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"The View": Week of 07/27/15


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Lets interrupt an "interesting" discussion with an advertisement for cheesecake ..... because discussing the wrong statements of a Presidential Candidate is much less important than cheesecake


You may think Huckabee has the Right to say what he wants Raven.... but everyone else has the Right to criticize him..... and if someone is offended by him using the Holocaust to make a political point... they have the Right to demand an apology...... I dont know why she wants to silence the critics but not the offender


Im glad Rosie called her out when she said Huckabee was just speaking the truth

  • Love 6

They are reading this board and trying to piss us off with the chewing on camera and talking with their mouths full, I'm convinced. ;)


They shouldn't have bothered with the Hucksterbee conversation at all - I cannot believe the insensitivity of Raven and her self-righteousness cutting Michelle off.  Also, Nicolle came this close >< to using the Neville Chamberlain analogy that was taken away from her this morning on MJ.  Raven's full of horse manure too trying to say that his statements are Hucksterbee's truth, this was all about saying the most offensive thing possible to drown out the Trump noise.  He's a damn pastor and should know better than to invoke such hate.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 12

That's your truth, Fisher King. And mine, too. Just think--Rosie Perez won't be there to smack down that nonsense next season. We know Candace and Sherri will only agree with Raven....


I thought it was funny how, when Whoopi was talking about how "she didn't have any of those problems when she was a child," everyone else at the table was giving her side-eye. Her arrogance about parenting is amazing, too. Not that I want to go into her private life, but I'm not sure there are results there to prove her parenting "methods." (That would imply she put any thought into her parenting.)
  • Love 8


We know Candace and Sherri will only agree with Raven....

I'm not so sure about that. Last time Candace was on Raven gave her quite the side eye and tried to shush her. Which got Candace's ire up. There may be some "sparks" next season.


I just think it's funny that the whole cast this season has been replaced except for Whoopi. Um....powers that be....did it ever occur to you that SHE is the problem??

Edited by pvandal
  • Love 12

Whoopie is so arrogant about everything. So she does not have insecurities..Give me a break! her constant need to be admired and liked by all, is an example of her insecurities. Now I understand why she had a failed talk show in the past. She lacks the vulnerability and humility in connecting with the average viewer. Oprah had that in abundance when she first started, towards the end she may have gotten a bit full of herself. However she has never displayed the contempt and derision that Whoopie emanates on a daily basis..I loved Nicole's shade at her bosses in her dismissal. Nicole may be annoying, but she is the smartest woman at that table..Her resume is to die for...Raven is an idiot and just like Whoopie she gives a new meaning to the saying of familiarity breeds contempt..The more I get to know her, the more I dislike her...Sherrie coming back is the death of this stupid show. Not to mention Candace Cameron Bure aligning herself with that idiot Sherrie to spew their hateful rhetoric under the guise of being Christian....They fail to understand the basic message of Christ, to love God completely with all your heart, mind and soul and to love your neighbor as you love yourself...They want to be able to cast aspersions on people that they deem to be sinners and rotten while making themselves feel better about themselves..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 11

I hope, hope, hope, that given the nature of "rotating" co-hosts, that it's not often that Shepherd and Bure are on at the same time.


Who am I kidding, I'll only tune in to see idiocy when there is controversy - if I remember.


Mario and his tempting cheesecake were the highlight of the show, dude looks younger every day.  I wish they would have locked him as a rotating co-host - his vulnerable moments on the show this year were golden.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 10

Does Raven even understand the implication of throwing around the words Holocaust and Auschwitz? She should have let Michelle complete her thoughts about Huckabee's outrageous remarks, because Michelle has a Jewish heritage and could make intelligent conversation. Raven thinks it's ok to make these comments if it is Huckabee's "truth" or some such nonsense. Is it ok to spout outrageous racist comments if that's your "truth"? Huckabee is running for the Presidency of the United States, and I just want to throw up when I hear the stupidity of his remarks.  I wish Raven would keep her mouth shut. And yes, when Rosie leaves, there will be no one to respond with force and logic. (Whoopi's not up to that.) 

Edited by Kenz
  • Love 13

I'm surprised they didn't  talk about the spousal rape allegations against Trump. (They didn't, did they?) That's the hot topic today, not whether or not it's appropriate to bribe your children.  Interesting that they're shutting down the message board over at the official View site. It had been pretty much hi-jacked by a handful of posters and there wasn't much good interaction so it's probably a good thing it won't be around.

