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S07.E18: Rumble On The Runway

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This needed seeing again.



How dreadful!



Oh, I had forgotten about that, but yes! That bridge rant was horrible, and this made up for that. Can't wait to see her go in on her next week. And maybe at the reunion some more. #nomercyformoaner

Bridge talk bad.  Bethenny running Jason off right on.

I just used T&C as an example. It could have been in Atlantic City.  Or the bedazzle party. Or any instance where they were together. Never once while lying on the beach did the topic of Sonja's line come up?  They knew she was working toward a show.  Did they not wonder then who she was marketing to or where she saw her brand fitting in? Seems like something girlfriends would discuss when around each other 24/7 for days on end.


It just feels so contrived to ask all those questions for the first time at that meeting.


  • Love 1

It's like if Carol had a book coming out next week [snip]




To me it makes more sense to ask the marketing questions at the business meeting to which you've been invited to sit in than randomly on the beach or at a cocktail party. It's not like it wasn't related to the situation.


I can't imagine being on vacation with a girlfriend who is starting a business and it not being the topic of conversation at some point over days of being together.

Exactly. I think she just looked a bit out of her element. Heather won't ever win with Sonja. If she tries to point out the obvious, that she needs to understand the clothes before she can effectively give advice on the models, it will look like she is trying to take over and make Sonja look stupid. Sonja isn't really looking for help. She is looking for someone to come in and tell her that she is awesome and she is all over it. It will be interesting, because I imagine that Heather will take the brunt of Sonja's criticism, even though Beth will be right with Heather and agreeing with her on something that Heather knows a lot about. 


This is the thing I dig about Beth and the reason she can stay next season as far as I am concerned. She can be harsh, and she can jump to conclusions quickly, but she is able to self-reflect and admit when someone knows their stuff. She will give credit where credit is due. She is the one who recommended to Sonja way back at the beginning of the season that she needed to involve Heather, and that was when she didn't think much of Heather's personality. She got that Heather would have something crucial to offer, even if she didn't really like her. That is a quality that I like in a person. It is often hard to stand back and give someone credit for anything when you don't like them. 

Totally agree, MCM - Sonja never has and never will listen to Heather.  Funny enough, many have wondered why she didn't recruit Ramona for the task.  IMO Ramona was very blunt with Sonja last season about her lack of focus and it seems that they both made a unspoken pact not to mix friendship with business. 


For me, Bethenny has been consistent throughout the years with her snarkiness and unnecessarily coarse comments so much of this season hasn't bothered me as much as it has many others - except for the crying.  She is who she is, like her or loathe her.  With that said, IMO she does have a soft spot for Sonja even though Sonja has been frustrating.   My interpretation of her line of questioning was basically putting Sonja's management 'team' on notice that she (and Heather) were fully aware that "the team" was a bunch of yahoos until they proved otherwise.  Was the way she questioned the CEO arrogant?  Probably.  But were the basic questions out of line?  I really didn't find them objectionable.  Would I use Bethenny's approach?  No. 


I also think you are spot on in another post about Sonja's other friends snickering behind her back, those who will still admit they are friends.  I am not surprised that no one has opened their considerable wallets and/or  used their influence to help fund her business ventures, or give her access to top professionals.   It wouldn't surprise me if she used all of her chits trying to get her banker friends to help extricate her out of the movie mess. Most likely no one in a respectable position wants their name associated with Sonja.  But they'll have no problem socializing with her if her business is a success and she has money in her pocket.  Sad but true.

  • Love 6

I really tried my best to read through this entire thread before posting but I just can't.  The debate about Sonja's branding and where does she position it had me shaking my head.   Of course a designer may not get the "spot" they envision for themselves.  It's not their store and they may have illusions of grandeur..  However, a designer trying to market their brand to potential buyers has to know where it fits in the marketplace.  It's not only a reasonable question but it's a necessary one.  This is basic Marketing 101.


Just in case anyone missed Sonja's initial response to Heather's question...


Heather:  Who do you envision yourself hanging with in the department stores?Sonja:  Everyone asks that question.


IMHO "everyone" wouldn't be asking that question if it wasn't relevant.


I don't want anyone to think I'm not rooting for Sonja.  I hope it works out for her but I have serious doubts about the entire project.  Her past business dealings were a bit shady and based on the CEO's response to Heather, I'm starting to wonder if it's really a business or a money laundering operation.


This is a direct quote from the CEO in response to Heather's question:


"It is actually better we brand the way we are building.  It’s really no competition.  There’s no real brand in the middle between because the way we are trying to build it is very classic, very formal with a sexy Sonja twist.  No one is doing that."


Heather's TH response to that was:  "WHAT?"

I love you so much for posting this I'm a little bit giddy.

There is so much discussion about whether Heather should have asked the question that the larger point is getting missed. "Everyone" is asking the question because it is basic. It's not a "gotcha" question or even very sophisticated. It is something that one marketing professional would ask another. If Sonja and her team are unprepared for it, that says more about them than it does about Heather. The funny thing is that Sonja had no problem with this question. She didn't get mad at Heather for it. She was mad because Beth told her she was being mean to the models and Sonja took that out in Heather.

The quack guy saying there was no competition was what made Sonja look like a fool. What the fuckety fuck does that mean? Are the women who might buy Sonja's frocks currently wondering the street naked and with money to burn? Surely they are buying something? For the record jackass, those clothes they are currently wearing would be what is called "competition". The fact that Sonja talks about how brilliant these people are gives yet another glimpse into her delusional mind.




I can't imagine being on vacation with a girlfriend who is starting a business and it not being the topic of conversation at some point over days of being together.

But it's Sonja, so who knows. I cannot imagine having a forum like a reality TV show, going on vacation two weeks before my big fashion show, and not wearing or talking about any of my frocks while on vacation. She packed bathing suits that she said were old and one that had to be sewn because it was ripped, instead of wearing one from her line. She is as dumb as hair.

  • Love 23


I honestly don't see how those questions are any more customer-based or less invasive than asking where she imagines the clothes hanging.

