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S06.E08: What Makes You Happy

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Barb to Jenitalle: "You're making yourself a nice little career.."

She must mean J's social media attention seeker career.

We saw the rarely spotted brothers this week. Leah's and then Jenelle's.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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Jesus, I have to work over 50 hours to week just to get by loading, driving and unloading trucks. Chelsea gets to make money while spending a whole episode buying a fucking pig. There is no justice in this world.


This show is also great for showing the plight of teen mom.


All of this is bullshit. There is drama and interesting stories to be told about teen moms really struggling, trying to earn a living and learning to be a parents. This is bullshit. Women with huge salaries wasting their time buying shit they don't need, barely working, having family support them all over the place.


Just...whatever. This show exhausts me sometimes. Somehow watching Chelsea buying a damn pig set me off the most and I don't know why.

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I don't really get Leah's statements that these drugs made her go go go. I always though that over the counter pain meds might make you feel good enough to go go go but the drugs she said she was on are the kind that only make you go go go to bed. Pain may be gone but so is your ability to function as normal - am I wrong on that? Also doesn't make any sense because what we saw on camera was her slurring speach, eyes rolling back, unable to lift head, sleeping all day, etc. Was everything she said in that convo about the drugs effects total BS spin on why she took them or do they actually work that way?

I have some experience with pain medication. And this is how I KNOW that she is an addict. For a non-addict, opiates make you sleepy and tired. But for an addict, they actually bring about a euphoria that is similar to a burst of energy. Take too much and you get the closing eyes, and the nodding off. The nodding off is the tell-tale sign. She's abusing those pills.

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Jesus, I have to work over 50 hours to week just to get by loading, driving and unloading trucks. Chelsea gets to make money while spending a whole episode buying a fucking pig. There is no justice in this world.


This show is also great for showing the plight of teen mom.


All of this is bullshit. There is drama and interesting stories to be told about teen moms really struggling, trying to earn a living and learning to be a parents. This is bullshit. Women with huge salaries wasting their time buying shit they don't need, barely working, having family support them all over the place.


Just...whatever. This show exhausts me sometimes. Somehow watching Chelsea buying a damn pig set me off the most and I don't know why.

I'd rather watch Chelsea buy a pig, a dog, or a bird than to see another child being born into the mess that is Kail, Jenelle, and Leah.

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Take too much and you get the closing eyes, and the nodding off. The nodding off is the tell-tale sign. She's abusing those pills.

That had to be an uncomfortable scene for her brother Isaac. Leah looked like she was about to bang into the baby's head at any moment, so Maddy swooped in and picked up Baily.

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And this is how I KNOW that she is an addict

Leah going to rehab? :-)


I had to take pain killers years ago for an injury. After two years, I couldn't take them anymore because instead of making me tired and sleepy, I felt edgy and jittery. I had a hard time falling asleep.

Edited by GreatKazu
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The Yeager airport shown when Leah is leaving for reh-- I mean, therapy! was named for pilot Chuck Yeager, who grew up in the same region of West Virginia and was the world's first pilot to break the sound barrier in 1947, as seen in the movie "The Right Stuff".

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I'd rather watch Chelsea buy a pig, a dog, or a bird than to see another child being born into the mess that is Kail, Jenelle, and Leah.

I'd rather they not bring anything else into the house they need the raise. It's okay to not add another member to the household every single year. Something these people are incapable of.

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Did I hear right? Leah said she was taking Morphine, Hydocodone (Vicodin) and Percodan? So no wonder she was out of it. I'm surprised she could function at all. I was a pharmacy Tech. For 15 years, those are some heavy duty drugs. A lot of people get addicted to them.

And one Dr would in no way prescribe Vicodin, Percocet and Codeine to the same patient at the same time. Somebody was Dr. shopping.

Edited by Maharincess
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I don't really get Leah's statements that these drugs made her go go go. I always though that over the counter pain meds might make you feel good enough to go go go but the drugs she said she was on are the kind that only make you go go go to bed. Pain may be gone but so is your ability to function as normal - am I wrong on that? Also doesn't make any sense because what we saw on camera was her slurring speach, eyes rolling back, unable to lift head, sleeping all day, etc. Was everything she said in that convo about the drugs effects total BS spin on why she took them or do they actually work that way?

This may have been answered already, I'm still reading comments.

I'm on some heavy duty painkillers and they wire me up. If I wasn't so injured I'd be able to paint my house all by myself while on these things. I can't take my afternoon dose because if I did I would be awake all night.