Sipping a glass of wine is okay on a talk show ala Kathie Lee & Hoda, but not chomping on food or talking with your mouth full. Who thinks that's appropriate? Not a single soul, except for Whoopi, I guess.  Disgusting.  

Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 6

I'm going to preface this by saying I am prepared to duck when you start throwing things at me, but, I wish Nocolle was staying thru the election. I know she can be irritating, although that's relative with this bunch, but, I kind of like her. Ouch!!!! OK. Who threw that???

I think you're right that she would definitely add to the political debates, but I think you've forgotten how obstreperous she got when she sunk her teeth into a topic.  She's been really subdued since she was let go, but I can't help but think of all the times I didn't want to hear her voice.  Just sayin'.

  • Love 9

I'm going to preface this by saying I am prepared to duck when you start throwing things at me, but, I wish Nocolle was staying thru the election. I know she can be irritating, although that's relative with this bunch, but, I kind of like her. Ouch!!!! OK. Who threw that???

Ill be a target with you Bronzedog..... Nicholle might be sneaky with her rhetoric... but she is not batshit crazy..... there are so many radical Republicans out there.... and a few were guest hosts..... now without a token Republican  (I think Whoopi and Raven are more Right wing then they want us to believe) there will be an opening for more crazy... Candice will be more Christian Crazy than Republican Crazy.... she wont have any insight.... just an unhealthy parrot

  • Love 11

I'm going to preface this by saying I am prepared to duck when you start throwing things at me, but, I wish Nocolle was staying thru the election. I know she can be irritating, although that's relative with this bunch, but, I kind of like her. Ouch!!!! OK. Who threw that???

I agree with you. I just did not care for her adoration for the Bush family and the justification of that disastrous war in 2003...

  • Love 6

I'm not a huge Nicolle fan but she really IS the only one on the panel who can explain ANYTHING. Whether I agree with her or not, and even as annoying as she can be, she is not stupid. Just republican. And it makes no sense whatsoever to not have her around for the elections.


Why am I even bothering with this?!? 

This show ain't nuthin' but a big ol' bag o crack and I'm its whore.

Edited by Fisher King
  • Love 17

Even though I don't like Nicolle, and she gets on my nerves, big time, I can see what you all are saying that it would make sense to keep her in an election year. I really dread the dialog that will be coming with the election, and  that may be final  nail in the coffin that gets me off watching the show. Maybe I'll just come here to see what you all say, because that's much more entertaining than the actual show!

Edited by Kenz
  • Love 4

I'm not a huge Nicolle fan but she really IS the only one on the panel who can explain ANYTHING. Whether I agree with her or not, and even as annoying as she can be, she is not stupid. Just republican. And it makes no sense whatsoever to not have her around for the elections.


Why am I even bothering with this?!? 

This show ain't nuthin' but a big ol' bag o crack and I'm its whore.

Succinct, very succinct!!  LOL.


ETA:  Two more "c"s required.

Edited by Medicine Crow
  • Love 2

Not only did they skip the Trump-rape story, but they talked endlessly about 'bribing"  children, without any understanding of appropriate ways to REWARD kids for good behavior.  If they don't want to have an expert on to talk about child-rearing, then how about doing a little research and having an informed discussion?  Instead we got some stupid crap about giving kids candy for brushing their teeth.   

Gee, I'd love to come on the show and teach them the difference between a reward and a bribe. If their audience is parents, why not use the moment to actually teach something?  or at least discuss it seriously?  

 Like every other topic, they bring it up, everyone gets to make a joke or tell a snippet of a personal anecdote, Whoopi declares it to all be BS, and then there's a commercial!  Have a pretzel!  have a mouthful of chips! 

  • Love 10

Who is Whoopi kidding with the way she is eating her chips?  LOL.  She carefully picks one chip from the bowl, looks at it, carefully takes a small nibble with her pinkey extended.  You KNOW she just wants to bury her entire face in that bowl and is face-down in one on a daily basis.  Not entirely sure what it was, but it wasn't her being comedic, she really thinks she's displaying "breeding."  If you squint, you just might mistake this delicate lady on The View for Jackie Kennedy…...  

