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I feel horrible saying this, but I kind of wish David would have taken his mistress to see Dr. Moon. 



Heeheehee (I can't stop laughing).   I would like my hand hell basket decorated in USC colors thank you very much.  In honor of the Debooorrrrrrrrrres.  FIGHT ON!  


Shannon - would they show self combustion on TV?  Can I get it on a loop?  Okay, I'll settle for the GIF on WWHL.  

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 3

Vicki and Terry are neck and neck in vying for the title of most immature adult in the entire Housewives franchise. They're both annoyingly childlike.

Don't forget the Ramoaner!   I'm thinking maybe a three-way tie.   I used to think Meghan would definitely belong on that list, (which she does) but now I'm realizing that, sadly, she is just extremely ignorant.  Bless her little heart...


There is now no doubt in my mind that David wants the eff out of there.  He just doesn't want to be the one to call it quits.  That title/role brings with it a ton of guilt in regard to the kids.  From what I see around me, it's a common reason miserable spouses stay together year after year.  They really need to cut the crap and fix things, or go their separate ways and let their private life get back to being private - for the sake of their girls.   Amazing what becoming a famewhore can do to one's priorities. 

Edited by straightshooter
  • Love 1

While I can't stand Brooks, I felt awful for Vicki that he couldn't attend the funeral. As a sibling who has hated a Brooksian-terrible boyfriend, there's a part of me that feels like they should have thought of what Vicki needed then. What's Brooks going to do? Ruin the fond memories of their mother's funeral? It's a horrible, dumpster fire day of your life, what's throwing a little emotional support to your sister in the way of Brooks?

Meghan's whole plot line made me deeply uncomfortable. Exploiting the impending death of your stepdaughter's mother for airtime? The saddest thing is that Meghan thinks she can throw things to fill the impending void: yoga! Party suites! Photographers!

Finally, Jim. As dippy as Meghan is, the comment about missing the sunset pissed me off. She hired a photographer, the most basic of which would have told her the best time to take pictures, which would have been the golden hour (the hour before the sun sets). It's when you get the best light, no matter where you are. My bet is that the girls took too long to get ready and they lost most of the light.

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Jimmy Edmonds wife AKA Megan King from St. Louis AKA Ms. 30-year-old AKA Bethenny Frankel's worst nightmare.


I wonder if she uses steroids because her muscles are impressive and are unlike those of anyone I've seen with an eating disorder (even those who over-exercise). The V-shape of her upper body is one that female fitness competitors would kill for.

Or testosterone supplements or those HGH injections that are so in vogue with the anti-aging crowd. That stuff promises low body fat and lean muscle mass. It can also cause rage issues but that's one of the less-discussed side effects.

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I don't think Vicki wanted Brooks to go. He doesn't have any money, and Vicki knew she would have to pay for his flight and a nice hotel for him so she was like, "screw it, he can stay in my house which is nicer than a hotel and isn't going to cost me anything."  Just because he wasn't welcome at the funeral doesn't mean he couldn't have still accompanied her on the fight and been there for her in the evenings. Vicki really only seems interested in Brooks when she needs a man to show up. He's sort of like a escort now that I think of it. I also think she wanted to keep him away from Brianna because she would question him and blow his cancer story by finding the holes. If Vickie really wanted Brooks there she would have been major drama about it.


Ryan's beard is impressive. My husband and all his friends are doing the beard thing and they spend a lot of time discussing their facial hair and how they can't grow sideburns, the stach doesn't connect to the beard, ect. He does have a nice bushy beard that a lot of guys would love to be able to grow. The beard thing is how the feminine guys stay manly but still connected. Believe it or not, Ryan's beard is kind of sexy and hot now. His wife seems very sweet.


Something seems really off though about Tamra and Vickie. The started out not speaking to each other, and Vickie wasn't even invited to the baby shower. It seemed like it had months and months since they really spent time to gether. In seemingly weeks, they are blood sisters again. When did the issues get resolved? Were there any? 

