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S10.E13: Sex, Lies & Leeches

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I don't have any issues with Terry using maxi pads to collect the blood from the leech wounds.  However, the use of duct tape is highly suspect.  Duct tape can tear skin and, if left on too long, often has to be removed with solvent to make sure the skin does not come off with the tape.  And, of course, this was more camera worthy than if they had regular bandages.  That's our Terry!  Anything for more camera time.  

  • Love 5

I am sorry but the note was gibberish and riddled with errors.  Better to stand silent than prove to the world you are a fool.  The note was insincere and trite-she had just given an interview deriding both Brooks and Vicki so saying things like, you are in our prayers and Love, are both insincere and in Meghan's words "hypocritical". 


Oy. I see spelling and punctuation errors, mixed metaphors, malapropism, and all sort of butchering of the English language on this forum (and others), Facebook, etc. every single day.  And I make them too.  If I was to call out the errors I see, I would be the one labeled a "jerk."  Sometimes, it's best to just let things go.


Completely agree.  Meghan is particularly cold and vicious.  It takes a mean heart to finish off a woman crying about her boyfriend's illness by calling her a bitter, old woman to her face, and in public.  You could also see her nastiness while she was talking to Lizzie alone at the table.  She waved off Vicki's upset like it was a gnat and spat "Vicki's a bitch!" with such gusto.  


I certainly wouldn't be feeling tender-hearted towards a woman who just yelled at me in a room full of people. But hey - that's just me.


I stand by what I said. If some little snit who I  had asked over and over and over again to leave a personal matter alone and she kept it up AND called me a bitter old woman I sure as shit would slap her   and I don't care what age you are you treat me disrespectfully your getting it right back. And then she calls Vicky a bitch! Vicky only asked her several times to drop up. You act like a child you get treated like a child.MEgan acts like a snotty 18 year old and then is shocked (!) when people don't flock to her to tell her how right she is.


Had Vicki slapped her, I would only hope that Megan would use every bit of strength in those man-arms and wide back of hers and slapped Vicki back even harder.   

  • Love 10

I’m not from the south but my parents taught me to “respect my elders” and that’s something I taught my own children to do which has been passed along to my grandson.

However, Meghan is NOT a child. She is an adult.

Vicki is not a fragile senior citizen some Boy Scout needs to help cross the street. She’s a healthy, successful business woman strutting around on six inch heels. She’s also an extremely opinionated, selfish individual who butts into everyone else’s business while demanding no one question her. She’s loud and often inappropriate (Woo Hoo!).

One adult does not automatically “respect” another because of their age. I’m older than Vicki and do not expect anyone younger than I am to “respect” me because of it. Respect is earned.

As far as your comment about slapping the disrespectful child, I’ll refrain from commenting and let the Judge explain it to you after you've been arrested for assault.

I completely agree. Meghan and Vicki are colleagues/co-workers. It is not right for anyone to age shame,therefore I think Meghan had every right. Cancer doesn't know age so I guess I don't see why Vicki keeps using Meghan's age as a talking point.

In regards to experience

I know I come across as a Meghan lover and hell,maybe I am. From what I saw Meghan and LeAnn were friendly and seemed to have a good relationship and Meghan is at least providing a support system for Leanns daughter. I think that what comes scross as Meghan over stepping her bounds as a step parent is really her making sure that Leann has experiences she should in her final days, which she may not be able to coordinate or execute on her own.

All we know Vicki does is provide back child support for Brooks kids on his deadbeat behalf.

  • Love 9

I am sorry the note thing gets worse if the flowers were sent to Leann's family or the funeral home.  It seems to me Leann has parents, two capable daughters and a husband to write notes if necessary.  Meghan's note was a dig and I am sure that is why Brooks posted it.  I was guessing since Jim and Meghan had made a big deal over Leann being part of them and just like Brooks to Vicki, Vicki sent the flowers.  It never dawned on me the family would divide the duties and enlist the wife of Leann's ex husband.  All in all I think it would make for an interesting Reunion question since Meghan is big on the hypocrite tag.

Since you pointed out that the flowers were sent much earlier than the funeral/memorial service, they were most likely sent to Meghan/Jimmy's house, hence her sending that Thank You note to them herself on behalf of her/Jimmy and his daughters. Also, Meghan has a copy of the note she sent them on her twitter as well. Unless Brooks questioned what Meghan wrote or said something nasty/snarky, there is no way to determine why Brooks posted/tweeted it to begin with.  


I don't have any issues with Terry using maxi pads to collect the blood from the leech wounds.  However, the use of duct tape is highly suspect.  Duct tape can tear skin and, if left on too long, often has to be removed with solvent to make sure the skin does not come off with the tape.  And, of course, this was more camera worthy than if they had regular bandages.  That's our Terry!  Anything for more camera time.  

Duct tape is being used more and more in the medical community, such as in PT. Also, the width of the pad they used my have forced them to use the duct tape because they needed a wider tape to hold it securely to their skin without allowing the blood to seep through as easily as 2 - 3 strips of normal medical grade tape would.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 3

I cannot believe this...and I don't think most of the Meghan-haters would.


Everything is going to be odd with a Jimmy Edmonds spouse.

