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S06.E04: Not Good Enough

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That Jenelle/Nipples/Jace scene was so horrible on every level. Watching that, I know with certainty that Jace will be physically abused by Nipps if he lives in that house. Nipps' affection for Jace is obviously fake, but his fits of rage are all too real. And the way Jenelle was staring dreamily at this picture, like this is the perfect life...I hope these two end up with a long prison stretch somehow to keep them away from Jace and society.

Liked the Chelsea story. Hard to know what the best thing to do would be if the visitation center was horrible (which I'm sure it was). Does talking to Adumb's parents ever yield any results? Maybe get Adumb to agree to some type of fine system if he takes Aubree alone, since maybe he cares about his wallet? And how did his litany of charges get dismissed?! That blonde lawyer must've graduated from Hogwarts.

Adumb's friend in the gym looked like a vagrant they lured into doing the scene using a box of wine on a string.

Kail is done with Javi, clearly, and that scene with Kail bitching about his lack of foresight was gold. Play that for her at the IHOP reception for shotgun wedding number 3 in 8 months. I also loved: "The first six months I wanted you around, but now I don't and just want to hang out with my friends while you watch the kids." Presented by Kail as if that's Javi's problem to fix! Lunacy.

Leah sucks and is on drugs. Corey and Miranda rock.

Every week I pray we get Nipps sobbing in the cop car as promised by the commercials. Please come soon!

  • Love 20
Poor Kaiser Roll, he looks like Nipples is putting roids in his formula.


Oh Em Gee, I'm going to hell but that's not only hilarious but accurate.  Even Barb said something like, "You're gonna be a big boy!" when she saw him. 



Liked the Chelsea story. Hard to know what the best thing to do would be if the visitation center was horrible (which I'm sure it was). Does talking to Adumb's parents ever yield any results? Maybe get Adumb to agree to some type of fine system if he takes Aubree alone, since maybe he cares about his wallet? And how did his litany of charges get dismissed?! That blonde lawyer must've graduated from Hogwarts.

Randy-licious said the place was "clean and nice enough".   If it was my child I would sooo much rather Aubrey spent time there with Adam for a few hours than entire weekends where she doesn't know who is watching her child and if Adam (or one of his buddies) is driving with her in the car etc.  I know she said she feels like it's a place for children with loser parents but the reality is Aubrey does have a loser father.     Unfortunately, Chelsea seems to have a problem with follow through - so I don't have a lot of faith in her standing strong on this. 

  • Love 7

I can see both Nathan and Jenelle flip out and kill everybody one day.

And the Lifetime Movie 5 years later will be called Natural Bored Killers.


"Natural Born Killers is a 1994 American black comedy crime film directed by Oliver Stone and starring Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis, Robert Downey, Jr., Tom Sizemore, and Tommy Lee Jones. The film tells the story of two victims of traumatic childhoods who became lovers and mass murderers, and are irresponsibly glorified by the mass media."

Cheatincheetohs and 17wheatthins, I get you two mixed up in my head all the time.

I also have you both in my pantry.

Ali voice: "That is not real food."

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 4

So Jenelle is still trying to  stick it to Barb by secretly filing for custody but meanwhile Barb's heart is breaking for what might [probably] become of Jace.   I truly think that she hoped against hope that Jenelle would straighten up and become a responsible adult and mom to Jace but with this new baby and Nathan she's realizing that's just not going to happen.  And she's worried about Jace - hell I'm worried about Jace - living in that house.  Nathan seems terrifying to me and Jenelle is waay to wrapped up in that relationship to look out for Jace.  When he told Jace he was going to put him in the oven and cook him I almost believed it.  Yikes. 


How old is Jenelle's baby in this episode, a few months?  He feeds himself!   Or at least holds his own bottle while his mother is busy creating her own drama of the moment.   Next thing you know he will be making his own toast while while his worthless parents stay in bed. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 10

Jenelle - I bristle anytime anybody badmouths Barb.  You'd think now that she has Roll, Jenelle would see just how much of a burden she put on Barb.  But nope, ungrateful and straight up mean.  And the difference in Jace when he is with Barb vs Jenelle is day and night.  He is NOT comfortable with Jenelle and that horrible Nathan and I don't see much bonding with his brother either. 


Kail - I pretty much hate but I agree 100% about Javi, who I cannot stand.  Javi will escalate to wife beating, kidnapping and worse.  He is a sociopath.  Kail needs to get out now, new man or not. 


Chelsea - I'm a fan of discipline in most forms but I think Chelsea handled Aubree correctly.  I don't think she blew off the incident - indeed I think she is seeing the bigger picture of this incident.  Aubree is beginning to act out from being a kid with split parenting.  Adam spends his time with her criticizing her mother and her mother simply pretends that Adam doesn't exist.  We always need mom (until the day we die) but this is the age when girls fall head over heels in love with their daddy's and we are all braced for that moment when Aubree starts to suffer the inevitable disappointment of who her father is.  Chelsea saw that Aubree was not just having a bad moment, she was having a bad day.  The teacher tried to act appropriately and so did Chelsea.  Indeed it took Chelsea getting right up in that ass to even get Aubree to get in the car.  I think she took the best approach in defusing the anger/mood and making Aub relax in that everything is okay and that she is safe and loved.  My guess is that the next day in school, the other little girl got her apology.


Leah - The cheese is going to stand alone in this, but this is why I logged in this morning.  Watching Leah I became more and more concerned.  People are so quick to judge her but I am starting to suspect that Leah may be suffering from some sort of  mental illness.  She needs help, not criticizing.  I have always thought that she is a fantastic mother and I still do.  It's not her parenting that is off, it is her.  Her mind in general seems to be disorganized.  She can't keep or stay on a schedule.  She can't stay on top of the household.  She LOOKS disheveled.  She cries at the drop of a hat.  She has too much going on but what she doesn't seem to get is any sympathy and any actual help.  I love Corey, but I get how Leah is defensive.  Corey (who I do believe she will always love a little) has this new together wife and they seem to be on a mission to prove that they are better than she is.  Corey's real motivation is that he secretly wishes that his little family was still whole and he'd prefer his kids to grow up in a two parent household.  His needs to prove that not having his kids 24/7 is something that is imposed upon him, not his preference.  So he uses "parenting" as his armor and sword.  I think if he went to Leah and said that he can see how much pressure she is under and that he can provide MUCH more help with the girls (ALL of the girls, btw) - that this is not a competition or a war but a team effort, he'd probably get what he wants.  But Leah feels ganged up on.  Particularly since Jeremy just stands around watching and critiquing her actions rather than see that his wife is overwhelmed.  His position was much like Corey's - I make the money, you deal with the household.  Many women have fallen under these circumstances.  Not everybody is strong.


