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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)

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If USC wanted to have a poster boy, they only have to look at Sam. He's what I picture USC to be as a person.

I was already irritated with the show before the first commercial break. First if the category says TV relationships, regardless if it was the first clue married should not have been accepted. And whether or not Andrew Johnson would have been a completely non-sensical answer, since there are multiple Johnson presidents a BMS should have been given. And wasn't one of the other answers Adams?

Amanda sounds like she has asthma and it hurts to hear her talk but I laughed at her story, it was cute.

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Oh Amanda, that Hail to the Chief clue stated the year as 1800, so your guess of Roosevelt was just terrible.  And then Amanda took a really bad guess at the 'SC' in SCUBA.  And she follows that up with the famous Ural mountain range in Italy.  At this point, her college should be tightening up its standards and her high school should be asking for its diploma back.  Because those were teen tournament clues at best.


Paddock was a TS ?


FJ was too easy.

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Don't forget Passover being on November 1st. I guess we need to start using GG for Goofy Guesses.

Addiction was also a TS.

At this rate, I'll have a PhD by week's end if these kids are considered highly educated.

Edited by CarpeDiem54
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Don't forget Passover being on November 1st. I guess we need to start using GG for Goofy Guesses.



I'm inclined to cut the kid a break on that one, at least partly because he gave me the best laugh-out-loud laugh I've had all day.  Week, maybe.  For one thing, he's from Mississippi (or at least that's where he goes to school), where there aren't exactly a lot of Jews, so I forgive him for not knowing when Passover is.  And he's probably not Catholic either, so there goes All Saints' Day.  But if you have to come up with a religious holiday that makes some kind of crazy sense for football, "Passover" has got to be the best punt ever. 


Amanda really did seem to love the camera.  I don't think I've ever seen a contestant look straight into it like that during the chat with Alex.


I saw a video today that made me want to shoot myself.  But it was well timed for some of these dopey guesses we've been hearing.  Things are pretty bad out there in academia, apparently:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRZZpk_9k8E

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But Drew Brees is the quarterback for the Saints. Big hint right there. None of them knew much about the Bible either.

Holy crap! Someone needs to hunt those kids down in that YouTube video and immediately expel them for gross studipity. That's sad.

Edited by CarpeDiem54
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I'm inclined to cut the kid a break on that one, at least partly because he gave me the best laugh-out-loud laugh I've had all day.  Week, maybe.  For one thing, he's from Mississippi (or at least that's where he goes to school), where there aren't exactly a lot of Jews, so I forgive him for not knowing when Passover is.  And he's probably not Catholic either, so there goes All Saints' Day.  But if you have to come up with a religious holiday that makes some kind of crazy sense for football, "Passover" has got to be the best punt ever. 


But Drew Brees is the quarterback for the Saints. Big hint right there. None of them knew much about the Bible either.


Plus, since he goes to school in Mississippi, the Saints are probably the closest NFL team to his college.

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I wanted to root for Amanda (we share a first name) but she lost me at Roosevelt and I ran away screaming at the Urals. Both the guys had goofs but neither bugged or engaged me enough to care one way or another who won.

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Plus, since he goes to school in Mississippi, the Saints are probably the closest NFL team to his college.


I don't deny any of this.  In fact, when he started smiling as the question was only partly read out, I thought it was because that's his local team, so he had to be making the Saints connection.  I was shocked that he actually didn't know it.  But his answer was so ridiculously creative that I'm forgiving everything else.  And I rarely forgive anything on this show. 

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I thought that FJ question was written to be needlessly hard.  I was trying to figure "what country" and "what year" for the revolution.  Guess it was just me that couldn't figure it out though, as it hasn't been mentioned anywhere else.  

You're not alone. I thought the answer was "surprise."

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I thought that FJ question was written to be needlessly hard.  I was trying to figure "what country" and "what year" for the revolution.  Guess it was just me that couldn't figure it out though, as it hasn't been mentioned anywhere else.


I thought it was hard to figure out too.  I did finally get Revolution but right at the end of the think music and I certainly wasn't sure it was right.

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Due to the apparent idiocy of someone at Fox 45 in Baltimore, I didn't see FJ.  They went from the end of DJ to a commercial break and then straight to the closing bit with Alex chatting to the contestants while the credits run.  The archive doesn't have yesterday's game up yet - what was the clue and who won?

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Moments in History:


This word follows January (China, 1967); March (Germany, 1848); July (France, 1830) & famously, October.


Sam Deutsch won and the other two had pretty good final scores that may get them in as wild cards.

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And whether or not Andrew Johnson would have been a completely non-sensical answer, since there are multiple Johnson presidents a BMS should have been given. And wasn't one of the other answers Adams?


This is a continuing problem, and one that pisses me off to no end.  I was yelling "Which Adams?  John, John Quincy or Carson?" at the tv; my neighbors probably thought I was nuts.

And she follows that up with the famous Ural mountain range in Italy.


I waffled a bit between the Apennines and the Dolomites, but at least those are ITALIAN mountain ranges.

Moments in History:


This word follows January (China, 1967); March (Germany, 1848); July (France, 1830) & famously, October.


Sam Deutsch won and the other two had pretty good final scores that may get them in as wild cards.

Thanks.  :-)


Revolution seems pretty obvious here.  But I will allow the possibility for thinking it was so obvious that it must be something else because it couldn't really be that easy.

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Passover is now on my list of favorite wrong answers ever. But I do agree with what said above in that it was a pretty clever guess (if you knew nothing about Passover and hadn't heard of All Saints' Day).

