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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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Matt's habit of talking over Alex is just rude.



Yes, I third that. I don't mind his intensity or his volume or his smile, but the interruption is just obnoxious. Anyone who watches J! knows that Alex will occasionally have something to add when he's ruling, so Matt can't claim ignorance. If he did it only once or twice, we could chalk it up to nerves or excitement. But he's doing it all game long, and it's starting to piss me off. I'm surprised he hasn't been told to stop.  This aint The Matt Show, dude. 


When none of the players knew Orphan Black, they were all dead to me. 

  • Love 3

The only category that I think I ran was TV show by siblings, which is right in my wheelhouse. I was surprised by the TS's , but then all three contestants would be amazed by my lack of geographic knowledge. (We all have our strengths.) I also almost got FJ wrong by guessing Cleopatra, which kept seeming like 8 letters in my head until I segmented it. I liked Greg, and would not have minded him winning, but then Matt pulled off the 6000 wagers! His style works for me. It MAY seem rude to cut off Alex, but he IS there to play the game, and I'd rather get on to the next clue than listen to Alex as well.


I had no clue about any of the TV shows, except Orphan Black (they had me at sestras).


That was the only one I didn't know.  Other than Friends, I didn't watch any of the shows, but I'd picked up knowledge of the characters along the way, except for that one.  (I rarely read entertainment news anymore, so that's easily explained.)


It was a pretty good game for me.  I was nervous about FJ, because no matter how much I've tried over the course of my life I have just never been able to get into Shakespeare in any significant way, but thankfully I know my planets.


Diversification was ridiculously over valued as a DD.  There was at least one, and I think two, surprising TS in that category, though, so maybe not.

  • Love 1

Matt's knowledge base is pretty good of course, but I want someone new to be champ. I just don't enjoy watching him. It's funny that when you see a champ like this -- one who tends to steamroll over the others -- you can't imagine him/her ever losing.


I couldn't come up with Cordelia. I first thought Desdemona, but the amt of letters was wrong. Then I thought it was the good daughter of King Lear. I can never remember any daughter except Regan. 

  • Love 3

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned how rapid fire Matt deliberately slowed down at the end as he was trying to maintain his runaway lead with Greg nipping at his heels. Instead of barking out the category/amount in shorthand, he suddenly switched to the entire name of the category and even threw in a "Please, Alex" or two. It didn't work, but it was a smarmy move.

He can't get off my tv fast enough.

  • Love 8
  On 10/2/2015 at 2:58 AM, peeayebee said:


I couldn't come up with Cordelia. I first thought Desdemona, but the amt of letters was wrong. Then I thought it was the good daughter of King Lear. I can never remember any daughter except Regan. 

I came up with her at the last moment. The phrase "tragic heroine" threw me because I was thinking of women with a much larger role in the tragedies, but the names were either too short (Ophelia) or too long (Cleopatra). Cordelia gets relatively little stage time.


I too was surprised at how little the three knew about TV siblings. I never watched it, but I came up with Charmed from entertainment news.


And I did notice that Matt slowed down at the end. I didn't mind him yesterday, though, because the outcome was in doubt until the very end. Snobbish me--I didn't expect that much of a challenge from a ranch hand.

  On 10/2/2015 at 6:37 AM, Hpmec said:

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned how rapid fire Matt deliberately slowed down at the end as he was trying to maintain his runaway lead with Greg nipping at his heels. Instead of barking out the category/amount in shorthand, he suddenly switched to the entire name of the category and even threw in a "Please, Alex" or two. It didn't work, but it was a smarmy move.

He can't get off my tv fast enough.

I came here to post about this too. That's the epitome of unsportsmanlike conduct, or whatever the Jeopardy Gods would rule such an infraction. I've gone back and forth and tried to find a way to enjoy this obviously knowledgable player, and I just can't anymore.

