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S06.E05: Can't Trust Them

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My roommate the second half of freshman year also "had trouble hearing the alarm", although our room was less than 100 sf. She frequently slept through her morning classes (I was already up and out, this was by her report). She would try setting multiple alarms, placing one or more across the room, to no avail. I saw her a few years after graduation and she mentioned she had actually been pretty drugged up at the time, both prescription meds for depression and whatever else she was buying on campus. I felt like a complete jackass for being so oblivious at the time, but it sure explained a lot in retrospect. LEAH.


Adam had a lot of goddam nerve slagging on chelsea's parenting. If I were her, I would be seriously tempted to go in with Taylor on a hitman.


I could rag on Sterling's mom's looks, but she was nice enough to drag Kail to Cali on her dime (or something), so I shan't. Sterling, though? STFU and quit enabling Kail. She is a crap wife, no matter how bad Javi is.


Janell is such garbage. It's all gonna be about her REVENGE on Barb when she gets Jace! (which of course, we know is insane, but whatever)--the point is, she is effed up enough to just state outright how she intends to use her child to punish the woman who took care of him since birth. She fills me with rage.


Which is why I had sworn to forego this season! Why, oh why, did i relapse??


Just an interesting side note, but the show One Bad Choice that followed Teen Mom tonight was about a kid who killed two people while texting and driving. MTV needs a good slap upside the head. For their hypocrisy on that as well as their ongoing whitewashing of Leah and, most especially, Jenelle.

Edited by bref
  • Love 8

 yet this cabbage patch face girl pops them out like candy and doesn't give them any priority whatsoever. For all Barbs faults, she is trying her best to provide a stable home for Jace. That is infinitely more than what his mom does as she chases her next pair of pecs.

Jen must really like the juicehead look. She went through all her previous boyfriends so quickly, yet with Nathan she keeps coming back after each breakup. I'm still needing convincing that the latest breakup will actually take.

My roommate the second half of freshman year also "had trouble hearing the alarm", although our room was less than 100 sf. She frequently slept through her morning classes (I was already up and out, this was by her report). She would try setting multiple alarms, placing one or more across the room, to no avail. I saw her a few years after graduation and she mentioned she had actually been pretty drugged up at the time

I remember reading about how oxycontin abuse can cause hearing loss. Maybe Leah should see an audiologist. Either that or Gracie's screaming is loud enough to cause hearing damage.

  • Love 2

Why does Leah's lawyer constantly bring up the fact that Corey works? I'd be a lot more concerned if he didn't work! What kind of people does this moron represent that consider working a bad thing?! I guess no parents who work right now deserve to see their kids more often, guys.


Wasn't there some landmark case like 20 years ago that set some sort of legal precedent stating that one parent working and using daycare could NOT be a factor in determining custody? I mean, Corey's not using daycare anyways, but Leah and her family seem to think that unless he will be handling 100% of the caretaking duties himself, he shouldn't have the girls.


Maybe this was just a state precedent, and WV doesn't follow it (the state where the mom lived and lost custody of her daughter due to using a licensed, reputable daycare was Michigan), but I think the case got attention from federal courts. They made a TV movie about it starring a pre-Felicity Keri Russell.

  • Love 6

This show is so depressing, I don't think I can take anymore.  Every week it is the same thing--court sessions, crappy parenting, bad decisions, and I can't help but feel bad for the kids involved.


As for the Kail thing, what happened to the days people could ignore their phone or shock of all shocks, actually turn it off for a bit?  If you don't want to be bothered, shut it off.  I am sure if you turn it on in an hour or two and an emergency came up you can still tend to it, but most likely everything will be fine.

  • Love 3

My kids are 21 & 17 and I still won't just up and take off on the fam for some solo vacation with my friends. Selfish much? I couldn't even enjoy myself if I took off to do something fun and left my hubby home.... I want to share fun stuff WITH him. We are in this struggle together.... One of us eats, we all eat. I just don't understand this insane chick Kail. She almost killed herself rushing into a pregnancy and marriage with Javi and now he bugs her just by existing. Maybe this is why marriage and children should be left to the more mature people in this world. I'm not even saying older, because I got married at 18 and we've gone 26 awesome years so far so I know it CAN be done that young but you have to have a ton of maturity and selflessness. Our first vacation didn't come for 6 or 7 years and then it was a Disney trip because my son would enjoy it. (& as much as we wanted kids, we waited until our lives were properly set up for having a kid. It took 5 years to get to that point and I remember sometimes worrying that we would never get to that point where we could finally have a kid.) Kait possesses ZERO maturity, in any situation. And if my spouse threatened me with the d-word.... I'd help him pack his shit. You don't threaten each other in a normal marriage. Duh.

I can't even fully comment bc I fell asleep on this epi (during a Kail scene, naturally)... Had to watch the debates!

Leah's excuse "I have trouble hearing the alarm" is crap. I could sleep thru anything too but you learn. And with 3 youngins in that house, I'd be sleeping light anyway. Listening for them. To this day if my 21 year old wakes up sick, I will hear him immediately but when he comes in late, I don't wake up at all. It's a mom-instinct. Which explains why Leah doesn't have it bc she is definitely a shitty mom. Her sleeping late has more to do with her Oxy habit then her sleeping habits, IMO. And as far as therapy, she had someone at her house already.... Let her stay with Satan-twin and Baby Adderall while you take the other twin to therapy. Life doesn't stop because one of your kids puke.