The above poster is very incorrect that only addicts feel energy from pain medicine. The very first time I took it I was bouncing off the walls.

Edited by Maharincess
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Did I hear right? Leah said she was taking Morphine, Hydocodone (Vicodin) and Percodan? So no wonder she was out of it.

I might have heard it differently because I thought she was rattling off the various meds she has taken at different times for different reasons. I am not posting that as a defense, merely I thought that is what she was trying to sell to the viewers and to her mother.


My gosh, I cringed when I saw Aubree run into the corner of that counter. I gasped before it even happened because she just got so close and then BAM! That is why I didn't have those kinds of counter tops in my kitchen. I had my husband rip them out and put in different ones because anything that is sticking out like that counter, can be a hazard. I actually thought for a split second she had hit her face.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I might have heard it differently because I thought she was rattling off the various meds she has taken at different times for different reasons. I am not posting that as a defense, merely I thought that is what she was trying to sell to the viewers and to her mother.


I watched the episode again and she said something about getting Morphine in the hospital when she had something with her back during her pregnancy with Adderall. Then they gave her Vicodin, Percodan and Tylenol #3 ( that's got Codeine in it). I assume these were given after the hospital stay. Doesn't she always complain about headaches? Then Cory made that remark to his wife that Leah will take anything she can get her hands on. I'm assuming he was talking drugs since she was so out of it at their meeting.

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I know it's terrible to not make the same amount of money these girls make and enough where they can buy many things they don't need, such as Chelsea with a pig but I don't hate on her too much because I think she will probably raise the pig well and I honestly think she probably saved enough for it. Unlike the other three, she seems to be doing well with managing her money. Or at least has her dad to keep her in check. But she seems to take care of her pets, unlike the other three.


I think Leah is probably taking all those medications she mentioned. And then some. I want to feel for her but I just can't. Also there is way more to this story but it doesn't fit in well with the story MTV wants told because if MTV told us the truth, none of us would have any empathy for Leah. 


So, I guess Javi just sits back now and lets life happen to him. If Kail is mad that day, he will just sit back and take it, I suppose.  I wish they were staying in that development if only so I could watch Javi drive up and down on that little  bicycle every episode. It probably makes Kail angry that he and Jo are kind of friendly. You know she loves that tension. Probably why in the previews it looks like she's letting Jo come to the house while Javi isn't around.  


Oh Janelle. What else can I say? 

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I'm curious about patient privacy or confidentiality in rehab with family members. If Leah and Corey share custody of the girlses, and she goes off to rehab, is she allowed to keep that private from Corey? Obviously he knows she's there, but can she get away with insisting it's not drug rehab? And for God's sakes - she's slurring her words and nodding off mid-sentence in every scene! Who does she think she's fooling?

Switching subjects entirely - the funniest moment in TM2 history happened on the after show -- Janelle still thinks that dramastic is a word, and Leah agreed with her and wondered what was up. She turned to Chelsea for confirmation, but even though Chelsea kept saying "dramatic," Leah proceeded to put the word in a sentence: "Dramastic. When you make a sudden change, it's dramastic." Chelsea gently told her that she was combining "drastic" and "dramatic." None of this was for comedic effect - I swear! And I really don't think she was high. Just dumb. Same with Janelle.

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For once in a long while, I actually watched the episode the night it aired.


Kail and Javi - Javi does things that make me smile and see him for the nice guy that he can be and then, I am reminded of how much he was a part of what Kail was doing not that long ago when it came to moving around like gypsies. It was nice of him to go help Jo and his brother. Too bad the previews seem to show something happening there.


Love the pig, although what happens to it when it gets bigger? Did I miss the answer to that?


My heart goes out to Barb, as usual. She has really had it hard in life. Being the victim of DV, and having to deal with Jenelle? Props to her. She could have easily gone off the deep end and hit the bottle or drugs. Bless her. It is no wonder she can smell a rat a mile away.


Obviously, Jenelle will pick Nathan over Jace. No brainer there.


I'd rather they not bring anything else into the house they need the raise. It's okay to not add another member to the household every single year. Something these people are incapable of.

Chelsea is perfectly capable of caring for her child and pets. She is not an addict. She is not unstable. She is not in a domestic violence relationship. She has a stable and caring environment. What's the big deal?

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Leah: "I'm going into this intense reh--...therapy thing...place. Totally not rehab."

Miranda: "So once you get out of rehab, do you think you'll be a better mom?"


"Shame on you!"

Seemed like Leah was being a bratty teenager and Corey was her dad instead of her ex husbairandnd.