So why do you think Brooks posted the note?  He posted it after she gave yet another snotty interview about he and Vicki.  I think this is a battle of wills between Vicki, Brooks and Meghan.  There is also an odd dynamic where Meghan claims there are carefully planted clues leading to the only answer-Brooks is faking cancer.  Vicki and Brooks on the other hand are using the tried and true stay tuned #truth is revealed.  http://www.inquisitr.com/2387470/brooks-ayers-and-vicki-gunvalson-speak-of-his-cancer-on-twitter-truthisrevealed/  What is true is they can't both be correct.  Brooks either has cancer or he doesn't. 

My skin spa offers something called the "Vampire Treatment" (not kidding). No leeches, but they take a 10 ml blood sample from you, spin it up, then apply it to your face. I've never tried it, mainly because it's super expensive.


OK, so with that logic, boxers should have wonderful skin.  Er, not seeing it.  Anyone else?  

  • Love 4

I found this sloppy handwritten note from Meghan to Vicki and Brooks after they sent flowers following Leann's death.  I am not sure where the flowers were sent but strange to send flowers to the ex-husband and new bride.  I can't decipher the note "in _____ of our recent loss".  https://twitter.com/brooksayers   So Vicki was at the very least courteous to Jim and Meghan following "their loss".


I can't isolate the note-it is the bottom right hand photo on the left hand side of Brooks twitter page.  There are six pictures and it would be the sixth.

It says "in lieu of our recent loss".  Guess homegirl doesn't know what the term "in lieu" means - possibly really meant "in light of"??

  • Love 5

OK, so with that logic, boxers should have wonderful skin. Er, not seeing it. Anyone else?

No, it's utterly ridiculous. Healthcare is trying to come up with methods to reduce staff contact with body fluids (for safety reasons), and these fools want to paint faces with it. It's so completely gruesome, I'm tempted to believe it appeals to the sociopaths out there who worship Kathy Bates' character from AHS. The procedure is probably done by people who have little to no understanding of proper handling, and I wouldn't trust them not to drench my face in someone else's blood. It's just so macabre.

  • Love 9

So why do you think Brooks posted the note?  He posted it after she gave yet another snotty interview about he and Vicki.  I think this is a battle of wills between Vicki, Brooks and Meghan.  There is also an odd dynamic where Meghan claims there are carefully planted clues leading to the only answer-Brooks is faking cancer.  Vicki and Brooks on the other hand are using the tried and true stay tuned #truth is revealed.  http://www.inquisitr.com/2387470/brooks-ayers-and-vicki-gunvalson-speak-of-his-cancer-on-twitter-truthisrevealed/  What is true is they can't both be correct.  Brooks either has cancer or he doesn't. 

It is possible that Meghan is doing just like most newbies do and that is to stick to her/the shows storyline even after filming ends while the show is on air, in interviews/tweets. It is also possible that she DOES know something about him maybe using a past cancer battle, not a current one, just for this season for Vicki's storyline. I find it suspicious that Vicki claims Brooks did NOT want to air his "cancer" ON camera/the show but she talked him into it because she knows how the producers love to twist things into something they are not and the fact that, IMO, they do not like Brooks to begin with. I also have to laugh/shake my head if Vicki and Brooks are relying on the "stay tuned, the truth will be revealed" as it rarely works out in favor of the HW making that claim.  I guess we will have to wait and see how this all turns out. LOL


OK, so with that logic, boxers should have wonderful skin.  Er, not seeing it.  Anyone else?  

But then again, 20 years ago, who would have thought Botox would be used to fight aging or that they would be using it to fight/control pain now? LOL

  • Love 1

No, it's utterly ridiculous. Healthcare is trying to come up with methods to reduce staff contact with body fluids (for safety reasons), and these fools want to paint faces with it. It's so completely gruesome, I'm tempted to believe it appeals to the sociopaths out there who worship Kathy Bates' character from AHS. The procedure is probably done by people who have little to no understanding of proper handling, and I wouldn't trust them not to drench my face in someone else's blood. It's just so macabre.

Well, according to what Heather said on the show, they use the blood/leeches from their OWN bodies, not someone else's blood/leeches. LOL

  • Love 2

So why do you think Brooks posted the note?  He posted it after she gave yet another snotty interview about he and Vicki.  I think this is a battle of wills between Vicki, Brooks and Meghan.  There is also an odd dynamic where Meghan claims there are carefully planted clues leading to the only answer-Brooks is faking cancer.  Vicki and Brooks on the other hand are using the tried and true stay tuned #truth is revealed.  http://www.inquisitr.com/2387470/brooks-ayers-and-vicki-gunvalson-speak-of-his-cancer-on-twitter-truthisrevealed/  What is true is they can't both be correct.  Brooks either has cancer or he doesn't. 


From his Tweet, I think Brooks posted it to either take the high road, or because he wasn't aware of the interview at the time he posted it. Nothing in the actual tweet suggests anything other than him saying thank you. It is also possible that he is letting his followers know that Mehgan did actually acknowledge that he has cancer and everything else is just for a show that wrapped a long time ago.



Thank you @MeghanKEdmonds for continuing to pray for my complete healing. I appreciate your kind words.



Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 1

Megan reminds me of a malicious Kelly (from RHONY). Something about her living in an alternate reality than everyone else and can't understand how she comes across to others. The whole scene with her in the car with Jimmy and muttering about justice, reminds me of satchels of gold.

Oh my god yes! I've even been quasi sort of on Meghan's side about a few things, but yes! She has the same way of almost acting toward people instead of interacting with them. Like she doesn't really expect them to be there once she stopped talking.