Edited by bravofan27

I thought it was weird and creepy when my mom (now 90) and her siblings took a photo of all of them with their mother in her casket! Mom didn't think it was weird at all. So I wonder if it's a generational thing -- she is also Catholic and of German descent.

Maybe in he olden days, it was a way of sharing with those who couldn't be there?

It is but also, it was often the last opportunity to get an *only* photograph. Photos were not easily accessible and quite expensive. Not really a priority to poor families. Many times, the postmortem photography of the younger children would be the only photo of the child at all. I can understand that (mostly) in those circumstances.

I do think it's odd to break out an iPhone and take a pic at the funeral these days. Snap a picture of their life before that, you know? But again, I have pictures of my sister's custom made boxes for her ashes so I really don't have room to comment on this subject. (We have no family here, she had become quite secluded, and we decided on no service. None. We kept it all private and quiet.)


Twenty three years ago, when I was a kid, my aunt had a friend get sick from AIDS. While he was in hospice, she visited him and took a picture of him every day, at his request. I have that album now, as they (Buddy and my aunt Kathy) are gone. It's heartbreaking to see, through the progression of pictures, the breaking down of Buddy's body, but it's also really interesting to see the progression of his illness. I was 7 years old and I would visit him with her and he would pose for his picture. She used one of those pictures on the AIDS quilt piece she made for him. I know this isn't about taking pictures of a dead person, it's just my story about my aunt. I have found that after the initial pain of a loved one's passing, it's consoling to talk about them.

Edited by savannah1985
  • Love 10

Maybe Brooks had other things going on as well. Remember, this guy is getting chemo, getting blood drawn-might have blood counts that need to be monitored and could be at risk for infection. Also, I don't think I would wish to be where there was negative energy and feelings towards me personally when I was trying to recover from something like cancer. If Brooks and Vicky's mother were not close or even friendly, the other family members might be offended he was there as well. Vicky had her siblings and daughter there and I think they supported each other.

  • Love 3

I never thought I would think that Meghan and Nene (formerly of ATL) would have anything in common but they do - both should steer clear of backless clothing.



Could Hayley share clothes with elongated skinny mini Meghan? Could anyone outside of the alien from Close Encounters of the 3rd kind?




THIS made me laugh so hard, I startled my cats, and they're still side-eyeing me!


In the first episode when we meet Meghan, Jim and Hayley, Hayley said something to the effect of how she loved raiding Meghan's closet.  Then editing magic took over and they panned to a full body shot of Hayley walking towards the camera- obviously to show that although she's not fat and is a healthy weight for her height, there's no way she's fitting into Meghan's size negative zero clothes, not even with a good slathering of grease.

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 5


Meghan's whole plot line made me deeply uncomfortable. Exploiting the impending death of your stepdaughter's mother for airtime? The saddest thing is that Meghan thinks she can throw things to fill the impending void: yoga! Party suites! Photographers!

Which simply shows she's a very young 30, unable to understand that's not going to help any more than offering the girl a chocolate sundae will make the bad go away. I suspect Megs has never had to really death with terminal illness or anything with that kind of gravitas and so hasn't a clue.


And she's not doing any of the Lady Bountiful stuff for the daughter, not really. If that were the case she wouldn't need the verification of having all of her kindness and caring documented for the cameras and broadcast. The cynicism is impressive.

Hayley will be graduating high school soon enough and will probably go away to college. For Meghan to pretend she has anything to do with "raising" her is laughable. The young woman is raised. She may be behaving pretty bratty right now but I am not going to judge because I am not facing my entire adult life without my mother. I'm pretty sure she is probably closer with her first stepmother --ya know, the one she probably grew up with and lived with when she was visiting or living with at her dad's (if her parents split custody).

  • Love 1

I don't think I've ever known of a person who has passed away and not been to a viewing/wake.  Caskets are open 95% of the time. Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, Christian Science, what have you -- all were open viewings.