I was disappointed in Miranda for the first time in this episode. I think it's great that she attends these meetings with Leah and Corey but she needed to take a step back tonight. Asking questions like the one above seemed baiting to me. She knew Leah was high, probably not fully understanding the question and yet expecting an answer that Leah couldn't possibly give at that time. Don't get me wrong~Miranda's obvious concern is for those girlses and their well being but asking questions like that knowing she's going to get the obvious answer (and it was) just seemed downright bitchy to me.

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I know people aren't going to like this, but I just don't get why everyone's so hard on Leah. Usually when people do drugs, they do them to numb the pain they're feeling. (And where's she getting all these pills & why??) Most people have no idea how easy it is to get addicted to drugs- especially perscripion drugs. It happens before you realize it & it happens to anyone. Drugs don't discriminate.

I remember when she first got back with & married Corey. She was upbeat, pretty, lively, energetic, and you have to agree that she was a good mother. Especially since she had twins at such age. She took Ali's disability head on and she handled it well. She's not like Jenelle- who only cares about herself and her boyfriends. Jenelle's never been a good mother, but she can get better. People usually don't go from being a good Mom to Leah has become without a reason. Her appearance has changed, she looks so tired all the time. She doesn't seem motivated at all & she gets agitated a little quicker than before. All that doesn't normally happen without a reason either.

I know she loves those girls but she's too overwhelmed & she needs help. I'm glad she decided to get help, especially since she could lose her kids. I'm just really really MAD that Corey is acting like she abandoned those girls. I think it may be a good idea that the girls stay with Corey a bit after she's out of rehab, just so she can get things together. But he needed to be there to SUPPORT her, not crap on her & use her weakness against her so she'll lose her kids!! It's obvious that those kids love Leah and they need her in their lives. She needs them too.

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I know people aren't going to like this, but I just don't get why everyone's so hard on Leah. Usually when people do drugs, they do them to numb the pain they're feeling. (And where's she getting all these pills & why??) Most people have no idea how easy it is to get addicted to drugs- especially perscripion drugs. It happens before you realize it & it happens to anyone. Drugs don't discriminate.

I'm glad you wrote this.  And I definitely agree.  Addiction and other mental health concerns are serious.  I've been extremely angry every time I see or hear Corey, Miranda or Jeremy belittle Leah as though she's a worthless human for having issues.  That's not to say that they have no right to express concern about her current ability to parent or be an adequate spouse.  But ffs, there's a line one crosses where it becomes bullying.  

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Agree with the two posters above about Leah's situation. I also think it's rational for Leah not to confess too much to the camera - it's not necessary and might have consequences that she hasn't had a chance to fully consider. If she weren't on this show, nobody would be filming things that could be used against her later on, either in court or in her community. Not everybody needs to know everything. It does seem that she's drawing distinctions between her own issues with the pain killers and "real" addicts, but that's a pretty typical thing to do as well, and if she is able to get off of whatever she's been on, it'll be some time to come to a real understanding of the whole situation. I don't expect somebody just going in to rehab to have the kind of thinking about the situation that somebody with several years of sobriety under her belt would have. And whatever it is, I hope it takes. But the craziness won't abate immediately even if she's off the drugs. Her brain will still be screwed up from it for a while.  

Edited by akr
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This may have been answered already, I'm still reading comments.

I'm on some heavy duty painkillers and they wire me up. If I wasn't so injured I'd be able to paint my house all by myself while on these things. I can't take my afternoon dose because if I did I would be awake all night.

The above poster is very incorrect that only addicts feel energy from pain medicine. The very first time I took it I was bouncing off the walls.



This is my reaction to pain killers as well,

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Did anyone else notice that Aubree went over to Cole for protection during the Pete the Pig meeting? She's adorable and I'm glad she finds safety in him and he's a good father figure to her. And her poor little throat injury. :( But the pig acquistion? Wtf?

Leah said something tonight about how hard the last four years have been on her. Did I miss something? She's a woman getting MTV money living in a tiny town (I've actually driven through Elkview and had lunch there...ugh) I'm pretty sure she could afford to buy a nice house, go to school and go on vacations like Kail does. I understand having three small kids is challenging, but she resists every opportunity to lighten her load in that respect. I feel bad that she married some dude who was never at home, but I also don't feel bad that she decided he was good father material and added to her load by having his baby. Her only raison d'être is to be someone's wife and mommy -  not saying that's a bad thing, but clearly it doesn't make her happy.