No one has mentioned how pleasant Brianna sounds in the next episode. Lol....She's a peach I tell ya!

Oh move over to the sneak peak thread. We noticed.

  • Love 3

I have to add, I agree that despite the poor grammar/misuse of a phrase, at least Megan sent a note. I'm a stickler for thank you notes. I'm already teaching my kids to "write" them (I write the note, they scribble or do the best they can to write their name, depending on the child). It's just good manners, imo. I appreciate getting them, and while it's not the biggest deal ever, I notice when one isn't sent. So I cut her some slack; she didn't have to send one, but she did (probably very many).

I agree that handwritten thank-you notes are extremely good etiquette. Regardless of how authentic or genuine the thank-you note may have been, Meghan lost all goodwill for me when the thank-you note got posted on Twitter (if it was posted by Meghan's camp and not Vicki's). If they're going to send a thank-you note and then post it on Twitter, there becomes a whole new set of motives for having written it. And it made the horrendous grammar mistake all the more horrifying.

Can someone please clarify for me how the thank-you note found its way onto social media? Thanks.

  • Love 3

So today being both Tamra and the Edmonds spawn's 18th birthday I thought I would take a peak at their Twitter accounts.  There is just no way a 17 year old should be tweeting to Vicki to f-off and calling her psychotic for telling Meghan what Hayley should be doing as far as schooling and working and consequences. 


Since the evil little spawn is tagging her tweets and it shows Vicki follows her there is just something wrong with these people.  Jim and/or Meghan should caution Hayley on using such inflammatory language. They had the power and still do over her car and phone.  It does appear the kid got a job.   I get her mother died from cancer but every other tweet and her tagline should not be "fuck cancer",  oh wait Meghan is selling ball caps with that slogan on it.  BTW we people called Hayley out for being a snot to her mom she gave them the same treatment and claimed it is only a TV show.  She also claimed her mom was drunk at breakfast. 


I guess Jim thinks it is okay because she tags her dad with clever tweets.  Tagged or not he should be following his daughter on Twitter.

  • Love 1

I agree that handwritten thank-you notes are extremely good etiquette. Regardless of how authentic or genuine the thank-you note may have been, Meghan lost all goodwill for me when the thank-you note got posted on Twitter (if it was posted by Meghan's camp and not Vicki's). If they're going to send a thank-you note and then post it on Twitter, there becomes a whole new set of motives for having written it. And it made the horrendous grammar mistake all the more horrifying.

Can someone please clarify for me how the thank-you note found its way onto social media? Thanks.

Brooks posted it with a thank you for their prayers.  A poorly written, sloppy, nonsensical note is never proper etiquette.  If you are going to write a note at least use a salutation.  Again this is a woman who is giving interviews to People saying Brooks is a fake and how much she dislikes Vicki and the 17 year old is telling Vicki to get effed on Twitter.  A handwritten thank you does not negate the other behavior and seems rather counter indicated.

  • Love 4

David is a punk.

He is a cheating punk.

He is a cheating asshole punk.

David's ACTing is for the benefit of: the couple's children, L'Affaire de Coeur, and the possibly commiserating real life and tv audience. He is baiting the lure with his 'poor put upon' facade in order to reel in support for current and future distasteful acts.

I think that David's beaten down demeanor and accompanying long suffering portrayal has been crafted partly in a deliberate attempt to slyly bias the children's attitudes against Shannon. It's a passive aggressive tactical manoeuvre to undermine and alienate Shannon's maternal tether to the kids.


To piggyback off of this comment. How do men who have long-term affairs describe their wives? "Oh she's great. I'm just an asshole that can't keep it in my pants." No. They degrade the wife and bring her down as much as possible, so they don't look like the jerks they are. "She's so awful, she treats me so bad, that's why I have to cheat." Particularly to their mistress. It's like they purposefully gaslight their wives to make them as "awful" as possible, so that the poor little emasculated man has no other choice he's so darn miserable. Divorce her? Why? He has full control of that relationship. He can lie, deceive, and cheat on his wife and she'll still take him back. She probably thinks its her fault. She has made references to being uncomfortable with her weight after the affair. We all know David told her she needed a breast lift last year, and we know that he wasn't often intimate with Shannon last year (aside from her 50th birthday). Do we think he told his mistress she needed a breast lift? Ha! David, I see this behavior in my father, so I see right through you. In reality, he would cheat on whomever he was with. Many people aren't built for monogamy, and when you're rich and have other options- that goes double. If I were Shannon I'd let David go! In a few years he'll treat his new wife like Shannon and have an affair on her too. A DV charge sure as hell ain't normal. Get a divorce- both of you. And get your girls off of TV- both of you! Shannon, you're not being a good mother by exposing your girls to this drama. David, you're not being a good father by exposing your girls to this drama.


Loved Lizzie as the bearer of common sense this episode. When she's not talking about her husband not having sex with her, or saying that he has a small penis, she's an alright woman!


The sex party- eh whatever. It was cool seeing the women dressed up differently. Why was Megan mad when Jim said she was 6 feet tall? Is that an insult that I missed? Models are 6 feet tall, what's the problem? Their entire conversation on the way to the party was super awkward. And bringing your husband in to defend you against another woman is strange. This is RH drama.