  • Love 10

Does Raven even understand the implication of throwing around the words Holocaust and Auschwitz? She should have let Michelle complete her thoughts about Huckabee's outrageous remarks, because Michelle has a Jewish heritage and could make intelligent conversation. Raven thinks it's ok to make these comments if it is Huckabee's "truth" or some such nonsense. Is it ok to spout outrageous racist comments if that's your "truth"? Huckabee is running for the Presidency of the United States, and I just want to throw up when I hear the stupidity of his remarks.  I wish Raven would keep her mouth shut. And yes, when Rosie leaves, there will be no one to respond with force and logic. (Whoopi's not up to that.) 


A candidate for the Presidency of the United States, too stupid to fully grasp the negotiations, reduced it to "walking Jews to the ovens."  That's a hot topic and should be discussed.  Does Raven live under a mushroom cap?

  • Love 9

Who is Whoopi kidding with the way she is eating her chips?  LOL.  She carefully picks one chip from the bowl, looks at it, carefully takes a small nibble with her pinkey extended.  You KNOW she just wants to bury her entire face in that bowl and is face-down in one on a daily basis.  Not entirely sure what it was, but it wasn't her being comedic, she really thinks she's displaying "breeding."  If you squint, you just might mistake this delicate lady on The View for Jackie Kennedy…...  

Oh, she's got someone reading this forum, and was told that I mentioned yesterday that she had written a book of Manners some years ago.   that was her way of showing me she DID have manners.   

(Cause it's all about me)

  • Love 10

Oh, she's got someone reading this forum, and was told that I mentioned yesterday that she had written a book of Manners some years ago.   that was her way of showing me she DID have manners.   

(Cause it's all about me)

Just remember backformore.... Im the one who got Nicholle off of twitter for asking about her hair and what hairspray she uses...... because it is all about me... but Ill share  :p

Edited by RogerFromOhio
  • Love 4

I think Nicolle is way better than the alternatives.  It really hit home for me today how unbelievably uneducated the panel is next year.  I'll wikepedia later, but Raven seems extremely uneducated, like so many child stars are (I'm looking at you Christina Aguillera and Britney Spears) not properly educated and then no one calls them on their shit while they are still young so they become braindead adults.  When Raven was like, "I'm not a gay activist because I can't compare to those who came before, do you know what I mean?" I was like "No, I don't." and I don't think she did either.


I loved Whoopi saying the powers that be made some changes so instead of being sad they are spending the next two weeks celebrating, haha, so awkward.  I would find it so hard not to be a huge bitch on live TV if I was fired.

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 6

Whoopi probably realizes she can bully all of the newbies....like Raven and Michelle, now Candace and Paula. And she had loads of fun lecturing Sherri which of course never worked but then Sherri never listened to anyone and continues to screw up her life which could be funny except children are involved.

Just think of the fun WG and SS will now have with their dance-offs when taking their chairs when Sherri fills in....all 50 times.

  • Love 3

I guess I'll be a party of one being glad to see Nicolle out the door (especially since Rosie Perez is also going). Even during the Mike Huckabee topic, she tried to twist it around into not being as bad as it was. The woman may not be openly crazy, but she always sticks to the party line and supports every Republican they discuss regardless of the topic/situation. I have no time for that, sorry. And her constant adoration of Whoopi--whether or not it was an attempt for job security--was unbearable. Not that the new co-hosts won't play into the Whoopi worship (for instance, Michelle and Raven LOLing at Whoopi's 10,000th "dropped my last egg" joke...), but hopefully they won't be as thorough about it.

  • Love 9

Well, there was also some discussion of "Bangs & Mohawk", as nicknames for Michelle and Raven.  But as soon as they found out, they both changed their hairstyles. 


Hmm,,,,  We have a lot of influence, don't we?  


Hey Roger!  Don't you think they should FIRE WHOOPI?  


  • Love 5


Today. 7:21 pm


I think Nicolle is way better than the alternatives.  It really hit home for me today how unbelievably uneducated the panel is next year.  I'll wikepedia later, but Raven seems extremely uneducated, like so many child stars are (I'm looking at you Christina Aguillera and Britney Spears) not properly educated and then no one calls them on their shit while they are still young so they become braindead adults.  When Raven was like, "I'm not a gay activist because I can't compare to those who came before, do you know what I mean?" I was like "No, I don't." and I don't think she did either



Gosh Morbs, this really resonated with me.


