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S02.E10: Episode 10

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I'm not a 20-30 something guy so I can't understand the "allure" of being a virginity Conquistatdor.  Is it because the girl has nothing to compare the guy's performance?  He thinks he will make a lasting impression that will forever spoil the girl for any other man's technique? Or because he's happy he's not exposing his junk to places where other junk has been?  If I were in "Paradise", I could understand #3.  Lots of well travelled road among that crowd of men & women.


All of that plays into the appeal of taking Ashley I's, or anyone's, virginity. But if I may be crass for a moment: I trust we've all heard the phrase "a hot dog down a hallway", well even a dope like Jared knows Ashley I would be the opposite of that.

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re: Ashley I and using virginity like bait.  I was thinking of how she was with Chris, all the THs that made it seem she thought her virginity was like a lure for a man. Can't remember all the details (fortunately) but when she was about to tell him about it, her thinking just seemed very odd to me, like this was going to be a big deal to him and he was going to love knowing about it and become immediately more interested in her.


I haven't seen her doing that with Jerrod. But I'm surprised how on both shows Ashley I doesn't seem to have any particular reason for being a virgin, like Becca did (Sean doesn't count. You can't, imo, be a "born again virgin". It's ridiculous to say that you are. Virginity isn't like Christianity where you were and then you weren't and then you were. It's not a belief system. It's physical).


I thought maybe her reason was "I've never met Mr. Right" but the way she idealizes Jerrod its hard to imagine there wouldn't have been -many- guys she would have done exactly the same thing to in 27 years.  She's outgoing and not self-conscious--and then she has that sister who seemed, let's say, "loose". It's just strange.

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I actually think Mackenzie is really, really pretty in a young, ditzy, 70s babe kind of way. Dumb as a bag of hair, but strikingly pretty and fresh-faced.


I also find Ashley I. stunning. A girlfriend and I were discussing this over the weekend (god help us). We were saying that Ashley I. could have her pick of men if she just wasn't so spoiled, immature, and insecure. I always tell the millennials in my life that confidence, maturity and self-awareness will get you way farther than you think in the world of romance (and the world in general). Of course, there are octogenarians who never learn this lesson. 


I know some folks love Jaclyn for her snark, but to me something about her is very, very sad. Bordering on tragic. I think *she* thinks she's working the franchise, but in truth I think the franchise is working her. In a sea of above average looks, she just stands out as exceedingly homely and very bitter about it. 


Mackenzie is also, to me, very pretty.  Granted she is very young and who knows how she'll look in ten years or so... but regardless of age,  it's really refreshing to see someone come in wearing beach appropriate attire - wasn't she just in a tank top and shorts? -  instead of weird revealing rompers and crazy high heels and not covered in make-up or with straightened hair.  I also like that she apparently hasn't felt the need to get ridiculous breast implants.


I like Ashley S. but I thought her anger at the fact that Nick dared talk to her "while she was washing her face" was pretty funny. Of all the horrible things people do to each other on this show... oh the nerve to talk to one of the girls before she's had a chance to put her make-up on!


Jacklyn is so, so sad.  She obviously thinks her nose job has made her way hotter then she actually is.  Her whole attitude coming in would work if she were some drop dead gorgeous bombshell who did make the men want to dump their "boring" girlfriends for her... but as it stands, its kind of pathetic, because I doubt any of them will be interested at all.  Jared could not have been less interested.  

Edited by sofiah
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I like Ashley S. but I thought her anger at the fact that Nick dared talk to her "while she was washing her face" was pretty funny. Of all the horrible things people do to each other on this show... oh the nerve to talk to one of the girls before she's had a chance to put her make-up on!

Haha! To be fair, I got the impression Ashley S. was *literally* in the middle of washing her face. She looked sort of bent over the sink (though I could be remembering that totally wrong?). So I wouldn't want some dude I met 4 days ago standing there while I had soap all over my face, and wet hands, and hair tied up some weird way, etc. But it also begs the question - why did he walk into the bathroom/weird-hut-with-a-sink on her?  

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I can see the Jared/Ashton resemblance but for some reason he reminds me more of a young Tom Cruise.


Ashley's  virginity thing is weird to me only in so far that she talks about it.  I can see where a man might like to be her first.  For one thing we never forget our first time, so it might be nice to make that special memory for someone.  I'm guessing most guys think they're really great in bed, so that they would think they were giving her a great learning experience, not to mention that the "gentle teacher," role might be fun in itself.  What I don't really buy is the hotdog in the hallway thing because I think women's bodies are much more elastic than that implies.  After all,  if we can have babies and return to normal, one little weiner shouldn't do any lasting damage, should it?

