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S17.E30: Episode 30

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Vanessa's DR was hilarious when she said James and Meg showed their feeling for one another and they made themselves out to be targets because anyone knows a couple in the house will be targeted.  I guess Liz and Austin don't count in her mind as a couple.  


And I guess blood relatives who shared a damn womb aren't a problem.

  • Love 9

Vanessa's DR was hilarious when she said James and Meg showed their feeling for one another and they made themselves out to be targets because anyone knows a couple in the house will be targeted.  I guess Liz and Austin don't count in her mind as a couple.  

To be fair, she's not actually aligned with Meg/James, while she is aligned with Austin and the twins. 

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As Julie Chen would say...It's Official. This season is going down the same stupifying drain that last season did because one person is controlling everything and everything goes their way! Last year it was Derrick that ruined the game by his complete stranglehold and this year its Vanessa. At least she is a more intersting character who doesn't come with a psychophant ready to sacrifice their game for hers.


Still...this is terrible. James is the one person who isn't afraid to make big moves but unfortunatly he can't win HOH. The fact that no one will either break up the trio or vote out Vanessa when there is a chance has become simply unfathomable. If only anyone of the jurors (besides Shelli) could have come back other than "make no moves" Johnny Mac tonight could have been epic..instead we get this.


and sorry...Redrawing the lines in the house Vanessa would have been to put Julia and LIz side by side in the chairs.


The producers are probably cringing because this sabotages the double eviction Thursday because it will be the same old same old predictable one two punch of two allies being sent home...first James and then Meg.

  • Love 4

Vanessa's DR was hilarious when she said James and Meg showed their feeling for one another and they made themselves out to be targets because anyone knows a couple in the house will be targeted.  I guess Liz and Austin don't count in her mind as a couple.  

Vanessa always needs to justify herself.  Time after time, she's picked a fight with her pre-selected target so she can stomp off in a butthurt huff and put that person up on the block.


And now she does this other odd thing where she goes around asking people what they can do or give her to improve her game.


But the behavior that makes me squee with happiness is when the Austwins shake their heads in frowny disapproval because "x, that selfish bastard, is just out for himself!"



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I thought it was funny that in just trying to give a simple "everything's ok with us right?" update/assurance they ended up talking themselves onto the block due to their blubbering over each other going up. Pretty classic.


I know this is like saying "tomorrow when you wake up I think the sky will have green polka dots" but I think Meg will win this PoV and save James. He might still go home in the double evict but I still want to see it.


I agree that the only way to "redraw the game" is to put the Austwins up, as this is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. But I guess Vanessa claims/feels herself to be #1 in her new "side-alliance" while she's a surefire #4 in 'The angels' but I believe Steve and/or Johnny Mac would turn on her when/if the next good offer comes along so it still sucks to be Queen when the "peasants" get out the pitchforks and lead you to the guillotine.


The more I hear the twins talk the more I dislike them and how they obviously look down on other people in the game. Oh yes you're both soooo superior...


I think there's a 93% chance Liz was just leading the poor big goof along.

  • Love 5

So little ever happens, I spend most of my time analyzing the women's makeup.  The twins have absolutely gorgeous skin, I like Meg's makeup (even the red lipstick), but OMG Vanessa.  How can she have so much money yet know nothing about what works for her?  Her foundation is too light, her under eye concealer seems blindingly white, and she contours her nose in a way that actually makes it look larger.  And all that crap around her eyes looks so muddy. 


This is what I've been brought to.  Thanks BB.  And since I'm being incredibly shallow, Vanessa's hair color does not flatter her skin tone.

  • Love 9

Watching Vanessa all these weeks rationalize and counterationalize and counter-counter-rationalize her decision-making gives me a headache. Her reasoning skills are a Mobius strip  - they go in one directon, twist, then twist the exact opposite, ending where she started in the beginning. It's tiring, and tiresome.


Had Vanessa been bright she would have thrown to Johnny Mac and then talked him into putting up the twins. Agree, this is like the Dick and Danielle season - of COURSE they're going to take each other to the finals. If anything, this season's crowd is dumber because Dick and Danielle put on a show that they hated each other. These two make it clear they are the best of friends.

  • Love 2

And now she does this other odd thing where she goes around asking people what they can do or give her to improve her game.


Yes!!!  I can't believe she has the audacity to ask others to give her information that will help HER game.  Even more unbelievable is that most of them give her the information she wants!  I think at least five of the remaining players share one brain because they all think its a good idea to keep her in the game.  And she gets indignant when people she isn't even aligned with don't share information with her.  How dare they! 