Well I certainly do.  Customers don't care if your clothes are hanging by Zac Posen or Sag Harbour.  They do care what colors are available and if there are separates that they can buy to mix into their current wardrobe.

  • Love 1

Well I certainly do. Customers don't care if your clothes are hanging by Zac Posen or Sag Harbour. They do care what colors are available and if there are separates that they can buy to mix into their current wardrobe.

A lot of customers do because they are fans or can afford one or the other so go to that section and look around to see different designers in that price point similar demo. Yes, some people will go through section to section but a ton don't.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 9

A lot of customers do because they are fans or can afford one or the other so go to that section and look around to see different similar designs. Yes, some people will go through section to section but a ton don't.

No.  If a customer cares about a certain brand, that person is buying that particular brand.  You don't buy Balenciaga just because it is next to Valentino. 

I just used T&C as an example. It could have been in Atlantic City.  Or the bedazzle party. Or any instance where they were together. Never once while lying on the beach did the topic of Sonja's line come up?  They knew she was working toward a show.  Did they not wonder then who she was marketing to or where she saw her brand fitting in? Seems like something girlfriends would discuss when around each other 24/7 for days on end.


It just feels so contrived to ask all those questions for the first time at that meeting.

Right, I can see Sonja answering questions about her line when she was mad at all of them in T&C!  NOT! Heather apologized in T&C to Sonja and told her she would support her and then allowed Sonja to make the first move. Sonja is the 1 that invited both Heather and Bethenny to that meeting for their expertise, not to cheer her on, but to help her, not to sit blind and mute but for their expert imput


Well I certainly do.  Customers don't care if your clothes are hanging by Zac Posen or Sag Harbour.  They do care what colors are available and if there are separates that they can buy to mix into their current wardrobe.

But Heather and Bethenny were not there as customers, Sonja asked them there because they have experience, marketing experience and with Heather, fashion experience. If all she wanted were "cheerleaders" she should have invited Ramona and Dorinda.

  • Love 7


But Heather and Bethenny were not there as customers, Sonja asked them there because they have experience, marketing experience and with Heather, fashion experience. If all she wanted were "cheerleaders" she should have invited Ramona and Dorinda.

Again, that is your opinion.  I think Sonja invited them to attend as supportive friends and coworkers.  It wasn't a focus group.


Not just because it was there but because it was there and caught your eye and you liked it.

But again, if a person is browsing, s/he isn't buying a piece because it is beside a particular designer.  It isn't an end customer oriented question.

Edited by Freckledbruh
Well I certainly do.  Customers don't care if your clothes are hanging by Zac Posen or Sag Harbour.  They do care what colors are available and if there are separates that they can buy to mix into their current wardrobe.



That's like saying that customers care if there are separates but don't care about the style of the clothes at all. Where they hang is determined by the kind of clothing it is. Both questions are asking what the buying experience of this clothing store is supposed to be like. They're both about what kind of woman is buying these clothes and what she's looking for. Only Heather's question is more basic and a better one to start with.


Sonja herself spoke the same way when she looked at the model and thought her body was more like another designer. She was talking about the line the same way Heather was. Even she was more specific than the other guy buy talking about how "her" woman had a different body than the other designer's woman. That's the point of the brand, isn't it? Stuff like more separates comes later. Who cares what color something comes in it it's not the kind of clothes you'd ever wear?


No.  If a customer cares about a certain brand, that person is buying that particular brand.  You don't buy Balenciaga just because it is next to Valentino.



You put Balenciaga next to Valentino because a person looking at Valentino would be more likely to also consider Balenciaga for the same purchase. It's not brand loyalty it's style and taste.

  • Love 18

But they were browsing in that section versus another section so it is and does have to do with the customer.

Are you talking about juniors as opposed to misses or the "mature" section?  Otherwise, a customer doesn't care.  In Bergdorff Goodman's, there will be a Calvin Klein section next to Moschino.  Those designs are complete opposites.  If a customer happens to pick up a suit from one and a top from the other, that is happenstance.  Customers DO care what the sizing is or the colors available or what they can buy and use with current pieces.

  • Love 1

Also, not everyone knows designers.  The last time I had to spend serious money on a dress for an occasion, I just threw myself on the mercy of one of the great consultants they have at Bergdorf's (not my usual shopping venue, I promise!).  I didn't know what I wanted or what would look good on me or what was right for the setting, and I definitely didn't have a designer in mind.  So in that kind of situation, it's all about the department you're in and the clothes that are in proximity to one another in that department, because that's where you're looking.  I don't think it's unusual for women to look for a type of garment, or a garment for a certain purpose, and that's when the neighborhood you're in in a store means everything.


ETA:  Do we lock pinkies and make a wish for mentioning Bergdorf's at the same time?  Even if we disagree?  ;o)

Edited by Mondrianyone
  • Love 3

Well I certainly do.  Customers don't care if your clothes are hanging by Zac Posen or Sag Harbour.  They do care what colors are available and if there are separates that they can buy to mix into their current wardrobe.

There is a lot of real estate in a retail environment. I don't do a lot of high end retail shopping, buying most of my frocks at Kohls or Macy's, and occassionally Lord and Taylor, but there are parts of the store I don't visit because I don't care for the clothes in that particular area. This is not unusual.

  • Love 13

Not just because it was there but because it was there and caught your eye and you liked it.


Good point!


While we're discussing "there".........that is exactly what Heather was trying to determine.  The "there" is where the retail location comes into play.  If you're targeting a certain demographic, you have to place your product where those people will see it.  If it's comparable to Ralph Lauren, that's where you want to be.  You don't want your line placed in the Sag Harbour section because your targeted customer won't be "there."


Let's not forget that for most of this season Sonja was hammered (Atlantic City) or pissed off at everyone (T&C).  


Maybe this would have been a good time for LuAnn to ask Sonja about her clothing line.   LOL





Edited by AnnA
  • Love 12



This is a direct quote from the CEO in response to Heather's question:


"It is actually better we brand the way we are building.  It’s really no competition.  There’s no real brand in the middle between because the way we are trying to build it is very classic, very formal with a sexy Sonja twist.  No one is doing that."


