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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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You know it's going to be a rough game when the very first clue, a $200 clue at that, is a TS.  And it got worse -- 3 of the first 6 clues are a TS -- and everyone was in negative dollar amounts.  Yikes. This really was underwhelming game going into the first break.  And the Jeopardy round ended with really low scores and 5 clues left on the board.

Anna seemed nice, but was just outmatched.  Hunter and Rick finally came on strong in DJ.

Why does AT "boo, hiss" people when they get things wrong ?

Never had panzanella before.  Learn something new every day.

Hunter manages to eke out another win, but I hope he loses soon.

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I stayed up late for this?  I didn't do too well - only got two TS - plunder and Bob Newhart.  I was totally clueless on FJ.  Of course, I'd thrown back a couple of Jack Daniels.  That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

Hunter's okay but it's time to go.  I liked Rick.  Anna was okay until she panicked and started going for the high dollar clues.  Unless the categories are Weird Cat Facts or Canadian Crap No American Knows, start at the top, Anna.

  • Love 7

For me, it was Maker's Mark and checking the archive.

Saloon was easy to me, given the hint about a slightly shorter French word for a more fashionable gathering, and I'm surprised two of them took a shot at it (pun unintended) but it was still a TS.  But in the same word origins category, I didn't know pomander, either.  I got plunder, though.

I also got Bob Newhart (perhaps impressive since I originally wrote that - after another Maker's on the rocks - as Bop). 

I loved the category about cabinet departments, and "thespianists."  I even got about half in the religious landmarks category, so clearly that was too simple for DJ.  I ran the Italian food category (and now really want some gelato), and am a bit surprised by the two TS.

But in an utterly stupid move I blame on the whiskey, I could not spit out rook.  Yep.  Chess piece with "oo" in the middle and my brain just flailed about.  My embarrassing performance in the Victorian Verse category, though?  I cannot blame the booze.  And I apparently know little about beetles.

FJ was pretty much an instaget, but considering an entire childhood obsessed with the space program, I don't think even tequila could have affected that.

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The camera was on Anna so seldom during the actual match that I don't remember if she was doing it then, too, but during the chat segment and again when FJ answers were revealed, she was leaning sideways with one arm on the podium as if she were nursing a beer.  I found that kind of odd.  I remember reading somewhere about a study concluding that people's reflexes were better and their brains sharper if they were sitting or standing straight.  So maybe there's something to that.  And if you've already dug yourself a hole, you're not going to climb out of it by picking the hardest clues--you've already kind of proven you can't answer the simpler ones, so where's the logic in that?

On a shallow (shallower?) note, I did like the colors she was wearing, and I loved her pink flats. 

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5 hours ago, Bastet said:

But in an utterly stupid move I blame on the whiskey, I could not spit out rook.  Yep.  Chess piece with "oo" in the middle and my brain just flailed about.  My embarrassing performance in the Victorian Verse category, though?  I cannot blame the booze.  And I apparently know little about beetles.

When I saw the category "OO" in the middle, sorry, I immediately thought of this.

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Rats. The show was preempted for basketball, but according to my guide it was going to air at 10:30. That turned out to be Jimmy Kimmel.


16 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Someone has to give Hunter a hard time about his response of 'What is Po ?" for the 2000 mile long river that empties into the Arctic ocean ?  About the only thing that the Ob has in common with the Po is that they are both wet.

And they're both two letters, one of which is O. Also the b becomes a p if you reverse it and turn it upside-down. :)



Last of the Mojitos made me chuckle.

Yes, that was my favorite. It was clever.


14 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Why does AT "boo, hiss" people when they get things wrong ?

To me, "boo, hiss" is a way to say "I'm sorry things didn't work out for you." I don't mind the expression itself -- and I think I use it every once in a while -- but it's funny how often Alex says it.

I wish I had seen the game. Maybe tonight's repeat will be this one. 