If it is culturally acceptable to see an actual dead body(wake), I don't see why seeing a picture of said dead body ,would be any worse, except that we have been enculturated to view it as such


Errrr when my cake pukes on the floor, I see it.  Doesn't mean I want a picture of it to remember it. 

I can't imagine taking pictures of my parents in their caskets.  Seeing them once was enough. 

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 1

I don't think I've ever known of a person who has passed away and not been to a viewing/wake.  Caskets are open 95% of the time. Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, Christian Science, what have you -- all were open viewings.



Errrr when my cake pukes on the floor, I see it.  Doesn't mean I want a picture of it to remember it. 

I can't imagine taking pictures of my parents in their caskets.  Seeing them once was enough. 

I get that, really, I do.. I don't like wakes or pictures. But , again, it's a cultural thing.

You would love the Tajora people of Indonesia. THey remove their dead from the grave annually and parade them around.

  I'm  currently a student of History and Anthropology, so I have learned some unusual stuff. 

  • Love 5
IMO, the bottom line regarding Brooks attending the funeral is that Vicki allowed someone to dictate who could or could not accompany her to her mother's funeral. So, the final decision was hers.


This is true. And I really wish Vicki would stop letting her daughter boss her around. But I still think it was wrong of Brianna (supposedly) to make such a demand. I imagine Vicki was out of her mind with grief and vulnerable, so it's not really fair. 

  • Love 2

Which simply shows she's a very young 30, unable to understand that's not going to help any more than offering the girl a chocolate sundae will make the bad go away. I suspect Megs has never had to really death with terminal illness or anything with that kind of gravitas and so hasn't a clue.

And she's not doing any of the Lady Bountiful stuff for the daughter, not really. If that were the case she wouldn't need the verification of having all of her kindness and caring documented for the cameras and broadcast. The cynicism is impressive.

Seriously. These HWs always find a way to amp the delusion. Just when you thought T and V couldn't be bested at narcissism.

I'm thinking tamra and vicki are good again..but not close. As vicki told shannon, she's still on her guard. I did love the vicki/Shannon talk and the misuse of median lol

As shannon said in her blog t hi is week, the show is choosing to show the awkward moments even though there were happy moments filmed during that time. I guess the show will gradually start to shoe the happier moments..to complete a narrative of their marriage slowly healing..just a theory.

Meghans heart is in the right place, but it reads as if she's auditioning for a remake to step mom. Hailey did come off bratty..which is why I wish that non housewives had Confessional like in the old days...

Tamra has been almost human thus far, but I have to remind myself that Satan tries to take on numerous forms to fool the masses. Still seeing the flashbacks, tamra was really attractive pre all the surgeries, fillers, and botox.

Vicki is grieving..for once, her behavior makes sense. I just wish we'd gotten to see her whoop it up at andales earlier this season..get a fun vicki before all the sadness came.

Lizzie was attractive...less is more.

Heather seemed sincere in the lunch with lizzie..but put her acting face back on in scenes of her and the kids. I think if she was just herself, she'd be liked more. Her son has a good combination of both parents...his twin sister...poor girl...and the two younger girls are adorable...Collette is a little heather in training lol. She'll give both Terry and heather headaches as she hits the teen years lol

  • Love 2

Maybe Brooks had other things going on as well. Remember, this guy is getting chemo, getting blood drawn-might have blood counts that need to be monitored and could be at risk for infection. Also, I don't think I would wish to be where there was negative energy and feelings towards me personally when I was trying to recover from something like cancer. If Brooks and Vicky's mother were not close or even friendly, the other family members might be offended he was there as well. Vicky had her siblings and daughter there and I think they supported each other.


From what Vicki has said on the show and tweeted, Brooks has stopped his chemo treatments after the first few rounds failed to show any improvement (not sure if his "doctors" were monitoring metastasized tumor sizes, blood enzymes, or both to determine this). That he has been consulting with holistic medicine expert Shannon and following her alternative treatments, including the use of coffee enemas, instead of continuing chemo.