As others have said, I can't believe Vanessa is so stupid as to remain allied with the Austwins.


This is the stage of the game where I dislike most of the contestants, and the people I do like are being picked off. When those I like are gone, I will stop watching.


RE Austwins and Vanessa, I can only hope their lives are miserable when they leave the house.

  • Love 2

What, please, is #fingergate?

Did they put that hashtag in the episode?!? It's a reference to

Austin & Liz's live feed bedroom activities.

Thank you for that 5 second Shelli DR to remind me how much I do not care for her personality one bit. Any other juror I would have been fine with.

Edited by The Crazed Spruce
hidden live feed info
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I'd also like to give a shout-out to whoever put the new magenta knit hat in V's HoH basket. That green one combo'd with the caked on eye makup was making me throw up in my mouth. Since she obviously won't stop wearing them at least we have her in a nicer one know. Or something.


I feel sorry for Vanessa's girlfriend (even if they have the money to live a pretty nice life) as it seems Vanessa also needs to be constantly told that she is loved. A platonic version of which has been driving me nuts all season. She is just so damn needy and that's become sooo tiresome. "Oh good she still loves me!" From anyone else would come across as "cute" but from Vanessa it was just very telling I thought. I bet she needs that reassurance a lot.


Also, what's with James and people's moms?

  • Love 5

Vanessa is so worried about not getting blood on her hands that she seems to have forgotten how close .to the end they're getting. She can't be HOH next week, so this was her week to act. She should have put up Austin and Liz and if Either Austin or Liz won the veto, put up Julia. James, John, Steve and Meg would have gone along with it, and if any of them won HOH next week would have followed suit, with the added bonus of backdooring Vanessa. Now THAT would be worth watching!

Also, I'm tired of the twins' whining and Vanessa's RBF. That is all.

Edited by Lnmop
  • Love 3
Vanessa's DR was hilarious when she said James and Meg showed their feeling for one another and they made themselves out to be targets because anyone knows a couple in the house will be targeted.  I guess Liz and Austin don't count in her mind as a couple.


Not only that, but Liz and Austin have a 3rd person strongly attached to them - being Liz's sister! Vanessa is just driving me crazy with her logic. All of a sudden James and Meg are this big power couple that need to be taken out, despite the fact that Meg sucks at most competitions and hasn't really done anything in this game. I get going after James, he's been HOH a few times and has shown he's not afraid of taking out big players. But why can't she see that unless she wins literally everything, she will never make it past final 4 with Austwins still in this game????


Is it just me or do these episodes drag? A grandma Meg segment? Seriously?


I actually liked the Grandma Meg segment. But yes, other than that it kind of dragged. I'm just anticipating Austwins and Vanessa as the final four and since I can't stand any of them (okay, Julia is sometimes tolerable), I'm kind of mentally checking out at this point. 


Had Vanessa been bright she would have thrown to Johnny Mac and then talked him into putting up the twins.


Am I imagining things, or did they briefly talk about that before he was evicted? That really would have been best. Logically, she HAS to know that that trio needs splitting. But she's too scared to do it. Having someone else do it would have worked out great for her. I guess maybe she didn't feel she could 100% trust Johnny Mac. 

  • Love 2

I have zero respect for Liz.  Agreeing to be the girlfriend of a guy who already has a girlfriend, and then interviewing that he'd better drop the chick on the outside as soon as they get out, even though it's clear Liz doesn't really like Austin (well, beyond that 93%) - it's just so gross and icky and uncomfortable.  Although I will continue to watch this mess play out, it angers me a little bit that this is happening on television.  It's worse than Caleb's obsession with Amber last season, because Liz continues to let herself be put in situations where it's clear she is not comfortable.  In real life, this could be dangerous.

John said he was gonna go after Meg anyway, so if he got HOH we would've got the same thing because all these people think leaving a 3 person unbreakable alliance in the game at F8 is totally ok.

Has no one ever suggested getting Liz out?  Because if she's gone, I can see Julia turning on Austin in a heartbeat.  And then Vanessa would fall apart.  Is it mean that I want this to happen RIGHT NOW?!  GAH!!

  • Love 5

I was hoping James would win yet another endurance comp, but even at the end of Thursday's episode, it was clear that he was already struggling. (It's also a measure of how desperate they are to find footage to fill the episode that we spent the first ten minutes of this one essentially showing what happened during the commercial break at the end of the live show. Seriously, it took FOREVER for the first person to fall and we know that happened in like a couple minutes in real time. Feh.)


