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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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I thought the show was right to reverse the first penalty, and that forced them to reverse the champ's too, even though his answer was obviously wrong. The category was "Shared Initials," and the male challenger said M.G. How was he to know they wanted both full M.G. names when Alex didn't explain the category at all? I don't think it mattered where the contestant started. "They Share Initials (we want both full names)" would have been better.


I got yesterday's FJ, which was a TS, but not today's, which was a triple-get!

  • Love 6

Ditto, ditto, and ditto.


When the FJ Astronomy category title was shown, I said to my sister that I wasn't very good with it, esp re moons. Wouldn't you know they were asking about a moon. However, I basically figured it out but said 'Phobus.' Sooooo close.

It's hard to say if "Phobus" should be ruled wrong. You could argue that it's a spelling error, which would not be penalized. The endings "o-s" and "u-s" are basically the same, except that the first is a Greek word ending and the second is Latin. Heck, if they could forgive two wrong answers in the first round... I agree that the category could have been explained better, though. I thought of that trick question, "How many months have 28 days?" (The answer is "All of them," though of course only February has only 28.)
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I noticed someone else said something funky is going on with the broadcast feed. One day last week my local channel started showing that day's game but after the first commercial they went to the previous day's game. Then last night during Double jeopardy it cut off, went to commercial and then there was final Jeopardy. The show was over 7 minutes early. LOL

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I was rooting for Sabrina because, although she started at the bottom, she was a strong contestant and quick at picking clues. I thought it was a good game overall.


I got darjeeling and was surprised Sabrina missed it. I also got white beans, which especially seemed obvious after someone guessed wrong with green beans. I'm not into astronomy but did get FJ as an educated guess.


I'm trying to remember who the last five-time champ we've had was, and my mind is failing me. Anyone else know? It seems like we've had quite a few multi-day champs and high-winning champs but very few five timers so far this season, but I could be wrong.

  • Love 3

I thought the show was right to reverse the first penalty, and that forced them to reverse the champ's too, even though his answer was obviously wrong. The category was "Shared Initials," and the male challenger said M.G. How was he to know they wanted both full M.G. names when Alex didn't explain the category at all? I don't think it mattered where the contestant started. "They Share Initials (we want both full names)" would have been better.


Agree entirely.  I even said to myself "They're gonna reverse that" when they called him wrong for M.G.  I then wondered if something in the first question might have explained it more, which is why they were so quick to rule him wrong, so I paid attention to the top of the category when they got there.  None of the clues did anything but describe two people, so without previous explanation or prompting from Alex, and especially given the name of the category, I think M.G. was perfectly acceptable.


I don't think anyone did this, but I also wonder if they would have not accepted "Goodson and Gorbachev" without first names, since sharing both initials was key.

  • Love 4

I thought the show was right to reverse the first penalty, and that forced them to reverse the champ's too, even though his answer was obviously wrong. The category was "Shared Initials," and the male challenger said M.G. How was he to know they wanted both full M.G. names when Alex didn't explain the category at all? I don't think it mattered where the contestant started. "They Share Initials (we want both full names)" would have been better.


I agree with you to a point.  The champ picked the category (in the middle).  The guy on the end then answered M.G. and they were the initials that fit the clue he just didn't know to give the names.  So I might agree with giving him his money back due to confusion.  But I'm pretty sure whatever the champ said was not remotely correct (I can't remember what he said).  I just don't like his starting in the middle and I was irritated they gave his money back. 

Edited by SierraMist
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I cannot believe no one got FJ tonight!  I was actually surprised when Alex described it as a tough one, because I was shouting "King of France" at the tv the moment the clue was revealed.  Admittedly, I was a Medieval Studies major in college and the Hundred Years War hits smack dab in the middle of my area of expertise (one could say it is my thing), AND having a significant interest in the British Navy during the Wars with Revolutionary France/the Napoleonic Wars meant that I understood the significance of the year 1801.  But still, England was almost constantly at war with France for centuries - you'd think at least one of the contestants would know that much and make a logical leap.

