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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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For FJ, I got Little Rock but probably not in time to write it down. Here's how I got it: It had to be civil rights related because of the year, which means probably in the south. 1957 was too early for the march on Selma, there haven't been any presidents from Alabama, and Selma's not the capital, anyway, and at that point my brain screamed LITTLE ROCK! 

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I would also like to point out that the TV streaming category was awful. I am a big TV watcher and I never heard of any of those! But I guess I don't watch streaming TV. Terrible category. I did like 70s rock but I knew those to impress my 20 something sons! Just like the Woodstock category the other day- it helps to be of a certain age on a lot of these music questions.

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Slow game and poor scores.  They did clear the board in the J! round but left quite a few in the DJ! round.


I didn't write down the TS's I got so of course I don't remember them except for Frederick the Great (a total guess on my part), common (in the Cleopatra category) and Gethsemane which was a very big surprise that it was a TS.


I also guessed Sardinia for FJ; I thought Stromboli was a made-up place until I just looked it up.

I got Stromboli - I have a thing for volcanoes so it seemed easy to me, but it's one of those specialized interests.


Yes, it was a really lame game and made me wish I had waited 7 years before taking the online test.


I missed Friday's game, but last night's was okay.  Not great, but better than Thursday's.  Still, John Glenn for the $1000 with the clue referencing his trips to space?  Really?

I guessed mitten for that clue, I wonder if it would have been accepted.


So did I.

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What? It's a Beatles' song from Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. You never heard their version?

Nope, only Joe Cocker's.


Edited to note that I probably have heard the Beatles' original at some point but Joe Cocker's is the one I remember.  Probably because his voice was so distinctive.

Edited by proserpina65
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Trolley as a TS, especially when they gave them every other possible terminology in the clue?

Neither the friend with whom I was watching nor I got that one.  I even said "I should know this!".  D'oh!


Re last night's FJ: it was before my time and hers (she was born in 57, I was born in 65) but I said Little Rock before Alex was done reading the question.  It seemed so obvious to me - segregation, late 50s, Little Rock.  But that was just how my brain was working last night.  The last time state capitals came up I said Omaha for Nebraska and Albuquerque for New Mexico (even though I've been to Santa Fe and knew better).

Edited by proserpina65
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GreekGeek, this was one FJ that it helped if you were "of a certain age."  I was a young teenager in the segregated school days and the mid 50's were an important era of civil rights beginnings.  I remember well the hoopla and racism exhibited in the integration protests in Little Rock (my parents took both papers and discussed the sadness of what was going on).  Thought the question was badly worded however - too much stuff jammed into a state capital question...

Bey you were as tickled as I was at how many Latin things that Mark? got....

I thought the question was very badly worded, but I didn't write it down so I don't remember how they worded it. My mother and I both thought they were looking for something related to who was president in 1957, so we both thought of DDE and guessed Topeka. I should have remembered it was MLK day and that Jeopardy usually asks something related to the air dates of the shows, but I didn't.



I would also like to point out that the TV streaming category was awful. I am a big TV watcher and I never heard of any of those! But I guess I don't watch streaming TV. Terrible category. I did like 70s rock but I knew those to impress my 20 something sons! Just like the Woodstock category the other day- it helps to be of a certain age on a lot of these music questions.

The only one of those I didn't know was Bosch. I'd heard of and seen all the others, but I've never heard of Bosch. I do like the Michael Connelly books, so I'm going to have to check out the series.

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This is last night's FJ clue:


"A 1957 event led to the creation of a Natl. Historic Site in this city, signed by a pres. whose library is now there too"


It does want the city, but I can see why the phrasing might've confused people.


The only one of those I didn't know was Bosch. I'd heard of and seen all the others, but I've never heard of Bosch. I do like the Michael Connelly books, so I'm going to have to check out the series.


I wouldn't have gotten this one, but I suddenly remembered seeing a thousand ads for it during something else I was watching.  I probably remembered it because I really like Titus Welliver, but since I don't watch anything on streaming, I've never seen it.

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I signed up for a trial of Amazon Prime just to get Bosch on my Roku stick.  I've read all the Harry Bosch and the Lincoln Lawyer novels - love them all - and I really enjoyed the series on Amazon.  Not enough, though, to not cancel Amazon Prime when I was through watching.  LOL.