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19 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Hunter's okay but it's time to go.  I liked Rick.  Anna was okay until she panicked and started going for the high dollar clues.  Unless the categories are Weird Cat Facts or Canadian Crap No American Knows, start at the top, Anna.

 To be fair to Anna, that department category they had falls squarely under "American crap no Canadian knows". And it's hard to judge what "no American knows" about Canada, since that time none of the Jeopardy contestants could identify the then-current prime minister! Also, I met an (adult) American yesterday who had never heard of the CN Tower.

In all seriousness, I think she started at the bottom to try to quickly gain money to at least get out of the red - I could easily see myself panicking and doing something similar in that situation, although it obviously wasn't helpful for her.

I did terribly in this game, although FJ was an instaget - possibly because I just visited Kennedy Space Center on Thursday! So space history and astronauts were fresh in my mind. I did wonder if I was wildly off-base because of that, but apparently not!

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On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 5:01 PM, Browncoat said:

TS I remember (that I got) were cormorant, Harvey Fierstein, and Tucker.  I was one of the five people who actually paid money to see the movie about Tucker back in the 80s. 

Lost count, but I think counting me, all five of us are on this forum. I sat in one once - my ex knew someone who knew someone. I was underwhelmed. He was disappointed that I didn't appreciate the uniqueness of the experience.  I much preferred the vintage Cadillac that was parked next to it. What can I say - I like pretty more.

On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 6:10 PM, mojoween said:

I think of it as North!  Midwest to me is like the middle of the country, down below Minnesota and Michigan and the like.  North Dakota isn't Midwest either hahaha.

That's better than me. I've lived on the west coast mostly, so I used to think of it as the Mideast. I've managed to squelch that kneejerk reaction, but still...it's all about where I'm located, right? <grin>

On ‎6‎/‎9‎/‎2016 at 8:03 PM, peeayebee said:

I hated myself for not remembering the song El Paso in the series finale of Breaking Bad.

I could not believe I blanked on it - the song was my favorite as a kid (loved story songs - the more melodramatic the better) and was thrilled when it was used in Breaking Bad.

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On ‎06‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 3:49 PM, M. Darcy said:

Sadly, we are hippo free.

Zingbot should be common knowledge!

I've never watched Big Brother and know almost nothing about it, so Zingbot was a total mystery to me.

On ‎06‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 4:20 PM, Jesse said:

I meant to comment on that, too! What about Newark Penn Station??

Or Carson City Penn Station???

Baltimore's main train station is Penn Station, and when I hear the name, that's the city I think of.  Of course, my answer was Union Station in DC.

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That island in the English channel cow question -- should have been Jersey.  Jerseys are far more prized for their milk than Guernseys

Bite your tongue!  I grew up near a large milk-producing farm that was renowned for decades for its Golden Guernseys.  We used to go on field trips there in elementary school.  (Eh, unless there's chocolate in it, it all tastes the same to me.)


FJ was pretty much an instaget, but considering an entire childhood obsessed with the space program, I don't think even tequila could have affected that.

I pretty much worshipped Neil Armstrong as a child, so there's no amount of booze which could've made me miss that FJ.  (Still think NA was a fine choice of hero, btw.)

Edited by proserpina65
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I'm sure Barbara is a nice person, but she kind of annoyed me from the start, when she answered "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2".  Sorry, Barbara, but the book is all one volume -- there is no part 2 except in the movies.  And since the category was about books, I'm not sure she should have gotten credit for that extra (wrong) information.  I managed to get her missed DD of Georgia O'Keeffe.

For FJ, I waffled between Tony Bennett and Nat King Cole, and since Tony was the first one that came to me, I stuck with him.  Johnny Cash never occurred to me.

Glad Hunter won again.

  • Love 7

Barbara appeared to be so sweet and refined but I just wanted to give her a swift kick to get her moving - I also thought the Part 2 was only for the movies, not the book, so she should not have been given credit.  I liked the lady in the middle but Hunter is okay too.