I think we've swapped a witch for the devil.

I'll confess, I was so busy raging about the stupidity of no one getting FJ that I missed guy in the middle's wager.  I take it he won?  I didn't mind him so much, but I give myself leave to change my mind if he bugs tomorrow.

  • Love 3

I cannot believe no one got FJ tonight!  I was actually surprised when Alex described it as a tough one, because I was shouting "King of France" at the tv the moment the clue was revealed.  Admittedly, I was a Medieval Studies major in college and the Hundred Years War hits smack dab in the middle of my area of expertise (one could say it is my thing), AND having a significant interest in the British Navy during the Wars with Revolutionary France/the Napoleonic Wars meant that I understood the significance of the year 1801.  But still, England was almost constantly at war with France for centuries - you'd think at least one of the contestants would know that much and make a logical leap.

I'll confess, I was so busy raging about the stupidity of no one getting FJ that I missed guy in the middle's wager.  I take it he won?  I didn't mind him so much, but I give myself leave to change my mind if he bugs tomorrow.

He made the most disgusted looks when Jeff beat him at the buzzer. Turned me off.

  • Love 2

Yeah, I thought FJ was amazingly easy, and I'm amazed that none of the contestants got it.  I laughed at the King of England answer, though.  If you knew that the 100 years war was basically France v. England, then it was logical that it involved giving up a claim to something French.  My only hesitation was whether it referred to one of the French duchys (Burgundy or Normandy or something like that), although my immediate answer was King of France (at least until Alex said it wasn't obvious, which is what made me start to second guess myself).


Glad to see Jeff Sky pointer go, especially as he seemed to have a lot of physical discomfort.  I like the new champ, other than his habit of not starting at the top.

  • Love 5

Ken's wife took him to Rome for his 40th birthday...last year I took my husband to the grand opening of Firehouse Subs for his 40th. I mean, they are basically the same.

Alex was so weird. First he says "Cairo, the city" as opposed to what? exactly and then he doesn't give Jeff a BMS on Marcos, just makes him wrong.

I knew that FJ was written all in English words. But I could have stood here for a hundred years and would have given you a blank stare the entire time as I had less than zero clue of the answer.

  • Love 8

This guy may not live long, if what he said on another board is true. Hope so!!!

What is this about?

I think we've swapped a witch for the devil.


I don't understand this either.


I didn't notice Ken making disgusted looks. I don't think I've ever rooted as much for anyone to lose after I heard Jeff's extra-extra-extra high IQ story. I wonder why he didn't join the Promethean Society?


I missed FJ but knew "Ilyusha's funeral" was the last chapter of The Brothers Karamazov.

First he says "Cairo, the city" as opposed to what? exactly and then he doesn't give Jeff a BMS on Marcos, just makes him wrong.


Joel Cairo in The Maltese Falcoln?


As for Marcos, I think the fact that the category was "I.M." meant you had to give the full name without being prompted. Had Imelda Marcos been the answer to the question in a differently worded category, the BMS would have been justified.

  • Love 5

My TS's that I remember were The Brothers Karamazov and Isle of Man.


I got FJ pretty quickly. 


I liked AT telling the woman on the end that she was "way off the mark" with her answer of King of England.




I got the Isle of Man and the Sundance Kid and Etta Place.

i got Etta Place but picked the wrong guy.

Edited by Trey
  • Love 4

He made the most disgusted looks when Jeff beat him at the buzzer. Turned me off.

I hadn't noticed, but you can bet I'll be looking tomorrow.



My TS's that I remember were The Brothers Karamazov and Isle of Man.

Both the Isle of Man and Moby Dick have come up a lot in my life lately.  I think somebody might be trying to tell me something.  I just hope it isn't "read Moby Dick".

Edited by proserpina65
  • Love 5

I think we've swapped a witch for the devil.

No kidding! I was ready for Prometheus Skypointer to be gone (his pained expression was making my back hurt) but the new guy is obnoxious with his wild buzzer clicking, smug demeanor, starting on high dollar clues and nasty looks.