All of the cursing during her call with Corey when she seemed loaded up on her "migraine" meds.... Wow. Listen to yourself for a minute Leah. You are Out. of. control. Your house looks dirty as can be. Your baby is never dressed. Your car is an upcoming Hoarders epi and your Hair and general style are just a hot mess. I feel like Corey is trying to show restraint and not put all of her dirty business out there but she is just trying his patience. And why is MTV editing shit and not showing us that Germy has left her ass, and why he left? I call bs to claim to be a reality show and then leave out a MAJOR life event like your second marriage breaking up. She wants that reality $, then it's all fair game and part of the story. I shudder to think of the stuff we aren't hearing about since what we are seeing is so bad.

Next girl that texts and drives with their kid in the car should get knocked tf out. That's not even funny and MTV should put a stop to it. If you don't care about yourself and your kid, well, what about the other innocent people on the streets?

Chelsea is the only normal girl on this show. aubree is too cute. And of course Adam doesn't give a damn about visitation rules and sadly, judges don't always enforce that stuff from what I've seen with friends. They sometimes give the dads way too many chances. Adams friend looks sketchy as hell, for real. Whoever said him and Adam look like a pair of kidnappers is right! And parking on the snow mound is super douchey.

Janelle.... What can you even say? She was so embarrassing on that school conference phone calls. Calls in late and she's like, " can you tell me everything you've discussed while I was too busy to call in on time?"... Then she tried to throw shade at Barb, " well Jace is always happy at my house but when he goes back to her house, that's the problem".... Ummm, ok. You barely know your own son, trick. Keep it moving, he doesn't need you taking over his life. Barb is far from perfect but she deserves sainthood for putting up with Janelle's mouth.

  • Love 7

Chelsea and Cole reenacting Dirty Dancing = so cheesy and cute. Her segments may be a bit boring, but that's good, IMO. 


Adumb, OTOH, how gross was it of him to manipulate his daughter into calling Taylor??? What a tool. Cheslea and Taylor should just meet up on their own and let the girls play. Fuck Adumb and his concrete block home in the projects. Also, who is that dude that's always with him? Mr. Meth Face? Are they roommates? Is he the chauffeur??? He drives like shit. This is the second time he's done something really stupid with Aubree in the truck. 




Kail, who in the seven hells goes on a family trip with some OTHER family when you're newly married and have two small kids at home??? Damn, this girl goes out more than most single people I know. The only kid-free weekend I've had since I first became a mom 7 years ago was WITH my husband (and we were pregnant with #3). It's like Kail can't wait to get away from Javi. And then complains about him the entire time. I'm sorry, but Javi didn't ruin her time - she did. Okay, I will concede that the dude is insecure and clingy. But here's what I imagine happened:


Javi started out sending innocuous texts like, "Hey, did you make it there okay?" "What's going on?", "Isaac made you a flower out of playdough", "We miss you". Maybe there were a bit too many of them, but I'm sure they were fairly benign. But what happened was, poor put upon Kail acted all annoyed and ignored them from jump. So then Javi starts to get antsy and starts upping the texts and probably getting a bit more pissy in them. He IS the parent left behind, she could have been more considerate of that. But then when he finally finds out she's staying longer than promised (a fact which she neglects to mention and was only discovered because of a poster's ability to screenshot), he finally loses it. I don't blame him. I guarantee if Kail had been nice from the beginning, checked in regularly, made him feel loved and missed, and adhered to their plans, it would have been mostly fine. And if he got too annoying she could have just turned her phone off. She CHOOSES to engage in this crap and it's just as much her fault, if not more. I'm glad Sterling called her out. She's a fun suck, and she probably ruined it for other people as well. 


"Waaaah, I hate Javi for ruining my trip." And I LOVE him for it. 


Also, Kail, Bradley Cooper wouldn't fuck you with someone else's dick. 


Isaac the mini-fashionista was awesome. I've never seen a 5-year-old boy so excited about clothes as a present. Teehee




So every segment of Jenelle's begins with, "Nathan's at the gym", right? 


The conference about Jace was so stupid. Obviously Barb, as his primary caretaker, had to pick a day that worked for her. I'm sure she wanted to know Jenelle's schedule so she could consider it, but the final decision had to be based around Barb. Why couldn't Jenelle just miss one class? Would it have killed her? And, of course, she waits until the last minute to sort it all out AND picks a fight with Barb whilst doing so. Barb is a lot kinder than I am. I would have shut that phone off and had her miss the call. But maybe Barb wanted Jenelle to hear from the teacher herself that it would be better for Jace to stay put and have more stability? 


Color me shocked, Nathan was the voice of reason at the end! He fully recognizes how attached Jace is to Barb and that they need to proceed gradually. He also doesn't want Jenelle pulling any of that tit-for-tat crap. She's so immature. If your entire reason for keeping a kid from someone is that they did it to you, you shouldn't have that kid. Ever. God, I hate her. 


I did roll my eyes big time at Nathan's ADD assessment. "I've been saying that since I first met Jace". Like he's some expert. 