Heather's TH response to that was:  "WHAT?"


huh????  No wonder Heather is scratching her head....that guy speaks in a language only Sonja can understand.

I'm out of town, but a friend of mine passed by her townhouse over the weekend & she said it was dark & looked shuttered, so maybe Moaner invited her out for the weekend.  But given that she did do WWHL guess she's back.




Kadooz!  I miss the Moanerisms.  Any this season?


Or, maybe Sonja "forgot" to pay Con Edison??    :-)


Nice to see ya, Scoobs!!  :-)

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 8

I just used T&C as an example. It could have been in Atlantic City.  Or the bedazzle party. Or any instance where they were together. Never once while lying on the beach did the topic of Sonja's line come up?  They knew she was working toward a show.  Did they not wonder then who she was marketing to or where she saw her brand fitting in? Seems like something girlfriends would discuss when around each other 24/7 for days on end.


It just feels so contrived to ask all those questions for the first time at that meeting.

I don't know for sure if they knew she was working toward a show or what she really was doing for that matter.  Beth was the only who actually was invited to see what Sonja was doing.  And let's face it, Sonja has a tendency to be all over the place with the lifestyle, international, affordable luxury brand.  After the situation with Heather with the toaster oven, I doubt Heather would even go there.  Sonja has been talking about her 'brand' for how many seasons now?  If I was one of the women, I'd just not bring it up - hey Sone, how's that Nigerian football plan coming along?  Nope, wouldn't touch any of it.


And what were all those questions that were asked?  So what are you looking for in a model?  Who do you envision hanging with in the department stores?  Follow up question - but where do you want to be around?  Beth follows up with a clarification - Moe, Larry or Curly?  I don't think the questions were contrived - all two of them actually and they didn't ask Sonja.  They were asking the CEO of the company a basic Marketing 101 question. 

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I thought this once upon a time myself.  Until I started learning more and more about her shady "movie production company" and the reasons that she now has to pay out MILLIONS of dollars.  Definitely some good links and information in the Sonja thread. 


But no, no.  Sonja is not a good and decent person.  At least according to how I judge people. 


Everytime I want to get on board with the zany, madcap Ms. Morgan, I remember that she doesn't confine her drunk activities to sidewalks ... and then I just cannot  fuks with her. I can find her just so and then ... alas. Hashtag DUI hastag nobody is proud of you now. I don't believe it's a mistake, I believe it's a selfish choice and always ruins my "enjoyment" of folks when I hear they've joined the club.


I bet Bethenny would have had answers for most of those pointed questions. I wouldn't be surprised if Heather, in her earliest days with YT, could differentiate her product from other shapewear. Usually an entrepreneur has to answer those questions yo get investors and to get shelf or floor space. I suppose the exception is when a true celebrity, eg Taylor Swift, is putting her name on a product. Sonja's not in that category, I don't think, and for her product to succeed she needs a better grasp of what she's selling to whom.

She'd never make it on Shark Tank. Mark Cuban: "I asked you about product placement and your brand. What the fuck is "smoky Gstaad updo?" I'm out!"


How?  Their investors aren't watching this shite and if they were then they have already made themselves look bad.  The reviews for their products speak for themselves.  Saying there is some risk of blowback by being nice to Sonja about her enterprise (misguided or not) is just an excuse to be a prick.


Nice doesn't work with that bitch. :)


There is so much discussion about whether Heather should have asked the question that the larger point is getting missed. "Everyone" is asking the question because it is basic. It's not a "gotcha" question or even very sophisticated.  


What were they going to ask next, what sorts of fashion magazines and news she reads? Those bitches. Always trying to take Sonja down.

Edited by SnarkKitty
  • Love 13

Heather has this weird smile. Not her normal smile. The one where she's bearing her teeth. I don't know if she freezes her face that way when she's being fake but trying to pretend she's listening or what but it freaks me out.


LOL. B with Sonja just makes me laugh. Throw Heather in and now we're fighting. I get that is was mostly Sonja's fault for overreacting to a small correction but still, I like the fun show, not the nasty bickering one. Thank God for B throwing in her jokes.


I hope Ramona left that waiter a big tip. Her description of meeting the owner of Cipriani's sounds terrifying.


It's hard to be excited about Pop of Color when Kristen had so little to do with it. Also, I kind of love that "I'm Pretty" is one of the most generic nudes. It feels very Kristen.


How does Sonja have so many interns and such a chaotic life? I did think part of it felt scripted/planned. Sonja has this voice she uses when she's acting.


LOL. I'm all for B picking a fight with Ramona. Take her down! I swear when Ramona is backed into a corner and rambling she's so much crazier than Sonja.


So the show clearly didn't go off without a hitch. I wish they'd put a counter so we'd know how long the wait actually was. But I'm glad Sonja managed to put out a show. Did any of the clothes wow me? Not really. Though I did catch a glimpse of a leather dress that could have been cute.


How is it already time for the season finale? Is all the fighting going to happen next week and on the reunion?

  • Love 3

Again, that is your opinion.  I think Sonja invited them to attend as supportive friends and coworkers.  It wasn't a focus group.


Honestly, I was surprised to see Heather in that meeting.  Sonja has seen Heather openly mocking her "business" -- more than a few times.  In fact, Heather was meanly & gleefully mocking Sonja before the "fashion show" started.  So why have her in that meeting at all?  Her attitude stinks.  She's cynical & hostile & she's giving off a superior attitude.  She's definitely not coming from a helpful place.  Heather seems much more interested in making Sonja & her team look foolish & phony.  OK, I know, I know, these characters don't need much help in doing that.  They're accomplishing that just fine & dandy all on their own, but still, where Sonja is concerned Heather has really been a meanie.


And Sonja herself commented how Bethenny ripped into this "team" of hers the last time we saw this crew of Sonja's shady characters, who never give straight answers to simple questions.  So why did she have Bethenny there either?  I'm baffled.

  • Love 4

Great on Sonja in her business attempts. But, Sonja needs to show much more maturity, not flounce and pout when all do not view her with awe.