Ironically I think Leah has an ally in the most unlikely place - Corey's father Jeff.  Let me preface by saying that I am in love with Jeff and have been since I watched that man stand his son up and inform him that you don't just knock a girl up and roll - you must be a FATHER.  He has been steady and sage from day one, great with Corey, great with the girls (will always remember his scene having a convo with Corey with Gracie's foot in his mouth).  I even love his fat wife (means I have a shot, y'all!).  And the scene of him being choked up and teary about learning the truth of Ali's fate and saying to his (in denial) son, "I'm glad you're ok, because I'm not."  Oh I love that man!  Anyway Jeff sees the truth about Leah.  She's off in a way that hasn't yet been diagnosed, but we're getting there - she already has doctors presribing mood stabilizers.  Her disorganization, her (perhaps) nymphomania, her impulsiveness and bugged out eyes.  Something is wrong with Leah.  That said, I think Jeff also 100% respects her as a mother.  Whatever her faults he respects that primal force that is MOTHERHOOD.  I saw it in his face when they picked up Ali from the hospital and they sat at the diner with Leah holding a sleeping Ali like a baby and declaring that she would do WHATEVER it took for her child.  He looked at her as if he were watching a Queen prep an army for war - to fight and die at her command.  HE, not Germy, not Corey, was her Sir Lancelot.  It was on his face, WHATEVER she needed done, he'd see it be done.


Again, this is my problem with this show - and probably why I'll leave again, some of these people have REAL problems but this show just watches but never helps.  Jenelle is sick and Leah is sick.  People should come before cameras and ratings.

  • Love 5

Did Kail really sit there and say they shouldn't have rushed into having a wedding and a baby? I love how she re-writes history. It was HER who decided it was time to toss aside her birth control and it was her idea to hurry up and have that benefits wedding.

Wellllll, you know Kailllll, yah never in the wrong, it's always someone else's fault, and you conviently omit certain details to suit yah interests.

Is anyone else reminded of a large, unattractive toad when they see her? When they show her talking in profile, her triple chins look like a toad/frog breathing.

  • Love 1

Omg, this episode was tv gold. Seriously, Thursdays are now my favorite night!

First up, Janelle.... Umm, did they change parenting bc I swear the rule was NEVER let your kid drink a bottle lying down bc they develope chronic ear infections and stuff. Plus it's lazy as hell. Hold your damn baby, asshole! God, these girls don't deserve to have babies. They are mostly such terrible mothers. We never see anyone playing with their kids, reading to their kids, organizing games for their kids. I spent all of my free time playing barbies and trucks and I would read until I was going hoarse. My daughter is in line to be valedictorian at graduation and I credit her academic success (& my son's) to that reading. You aren't supposed to just leave them to entertain themselves. Jeez. Even when I had stuff to do around the house, I involved them. They did little things to help me cook (not running a damn toaster tho... Wth?!). If I was gardening, I gave them little jobs. They enjoyed it, took pride inn what they did and we made wonderful memories. Man, those were so amazing years. And these idiots are squandering that time with their kids and once it's gone, it's gone forever.

Chelsea... I feel for her about the Vis Center. No one wants their kid to have to be that kid, with the deadbeat dad. This is why you don't sleep with stupid high school boys without serious protection girls! Or better yet, recognize they are losers and don't sleep with them at all! And a side note, Randy is an awesome dad. I applaud him, he loves his family and tries to guide Chels as best as he can.as a parent, it has to hurt you to see your kid and grandkid caught up with Asshole Adam. Unfortunately, we can make decisions for our kids. Only advise them and teach them and then say some prayers and pick up the pieces if/when it all goes bad.

Kail... Ughhhhhh.... I groaned every time her scenes came on. I just don't care about her or Javi. She's a miserable fucker and I would have to slap her silly if she was in my life. The one thing that I couldn't stand was her on that phone while driving, in bad weather, with her kid in the car. My hubs had a horrible accident while he was talking to me on the phone... It was horribly traumatizing. My hubs was knocked unconscious and I was screaming into the phone bc I knew something terrible had happened. A cat ran out, he over-reacted, flipped a bunch of times and had to be cut out of the vehicle. Then I had to search hospitals for the next couple of hours bc I had no idea where he was. (we have 4 major hospitals in our county). Luckily, after a week in the hospital and whatnot, he was ok but that scare is still with me. Even years later, if he so much as touches his phone I will flip out and demand to be let out of the car. If Kail doesn't care about her own damn self, whY about her kid and what about the innocent people that could be hurt? Things can go wrong in an instant. It's just wrong and MTV just films this shit like it's ok. It's not ok.

Leah.... What a hot mess. She keeps denying the obvious: she is a raging drug addict who has time for nothing but drugging and laying around in her drug-induced haze, talking about how people are plotting against her. Bitch, please. The fact that Cory is being this nice to her makes him a saint in my book. But on the realz, he needs to put a stop to this crackhead driving his daughters anywhere in her trash truck, period. (I say crackhead bc it's a catchy word, but we all know it's the Oxy that she's on- hillbilly heroin... And thanks ho for making it hard for people with pain to get the meds they need to function bc people like you take them for fun.)

Leah's kids always look dirty and unkept when they are with her. Are they playing with the stupid Mark Kay from her "business". Lol... Sooooo shocked that she was not successful with it... Not.