Edited by JudyObscure
  • Love 9

She may be fearful and pulls away (or the man does).  It may be hard for some to believe, but sex can be a scary thing for some people. She's invested a lot in finding the right man and having the perfect encounter.  And I don't think her goal is to be a "mistress" like her sister.

Oh, I totally understand the idea of sex being scary or fear of not living up to expectations or .. whatever. But that also seems strange to me about the way Ashley expresses herself. She -doesn't- seem fearful, doesn't seem afraid of not living up to expectations, etc. She has no filter and yet it seems she thinks having sex with Jarrod is going to be the way to interest him and then keep his interest. That would be one thing if he were already under her spell, but he's not. He doesn't seem compelled toward being physical with her at all, much less eager to have sex with her. But somehow she seems to feel that time with a virgin in the FS will be the magical element that will -make- him interested. 


Her ideas about sex seem so naive to me, especially since she doesn't seem fearful, shy or hesitant to be the pursuer. I just find her very puzzling, especially considering the way her sister is (She already seems quite jaded--and heading toward negative and bitter--at such a young age. They're quite a contrast, but Ashley seemed to feel the sister was hot and able to wrap men around her finger.   Yet Ashley's -so- much better looking and has a better personality, too.  A puzzle.).


ETA: I've never heard the "hotdog" comment before. If it means what I think it does, it doesn't make sense for the reason given above. Also, not sure what Ashley thinks the first time will be like, but I hope she knows that not every woman still has an intact hymen by the time they're mid-twenties, esp. if they're physically active. She might not have the "Dramatic  deflowering!" if she's expecting one.  It's really hard to determine what she knows about anything--from sex to journalism. 

Edited by Padma
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Mackenzie has a fivehead.  Her forehead goes so far back into her hairline, it looks like she's balding up there.  Otherwise, she is very cute and she seems like a nice girl.  There were rumors that she was still with the father of her son, when she was on Chris's season, so I wonder how "in the picture" he is, and if Mackenzie is looking for Kale's new step-daddy.

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Well, I don't know Ashley but she could be very eager and excited in front of a camera (she loves the camera) and still be scared when she's alone with a man.  It happens.  To me, she seems a little overexcited about the whole thing. And I absolutely agree with you that she seems naive.  Part of the problem, in my mind, is Jared.  He pulls away, he goes back, he pulls away, he goes back....I don't see how Ashley could relax with him when he seems so ambivalent.  And this isn't about whether or not Ashley is a virgin since that is a one time event, but his own apparent uncertainty about how involved he wants to be with her, period.  She's read too many romance novels if she thinks having sex with Jared  would somehow bind him to her.  I really wish Ashley would grow up (and I don't mean in age) before she gets involved with a guy.  She is so immature, and so manic at times, that I think she's really not ready for the complexity of a relationship. She seems to really think that the story ends when they have sex and the happy ever after sign goes up.  That doesn't happen every time.

Judging by things that Ashley I has said i wonder if Jared hasn't been more encouraging at different points than we have geen shown. In that case, i suspect it is less that she thinks that sex per se is going to win him over but that her deep feelings will. Given her attitude toward her own virginity she may feel that showing she is willing to sleep,with him will be such a sign of her love that it will move him.

  • Love 4

She may be fearful and pulls away (or the man does).  It may be hard for some to believe, but sex can be a scary thing for some people. She's invested a lot in finding the right man and having the perfect encounter.  And I don't think her goal is to be a "mistress" like her sister.


I can see that. She tends to romanticize situations so it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine that she wants her first time to be absolutely perfect. Whereas for Becca, it really wasn't a big deal, for Ashley I, it *is* a big deal.


Haha! To be fair, I got the impression Ashley S. was *literally* in the middle of washing her face. She looked sort of bent over the sink (though I could be remembering that totally wrong?). So I wouldn't want some dude I met 4 days ago standing there while I had soap all over my face, and wet hands, and hair tied up some weird way, etc. But it also begs the question - why did he walk into the bathroom/weird-hut-with-a-sink on her?  


That's the impression I had too. Nick seemed to be in a hurry to tell her he wanted to go on a date with Chelsie. If they really were up until 6am filming and drinking, it's reasonable to think she probably wasn't feeling her best and wanted just 10 minutes to get herself mentally together. When she finally did sit down with Nick, she didn't have makeup on. I actually kind of liked this real glimpse into a human reaction to having cameras around all the time, and I really liked that Ashley S took her time.

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She's invested a lot in finding the right man and having the perfect encounter.  And I don't think her goal is to be a "mistress" like her sister.



My interpretation of AshleyI is nowhere near as deep or complicated as what I am reading here. IMO, her "goal" is to be a reality tv star. She's the female Chris Bukowski as far as I can see. The virgin thing is just her hook for more exposure. Simple!