One must be mindful that Sonja has been requesting help and/or opinions from both Heather and Bethenny. They are not foisting themselves upon her. The frustration from the two centers around Sonja imploring them for "help", but then being overly critical of that same help, and, yes, I will say it--she is thankless, and arrogant in her thanklessness. Why does Sonja not ask her friend, Ramona for help. Listen, do not ask two of the most successful business women of the ENTIRE Housewives franchises for advice, help in designing a product, and marketing then perform a volte-face with a bitter ungrateful attitude. Heather is not hungrily awaiting to pounce on Sonja. Sonja requested the help. Heather was hurt by Sonja's dismissive and rude behavior/comments (*egged on by Ramona) after she sincerely tried to help. Heather is no villian. In regards to Bethenny, SONJA KNOWS BETHENNY and her personality, and, as such, Sonja should not ask Bethenny for help or involve Bethenny in any of her actual Business Ventures if she doesn't want to entertain Bethenny's opinions, advice, and comments.

  • Love 14

She''d never make it on Shark Tank. Mark Cuban: "I asked you about product placement and your brand. What the fuck is "smoky Gstaad updo?" I'm out!

LOL! Love this.

What were they going to ask next, what sorts of fashion magazines and news she reads? Those bitches. Always trying to take Sonja down

Those damn "gotcha" questions.

Edited by LotusFlower
  • Love 10

I said before that I wondered if Sonja was money laundering. I feel certain she is now. I can see many many many bundles of money being passed through that website. And the same person waiting on the other side of the website catching it as it comes. And not nary a complaint about the dresses that never show up.


I think it does make a difference where the clothes are supposed to be in the store. I remember when Rachel Zoe was starting her line, and she was very, very excited about a store, I can't remember which one, giving her space for it. And she had to design the space and get approval for her design of the space before she could put one thing in the store. And I also do shop by sections or designer. I do find that stores lump together designers based on other designers reputations. It is true for most of the items, clothes, shoes, pocketbooks, bloomers. There is a tier in the store. I think there are even tiers in the store names. I know around the capital of my state, there are malls just for high end stores, Lord and Taylor, Dillards, Saks, etc, versus JCPenny, Macy's, Belks at other malls.

The idea of money laundering came to me when I transcribed the CEO's answer to Heather's question. He was spewing nonsense.

I'm glad you mentioned bloomers because that made me think Rachael Zoe was working with Bloomingdales. It was a few years ago so I can't swear to it but your post triggered an auto-response from my very tired brain. It's late and I'm going to have a really hard time getting up for work tomorrow (today). :(

  • Love 2

I don't really understand why Bethenny was so mad at Ramona. Maybe built up emotions? Also, why did Heather tell Bethenny that Ramona was spreading gossip about her? She knows that is going to start something. Heather REALLY doesn't like Ramona. At all.


For some reason, I don't really see the evil monster in Ramona. When I first started watching the show, I thought she was really mean. She now seems like the average New Yorker. Very tough, very fast, and very good at business. I think it's funny how competitive she is, and how that dominates all her interactions. It's like she just can't stop trying to TAKE everything and having her way. I think it's just sort of an OCD thing, she can't stop it. 


Ramona was right about the bartender. He was like a child next to her. Bethenny walked into that one. Ramona is the opposite of Carole. Ramona wants an older man with money. Like we all do. Can't blame her for that! 


This is super snarky, but I always thought that maybe Carole was interested in Aviva's dad. She seemed very close to him and interested in him when they were together. Then he got engaged to a gorgeous 25 year old. I think Carole, given how ugly she is, is best off with the chef guy. He's a gold digger looking for someone to open a restaurant with him (finance a restaurant). I bet that will be Carole's next project.



  • Love 1

I don't really understand why Bethenny was so mad at Ramona. Maybe built up emotions? Also, why did Heather tell Bethenny that Ramona was spreading gossip about her? She knows that is going to start something. Heather REALLY doesn't like Ramona. At all.


For some reason, I don't really see the evil monster in Ramona. When I first started watching the show, I thought she was really mean. She now seems like the average New Yorker. Very tough, very fast, and very good at business.


Ramona was right about the bartender. He was like a child next to her. Bethenny walked into that one. Ramona is the opposite of Carole. Ramona wants an older man with money. Like we all do. Can't blame her for that! 


This is super snarky, but I always thought that maybe Carole was interested in Aviva's dad. She seemed very close to him and interested in him when they were together. Then he got engaged to a gorgeous 25 year old. I think Carole, given how ugly she is, is best off with the chef guy. He's a gold digger looking for someone to open a restaurant with him (finance a restaurant). I bet that will be Carole's next project.

I have no problem with Ramona not wanting to date a bartender. What I have a problem with is her saying it to his face. That is her entire problem and at almost 60 years old, she still doesn't know that. Ramona wants to interact with the rest of the humans, she just doesn't understand what it is that she is missing.

Regarding Carole and Aviva's father - just no. I never saw anything other than a polite kind of fascination about this man in the beginning.

  • Love 14

I kind of understand why Bethenny is battering her with the dress caper because Ramona seems to thinks that her actions are above reproach. She never has really admitted that she took the dresses with the intent of not returning them. For all of her protestations - the assistant said she could have the dress and she emailed Bethenny's office to find out where she should send the second dress - Bethenny soundly refuted those protests - and the next thing she said was that she would pay Bethenny. I loved the look on her face when Bethenny said $545. JMO but I think the only way to deal with Ramona's shady behavior is to put her on blast - regardless of whether it's Bethenny or anyone else.

ITA, I have a SIL that has to be handled like that. We have caught her in some shady lies. She will continue even when proof is presented.

Bethenny has every right to be miffed at Ramona for taking a $545 dress.

  • Love 9

As much as I enjoyed watching Ramona get owned by Bethenny, I caught a segment of OC this morning and saw Heather Dubrow bowling in stilettos because she refused to put on bowling shoes.  How stupid.  NOTHING would have been more satisfying than watching her take a sliding face plant onto the lane.  Is there any instance in which she is not insufferable?