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 12

Just wow. I'd like to believe that this is not the world we live in now but I guess in some locales, it is. I personally don't know anyone who texts, tweets or emails this kind of nasty, rude, crude stuff. Thank God for that. If Hayley were my child, she'd be without a cell phone, computer, car, door on her bedroom or access to her friends. She'd be at one of those ranches for incorrigible children for a year. And her dad and stepmother? There are no word for how horrible those two are as "parents". Lord help us.

  • Love 4

When Meghan went over to get Jim and get him involved in the fight with Vicki, I actually braced myself for a nasty, vicious confrontation.  I was very impressed with how Jim handled Vicki.  That was a nice example of self-control I don't often see on the HW shows--I bet the Bravo elves were really disappointed! 


Tamra and her smirking about Jesus Jugs is vile.  What a cunning, cutting little creature she is.  She is the pot stirrer extraordinaire.  Last season Dr. Leech and the Beadors will take him down, this season Brooks does he or does he not have cancer.


Dr. Leech really has toned down Heather's Madame appearance this season, so I guess he is doing something right.  I was channel surfing and ran across them shilling some creams and potions on Evine.  I didn't watch long enough to hear if he discussed the health and beauty benefits of leeches.  They are so greedy, maybe they will sell leeches online too.


Shannon and David, too painful to watch.  Oddly enough, whenever I see David I am reminded of the old science fiction tv show, V.  With his flat affect and strange eyes, I keep expecting David to rip off his mask to reveal the reptile underneath.  Maybe that will be the reunion shocker!

  • Love 5

I agree that handwritten thank-you notes are extremely good etiquette. Regardless of how authentic or genuine the thank-you note may have been, Meghan lost all goodwill for me when the thank-you note got posted on Twitter (if it was posted by Meghan's camp and not Vicki's). If they're going to send a thank-you note and then post it on Twitter, there becomes a whole new set of motives for having written it. And it made the horrendous grammar mistake all the more horrifying.

Can someone please clarify for me how the thank-you note found its way onto social media? Thanks.

Brooks tweeted about it and Meghan included a photo of it on twitter. Maybe something has changed since filming ended and they are fine with each other now. Stranger things have happened in the world of Reality HWs! LOL


Just wow. I'd like to believe that this is not the world we live in now but I guess in some locales, it is. I personally don't know anyone who texts, tweets or emails this kind of nasty, rude, crude stuff. Thank God for that. If Hayley were my child, she'd be without a cell phone, computer, car, door on her bedroom or access to her friends. She'd be at one of those ranches for incorrigible children for a year. And her dad and stepmother? There are no word for how horrible those two are as "parents". Lord help us.

We do not know if her father, step father or Meghan have tried to reel her in before this or that her father/Meghan pay for her cell phone/car/computer. Maybe she is just an angry defiant young adult that no one can reason with at this time because of what happened in her life with her mother getting too sick to care for her then dying. Many kids/young people get angry and act out during high stress times like this, so I am willing to cut the kid/young adult some slack for the time being. JMO

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 8

Brooks posted it with a thank you for their prayers.  A poorly written, sloppy, nonsensical note is never proper etiquette.  If you are going to write a note at least use a salutation.  Again this is a woman who is giving interviews to People saying Brooks is a fake and how much she dislikes Vicki and the 17 year old is telling Vicki to get effed on Twitter.  A handwritten thank you does not negate the other behavior and seems rather counter indicated.

I totally agree. I think everything about Meghan is tacky and in bad taste. I find her loathsome. I think what I meant to say--but didn't convey properly--was that a handwritten thank you note displays good etiquette in the abstract. But you are right that there are things people can do to mutilate thank you notes--lacking a salutation, referring to Jim's kids as their step kids, reminding everyone of the cause of death and then insinuating the flowers are meant to replace the deceased--that make it worse than not sending a handwritten thank you note at all. If you're going to take the time to write a note, take the time to get it correct. Damn, I won't even post on these boards without checking the definitions of the words I'm using on dictionary.com, if I'm using a big word. Had Meghan done that, there's no way "in leiu (sic) of" would have ever gotten onto that paper.

I'm not really on social media, but I'm not surprised that the Edmonds are acting trashy. In leiu of their past behavior and all.

  • Love 6

I have been a visitor when people's notes of condolence were ridiculed--I probably joined in.  It's not nice.  I doubt if ANYONE writes one of those notes to be "tacky."

It is oddly representative of Meghan calling someone she has never met and then approaching her at a party demanding an apology and claiming Shannon was being uncharitable.  BTW I don't know why Brooks and Vicki thought it necessary to send flowers,  it seems to me it is odd set of volleys.  My husband ex wife died :(, Vicki sends flowers to be the bigger person ;), Meghan gives interviews scorching Vicki and Brooks, hours after Leann dies.  Meghan then sends an incoherent "thank you" note.  Brooks decides to cash in on the note the day after he and Vicki announce publicly the splitting of the sheets.  I just want to hear the explanation from both sides or maybe all three sides why they continue to communicate when they loathe one another.  Color me baffled.   

  • Love 4

Brooks tweeted about it and Meghan included a photo of it on twitter. Maybe something has changed since filming ended and they are fine with each other now. Stranger things have happened in the world of Reality HWs! LOL



Not in any way trying to challenge you, but if Brooks tweeted about it first, how did Meghan have a picture of it ready to post on social media?  Why would she take a pic of a thank you note she had written? unless she was planning to save it for just such an occasion, or future use...hmmmmm...