I was surprised they let Johnson go without a prompt, but tried to convince myself they were assuming it couldn't be Andrew since he couldn't be interested in space exploration. Then they let Adams go and I realized they just didn't care. I always considered duplicate presidential surnames to be the canonical reason for a BMS.

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Tonight's group didn't seem too bad, except for middle girl who kept ringing in with wild-ass guesses.


FJ was another instaget for me, and before the contestants' questions were revealed, I wondered if someone would slip in that "the" that doesn't belong.  Boo, hiss, indeed, Alex.

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An entire category about Starbuck and the novel 'Moby Dick' -- and the squid clue was a TS (it was even mentioned in the clue it had 10 arms)?


That Caribbean DD clue was ridiculously easy in the Jeopardy round.


FJ was really easy, but I'm glad they dinged the contestant for adding "the".  I was even glad that AT asked for a BMS for that Grand Jury clue.  


'Bout damn time they started tightening up the rules considering how lax they have been recently.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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This was the most enjoyable game, so far, of the tournament. I felt a bit sorry for Hannah. She did have quite a few GG's.

Not a lot of TS. I got squid, typhoon and Gallipoli.

I got FJ but almost slipped in the "the". Glad I changed my mind at the last minute.

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Go Gus! Proud alum here :-) Had to laugh at him getting a DD about Berkeley. 


I added "the" to FJ. At least now I'll always remember.


I FF'd past the interviews but was Hannah hearing impaired? She seemed to be yelling her answers.

Edited by YoureSoUrban
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I thought "What is Origin of Species... Or is it Origin of THE Species? The Origin of Species? The Origin of the Species? I think it's Origin of Species. But it might be Origin of the Species. ARGH!"


I got squid, typhoon and Gallipoli.

I didn't think of squid. All I could think was The Kraken, but I knew that wasn't right. My mind drew a blank on typhoon. I just couldn't come up with the word. And as for Gallipoli, I had a feeling that was it, but I keep putting Gallipoli in Australia, probably because of the movie which had Mel Gibson in it and was directed by Peter Weir. 


Seems there was a TS or two that I got, but now I can't remember.

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And as for Gallipoli, I had a feeling that was it, but I keep putting Gallipoli in Australia, probably because of the movie which had Mel Gibson in it and was directed by Peter Weir.


That movie is why I originally knew about the Gallipoli campaign.  (Terrific movie, btw)  A few weeks ago a contestant and I both missed a DD in a WWI category by answering "Gallipoli" (the name of the peninsula) when the clue wanted the name of the strait, the Dardanelles, so I was amused when it showed last night.

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I was happy for Gus, too.  He was pretty knowledgeable.  Was that 22,222 the highest total so far?  I'm guessing he wagered for that outcome intentionally. 2 must be his lucky number.  


I had the same problem with wondering if there was a "the" in the title of the Darwin book.  I probably would have put it in and been wrong.  Boo hiss.

Edited by SierraMist
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The explanation from Alex at the end was more fun for me than the entire game. I guess it's good they have those contingencies in place, but I feel for the kid who missed out based on the first round score.

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Noah almost turned me around with his sloth story despite his crossed arms and making goofy faces. I said almost.

Niki's giggling and starting her interview with "so" annoyed me, but she's a cute smart girl.

A picture of Humphrey Bogart. *facepalm*

I got Christopher Wren, Gloria Steinem, Q and Felicity.

I anwered FJ before Alex finished reading the clue.

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I knew Steinem had to be the author, but had no clue that she'd ever written about "the road" or whatever. I liked all three players, and was happy with the outcome. Noah's sloth story might be the cutest ever.  I've read far too many comics. If I ever appear on the show I want that name-change category!

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Niki's giggling and starting her interview with "so" annoyed me.


So what's wrong with that???


Ziad did it, too, I think.  Maybe even twice.  If I weren't as well adjusted as I am, it might drive me crazy.


Ditto. Wren is the only English architect I know.


A good rule of thumb is that if it's not Wren, it's Inigo Jones.  Except it's almost always Wren.


I knew Steinem had to be the author, but had no clue that she'd ever written about "the road" or whatever. I liked all three players, and was happy with the outcome. Noah's sloth story might be the cutest ever.


That's a pretty recent book.  She's been making the rounds promoting it in the past few weeks.  [P̶o̶i̶n̶t̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶G̶l̶o̶r̶i̶a̶ ̶S̶t̶e̶i̶n̶e̶m̶ ̶a̶n̶e̶c̶d̶o̶t̶e̶ ̶t̶y̶p̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶d̶e̶l̶e̶t̶e̶d̶.̶] A story as pointless as Noah's sloth story--but not nearly as cute.  He was wrong when he said it wasn't a story.

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I missed Alexs' explanation of the finalists. Can some one let me know what he said? Thanks


I really don't know if I can.


He ran through the five winners, and two of the high scoring non-winners.  For the other two spots, there were three people tied, and the tie-breaker is the score at the end of Double Jeopardy.  That gave the third non-winner, but the other two were still tied, so they then go back to the score at the end of the Jeopardy round, which finally produced the last semifinalist.

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I hope Noah watches himself on the show and sees what a douche he looked like with this crossed arms.

I got Ford,as well. Pretty easy when you think about. The Bogart picture made me roll my eyes. I was sad that Felicity was a TS.

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Noah's crossed arms didn't bother me because I figured he was doing it to keep from flailing his arm with the buzzer - so good for him.

That's what I thought too, since he waved his arms and was quite animated during the interview.

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It's thought that keeping your arms crossed in a social setting makes you look standoffish, so that's generally why contestants who stand that way look ... I don't know, disinterested? I wouldn't call him a douche, though. I agree that contestants probably stand that way on purpose because of the buzzer.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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