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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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Josh grossed me out to no end....the sloppy appearance, hollering, pulling faces, staring directly into the camera, fist-pumping, muscle-flexing for DD, his self-congratulations, etc.


And he's a comedian?  Riiiight....and those performances are in his parents' basement for an audience of old plush dolls. 


Shame. Michael was likable. 

  • Love 13

I'm guessing today's Clue Crew would make the questions about Bejing and not Royal Doulton. It is rather insulting to make "wimen" categories like Fine China, Cross Stitch, Doily Making, Vacuuming Then And Now, to say nothing of How To Please A Man. But I am not surprised.

Ugh, you've reminded me of What Women Want: A Vacuum!


Josh! at least made me smile because I knew all the Matt haters would rather have him back than this guy.

Edited by dcalley
  • Love 6

All you folks bitching about Matt, you friggin' ASKED for it. You asked for it. Thanks a lot for unleashing this dingus on the world! :-P


That's me, and I am SO SORRY.  I don't know which was more irritating, the SHOUTING or the starting the categories at the bottom.  Who am I kidding, the SHOUTING was worse.  He wasn't even funny.   Ugh, I really don't think I can watch if he's on.  Why couldn't that cutie Michael or that pleasant cat lady have done better?

I really liked the demon category, although I have to admit that I didn't get any of them.


  • Love 6

Oh, Karma, thy are indeed a bitch, and THY NAME IS JOSH! With an exclamation point. 


I couldn't believe JOSH! was not reading here. I know it's impossible, but maybe JOSH! did a time travel thing, so he would know to SHOUT and PUMP HIS FIST! and WRITE HIS NAME REALLY BIG! and MUG FOR THE CAMERA! during intros and SHOUT MORE! just to make all the Matt haters here wish Matt were back. And wish it with a VENGEANCE! Exclamation Point!


Hey, you Matt haters brought it on. Meanwhile, while I've never called anyone that before, I'm with ClareWalks with her most descriptive name ever for JOSH!


Can't wait until TOMORROW!


ETA. Oh, crap. With all the JOSH! shouting, I totally forgot about the Lindblad sweeps. Gotta go enter that now.

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 7

Yeah, Josh has Early Matt's annoying traits all right--shouting answers, gloating, board-hopping. I wish Matt could have hung on one more day and played him. Josh REALLY has the "Kenny Banya" vibe. At least Michael's last minute DD wager didn't make it a runaway. I'm irked that he missed another geography-themed FJ, though. If his profession is travel-related, those types of questions shouldn't have been so difficult for him.

I liked the Roman Literature category, although I thought Julius Caesar and the Gallic Wars were too easy for a $2000 clue. Marcus Aurelius was much more obscure, IMHO. And that "Demon-Stration" category was just weird. I couldn't even figure out what they were going for in the "Lilith" temptation question. All I could think of was the tradition that Lilith was Adam's first wife.

"Flapper" was a TS! Oh well, it was before their time!

Edited by GreekGeek
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You know there's trouble ahead when the "Notifications" tab at the top of the page is lit up with Jeopardy! entries.

Holy Jesus...Josh! can leave NOW!  Have the Jeopardy! screeners been drinking, or are they just trying to punk us?  When you consider how many players are waiting their turn, THIS is what we get?  This damn show - that used to be my favorite - is now becoming UNWATCHABLE.


On another note, Alex and his ultra-sophisticated "LIT-RA-CHER" can use the side door along with Josh!.


They're both damn annoying.


ETA:  PaulaO ~That same thought crossed my mind.

Edited by Tunia
  • Love 3

OMG! I'm sorry, Matt! Please forgive me! Come back!

JOSH is a total asshat. Fist bumping, congratulating himself, starting at the bottom, SHOUTING and wearing what looked like a dirty shirt. Too bad he wasn't the dead body in Matt's trunk.

Lots of TS. I got flapper, rubber plant, Hell on Wheels, it takes two to tango and Adlai Stevenson. I didn't understand that Demon category.

  • Love 6

Josh is SO LOUD, HE SHOUTS EVERYTHING HE SAYS! When he said he was a stand-up comedian, I was like "of fucking COURSE you are." I'll bet he thinks anything can be funny if you just shout it loudly enough. He also did the celebrating crap when he won in FJ. 


All you folks bitching about Matt, you friggin' ASKED for it. You asked for it. Thanks a lot for unleashing this dingus on the world! :-P

Don't blame that shit on us! None of us who had complaints about Matt asked for him to be replaced by a jackass! We wanted someone likeable.

I couldn't root for the cat lady either after her horrible RFK answer*. I liked Michael a lot but knew he'd be a victim of the giant killer curse.

*My autocorrect tried to change RFK to Arafat. Wtf? I can't figure out how that happened.

  • Love 7

I couldn't root for the cat lady either after her horrible RFK answer*. I liked Michael a lot but knew he'd be a victim of the giant killer curse.


I laughed out loud at the RFK answer - he was not the UN ambassador and was killed (in 1968, not 1965) before he had a chance to win the Democratic presidential nomination. I thought Adlai Stevenson was the obvious answer, and was surprised that it was a TS.

I also laughed when she answered UAE - of course that has a desert! Then again, I said Azerbaijan, so it's not like I actually got that one right either!

Josh didn't bother me too much bcause I barely paid any attention to the episode. I definitely noticed the clothes, though!

  • Love 2

Oh oh oh "Tempted" is one of the greatest songs of all time and I am sad no one knew it.

Agreed! Although that was the kind of clue that is confusing, if you don't automatically get that Squeeze is the name of the band! It was an awful lot of nouns. I felt kind of the same way about the flapper one -- the clue tripped me up and I was trying too hard to come up with something. 