I was screaming at Courtney to get on the stick and beat those two guys. I need some pleasant contestants.

For my 40th birthday, I went to my parents' for dinner. My Mom had a "39" candle on my cake. I thought it was a joke, but they truly didn't know I was 40. No trip to Rome for me.

I got the Isle of Man and the Sundance Kid and Etta Place.

For FJ, I wavered a bit, but finally settled on King of France. Don't think I would have written it down in time, though.

  • Love 6
I don't think I've ever rooted as much for anyone to lose after I heard Jeff's extra-extra-extra high IQ story. I wonder why he didn't join the Promethean Society?


So that he could go through life telling people he was smart enough but was too modest to join?


Maybe he should have joined when he still had the chance.  They may not be too impressed with him any longer.


I see that Sundance and Etta were a very handsome couple in real life, too.

  • Love 8

Count me with everyone who is glad that Mr Know It All is gone.  I was really happy they didn't give him credit for the Marcos answer.  It made up for yesterday.  And it seemed like the fact that they didn't accept his answer took the wind out of his sails a little bit.  Although Ken is another start in the middle guy and that really turns me off, more than the buzzer flailing.


I was clueless for FJ.  I might have said King of England like Courtney.  I guess we are not candidates for the Prometheus Society.

  • Love 6

i got Etta Place but picked the wrong guy.


I got the wrong guy and couldn't remember her name, so you did better than me. I was picturing Paul Newman riding a bicycle with Katharine Ross on the handlebars, so I immediately put them together, not bothering to think about the rest of the movie.


I hate when Alex draws out the answers for no good reason. "The Isle... of... Man."

  • Love 6


For my 40th birthday, I went to my parents' for dinner. My Mom had a "39" candle on my cake. I thought it was a joke, but they truly didn't know I was 40. No trip to Rome for me.

I don't remember what I did for my 40th.  Probably got depressed and drunk.  (40 was hard.)  Certainly didn't go to Rome.  I did go to Atlantic City for my 50th, though.  Also drunk, but in a happy way.

  • Love 2

I had no great love for Mr. Skypointer, but the new champ's starting in the middle of categories is annoying, and watching him flail around with the buzzer was making me seasick. The whole game his right hand making out with the buzzer was in the champ's shot! A couple of times it looked like he was going to knock Skypointer over. At least tonight that right hand with a mind of its own won't be invading anyone's space. 

  • Love 5

I took myself to Greece the year I turned 50. Traveling has been a lifelong dream and at a certain point...about the time I turned 48...I realized if I didn't start doing it now while I'm working and can save money, and am still ambulatory, when the hell was I? So I started saving as much as I could and I've gone to places in Europe for 1-2 weeks almost every year since. I wish I could make longer trips. This year, I'm taking my older sister on a trip for her 65th birthday as a very belated thanks for taking me to Europe the first time when I was in high school and for being the one who had to take of our mother when she developed dementia. It's expensive and I might not go anywhere next year, but it's worth it.


I'm still waiting for the explanation of witch v. devil. Is it to do with the interviews? 

  • Love 6

I had no clue as to FJ! so I said King of the United States (was thinking about the most ridiculous title ever and Garfield Goose sprang to mind).  I like the new champ although did Wednesday not prove "don't start in the middle of the category."  And I yelled BMS, startling the cat, when the former champ smugly said "Marcos" and expected to get credit.

  • Love 3

Greekgeek: he mentioned--before it was over-- that his reign would not be long (paraphrasing). Which I thought was a J no no!


Well, and I know it wasn't an explicit spoiler, but I think your original post about his comments was before 7:00ET, which kinda did semi-spoil yesterday's game.  Might it be possible to spoiler-bar similar things, or wait until the 7:00 mark next time?  I know I'd appreciate it.

  • Love 1

I don't think I've ever rooted as much for anyone to lose after I heard Jeff's extra-extra-extra high IQ story. I wonder why he didn't join the Promethean Society?