When she was on the phone and the young one was circling her, climbing around the couch, hoping she could get some interaction out of her crackhead mom, I wanted to cry. Kids aren't cats... You can't color them blue and leave them to their own devices. They need love and interaction and structure. And clothes occassionally. Notice Leah has no time to make her girlseses look presentable. But shes walking around with her Pink and her Uggs thinking shes da bomb. (she's be wrong to think that but you know she does. Shes on that Oxy diet, looking thin and thinking she's a prize. Meanwhile, Miranda is pretty, always looks nice and isnt a crackhead. She must hate Miranda!)

And then the one with the glasses (who the hell can remember which name goes with which) was writing with that Sharpie and I was like, "who gave a toddler a non-erasable Sharpie?!"...

Saving the best for last.... OMG, the Evil One brained her sister with that door to the face! Poor little other-twin was like "We're gonna talk, sissy," and Evil Spawn Gracie was like, "Nope,"- BAM!!! IMO, Cory should have handled that situation better. First off, I don't know who's ring it was but he can't ask Satan to let the sick sister have stuff bc she is sick (if that was his reasoning). That said, I would have taken BOTH rings and said "You'll get them back when you behave". Evil Gracie has some real problems, probably due to her moms current situation, her step dad up and leaving and her twin being sick... They better nip that shit in the bud or that girl will be in Juvie by 14. Seriously some straight up nastiness in that child.

PS: I caught the last few minutes of last week's epi and lol'd like crazy over Leah's Trash Truck again. Omg, that is not how normal people live. That baby was fighting for her life against the coats and book bags and all the other stuff in the trash avalanche and neither of her asshole parents noticed a thing. Ummm, your baby is screaming in the backseat... Maybe someone wants to check why?!

  • Love 11

Wellllll, you know Kailllll, yah never in the wrong, it's always someone else's fault, and you conviently omit certain details to suit yah interests.

Is anyone else reminded of a large, unattractive toad when they see her? When they show her talking in profile, her triple chins look like a toad/frog breathing.


If she does have a man waiting in the wings, I am shocked as to how. I get that she has more money than the average 23 year old and sometimes is on the cover of In Touch, but her personality is obnoxious and she's very unattractive. And even when she's on her best behavior when trying to lure a new guy in, her inner beast still sneaks out from time to time.


Hopefully it's not a new man in the wings, rather Kail just took some time to research the ACA and found a good option for health insurance for her and Isaac (assume Lincoln could still be covered by Javi), and discovered a new babysitter with reasonable rates, so therefore Javi's selling points are moot, and he is now expendable. If Kail found another victim while my educated, attractive, hardworking and kindhearted early 30something friends are still on Eharmony complaining about all the losers on that site, my head might explode.



Leah - The cheese is going to stand alone in this, but this is why I logged in this morning.  Watching Leah I became more and more concerned.  People are so quick to judge her but I am starting to suspect that Leah may be suffering from some sort of  mental illness.  She needs help, not criticizing.  I have always thought that she is a fantastic mother and I still do.  It's not her parenting that is off, it is her.  Her mind in general seems to be disorganized.  She can't keep or stay on a schedule.  She can't stay on top of the household.  She LOOKS disheveled.  She cries at the drop of a hat.  She has too much going on but what she doesn't seem to get is any sympathy and any actual help.


I can't get behind that at all. Leah receives a ton of help in the form of babysitting from various family members. On top of that, Corey and Jeremy BOTH agreed to hold off on any custody maneuvers while Leah was in treatment for the sole purpose of assuring Leah she could focus on herself and her recovery without stressing about things going on at home, which is way more than a lot of non custodial parents would have agreed to do. Leah still couldn't finish her program. Leah may have genuine mental health issues (in fact, I'm sure she does, likely depression), but her biggest problem isn't that she doesn't get any help- it's that she won't ACCEPT any help. She refuses to admit she has a problem.

  • Love 12

Most people with problems do - because they have problems. See how that works? We fault the crazy for not knowing they are crazy, which is a crazy thing to do and thus par for the course.


But it's absolutely inaccurate to say she's gotten no sympathy or help. Well, I guess she's gotten no help, but she's gotten plenty of OFFERS for help- she just won't accept, which is on her. And in the meantime, it's her underage kids who are suffering.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 4

So I guess the theme tonight was the kids having a hard time transitioning from one house to the other. That just made me really sad. Despite how shitty some of these parents definitely are, it's not really about that. You could have two awesome sets of parents and it's still going to be hard. I'm a child of divorce, my parents were separated before I was even born. It's all I've ever known. And I can tell you it was rough every other week to go to my dad's and get used to a different household. My parents were great co-parents and agreed on all the big things, but the day-to-day was vastly different at each house. I remember feeling uncomfortable when I first got to my dad's. By the end of my time I had finally adjusted, but then I had to go back. And, honestly, I never really felt like I belonged anywhere. They both got remarried and had more kids, I always felt like the odd one out. So my heart just aches for these kids, who have some severe dysfunction on top of that hard adjustment. 



Gracie is clearly really struggling with something. That girl acts out a lot. I wish Leah would give her some more attention. I'm not pro or anti spanking, but I didn't have a problem with how Leah did it. She was calm and it was over the clothes. My issue is - what does that solve? Maybe you need to stop chatting with whichever one of your 1284958 friends/family members is over to help that day, and go chat with your daughter instead. Gracie is scary, but I've always kind of felt badly for her. She is low on the totem pole of attention. Ali has her issues and Adderall is the baby, so that leaves Gracie to fend for herself a lot. 


Which....Cory gave away when he mentioned she's making herself toast in the morning while Leah sleeps. Nice. I don't think there's anything wrong with a 5-year-old knowing how to use a toaster, but it should only be done with adult supervision. My oldest helps me make breakfast in the morning, he's seven. Yesterday while his sister's waffle was toasting, the toaster started really smoking. I quickly unplugged it and found that a cracker had fallen in there. Would he have thought to do that? Leah is a wreck. 


Also, who bought Leah all those books and stuck them on the shelf so it looks like someone there reads? Bahahaha


I loved seeing the girls acting up at Cory and Miranda's - and how calm they stayed. None of that, "I'm so stressed" crap. Cory didn't sit on his phone and ignore them either. He dealt with it, but didn't lose his shit over it. I'd love to see the girlses there full time. 