I know others have insisted that Vicki, being the concerned and take-charge type, would certainly be closely monitoring all of Brooks' cancer treatments, talking to his oncologists, accompanying him to his chemo infusion sessions, etc., but I'm not sure that's the case. She seems to have taken a hands-off approach instead, content with asking him how things were going and taking his short answers ("I had a chemo session") at face value.

  • Love 1

I'm back in forth on how distasteful I find Megan's cancer storyline. Yes I find it personally dissatful, but honestly no more so than watching the Bedoors film the breakdown of their marriage. And everyone else seems so game about it. Jim and his ex are right there in front of the camera filming. If they are ok with making the cancer a storyline than I guess Magan is too. I just can't get to upset with Megan if Haily's parents (including the actual patient) are giving her the go ahead. Especially after watching Shannon and David use their kids to snipe at each-other. I don't like Megan, but I find her par for the course.

  • Love 1

I'm hardly a Jim-apologist, and I agree he's shown himself to be a total buffoon who has little (if any) respect for his wife and kind of seems to despise/resent her, frankly. HOWEVER it seemed to me that his sunset snark was really a dig at Hayley's miserable teenager performance rather than a criticism of Meh-gan. Something about the implicit eyeroll in his delivery made me hate him slightly less in that moment. 


Did anyone else catch the "Aunt Vicki" reference at Casa Beadoooorrrr early on? When Shannon and David initially walked into the living room (??) and she was talking to the girls, she noted that "Aunt Vicki" had returned from her mother's funeral or somesuch. I found that bizarre... didn't they only just meet - what? - a year or so ago, and already her kids are supposed to see Vicks as an "Aunt"?! Shannon seems to have a wicked aggressive case of hanger-on-itis, because, DAMN girl. Let me buy you dinner before you go moving all your shit into my house. SHANNON IS A STAGE 5 CLINGER. 

  • Love 3
Did anyone else catch the "Aunt Vicki" reference at Casa Beadoooorrrr early on? When Shannon and David initially walked into the living room (??) and she was talking to the girls, she noted that "Aunt Vicki" had returned from her mother's funeral or somesuch. I found that bizarre... didn't they only just meet - what? - a year or so ago, and already her kids are supposed to see Vicks as an "Aunt"?! Shannon seems to have a wicked aggressive case of hanger-on-itis, because, DAMN girl. Let me buy you dinner before you go moving all your shit into my house. SHANNON IS A STAGE 5 CLINGER.


Well...I dunno. I don't see anything wrong with them calling her Aunt Vicki.  For some it's "Aunt So-and-So" and for others it's "Miss So-and-So."  My kids called (and still do at 22 and 23), "Miss (insert first name here.)"  Maybe it's just a regional thing.  In the South it's "Miss" and somewhere else it's "Aunt"?

  • Love 4
Anything's possible, I suppose, but I've never heard of using "Aunt" in place of Miss/Ms. as a title of respect. Unless you're, you know, an actual blood relative/godparent/pretty damn close to one of the above.


Yeah, I can see that.  My siblings and I call my mom's oldest and dearest friends "Aunt Gloria" and "Uncle Mike."  My husband never quite understood that and thinks it's weird. 

  • Love 3



I don't know.  His passive-aggressive digs at Shannon combined with the DV incident in the past, make me wonder if David is a rage monster.  I think he slid the door closed so he could give her arm a good hard squeeze, and whisper a little threat in her ear.  I don't think we can judge the history of their marriage by what we've seen, but at this point, they are clearly bringing out the worst in each other.  They're lucky that their girls seem like easy going children who can laugh at their parents' absurdity.  They seem well adjusted at this point, maybe David/Shannon should cut their losses and end the marriage.



Oh lord. My first thought was the same.


I think Shannon should leave David and engage in a passionate love affair with Vicki. I feel like they can relate to and appreciate each other's brand of neediness. Perhaps Shannon could be the one to finally fill Vicki's love tank. Vicki can even keep Brooks, since Vicki requires more attention than one person can handle.