  • Love 4

If it were simply a matter of inviting friends, why didn't she invite Ramona?

Ramona does have a fashion background as her company brokered the over produced, unsold  and damaged goods and resold them to places like TJ MAXX, Marshall and Ross'. I believe the reason the clothes weren't there is Sonja was worried Ramona might have been invited and chances were excellent that Ramona might help herself to an outfit and show up wearing it and sitting in the front row-claiming she was doing Sonja a favor.  Ramona's thing is always price point so I don't see where she could have been helpful.


Sonja's line reminds me of this company, with her price points (I am excluding the evening gown price point)  http://www.wbyworth.com/153-wbw-look-25/#35227 .  Years ago one of the soccer moms on my son's team was a stylist.  Very nice clothes and a different way to sell clothes.  This is their Fall line and of course Sonja's was spring or resort-I guess that is what jet-setter wear is called.


Honestly, I was surprised to see Heather in that meeting.  Sonja has seen Heather openly mocking her "business" -- more than a few times.  In fact, Heather was meanly & gleefully mocking Sonja before the "fashion show" started.  So why have her in that meeting at all?  Her attitude stinks.  She's cynical & hostile & she's giving off a superior attitude.  She's definitely not coming from a helpful place.  Heather seems much more interested in making Sonja & her team look foolish & phony.  OK, I know, I know, these characters don't need much help in doing that.  They're accomplishing that just fine & dandy all on their own, but still, where Sonja is concerned Heather has really been a meanie.


And Sonja herself commented how Bethenny ripped into this "team" of hers the last time we saw this crew of Sonja's shady characters, who never give straight answers to simple questions.  So why did she have Bethenny there either?  I'm baffled.

I am thinking production forced the issue.  I also think that is precisely why the clothes and sketches weren't there.  Sonja knew these two "know-it-alls" needed to be treated with caution.  Neither Heather or Bethenny seemed to have talked to Sonja.   It just seemed like the usual production crap of telling people different times to be someplace so tardiness can be discussed  or the person doing the waiting can get testy.  


Sonja has spoken to the Heather issue in her blog and apparently didn't find her supportive.  Neither Heather or Bethenny had to ask questions about marketing and once they did and didn't get an answer that satisfied then you stop.   This meeting was about the fashion show. . .period. You don't turn it into a comedy bit.  First and foremost you were there to be supportive of a friend--a friend, who in the case of Heather she had apologized to not too terribly long ago for her treatment of her. 


Apparently, there were buyers there from major department stores, in spite of Heather's claims that she didn't see any of them.  Sonja was pretty pointed about Heather's lack of support.  What is true is Heather can be who she wants to be and she does not make apologies for who she is.  When it comes to Sonja, Heather does not like her.  She has taken most every opportunity to put her down and perhaps doesn't understand that as a 50 year old woman Sonja doesn't need a friend like Heather in her life.  Heather is married with children, is a workout maniac and has her own interests and friends and a successful career.  In short they have little in common other than being on the same show.  I guess I am tired of production forcing the issue and expecting a different result.

  • Love 4

For me, the only rude person at that meeting was Sonja. She didn't ask them there for moral support, she asked them there to see the clothes.......hence why Heather and Bethenny were confused. They both stated that as fact. Sonja should be grateful they stayed as she was wasting their time. They were very gracious about the ruse.

Anyway, I'm tired of beating this horse. Let's bitch about Ramona!!!! : )))

Edited by ButterQueen
  • Love 17

Ramona took two $500 dresses that Bethenny planned to give to the charity Dress for Success. It was her belief that others more deservedly could benefit from the dresses.

IMO Ramona, who declares herself a friend should not have told another HW that Beth cheated on her first husband or that she labeled Sonja an alcoholic. It is Bethenny's perogative to question Ramona about the great friendship Ramona professes to have for her. The friendship is nonexistent in Bethenny's mind so why not kick Ramona to the curb...a place she knows Ramona is comfortable at.



Edited by talula
  • Love 3

Sonja blew $7 million on a movie deal and had to file bankruptcy. So should her friends just be cheerleaders, not ask questions and just support her in her new endeavors? 

Sonja is still under the thumb of the bankruptcy Trustee and has to run all her business plans through the Trustee for approval.  So I am thinking, investors because of her past are guarded and she screwed up and has paid dearly for it-is she not entitled to ever have another endeavor. I am surprised Heather hasn't thrown that in her face, to get the upper hand.


I look at this way Sonja and the entire single cast have also been previously married with Bethenny, Sonja and Dorinda having been married twice before-should these women not be supportive if they find a new love?   What am I thinking Ramona and Kristen going after John.  Foolish to think you can just support a friend.

Kristen talks about her nail polish and all I hear is Papa Color. Then my mind wanders to the others, Happy Smurf, Baby Smurf, Gargamel and the signature color blue.

Bethenny went in completely adversarial from the get go against Sonja's staff (?) at the model meeting. She acts like she is doing everyone a favor with her presence and it way turns me off.

I hope you get a toaster oven with Sonjas dresses for $500.

I am apparently in the minority that I do not think Bethenny took down Mona. Any time Ramona tried to respond Bethenny came back at her, aggressively interrupting with her rat a tat tat bullet points and insults. Ramona is absolutely selfish and reluctant to take responsibility for anything she does (see: common traits of children of alcoholics) but that's not the time to attack someone Bethenny. Bethenny took a gun to a knife fight.

And the dress thing is beyond stupid. Mona took off with the dresses that day and the staff was like "don't worry about it" and the parameters of returning them were loose. Ramona being Ramona was going thru a hard time w Mario and getting her daughter out of the nest and it was the last fucking thing on her selfish little mind. When confronted she just cannot verbalize that and take responsibility she buries herself more.

Can someone tell me why Dorinda is being called Doris?

When I hear "next time on the "SEASON FINALE" of rhony" I get sad panda face.

  • Love 3

Ramona does have a fashion background as her company brokered the over produced, unsold and damaged goods and resold them to places like TJ MAXX, Marshall and Ross'. I believe the reason the clothes weren't there is Sonja was worried Ramona might have been invited and chances were excellent that Ramona might help herself to an outfit and show up wearing it and sitting in the front row-claiming she was doing Sonja a favor. Ramona's thing is always price point so I don't see where she could have been helpful.