My guess is that it wasn't exclusive enough for him. He still had a chance of running into a "redneck."


I don't remember what I did for my 40th.  Probably got depressed and drunk.  (40 was hard.)  Certainly didn't go to Rome.  I did go to Atlantic City for my 50th, though.  Also drunk, but in a happy way.

I don't remember my 40th, but that's because my brother and sister-in-law held a party for me at their bar/restaurant and offered free food & drinks for everyone. I'm sure I had a blast, based on the pictures I've seen, but I don't remember a single thing from that night. 


Swapping a witch for the devil means you get rid of one bad thing only to be replaced by something as bad if not worse. I was referring to the old and new champs.

I've never heard of this expression, either. Now that I know it, I hope it comes up on Jeopardy. They're good at asking about expressions I've never heard of.

Edited by teebax
  • Love 4

I like Ricky.

Kim is from Ossining, which is barely New York, so I felt no allegiance to her. So her not winning didn't make me as sad as it should have, since I could not handle her pronunciation of "hundrit." And she didn't do it all of the time, which was worse. It's a shame, because she seemed like a nice enough person.

I was listening with headphones more than watching, so who was the person who kept audibly gasping and sighing whenever Ricky answered a question? And also jamming the hell out of the signaling device?

Sports mascots? NOW we're talking. You can take your froufrou European History questions, heh. Gimme sports any day of the week.

Also, I happened to be looking down at my arm which has an interlocking "NY" logo tattoo on it during FJ.

  • Love 5

I like Ricky too.  He seemed nice and pleasant and calm.  I felt a little bad for Kim for failing to ring in and correctly answer the last question, thereby letting Ricky have a runaway.  But, still, it was her choice.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


My only TS that  I remember is Queen Victoria and I also got the missed DD of Japan.


I did not get FJ but I guess it was obvious -  a category like Sports Mascots just shuts down my brain.

  • Love 7

Yay Ricky! He's pleasant and has a good depth of knowledge.

I thoroughly enjoyed watching Ken the Buzzer Masher go down in flames. If I were standing next to him, I'd be forced to beat him to death with that buzzer during a break.

Kim's "hundrit" and audible sighing bugged me, too.

I got cocaine, Japan (missed DD) and Queen Victoria.

For FJ, I inexplicably yelled "The Dodgers!" even though I knew it should have been the Yankees. I'm not sure I'd have had time to cross it out and write down the correct answer.

  • Love 6

Who doesn't know how to say "Neanderthal"???


By the way, I apologize to anyone whose profile I snooped into today.  It wasn't really me.  My cat walked across the keyboard while this board was open, and I don't know how many names she managed to "enter."  I reminded her about who curiosity killed, and I don't think she'll do that again.

  • Love 13

Alex: "Let's see what Ricky wagered, although I think I know." And then it's something like $299 or $399 (can't remember exactly what it was). But, ok, Alex, you asshole, we know you're the host and are all seeing and all knowing and have some special crystal ball to tell you what everyone writes down. But was it necessary to add the "I think I know" part? I truly wonder how dogged his kids must be.

  • Love 3

I got cocaine, Japan (missed DD) and Queen Victoria.

Same here. I can't remember if there was any other for me.


Kim's "hundrit" and audible sighing bugged me, too.


I didn't notice either. I never notice a contestant saying 'hundred,' so obviously it doesn't bother me.


But speaking of bothered... Yesterday I didn't notice the champ's buzzer technique, but tonight i just couldn't get over it. It's amazing that he had no idea he was locking himself out. I mean, that's what I assume though I seem to recall Arthur Chu saying somewhere that continual buzzing was his technique. Worked for him.


I like the new champ. 

  • Love 5

They may need to replace that first position buzzer after that game. Maybe he couldn't ring in because he broke the damn thing!

I'm a huge sports fan, so FJ was an instaget for me. I wished it were harder, because baseball trivia is my favorite. I hate the Yankees, so I wonder if I'd have been judged incorrect for writing, "Who are the stupid Yankees?"

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