Spark or not, Javi clearly feels threatened by Jo and doesn't trust Kail for anything, judging by the way he very simply and yet emphatically forbade Jo from coming to their house when he's not there. Because that's normal. I love how Kail kept asking him to tell her why, exactly, he feels that's necessary - she must know it's a trust thing, but she wants him to come right out and say it and admit he's an insecure asshole, because he is - and he just insists it doesn't matter why, she just has to say okay. And then after she says okay to his rules about who can or cannot enter their - I'm sorry, his - house, she'll spit-shine his shoes and get her butt in the kitchen and fix him a sammich.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 13

I think possibly Javi feels he can't trust Kail to have Jo over when he's not there. She cheated with Jo while she was dating Jordan so maybe Javi doesn't want history to repeat itself. Not that it would necessarily, I think Jo has gotten older and wiser. But that could be why Javi was so adamant.

It's bad enough Corey has to put up with all of Leah's baloney, now he's got Mama Dawn's brand of crazy too.

Nobody wants the Roll. So sad. Doris will get him by default.

Calling Cole Dad right now is so wrong.

  • Love 9

Said it before, saying it again: Kail has such a hard-on for Jo!

She's so thirsty for Jo, it's a little sad. And I feel bad that Javi can totally tell, hence his little freak out. It's a tough position. I agree with Kail that there are times she needs to be around her son's father, and it's absurd that Javi says his stepson's father can't come in the house when he's not there. But it's hard to fault him for his jealousy when Kail is lusting over Jo. Edited by truelovekiss
  • Love 7

I would agree about Javi overreacting to Jo being in his house, if we hadn't seen that, that exact situation led to Jo and Kail hooking up a while back. I get that it was a long time ago, and I do think he was overreacting... But I can see where he was coming from, it just annoyed me that he wouldn't just come out and say it (even though that would have caused ww3.

  • Love 3

The whole conversation between Jenelle and Nipps was bat shit crazy. Poor Bagel, no one wants him. I don't watch my children, I raise them. It's ridiculous, Jenelle was literally trying to run away from her baby and Nipps didn't want the baby to get pinned on him because he needs to go to the fucking gym. Someone should tell Jenelle that desperation is a stinky cologne.

Anyway, Pete the pig playing piano was adorable. Chelsea needs to stop talking shit right in front of Aubree and she needs to cool it with the daddy talk. They haven't even been together a year and I think it's completely inappropriate for Aubree to call Cole dad so soon.

  • Love 8

Delta Dawn seriously needs to sit her arse down, lets flip the script who isn't to say that Delta The Enabler wasn't going to deliver the girlses to Leah so that she could do a runner , at the moment Leah's thought process is totally illogical, she was coming up for divorce no 2 and has stated repeatedly that she has no support. If I was Corey's lawyer I would have told him that the girlses should not be given to anybody until Leah was home and in a fit state to look after those girls.

  • Love 3

MTV has a deleted scene of Leah & Chastity going to where else but a nail salon to excuse her coming back




Can I just say STFU up Leah for saying telling the truth has bit you in the arse, when have you or your hillbilly family ever acknowledged the crap you pull. It is not Corey & Jeremy that can't be trusted.

  • Love 2

MTV has a deleted scene of Leah & Chastity going to where else but a nail salon to excuse her coming back




Can I just say STFU up Leah for saying telling the truth has bit you in the arse, when have you or your hillbilly family ever acknowledged the crap you pull. It is not Corey & Jeremy that can't be trusted.

So Leah comes back from reh...therapy to stop her girlses from being taken away, and the first thing she does is ditch them and head to the nail salon? Sounds about right.

  • Love 13

MTV has a deleted scene of Leah & Chastity going to where else but a nail salon to excuse her coming back




Can I just say STFU up Leah for saying telling the truth has bit you in the arse, when have you or your hillbilly family ever acknowledged the crap you pull. It is not Corey & Jeremy that can't be trusted.

Thank you for posting this scene.



Delta Dawn seriously needs to sit her arse down, lets flip the script who isn't to say that Delta The Enabler wasn't going to deliver the girlses to Leah so that she could do a runner , at the moment Leah's thought process is totally illogical, she was coming up for divorce no 2 and has stated repeatedly that she has no support.

Not to mention, Leah has implied suicide on camera. Who knows what she was telling people, including Jermy just to get him to take her back. If Jermy had any sense, he likely told Cory to be on the look out for the kids because Leah is making comments about hurting herself. If there is anything scarier than a person hinting that they will hurt themselves, it is a person who has custody of the kids while they have such thoughts. Cory can't be too careful. Although I don't think Leah would hurt herself since I think it is a ploy for sympathy, Cory would be crazy to not be concerned.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5

Call me an old fuddy duddy but I think the appropriate time for Aubree to begin referring to Cole as Dad, would be after his marriage to Chelsea, which would also be the appropriate time to move in together. I'm not such a stickler for convention before you have a child but once you have one and your relationship with their bio-dad ends, you have an obligation to look out for their emotional well-being when it comes to your future romances. If Chelsea was single and wanted to role the dice on moving in with her boyfriend go for it. But as a mom, she shouldn't be writing checks she can't cash. When it's by no means certain you'll even marry this guy, let alone that that marriage will last through your daughter's childhood ya don't have someone move in and let your girl start calling him daddy. Too cruel and a mistake most of these girls seem way to quick to make.  

Edited by dabronx
  • Love 15

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