And Jenelle is such a liar about what did or didn't happen with Nathan being abusive to her. But Barb's story about being abused by her husband gives insight to why Jenelle is the way she is. Instead of getting her life together so she could be a good mom to Jace, she's forever seeking the same kind of losers her mom had. I understand Jennelle in a way because I made terrible choices about men for the longest time. It wasn't until I dated the most effed up guy around that I decided I had enough and took a break from that for like 5+ years and just invested time in myself. Then I met a good guy and we got married two years after meeting and have been together ever since (7 years) for my longest relationship in my life. I don't think that would have happened without me taking that break and learning that it was okay to be on my own. 

And wtf Kail, you and your son are SO BLESSED to have a man who wants to be close to his son. Stop being so ungrateful and dramastical all the time.

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As usual Kail is a total moron. Why would Javi helping Jo move be awkward? Kail is remarried for what, a year or two, has another baby. Jo is living with Vee and they are having a baby. It's not like Kail and Jo just broke up. They have to interact with each other all the time so why would it be awkward? I could see it being awkward if you just broke up with a guy and you had to live a block away but what's the big deal? Another example of Kail being totally stuck in high school.

I commented on this last week when the bonus clips went up but Leah is so, so dumb. "While I go to therapy, like at a facility or something like that." Hello, use your words. Can she not more accurately describe where she's going? Because she can't call it a rehab. Who flies out of state for a month of therapy? I've never heard of such a thing. Can someone remind me what happened with the first rehab? She leaves right away right?

Why does Chelsea talk like that? What is wrong with her? She's deranged.

Is Mama Dawn pregnant?

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Leah is just a blubbering mess on drugs. I think the real problem is her asshole "mama."' Every time Leah is talking sensibly, Mama Dawn is there to convince her it is a bad idea. She enables Leah in her bad decisions. If my (theoretical) kid just got out of REHAB, I certainly wouldn't let their brand new boyfriend of the minute move in with me and the grandkids. Leah would get further along in life if she'd listen to herself and others and not so much to Mama Dawn.

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C'mon, Chelsea, you just got rid of one pig....you really want to go ahead and get another? 


Okay, now that I got that out of my system (sorry for the unfair comparison, Pete!), who flies in a pig? LOL! Chelsea is so funny. I remember when I first stated dating my husband I was obsessed with these MINI miniature pot bellied pigs, called Royal Dandies. There was only one breeder in the states, and they cost $1000. Needless to say, I never got one. But Pete made me think of that. He sure is cute, and Aubree is just adorable with her new pet. Cole is great with her, and they're all just so cute together. No Adumb this week! So Chelsea's segments were really the levity this show needs. 




I laughed so hard that Jo moved in right down the street. You go, Jo! I also find it hilarious that the day he moves in Kail and Javi are suddenly, "Our house is too cramped, we need to look for a bigger place". Cramped? That place looks plenty big for 4 people. Shit, my house is just under 1000 sq ft and we have five people living here. One story, one bathroom, boys share a bedroom. Also, "It was a nice little starter home". How long have you been there? A year? Get over yourself. 


I did think it was really cool of Javi to go help Jo out. I like that he was all, "It's not awkward. That was so 3 years ago". 




Watching Nathan and Jenelle is like being on a merry-go-round and wanting to get off. They just keep repeating the same cycle and I can never tell what point we're at in the journey. One minute Nathan has "changed" (in the span of a week?) and wants Jenelle back, the next he's telling her she should date other guys because he doesn't make her happy. I wish people could just break up and be done with it. 


I see dramastically lives on! In fact, on the after show Leah thought it was a word as well. What the fuck, people???


You know, I always go see my lawyer in fringed belly shirts as well. Way to keep it classy, Jenelle. But yea, I loved when her lawyer told her she'd basically have to make a choice between Nathan and Jace. We all know how that will go. 




Leah was a hot mess tonight. Did you see her holding that baby??? Who was that? I was texting during the first part and missed any labels on who that guy and his baby were. Her brother? Either way, she kept nodding the fuck out and the dude looked seriously concerned for the child. I breathed a giant sigh of relief when the baby was taken out of her arms. 


LOVED Cory putting it all out on the table! I'm sick of the BS excuses. Okay, first Leah was on meds for anxiety. Then it was headaches. Now we here some story about how she had to have painkillers after her birth with Addie. Why haven't we heard this before? And not just one painkiller, but three! Percocet, Vicodin, and Tylenol #3? I've worked in a pharmacy, I know not all docs are ethical. But who in their right minds prescribes all three of those to one person? Talk about redundant. Percocet already has acetaminophen in it, so why the Tylenol #3 as well? I mean, did she have a train come out of her? That just don't make no sense. 