I don't recall any ts's that I got, and I don't think there even were too many ts's.

You know those "promoted stories" at the bottom of these pages?  Just a couple of days ago I read one about the actors in commercials.  There were at least three of those same commercials in the Jeopardy category. I guess that's where the J! writers are getting their inspiration from.

Instaget FJ.  I knew Tony Bennett had an album of duets and 2011 sounded about right.

Edited by Trey
  • Love 4

Barbara was a nice lady and I liked her interview story a lot (which Alex basically ignored - why does he do that?) but Ohhhhh.Myyyyyy.Gawwwwwwd!  The hemming and hawing and drawing out the category names drove me nuts.

I didn't write down my TS's because I was lying down and don't remember any of them.  It's all I could do to not go into a coma.  There were only a couple I got.

FJ was an instaget.

  • Love 5

Add me to the list of people annoyed by the Harry Potter thing. When they read out the name of that category initially, my first thought was "All was well" would fit nicely in the category, and I was excited to see it. But then, Barbara went and butchered the name of it ("Harry Pott---Deathy Hallows"), and then had to go and be cute and add on "Part 2", making it even more incorrect. I think Alex had already ruled her correct when she added "Part 2", but it still bugged me. 

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20 minutes ago, Tunia said:

HAD to be Tony Bennett as he'd be the only 1955 crooner still alive to be doing duets in 2011, specifically with Lady GaGa.  Of the names Alex mentioned, Johnny Cash and Nat King Cole were long gone by then; Johnny in 2003 and NKC in 1965!  Time, as "they" say, does pass quickly.


8 minutes ago, just prin said:

Read that Nat did a creepy dead dad one with Natalie sometime, so I went w him.

In addition to the remix they did of Unforgettable with his daughter Natalie in 1991, there was also an album released in 2005, Re:Generations where they did remix versions of a number of Cole's songs, featuring his vocals and contemporary artists.  The timing was a little off for the 2011 date in the clue, but it wasn't that much of a stretch to think of Cole.

ETA: In 2010, they released an album of songs Every Song Tells a Story which Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson recorded a number of years earlier for a VH1 program, so yes, even Cash wouldn't be too off the wall either.

Edited by Moose135
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On 6/9/2016 at 3:51 AM, tvaddict44 said:

OK, ChicagoCita, you've teased us about your name before - now it's time to 'fess up.  You're going to be on this show some day and we'll have to know it to root for you!

Tonia -- rhymes with Phone-yah. Apparently my namesake spelled it the same way, but pronounced it TAHN-yah.

I find myself liking Hunter because I think he looks like a young Bill Pullman.

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Barbara getting the Georgia O'Keeffe DD wrong surprised me; J! thinks there have only been a few female artists in the history of time, and "bloom" narrows it down to O'Keeffe.

She must have no idea what the capital of Jamaica is; she guessed Jamaica instead of Barbados for the "birthplace of rum" clue when Bridgetown as the capital city was in the clue AND when Kingston (Jamaica) had already been the answer to the previous clue in that category.

The Martinique TS in that category surprised me a bit; I didn't know its capital, but with French in the clue, it's the one that came to me first (maybe because it's the biggest).  No one guessed any of the French territories in the West Indies, which I guess is the part that surprises me about it being a TS.

I also guessed correctly on Princess Di, and knew scenario, but I was just as stumped as the contestants on the rest of the TS.

FJ was an instaget for me, though.

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20 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Barbara was a nice lady and I liked her interview story a lot (which Alex basically ignored - why does he do that?)

I feel the same way. It was a lovely story, and he acts like, "Yeah, whatever." He's done that before. 

I guessed Nat King Cole for FJ, though I was pretty sure 2011 was too recent for that Unforgettable duet with Natalie. I would have thought Tony Bennett had had a chart-topping song before.

I got Princess Di and Georgia O'Keefe. 

This twice that I've thought John Galt was from The Fountainhead. Looking it up, I'm reminded it's Howard Roark. One day I'll remember.