  • Love 3

It is oddly representative of Meghan calling someone she has never met and then approaching her at a party demanding an apology and claiming Shannon was being uncharitable.  BTW I don't know why Brooks and Vicki thought it necessary to send flowers,  it seems to me it is odd set of volleys.  My husband ex wife died :(, Vicki sends flowers to be the bigger person ;), Meghan gives interviews scorching Vicki and Brooks, hours after Leann dies.  Meghan then sends an incoherent "thank you" note.  Brooks decides to cash in on the note the day after he and Vicki announce publicly the splitting of the sheets.  I just want to hear the explanation from both sides or maybe all three sides why they continue to communicate when they loathe one another.  Color me baffled.   

Hmmm, makes me wonder if in fact, as someone up thread already suggested, that Brooks was the 1 to call off the relationship with Vicki and not the other way around. Maybe he blamed Vicki for the whole "does he really have cancer" storyline this season since he said no to it in the first place and Vicki was the 1 to put his treatment choices on camera first. Maybe he blames Vicki for why Meghan and others question him having cancer to begin with.


Not in any way trying to challenge you, but if Brooks tweeted about it first, how did Meghan have a picture of it ready to post on social media?  Why would she take a pic of a thank you note she had written? unless she was planning to save it for just such an occasion, or future use...hmmmmm...

Maybe she retweeted his photo of the TY note. I just know it is on her twitter page in the photo section. Maybe she did it as a way to show they sent flowers and she responded in kind to them via the note. Who knows why either of them put it out via twitter because I sure don't. LOL

  • Love 3

It is oddly representative of Meghan calling someone she has never met and then approaching her at a party demanding an apology and claiming Shannon was being uncharitable.  BTW I don't know why Brooks and Vicki thought it necessary to send flowers,  it seems to me it is odd set of volleys.  My husband ex wife died :(, Vicki sends flowers to be the bigger person ;), Meghan gives interviews scorching Vicki and Brooks, hours after Leann dies.  Meghan then sends an incoherent "thank you" note.  Brooks decides to cash in on the note the day after he and Vicki announce publicly the splitting of the sheets.  I just want to hear the explanation from both sides or maybe all three sides why they continue to communicate when they loathe one another.  Color me baffled.   


I honestly don't think that Brooks was trying to cash in. I think he was simply saying thank you. Don't get me wrong, I don't think of Brooks as some great guy or anything. I just think he thought nothing of saying thank you publicly to Mehgan for actually saying she was praying for his recovery. I think Brooks is living in real time while the rest of the HoWives are still living in their feuds. But it makes sense that Vicki would send flowers. Presumably, Vicki and Brooks hung out with Leanne during filming even if the extent of their hanging out wasn't shown on camera. And, isn't it customary to send flowers in that situation? I mean, I had a coworker that I hated but when she died, I sent flowers. Is that weird or is it just a Southern thing?



Loved Lizzie as the bearer of common sense this episode. When she's not talking about her husband not having sex with her, or saying that he has a small penis, she's an alright woman!


When did Lizzie say he had a small penis? I remember her saying she wanted him to bend her over the kitchen counter in a talking head. I also remember her saying that it would be nice if he could hard more than once a week during her birthday party debacle. But, I don't remember her saying he had a small penis.

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 3

All this chatter about the thank you notes: doesn't the funeral home give out cards that you can send? My aunt was big on sending sympathy cards and I inherited her collection of printed thank yous from politicians, etc. Black-bordered printed cards. It's a thought if writing notes is such a challenge.

My parents were cremated and had graveside services. There was minimal funeral home involvement and no cards were given to us. My niece is an artist and created and produced the programs for the services. I ended up writing the thank yous simply because I doubt my brothers would have bothered and they didn't. Totally OT, I know.

  • Love 5


When did Lizzie say he had a small penis? I remember her saying she wanted him to bend her over the kitchen counter in a talking head. I also remember her saying that it would be nice if he could hard more than once a week during her birthday party debacle. But, I don't remember her saying he had a small penis.

She said it to her husband on her birthday, in the party bus or at the dinner I believe. She was mad at him and got ugly, nasty ugly to him.

  • Love 1

I was reading up on Jim Edmonds, no formal education after high school, he was on the disabled list for post-concussion syndrome, so I am thinking he is maybe someone who wisely uses advisors.  From Jim's words I can see why he was attracted to Meghan her spiel about if it is not true don't let it bother you is good advice, hard to follow but good advice.  When this show first started airing  there were links to local St. Louis articles about the show and Meghan and her sister would argue with detractors in the comments sections of the story-especially if there was anything negative about Jim.  Proving, it does not mean if you are bothered then it must be true.  This to me is where Meghan's method of arguing falls flat. 

Do as I say, not as I do?


Do you think the consequences of the concussions are somehow related to Jim thinking that Meghan would be a good wife (#3)?  Just sayin'

  • Love 4

I was thinking that maybe Vicki had the florist send the flowers to the funeral home and then Meghan wrote the notes to the people she knows who sent flowers. I mean, wouldn't the ex wife's husband or family take care of all that? I was just wondering why it would be Meghan sending thank you notes to anyone when she isn't in any way related to Leann. The whole thing seems odd to me.