Sonja's line reminds me of this company, with her price points (I am excluding the evening gown price point) http://www.wbyworth.com/153-wbw-look-25/#35227 . Years ago one of the soccer moms on my son's team was a stylist. Very nice clothes and a different way to sell clothes. This is their Fall line and of course Sonja's was spring or resort-I guess that is what jet-setter wear is called.

I am thinking production forced the issue. I also think that is precisely why the clothes and sketches weren't there. Sonja knew these two "know-it-alls" needed to be treated with caution. Neither Heather or Bethenny seemed to have talked to Sonja. It just seemed like the usual production crap of telling people different times to be someplace so tardiness can be discussed or the person doing the waiting can get testy.

Sonja has spoken to the Heather issue in her blog and apparently didn't find her supportive. Neither Heather or Bethenny had to ask questions about marketing and once they did and didn't get an answer that satisfied then you stop. This meeting was about the fashion show. . .period. You don't turn it into a comedy bit. First and foremost you were there to be supportive of a friend--a friend, who in the case of Heather she had apologized to not too terribly long ago for her treatment of her.

Apparently, there were buyers there from major department stores, in spite of Heather's claims that she didn't see any of them. Sonja was pretty pointed about Heather's lack of support. What is true is Heather can be who she wants to be and she does not make apologies for who she is. When it comes to Sonja, Heather does not like her. She has taken most every opportunity to put her down and perhaps doesn't understand that as a 50 year old woman Sonja doesn't need a friend like Heather in her life. Heather is married with children, is a workout maniac and has her own interests and friends and a successful career. In short they have little in common other than being on the same show. I guess I am tired of production forcing the issue and expecting a different result.

If Heather is missing the signals that Sonja doesn't need a friend like her in her life, why did SONJA extend the invitation TO Heather? Edited by ButterQueen
  • Love 9

Kristen talks about her nail polish and all I hear is Papa Color. Then my mind wanders to the others, Happy Smurf, Baby Smurf, Gargamel and the signature color blue.

Bethenny went in completely adversarial from the get go against Sonja's staff (?) at the model meeting. She acts like she is doing everyone a favor with her presence and it way turns me off.

I hope you get a toaster oven with Sonjas dresses for $500.

I am apparently in the minority that I do not think Bethenny took down Mona. Any time Ramona tried to respond Bethenny came back at her, aggressively interrupting with her rat a tat tat bullet points and insults. Ramona is absolutely selfish and reluctant to take responsibility for anything she does (see: common traits of children of alcoholics) but that's not the time to attack someone Bethenny. Bethenny took a gun to a knife fight.

And the dress thing is beyond stupid. Mona took off with the dresses that day and the staff was like "don't worry about it" and the parameters of returning them were loose. Ramona being Ramona was going thru a hard time w Mario and getting her daughter out of the nest and it was the last fucking thing on her selfish little mind. When confronted she just cannot verbalize that and take responsibility she buries herself more.

Can someone tell me why Dorinda is being called Doris?

When I hear "next time on the "SEASON FINALE" of rhony" I get sad panda face.


Me, too. 


If Heather is missing the signals that Sonja doesn't need a friend like her in her life, why did SONJA extend the invitation TO Heather?


I'm gonna go with:  because Production Told Her To.  Which is also why these, otherwise, smart women went and why production sent the car for Sonja 20 minutes late.  Who knows if that's true or not but it seems as plausible as anything else we're throwing out there.


Also, look at Bethenny's face when Heather walks in.  She looks and sounds really surprised to see her there.  Like she didn't know she was coming.  I think Sonja would totally invite Beth because I think there is some mutual respect there.  But I think production called Heather and said, "Look, if you want scenes this week be at 1212 Avenue of the Americas in an hour.  We don't know the suite number.  Find it yourself."  And Heather hastily gathered her things in the middle of a Yummie board meeting and bolted for the spotlight.


That's the scene in my head.

  • Love 2

Are you talking about juniors as opposed to misses or the "mature" section?  Otherwise, a customer doesn't care.  In Bergdorff Goodman's, there will be a Calvin Klein section next to Moschino.  Those designs are complete opposites.  If a customer happens to pick up a suit from one and a top from the other, that is happenstance.  Customers DO care what the sizing is or the colors available or what they can buy and use with current pieces.

That is not true.  I've been in Bergdorf's* recently with a girlfriend and not only is there a fundamental separation based on price point (the denim and diffusion lines and less-crazy-expensive shoes are on one floor), there are also style-based separations, where more staid lines are grouped together and more 'forward' lines are side-by-side on separate floors.  The same is true for Barney's.


Sonja's business is illusory.  It's not real.  The party was real.  The time lag in staging the second looks was real.  Ramona's shiny red foobs and flushed faced and attempted derailing of Bethenny's brilliant, focused read (do not make me love you, Frankel!  Don't do it!) was very real, and a very big fail.  An actual highly successful fashion designer/businessman presented his very real presentation, Elie Tahari, and the nail polish on his model's nails is also real, since you can buy it online and in person at Rickys -- kadooz to Kristen, who kept it real, and didn't indulge on camera in meetings with people who are little flitting shadows on LinkedIn.  Kristen also collaborated with a jeweler to sell pieces averaging around $200 on her and the designer's site.  Some items are sold out.  That's real.


Sonja's shit ain't real.  I mean, the stuff clogging her pipes, besides random waterlogged Blackberries, is real.  But not the clothes.  Or the jewelry. 


She wasn't a model.  The Chanel shot is not a modeling shot taken on behalf of Chanel in order to sell Chanel.  She was a model in terms of taking down wangs and being amazing arm candy, not selling gardenia-based perfume and boucle jackets.  She did not have a modeling career.  She was not in a show at age 14 in upstate NY unless she was showing off Stella D'Oro packages in her local Wegman's.  There are entire boards and subthreads on places like The Fashion Spot highlighting the most obscure models of the 70s and 80s and 90s.  There are scans of LuAnn's work even, from back in the day.  Sonja was less of a model than Alex McCord.  There is actualy less to substantiate Sonja's claim.  I mean...damn.