Aubree's fit at daycare was awful. Yikes. I thought Chelsea let her off a little too easily, but compared to the shit these other kids have going on, her sometimes lazy parenting is the least of my concerns. I get where she is coming from, with having apprehensions about the visiting center, but at least you'd know Aubs is 100% safe there. Right now you have no idea what she's doing or where she's going, because Adumb's family can't be bothered to follow the rules. 


Also, no way is Adumb 18 months sober. Nope. Nope. Nope. 




Jace, gah, my heart just breaks for him. He did not LOOK "sure" at all, when Jenelle and Nips were basically insisting he live with them. He looks like a nervous little kid who just wants to make everyone happy. He has the sweetest little face, and it just KILLS me to see all that pain, fear, uncertainty, etc. on it. I wanted to slap Jenelle when she was all, "I'm so lonely without you. I have no one to talk to". Don't put that shit on him!!! Damn, I hate her. 


I hated seeing Barb cry, as well, about the prospect of never seeing him again. Because you know Jenelle and Nips would totally do that shit. IF they ever got custody, which is doubtful. But they're just petty and vindictive as hell. And Jenelle with her big speech about how SHE is the mom? Bullshit. You were his womb, that's all. Barb has raised him, so fuck off. 


It was so funny when she told Barb they hadn't fought in "awhile". What's "awhile" for Jenelle? Three days? 



I am so bored with Kail and Javi right now that I literally have nothing to say. Go "dialogue" somewhere else because you're putting me to sleep. 

  • Love 7


Gracie is clearly really struggling with something. That girl acts out a lot. I wish Leah would give her some more attention. I'm not pro or anti spanking, but I didn't have a problem with how Leah did it. She was calm and it was over the clothes. My issue is - what does that solve? Maybe you need to stop chatting with whichever one of your 1284958 friends/family members is over to help that day, and go chat with your daughter instead. Gracie is scary, but I've always kind of felt badly for her. She is low on the totem pole of attention. Ali has her issues and Adderall is the baby, so that leaves Gracie to fend for herself a lot.


Gracie is bratty, but I feel so sorry for her. It's pretty clear that there's a finite amount of "parenting gas" in Leah's tank, and most of it gets spent on Ali and Addy. Also, I think Corey favors Ali. I don't know if it's because Gracie reminds him of Leah, or if he feels he needs to over compensate for Ali's disability, or if Ali is just a lot more agreeable than Gracie and Corey can't help but notice. I believe both Leah and Corey love the girls but I can see how Gracie always gets the short end of the stick as far as her relationship with her parents goes.

  • Love 7
Apparently you all are especially hilarious tonight, because I keep having laughing fits. That, Maharincess, made me laugh so loud I woke my son.


Thank God everyone is up over here because I seriously cannot stop laughing. Y'all are going to have to quit it with the hilarious comments because I'm about to cramp up over here. 




Every week I pray we get Nipps sobbing in the cop car as promised by the commercials. Please come soon!


I keep praying for that one and the meet-up with Cory, Miranda, and Leah where the latter flat out gets called out for her drug use!

Edited by ghoulina

Thank God everyone is up over here because I seriously cannot stop laughing. Y'all are going to have to quit it with the hilarious comments because I'm about to cramp up over here. 





I keep praying for that one and the meet-up with Cory, Miranda, and Leah where the latter flat out gets called out for her drug use!


Did I miss an episode?  Is it confirmed that Leah is a drug addict?  I don't read the tabloids but it seems like everyone here is certain that she is a junkie.  I'll go check the news...

I too am reeling in shock that the Calvert-Messer home contains books. Maybe they're hollowed out to hide liquor bottles and other contraband.

Your new avatar!!! Now how did you manage to get that creepy image?

I read this forum when we get into bed at night. Nips popping out hissing "Stop It" will have me screaming and hiding my head under the covers.

Poor Jace probably wanted to wet himself when Nipples grabbed him.


Janelle, you aren't Jace's mom, you're more like his unstable older sister!


Javi: Tattoo Fail Kail the Garbage Pail Kid doesn't love you and never did! In her mind, you were supposed to be deployed halfway around the world  while she lived her life.


Yes, Leah, Cory is plotting against you! He is plotting to make sure his girls have a safe, structured environment. He doesn't want to get a phone call that his daughters died in a fire because Gracie decided one day to stick something in the toaster besides toast while you were knocked out in bed!

  • Love 14

Randy-licious said the place was "clean and nice enough".   If it was my child I would sooo much rather Aubrey spent time there with Adam for a few hours than entire weekends where she doesn't know who is watching her child and if Adam (or one of his buddies) is driving with her in the car etc.  


And here lies my problem with Chelsea even though she's headed for #1 this season grading on a wicked curve: For years Aubree has been in danger with Adumb week after week and Chelsea did nothing but call Randy-licious and bitch about it. It looks like Chelsea's kicked into mom gear, but no action would have been taken (or was taken) prior to Adumb filing for custody -- and the lawyer (whom Taylor was gracious enough to send her way) was the one to suggest drawing a line in the sand finally. It was only last season that Aubree had that helmet-less accident on the back of a dirt bike or whatever it was, where she came back all banged up and no one had even called her about what happened prior to her just arriving home hurt. I remember feeling really strongly then that I was fucking done with Chelsea because she was not only condoning that crap but sending Aubree over knowing that Adumb was still illegally driving her around. But last season Chelsea was still getting some of that sweet Adumb d on the side and it was clear she would never risk the relationship by trying to protect her kid. The situation has changed, but how Aubree reached her current age essentially unharmed in nothing short of a miracle.


When she was on the phone and the young one was circling her, climbing around the couch, hoping she could get some interaction out of her crackhead mom, I wanted to cry. 


Me too. Did anyone notice (I had to rewind to catch it) that little Adderall actually was kissing Leah's head while Leah was blabbering on the phone about whatever? It was the portrait of sad, along with Addy's clotheslessness. I still think Addy is like 18 months old, even though I know that's not the case, but it almost makes the no clothes thing look more normal, and yet it makes the idea that she had tried everything to receive some parental affection and finally went to holding and kissing her mom's head in an attempt to be recognized as present so much more sad.