It was really sad seeing the girls say goodbye. Ali giving her flowers and chasing her down? Damnit, Leah, get your shit together and be a better mom to those kids! But no, next week we'll have excuses as to why she just HAD to leave rehab early. I can't with this broad. I just can't. 

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Oh, Leah. I don't begrudge her for having an addiction - it's a medical condition - but I'm sick of her and everyone else not named Corey or Miranda skirting the issue and pretending that it's everything else other than drug dependency. Sweeping it under the rug and being all hush-hush and downplaying it is not going to help her. Kudos to Corey and Miranda for calling her out on it at dinner. They know what's up, and she needs to own up to it - especially if she's supposedly getting treatment for it. Lying to everyone is one thing; lying to herself is only going to be to her own detriment. They're not going to believe her when she says she sincerely wants to get help, wants to get better, if she can't even admit her own problems. Because then she's not serious. She may be sincere about it, but she's not serious. She's not really taking it seriously. On a side note, I need to find out if there's a Roni's in my area.


Yay for Jo moving almost into Kailyn's backyard. Kudos to Javi (and I don't have very many reasons to say that lately) for helping him unpack, extra points for riding that little kid bike. Indeed, Kail, why would it be awkward? As Javi said, all that drama was "so three years ago." Everyone's been on good terms for a long time now. Also, screw you, Kail, for your backhanded comment about Jo's new place. Yeah, he bought a fixer-upper. Those are good investments, and besides, he doesn't get as big an MTV paycheck as you while also siphoning off his spouse's military salary and benefits. Shut your hole. It's good for Jo to be so close to his son. It'll make all of their lives easier, obviously, and Jo and Isaac can spend more time together. The custody arrangement doesn't need to change - he can still have the same weekends he already gets - but maybe he can also see Isaac some days after school, pick him up and go for a snack or hang out at the playground for a couple hours before bringing him back to his mother's in time to wash up before dinner. I agree with Kail that it's in Isaac's better interests, at least while he's still very young, to have the stable schedule of living and sleeping in one house during the school week, the days when he needs to be focused, but Jo can still spend a little time with him on those afternoons.


Jenelle is just too annoying to deal with. Putting aside whether she or Nathan is the bigger asshole, it's just frustrating that she's that girl who will rightfully toss her man for laying a hand on her (or at least her finger) but five minutes later she starts crying about how she wants him back - and of course now he wants them to take a little breather which just makes her cry harder. Oy. How ridiculous that she actually lied to her attorney about there being nothing physical about the altercation. She knows it's on a police record, right? I don't know how Barbara can sleep through the night with her daughter over and over again getting into relationships that turn abusive. I liked her telling/reminding Jenelle about her own abusive relationship (with Mr. Evans?) and how she stayed because she felt she had to in order to secure financial stability, but she can't decide whether it was worth it in the end. She doesn't want her daughter to have to compromise on her own life like that, stay with someone who is cruel and violent to her just because she feels like she has to, and it breaks her heart that Jenelle keeps doing this. I like that she tentatively touched on the great white ultimatum in the room - Barbara doesn't trust Nathan and she doesn't trust Jace living in this household with Jenelle and Nathan the way they are, so if Jenelle wants to have Jace again Nathan's gonna have to go first, the end. There, it's out there. Decide, Jenelle. (Ha, like this one will be any surprise.) Oh, and last week, I could have dismissed it as a slip of the tongue, but dear God, Jenelle really does think dramastic is a word. Help me.


I don't think Chelsea and Cole had one normal conversation or exchanged a single line of grown-up dialogue for the entire episode. I'm going to assume that they were deliberately keeping their talks light and, well, stupid for Cole's benefit since he's obviously uncomfortable doing/talking a lot in front of the camera. The pig was cute. I wonder if Chelsea has given any consideration as to what they're going to do when Pete actually grows into a full-grown pig and destroys her house.

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I think Chelsea and Cole are just being Chelsea and Cole.  it is not like we follow around everyone in their daily lives to know if their normal way of being might annoy someone.  Honestly I can't pick on them because they have it together--they are happy, Chelsea has a decent life and is a good mother, and she is not Kail, Jenelle, or Leah--so she is doing great in my book!!

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I remember when she first got back with & married Corey. She was upbeat, pretty, lively, energetic, and you have to agree that she was a good mother.