I am pretty flummoxed by how Heather and Bethenny asking completely standard questions was some kind of unsupportive massive takedown.  But honestly, the only way to be Sonja's friend is to be like that snitty, stupid swami fraudster, and tell her that another successful line (LuAnn's - which was sold, and where 'sold out' indicates things were once available and are now sold out) was 'too schlumpy' for Sonja and her Sharpie'd Prada bowling bag from back in the day.  Sure thing.  Heather and Bethenny didn't join this show to seem like they have no clue about how one might run a business.  They just didn't.  Neither did Sonja.  Why are they obliged to just nod and smile?  And thanks to those pointing out that the idea that Sonja is simply supportive is simply a suppurating lie.  Nope!  She is a catty g.d. mess and has been snarky and see you on the day after Monday-ish about LuAnn and Heather in particular.  On camera.  Which we know is a capital crime...off with Heather's head!


*Unlike my friend, I am 'po, and my own closet is full to bursting with Closet Freak by Lisa Wu, thanksverymuch, so I didn't attempt to pay for a 4-figure dress to figure out if I have a Ralph Lauren or a Versace body (<-- The Sonja Scale has now replaced other kinds of measurement tools like BMI calculators on NIH's site.  "Are you Armani or Dolce and Gabbana?")

  • Love 23

I can see the p.o.v. of all sides of the Model Casting Debate. Bethenny and Heather's questions were reasonable, but there was definitely a tinge of superiority and glee to their over-the-top reactions to Sonja and her team, who were not exactly models of competence.

Most of my Fashion Industry knowledge was acquired at the University of Reality Television (Project Runway, ANTM, She by Sheree, etc.), but shouldn't Sonja have had some sort of dress rehearsal for her Fashion Week fashion show so that she could get a handle on hair, timing, and stuff?

I'm not sure if John's panic over Dorinda not answering her phone was sweet or weird. It's probably both, and Dorinda seemed to take it in stride. More power to her, I guess. Watching Dorinda and Ramona flirt with the waiter was like watching that Jake Gyllenhaal "Bronx Beat" sketch from SNL. That poor, gorgeous waiter. Maybe someone will see him on this show and cast him in something successful. Dreams come true!

Bethenny's takedown of Ramona expressed a lot of pent-up anger. I'm really looking forward to the reunion. I never really understood the "You Just Can't Stay Mad at Ramona" narrative , and wondered if I was missing something, because I'm pretty sure I COULD stay pissed at her.

  • Love 8

Since there have been requests to move off of Sonja and on to Ramona-here is her side of the story from earlier this season:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-7/blogs/ramona-singer/ramona-i-didnt-take-the-dress


I will say the original story was Ramona stole a Herve Leger  dress which retail for around $1,000-$1,500.  I don't think there is a seven figure dress in the line.  So there was some exaggeration on the part of Bethenny.  I think I am surprised that Bethenny and Ramona wear the same size and Ramona is a size 0. Obviously I am easily distracted by the minutia.


Because of Bethenny's style of confrontation which involves a lot of repetition and old stuff which is usually a turn off for me, I am find myself cheering her on with Ramona.  Sure there are some things I don't agree with and I think Bethenny biggest gripe was the cheater allegation.  The dress stuff is important because there has been a pretty long list of Ramona taking things she is not entitled to or edging someone else with underhanded behavior. In the next few days I would think the original allegations will resurface.  I will say this about Ramona-she had the good sense to tell heather off camera.  At the time she told Heather I think Heather and Bethenny were at odds.

  • Love 1

I don't really understand why Bethenny was so mad at Ramona. Maybe built up emotions? Also, why did Heather tell Bethenny that Ramona was spreading gossip about her? She knows that is going to start something. Heather REALLY doesn't like Ramona. At all.


For some reason, I don't really see the evil monster in Ramona. When I first started watching the show, I thought she was really mean. She now seems like the average New Yorker. Very tough, very fast, and very good at business. I think it's funny how competitive she is, and how that dominates all her interactions. It's like she just can't stop trying to TAKE everything and having her way. I think it's just sort of an OCD thing, she can't stop it. 


Ramona was right about the bartender. He was like a child next to her. Bethenny walked into that one. Ramona is the opposite of Carole. Ramona wants an older man with money. Like we all do. Can't blame her for that! 


This is super snarky, but I always thought that maybe Carole was interested in Aviva's dad. She seemed very close to him and interested in him when they were together. Then he got engaged to a gorgeous 25 year old. I think Carole, given how ugly she is, is best off with the chef guy. He's a gold digger looking for someone to open a restaurant with him (finance a restaurant). I bet that will be Carole's next project.


The notion that Carole was interested in Aviva's pervy pop is both laughable and ludicrous. 


As far as Carole being "ugly" ..well I'd say there are some very handsome, wealthy, interesting and successful men who would disagree. As do I.  


ScoobieDoobs, on 06 Aug 2015 - 12:53 AM, said:

Honestly, I was surprised to see Heather in that meeting.  Sonja has seen Heather openly mocking her "business" -- more than a few times.  In fact, Heather was meanly & gleefully mocking Sonja before the "fashion show" started.  So why have her in that meeting at all?  Her attitude stinks.  She's cynical & hostile & she's giving off a superior attitude.  She's definitely not coming from a helpful place.  Heather seems much more interested in making Sonja & her team look foolish & phony.  OK, I know, I know, these characters don't need much help in doing that.  They're accomplishing that just fine & dandy all on their own, but still, where Sonja is concerned Heather has really been a meanie.

And Sonja herself commented how Bethenny ripped into this "team" of hers the last time we saw this crew of Sonja's shady characters, who never give straight answers to simple questions.  So why did she have Bethenny there either?  I'm baffled.


After the shitty way that Sonja responded to Heather's help with her toaster oven project, I think Heather has every right to cast some shade towards Sonja and her fashion line. And she was hardly the only one snarking on it.