Leah's mental health is a big concerning question mark for me regardless of her "coping" issues. Based on all that has come out about that gem Robbie, I wonder if she was doing drugs with him throughout their relationship? She's gone from relationship+baby to the next relationship+baby while still nursing the Robbie attraction and she clearly can't find any peace. She did seem to be getting some of her shit together back around the time she met Jermy and was advocating for Ali and being a parent, and then she did the TM thing where she found a guy who would be her husband if she had a kid with him right off the bat and completely screwed herself and her 2 kids. When things were finally making progress on the medical front for Ali, Leah had a new pregnancy, and then a new baby to take care of. It was finally time for Gracie to have a mom as things stabilized, and for a co-parenting plan to come together, and then there was just no time. Clearly she can't cope anymore and hasn't been for a long time, but the whole situation is tragic. What toll did the year's of Ali's unknown health struggles take on her, or the second pregnancy? Did she suffer severe postpartum? I'm not convinced bacon-slapping Jermy would have taken an interest, or that anyone in her medical community would have asked or thought to treat it. It's just a terrible mess with a lot of moving parts.

  • Love 3


Clearly she can't cope anymore and hasn't been for a long time, but the whole situation is tragic. What toll did the year's of Ali's unknown health struggles take on her, or the second pregnancy? Did she suffer severe postpartum?


I've long since thought Leah possibly had post partum depression with both pregnancies (the twins and Addy) which went untreated (and undiagnosed) and Leah self medicated with alcohol and men, and now pills.


Leah did say shortly after 16 and Pregnant aired that she was aghast watching herself and that she honestly didn't remember being that horrible to Corey. To her credit, she didn't blame editing or deny anything happened, she just said she remembered it differently and was mortified by her behavior. It seemed like she was on a decent track in 2010-2011 by graduating and trying to make amends with Corey, but then she went off the rails and never went back.

  • Love 4

Yup! I'm constantly snickering at the posts on here.

Lmao the books shocked the hell outta me as well.

Was that really a Mary Kay catalogue she was coloring in? LOL!!!!!

I also wonder if Gracie is acting out for attention. Gotta agree she must get the short end of the attention stick from Leah. She was out of control and I think I'd take Leah's method of disciplining the girlses over Chelsea's which left me cold. She'll regret trying to be Aubree's BFF.

I think the funniest moment of the show was Adumb telling the toothless vagabond that he's 18 months sober. HA! Okay buddy...

Also what's up with that landing strip on Adumb's head?

Just wow I don't remember much of Chelsea's 16 and pregnant episode but my God he's a hot ass mess now.

  • Love 1

Miranda is a damn saint. Those two girls together? Geesh a loo.

Miranda made me laugh a lot with her raised eyebrows, smile and "Divas!" comment. She's right, not everything is a Huge Crisis. They're just little kids acting up. No need to have a nervous breakdown. Sometimes even when you have to straighten things out or employ some discipline, its still kind of funny too.


God Kail is a hosebeast.

  • Love 5

Poor Jace probably wanted to wet himself when Nipples grabbed him.


Janelle, you aren't Jace's mom, you're more like his unstable older sister!


Javi: Tattoo Fail Kail the Garbage Pail Kid doesn't love you and never did! In her mind, you were supposed to be deployed halfway around the world  while she lived her life.


Yes, Leah, Cory is plotting against you! He is plotting to make sure his girls have a safe, structured environment. He doesn't want to get a phone call that his daughters died in a fire because Gracie decided one day to stick something in the toaster besides toast while you were knocked out in bed!

I agree with every word of this post. when Leah started incoherently rambling about how people were "plotting" I felt my jaw hit the floor. She goes on and on about how she's their mother and how important she is to them and how crucial it is for her to be there because she is their MOTHER and NO ONE can care for them like she does. She really doesn't see that her life is a complete mess. I don't doubt that she loves her kids but her mothering is leaving a great deal to be desired.


And yes a thousand times re: Kail and Javi. That was a loser from the beginning. She was going to go out with her friends every weekend and be the brave wifey on the homefront. The best of all worlds. No husband underfoot but the social standing of being married. And then when she inevitably found a new stooge, she could collapse onto his broad manly shoulders sobbing about how haaaaarrrrrd it is to be the strong one holding the family together all on her own. Gah, I cannot stand her.


Also what's up with that landing strip on Adumb's head?

Just wow I don't remember much of Chelsea's 16 and pregnant episode but my God he's a hot ass mess now.

He was a huge douchebag when we first met him on 16 and pregnant, but he was kinda cute--he was the bees knees in the burg they lived in, apparently. he certainly acted like  he was god's gift back then. Now he looks like 10 miles of bad road--amazing how fast the hot guy in high school goes downhill.

  • Love 5

Damn, still laughing at nipples' STOP IT. Love all the posts here.

I though Barb was a little tipsy on the couch talking to her friend and I know I would be too if I had that heartless piece of shit Jenelle for a daughter. Jennelle's a psycho and my skin crawled when she told Jace she would be lonely without him. The poor kid has Jennelle for a mother but still had the empathy to care that Barb would be lonely without him there. Jace seems a sweetie and it's so unfair that Jenelle is choosing the old bribery route. I've seen it so many times. Here, have a costume, a nice yard, toys, pets, you want to live with us? She has nothing else because she's a miserable, terrible mom. Hate her. Get help, ffs.

Which brings me to Leah. She's an absolute mess. I agree with a few posts that say she seemed to be coping with her lot in life but then had another marriage and child. Dumbest thing she could have done was have another child while just adjusting to her twins, one with disability, she had at 16. She seems deeply depressed, obviously self-medicating and needs the most help of all. Those girls, omg. Evil one is a brat and crying out. This is not going to end well for this family. Nice to see Cory spitting his chaw into a bottle. He's a great dad but should have handled that door slam better.

Adumb is so scary. I find him scarier than Nipples. They both seem roided out but Adam is like a 14 year old boy with drug/drink issues and zero impulse control. He couldn't even not say fuck in front of his lawyer. He's a pig.

Kail- meh, they both can go away. Jo and Vee too.

Chelsea- You are lucky you have Randilicious.

