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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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It wasn't before my time, and I got it wrong. I immediately said 'Psycho.' I saw murderer and ornithologist, and I immediately thought of Norman Bates, whom I'm pretty sure was based on a real person. So I don't feel too bad about getting it wrong.

I would have said The Birds, knowing it was wrong, but at least wanting to show that I know what an ornithologist is!

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As many of us do, I tend to get annoyed with Alex's little asides, but I must admit I chuckled when he mentioned the champ's not wearing a suit and tie for 'casual Monday', since I had nearly the same thought when they introduced him.  "He's an attorney; he's got to own at least a couple suits..."

Edited by Scott
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As many of us do, I tend to get annoyed with Alex's little asides, but I must admit I chuckled when he mentioned the champ's not wearing a suit and tie for 'casual Monday', since I had nearly the same thought when they introduced him.  "He's an attorney; he's got to own at least a couple suits..."

I thought this was really snarky.  The champ might have been casual, but his clothing was impeccable.  I've seen sloppy contestants and Alex has never said anything.  So either this was some kind of private joke or he just thought it was cute because the guy is an attorney.   Either way, it seemed like an inappropriate comment.

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I blurted out "Amazing Grace" because I couldn't think of any other hymns.

I can't believe that lady remembered the Bay City Rollers but was so confident in her answer of Cosmo. I couldn't believe that was a DD because I thought Ms. was too easy.

I was very shocked at the "age" DD in the horse category because what else could the answer have been?

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I did get TS's Lusitania, Taiwan Salon, and  WWI.  I've already forgotten the last clue in that rhyming category but I do remember that it wasn't a very good rhyme.  Also got Ms, which was a missed DD.


I liked the horse health category and got them all but I still wish they had left it to finish the generals category.


I'm sorry to see Adam go - he was nice to look at:)  But the new champ seems nice and is also nice to look at.

Edited by Trey
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I was very excited for the Wisconsin category, since I was born and raised there and have lived all over that state. Then I brain-farted on every answer except the $1000 clue, which was the map with Fond du Lac. Naturally, Alex's pronunciation cracked me up, because he was all fancy French and everyone in Wisconsin just says a nasally-ass "FAHHN doo lack."

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I was very excited for the Wisconsin category, since I was born and raised there


Me too! I nearly wet myself when my home town (Oshkosh) showed up on the map. I had every answer except "maritime". But I felt like I had almost every answer tonight. I know I'm not getting smarter at my semi-advanced age, so the questions have to be getting way easier. I killed in almost every category, especially the weekend one. As soon as I saw the FJ category, I said out loud, "It's going to be so lame if the answer is Amazing Grace." Still smh about that one.


In other news, I loved Lisa's hair.

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I was raised as a Unitarian and would consider myself as lapsed today. So Hymns is not going to be my strongest suit. But I couldn't believe how easy the FJ clue was to me. Of course now I have the song caught in my head - although I am singing it to the rhythms of Gilligan's Island since they are interchangeable. I have a strange brain.

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As soon as I saw the FJ category, I said out loud, "It's going to be so lame if the answer is Amazing Grace." Still smh about that one.

Oh my god, I thought the same! As soon as I say "Hymns" I thought "It's gonna be Amazing Grace". 

I love that the new champ bet it all in FJ; that's exactly what I would do since no matter what you leave with at least $1000 more than you had when you came in. Did Lisa intentionally bid for second place?


I liked the rhymes category but it took my brain a bit to catch up. 

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I was raised as a Unitarian and would consider myself as lapsed today. So Hymns is not going to be my strongest suit. But I couldn't believe how easy the FJ clue was to me. Of course now I have the song caught in my head - although I am singing it to the rhythms of Gilligan's Island since they are interchangeable. I have a strange brain.

I've only heard it sung to the tune of "House of the Rising Sun"! I knew the story, so that was a pretty simple FJ. I was surprised the middle player didn't automatically link Steinem and Ms., as we seem to be from the same era. The new champ looks like someone either famous or just TV-related, and I can't quite put my finger on who.

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For FJ, I mentally searched for hymns with the same rhythm and got "Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee" which was not what they were looking for.

BTW, some of us do not get to see Jeopardy a couple of days a week when there is football or weather. The archive is not fast. So if you are discussing an answer, it would be helpful if you also say what the clue was. Thanks!

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The second line of the hymn is "that saved a wretch like me." Slave trader turned minister...

I knew it the moment the clue mentioned slave trader, having seen the movie Amazing Grace which, while not about the man who wrote the hymn (it's about the effort to end the slave trade in the British Empire), does feature him as a character.


I also really wish they'd finished the generals character, as I was on a roll there.  I hate when they use the Clue Crew or celebrity video clues; they take too much time and make it less likely that the contestants will clear the board.

and haboob (no, Alex, that wasn't a tough one).