The slow playing is the nail in the coffin for me. (I'm sure he couldn't care less.) But as a viewer I despise it, and I can't imagine any of the many champs I've liked over the years sinking to that level. I can't even imagine some of my least favorite champs doing it. I disliked Arthur Chu immensely, and I can't see him doing that. I didn't like Roger Craig but can't picture him doing it either.

I won't stop watching. I did that when Chu was on and also when Colby was on. But jeopardy is my favorite show. It's part of my evening routine, and I miss it when I don't watch. So, other than Kids' Week, I won't boycott it anymore.

  • Love 4
  On 10/2/2015 at 1:28 AM, Jesse said:

I knew you people would be with me on knowing all the TV siblings! 

I didn't know the Orphan Black one - don't watch that show - but all the others were easy-peasy.


I think Angry Matt has reached Arthur Chu-levels of unbearable for me.  I'm out until he loses, although I'll keep checking in here, because you guys are the bomb.  And of course I'll go to J! Archive to prove that obviously I'm far smarter than any of these contestants, lol.


I know very little about Uranus (trying to resist the jokes here) but Cordelia instantly lept to mind for a female role in one of Shakespeare's tragedies for some reason.  Had to count the letters to be sure, though.

Edited by proserpina65
  • Love 2

I am a bit confused by the anger toward Matt, as far as him interrupting Alex['s longwinded bullshit] or barking out categories quickly. That's how you keep the pace of the game going, which avoids another major pet peeve on the boards (unseen clues). Also, I have long been irritated by Alex interrupting or one-upping the stories of the contestants in the intros. One might mention wanting to visit New Zealand, and Alex will just launch into a big-headed story about the great times he has had there, taking up some game time. Matt is definitely abrupt and could easily rub people the wrong way, but Alex is certainly not the most pleasant host on earth. Honestly, I think it's Alex's job to alter his style to suit the returning champion. If Alex doesn't want to be interrupted in the middle of what is essentially repeating the correct answer, he could just say "yes" or "right" in response to Matt. Alex knows at this point what he is getting into if he tries to bring multiple words to Matt's play.

  • Love 7

But Matt isn't just there to play the game.  He's there by invitation, as a guest of the production company and of Alex, and he has the same duties that a guest in any context would have.  If you went to someone's house for dinner and found that the host was a bit of a boob (or knew he was in advance and went anyway), would that justify your being rude to him?  Being unpleasant and interrupting him at every turn?  A big part of your job as a guest (which the contestant people reminded us of frequently when I was on two different shows) is to be personable, and entertaining, and at the very least polite to the host and the other guests (no Pow! Bam! Victory sign! if you finished your soup before everybody else, let's say).  Alex has no duty to adjust his style to Matt's.  It's the other way around,, especially when the host is handing you a big check at the end of this particular "dinner." Matt may be fast and smart, but he's a complete boor.

  • Love 10

High-profile runners are often invited to major marathons and offered hefty appearance fees just to run it. They, too, are guests, there for a competition. I would not expect those runners to be super friendly and conversational with the volunteers at the aid stations. I would expect them to run their asses off, grabbing the sports drink as they go by, in an effort to win.


The show doesn't care if Matt is polite, either. I'm sure they don't. They seek ratings and that is it. So the more people talk about Matt, or debate whether they like him or not, the happier the show is. I suppose if such a player actually did result in lower ratings (not just a few people anecdotally saying they won't watch when he's on), they would start to care. 

Edited by ClareWalks
  • Love 5

 I'm surprised that no one has mentioned how rapid fire Matt deliberately slowed down at the end as he was trying to maintain his runaway lead with Greg nipping at his heels. Instead of barking out the category/amount in shorthand, he suddenly switched to the entire name of the category and even threw in a "Please, Alex" or two. It didn't work, but it was a smarmy move.

He can't get off my tv fast enough.


VERY obvious. Poor, poor sportsmanship.


And ditto. Can NOT get off my tv fast enough.


