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S17.E19: Episode 19

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Shelli's tears in the DR made me laugh every single time. Watching both of them lose in the Veto was sweet. I'll be so glad when one of them are gone and I'm hoping it's Shelli, because Meg looks like she's ready to sneak right in there and comfort the poor boy after Shelli leaves.


Poor Jackie in the armour. She has a fantastic body and that armour is so clunky. She could rock a "normal" unitard.


Props to James for sticking through with his plan. If we still had BotB, this never would have been possible.

  • Love 14

Epic meltdown Clelli.  Her crying in the DR was hilarious.  Poor, poor me.  Vanessa freaking out at the start - Great Stuff!!


It's always fun when the dominant gang faces their first defeat and they just go bonkers.


Right on James.  Nail them to the wall.  Excellent how he is not buying their BS.


"Off with their heads"  I love it.


Great Veto competition.  Eyes on the prize James, giving up that $5K.  It looked like Becky threw that last round, but I still wouldn't have trusted her with the Veto.  I notice she had no DR before she made her shot.


Ew Meg.  I realize the pickin's in that house are pretty slim, but not Clay.  She must get drunk pretty easy.  Be careful.  Shelli has a sword now.


JMac DR was hilarious as always, but he seems more out of it than usual.


At least Vanessa and Jackie weren't chained together.


I give Shelli credit for doing that punishment.  That was tough.


Nice try throwing Austin under the bus (where he belongs!), but James didn't buy it.Good job sticking to his plan,  Clelli are truly nauseating.  The "I don't deserve to be here" defense never works.


Hard to say which way this will go tomorrow, but I don't really care which one goes.  I expect quite a scene at the door.

  • Love 6

Jackie declaring "Game over, I won!" was hilarious. This whole episode was great.

I started a new thread for discussions about how the episodes differ from the feeds, but it will not include discussions about anything that happened after the stuff that is shown in the episode. It's here: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/29956-episode-v-feeds-to-tell-the-truth/#entry1387247

I'm headed over there now to post some thoughts about the Clay/ Shelli / James convo.

  • Love 1

 STFU Clay and Shelli.  An hour of listening to their entitled asses bitch and moan about their situation, while looking pouty and morose.  Try a little harder Shelli dear, you might actually squeeze a real tear out.  James forever has my love for putting up these two plastic, preening a-holes and sticking to his guns.


 I thought Shelli was going to go all General Zod and melt Jackie with laser beams from her eyes when Clay jokingly said he loved her.  Can you imagine her reaction if she saw him burying his face in Me's chest?  Speaking of Meg:  bitch, you crazy.  Clay cares more about how pretty he looks in his cape and crown than he does about you.  I sincerely hope Jason is sitting at home thinking "why in the hell was aligned with that boob Clay is hugging".

  • Love 7

Oho, this is great!


I thought CBS would pile on the sympathy edit for the golden couple, but in fact, they made it abundantly clear that they did it to themselves!  They gave them zero sympathy whatsoever!  From their continued claims of innocence to the juxtaposition with the other houseguests slamming their failures to tell the truth and own up to their lies and just make excuses, it's clear that CBS isn't championing Clay and Shelli's showmance as much as I'd thought!  And I love it!


Oh, I loved the Veto Competition!  Very GoT!  They even had the clothes to match!  I loved Shelli falling out early, and Clay hoping Becky wouldn't beat him, only to see her beat him, anyway!  I'm about ninety-percent sure that Becky threw the Veto to James, though.


The only more pleasurable thing would've been seeing Clay, Shelli, and Vanessa all be stuck with the punishments.  Ideally, I'd have had Shelli and Vanessa keep their punishments, but Clay have Jackie's.  But it was still fun watching Shelli and Vanessa suffer with what they were stuck with.  I'm just sad they didn't show Shelli's demand to the other houseguests. 

She made them all stay out there with her till she'd reached her first hundred repetitions.


Meg's drunken scene with Clay was both funny and cringe-worthy.