For some reason I get the feeling that Megan's husband's wealth isn't as much as it "should be". Maybe they just aren't ostentatious, but I haven't seen anything from them that "wowed" me.

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 3

Right now the two primaries are jockeying to be the reformed former mean girls. Tamra gets a leg up because she is becoming a grandma (yawn) and in the middle of all her glory, Vicki's mom dies and there is the terribly sad story of LeeAnn Edmonds. Tamra is trying to rehabilitate her image but these blanket statements such as, "I have no beef with you," will land her in the unemployment or reduced salary line. Vicki has the boyfriend who is sick with cancer, the friend who survived an affair and now the unexpected death of her mother. Heather is all about Botched and her new house.  Neither is particularly interesting.  Without fighting with someone Tamra has no identity.

  • Love 3

Shannon and her holistic meds "will it bring my mom back?" Really Vicki?





Vicki is acting as though death has only ever touched her life.  I understand being upset, mourning your mother.  But to act as though "It's not supposed to happen like this."  She was 83 years-old.  She wasn't 60.  I lost my dad at 72.  Of course, you mourn. But to go on and on about how this isn't supposed to happen??

  • Love 3

For some reason I get the feeling that Megan's husband's wealth isn't as much as it "should be". Maybe they just aren't ostentatious, but I haven't seen anything from them that "wowed" me.


I totally agree.  I wouldn't be surprised if he's had a bunch of bad investments and will end up like those other Housewives and will claim bankruptcy.  House of cards.  

  • Love 3


Vicki is acting as though death has only ever touched her life. I understand being upset, mourning your mother. But to act as though "It's not supposed to happen like this." She was 83 years-old. She wasn't 60. I lost my dad at 72. Of course, you mourn. But to go on and on about how this isn't supposed to happen??

I gave Vicki the benefit of the doubt with her behavior when Tamra came over, I didn't think it was unusual to continue to be so upset, she hadn't left for Chicago yet. I even let her "I have to rally for work" convo w Sharon go because she had just gotten back and was probably emotionally spent. Got it. No problem. But, BUT- "will it bring my mom back?" Classic Vicki and something I'm absolutely rolling my eyes at because she has this tendency to act "cutesy" and "girly". She thinks it makes her looks, well, cute and vulnerable. She does this crap all the time. Fake.

  • Love 9

I'm hardly a Jim-apologist, and I agree he's shown himself to be a total buffoon who has little (if any) respect for his wife and kind of seems to despise/resent her, frankly. HOWEVER it seemed to me that his sunset snark was really a dig at Hayley's miserable teenager performance rather than a criticism of Meh-gan. Something about the implicit eyeroll in his delivery made me hate him slightly less in that moment.

Did anyone else catch the "Aunt Vicki" reference at Casa Beadoooorrrr early on? When Shannon and David initially walked into the living room (??) and she was talking to the girls, she noted that "Aunt Vicki" had returned from her mother's funeral or somesuch. I found that bizarre... didn't they only just meet - what? - a year or so ago, and already her kids are supposed to see Vicks as an "Aunt"?! Shannon seems to have a wicked aggressive case of hanger-on-itis, because, DAMN girl. Let me buy you dinner before you go moving all your shit into my house. SHANNON IS A STAGE 5 CLINGER.

I thought she said "And Vicki got back". She said Aunt Vicki? That's different. I refer to my mothers best friend as Aunt, but I've known her my whole life. A recent friend of my parents? Um no. They would be Mrs and Mr Soandso.

I'm pretty suspect about Jim's cash flow myself. I can't help but wonder if the multiple moves in a short time span have had to do with finance issues, like the Curtins.

  • Love 1

I thought she said "And Vicki got back". She said Aunt Vicki? That's different. I refer to my mothers best friend as Aunt, but I've known her my whole life. A recent friend of my parents? Um no. They would be Mrs and Mr Soandso.

I'm pretty suspect about Jim's cash flow myself. I can't help but wonder if the multiple moves in a short time span have had to do with finance issues, like the Curtins.