I am seriously hating the follow the leader board hopping trend that I'm seeing :/  Seems like one contestant starts out at the top of the board then when one person jumps, they do it, too. Maybe it's just me, but it's getting alllll too common.

  • Love 6

I don't think the runner analogy holds up.  Competitive athletes like runners aren't required (or even able, for the most part) to be conversational and to interact personally with their fellow runners or with referees or timers or other officials during the event.  There's no "Let's stop at the end of the first lap and tell interesting anecdotes about our lives" feature in any athletic contest.  But things like that are absolutely built into this one.  I don't find much pleasure in watching someone robotically spit out strings of factoids and congratulate himself along the way.  (And it's a skill I value, because I'm pretty good at it myself, except not absent any likability).  But mileage obviously varies.  I'm one of the anecdotally insignificant viewers who'll be signing off until this particular run is over.

  • Love 3

Today. 9:55 am


I am a bit confused by the anger toward Matt, as far as him interrupting Alex['s longwinded bullshit] or barking out categories quickly. That's how you keep the pace of the game going, which avoids another major pet peeve on the boards (unseen clues).


It's not the only way to keep the pace up.  We've seen plenty of pleasant, polite contestants clear the board without having to cut Alex off and rudely interrupt him.  It's called "Don't say the full category name every single time, don't say the category at all when there's only one left, don't take forever to pick your next clue, etc.".  Alex has always added commentary between clues and rounds.  He's not what slows up the game; it's the indecisive contestants who have to say the full category all the bloody time who do that.

  • Love 5
  On 10/2/2015 at 1:55 PM, ClareWalks said:

I am a bit confused by the anger toward Matt, as far as him interrupting Alex['s longwinded bullshit] or barking out categories quickly.


I agree with you about that aspect of Matt's play.  I actually enjoy someone putting Alex in his place, at least as much as any mere mortal can.  Unfortunately, the negatives outweigh the positives for me.


I'm really torn about the quite obvious slow play yesterday.  On its face, it sure feels like a slimy move, but at the same time, is it really any different than, say, running out the clock in a football game?  Maybe it falls with starting in the middle of a category--it's a recognized strategy, and perfectly legal, but I still don't like it.

  • Love 4

I'm gobsmacked at the hate directed toward Matt. He came to play, has a vast amount of knowledge, bets big, and clears the boards of all the categories. And while you may think he's rude toward Alex (I don't - Alex is often rude toward the contestants), he's supportive of the other players. Plus, no matter how much I dislike a J player, it would never occur to me to stop watching the show. Sometimes I watch football games so I can root against a team (I'm looking at you, Michael Vick).


And speaking of football, I ran that category. And I, too, wish there had been a Manning (go Broncos!)


btw, I missed FJ on Wed, when, according to y'all, Matt bet 10K. Did he answer the question -- er, question the answer correctly?

  • Love 3
  On 10/2/2015 at 1:29 PM, proserpina65 said:

I didn't know the Orphan Black one - don't watch that show - but all the others were easy-peasy.

I love Orphan Black, although I thought the first season was much better than the second.) I was thrilled to see a question about it on Jeopardy but not very surprised that it was a TS. I've introduced several friends to the show, and most of them had never even heard of it before I started suggesting that they give it a try.


I missed Part of Five, which I never watched but should have gotten right. For some reason, I said My So Called Life. Wow. I also missed the highest-valued clue in the category, but I can't remember what it was now.


I missed Part of Five, which I never watched but should have gotten right. For some reason, I said My So Called Life. Wow. I also missed the highest-valued clue in the category, but I can't remember what it was now.


I think Charmed was the highest-value clue.  (Actually, I thought it was Party of Five, but after your post my memory has shifted to that being second from the bottom.  Friends was at the top,  and Partridge Family and Orphan Black were somewhere in the middle.)