  • Love 6

re: Ashley I and using virginity like bait.  I was thinking of how she was with Chris, all the THs that made it seem she thought her virginity was like a lure for a man. Can't remember all the details (fortunately) but when she was about to tell him about it, her thinking just seemed very odd to me, like this was going to be a big deal to him and he was going to love knowing about it and become immediately more interested in her.

From what I remember, she was scared to death to tell Chris, for fear he'd no longer be interested in her. Mackenzie is the one who gushed about how this will make Chris more interested in Ashley, even saying she wishes she could be a virgin too. Poor Kale :(
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This is an unpopular opinion I'm sure but I don't find Dan hot at all. Strangely he pings my gaydar!  Not sure why everyone is foaming at the mouth over Samantha. Girl might be attractive but she sure is evil lol. Is Mikey going to become the villain next when he decides he is in love with Samantha and dumps poor single mom Juelia to stalk Sam? Chelsie is very cute. I feel bad for these girls (and guys) coming in at such a late date after every one has basically already coupled up. Would also love it if Kirk suddenly showed interest in one of the newer girls and dumped Carly. Mackenzie is annoying (not as annoying as Juelia) but she's just so DUMB. IMO Ashley I and Ashley S are drop dead gorgeous. If Ashley I could mature past a middle schooler mindset she could probably have any guy she wants (well except for Jared! he is so not into her)

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This is an unpopular opinion I'm sure but I don't find Dan hot at all. Strangely he pings my gaydar! 

Not sure that is an unpopular opinion.  Dan strikes me as the guy who is technically attractive, but comes off meh because of that obvious chip on his shoulder.  He's like the middle child of 3 boys - the older is smarter, more athletic and a tinge better looking, the younger is funnier, more social and carefree.  Middle child is in a chronic internal competition with the older and younger - simultaneously trying to compete and trying to differentiate himself. 


Yes, I do have older brothers - why do you ask?  And apologizes to middle children who think I am full of hooey. 

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Chelsie is very cute. I feel bad for these girls (and guys) coming in at such a late date after every one has basically already coupled up. Would also love it if Kirk suddenly showed interest in one of the newer girls and dumped Carly.

Someone had mentioned that a good idea for this show would be when someone new comes in with a date card that there be a name on it already and they would have to go on the date with them.  This pairing up so quickly and no one past week 2 or 3 really makes a connection is sad.  The idea of forceful dating is odd, I admit, but these people that pair up so early, Tanner/Jade, should go on other dates just to see what another person is like.


My interpretation of AshleyI is nowhere near as deep or complicated as what I am reading here. IMO, her "goal" is to be a reality tv star. She's the female Chris Bukowski as far as I can see. The virgin thing is just her hook for more exposure. Simple!

WORD!  It also gets me wondering if Ashley I. really is a virgin at all.  IDK, just a gut feeling but as everyone has mentioned above her approach to sex is so odd to me; something just doesn't feel right about the situation.  She did say she is the "pickiest princess ever" so yeah it is possible and being a cock tease isn't out of the question either.


There is something about Dan that puts me off too.  I don't seem to have gaydar, but I don't think much of him.

Because I like men with facial hair I find Dan attractive & my gaydar isn't going off with him BUT he does seem oddly cold around the women here.  Well maybe cold is too harsh, cool perhaps.  He seems to be an only half in kinda guy and doesn't really commit to anything but that could just be because he isn't interested in any of the girls here.  Yeah since he's been here since the beginning he's had a lot to choose from but maybe he's just really pick...*shrug*



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It also gets me wondering if Ashley I. really is a virgin at all.  IDK, just a gut feeling but as everyone has mentioned above her approach to sex is so odd to me; something just doesn't feel right about the situation.



Well, that makes total sense; good thinking, Dirtybubble. And she had to be a "real" virgin since Sean already took the "born again" role. 


I'm putting $ on every season having some sort of "virgin" from now on. It gets people talking and posting about it. A win-win for Fleiss.

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She's made it pretty clear she's an OV (original virgin), but her definition may or may not be a textbook/dictionary/thesaurus version that the rest of the world recognizes. 


Speaking plainly, some young ladies claim virgin status even when they've given and/or received oral and or/anal sex.  Basically, if it can't get you pregnant, it doesn't count as "real" sex.  


Ashley I hasn't specified that I know of. 

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I know some folks love Jaclyn for her snark, but to me something about her is very, very sad. Bordering on tragic. I think *she* thinks she's working the franchise, but in truth I think the franchise is working her. In a sea of above average looks, she just stands out as exceedingly homely and very bitter about it. 


I hope Carly can see this. If she didn't hook up with somebody this season I think her insecurity would have made her very nasty.