Oh, and one I got wrong was Alan Dershowitz. I said Derkowitz. Doh.

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Add me to those bothered by Alex Trebek's reaction to Barbara's story. A simple "that's lovely" and walking away would have been great. 

I think FJ said number one album, not song. Tony Bennett immediately came to mind. I didn't even think about Johnny Cash or Nat King Cole. Mr. Pallida somehow remembered that Johnny Cash died around when we started our relationship, so he knew that was longer ago than 2011. 

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Warren Zevon died on Sunday, 09/07/2003. John Ritter and Johnny Cash both died the following Friday.  What makes this particularly memorable for me (besides being a Zevoneer) is that all three were good friends of Billy Bob Thornton's. I felt so sorry for him.

So, yeah, Cash has been gone a while now.

If you're guessing West Indies with French connections, Guadeloupe might have been a guess, too. Basse-Terre is its capital.  There's also a French half to St. Martin, the other half being the Dutch Sint Maarten. (Marigot & Philipsburg, respectively.)


Then there's the fictional Saint Marie, as featured in "Death in Paradise" - a Brit detective show seen on my local PBS station.  <hahaha>

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Damn it!  I was really rooting for Dana.   I could tell the second hermaphrodite rolled off her tongue she knew it was wrong.

I got Moscow, Katherine Howard, Lady Gaga, Black Star and androgynous.


FJ was an instaget although I also answered with his first name.  It could have been Groucho, Zeppo, Harpo, Chico or Gummo.

  • Love 6
24 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

I like Hunter. Dana gave him some competition today though although you could see her frustration when Hunter beat her on the buzzer. FJ was an instaget for me.

Dana did herself in with those wrong answers at the end of the DJ round, she coulda been champ.  Zane disappeared through most of DJ.

I had never heard that quote by Marx ..... Karl Marx ...  before.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Damn it!  I was really rooting for Dana.   I could tell the second hermaphrodite rolled off her tongue she knew it was wrong.


Me too.  There is something so unlikable about Hunter.  Can't put my finger on it.  He's not a show-off or a diva but...there's just a subtle air of superiority about him that rubs me the wrong way.  And the buzzer pointing, of course.

  • Love 4

Dana brought some great competition. I'm still not a fan of Hunter's but I loved his memory about Area 51 and how he was almost giddy recalling it.

2 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

I had never heard that quote by Marx ..... Karl Marx ...  before.

Neither had I, and I thought I knew a decent amount about Marx.

1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

I  like the woman, though her answer of hermaphrodite made me cringe.

I did as well. I got the sense she got caught up in the word origin part of the clue rather than the Bowie part, which would have made it easy.

  • Love 2

Polio is not on the upswing. ("The World Health Organization says that due in part to a Tali-ban on vaccinations, this paralytic disease is on the upswing")


This World Immunization Week, experts are cautiously optimistic that we could see the end of the virus very soon. In 2015, a total of 74 cases of polio were reported in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the only two remaining polio endemic countries, down from 334 cases worldwide in 2014. polioeradication.org

The 2016 YTD numbers are lower than the corresponding 2015 numbers. polioeradication.org

  • Love 2

The Martinique TS in that category surprised me a bit; I didn't know its capital, but with French in the clue, it's the one that came to me first (maybe because it's the biggest).  No one guessed any of the French territories in the West Indies, which I guess is the part that surprises me about it being a TS.

I was so upset with myself for missing that one, because I've read books about Josephine Bonaparte.  All I could come up with was "Guadeloupe?  No, the other one, with the 'M', crap, what is it?".

  • Love 2

Oh, poor Beth.  Need to learn to not buzz in unless you are resonably sure you know the answer.

Hunter did not have a spectacular game but he was the most self-disciplined.  The final question in DJ (What is The Netherlands?  I never would have got that) put Hunter over Sarah and into first place.  Add in an easy FJ and Hunter's streak remains alive.

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