All Clay and Shelli had to do was give up Vanessa to James.  That was all.  Why they couldn't just puzzles me.  They just went to the Austin well instead?  Seriously?!  They deserved for James not to Veto either one of them.


So one of the not-so-golden couples is going to be split up, and I love it!  Can't wait to see which one tomorrow night!:)

  • Love 7

Wow Meg!! She wants some Clay. I had no idea. I agree they have more chemistry. The smile he gave Meg was the biggest I have seen him smile. He wants to motorboat her huge boobs.

I am loving tough guy James. Loving him sticking to his plan and not falling for Shelli's bs.

Also, Clay's mumble caption made me laugh really hard.

Edited by Frootloop Dingus
  • Love 9

What the hell was that? Seriously, I know Meg was drunk, but what the hell? And him asking her to vote him out? Either he's a dumbass or a total player. Either way, wtf?

Shelli's 2400 rounds was not nearly as compelling to me as Brittany's goals last year. It was kind of meh, to be honest.

I did love JMac's reactions to both Shelli's role in "defending the castle" and whatever the hell was going on between Meg and Clay. He appears to have no interest in actually playing this game, but I still love his DRs.

  • Love 9

Hee yeah I think Clay was working Meg, but they do have way more chemistry than he has with Shelli, but then it's hard for a woman to have chemistry with a dude she is forever pointing out looks like her FAVORITE brother.



Also, Clay's mumble caption made me laugh really hard.


Seriously something about...meat? Bwha.


I love Shelli (or at least her game) and actually want her to stay over Clay, but her tears tonight were DELICIOUS, the Meg mashing behind her back made it even sweeter.

  • Love 3

Becky so obviously threw the POV.

Yeah "You have to beat 10!" *thunk* As her 'arrow' lands about 15 feet off the board. Hah. That was one awkward and obvious throw.


And speaking awkward, Meg's going to hate herself in the morning while Clay thinks maybe staying in the house wouldn't be so bad...


But agreed about the chemistry of which he seems to have none with Shelli and vice-versa and yet it's the end of the world that they'll be separated!! Such a cruel fate... pffft.


Also I'm so thankful that JohnnyMac was in the room at the time.


And speaking of drunk can you imagine what Clay sounds like when he's had a few too many? The mind boggles. He really is king of the mumblers.

  • Love 3

Oh, my heck! What was that bizarre segment with Meg and Clay?! The only thing I can take away from it is that despite his professed bond with Shelli...he's perfectly happy to leave the house and get busy with other chicks....I mean if he was willing to nuzzle all over Meg when Shelli is in the DR....what will he do back in the real world. I don't like the pair but I do feel a tiny flash of sympathy that they can't at least spend part of the summer together in the jury house...absolutly worst timing ever for one of them to go I would agree.


James is on the awesome train but he could get derailed if he doesn't get rid of Shelli because she will immediatly woo Vanessa back to her side and they will team up to send him to be the first jury member if they come into  power.


For the first time this season Liz and Julia were just background characters.


I don't know if Becky throwing that comp could be more obvious than it was...but I still wish the Three Amigos wouldn't include her in their discussions...she a sneaky snake floating about the house. Don't trust her!


Jackie is sex on a stick....so i'll be shallow and say I'm sorry to see her buried in that armortard.


Steve=the new Victoria and Jason continues to have a bigger impact on the game by being at home!

  • Love 2

"Are you under any narcotics?" That line was hilarious. James said some questionable things early on in the season but he has really been sticking to his guns this week.

Clay showed more chemistry with Meg in those 5 minutes than he has with Shelli for 40+ days.

Did Shelli seriously think James was going to fall for that Judas bull?

Shelli's crying in DR after the PoV ceremony was most genuine emotional moment thus far.

  • Love 7

Thread confusion tonight....this belongs here:


Oh, my heck! What was that bizarre segment with Meg and Clay?! The only thing I can take away from it is that despite his professed bond with Shelli...he's perfectly happy to leave the house and get busy with other chicks....I mean if he was willing to nuzzle all over Meg when Shelli is in the DR....what will he do back in the real world. I don't like the pair but I do feel a tiny flash of sympathy that they can't at least spend part of the summer together in the jury house...absolutly worst timing ever for one of them to go I would agree.