As for why H and B were there at the meeting. I also agree with the notion that their production manager (or whoever wrangles these broads) either suggested or insisted upon it.

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 14


That is not true.  I've been in Bergdorf's* recently with a girlfriend and not only is there a fundamental separation based on price point (the denim and diffusion lines and less-crazy-expensive shoes are on one floor), there are also style-based separations, where more staid lines are grouped together and more 'forward' lines are side-by-side on separate floors.  The same is true for Barney's.

Maybe it has changed since I have been there but on the floor with higher end designer goods, the clothes are separated by designer but not styles.  Heck, I remember seeing the Bagdley Mischka next to Calvin Klein.  BM is known for going sequin crazy while CK is known for minimalism.  My point was that a customer doesn't pick one brand just because it is next to another brand.


With that said, I am pretty sure that her fashion show was just for the TV show to promote her clothes.  If there were truly buyers there (I'm skeptical of that!), then they would a packet with the run of the show (the order in which the pieces will be shown) with prices, suggested retail prices and the sizes/colors available for the pieces.  That is what the buyer uses to decide if and where the clothes will go in the store.  Because her line is completely new, however, buyers would most likely have private showings.  Either way, her going into a department store is a pipe dream since they are closing stores left and right.  They don't want to take a chance on a brand new company who probably can't even make fulfillment on the first orders.  She would be better off making a look book and sending that off to boutique owners.


Most of my Fashion Industry knowledge was acquired at the University of Reality Television (Project Runway, ANTM, She by Sheree, etc.), but shouldn't Sonja have had some sort of dress rehearsal for her Fashion Week fashion show so that she could get a handle on hair, timing, and stuff?

They don't normally do a run through but shows are usually waaay more organized which is why I think this one was completely for the TV show.

Edited by Freckledbruh

That is not true.  I've been in Bergdorf's* recently with a girlfriend and not only is there a fundamental separation based on price point (the denim and diffusion lines and less-crazy-expensive shoes are on one floor), there are also style-based separations, where more staid lines are grouped together and more 'forward' lines are side-by-side on separate floors.  The same is true for Barney's.


Sonja's business is illusory.  It's not real.  The party was real.  The time lag in staging the second looks was real.  Ramona's shiny red foobs and flushed faced and attempted derailing of Bethenny's brilliant, focused read (do not make me love you, Frankel!  Don't do it!) was very real, and a very big fail.  An actual highly successful fashion designer/businessman presented his very real presentation, Elie Tahari, and the nail polish on his model's nails is also real, since you can buy it online and in person at Rickys -- kadooz to Kristen, who kept it real, and didn't indulge on camera in meetings with people who are little flitting shadows on LinkedIn.  Kristen also collaborated with a jeweler to sell pieces averaging around $200 on her and the designer's site.  Some items are sold out.  That's real.


Sonja's shit ain't real.  I mean, the stuff clogging her pipes, besides random waterlogged Blackberries, is real.  But not the clothes.  Or the jewelry. 


She wasn't a model.  The Chanel shot is not a modeling shot taken on behalf of Chanel in order to sell Chanel.  She was a model in terms of taking down wangs and being amazing arm candy, not selling gardenia-based perfume and boucle jackets.  She did not have a modeling career.  She was not in a show at age 14 in upstate NY unless she was showing off Stella D'Oro packages in her local Wegman's.  There are entire boards and subthreads on places like The Fashion Spot highlighting the most obscure models of the 70s and 80s and 90s.  There are scans of LuAnn's work even, from back in the day.  Sonja was less of a model than Alex McCord.  There is actualy less to substantiate Sonja's claim.  I mean...damn.


I am pretty flummoxed by how Heather and Bethenny asking completely standard questions was some kind of unsupportive massive takedown.  But honestly, the only way to be Sonja's friend is to be like that snitty, stupid swami fraudster, and tell her that another successful line (LuAnn's - which was sold, and where 'sold out' indicates things were once available and are now sold out) was 'too schlumpy' for Sonja and her Sharpie'd Prada bowling bag from back in the day.  Sure thing.  Heather and Bethenny didn't join this show to seem like they have no clue about how one might run a business.  They just didn't.  Neither did Sonja.  Why are they obliged to just nod and smile?  And thanks to those pointing out that the idea that Sonja is simply supportive is simply a suppurating lie.  Nope!  She is a catty g.d. mess and has been snarky and see you on the day after Monday-ish about LuAnn and Heather in particular.  On camera.  Which we know is a capital crime...off with Heather's head!


*Unlike my friend, I am 'po, and my own closet is full to bursting with Closet Freak by Lisa Wu, thanksverymuch, so I didn't attempt to pay for a 4-figure dress to figure out if I have a Ralph Lauren or a Versace body (<-- The Sonja Scale has now replaced other kinds of measurement tools like BMI calculators on NIH's site.  "Are you Armani or Dolce and Gabbana?")


::turns to production crew::  that's a wrap folks.   last one to leave get the lights on your way out.

  • Love 14

Regarding Heather and the question of where do you envision your clothes hanging, think of the retail space as a stereotypical high school lunch room. The cool kids sit together, the dorks sit together, the punks, the jocks, etc. Where you sit and who you sit by makes a big difference, it confers status. As far as the customers, I assure you that they do care very much about the labels and where the clothes are in the store. Mr. Shoegal is an exec at one of the luxury retailers that Sonja mentioned (who did not have buyers at the show, I assure you) and the floor plan is meticulously thought out, argued over and planned down to the millimeter, and yes, with input from the designers (at least, the ones who can throw their weight around).

I didn't see the question from Heather as any form of gotcha question, I thought it would be helpful in understanding who the Sonja girl is....since Heather had not seen the clothes, it made a lot of sense. It should be something that the team could answer, but I understand that it kind of (further) exposed what a fraud this whole fashion line is, therefore it was not helpful or nice to Sonja. I don't fault Heather for asking the question, but I can see how in the context of Heather's past with Sonja and her businesses, it could be viewed as Heather trying to further brand Sonja as delusional.

  • Love 13

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