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Would they have stopped filming if Vicky said stop? I honestly think these people in the production company are awful and wouldn't stop even if someone demanded. I think Vicky was so focused on the phone call she forgot they were there.

Others have said that all that needs to happen is for folks to say "stop filming" because they are not going to show us people saying "stop filming". The problem is that in the really intense moments, they tend to forget about the cameras.

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I thought it was bad enough that Bravo was milking Vicki's mother's death for all it was worth by constantly airing the commercial clip of her breaking down on the phone and falling to the floor, but tonight I feel like they took it even further than I thought anyone with half a heart or brain cell would.  It felt disgustingly morbid and downright inappropriately intrusive to air that whole thing.  I think there's got to be some line drawn as to what is shown, regardless of Vicki's input or approval, and they crossed so far over the line, that the line is now a dot to them!  (TM Joey on "Friends)  That said, I never cry over movies or TV shows, but this definitely teared me up (while feeling horrible for having to watch this unfold).

Edited by LIGirl
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I don't watch this show, but I was going around the dial and came upon something so raw and ugly I had to keep watching to find out what was happening -- and come here to see what regular viewers were saying.  I'd never in my life allow someone to film/air me in a moment like that, and think it's unconscionable this was put on the air (with or without her consent), but I will judge nothing about the moment itself. 


Did Billy say he found their mother in her car in the garage?


No, he found her in bed.  When he got there, opened the garage door, and saw her car, he knew something was wrong and ran upstairs (so I guess she was supposed to be somewhere, and thus that she was still home was a bad sign).

Edited by Bastet
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No snark from me tonight. We shall all be in the same place one day with our parents deaths. I know that my moms days are growing less and less with each passing year that I grow older. This is the the way of life/death.

I can't find my snark tonight either.

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My heart just broke for Vicki. I, too, lost my mother but only at very young age. If one has never lost a parent it's the type of pain no person would ever want to feel in they life.

And I give Brooks some props tonight how he was there for Vicki in her time of need. We can say alot about him as an individual but he was good in support of Vicki in this episode.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Another sobbing mess here. Geesh!

I can't even begin to imagine what I would do, say, look like if I had found out about the death of a family member, much more the death of my mother at a party! I'd be a sight for sore eyes to be sure.

I sympathize with all who have been in Vicki's shoes before. I am still very grateful to have my mother in my life, which, oddly enough I was awaiting her call to tell me she made the five hour trip to her house safe and sound with my two toddlers in tow.

I was trying to piece together what happened. Obviously Bravo edited the whole thing to highlight Vicki most of the episode. Someone made a "random" comment that Brooks was down the street hanging out if anyone "needed anything" then Vicki "randomly" asks Shannon if she has a landline she can use. Next thing we see is her talking to Brianna on the phone. It doesn't matter what really transpired but the editing was odd.

Her brother did mention he saw the car in the garage but that their mom was not in it. I took it to mean that normally the car is gone in the morning and that it wasn't was a red flag.

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I can guarantee that in that moment the last thing Vickie was thinking about was the camera. That being said- as soon as the others realized what was happening someone should have asked that the cameras be turned off. Yes, it's Real Housewives, but something that personal and sad should have been respected by Bravo.

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"Old lady Bunco"????  Jim is an ass. Wow.  Just an ass.  So what the hell was that with David saying he ran into that woman on the beach and it was "just weird."??  How did Shannon find out it wasn't the mistress and actually was a friend of her's?

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That was really tearjerking. However, I have to wonder if parts were a recreation. In addition to the points above (the establishment of the landline, etc), why did everyone insist that Vicki's support system come to her rather than offer to escort Vicki home? I would have imagined that the first thing one would do to be telephone a car service in order to ferry Vicki back to a familiar, comfortable environment. The tableaux in Shannon's foyer also appeared very blocked; Meghan only entered very briefly, Jeana was nowhere to be found, leaving Vicki with her three fellow veterans. I don't think this is the nadir of this franchise but the potential that this was simulated is rather discomfiting.

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"Old lady Bunco"???? Jim is an ass. Wow. Just an ass. So what the hell was that with David saying he ran into that woman on the beach and it was "just weird."?? How did Shannon find out it wasn't the mistress and actually was a friend of her's?

Lightning the mood, I've never played Bunco, bur most people I know refer to it as Drunco!

That exchange about the woman at rhe beach was just bizarre.

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Great to see Jeana.  Why wasn't LIzzie at the bunko party?