I blanked on FJ.  I also thought it was amusing (and, apparently, so did Alex) that #3 lady guess The Pearl for a Pearl S. Buck novel.  She knew Pearl was in the answer somewhere.  LOL.

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I had no clue on FJ. Could someone who found it easy explain how you arrived at the answer?

I suppose one would have to know the history of the civil rights movement, but I immediately associated "1957" with the famous incident at Little Rock; and I thought of Bill Clinton almost as quickly, since he is the only post-1957 president (and likely the only president at all) who would have a library in that city.


It doesn't seem like this knowledge should be beyond your average Jeopardy contestant, let alone all three of them at once.

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Apologies to all who really liked Claudia - her outfit was distracting but what really led me to root against her was the conversation about home schooling her twins and being able to guide them according to their strengths and weaknesses.  My evil mind was suggesting that she needed to improve her weakness in recent American History and betting theory.  She got several answers I didn't but FJ was an instaget for me and when I saw her bet, all I could think was "what a waste of a Jeopardy return". 


I will need you all to post lots of comments about tonight's game since it is bumped in the Detroit area to listen to our Governor explain how he didn't really know the water was bad in Flint for months - should be a fun time for all.  (Again I do really have an evil mind sometimes.)

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I'm sure glad Matt didn't win. His constant exasperated sighing got on my last nerve. I was rooting for Hans; too bad he didn't know how to wager. Kyle's voice is irritating.

I got cork, simultaneous and Lynda Bird Johnson (why the hell would Mamie Eisenhower be with LBJ on her wedding day?).

I wildly guessed Louisiana and Mississippi for FJ.

  • Love 7

I'm sure glad Matt didn't win. His constant exasperated sighing got on my last nerve. I was rooting for Hans; too bad he didn't know how to wager. Kyle's voice is irritating.

I got cork, simultaneous and Lynda Bird Johnson (why the hell would Mamie Eisenhower be with LBJ on her wedding day?).

I wildly guessed Louisiana and Mississippi for FJ.

I am surprised that Alex didn't soothe the new champ's ridiculous Mamie guess with "it was before your time."

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I was hoping for Hans to win. I loved his little comment during the interview that his family drove around fighting crime. 


I too got cork and simultaneous. I couldn't come up with Lynda Bird's name, but I knew it wasn't Mamie. I also got The Decameron. I can't remember what else. 


Love the Crossword Pun category, even if I didn't get every one.


FJ was hard. I was thinking about Niagara Falls but didn't think another state was there besides NY. Then I was thinking about the Gulf of Mexico states. Louisiana and Mississippi? I didn't think that was right. Anyway, never in a million years would I get ... whatever the answer was.

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It occurred to me this evening that Jeopardy! serves up an extraordinary number of clues containing French proper names and/or terminology for the sole purpose of giving Alex an opportunity to turn on his over-the-top French pronunciation.  You might say it is his milieu!

Oh, I've been saying this for years! As someone who studied German, it really bothers me. I want more German clues, dammit. I also love Russian literature and wish they'd ask about more authors than the three they usually hit. The writers definitely have their favorites.



It sounds like I should have recorded last night! I always miss Tuesday's shows.

I thought the game was pretty dull, other than the Mamie miss, which was bizarre. I remembered very little about it until I read some of the posts and was reminded.


I was at the Rose Garden for an event years ago, and Lynda Bird walked right past us. Prior to that, I didn't know who she was. But my partner at the time (17 years my senior) went apeshit and gave me a whole history lesson about her. It's funny how we come to know things.

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Well, if Hans had bet zero like he should have, he would have won.  That Mamie Eisenhower guess was pretty weird!

Her Mamie Eisenhower answer totally threw me off.  My first thought was Lynda Bird Johnson, then she said ME and I got confused and changed my answer to Julie Eisenhower.  Which was doubly stupid because: A) Eisenhower is her married name, her maiden name was Julie Nixon, and B) it's bloody LBJ in the photo!  Man, what a brain fart!


I had no clue for FJ.  I figured the Mississippi river was involved, but beyond that, I couldn't have told you.  I guessed Louisiana and Mississippi, knowing full well that couldn't be right.