Then it was the jury versus Vanessa, which I'm sure the producers loved because that was a dramatic face-off. Well, until all the jury members dropped one by one. Sigh. I knew that Vanessa was going to win it because she was like a rock hanging on that rope, and because Vanessa being HoH is the worst possible outcome. Ugh.


I also knew immediately that she was going to put up Meg and James. Because she needs to keep people in the house who will target the Austwins, since she can't do it herself. Although she could've just let Johnny Mac have the HoH and do it now, but maybe she thinks it would be better to cement her alliance/alliances, and take care of the Austwins next week? She probably doesn't know about the double eviction, I suppose… that'll screw things up if it plays out like the last one, with a surplus of WTF.


This whole episode was dull and predictable. Something Big Brother isn't supposed to be. But this season has degenerated into the same predictable BS as last season with the one player controlling everyone's actions in the game and the house all voting together. They need to do something to overhaul this show to wake it back up.

  • Love 5

I'd also like to give a shout-out to whoever put the new magenta knit hat in V's HoH basket. That green one combo'd with the caked on eye makup was making me throw up in my mouth. Since she obviously won't stop wearing them at least we have her in a nicer one know. Or something.


I feel sorry for Vanessa's girlfriend (even if they have the money to live a pretty nice life) as it seems Vanessa also needs to be constantly told that she is loved. A platonic version of which has been driving me nuts all season. She is just so damn needy and that's become sooo tiresome. "Oh good she still loves me!" From anyone else would come across as "cute" but from Vanessa it was just very telling I thought. I bet she needs that reassurance a lot.


Also, what's with James and people's moms?

I think you're on to something. I'm thinking Vanessa can't eliminate the Austwins because she's so lonely in the house. She probably has a misguided notion that they are friends.


I think James is really, really bored in the house. He'll do or say anything to break up the monotony.

  • Love 1

So little ever happens, I spend most of my time analyzing the women's makeup.  The twins have absolutely gorgeous skin, I like Meg's makeup (even the red lipstick), but OMG Vanessa.  How can she have so much money yet know nothing about what works for her?  Her foundation is too light, her under eye concealer seems blindingly white, and she contours her nose in a way that actually makes it look larger.  And all that crap around her eyes looks so muddy. 


This is what I've been brought to.  Thanks BB.  And since I'm being incredibly shallow, Vanessa's hair color does not flatter her skin tone.


It hasn't seemed to happen much this season even though I think they're out in the sun more than any other season BUT in each season the girls generally have to start wearing foundation that is too light because they have become tan from the sun and being in the pool.  Maybe Vanessa just tans easier than the other girls so she's suffering the most from this issue. Even though I've seen her out in the sun way less than the others. 


But yes.. even when her foundation matches her makeup looks HORRID.   I had a theory that all women on the show were given makeup tips before coming into the house because normally all of them look great in their makeup but apparently Vanessa nixes that theory.

Edited by gunderda
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I. Just.  Can't.  With these people. 


Liz's body language with Austin just freaks me out.  It just screams "Noooo, no, nooooo!!!!  Get away, get away, get away!!!!!"  I actually find that extremely disturbing.


James and Meg are totally clueless, aren't they?  I mean, a special sort of clueless.  Does Meg actually believe she's in the magic inner circle?  And that deal you had with Vanessa, James?  Why the fuck didn't you use it?  I was rooting for you guys, but you just marched over my "too stupid to care" line with seven-league boots.  I mean...really?


Why, oh why, oh why has "the house" allowed that power trio--which is really a set of two power couples--continue untouched?  Are they that afraid that Austin will make their lives that uncomfortable if you dare threaten his "romance for the ages?"


And Vanessa?  You did no so much as re-draw the lines as you re-inforced them.  How is it at all possible that you view Meg and James as a bigger "power couple" threat than Austin and Liz, or Liz and Julia?

  • Love 5


Liz continues to let herself be put in situations where it's clear she is not comfortable.


I've seen nothing to suggest Liz isn't comfortable with Austin. I can't speak to her taste in men but she hasn't given any indication she doesn't like his attention. I do think she's not nearly as into him as he is into her, but until I actually hear her say something in the DR about wishing he'd back off a smidge, I'm taking her acceptance of him at face value. I think Austin is skeevy but I'm not going to project my feelings for him onto Liz. She hasn't done anything to discourage him that I've seen.