  • Love 4

First of all I feel terrible for all these kids!! Leah may love her children but she is a HORRIBLE parent. it was the middle of winter- or at least cold enough for Leah to be wearing a sweatshirt, jeans and even slippers and the girls have long sleeves and long pants on and poor Addy is running around desperately trying to get her mother's attention wearing nothing more than a pull-up. If it's cool enough in that house for Leah to be wearing slippers why is her 1 year old daughter nearly naked? Plus it looked like she had gotten into some nail polish or the twins had painted her nails. She had nail polish on her stomach and her nails were smudged and messy looking. When Corey was talking about how the kids need to get to school on time. 10 tardies in a month!! I don't know if they are in preschool or kindergarten because preschool isn't every day (more like 2 or three days a week) but even if they go five days a week there are only 20 days of school a month usually so she is getting them to school late 50% of the time!!! that is insane!  She doesn't work. There is no reason for tardiness. And the kids are unsupervised way too often. If Leah is sleeping while Gracie makes breakfast and Jeremy is working who in the hell is watching Addy? No way should four or five year old girls (especially with how violent the evil twin is be responsible for watching their one year old sister! If I were Jeremy or Cory I would be freaking out that my children won't live past the age of six because of some accident they have while in their mother's care. Makes me angry that all Leah cares about is how it looks regarding giving Cory more time and not that her kids will really benefit. They are in danger when she's taking care of them. Leah needs to get her life together.  Cory really traded up with Miranda. she acts like a normal human being, is very calm and compassionate and is beautiful.


Jo definitely traded up with Vee. It's such a sharp contrast to see Vee and Jo interact vs Javi and Kail. Kail is so hostile toward him. of course she is angry that he's not stationed in some other country so she can run around with her friends and collect his benefits. Who is the hell has a young baby and husband at home and runs off with her friends every weekend? Time to grow up honey. She definitely has another guy waiting in the wings. You would think since she grew up practically feral that she would want to do everything imaginable to keep a stable family for Lincoln. But nope six months is all she can handle actually being nice to Javi. Now she could care less if they stay together.


Jenelle is delusional. Of course Jace calls Barb mom. She is his MOM!  She's taken care of him for the last five years. I can't see any judge in his right mind giving Janelle custody. Just watch any episode of TM2.  I think Jace is scared to death to be at Janelle's house. As others said, he only said he wants to live with them to please Nathan and Janelle. You could see how visibly relieved he was (and happy) when Barb showed up. He doesn't not want to visit that freakshow every weekend much less live there full time! My heart breaks for him. Janelle is such a vindictive bitch. She was trying to play "mommy" after she filed for custody, all that arms around Jace, and I'm lonely shit. Even Jace looked uneasy and wasn't buying it. Janelle was seething with rage when Jace called Barb mom. If the cameras weren't there she probably would have beat him or screamed at him for an hour.  Poor Kaiser. No one pays any attention to him. funny that he looks at Janelle the same way he looked at Barb (who he's pretty much never met) like they are both strangers. 


Not much to say about Chelsea. I did feel sad for her when she saw that visitation center. No one wants to have their kid be so different from the kids who have both parents together. Even worse when your child has to visit their deadbeat dad in a supervised visitation center. What was up with the bruise and scratches on Adam's head? Car accident? Bar fight?

  • Love 10


Adumb is so scary. I find him scarier than Nipples. They both seem roided out but Adam is like a 14 year old boy with drug/drink issues and zero impulse control


Adam (despite his nickname) is scarier in a way than Nathan because he's slightly smarter. Maybe smarter is the wrong word, but he instinctively knows how to manipulate insecure girls and he takes great pleasure in doing so. I was watching Chelsea's 16 and Pregnant episode last night, and there's an interesting scene where Adam and Chelsea had planned to go to a party together. Chelsea and her friends are sitting at her house waiting, and Adam tells her he's working on his car and will be over later. Chelsea seemed like she'd be fine to wait for him, but her friends are antsy and want to go ahead and go. Chelsea spends the drive over anxious because she's worried that Adam will be mad at her for not waiting. Sure enough, when Adam shows up, he tells her he's angry and then ignores her attempts to explain herself. So, they had plans to go to a party together, Adam decided at the last minute he wanted to work on his car, and expected Chelsea to sit there and wait for him, and then punished her by ignoring her when she was obviously desperate for him to assuage her feelings. It was classic Abuser 101 and Adam was 17 or 18 at the time. Granted, a girl with a stronger personality would have told Adam to pound sand, but guys like Adam don't pick those kind of girls to date- they zero in on the Chelseas of the world.


Nathan could try and manipulate someone but his main weapon appears to be shouting and name calling and talking over someone so they can't get a word in edgewise and Nathan can feel like he "won". In that regard, he and Jenelle are perfect for each other. If they weren't procreating, I'd be all in favor of their union as it saves two other people the hassle of getting involved with them.

  • Love 9

Leah -  <snip>   I think if he went to Leah and said that he can see how much pressure she is under and that he can provide MUCH more help with the girls (ALL of the girls, btw) - that this is not a competition or a war but a team effort, he'd probably get what he wants.  But Leah feels ganged up on.  Particularly since Jeremy just stands around watching and critiquing her actions rather than see that his wife is overwhelmed.  His position was much like Corey's - I make the money, you deal with the household.  Many women have fallen under these circumstances.  Not everybody is strong.  <snip>  



When Corey and Leah did a drop off right after the custody hearing, I think he tried to approach her in the way you said he should above.  He said he had to file but now that that was over, he didn't want to go through the courts and could they (he and Leah) just work something out between them.  He wanted the girls 1/2 week and let Leah have them 1/2 week.  He even said, that would give her time to rest and not be so stressed, that he was thinking of her as well.  She gets all defensive because all she hears when Corey says that is that she is a bad mom.  But in the very next talking head, she starts by saying how stressed out she is.  Corey isn't perfect at all and I know he has cut below the belt many times with Leah, but for the most part, he is very concerned about his girls and just wants to help out.  He isn't afraid to have them for more days.  Leah just doesn't understand this and see's it all as a threat against her as a Mother ... about the only thing she identifies with. 