Maybe they sent flowers to the Edmonds house/family as a thoughtful gesture.  Meghan claims to have been so close to her, Hayley may or may not live there, and Jim did seem genuinely upset about the situation.  I assumed they would have been grieving on some level as well,...until I saw Meghan with the pink hair on WWHL.  It would still have been a kind, thoughtful thing to do, and with her own mother's passing so recent, she may have felt more compassion than she otherwise would have(?)  Does Vicki do kind and thoughtful?  I haven't been watching the show long enough.

  • Love 2

Maybe they sent flowers to the Edmonds house/family as a thoughtful gesture.  Meghan claims to have been so close to her, Hayley may or may not live there, and Jim did seem genuinely upset about the situation.  I assumed they would have been grieving on some level as well,...until I saw Meghan with the pink hair on WWHL.  It would still have been a kind, thoughtful thing to do, and with her own mother's passing so recent, she may have felt more compassion than she otherwise would have(?)  Does Vicki do kind and thoughtful?  I haven't been watching the show long enough.



This I could understand. If like someone upthread said, that the flowers were sent before the funeral took place, then I can see them sending flowers to the Edmonds house, and Meghan sending the thank you note, however badly it was worded. 


When my aunt died her sister, her daughter, and the current husband took care of that. Her first husband's wife and she got along very well, but they had nothing to do with any of the funeral arrangements, it seemed the way it should be.


That's why it was odd to me that Meghan would send notes. But that was if the flowers were sent to the funeral. Of course she would send one if they were sent to her house. 


ETA: I've watched the show since the beginning and I don't think Vicki does anything kind and thoughtful unless she gets to be seen doing something kind and thoughtful. JMO

Edited by Rainny
  • Love 3

So why do you think Brooks posted the note?  He posted it after she gave yet another snotty interview about he and Vicki.  I think this is a battle of wills between Vicki, Brooks and Meghan.  There is also an odd dynamic where Meghan claims there are carefully planted clues leading to the only answer-Brooks is faking cancer.  Vicki and Brooks on the other hand are using the tried and true stay tuned #truth is revealed.  http://www.inquisitr.com/2387470/brooks-ayers-and-vicki-gunvalson-speak-of-his-cancer-on-twitter-truthisrevealed/  What is true is they can't both be correct.  Brooks either has cancer or he doesn't. 



It is possible that Meghan is doing just like most newbies do and that is to stick to her/the shows storyline even after filming ends while the show is on air, in interviews/tweets. It is also possible that she DOES know something about him maybe using a past cancer battle, not a current one, just for this season for Vicki's storyline. I find it suspicious that Vicki claims Brooks did NOT want to air his "cancer" ON camera/the show but she talked him into it because she knows how the producers love to twist things into something they are not and the fact that, IMO, they do not like Brooks to begin with. I also have to laugh/shake my head if Vicki and Brooks are relying on the "stay tuned, the truth will be revealed" as it rarely works out in favor of the HW making that claim.  I guess we will have to wait and see how this all turns out. LOL


Damn!   I was counting on one or both of you having figured out why we're seeing the great debate about Brooks having cancer (or not) become the storyline that will probably take us straight through the end of the season.   As low as I know Bravo (and Andy) can get,  I never would have predicted they would make having cancer the subject of a debate.  They know fans expect to be entertained by the antics of these women and frankly, there's just nothing entertaining about cancer.   People suffer and die from it each and every day.   That said, I'm convinced this was producer driven because of the Jim/Vicki scene this week.  Jim is just not the kind of guy who would be willing to produce his ex-wife's medical records to prove LeAnn had cancer even if he could which he cannot without LeAnn's OK.   He seems more like the kind of guy who would tell that person to #BackThatShitUp and get out of my face.  The fact that he volunteered that scenario is just too out of character for me to believe.


There's so much more to this story than we know.   Is it a fact that Vicki said Brooks didn't want to do it but she talked him into it?  Or is that something a tabloid or gossip site reported?   The question I would love to have answered is what made Vicki agree?  I don't have a high opinion of Vicki but between milking her mother's death and Brooks cancer for a storyline, in my eyes she sank to an all time low. 

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I have been a visitor when people's notes of condolence were ridiculed--I probably joined in.  It's not nice.  I doubt if ANYONE writes one of those notes to be "tacky."

I doubt it as well. If this is a response to my post, please let me be clear: I said I think Meghan in general is tacky, but I never implied that tackiness was the driving force behind the thank you note. It would be inappropriate for me to speculate on her motives in this way.

But hey, since I'm going to do it anyway, I'll hazard a guess that Meghan sent the thank-you note for the same reason she opened her home to the charity earlier this season: so that people will think to themselves, "and isn't she a sweetheart?" (Meghan's words). How selfless. How charming. How Meghan.

  • Love 2
It is oddly representative of Meghan calling someone she has never met and then approaching her at a party demanding an apology and claiming Shannon was being uncharitable.



I understood that Meghan called Shannon at the suggestion of the charity--who supplied the very private phone number.  Shannon was surprised (worried?) when she didn't recognize the name and handled the call badly, probably hurting Meghan's feelings.  The race was on.  Shannon was uncharitable...and it had nothing to do with the charity.

  • Love 3

Meg sent a thank you note.  That's what counts.  No one on this show is particularly educated - Tams seeing a pasture.  Vicki seeing a median.  Did Meg totally screw up the wording on the note?  Yeah, absolutely.  But is that what it's all about or is it about that at least she took the time to write one?  Does anyone think that Vicki, given her poor understanding of the English language, notice?  I doubt it.  