So Gracie being sick means Ali needs to miss therapy? Even when she has other people willing to help her out? Shit there was another adult present the entire day, she couldn't have stayed home while you took Ali??? In the words of Delta Dawn, "Leah, that don't make no sense". 


I loved the phone call with Corey - calling her out left and right! I believe every word the girlses are telling him, and it's really sad to picture those poor kids hiding in the laundry room while the adults fight. Notice Leah couldn't proffer one thing the girlses had supposedly told her about HIS house. I love that he's not going to give up on his kids and keep fighting to get custody of them. So many of the dads on this show are total losers, Corey is a real father. 

  • Love 19

Finally watching. On one hand, I get Kail. I'm really independent and enjoy doing things on my own. I'm one of those people who hates even sharing a bed. I'd probably make a terrible wife. But I didn't choose to get married. And have a second kid. So all she bitches about with Javi and all she did to herself. I also agree, if someone is bugging you on your phone then put it on silent, or shut it off. She claims to hate it, but she thrives on the drama. Oh and now she's whining that Javi ruined her trip and friendships....cos of what Sterling's mom said. WTF. If I were Javi I'd have my shit packed by the door and as soon as she walked in I'd peace the eff out.


Jenelle's segments were a joke. And for once we actually saw her interacting with Kaiser. For all of like 3mins. And whoa with Nipples and his 180. All that calm talking and being rational? Color me impressed. I still think Jenelle doesn't have the desire or follow-through to actually get custody of Jace, but all this talk of keeping him from Barb for revenge is really lame and petty. Classic Jenelle. Next week it seems they're back to their old selves, and have another break up.


Chelsea...blah. Adumb actually seemed like he was trying this week. It's still inexcusable to manipulate Aubree against Taylor, but he's been doing more with Aubree lately than my dad ever did with me at that age. But still...too little too late. I have to admit I kinda laughed at the monster truck on that snow pile...douchey but I can see a kid finding it fun. And me, too, cos I'm eternally 12.


Leah...same old shit. Ali misses therapy and everyone gets pissed. Lather, rinse, repeat. I guess next week she gets the divorce papers and that should stir things up. But so far, same old.

  • Love 2
Also notice how when Sterling called her out on her shit, Kail pitched a fit and hung up the phone. None of these girls can deal when they're not coddled and enabled.


Yup. Which is why their circle of friends changes every few years. 


I get that Corey is beyond pissed at Leah but citing a laundry list of all her recent misdeeds is not going to make her give him what he wants. All it will do is make her more defensive and more determined to keep the girlses. Which is exactly what happened. The old saying you get more flies with honey rather than vinegar applies here. Maybe if he'd approach it from the angle of "I know it's so hard for you to manage school drop offs/pickups, getting Ali to therapy and whatever else, so let me help you with that." Offer to assist rather than attack.


I think he's already tried that approach - a few times. And it got him nowhere. Now he's fed up and he's not taking it anymore! (and I love it.)

  • Love 15
Leah would hear the alarm if she wasn't zonked out on pillses.


This is true. And I've known people who were heavy sleepers. My sister was one of them. She needed three alarms and a backup person to make sure she was up. Then she became a parent. She now wakes instantly at the slightest noise the baby makes - from the other room. It just changes you. Leah just sleeping through alarms and kids roaming around, making their own toast - something aint right. 


Adumb actually seemed like he was trying this week.


It's my firm belief that Adumb only "tries" when the cameras are present. 

  • Love 8

It's my firm belief that Adumb only "tries" when the cameras are present. 

Oh I'm sure, but motivation is motivation. Maybe one of these years he will finally grow up, but I'm not thinking it'll be anytime soon. I also still think his vasectomy was one of the wisest choices any dad on this show has ever made...even if it was done for selfish reasons.

  • Love 3

I'm widowed now, but my husband didn't like travel and was fine with my chickcation week every summer. In fact he thought it was cool.that my friends and I did this. In fact he bragged on the fact that I would fly long distance alone to meet up for these annual get togethers. He appreciated that I had friends to share things I enjoy with that would have been sheer torture for him. Have to add though that this did not start happening until I was 41. I don't find it weird to have a get away with friends, but not with kids so young, or the lying ahead of time about how long you plan to be gone. It is also critical to have a husband who approves, to give him no reason to not trust you, and to have travel friends with like minded husbands.

Edited by dorcastrilling
  • Love 9

I think another reason Leah is insisting that she keeps the girlses during most weekdays is that she wants her weekends free. The twins are in school during most of the day on weekdays so she really only sees them for a few hours. Then on weekends, she probably pawns Adderall off on Jermy's mom so she can have two whole days to do whatever.

  • Love 9
I think another reason Leah is insisting that she keeps the girlses during most weekdays is that she wants her weekends free. The twins are in school during most of the day on weekdays so she really only sees them for a few hours. Then on weekends, she probably pawns Adderall off on Jermy's mom so she can have two whole days to do whatever.


You know, I didn't even think of that, but you may be right. The girls are in school now, so during the week she doesn't have them all day. And if Corey has them the entire weekend, there's really not that much time leftover. Just makes her declarations of being so stressed out even more ridiculous. 