I will never claim to be the smartest tool in the drawer, but I read and listen and think about what I believe.


Since RO left, they have not had one person 'testing' for the 'coveted' co-host spot that reads, thinks  or is true to themselves.  Nicole spouts the party line according to the am dispatch.  She is smarter than that, but chooses to just play a role.  The rest, I wouldn't be able to talk to them over snacks at a party - unless a WHOLE LOTTA booze was involved.


RP has/had potential because she is genuinely passionate  about some things.  I suspect she is fairly easily intimidated by people she perceives to be smarter than she.  Not that anyone on the  panel fills that bill.  Yeah, Nicole is smart, but she is playing the game.  RP knows damn well that Nic is smart and thus is intimidated by her.  Plus, not a lot of fun being the 'odd man out' in a group - no matter your age!

  • Love 8

Am I the only one who is gettng tired to the bone of all these interminable musical groups every day?  This didn't used to be such a music-centrc show, did it?  I FF through the music, the topics where they all talk at once, the doorbelll where Mario comes out, and the hawking of the sale items on Monday.  It doesn't leave me with very much show left.

My apologies to anyone really enjoying the music - it isn't the music per se, but I just don't like to be sung to or danced at.  If I did I'd watch the singing and dancing reality shows...

As they panned across the audience today, did it look like the median age might have been 22?  I gues that's their new demographic...

I think they've always had musical guests. Maybe not every day, but yes, very often. The last week of bringing back groups from the 1950s was kind of sad to me, as the voices haven't aged well. But it was nice for me to see the Drifters, and Little Anthony. (When Joy was on, they often had Joy's Comedy Corner, a stand-up segment towards the end of the show.) 

For some reason I think Whoopi's hand is behind the "classic" bands being on the show.


She probably thinks she's doing a service to the peons who watch the show to let them know what REAL music is. The producers were probably so taken aback she was enthusiastic about anything of course they said yes! She also runs the show at this point, so.


And it must be a lot easier to get guests who haven't been relevant in decades to book!

  • Love 8

OMG... they are defending Elisabeth and her question about using a cigarette as a weapon as justification for her arrest


There is no integrity on this show



  • Love 9

I think they've always had musical guests. Maybe not every day, but yes, very often. The last week of bringing back groups from the 1950s was kind of sad to me, as the voices haven't aged well. But it was nice for me to see the Drifters, and Little Anthony. (When Joy was on, they often had Joy's Comedy Corner, a stand-up segment towards the end of the show.) 



For some reason I think Whoopi's hand is behind the "classic" bands being on the show.


She probably thinks she's doing a service to the peons who watch the show to let them know what REAL music is. The producers were probably so taken aback she was enthusiastic about anything of course they said yes! She also runs the show at this point, so.


And it must be a lot easier to get guests who haven't been relevant in decades to book!

I loved how Whoopi (and then Raven parroting Whoopi) couldn't just introduce the band, they had to 'shame' all the bands named The Drifters because THIS IS THE ONLY REAL band called the Drifters and then we find out that really there is only ONE GUY from the original group in the band.    That's one of the problems with all these golden oldie  "original bands"; they often only have one or two "original" band members.  And often it's not even the lead singer.  Is Journey still Journey without Steve Perry?  Not to me.   Queensryche without Geoff Tate?  Not to me.  Mileage may vary but I'd just soon stick with my Ipod playlist thanks.   

  • Love 5

OMG... they are defending Elisabeth and her question about using a cigarette as a weapon as justification for her arrest


There is no integrity on this show



Wait a minute.  We've got Hasselblech on tape saying it.  We've got Hasselblech on Twitter saying she didn't say it.  Now we have The View defending her for saying it????  Who's on first, for Gawd's sake???

  • Love 10

I just can't bring myself to watch the show (but I don't miss a day of reading here).  However, today, while channel surfing, I paused at The View just to see what everyone's wearing since that's a pretty active topic here.  It was when they started talking about Elizabeth, and when Whoopi made her remark about Elizabeth not asking her to pick cotton, I immediately changed the channel.  At that moment I realized that my blood pressure pill wouldn't work today if I listened to one more word from that moron's mouth.  I so admire every one of you who manage to get through that hour of nonsense and report back here.  I couldn't do it. 

  • Love 7

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