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Mackenzie is clownishly stupid and not nearly pretty enough to make up for it. I don´t enjoy her at all. Granted, having her on all season would probably have been much more fun than having whining Juelia. I´m disappointed in Jade too, she was supposed to be a "wild mustang" I think, and she has been anything but. The show stalls completely when there are so many couples staying all season without doing anything, there needs to be a shake-up, next season they can bring Samantha and some other bombshells back, a few less good-looking ones, some desperate nice girls who will do anything for validation and lot´s of guys who will actually have to "fight" for the one they want. Such a setup would probably end in more marriages than we could possibly imagine.


Let´s say a girl would be given a date card, then the guys up for going with her would all do a challenge, and the winner would get to go.

Edited by halkatla
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This show is lethal. Drink whenever Ashley I cries, Ashley S says "literally", Carly says "freakin", Samantha says "drama" or Julelia says "I'm here for love" and you're dead within an hour ...  (sorry, I know I'm late to the party but I had to get that joke out there, I've been thinking about it since week three but have been too drunk to write it down).


I don't find Dan attractive either, but I saw some pics of him without his beard and thought he looked better in those.


Jaclyn is a bitch for certain. I remember thinking she seemed like an unpleasant person on Bachelor Pad. Don't remember exactly why, but I'm sure I had good reasons for not liking her. On BIP though, she's really just saying what all of us are thinking. Can't really fault her for that. Had she been on for several weeks though, she'd probaby show her true biatchy face.


I can't even with the whole Ashley I / Jared fiasco, cause isn't it obvious? He does not like her. Hence nothing will happen. Ever. Done talking.


I was trying to remember who Cassandra is and had to google her. Then thought "Right, she's the one who looks exactly like Morena Baccarin.". They could be twins if you ask me.

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I personally think Jared vaguely likes Ashley I, he may even have sympathy for Ashley I, but it doesn't feel like there is passion there, much less love.


Yes, sorry, I guess I was being vague with that sentence. I meant "like" in a romantic sense of the word. I do think he likes her the way some of us wievers like her. She seems to have a good heart and is charmingly self-deprecating. But I wouldn't want to date her even if I did swing that way.


I know i said I "can't even", but here I go anyway: I think people are giving Jared way too much credit. I don't think he's Oh so nice! Rather I think he knows exactly what he's doing. He's one of those rare fame junkies who is well aware of how he appears on TV. That's why he keeps stringing Kardashley along, not because he's too nice or weak to rid himself of her, but because he wants to stay on the show and is afraid of what it will do to his image if he tells her to back the hell off.

Edited by Cecily
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My interpretation of AshleyI is nowhere near as deep or complicated as what I am reading here. IMO, her "goal" is to be a reality tv star. She's the female Chris Bukowski as far as I can see. The virgin thing is just her hook for more exposure. Simple!

Yes, and remember she has a very young view of love.  She still has a Disney princess she identifies with (and is willing to admit to it).  she is Jasmine, and when she thinks about "LOVE", she is thinking about choosing a man based on how their wedding photos will look.   A Disney wedding - Jasmine and Aladdin, is her goal.  She "fell in love"  with Jared based on him looking the part.  She's not looking for someone to share a life with.  She's casting for a TV show, and she wants Jared for the part.

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I haven't seen this mentioned, so I'm guessing it's not a common opinion. I found the little snippets of Ashley I. and Joe chatting endearing. Whatever friendship they have, it's kind of adorable.

I love those scenes. She doesn't get enough credit for staying out of the "Joemanthlia" kerfuffle. We haven't seen her wanting to waterboard Samantha for a texting confession, and around Ashley Joe can be himself, not a self-styled reality-show villain. I've grown quite fond of her this season.
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Ashley I may be charming to some, but I find her completely delusional. I cringe whenever she talks about how perfect Jared's face is... at 27 years old, I'd hope she'd realize there is more to a relationship than finding someone's jawline impressive. She just seems incredibly shallow and more infatuated with the idea of Jared rather than Jared himself.


That being said, I find Jared to be equally frustrating. I can't tell if he's actually spineless (borderline 'doormat' material) or if he's staying with Ashley because he wants a big paycheck (and is therefore a fame-whore). He's clearly not interested in her in any romantic way, yet he refuses to officially break the "relationship" off. Meanwhile Ashley is so delusional that she fancies themselves to be real girlfriend/boyfriend despite Jared's crystal-clear lack of enthusiasm.


Speaking of sticking with someone because  you want a big paycheck ... Juelia and Mikey are in the most fake relationship I've seen on Reality TV yet (and that's saying something). It's stupid they allowed Juelia to stay in the first place, but now it's so obvious she and Mikey never had any deep connection prior to him "returning for her." They're simply enjoying their paid vacation. Why doesn't Juelia go back to her daughter?

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