She's not a full-time cast member this year.  Notice she's not in the beginning credits anymore.  Oh, I don't mind Lizzie.  Yeah, she needs help with her hair & clothes, but she's basically a nice gal.  And I think it's OK to have at least one in there who is sane & normal.

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That was rough. I'm wondering if Vicki got a text or something from Briana telling her to call her from a land line (so Bravo couldn't have it on speaker) cause she asked Shannon if she had a land line she can use. I'm sure Vicki knew it was some kind of emergency. So sad especially since she had just spoken to her that morning.

As much as I want to snark on other stuff, I'd just feel too bad. Prayers to Vicki's family....

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Yup, Shannon managed to bring up the gal David cheated on her with -- yet again.  Wow, shockers!  Actually, I'm surprised she hasn't come up with some nasty nickname for the mistress.  Or has she?  So far she's mentioned David's cheating in every ep this season.  Will it be every ep till the reunion -- and in the reunion too?  Me thinks so.  Twist that knife in, Shannon & twist it hard, hun.  


Man, I was soooo shocked to hear her say she would have gone out the door & never come back if David didn't promise to never speak to the mistress ever again.  Nice words, Shannon, dear.  But I don't believe you for a second, sweetie.  Not.  At.  All.

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Meghan and Shannon are actually mirrors of each other in certain respects, in my opinion - neither can accept an apology, let picayune disputes go, refrain from exaggerating said disputes in their own way, etc. They both accused each other of trying to make themselves look better with gracious gestures . . . The preview of Meghan engaging with Hayley on the beach looks really unnerving but Meghan doesn't really appear to be the best at articulating herself or reading the emotions of others. If Hayley were uncomfortable with Meghan or the discussion, I'm sure she wouldn't have participated. She's almost a legal adult as it is.

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Yea I was with Vicky, rolling around on Shannon's floor sobbing, until she whined "who will worry about me now". Uh ok Vicks.

I mean the woman was 83, did Vicky have no idea that her mother was at that age when you start to think your parents might just die?

Her reaction seemed so young - like a person losing a parent at a young age, asking questions like "why did she have to die?" and " who will worry about me?" and saying "I want my mom!" and "I don't want anyone else in my life to die." It was also all pretty characteristic of Vicki.

I have no doubt she was fine with the show airing the footage. She's the OG of the OC, after all. She welcomes this stuff.

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The whole "I saw that woman you saw at the beach" exchange between David and Shannon was definitely quite bizarre. I thought he was trying to speak in code in front of the cameras, too.  Needless to say, David is a complete idiot to think he could nonchalantly tell this to Shannon on camera right as she's getting ready for a party and not expect her to freak out in some way.  Then again, maybe he thought by telling her in front of the cameras right before people are expected to arrive, he had less of a chance of a freak out and her going on and on and on ranting and raving at him.  Still, I don't get what the purpose of it was if it was "just a friend."


I already know Jim is an ass, especially towards Meghan, but when he said, "Oh, it's that late?" when Meghan told him Shannon's party started at 6PM and then said, "I was hoping you'd be gone by then so I could go to happy hour"?  Wow.  He really can't stand her, can he?  Maybe all of these moves is his way of preparing Meghan for her move out of their house when they divorce... SOON.

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Vicki's breakdown was so painful to watch...reminds us all that your life can be turned upside down in an instant...my mom and dad have been gone over 10 years and my husband of over 40 years passed 2 years ago, miss them all everyday...came across a quote recently that really nailed it for me: 'the hardest thing about losing someone is not talking to someone you used to talk to everyday'...so true...R.I.P. Vicki's mom...

I thought Jeana looked great....

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Lightning the mood, I've never played Bunco, bur most people I know refer to it as Drunco!

That exchange about the woman at rhe beach was just bizarre.

I keep thinking that David is going to keep mysteriously mentioning run ins with other women until Shannon either has a breakdown or attacks the mistress. I can just see David siding up to Shannon and whispering "I saw that girl today at the school. She called me daddy and wanted me to take her for a ride. It was weird." And Shannon would flip out, "David?! What girl, David? You promised me you'd never speak to her again! David, why would she be at the school? Why would she want a ride?! What kind of ride? David! David! Was this our daughter whose band practice went late?"

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Wow. I never thought I'd have something in common with Vickie but unfortunately I do. I got pretty much that same phone call 10 weeks ago tomorrow except I was on the phone with the family member who found my mom... My reaction was pretty much the same as Vickie. It's awful. It will never not be awful.