I don't know if I can agree with that. Leah may not have been Jenelle level, but I don't know if she was ever what I would call a good mother. I have always found Leah to be very lazy and selfish. Even back in the old days, we had a member of production stating how disgusting her house was and the how the girlses ate off of the floor. And she cheated on Corey before they even got married! Betraying the father of your children is also betraying the children, IMO. Then she was so quick to end things with him, blame a truck, and go on with her ways. She moved Germy in with her young daughters before she hardly even knew him. That is dangerous, IMO. And all of this was before the drugs. 


I don't think Leah is an awful or abusive mother. But she has a lot of issues that were there before the drugs; I just think the drugs exacerbate them. I realize addiction is a terrible thing and I don't like to come down hard on addicts. But I still think Leah is putting other things before her kids, when you see her only staying at rehab, what? A day? I hope she is doing better in real time. I really do. But she was cheating and chasing different men and basically being a lazy schlub well before all this, so there's a lot more she needs to work on. 

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Jenelle is just stupid and selfish for wanting Nathan back. No surprise there.

However, Nathan is really a sicko. I knew this, but I was still taken aback by the degree to which he genuinely seemed to enjoy Jenelle's begging and crying. He sounded high again, similar to the scene where he got home and was super hyper and happy.

Leah's suitcase was packed in the same sloppy manner as her junkmobile. I laughed when she'd forgotten to zip it up.

Was it really necessary to take the girls to the airport and put them through that goodbye? It would have been better to just drop them off at Corey's, or for her to just take a cab.

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Junior! Kail's first long-time, short-notice babysitter. Shoot, she should be helping out with the move for all those times Junior watched their kid. i was wondering why they still had what looked like a heavy bureau or desk on the UHaul when Javi rode away on his big wheel. I assumed they were waiting for Kail to come and move the really heavy stuff. She's stronger than the three of them combined.

Edited by charmed1
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Anyone else notice that Chelsea's face is so orange and loaded with makeup that the part in her hair is such a stark white contrast? She's always flipping her hair around and touching it and that ghostly white part is distracting. Yep, Chelsea's scenes are so boring that that's what I'm noticing now, lol. I find Cole also has a funny voice so if he and Chelsea ever have kids, they're going to sound like they breathe helium. They are a cute couple, though.

It was heartbreaking to see Jenelle not pick Jace, AGAIN, over some loser boyyyfriend. She actually said, voice all a quiver, something like "I love you, don't make me go out and find someone else." Ffs, girl. Can you be by yourself for one week? Her lawyer tells her Nipples will be a problem in court to get Jace back. Barb tells her there will be a problem in court about Jace with Nipples around. Nipples cheats and is abusive. So, of course she picks fucking Nipples! Poor Kaiser Roll really struck out in the parents department.

Also heartbreaking to see Leah in that state. Her whole life's fire and passion are gone and I hope she gets some real help. What a mess.

Kail, your BS is so 10th grade. Even Javi was rolling his eyes about the awkward comment.

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Kail is literally the only person who cares that Jo is living so close.

"I guess he bought it knowing it was fixer upper, or whatever" such a backhanded way of insulting his house. Too bad he didn't know Kail was a fixer upper before he had a baby with her.

This almost caused me to dribble my dunkies iced coffee out of mouth like a toothless nut--haha!

When I read that comment the song from "Frozen" came to my head "he's just a little fixer upper" assuming you all have watched the movie.

You people on here rock and deserve your own radio show

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So Janelle, despite Nips telling her he wants out (or maybe his "let see other people" shit is manipulation) and her lawyer telling her that staying with Nips would not be in the best interest of getting Jace back, plus Barb telling her that she herself was abused and warning her not to go down that path, WTF does Janelle do, she gets on teh damn phone and practically begs Nips to come back to her. She is so fucked up. 


I'm glad Corey called it what it is, she is an addict and she is going to rehab. Everytime Leah said therapy, he said rehab back to her. I do take exception to throwing "good mom/bad mom" into the conversation, it is just a button pusher. Leah is an addict, she cannot care for her kids while being an addict. Period. Leave the bad mom thing out of it. I do love how she is rewriting history. Now she has a problem with pills because she got a prescription after she had Adderal. Um, ok, many women get that, including me, but they usually give you 10 days worth, max. How old is Adderal? I have a hard time believing that any doctor would continue to prescribe   pain meds for childbirth pain when the baby is now walking and talking. Wasn't it migranes? Then before that anxiety? It sounds like she was taking opiates. No doctor prescribes opiates for anxiety. As for migranes, there are many classes of non narcotics that can be prescribed before turning to opiates. Opiates are a last resort if the patient cannot tolerate the many other classes of drugs.  Leah is so full of shit. 