10 tardies in a month is A LOT!  Corey even said he could understand 2 or 3 .... giving Leah some wiggle room.  When he told her how he felt about Gracie making her own toast because her Mom was still in bed, I could see in Leah's eye and expression that she did not see this as a problem whatsoever.  A 5 year old can work a toaster but a 5 year old still needs to be supervised when doing so.   

Edited by ranchgirl
  • Love 9

Poor little Jace does not want to hurt his meme or his mom so he tells both he wants to live with them. Please stop asking him that and making him choose because he really will not have a say in the long run. Either the adults in his life or the courts will decide. So quit asking him!



Jace wants to please everyone. He knows there's issues and he doesn't want to tell anyone the "wrong" thing. They need to leave HIM out of their shit. That's co-parenting 101, which truly no one on this show understands. Do not start talking about your baby's dad/mom when the kid is RIGHT THERE. Don't ask the kid about the other. Just. Don't.


Both of these posts, x1000.  Every scene with Jace just breaks my heart.  

He was so excited to show Barb around Jenelle's new house, and then inevitably Barb and Jenelle started arguing - his little deflated face when he crept back down the stairs to get away was so heartbreaking.  Gah!  That poor little guy.

  • Love 12

When he told her how he felt about Gracie making her own toast because her Mom was still in bed, I could see in Leah's eye and expression that she did not see this as a problem whatsoever. A 5 year old can work a toaster but a 5 year old still needs to be supervised when doing so.

My guess is Leah was making her own toast at 5 years old and eating junk and going to bed whenever so she truly sees all that stuff as no big deal.
  • Love 4

Evil twin making her own breakfast and them being late because mom is sleeping is classic drug abuse.  Kids at their age can do a lot on their own, but it is very concerning that she is doing it when Leah is sleeping and I also wonder about the baby and who is supervising her.  Corey seems pretty level headed about something so terrifying and I give him and his father credit for trying to help her and be calm about it.  


Adam's segments are ridiculous.  This is the only friend they could convince to have a staged conversation with and they did not even make the attempt to have him pretend to work out or to have a reason to be there.  I think so many segments of them talking with friends are done in restaurants so it looks less staged than this one did.

  • Love 2

When Corey and Leah did a drop off right after the custody hearing, I think he tried to approach her in the way you said he should above.  He said he had to file but now that that was over, he didn't want to go through the courts and could they (he and Leah) just work something out between them.  He wanted the girls 1/2 week and let Leah have them 1/2 week.  He even said, that would give her time to rest and not be so stressed, that he was thinking of her as well.  She gets all defensive because all she hears when Corey says that is that she is a bad mom.  But in the very next talking head, she starts by saying how stressed out she is.  Corey isn't perfect at all and I know he has cut below the belt many times with Leah, but for the most part, he is very concerned about his girls and just wants to help out.  He isn't afraid to have them for more days.  Leah just doesn't understand this and see's it all as a threat against her as a Mother ... about the only thing she identifies with. 

10 tardies in a month is A LOT!  Corey even said he could understand 2 or 3 .... giving Leah some wiggle room.  When he told her how he felt about Gracie making her own toast because her Mom was still in bed, I could see in Leah's eye and expression that she did not see this as a problem whatsoever.  A 5 year old can work a toaster but a 5 year old still needs to be supervised when doing so.   


I am not against Corey, I am saying that Leah needs help.  I agree that Cory started out offering nicely but when Leah blew up he got a lawyer, asked for 50% custody and orderd a drug test.  Leah, who is not particularly smart and, IMO, suffering from something mental would of course feel that this was an attack to prove her incompetent.  The irony is that this is a sad vicious cycle (kind of like cops btw)  - she needs help but is scared to accept help from available sources out of fear that the admission of need will be used against her.  I checked the news and indeed BOTH fathers want full custody of their kids now.  For a girl who feels that her only worth is as a mother, being childless will surely kill her.  I know everybody here hates her but I don't hate her.  That is not excusing what she does wrong, but just understanding how wrong can happen in someone who is sinking to rock bottom.  I feel sorry for her.  I know that's not allowed anymore, but there it is.  Sue me.

  • Love 5

I feel like Leah needs real help. If she has chronic migraines that knock her out (which are legit awful if you're also vomiting), she seriously needs help. I don't understand why she can't have someone come help her take the kids to school in the morning? If she is really struggling in the mornings, it seems like a good solution to have either one of the grandparents or a babysitter (or switch off between) with a key come in and get the girlses ready for the day, feed them and take them to school. 

. I lost some respect for Chelsea when she did not take the time to talk to Aubrey about bitching out a school mate, and get to a place where she legitimately understood why it's not okay not to apologize. Making her swear in the car that she would apologize tomorrow didn't cut it for me. And since Chelsea is so frightened that Aubrey shares 50% of Adumb's DNA, these types of situations are the nurturing part of the puzzle where it's important that Aubrey learn to develop sympathy/empathy (within reason for her age of course).




Yep.  And giggling while making her swear to apologize the next day.  No talk about how her friend must have felt when she scratched her and how Aubrey would have felt if her friend had scratched her.  Developing empathy begins in the toddler years. Aubrey is way old enough to understand this.


And Chelsea talking about the "trashy" people who would be at the child development center, or whatever they called it.  Bitch, you're talking about yourself because those centers are made for people like you and Adam.  You're not better than the people who have to go to these centers, you just have a supportive family, unlike many.

  • Love 11

So Jenelle is still trying to  stick it to Barb by secretly filing for custody but meanwhile Barb's heart is breaking for what might [probably] become of Jace.   I truly think that she hoped against hope that Jenelle would straighten up and become a responsible adult and mom to Jace but with this new baby and Nathan she's realizing that's just not going to happen.  And she's worried about Jace - hell I'm worried about Jace - living in that house.  Nathan seems terrifying to me and Jenelle is waay to wrapped up in that relationship to look out for Jace.  When he told Jace he was going to put him in the oven and cook him I almost believed it.  Yikes.