Edited by proserpina65
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I was at the Rose Garden for an event years ago, and Lynda Bird walked right past us. Prior to that, I didn't know who she was. But my partner at the time (17 years my senior) went apeshit and gave me a whole history lesson about her. It's funny how we come to know things.


I only know about her because of Robin Williams' joke from Good Morning, Vietnam: "Why did President Johnson name his daughter Lynda Bird? Because Lynda Dog would be too cruel"

I knew it wasn't Mamie, but couldn't figure if it was Lynda or Luci.

I would suspect that the powers that be will give the three co-losers a chance to come back.

Why?  They didn't lose because of anything the show or producers caused, which is pretty much the only reason anyone has ever been brought back.  (Other than Kyle, who got to come back due to scheduling issues caused by Alex's surgery.)  They all lost because they gave the wrong FJ answer and bet too much.  No one's fault but their own.

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Why?  They didn't lose because of anything the show or producers caused, which is pretty much the only reason anyone has ever been brought back.  (Other than Kyle, who got to come back due to scheduling issues caused by Alex's surgery.)  They all lost because they gave the wrong FJ answer and bet too much.  No one's fault but their own.

I completely agree with you. I see no reason to have three players who whiffed on FJ and ended up with $0 back to tape another show. When it's happened in the past, they didn't bring the contestants back. 

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My TS gets,mostly in the Wales category:  Cardigan, Harp, Bible, plus Prince of Orange.   I said cougar instead of mountain lion - would that have been accepted?


Sunni was one of my guesses for FJ but I can't say I really chose it for the answer.


I like Kyle, congrats to her on her second win. But Roaster is right, she could have bet a lot and won even more.  Maybe she didn't feel too sure of herself in that category.


Edited by Trey
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The Falling Waters video was ludicrous.

Now I only know what it was because my son has a Lego of it, but still. The work of Frank Lloyd wright is DEFINITELY something any prospective Jeopardy! contestant would brush up on, no?

Yes. They should know this.  But something I *didn't* know until I visited this past summer, it's all one word - Fallingwater.  It IS a spectacular house, but if they really wanna go for FLLW* homes, there's another one about 8 miles from Fallingwater called Kentuck Knob.  I liked it a whole lot more than Fallingwater.  It's a much more livable house.


* I also learned that "FLLW" was how he initialed/signed his art. Each house has a plaque somewhere near the front door with FLLW on it.

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Bunch of TS's. I got Cadillac, mountain lion, Prince of Orange, Blue Nile and harp.

I knew FJ had to be a branch of Islam, but I guessed Shia instead of Sunni.


The FJ clue said this branch had a billion followers in the Middle East -- a billion -- and someone guessed Judaism.  Really ?


I'm surprised that Roy G. Biv category gave them so much trouble -- they had a 1 in 7 shot at guessing the color in the answer (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet).  It was mildly tougher than that Seven Dwarfs category from a couple of weeks back -- or that Avengers and their Roles category.

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My dad is from Oklahoma, descended from sharecroppers, and his family will refer to themselves as Okies, or me as half-Okie, but as a joking way of reclaiming a word designed to disparage them.  I don't care that it came from the book, you don't put "Okies" in a J! clue. 


I took a guess for FJ as it was one of the few branches of Islam I could think of and wound up being right, so I'm certainly no religious scholar, but come on.  It says branch right in the clue and two people guess "Islam" and "Judaism"? 


Alex was really showing off with that first Wales clue, wasn't he?  Kudos to him; I could have sat here all night and not come close to pronouncing that correctly.  I know he had time to practice, but as much as I mock his imitations of accents, his pronunciation of foreign words is admirable to me -- other than Spanish words, which I can generally get right, and select words from other languages I've heard/spoken all my life, I always sound like an American saying a foreign word.  He doesn't. 

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Bunch of TS's. I got Cadillac, mountain lion, Prince of Orange, Blue Nile and harp.

I knew FJ had to be a branch of Islam, but I guessed Shia instead of Sunni.

I got the same TSs, though I said cougar instead of mountain lion. I think that's the same, as is puma. Right?


And for FJ, I wasn't sure, but said, "Shia or Sunni?"


Honestly, Roy G Biv sounded familiar, but it took me so long to remember what it meant. (Instead of Blue Nile, I just said Nile.)

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