James is on the awesome train but he could get derailed if he doesn't get rid of Shelli because she will immediatly woo Vanessa back to her side and they will team up to send him to be the first jury member if they come into  power.

For the first time this season Liz and Julia were just background characters.

I don't know if Becky throwing that comp could be more obvious than it was...but I still wish the Three Amigos wouldn't include her in their discussions...she a sneaky snake floating about the house. Don't trust her!

Jackie is sex on a stick....so i'll be shallow and say I'm sorry to see her buried in that armortard.

Steve=the new Victoria and Jason continues to have a bigger impact on the game by being at home!

James did 3 years in prison. Did we know that before?

Shelli's crying DRs are on my very last nerve. She cries no matter who is nominated, even when she's the one who nominated them. Did she not realize how this game worked when she signed up? It can't be that traumatizing every single week, it just can't be.

And yes, Clay, two months is a long time to be apart in your relationship .. that has existed for 45 days.

ETA: James worked in a prison for three years. He worded that very weirdly.

Vanessa is exhausting. I don't have the feeds, was the show accurate on how self centered she is? I was hoping Shelli would walk in on #scandal. She cries so much that I'm starting to think she's secretly a mermaid and her tears keep her from drying out.

I'll answer this in the Episodes v. Feeds thread since we're not supposed to talk about feeds here.

Edited by Turtle
  • Love 2

I just read that James did go to jail for 3 years due to "contempt of court".http://www.bustle.com/articles/102452-why-was-james-huling-in-prison-the-big-brother-17-houseguest-is-not-afraid-to-go


Also, I think Vanessa is more to blame for putting up Jason since it was her idea to save Austin and she did convince everyone to go along with her. 

Edited by Uwbadgmad
  • Love 1

What? Meg what? That was super weird.

I really wish Clay did have to go around "licking Jackie like a kitten" for 24 hours just to see if Shelli could literally shoot daggers from her eyes.

I thought of something revolutionary. If it was so TERRIBLE that Jason went home, they could have, you know, voted for Becky to go home instead. I guess no one thought of that.

  • Love 4

I just read that James did go to jail for 3 years due to "contempt of court".http://www.bustle.com/articles/102452-why-was-james-huling-in-prison-the-big-brother-17-houseguest-is-not-afraid-to-go


Also, I think Vanessa is more to blame for putting up Jason since it was her idea to save Austin and she did convince everyone to go along with her. 

That's wrong. He was only arrested for contempt of court last summer -- Aug. 29, 2014 -- with bond at $1,200. http://southcarolina.arrests.org/Arrests/James_Huling_18495119/He has worked as a corrections officer though.

I hope Shelli gets evicted tomorrow just so she can see #BBScandal.

  • Love 5

This episode has moved up to my third favorite episode of BB ever coming in behind Jessie's BB11 funeral and the Sovereign Six Chess Veto episode where they backdoored Eric. Amazing. <3 

Fixed that for ya :)


Clay and Meg, that was just.... weird.  Pretty sure Meg was drunk, but Clay was not.  I'd love to see Shelli's twitter meltdown if she leaves and CLEG becomes a thing, but I actually really want mushmouth Clay to go. He adds nothing to the game or the show.  

  • Love 4

Now I'm picturing Clay hooking up with Meg in the first episode and we'd have a lovely couple wandering around wondering what the hell was going on. Shelli and Vanessa would be the power couple.

The bathroom cuddle with Meg confused me. Clay's words said vote for my eviction, but his cuddles said you know you want me around after Shelli is out of the house.


(Moved this over here from the wrong thread.)

  • Love 2

I'm a terrible person. I don't mean to be, but I am.