Now Heather, she would have noticed.  Because she is Heather.  It's interesting that she's dropped throwing in the 'big' words this season.  Um.  She got a lot of flack for that in the past.  She is pretentious as hell but she does reflect and learn....to a certain degree.   

  • Love 11

I understood that Meghan called Shannon at the suggestion of the charity--who supplied the very private phone number.  Shannon was surprised (worried?) when she didn't recognize the name and handled the call badly, probably hurting Meghan's feelings.  The race was on.  Shannon was uncharitable...and it had nothing to do with the charity.


Ha, Meghan's very delicate feelings.  I'm sure.


My understanding is production gave Meghan Shannon's phone number, but none of them can call it out since it would break the 4th wall.  Meghan's reason for calling Shannon at all-- "Meghan King [the Edmonds is silent]"-- was not really about the "Chair-it-tee," since Shannon confirmed she did not, in fact, handle the nitty gritty details Meghan was seeking input about, something the Chair-it-tee knew (and the Chair-it-tee also had the responsive information Meghan was seeking if she needed it).  No, it was a trumped up reason for Meghan to call, and set the stage for antagonizing, Shannon.  Shannon was confused and brusque, something that Meghan has shown the capacity to absolutely brush off... if she so chooses.


She didn't, because, in my view, as an astute student of RHOC (her interviews show her to be a veritable RHOC trivia master), she had decided she didn't like Shannon and wanted to go after her.  So she did.  

  • Love 6


That's why it was odd to me that Meghan would send notes. But that was if the flowers were sent to the funeral. Of course she would send one if they were sent to her house.

When my brother died a few years ago we divided and conquered the thank you notes depending on the relationship with whomever sent the flowers/donations to charity. My sister-in-law sent them to her friends, family, co-workers, his co-workers, and their mutual friends. I sent thank you's to my friends and co-workers. My parents and brother did the same. So I do not think it is that odd that Meghan would write a note to Vicki and Brooks. 



We do not know if her father, step father or Meghan have tried to reel her in before this or that her father/Meghan pay for her cell phone/car/computer. Maybe she is just an angry defiant young adult that no one can reason with at this time because of what happened in her life with her mother getting too sick to care for her then dying. Many kids/young people get angry and act out during high stress times like this, so I am willing to cut the kid/young adult some slack for the time being. JMO

I concur and even if they took away her cell, computer, or whatever she could always use a friends to tweet. I have not read any of Haley's tweets, but there are several Fuck Cancer charities and organizations out there, so she could be referencing them or it is quite possible she isn't. I honestly do not have a problem with her saying "fuck cancer" in any capacity though.



Yes, Vicki wrote about it in her latest blog. She said that Brooks did not want to talk about his cancer on the show at all and she talked him into it. She said she felt it might help others (viewers) to see them work through it as a couple and that was when he agreed to it.

Oh now I am going to have to read Vicki's blog. She said that? What have the viewers seen about them dealing with his cancer that would help them? Smoothies? Coffee enemas? That is primarily what their conversations about Brooks' cancer have been about. I see Brooks mentioning a bit about his treatment and Vicki either mentioning that her mom died or telling Brooks that he has to be there for her.

Edited by Misslindsey
  • Love 4

Damn!   I was counting on one or both of you having figured out why we're seeing the great debate about Brooks having cancer (or not) become the storyline that will probably take us straight through the end of the season.   As low as I know Bravo (and Andy) can get,  I never would have predicted they would make having cancer the subject of a debate.  They know fans expect to be entertained by the antics of these women and frankly, there's just nothing entertaining about cancer.   People suffer and die from it each and every day.   That said, I'm convinced this was producer driven because of the Jim/Vicki scene this week.  Jim is just not the kind of guy who would be willing to produce his ex-wife's medical records to prove LeAnn had cancer even if he could which he cannot without LeAnn's OK.   He seems more like the kind of guy who would tell that person to #BackThatShitUp and get out of my face.  The fact that he volunteered that scenario is just too out of character for me to believe.


There's so much more to this story than we know.   Is it a fact that Vicki said Brooks didn't want to do it but she talked him into it?  Or is that something a tabloid or gossip site reported?   The question I would love to have answered is what made Vicki agree?  I don't have a high opinion of Vicki but between milking her mother's death and Brooks cancer for a storyline, in my eyes she sank to an all time low. 

Yes, Vicki wrote about it in her latest blog. She said that Brooks did not want to talk about his cancer on the show at all and she talked him into it. She said she felt it might help others (viewers) to see them work through it as a couple and that was when he agreed to it. Sorry, I just don't see Vicki thinking about "helping" viewers unless they are going to buy an insurance policy from her. She had zero storyline this season except for the unexpected death of her mother, zero. Without Brooks "cancer" story, she had nothing to offer and needed something, so, IMO, she used Brooks.


Ha, Meghan's very delicate feelings.  I'm sure.


My understanding is production gave Meghan Shannon's phone number, but none of them can call it out since it would break the 4th wall.  Meghan's reason for calling Shannon at all-- "Meghan King [the Edmonds is silent]"-- was not really about the "Chair-it-tee," since Shannon confirmed she did not, in fact, handle the nitty gritty details Meghan was seeking input about, something the Chair-it-tee knew (and the Chair-it-tee also had the responsive information Meghan was seeking if she needed it).  No, it was a trumped up reason for Meghan to call, and set the stage for antagonizing, Shannon.  Shannon was confused and brusque, something that Meghan has shown the capacity to absolutely brush off... if she so chooses.