  • Love 2

So I guess the one I thought was Eli Manning actually wasn't.  I didn't hear the answer, and don't know much about football.



Yeah, all three Manning brothers were skipped in that category ... Eli, Peyton and Carson.


I didn't do well at all in the TV show category, and I'm a hard-core TV watcher. But, CW isn't available here, and my antenna doesn't pick up cable shows like Orphan Black. So I've never seen Charmed, Party of Five or Orphan Black. And, hold on to your hats gang, but I have never watched an episode of either Partridge Family (and I'm from that era) or Friends. However, I DO know the Friends cast from the overdose it got in pop culture references, so I could have bluffed my way through that one.


So, color me a total loser too.


btw, I missed FJ on Wed, when, according to y'all, Matt bet 10K. Did he answer the question -- er, question the answer correctly?



If my feeble brain remembers correctly, he lost FJ. Yesterday he wagered much more conservatively in FJ. Both games were runaways, he was just trying to cash in on FJ when he gambled the $10,000. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 2

My mind went blank so many times with last night's game. For instance, I couldn't come up with Andrew Lloyd Webber, though I knew who the clue was asking for.


The order of the Sibling character from top to bottom was Friends, The Partridge Family, Orphan Black, Party of Five, and Charmed. I didn't get Charmed (I never watched it). I missed The Partridge Family (and kicked myself in the butt), but I got the other two.


I actually hadn't noticed Matt slowing down the game, so I just rewatched the second half. Yup. I agree. Yesterday I did notice how odd it was when he said "OK," after he got one answer right. Even the audience laughed. Now I realize that was him starting to slow things down.

My take on Matt running down the clock: at the end it really did not matter.  When he started doing it, he still went for all the $2000 clues first.   That could've been a detrimental decision for him if the second place contestant answered them correctly.  If instead he went straight for the clues on the top of the board, however, then that definitely would've been a dick move. 


Yesterday I did notice how odd it was when he said "OK," after he got one answer right. Even the audience laughed. Now I realize that was him starting to slow things down.


I don't think he was using that "Okay" to slow things down -- he was remarking on the dorkiness of the Greek letter puzzle clue ("psi-clone," I think).  It made me laugh.

  • Love 5

   I never understand the hate for any of the contestants.  Too sober, too comical, too slow, too fast, dressed too sloppy, dressed too prim.

   I watch primarily to test myself and I pretty much enjoy everybody (with the exception of the swaying/dancing gal, Jennifer, from a few weeks ago).   

   This is one of my favorite shows, so I would never think of not watching just because the current champ doesn't fit my idea of what the idea contestant's profile is.

   I am impressed by this guy's knowledge and he's trying to win as much money as he can, so trying to go fast and clear the board is one thing to do to accomplish that. 

   I think Alex should modify his actions to the contestants, so, he certainly knows that this guy is not going for the chitchat between questions, so he should just stop trying to add his 2 cents after every response.

  • Love 6

Oh my god. Oh my god oh my god ohmygod no I did not miss anything at all and now I resent myself for even asking. "The Canadian prog-rock trio Rush?" No. No, we do not call them that.

I have something I would like to do with those drumsticks she apparently had shoved into a too-tight case.

I really love Matt now. And Alex J. But not Arthur. Never Arthur.

  • Love 2
  On 10/2/2015 at 3:54 PM, saber5055 said:

Yes to that, Clare. And Matt is stealing the Internet away from Turdlinger Talia, which makes me like him even more. He's winning money AND the Internet. *BAM!*


Anyone who can get that asshat Trebek to shut up and stop talking about himself is a winner in my book.


When I first saw your post I read Turdslinger instead of Turdlinger.  Now I can't stop picturing three monkeys as contestants hurling poo at Alex.

  • Love 4
  On 10/2/2015 at 4:08 PM, Mondrianyone said:

I don't think the runner analogy holds up.  Competitive athletes like runners aren't required (or even able, for the most part) to be conversational and to interact personally with their fellow runners or with referees or timers or other officials during the event.  There's no "Let's stop at the end of the first lap and tell interesting anecdotes about our lives" feature in any athletic contest.  