Say Shelli goes tomorrow and she sees tonight's ep. Her credit card then burns a hole in the table because she signs up for the feeds so fast. First thing she sees is Clay and Meg heading in the storage room, and just when the camera starts to follow them in there, the feeds go to trivia. When the feeds come back on, Clay and Meg are walking out of the storage room and Meg is say, adjusting her top.

I know that is terribly evil. But they are so freaking melodramatic about their tortured love story ending before jury I can't help but root for some Schadenfreude.

  • Love 10

I'm on my iPad, and moving things from one place to the other is beyond me, so I'll just let my first post stand and confuse people reading tomorrow.

A few more things, though. I Love the fact that Clay's mumble mouth is now a thing. More, please!

Vanessa needed to get a huge grip after the nominations. Vanessa, sometimes things are not about you. And sometimes it's not necessary for everyone to know how hard this is for you. And sometimes people need to be left alone for ten minutes. She's so exhausting.

Loved Shelli going into the back yard and sarcastically asking what everyone was talking about while everyone just kind of stared off into the distance.

I thought James did very well in his meeting with Shell/Clay, where they apparently wanted to guilt trip him into going back in time. The fact that he didn't burst out laughing when they said they always had his back and always would, and had nothing to do with anything ever, and he was the worst person in the world to go back on a deal? Yeah, he's a better person than me. I'd be laughing my ass off.

  • Love 5

It was for not paying child support. I think he's unemployed now too : ( even though the tv caption says he works retail. Hopefully after he leaves the house he will start paying child support.

There can be a lot of reasons why someone is delinquent on child support. It's not necessarily willful.  Some dads are simply dead-broke. Also, I question that Arrests.org website. The premise seems fishy, and being arrested is not the same as being convicted.

Edited by ennui
  • Love 5

So now according to Shelli, Jason's such a wonderful and deserving person who shouldn't have gone home? Oh please. She and Clay are such hypocrites and bad sports.  The way they behaved after the nom ceremony was pathetic. James owed them nothing when they try to play everyone and that's why they're up there.


Loved drunk Meg, Clay was also very handsy in wanting to touch her and hug her. 


LOL at you only use the backdoor when you lose the key. Loving James this week.

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 9

Yeah Clay most certainly was NOT blocking/shying away from any of Meg's drunken advances.


And I love Jame's moves and guts to stick to who he wants out. Since I don't like them I'm fine with his 'it's a game' approach disregarding their deal. I still don't think I like him but I agree with and applaud his moves.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 7

Oh also I felt very embarrassed for Shelli at the beginning of the show when Clay started getting snippy with James and Shelli came roaring in while hissing "Clay CLAY stop it." I don't know if she realizes she comes off like his mom but at that point she looked like nothing else.

Don't forget her snapping her fingers. It's exactly what I do when my chihuahua acts up  *stop it!* *snaps* "stop it!" *snaps snaps*


I haven't been following the live feeds this season, so I was really confused with the Clay and drunk Meg scene. Have they been flirty flirty to each other since the beginning?

  • Love 5

Well, Shelli should have the votes to stay (Vanessa, Austin, twins, Steve), assuming Clay is serious about Brendoning himself out of the game, and the Sixth Sense respects his decision.  Which I think they would, since it's all too obvious that Meg/Jackie would try to literally woo Clay to the other side, if he stays.  Which makes Shelli trying to sell Austin under the bus to James ridiculous…you're the one who's probably staying, lady.  Don't screw it up now.


The whole idea of selling someone else out is so dumb.  Just offer to bitch your game to James for as long as he keeps you safe.  Your word is good; you would have kept the deal. Let him decide who he'd like out in your place, and his reward will be having you two do what he wants for, oh, say, the next three weeks.  Comps thrown? He's got it.  Pick your nominees? Sure.  Use the Veto on him? Why not?  You may have lied about what you knew and fibbed about how involved you were in Jason's demise…but Jason's gone and James is playing for himself, and you've never actually broken any deals.  Give him a blank check and see what he does with it.  Much simpler than this "Austin is evil" crap you're trying to sell.