Kail is a bitch. I'm sure Isaac is thrilled that his dad is just around the corner. Javi is happy that he doesn't have to drive 6 hours a day. So who's the sourpuss? Kail of course. She is such a wet blanket. No one is allowed to be happy in Kail's world. She is going to lose her shit when Vee has the baby.


Really Chelsea, a pig? I couldn't get past them painting drywall that hadn't been taped and mudded. And to say the pig will just tear it up is stupid. Let's all never clean our houses because they are just going to get dirty again. Why put up drywall at all. Maybe pigs shouldn't live inside. And for all that is holy, stop with the baby voice.,  

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C'mon, Chelsea, you just got rid of one pig....you really want to go ahead and get another?




Okay.  So Cole has a voice that doesn't match his face, but he seems like a nice person.  I hope, especially for Aubrey's sake, that it works out between he and Chelsea.  I can imagine Randilicious is breathing a sigh of relief.  I did catch Mary's comment about Chelsea's getting the pig, and wondering if the pig has removed Chelsea's desire for another baby.  SMH.  Well, the important thing is that Chelsea got the pig instead.

Javi seems to be a nice guy that got mixed up with the wrong girl.  Kailyn is the common denominator in the craziness that Jo and Javi have displayed on the show.  Oh, and that was a cutting remark that Kailyn made WRT Jo's "fixer upper."  Cute house, and if it's a fixer upper then it could be a smart financial move for Jo once he decides to sell it.  I'm sure Kailyn got a VA loan for their house.  No money down.  So, I wonder what kind of house Kailyn would be living in had she put down a down payment like Jo probably did.  Maybe she would have been smarter had she invested in a "fixer upper."  Like I'd suspected, the real reason that Kailyn doesn't want Jo to move into their subdivision is that Kailyn doesn't want Vee around.  She's now married and with a baby, but she's still jealous of Vee?  Are you seeing that, Javi?

Dawn is the biggest enabler.  Barbara doesn't even enable Jenelle that much.  She's hurting Leah more than she's helping her.  If she'd really parented and guided her, maybe Leah would still be married to Corey--or Jeremy, for that matter.  Maybe she would have gotten rehab much sooner.

Corey is frustrated and fed the fuck up! He is completely disgusted with Leah and her denial of her drug use, and the way it affects her mothering.  I can't imagine how he must be feeling.  He keeps fighting to be there for his girls and feels like he's getting nowhere.  I just DO NOT understand how all of the people in Leah's life are watching her live her life with her girls high as a kite, and are such enablers that no one seems to have the capacity to say, "Leah, you need to leave the girls with Corey temporarily until you can pull yourself together."

Jenelle---SSDD.  Same shit, different day.

Edited by zenme
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I don't know if I can agree with that. Leah may not have been Jenelle level, but I don't know if she was ever what I would call a good mother. I have always found Leah to be very lazy and selfish. Even back in the old days, we had a member of production stating how disgusting her house was and the how the girlses ate off of the floor...I don't think Leah is an awful or abusive mother. But she has a lot of issues that were there before the drugs; I just think the drugs exacerbate them.


Having some real world experience with addicts and addiction, it's not that I can't feel sympathy for Leah. Addiction is terrible to go through and terrible to watch. However, one thing about addicts, it is NOT in their best interests to pussy foot around  and coddle them. So I'm not mad at Corey and Miranda for being as blunt as they were with Leah; someone needs to do it, since the Messer clan seems unable to do it.  As ghoulina pointed out, Leah has had issues long before she has been caught nodding off on camera. She has come off as spoiled and entitled from the beginning. She has created the mess that is her life by making bad choice after bad choice, jumping from man to man (her biggest addiction, imo). I do think she loves her girlses, but love does not a good parent make. I actually really hope Leah wakes up and takes responsibility for her own life, because I do think she has it in her to be a decent mom if she would grow up and learn from her mistakes instead of repeating them.


I know he is a dork, but I though it was sweet that Javi helped Jo and his brother move without being asked (little clown bike and all). I used to have a soft spot for Javi because he has always seemed to be a good guy, but the fame whoring and being whipped by Kail diminished that. I'd like to see more of that good guy, but it is probably unlikely while he is under Kail's thumb.


Jenelle is such a waste of space. Poor Barb, she isn't perfect but it sounds like she went through a lot of hell just to give her kids a better chance in life. Too bad her one daughter hasn't learned the lesson about putting your kids first.