Yeah, but he does that stuff just fine. He is clearly socially awkward, whether that is the result of a legitimate disorder or just his weird personality I have no idea. But he is perfectly polite to Alex during the intros, so I don't think he is trying to be rude, I think he's just trying to keep the momentum going. He knows he has a speed advantage over most other contestants and he takes advantage of that.


Now his slowing the game down, I don't remember him doing that but he probably did, and I can't defend that nor do I want to. It isn't the most sportsmanlike behavior, for sure, but it is part of the game, so I guess it's like calling a bunch of audibles in football to try and draw them offsides. A lot of folks will hate it, but it is technically allowed.

  • Love 2

Alright, Matt haters of America, he didn't interrupt Alex (which resulted in an incomplete board on the first round, because Alex never shuts up) and he didn't stall when it was a runaway, and he seemed more personable today. Hope this helps everyone's comfort level! 


Can we talk about Alex's bizarre segues for a second? When he does the intros, sometimes he just awkwardly says "okay" in response to a person's story, then moves on. It's horrible. The man has been hosting this show forever, he should be better at faking interest by now.

  • Love 7

Thanks, Matt for providing a visual aid (five fingers) to signify your five wins.  I can't wait for you to exceed 10 wins so that you can start using your toes.



I love that he does this, it makes me laugh. And I, too, am looking forward to adding the toes. Except I think he'll do the flashing-fingers thing before the toes. Maybe when he gets to Ken Jenner levels, he'll remove the shoes and socks.


Now his slowing the game down, I don't remember him doing that but he probably did, and I can't defend that nor do I want to.



I didn't notice him slowing the game down, but then I'm usually working at the same time so things can escape me. But I wonder why he would WANT to slow the game down since all have been *ss-kicking runaways. Have I missed something? Or did this happen the one day that he wasn't off on the distant horizon, money-wise?


I guess if someone wanted to speed it up, then they needed to beat him to the buzzer and take control of the board. So there's that. Don't give this guy more power than he is earning, guys. I love, love, love that he asks for categories by one word instead of a 20-word title. Now THAT'S one of my pet peeves.


Have any clues been left since he's been champ? I know before Matt came on we were complaining about all the clues and categories left uncovered.


When he does the intros, sometimes he just awkwardly says "okay" in response to a person's story, then moves on. It's horrible. The man has been hosting this show forever, he should be better at faking interest by now.



Maybe he does this when he doesn't have a segue into a story about himself. Although Trebek has done everything, been everywhere, seen everything, knows everyone. So yeah, maybe he's just tired. Or he's got a case of SpeedItUpMatt-itis. I did notice him being especially rude today to one of the people. Was it Matt, when he just replied, "Okay"?

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 4
  On 10/2/2015 at 11:51 PM, saber5055 said:


Maybe he does this when he doesn't have a segue into a story about himself. Although Trebek has done everything, been everywhere, seen everything, knows everyone. So yeah, maybe he's just tired. Or he's got a case of SpeedItUpMatt-itis. I did notice him being especially rude today to one of the people. Was it Matt, when he just replied, "Okay"?


You're probably right, Alex does know everything about everyone! No, it wasn't Matt, today it was the center contestant, whom Alex asked about his "band geek" days and he talked about playing saxophone through school. Alex's response: "Okay." It seemed pretty damn rude to me. At least say "Great!" or "Do you still play?" or something.

  • Love 1

I love, love, love that he asks for categories by one word instead of a 20-word title.


That's what people are referring to when talking about Matt slowing the game down yesterday -- he started doing the "I'll take [Full Category Title] for [$], Alex" routine instead of his usual, refreshingly direct way of selecting clues, presumably as a strategy to maintain a runaway lead.

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