  • Love 8

I'm only 7 minutes into the episode but Leah is seriously the dumbest bitch on this show. Im watching this baby try to climb into a chair and Leah immediately says "do you want to go in time out?" For what??! Then two seconds later the baby is trying to take her shoes off and she's threatening time out again. It's like that's the only thing she knows how to do as a mother. Seems like something an 8 year old would do while playing house because she saw it on tv or something. What a stupid moron asshole.

  • Love 8

Yup. Which is why their circle of friends changes every few years. 





I think he's already tried that approach - a few times. And it got him nowhere. Now he's fed up and he's not taking it anymore! (and I love it.)


Right. I am all about tailoring your approach to achieve the results you want, but there does not appear to be ANY way that Corey can get through to Leah. He has tried putting it on himself, saying he just misses the girls and wants them around more. He has tried saying that it's obvious her life is super hard (snort) and he wants to ease her burden. He has kissed her ass numerous times and called her a good mom (in an effort to keep the conversation going so she doesn't flounce off). Leah is not agreeable to any of his approaches. Eventually, Corey is going to lose his patience.

  • Love 15

I thought her time out thing has been humorous as well.  Anytime the kids act like kids, she threatens time out instead of trying to actually find a way to work it out with the kids.  I guess she doesn't know time out and discipline is for when it is actually needed?  Not just that the child does something that needs a mild correction?

  • Love 2


Poor Jigglypuff. That is the fattest baby with the most rolls I've ever seen on an infant. Is Nipples or the Michelin Man the father?

If I saw two men like Adumb and his heroin addict looking friend out with a little girl, I would be calling the police to make sure she was safe, and not a victim of kidnapping.


Ha ha this made me laugh so loud! Especially the part about Adam. So true!  I think one of the reasons Leah doesn't want Corey to have the girlses more often is because who would take care of Addy while Leah sleeps thru her alarm every morning. Someone has to watch the baby. Lol. Totally don't understand after Leah was warned in court about missing therapy and being late for school that she would let Ali miss ANOTHER therapy appointment WHILE SHE WAS BEING FILMED and she clearly had another adult at the house taking care of the girls when Gracie was supposedly sick. (the girl they showed coughing in the car when Leah had short hair was Ali so that was editing. Who knows if Gracie was actually sick as Leah couldn't bother to call Miranda and tell her (or text her or Corey) that she picked Gracie up at school when Miranda was scheduled to pick her up. Leah is definitely on drugs, she can't make one good decision and she's not taking care of her kids.


I think Nips is probably already cheating on Janelle. He switched from team Janelle to team Barb pretty quickly and he's hated Barb and wanted to make her pay since he met her! But he was totally right and I was totally shocked listening to him. Maybe he's going to making his own play for custody of Kaiser and wants to paint Janelle as the lazy non-mother that she is.


Kail is horrible. I don't know how anyone puts up with her. All of these girls are so ME ME ME. Except Chelsea. She seems to have some understanding and compassion for other people. I assume she still lets Adam see Aubrey because it is court ordered.  Taylor probably has nothing from the courts so she has all the rights and Adam has none. sad that Adam had Aubrey call Taylor. Sick to use your child like that. And Adam's "doesn't your mother ever bathe you?" had me seething with rage. Um Adam you are the one who looks like you don't shower regularly. Chelsea takes care of Aubrey practically full time and Aubrey always looks very clean and cute. No doubt in my mind at all that Aubrey is bathed regularly. Her hair is always brushed and she wears adorable clothes.  Unlike Leah's girls who always look ratty and dirty and their hair is never brushed when they are with Leah. Sorry that your pathetic attempts to make Chelsea look like a bad mom don't work.

  • Love 13

I was confused about the Kail situation.  According to posts here, Javi was pissed because she was supposed to come home Sat/Sun but then texted Javi and said she wouldn't be home until Tues.  But on the show, she was saying she was going to be gone four days from the get-go.  I think she's totally selfish and ridiculous for leaving that long anyway with a husband and small children at home to crash someone else's "family vacation" (hey Kail, if you want a family vacation, why not take your OWN family on one?) but if she really did say from the beginning she was going to be gone until Tuesday and Javi agreed to it, he was totally in the wrong for harassing her the entire trip about it (and she reacted horribly.) 


Leah: I was so happy to hear Cory finally going off on her.  I could feel his frustration.  I'd be at my wit's end with that girl.  

  • Love 1

If I was a judge all I would need to see is the 2 second clip of Leah texting and driving in the rain with the kids in the back seat. I'd give them to Corey in a second.

It must be so fucking frustrating for Corey and Chelsea to have to watch the lies and the damage being done to their kids and not being able to do a damn thing about it.

This may make me sound like a cold hearted bitch but its the truth. I was a teen mom, 2 kids by age 20 with a much older, very abusive man. I escaped with my kids one night and he harrassed me and messed with me for a long time. I was always terrified he would go to court and get them.

He died when my son was 1 and my daughter was 3. He did me a favor. I was so scared he would get my kids and abuse them like he abused me.

If that makes me sound cold hearted, I'm really not. He would have damaged my kids in a bad way.

Im glad he wasn't around to poison and damage my kids like he tried to do to me. I couldn't imagine having to sit back and watch him get my kids every weekend or half the time or even for a minute.