As seen on BBAD, James already has a deal with Austin, and in fact he's rather grateful to Austin for coaching him when he was on the block against Jeff.  Granted there was self-interest involved, but still.


And if they were going to pitch a particular person as a sacrifice, I'm still shocked that Clelii can't see how ripe Becky is for the plucking.  Most of the house thinks she was one of the mystery votes to evict James in Week 3 (which means she tried to get rid of him and has spent weeks lying about it), he voted to evict her last week (breaking a promise he'd made, and how sure is he that she doesn't resent it?), and she's just made it clear she's not above blatantly throwing comps, which could be a double-edged sword down the road.  Rat her out as having already snitched on him earlier this week, emphasize that she really doesn't have people who'd be sure to come after him for revenge (the way the twins might if he backdoored Austin or Vanessa) and maybe, just maybe, you could send that "Mack train" Becky's way.  Beats the hell out of going on about "Judas".  (It's a wrestling character, for Andre the Giant's sake!  It's not real!  And a belated R.I.P. to Rowdy Roddy Piper [not actually Scottish, btw], while I'm at it.)


All that said, I really, really hope Shelli stays.  Not only is she the better player, but I've been having nightmares about a possible Clay/Meg F2 all day.  If they become a showmance on top of it? I'd find an Irish castle of my own, and throw myself from the parapet.


But hopefully Clay means what he says, and Meg's dreams of relevance are dashed.  And Clay spent most of the cuddle thinking about how once he's out in the real world, he can have much hotter girls, lined up around the block.


I spent a lot of this episode feeling very badly for Vanessa.  Not only did Shelli try to blame her for the Jason backdoor, but where were the editors with the flashback to 17.16 to show Shelli and Clay pushing for it? Have our girl's back, producers!  And then she gets the "squire" punishment, which is not only inconvenient, but incredibly awkward, considering that Vanessa's girlfriend (Mel) had told her she wasn't supposed to get any massages from any other HGs.  Now she has to spend 24 hours buffing up Jackie's armor.  (And James's pervy comments? Not helping.)


However, on the plus side, her hair looked very nice, out of that beanie for once.  And now I know she actually has a top to her head, so it's all good.

  • Love 2

That was definitely Julia hosting the POV though, right?  I mean it was a non-whiny intelligent sounding voice coming out of the same face that usually whines endlessly (because even when Julia was PLAYING Liz, to BE Liz she still had to whine).



Yes, that was Julia.  James chose her as a way to officially welcome her into the game.


Ironically, Liz herself has yet to do any hosting.  The hosts so far (yes, I'm that OCD that I checked):


BotB #1: Vanessa

Veto #1: Austin

BotB #2: Audrey

Veto #2: Jackie

BotB #3: Shelli

Veto #3: Becky

"Gronk's Party Ship" Reward: Clay

BotB #4: Clay, again

Veto #4: Steve

BotB #5 and Final: Meg

Veto #5: Jason 

Veto #6: Julia


So just Liz, James and John waiting for their turn in the sun, it turns out.  (To be fair, John had an excuse in almost all of these, since he played in 9 of the 11 comps listed.)

There can be a lot of reasons why someone is delinquent on child support. It's not necessarily willful. Some dads are simply dead-broke. Also, I question that Arrests.org website. The premise seems fishy, and being arrested is not the same as being convicted.

My dad didn't pay child support. The state went after him and many yrs later he had to pay ALL of it. So, I'm not interested in making excuses for people who neglect their children. Child support isn't much especially when its a person who works low paying menial jobs like James.

That being said I Iike the guy as a contestant but still think he needs to to get his shit together big time as a dad.

  • Love 4


I just read that James did go to jail for 3 years due to "contempt of court".http://www.bustle.co...ot-afraid-to-go


NOTE:  The article referred to above now carries this update at the top of the story:



Update: Previously, this post indicated that the three years in jail James mentioned stemmed from a past arrest, however, he has worked as a corrections officer and was likely referring to that experience of working in a prison. We regret the error.

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