Cole and Chels are a little boring but cute.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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Was it awkward? I really believe Kailyn WANTS it to be awkward for Jo and Javi to be around eachother because she wants to believe that Jo is soooo inlove with her that the idea of being around her husband sends him into a jealous rage behind close doors and that Javi can't stomach being around the guy that slept with his amazing wife.

kailyn, Jo was checked out from the relationship during "16 & pregnant" do you really believe YEARS later that he's i to you? He's got a gorgeous girl who treats her man with respect (as long as she's treated with respect as well) and doesn't nag, nag, nag his ear off without listening to his side.

He used you for sex when you were with Jordan there was NO LOVE involved when he had you in the shower--he played you on TV like you played him while living in his parents home--I read between the lines when that episode (shower episode) first aired that he had an agenda.

You are not a prize and they will not fight over you and you can't handle that.

kailyn also wants to move more because of Vee. I think she's afraid that Javi finds her prettier and she's Jealous of Vee being close with Javi (not sexually close but buddies because she's fresh air from the hulks stinky attitude) and watching Jo's baby grow inside her is killing her.

Normally I can't stand weird lipped Javi but him helping Jo was pretty cool and his "so 3 years ago" response to Kail was awesome.

You guys already said what I wanted about Leah.

To the poster that said Chelsea and Coles baby will come out sounding they are on HELIUM was friggen hilarious!

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Holy shit that scene with Leah nodding off while holding that baby?  When her brother had to say "Leah!" before someone came and got the baby?  Oh nooooo, she doesn't have a drug problem at ALL.  Nope!  Even my husband, who doesn't watch this show, came in and said "who's the druggy?"  He left when Leah was telling her girls "see you when I get back" and I started yelling at the TV "IN TWO FUCKING DAYS!!!"

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Mamma Pill's and Leah's convo had me chuckling. How quick did it go from - "I'm not an addict" to "I was on pills and did feel I was dependent on them" and then notice how mamma Dawn hedged her bets and said something to the effect of "If I thought you were a BIG time addict I would have called Corey myself!" Whichever way she said made me snort - yeah so you decided she was only a small time addict so best to cover it all up. And also what kind of mom see's her daughter struggling and then says the only worry she had with her going away was that people would say it was over drugs. Really? No concerns with the effects on the girls? The twins are being separated from their half sibling, they're all being separated from their mom. Mom is at minimum copping to a minor drug habit and major psyche issues but your concern is just what the gossip in the holler's going to be?


I think the extent of Mama Dawn's concerns are what will people think.  What will people think if Corey and Miranda have the twins more than Leah?  What will people think if people find out Leah is going to rehab?  What will people think if they find out her daughter is a pill head?  The level of denial with both Leah and Mama Dawn was sad to watch.  


The only entertaining scene with Jenelle was the "dramastically" speech.  God that girl is dumb.  And no one can argue that she doesn't put men before her children.  She did EXACTLY that by deciding to beg for Nathan back (co-dependency anyone?) when she was told straight up it would prevent her from getting Jace back.  That girl has more issues than a magazine rack. 


I thought Chelsea's scenes were adorable.  But that baby voice is like nails on a chalkboard.  


I felt bad for Javi in that scene of him helping Jo.  He was super awkward, messing up the whole "too far to walk, too close to drive" explanation for using Isaac's scooter.  Poor guy.  Jo and his buddy were really cool to him though.  I thought it was a really nice gesture.  And I agree with everyone else that Kail's real problem seems to be with Vee as a neighbor, not Jo. 

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I don't really get Leah's statements that these drugs made her go go go. I always though that over the counter pain meds might make you feel good enough to go go go but the drugs she said she was on are the kind that only make you go go go to bed. Pain may be gone but so is your ability to function as normal - am I wrong on that? Also doesn't make any sense because what we saw on camera was her slurring speach, eyes rolling back, unable to lift head, sleeping all day, etc. Was everything she said in that convo about the drugs effects total BS spin on why she took them or do they actually work that way?

I was prescribed Norco (hydrocodone, one of the drugs she mentioned) after my C-section.  I think there was an error in the script because I got 100 of them, which is unheard of here.  I took them longer than I needed to exactly for the reasons Leah said.  They put me into a sort of happy fog where I was just happy.  Happy to be playing with my kids, doing housework, just happy to be being.  So I could see what she was saying.  I think Leah's issues are that after a while the same amount doesn't have any affect so she likely started taking more and more to the point where she was nodding off and semi-coherent like we saw her tonight.  That's a full-blown addiction.  She might as well be shooting heroin.  

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