They're 29 and 31 now and have had the best daddy in the world since they were 3 and 5. They wouldn't have been the people they are today with his influence and abuse in their lives.

That's a little more personal than I intended but I just couldn't imagine being in the position of some of the parents on the show.

Racj82, is that what I heard here in San Francisco? Was that you laughing? It was hard to tell what it was because of my own laughter but I think I heard you!

That's not cold, it makes perfect sense. Good parents put their children first, and would do anything to protect them. Then there are some parents who only want their kids out of spite, and to keep control over their ex. It's sad and horrible.

  • Love 4

Question for the married women with children here: how often do you go on trips without your husbands and children? I'm guessing never. I don't even have kids but I'm sure my husband would give me the side eye if I was like okay bye going across the country for a week without you! Trips like that are what you do before you're married, in my opinion. Just another example of why Kail is so stupid and shouldn't have gotten married so young. She clearly just wants to be a young single person in her 20s. Which I can totally appreciate because I really enjoyed partying and being single and going whatever I pleased in my 20s. Which is why I didn't get married until I was 32. I couldn't believe it when Kail said dripping with sarcasm "don't you know I'm not allowed to go on vacation without my husband and kids" YES!!!! What married person goes on vacation without their husbands and kids? One overnight trip for something every now and again I could see but an actual week long vacation? She's a lunatic.

  • Love 8

Re: going on vacation sans partner and kid(s): I'm married, have a young child, and have gone on a few trips (either for family reasons or "girls weekend"-type trips with friends) solo since my child was born, and my husband has as well. But we talk about the cost, exact days, etc in advance and do our best to minimize disruptions to work/childcare schedules, and often that means seeing if a grandparent or two can help out. We're lucky to have family help, no doubt--but we're also in our mid-30s, have been together for a long time, and waited to have our child until we felt as ready as possible for parenthood. (Which helps with more than figuring out random solo trips, of course!)

No idea if Kail/Javi have similar conversations/arrangements about travel, since what we see on the show is of edited. But based on their filmed conversations and reactions, it doesn't seem likely. 

  • Love 4

Question for the married women with children here: how often do you go on trips without your husbands and children? I'm guessing never.


Both my husband and I take an annual girls/boys trip as the kids got older the trips got longer. When they were toddlers we took weekends now our twins are 14 we take a week. We also do an annual parent only trip so we get time together away from parenting, this year we did 14 days away and while I loved the time I did miss my babies especially since it was supposed to be 10 days but due to flight cancellations we got an extra 4, the last 24hrs was a 6 hour flight and 16 hours in the airport so I was very ready to be home. We also do a family trip of 10-14 days with the boys as well as 5 days with all the grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins.

The trips started before we were married though, we are both pretty independent people and dated for 8 years before we got engaged as we were 20 when we met and felt we were too young to settle straight down. For the first 6 years we lived 2 hours apart as I was finishing my degree then starting my career, he had a job that he loved, we spent most weekends together and traveled together as well as apart due to our various commitments and I do not regret it, I feel that it made our communication really strong.

Our boys are very independent too and go off for trips with their various friends and their families and everytime I want to beg and plead with them not to go, but I stop myself as they love the trips it does make me sad that they are so grown up and will be leaving home in about 4 years to study. I have been trying to sell DH on the idea of us moving too but I have no hope.

  • Love 3
I was confused about the Kail situation.  According to posts here, Javi was pissed because she was supposed to come home Sat/Sun but then texted Javi and said she wouldn't be home until Tues.  But on the show, she was saying she was going to be gone four days from the get-go.  I think she's totally selfish and ridiculous for leaving that long anyway with a husband and small children at home to crash someone else's "family vacation" (hey Kail, if you want a family vacation, why not take your OWN family on one?) but if she really did say from the beginning she was going to be gone until Tuesday and Javi agreed to it, he was totally in the wrong for harassing her the entire trip about it (and she reacted horribly.)


Something about the way she said 4 days made it sound like two of those days were for travel. She was like, "technically 4 days". So I guess that maybe she flew out on Friday (she told Sterling "see you tonight", but left early in the morning, sounds like a long day) and back on Monday. Or was supposed to. But the text said something about Tuesday, IIRC? So I still think she added another day on there somewhere. Maybe it was 5 days from the jump, but she didn't tell Javi?



Question for the married women with children here: how often do you go on trips without your husbands and children? I'm guessing never.


You'd be right. As I posted earlier, I've only had one weekend away, without kids, since becoming a mom 7 years ago. And that was WITH my husband. I was also pregnant at the time. The most I've had without my husband or kids is a few hours - to attend my sisters' baby and bridal showers, once for my BIL's surprise party. I did one "girl night" with my mom and sisters last fall. It consisted of crafting and a movie. I was home by 10. 


To each their own, whatever works for each couple. The problem here is, this isn't working for Javi. I think it's very one sided. It seems like Kail does a lot of solo stuff without him, and not too many date nights, just him and her. Javi probably wishes they could take advantage of the babysitter and do something just the two of them. Another poster was spot on when they said that Javi and Kail just have very different desires. 