She didn't, because, in my view, as an astute student of RHOC (her interviews show her to be a veritable RHOC trivia master), she had decided she didn't like Shannon and wanted to go after her.  So she did.  

Shannon would have been given a heads up about a phone call had the number been given to Meghan by production, just like Heather/Terry were given a heads up about Shannon's "surprise" visit to their house last season.  IMO, BOTH Shannon and Meghan acted like fools.

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So Meghan and Brooks both posted her thank-you note on Twitter.  Am I the only one who thinks that was a really strange thing to do?


Why in the world would someone feel the need to share a photo of a thank-you note re flowers for a recently-deceased loved one on social media?  It makes no sense to me.  I don't understand why either of them did it, but especially Meghan.  What was the point?   "I sent a thank-you note and here it is!  I'm so awesome!"


I follow Brooks on Twitter, but not Meghan, so maybe I'm misunderstanding what happened here.  It is just beyond my comprehension why someone would put a photo of a thank you note that they had written on Twitter.  I don't get it at all.







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Maybe she retweeted his photo of the TY note. I just know it is on her twitter page in the photo section. Maybe she did it as a way to show they sent flowers and she responded in kind to them via the note. Who knows why either of them put it out via twitter because I sure don't. LOL


If she did it as a way to show that they sent flowers, she could have simply tweeted that they had sent flowers.  Or if she wanted a photo, she could have taken a photo of the note that came with the flowers.  (I don't know why a photo of either note was necessary at all, but that's just me.)  


What I can't get past is that apparently she used a photo of a thank-you note that she herself had written.  Who does that?

  • Love 1

So Meghan and Brooks both posted her thank-you note on Twitter.  Am I the only one who thinks that was a really strange thing to do?


Why in the world would someone feel the need to share a photo of a thank-you note re flowers for a recently-deceased loved one on social media?  It makes no sense to me.  I don't understand why either of them did it, but especially Meghan.  What was the point?   "I sent a thank-you note and here it is!  I'm so awesome!"


I follow Brooks on Twitter, but not Meghan, so maybe I'm misunderstanding what happened here.  It is just beyond my comprehension why someone would put a photo of a thank you note that they had written on Twitter.  I don't get it at all.

Ok, I went to Meghan's twitter to copy/past it here, the TY note, and it is NOT on her twitter account. The only thing I can figure out is that I was looking at Brooks account, Meghan's account, this site and talking to my husband, multitasking, and I mistook Brooks twitter account as Meghan's when I noticed the photo of the TY note. I am SORRY! It was MY mistake and I will try to do better and less multitasking. LOL


I do find it interesting that Brooks tweeted the TY note the day after Vicki announced on twitter that they had broken up though. IMO, his doing that raises a lot of questions about this overall  "cancer" storyline.

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If she did it as a way to show that they sent flowers, she could have simply tweeted that they had sent flowers.  Or if she wanted a photo, she could have taken a photo of the note that came with the flowers.  (I don't know why a photo of either note was necessary at all, but that's just me.)  


What I can't get past is that apparently she used a photo of a thank-you note that she herself had written.  Who does that?

Actually, it's my understanding that Brooks tweeted the photo on the thank you note, not Meg.



  • Love 2

Yes, Vicki wrote about it in her latest blog. She said that Brooks did not want to talk about his cancer on the show at all and she talked him into it. She said she felt it might help others (viewers) to see them work through it as a couple and that was when he agreed to it. Sorry, I just don't see Vicki thinking about "helping" viewers unless they are going to buy an insurance policy from her. She had zero storyline this season except for the unexpected death of her mother, zero. Without Brooks "cancer" story, she had nothing to offer and needed something, so, IMO, she used Brooks.

Thank you. I didn't read Vicki's blog and probably won't ever read her blog because I don't think we can believe anything she says. At least now I know it wasn't a tabloid story and she actually admitted it. Call me cynical but IMHO that still doesn't make it true. And if it is true, I agree with you. She did it for a storyline and not for the benefit of mankind.

  • Love 4

I understood that Meghan called Shannon at the suggestion of the charity--who supplied the very private phone number.  Shannon was surprised (worried?) when she didn't recognize the name and handled the call badly, probably hurting Meghan's feelings.  The race was on.  Shannon was uncharitable...and it had nothing to do with the charity.


I now think Meghan is pretty awful, but at the time you're talking about - early in the season - I saw things exactly the way that you did.   Meghan seemed fine to me, and Shannon was a bitch on wheels.  She was very unfriendly & rude to Meghan.  Especially in light of the fact that she knew damn well that Meghan was a fellow castmate on this show and not some random stranger!   But even putting that aside, she was horrible to Meghan for no good reason.  Being caught off-guard by a phone call is one thing, but she continued to be all up on her high horse with her nose in the air even later.  I was pretty shocked at how rude she was.  Things went from bad to worse, and that was all Shannon's fault.  


I thought we were supposed to feel sorry for Shannon when she was excluded from Meghan's charity event, but I didn't.  If Shannon treated me the way she did Meghan, I wouldn't have wanted her at my event either.

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