For some of us it was.  I've never heard of the haboob.  All I could think of was the sirocco, and that didn't fit the category.

Edited by proserpina65
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Last night's FJ was easier for me than it would have been had I not seen the glorious Ioan Griffudd in "Amazing Grace" a few years ago.  Recommend him and the movie mightily...

And Benedict Cumberbatch!  The story of Amazing Grace was also the subject of a Broadway musical last year.


Does anyone know what the middle contestant had to do with the League of Women Voters?  Does she work there?  I couldn't figure out why they were talking about it.

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BTW, some of us do not get to see Jeopardy a couple of days a week when there is football or weather. The archive is not fast. So if you are discussing an answer, it would be helpful if you also say what the clue was. Thanks!

Or State of the Union.


My DVR recorded "Jeopardy" but it turned out to be 


Haboob isn't hard for people who have spent time living in Arizona!

The first time I heard that word I loved it. So fun to say. If I'd seen the show, I'm sure I would have gotten it. 


Sounds like it was a good show.

. :(

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Does anyone know what the middle contestant had to do with the League of Women Voters?  Does she work there?  I couldn't figure out why they were talking about it.

Alex just introduced her as a member, which doesn't seem like much to talk about, but I guess he really wanted to get that debate sponsorship issue off his chest. I was impressed that she had an answer. And then I was unimpressed that she mistook Cosmo for Ms.

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Most of the clues in Horse Health had not much to do with horses. "artificial insemination" could be humans or lots of other species.  The teeth question is also used for Dogs. I yelled colic at the TV as soon as I saw the category. However giving an extra clue in there "it makes human newborns cry in pain" meant you didn't have to know a damn thing about horse health either. I was mad because I know a lot about horse health and anyone could have answered the questions. What is a gallop? COME ON!!

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Most of the clues in Horse Health had not much to do with horses. "artificial insemination" could be humans or lots of other species.  The teeth question is also used for Dogs. I yelled colic at the TV as soon as I saw the category. However giving an extra clue in there "it makes human newborns cry in pain" meant you didn't have to know a damn thing about horse health either. I was mad because I know a lot about horse health and anyone could have answered the questions. What is a gallop? COME ON!!


They did do some blah blah about horse health and human health being not all that different at the beginning so they probably chose questions that would support that.


Except perhaps for "gallop" - I've never galloped.

Edited by Trey
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but I guess he really wanted to get that debate sponsorship issue off his chest. I was impressed that she had an answer.

She was much nicer in her answer than I would have been.  I used to work at the LWV -  the short answer is basically the candidates were being very unreasonable in their demands and that's why the LWV stopped being involved. 

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   But Alex is pretty much known for making inappropriate comments, so I was not surprised by the suit comment.

   At least he didn't mention the gals big bosom.

   He thinks he is so damned cute and clever and sometimes he is quite charming, but sometimes he is just off lately.

I've just started watching the show again after quite a while and I think Alex is acting stranger than he used to be.

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Again, Alex has to over pronounce French words so it sounds like he's slobbering.


My main takeaway from the episode was that I'd never heard Rémy Martin pronounced that Frenchly before.


My snark yesterday about his attire aside, I did like the outgoing champ.  Actually, the past couple games have had pretty good contestants all around, and have been nice, close competitive games.  I don't mind runaways, but I did catch myself noticing that the last couple games have had everyone with solid scores and within a couple thousand of each other.

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I had randomly heard of haboobs before (teehee) but I'm not surprised that it isn't super-common knowledge for a general American population. 


FJ category being "Hymns," my mind didn't even go to Amazing Grace, because I thought that'd be waaaaay too easy. Then it was Amazing Grace. Of course. LOL


That's why I actually think it was a pretty great FJ. If you don't know much about the writer of Amazing Grace, Amazing Grace seems too easy. They were counting on the people who didn't know second guessing themselves.

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Does anyone know what the middle contestant had to do with the League of Women Voters?  Does she work there?  I couldn't figure out why they were talking about it.


I think she just didn't have anything else to talk about.  I would have that problem, myself. I always pay attention to people's occupations as part of forming my uninformed judgement on whether their contestantship is worthy (go away doctors and lawyers, you don't need it, step aside for the retail clerks and librarians).  Hers was I think "Information organizer".  Is that what they used to call a "file clerk" in the 1950s?

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My main takeaway from the episode was that I'd never heard Rémy Martin pronounced that Frenchly before.

I'm not even a big Remy Martin fan (I prefer Courvoisier in my French Connections) but a part of me wants to order one in that same accent the next time I go to an upscale bar. I loved that pronunciation.


I live in Tucson, so I hear a lot about the haboobs here. I think the weather people just like saying it. I'd never heard the word before moving to AZ. I also didn't know much about monsoons. Anyone who says AZ doesn't have weather hasn't spent much time here.

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