Also, it just seems disproportionate. Even though it hasn't worked out for me (we are on a fairly tight budget, I have no girlfriends interested in weekends away, my husband works too much), I wouldn't begrudge someone a weekend away. But it just seems like this girl is ALWAYS going off and doing something, dumping the kids on Javi and/or his sisters. She made a family, she can't just decide she's going to live like a single 25-year-old. 

  • Love 1

Whether it's her marriage, her nails, or her friend's trip to California, there is nothing Kail can't ruin.

http://previously.tv/teen-mom-2/kail-is-misery-and-she-sure-loves-company/"> Read the story

That was awesome I was rolling at Kail being the Eeyore of the francise, so true & so accurate of the stupidity of the Teen moms

  • Love 3

First commenter on the Leah segment doesn't understand why Jeremy is upset with her; other commenters fill her in on the Robbie infidelity. Demanding that MTV stay silent on Deercamgate during the episodes did nothing for her image. That's a clean minivan, did she declutter or did she just buy a new one?

I always feel like wiping my perfectly clean screen off after the videos with greasy Jenelle and Nathan up close and hi def.

  • Love 1

I think he's already tried that approach - a few times. And it got him nowhere. Now he's fed up and he's not taking it anymore! (and I love it.)

I know last season he mentioned texting Lesh in the mornings to see if she needed someone to take Ali to therapy, and she didn't refute it. There have been things that Corey probably could have handled better, but I think he's tried different approaches with Leah and it's just led to frustration.

I don't think it matters what approach he tries at this point other than documenting stuff like he talked about with Miranda. Leah's too much of a mess. If a judge warned me that I could lose my kids if I didn't get them to school on time and kept missing PT appointments, I would do everything in my power to get them to school and appointments on time, even if I had to deal with sick kids and trouble waking up and random acts of God.

My husband and I have taken the occasional solo trip with our friends. Never more than a weekend though, and the rest of the weekends out of the year we pretty much spend together with our daughter. Kail doesn't even seem to want to do that.

  • Love 1


Question for the married women with children here: how often do you go on trips without your husbands and children? I'm guessing never.


I have a 3, almost 4 year old. Technically been on two trips without my husband or daughter. The first was for a bachelorette party that was at someone's lake cabin about 3 hours away. I dropped my daughter off at daycare Friday morning, worked a half day, then drove up to the cabin that afternoon. I came home the next day, getting home around dinner time. The next trip was about a year later and was a girls' week. I left Sat evening (shortly before my daughter's bedtime), drove up to a different lakeside cabin, and stayed until Monday morning, picking up my daughter around lunchtime Monday.


My husband has also been on a few hunting/fishing trips on his own. They maybe last one or two overnights.

  • Love 1

Wow, these episodes started off strong and have yet to disappoint.


Seeing Nips as the voice of reason, speaking calmly and actually making sense, makes me deeply uncomfortable. Maybe I'm just too attuned to the abuse that certain men (ahemNips) can dish out (and yes, I'm aware of Jenelle's own abuse but Nips is huge and probably a lot stronger than her). Anyway, seeing his whole attitude change like that scared me a little. I hope it's just that he's had enough of her shit and has checked out.

Kail's Mercedes isn't necessarily a reason to be impressed. A lot of lower-level military personnel get signing bonuses, which they usually spend on very base-model cars. I've seen it happen again and again. It probably doesn't have a lot of the bells and whistles (like bluetooth) that many of the higher-level model Mercs. My boyfriend's mom has one of the really nice ones--it's several years old by now but she bought it new--and it was only about $50K. Hell, I have two BMWs and they only cost me $7000 total. They're classics, so that's a bit of a different story, but still. There are luxury car owners and there are badge chasers.


What can I say about Leah that hasn't already been said? On my next trip to visit the folks I'm going to have to go to this Roni's place they're always at. My high school boyfriend still lives there and he checks in at that place. It's probably terrible, but I'll take the hit. For research. I just can't get over how she's screaming at Corey and he's like "are the girls there listening to this right now?" [camera pan to three little girls with big eyes and wide open ears] "WELL THEY HEAR YOU CUSS TOO" while he's been calm, if angry, and not cursing at all throughout the whole conversation. (I note he did say frickin', which is a question mark, but he said it low and he wasn't on speaker phone.) And that thing with her lawyer, who is just enabling her and echo chambering her even more. I'm a lawyer myself, and we do have to pander a bit to our clients, but we also have to tell them the truth when it affects their case. And Corey working during the week, as most parents do, does not affect his case. Her behavior might affect hers. I really do hope she gets the help she needs, as she is obviously sinking, but for now the girls' needs have to come first.


I like that Chelsea and Taylor are teaming up to protect their kids. Adumb lying about using Aubree to call and ask about Paislee, all the manipulation he thinks the women don't know about--does he not realize they've hired the same lawyer and are working together? If he doesn't know he's in for a hilarious surprise. If he does know they're working together, it must just be his leftover arrogance from when he was "hot" by Vermillion standards, and thinks he can charm his way out of anything. Oh, sure, Adam.