I almost have to laugh because clearly the show was all over the Shelli and Clay show-mance and now they're stuck with the less than desirable Liz and Austin pairing, who nobody is rooting for. Jeff and Jordan they're not.

  • Love 5

It's hard to tell if Liz is actually into Austin or if she's just using him to get further in the game. Because resting bitchface is her default and she always acts disgusted/annoyed at everyone and everything, I honestly can't get a read on her genuine feelings for the tattooed sasquatch. 


But I REALLY hope it's just for the game. Because honestly? Even Liz being Liz… she can do better.

  • Love 4

Liz's body language with Austin just freaks me out.  It just screams "Noooo, no, nooooo!!!!  Get away, get away, get away!!!!!"  I actually find that extremely disturbing.

I think Liz is fully aware of the cameras at all times, and that her parents might be watching. I would hope so, anyway, even as they climb into bed together every night.

I have a secret hope that Judas is using her. But, it's like being on a desert island and there aren't a lot of choices in the opposite sex.

  • Love 1

This is just what I have seen: Every time Austin goes into kiss Liz, she backs away.  When he had forcibly pulled her to him (which he did in the bathroom one episode) for a long, deep kiss, she gave him a peck & turned away.  When he has kissed her, I have heard her say in her whiney voice "Ewwwwww!". She told him outright that he was just an "ok" kisser.   From what I see on my side of the TV screen, I do not think Liz likes Austin as 'boyfriend' material, I think she likes being the center of attention and he is putting her there, he is focusing every bit of attention onto her. 


I just do not understand why they have been kept in the game.  None of them, Austin, Liz or Julia, have done anything great as far as game play goes.  Yes, he finally won a HOH, but geeze, there are only so many people left and I still say the only reason he won was because his arms are longer than James & he reached out & hit that buzzard before even getting to the end.


I am just so sick of 'Austin's Angels'.  All 4 of them.  I should probably stop watching because by the end of the episodes, I have a knot in my stomach from anger.  How dare Vanessa expect the other players, who are there for the same exact reason she is, to give her information to advance her game play.  And at the end of the episode when Austin very smugly said "Vanessa caught wind that James wanted to put me up on the block, so she put him up first!".  Oh yes, Austin, all for you.

Edited by alegtostandon
  • Love 2

I'd almost forgotten about that sterling moment of gameplay when she went fishing for info about Austin. I'd have said "With all due respect... fuck you."


It got lost in my head since there was even worse gameplay from the other two as they talked themselves onto the block together, when she was only considering them for pawn duty before they fell all over each other to 'save' the other person.

  • Love 1

Am I the only one who can't tell the twins apart? 


This is just what I have seen: Every time Austin goes into kiss Liz, she backs away.  When he had forcibly pulled her to him (which he did in the bathroom one episode) for a long, deep kiss, she gave him a peck & turned away.  When he has kissed her, I have heard her say in her whiney voice "Ewwwwww!". She told him outright that he was just an "ok" kisser.   From what I see on my side of the TV screen, I do not think Liz likes Austin as 'boyfriend' material, I think she likes being the center of attention and he is putting her there, he is focusing every bit of attention onto her. 


She has told her sister that he's a bad kisser because he doesn't know what to do with his tongue. She also recently said that she's now sleeping in a sports bra, in an attempt to dissuade Austin's nighttime groping.

  • Love 1

I've seen nothing to suggest Liz isn't comfortable with Austin. I can't speak to her taste in men but she hasn't given any indication she doesn't like his attention. I do think she's not nearly as into him as he is into her, but until I actually hear her say something in the DR about wishing he'd back off a smidge, I'm taking her acceptance of him at face value. I think Austin is skeevy but I'm not going to project my feelings for him onto Liz. She hasn't done anything to discourage him that I've seen.


I almost have to laugh because clearly the show was all over the Shelli and Clay show-mance and now they're stuck with the less than desirable Liz and Austin pairing, who nobody is rooting for. Jeff and Jordan they're not.


Yeah, I don't like how quick people are to jump into this assumption that Austin is somehow victimizing Liz.  They're both adults, they have cameras trained on them 24/7 and the world watching,  if there was ever a situation LESS likely to be potential harrassment, I can't imagine it.  And I would say the same for all the pearl clutching over last season, including Caleb/Amber and Frankie/Victoria controversies.  It helps Liz's game to canoodle with Austin and lead him on.  It helps both their fame ho careers to be seen as a couple.  It's gross but she seems 100% complicit and has a whole host of "no" avenues open to her, and she's shown she knows just how to keep him at arm's length when she wants and reel him closer when it suits her. 

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