Maybe because Shannon and Vicki hit it off so well?  Shannon does mention it in her blog:


"My daughters call Vicki "Aunt Vicki", and Stella especially has a unique relationship with her. The girls of course heard everything that had happened when Vicki was at the bunco party and Stella took my phone and wrote Vicki the sweetest, heartfelt text the next day."

  • Love 1

Shannon also told the nanny that Aunt Vicki will be staying with the girls for one of their couple retreats. She clarified Aunt Vicki was David's sister.

I don't think it's weird to call RHVicki, Aunt Vicki, anyway. I didn't catch what she said, or read her blog but, two Aunt Vicki's don't seem too bad right now for the kids. Their parents have plenty of things to sort out and friendly family/family friendly people are a blessing at the moment.

  • Love 3


Thank you.  I cannot with her melodrama.  Oh and when she was going on about "she shouldn't have died like like"?  Really Vicki? Really?? The woman was 83 years old and died peacefully in her bed with her dog by her side.  As far as deaths go, that one is pretty damn good.  Does she realize how many people die in hospital beds.... sick, in pain, scared???


Agreed.  The way Vicki talks about it, you'd think that she was murdered. 

  • Love 5

That was funny!  I'm liking Shannon and Vicki together; it appears to be a real friendship and they both could use a friend.  



I hadn't even thought about that.  That's really effed up.  Jimmy needs to pull this girl from the show.  Beyond that, I couldn't imagine my parents involved in me getting ready for a high school formal.  That's what my friends and I did and we spent all day doing it, lol.   The folks took some pics and we were off.  Maybe it's just me but at that age I would have been highly annoyed to have my mother, father, etc. hovering with snacks and photographers not to mention a BRAVO camera crew.  


Meghan on the other hand is horrible.   Whomever said she was trying to play Julia Roberts in Stepmom was spot on, except I don't remember Julia's character constantly reminding everyone Susan Sarandon was dying.  Gah,Meghan is  truly horrible.  Haylie's mom is sick, period.   That's all Meghan needs to say and she only needs to say it once.    Oh, and as a stepmother myself, I can assure Meghan that it's not that amazing to see mothers and stepmothers get along for the good of the kids - in fact it's pretty common in my world.  It's what grownups do Meghan.  

I am a stepmother too. Yes, we all get along because we are adults. Granted, my step's mother is not someone who I would choose to hang out with, but we have a common goal, along with my husband and that is to make sure they were raised in the best possible way. Every time I hear that Meghan go on and on about how she is the cool one I want to hurl something at my tv. She is an idiot!

  • Love 5

I FF'd through most of this episode when Vicki and Tamra were on screen. Vicki because I had more than enough of her histrionics last episode, and also because I find Brooks unpalatable. 


As for Tamra, I am now fast forwarding through all of her scenes, but especially with Ryan. I watch these shows to see people with money or fabulous connections or at least some drool-worthy real estate. And instead, Bravo gives me Ryan? Uh, no thanks. Why does this loser gets screen time? He, along with Lynn Curtain's girls, is not entertainment. Bravo, please, pull the plug on this family.


As for Shannon and Dysfunctional Dave. I think it's too soon for her to understand whether or not she can live with David's affair. She certainly is going for the gold medal of trying. At least her daughters have a front row seat to the damage so at least by 14 years old they'll know for sure whether it is something they can handle in their future marriages. I did notice that when Shannon came in the door she automatically griped about the girls not rearranging the furniture. I think that's what she is like to live with; furniture out of place, chips and salsa before dinner, 8 lemons not stacked properly in a bowl -- you're going to hear about it.  I think that grates on a family.


Heather is alright. I never fast forward through a Heather scene because just seeing her escape from her kids to her comfy high backed leather chair to make an important cell phone call cracked me up.  "Here is my life, America, raising four emotional children! It's so hard." LOL. That's the kind of scene that makes me laugh and why I watch.  

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