Edit: I notice that Miranda's hair was very short in one scene and very long in the next. So either the editing monkeys screwed up the timeline with her haircut, or it shows that there are some salons in West Virginia who can do a decent extension job. Plus, her hair is probably not that color naturally (though I guess it's possible) but I never see her roots. She's either constantly dying her roots or they only get her on good hair days. Considering we only ever see her looking fly, I'm guessing she just takes really good care of herself. Good on you, Miranda. I have the same color hair, and it's pretty close to my natural color, but it takes some upkeep.

Edited by monagatuna
  • Love 9

I can't stand Kail, but I don't see any issue with her going on vacation without husband and kids from time to time (like in a girls trip) I think thats healthy. However if she spends every weekend with her friends and not her husband thats a problem.

If I was married I would still go on vacays without hubby and kids and wouldn't mind if he went either. If he and his guy friends were going to Vegas I'd tell him have a good time and enjoy the time apart( however I should note that I am a loner, and definitly not the "spend every waking moment with you" type of girl) The only way I'd have an issue is if I didn't trust him. And with Javi I can't firgure out if she's given him a reason not to trust her, he's, controlling, or if he's just clingy. Either way they both have different expectations on marriage and need to comprimise (like maybe one weekend a month Kail hangs out with friends and goes on a vacay without kids or hubby once a year and allow him to do the same) I doubt Kail and Javi ever discussed their expectations on marriage

  • Love 5
Plus, her hair is probably not that color naturally (though I guess it's possible) but I never see her roots. She's either constantly dying her roots or they only get her on good hair days. Considering we only ever see her looking fly, I'm guessing she just takes really good care of herself.


I can't imagine Miranda's hair color is natural - every single strand is the same color. But the highlights were done well and she looks good. Every time we see her I always think "upgrade."

  • Love 7

Janelle yelling "F you Dude!" at her Mom never fails to make me laugh..

I wished Barb had hung up on that beyotch of an ungrateful daughter after that "F u dude" comment. If it wasn't for Barb, that son that Janelle claims to want now, would be in the foster care system. She is planning revenge on her mother when she gets Jace. Will wonders never cease when Nathan was the actual voice of reason. I nearly slid down my couch when he said what he did. But u know a person can change, but not that quickly. He clearly is trying to clean up his image in front of the TV cameras. Although I am glad he said it, he is not fooling me that he really means it.

  • Love 7

That scene of Adumb and his creepy, rapey, murdery-looking "friend" taking poor Aubree to the roller rink made me so mad!  Adumb knows her so little that he thought she'd love roller skating her first time out on the rink?


I couldn't believe he sent her out her first time on skates all alone.  I don't have kids (childfree by choice), but I was a little girl once and know what it's like to be scared of new experiences.


You can bet that if Chelsea took her to the roller rink, she would have had Aubree securely by the hand the whole time, would have assured her that she'd be safe, and that Aubree would have had a fun-filled first experience on skates and would have loved it!

  • Love 13

I don't get Leah's lawyer discouraging her from changing the girls visitation schedule if it would help Leah and it would. Leah clearly needs help. It doesn't make her any less of a mother to accept help especially in the form of the other parent. She should say let's try it temporarily and see if it makes things better. Instead she is just going to sit there and bitch about the audacity of Corey trying to see more of his kids while everything falls apart all around her. By the looks of the coming attractions, seems like her marriage is falling apart as well.

Edited by lasandi
  • Love 7

I posted the info on the last episode thread. Someone else originally posted the link on the Jenelle thread. She and Nathan broke up and she decided she is "too busy" and needs to focus on herself. She is no longer seeking custody.



That poor kid.  After all that, "do you want to live with me?"  She is a shameless piece of shit.  Does she still have the little one?

  • Love 3

Hey Jenelle your mom can't just pick up and go. She works, so hmmmm the reason you haven't seen Jace is because it was your weekend to see Jace and you went on vacation. The reason things are planned out is because your mother works. She works, she can't just pick up at any time and fucking take Jace to see you, so get off your dead ass and go see your son. And as far as the conference, the schools close at a certain time, they don't revolve around you, Jenelle. Everything must revolve around her.

  • Love 13

Watching Nipples be the voice of reason was bizarre, to say the least.  Maybe Jenelle wishing his brother dead was the end for him?  Sounds like he's been planning his escape for a while. Wonder if he's going to try to take the Roll with him so his parents can raise another of his spawn? When Jenelle was whining about having to care for the Roll for two whole nights, I was really hoping he'd come back with  the fact that it's the only time she's ever taken care of him by herself since he was born and that Barb has been taking care of Jace during the  night for nearly six years.  And, sorry Jenelle. I watch Judge Judy and engagement rings are given in anticipation of entering into the legally binding contract of marriage. If the marriage never happens, he gets the ring back.


I loved Corey saying he was going to add the latest missed therapy and tardies to his list for his lawyer. He's tried for years to be nice to Leah and it's good to finally hear him call her out. I wish we knew what the situation is in real time. I hope the girlses are with Corey and Miranda as much as possible and that their lives are on a more even keel. 


When Chelsea and Taylor were at the painting place, it sounded like Taylor was wavering on following through with Adam. I sure hope not. I hope she had a chance to play her voicemail in court to prove Adam was lying to the judge. 