Once Janelle had Kaiser, I think she felt forced to pretend to want full custody of Jace. In other words, I don't think it's real - I think she felt pressured by public perception, or maybe even the TM producers. She's supposedly drug-free now, she has a new house, a new bf/fiancé, a new baby - what's her excuse for not having Jace in her life? She has none, so she "pretends" to be finally ready to parent Jace. It's a juicy storyline. Plus, an opportunity to stick it to Barb, which she and Nathan are always looking for. But again, I don't think it's real.

  • Love 10

Did Adderall have scratches or scabs all over her legs? Is that normal for a baby who is whatever age she is?

Lol at Barb telling Jace 'it's ok. You can call me whatev' when he was 'confusing' mom and meme. Barb doesn't give a shit. She knows who that kids mom is! I felt really sad for her when she was talking about losing him. I think it would truly kill her.

Vee was cute.

"Because diamonds are a girls best friend." Why did that sound so fucking creepy? That house is full of 'best friends' for Jace and Kaiser. They think they can buy the kids love with toys.

I'm not a mom so maybe this will offend but I hope not. But if Leah wants to be a good mom, I think the best thing would be to let Cory have full custody. That girl is not right.

LOVED Chelsea's fear of the Visiting Center being white trash. Cut to the next segment: LEAH! Nice work, editors.

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 5

If Adam has been sober for 18 months, I'm the Queen of England. You all may call me "Dude, Your Majesty".

Ha! I was just coming here to ask everybody who thinks Adam is sober to raise their hand. Anybody? Anybody? Ok, then. In no way do I believe he is sober. Adam was practically cracking up just trying to get the words out. My guess is something along the lines of he's finishing his court mandated 100 AA meeting or whatever and only drinks beer now and doesn't drink anything for the 24 hours before his court mandated piss test (would 24 hours do it? I don't really know) and mostly just does a ton of steroids, but that's ok because he's a personal trainer now. Look I'm on the fence about if Adam is an alcoholic or just a sociopathic asshole and I pretty much never try and diagnose anyone else's drinking one way or the other, but there is no way that Adam could be paying attention to any sort of program and come out not knowing why people don't trust him. Right? They do go over that kind of thing in rehab, right? By the way I think Randy is spot on when he implied that Aubree may not have to actually spend much time at the center. The judge will use this as a way to whip Adam's parents into shape. If the judge doesn't think they are taking it seriously and Adam is given supervised visits, he won't show up. Aubree will have to go maybe 3 or 4 times before the judge just cuts Adam off for failing to keep to the schedule. If he fucks things up at the center his parents won't be able to cover for him.

I actually felt bad for Gracie. With Leah having no coping skills, Addie being a baby, and Ali having special needs, I bet Gracie gets put in the mother's little helper role. I bet the only time she gets attention at home is when she's in trouble or Leah needs her to do something.

Kalie, Javie, Joe, and Vee are all boring and awful.

Barbara and Janelle...jeez. Baba I feel for you, but shit. Janelle really didn't fall far from the tree. Jace was trying so hard to show Barbara all his stuff, but she would not be distracted from passive-aggressing all over Janelle! Yes, Janelle and Nathan are the worst people ever, but every now and then I am reminded of how Janelle ended up he own special brand of fucked up. Barbara really can not have a conversation that isn't negative. As much as I feel for her, she kind of drives me up the wall. I did crack up when she looked down at Kieser and said "oh he's big" like she was talking about a new dog. These people...

  • Love 5

Winners of the episode:


Corey: I'll show you on the calendar so you can understand.




Jace: Mom, I mean MeMe

Barbs (in front of Jenelle): You can call me what you want.


I think Chelsea with Cole is adorable, and I like the mention of him being shy about the cameras. And I thought the conversation about the visitation facility was pretty realistic. While Chelsea should have pressed harder earlier, part of it is that there was a custody arrangement, and for whether it was followed at first is unknown, but as time went on it became more obvious that the parents were letting Adam have Aubree alone, and then there was some fight mentioned about it. You can't just say "Judge, I think he's not following the custody order," and then the Judge takes away custody. 


Kail is so argumentative. Part of it is her terrible childhood, but man she needs to learn when to quit. She's still young so hopefully she can have some self reflection and grow from this.


Leah is hopeless until she admits she has a problem. 

  • Love 10


Nathan could try and manipulate someone but his main weapon appears to be shouting and name calling and talking over someone so they can't get a word in edgewise and Nathan can feel like he "won"

I think Nathan is just as manipulating. One recent example being the scene where he was late getting into the car with Jenelle on their way to the lawyer's office. He was doing that on purpose. Why? Probably for some argument Jenelle and he had earlier in the day or the day before or something recent.  He knows damn well Jenelle won't leave without him and he knew she would turn right around and follow him back into the house. That is how Jenelle and Nathan work.  Assholes like Nathan, Jenelle, and Adam don't do things like this unless they are getting something out of it. Nathan does what he does because he knows it will get under Jenelle's skin. He thrives on it and gets sick pleasure out of doing that to her. It's payback time! I could care less since Jenelle also does the same thing to Barb. I get pleasure out of watching Nathan sticking it to Jenelle. She is now getting what she has been dishing out for years to her mother. What I hate is, Barb and the kids being caught up in that sick, sad behavior.


There are other examples of Nathan being a manipulative dick, such as him telling Jenelle she needs to get custody of Jace. He is doing that to cut Barb out of the picture.

  • Love 7
I actually felt bad for Gracie. With Leah having no coping skills, Addie being a baby, and Ali having special needs, I bet Gracie gets put in the mother's little helper role. I bet the only time she gets attention at home is when she's in trouble or Leah needs her to do something.


I don't think that's true.  Last season, which I am watching now, after having to leave Gracie behind for all the adults to go to Ali's appointment, Leah promised to take her out alone because she doesn't want her to feel left out, and she did.  She took her for a girlie beauty day and it was really cute.  Also, in the outing in the messy car they were on their way to cheerleading, that is something that ONLY Gracie does.  I think all of the adults try to give her attention to show that she is just as loved as the twin with special needs and the actual baby, but my guess is that even with all their efforts she still gets a bit less AND I think she just may be a little bad, get into everything type by nature. 

Edited by Timetoread
  • Love 2

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