All you folks bitching about Matt, you friggin' ASKED for it. You asked for it. Thanks a lot for unleashing this dingus on the world! :-P



Let me get this straight: there wasn't a single crewmember on that set that could tell Josh! to STOP FREAKIN SCREAMING during the commercial breaks?? I figured Michael wouldn't last but DAMN.

  • Love 8
Too bad he wasn't the dead body in Matt's trunk.


I wasn’t one of those who thought of him as serial killer Matt (that smile was rather demented, but in a way that made me smile at its awkwardness) and Josh didn’t bother me, either, but this still cracked me right up.


I missed a good chunk of clues due to a weather service alert.


I can’t believe flappers was a TS.  Eyes on the Prize as a TS made me sad, but not surprised.  Two to tango was a bit surprising, too.


I couldn't come up with FJ in time, which was quite frustrating as geography is normally a strong subject for me.

Edited by Bastet
  • Love 1

I missed a good chunk of clues due to a weather service alert.

Me too. Very irritating. I didn't get to hear the explanation of the demon sport category.


I guess be careful what you wish for.

Well, I didn't wish for THIS, but wishing Matt away is like the Monkey's Paw.


I didn't give the show my complete attention, but the TSs I got were flappers, Picasso (the Anthony Hopkins movie), speaking in tongues, and 'It takes two to tango.' BTW I didn't understand one of the clues. The answer was goat, but the clue said something like, "I'm going to say Hi to this animal… Say hi to your mother for me." What did all that mean?


I also guessed UAE for FJ. I guess I was thinking of the little manmade islands.

Edited by peeayebee
  • Love 1

The shouty guy sounded like an Andy Samberg character.  Except super not funny.


BTW I didn't understand one of the clues. The answer was goat, but the clue said something like, "I'm going to say Hi to this animal… Say hi to your mother for me." What did all that mean?

Quite the coincidence there. It was from Saturday Night Live when Andy Samberg parodied Mark Wahlberg in a sketch called "Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals:" He talked to a dog, a donkey, a chicken, and finally a goat and ended them with "Say hello to your mother for me, okay?" I'm actually surprised Jeopardy! went with that reference as I didn't realize it was that well known. 

Edited by DrScottie
  • Love 4

I suppose Alex presumed the hyphenated Demon-stration form should have instructed the contestants as to what that meant. 


The category was that various demons were competing in Olympic events if the Games were now tailored to ,or associated with, demons. Pitchforks, Possession, Pentagrams, Temptation.,and speaking in tongues


The clues were just so bizarre that sometimes it wasn't clear exactly what it was getting at. 

  • Love 5

The other night I was making liberal use of the remote and came across the Happy Days episode in which Fonzie famously jumped the shark -- the episode that signaled that the creative juices had stopped flowing, and the show's demise was in sight. I'm starting to feel that way about Jeopardy. Josh is a caricature of the most obnoxious contestant ever in an unfunny Jeopardy parody skit on SNL. I admit to wishing Matt gone, but after Josh, I'd gladly welcome him back with open arms for an indefinite run. Please, please Jeopardy staff -- bring back classic old school categories like movies, history, literature, hell even potent potables, and bring on some likeable intelligent people we can root for.

  • Love 10

I'm a research postdoc scientist, so not a psychologist or physician, but I think he may have Aspergers. The yelling, the awkward movement, and the odd social cues seem consistent with that. He's also a bio-sciences graduate student, and I know a few fellow scientists who have a touch of that. That's my guess anyway. 

  • Love 1

Josh! Reminds me a bit of Brick on The Middle, all grown up. I didn't get a chance to watch until this morning, and all I could think of was how many people swore off watching Matt's run. Josh! has the mannerisms, delivery, AND the start-at-the-high-end strategy that all make me wish for a very short run. I missed FJ, but got several TS's , so was satisfied.

   Well, I really, really hated JOSH!'s performance too.

   I am wondering if maybe he saw some of Matt's episodes and figured if he exaggerated parts of his technique people would find it funny.  Maybe it was all an act?

   I am hoping that is the case and that today he won't act that way.

Kind of a gotcha kind of sense of humor? No? probably not.

   Anyhow, I still really disliked watching and listening to him and hope he is gone after tonight.

  • Love 3


   I am wondering if maybe he saw some of Matt's episodes and figured if he exaggerated parts of his technique people would find it funny.  Maybe it was all an act?



I really hope you're right! Your post reminded me of the Groundhog Day quote: "Gosh, you're an upbeat lady!" :) (if you are not a lady, I apologize, haha)

  • Love 1

All you folks bitching about Matt, you friggin' ASKED for it. You asked for it. Thanks a lot for unleashing this dingus on the world! :-P


Ok it's over now. Matt I love you come back I never really hated you in the first place I won't even complain if you beat Julia's number of games just please get that hellion Josh off my damn TV.


Oh, Karma, thy are indeed a bitch, and THY NAME IS JOSH! With an exclamation point. 


Bring back Matt. Bring back Matt.


The hollering, cussing and picket signs.  It's like being home for Thanksgiving.  I love this board more than show.


Don't blame that shit on us! None of us who had complaints about Matt asked for him to be replaced by a jackass! We wanted someone likeable.


See how likable is relative? {{panoramic room point}}  You. did. this.  Each of you did this.  And now, we must all pay.  This is why we can't have nice things.


OMG! I'm sorry, Matt! Please forgive me! Come back!

JOSH is a total asshat. Fist bumping, congratulating himself, starting at the bottom, SHOUTING and wearing what looked like a dirty shirt. Too bad he wasn't the dead body in Matt's trunk.


Please help me off the floor.

  • Love 12
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