  • Love 4

Hey Jenelle your mom can't just pick up and go. She works, so hmmmm the reason you haven't seen Jace is because it was your weekend to see Jace and you went on vacation. The reason things are planned out is because your mother works. She works, she can't just pick up at any time and fucking take Jace to see you, so get off your dead ass and go see your son. And as far as the conference, the schools close at a certain time, they don't revolve around you, Jenelle. Everything must revolve around her.

This. Barb told her she had to make the conference on her day off. A concept Jenelle is clueless about. If she really cared about the conference, she would have left school early and had her ass in the classroom. Hell, what am I saying? We're talking about Jenelle!

  • Love 4

Hey Jenelle your mom can't just pick up and go. She works, so hmmmm the reason you haven't seen Jace is because it was your weekend to see Jace and you went on vacation. The reason things are planned out is because your mother works. She works, she can't just pick up at any time and fucking take Jace to see you, so get off your dead ass and go see your son. And as far as the conference, the schools close at a certain time, they don't revolve around you, Jenelle. Everything must revolve around her.

Maybe Jenelle should move to WV, where apparently, working is a strike against you as a parent?

  • Love 11

I have no problem with a mom who does a girls trip, as long as your spouse is on board with it, gets to go on a guys vacation and your plans are set in stone. I take trips without my husband. But he knows when I am leaving and coming back. I don't change those plans unless mother nature interferes. My guess is that she told Javi it was a couple of days and figured she would tell him it was longer after she was gone because she figured it would be easier for her. Is it fair to Jav to have to go to work and take care of the kids? That's between them. Clearly he's not ok with her actions, otherwise he wouldn't be blowing up her phone. And when the calls and texts started up, she exacerbated it. I don't blame her host for being pissed. I wonder if Kail would be ok with Javi taking a week's vacation to hang out with his buddies? Probably not.


It's pretty clear that Corey is seeking more time because he doesn't think Leah can take care of the girlses. If she was stable, I don't think he would have an issue with the current arrangement. In the preview for next week, Germy says she is up all night, so she can't wake up during the day. That is classic addict behavior. Also, what is just so terrible about having a job? I almost fell off my chair when Leah's lawyer couldn't understand why Corey wants more time when he works. Aren't  the girlses in school most of the day anyway?. So if he gets off at 4:30, they would be in an afterschool program at most for a couple of hours, if Miranda wasn't available. Corey has a great working schedule for parenting. I guess in Leah's world, working = bad. She is so freaking immature, always the victim.


Adumb is an asshole. Using Aubree to get to Taylor was a BS move. As was asking Aubree on camera if her mom bathed her. Such crap. I don't think that Chelsea is the sharpest tool in the shed, but she clearly understands that she has to abide by the court order unless it gets changed. I thought Adumb had to have visitation supervised by his parents. I didn't see his parents in any scene unless they were off camera. I don't think I've ever seen his parents. If I was his mom, I'd be embarassed. No wonder they never want to be filmed.


Janelle and Nathan have decided that Jace has ADD. OMG. I fear for that kid, I really do. He is being set up for huge problems in his life.     

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 5

I was confused about the Kail situation.  According to posts here, Javi was pissed because she was supposed to come home Sat/Sun but then texted Javi and said she wouldn't be home until Tues.  But on the show, she was saying she was going to be gone four days from the get-go.  I think she's totally selfish and ridiculous for leaving that long anyway with a husband and small children at home to crash someone else's "family vacation" (hey Kail, if you want a family vacation, why not take your OWN family on one?) but if she really did say from the beginning she was going to be gone until Tuesday and Javi agreed to it, he was totally in the wrong for harassing her the entire trip about it (and she reacted horribly.)

She extended her trip according to her twitter she was in LA on the 6th Feb, on the show she said 2 days in LA, 4 days all up with travel which means she should have  been home on Sunday 9th which fits in with Javi's text that she was leaving straight after the event (Grammies was the 8th)


While trying to find the article I came across this clip




So brace for a miracle *cough*  as within about 3 days of her screaming at Javi that he ruined her friendship and she does not want to come home, Javi sees the light and their marriage is saved after speaking with his mum and sister. Which all flies in the face of next weeks clip of them having a spaz about if Sterling should meet them in Florida which happened March 13th, what else is strange is that both Isaac & Lincoln went on the trip but neither of them are in the car.


Also in this clip she says her MIL lives with them so they do not need babysitters while Kail goes to school, so why the heck can she not make time for Javi and her to have dinner together after the boys are in bed.

Janelle and Nathan have decided that Jace has ADD. OMG. I fear for that kid, I really do. He is being set up for huge problems in his life.     

My first thought was that if he was diagnosed that Nips & Janelle would steal his meds for themselves.

  • Love 5

Jenelle claimed she was late for the conference call because she'd just arrived home from class. Why couldn't she call from the car? The conversation was on speaker phone anyway. Barb said they were actually almost finished by the time Jenelle called her.

I was thinking the same thing. If she wasn't going to make it home in time she could have sat in her car in the parking lot at school and made the call. Ten to one she completely forgot about the conference and used getting home late as an excuse.

As for Kail, I don't have an issue with her taking a trip, it's her complete lack of consideration for others that makes me want to bitch slap her chins. If the situation were reversed she would have gone apeshit on Javi. It seems like she wants to be out with friends every single weekend and it just doesn't work like that when you're married with young children.

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