So sorry for your loss.  I cannot imagine what you went through.

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The whole "I saw that woman you saw at the beach" exchange between David and Shannon was definitely quite bizarre. I thought he was trying to speak in code in front of the cameras, too.  Needless to say, David is a complete idiot to think he could nonchalantly tell this to Shannon on camera right as she's getting ready for a party and not expect her to freak out in some way.  Then again, maybe he thought by telling her in front of the cameras right before people are expected to arrive, he had less of a chance of a freak out and her going on and on and on ranting and raving at him.  Still, I don't get what the purpose of it was if it was "just a friend."


I already know Jim is an ass, especially towards Meghan, but when he said, "Oh, it's that late?" when Meghan told him Shannon's party started at 6PM and then said, "I was hoping you'd be gone by then so I could go to happy hour"?  Wow.  He really can't stand her, can he?  Maybe all of these moves is his way of preparing Meghan for her move out of their house when they divorce... SOON.

IMO, just mine, if Shannon finds out that David ran into any woman she knows and he does not tell her about it, she will hit the roof! I suspect he knows this and makes sure he tell her who he sees no matter how innocent it is to keep her as calm as possible.  JMO

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Is Vicks playing up the hysterics for the cams?  Cuz if that's the case, I'm really squicked out.


My dislike of Vicki has grown over the years and I truly expected to feel the same way this season.  I was surprised (maybe even shocked) that I hadn't started hating or even disliking Vicki this season.  Either I've mellowed or she has.  


My mother will be 93 this month so I honestly feel badly for Vicki.  That said, I'm just not buying that what I saw on TV tonight was in "real time."  I think it was another reenactment by Vicki just like the one she did after learning about Briana's marriage.  If that's true (and I believe it is) I have more contempt for Vicki than ever.  Unfortunately, we'll probably never know for sure.

Edited by AnnA
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I keep thinking that David is going to keep mysteriously mentioning run ins with other women until Shannon either has a breakdown or attacks the mistress.


Hmmmm, if Satan Andy really wants to explore the depths of evil, he would find the mistress & film a run-in with her & Shannon, and have Megan hovering nearby, watching & snickering.  I just get the feeling it's not David who's gaslighting Shannon, but Satan Andy.  I'm wondering if he's got something planned to drive Shannon to the point of a breakdown.  Man, she seems sooooo close to the edge of goin' completely nuts.  


Didn't Shannon look like she wanted to kick Meghan's teeth in when she said that shit about having to prove herself?  While I don't endorse physical violence, I'd luv to see someone throw a pie in asshole Meghan's face.  Oh Shannon . . .

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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My dislike of Vicki has grown over the years and I truly expected to feel the same way this season.  I was surprised (maybe even shocked) that I hadn't started hating or even disliking Vicki this season.  Either I've mellowed or she has.  


My mother will be 93 this month so I honestly feel badly for Vicki.  That said, I'm just not buying that what I saw on TV tonight was in "real time."  I think it was another reenactment by Vicki just like the one she did after learning about Briana's marriage.  If that's true (and I believe it is) I have more contempt for Vicki than ever.  Unfortunately, we'll probably never know for sure.

AnnA -- I really hope we are wrong but I strongly felt the same way watching tonight -- between editing and no tears, etc. I would hate to think Vicki/Bravo would stoop that low. Also, I caught most of WWHL tonight I thought but didn't see Vicki . . .

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I guess I'm going against the grain here but to me, but I just couldn't with the phone call.  Once again, it was all about Vickie.  Poor Vickie.  She doesn't have parents now.  I guess she's an orphan like Bethenny now.  I didn't see one tear come down her face.  On the other hand, Shannon had two black lines running down her face.  Sorry to all who thought it was a very emotional moment.  And yes, Vickie had no problem with Bravo airing it.  That, I find disturbing but, it is all about Vickie.  She even made her daughter's cancer about herself.


On to other things - what's with these women and the racoon eyes?   My God, how much black liner do these women put below their eyes?  


And yes, Dr. Terry is a fame whore.


At least Debra Messing agreed with my thoughts about the Shannon/Meghan who's the bigger person question.   

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Also, I caught most of WWHL tonight I thought but didn't see Vicki . . .

Andy did a taped interview with Vicki that's on YouTube, but they showed a snippet of it at the beginning of WWHL. She said she was fine with the show airing the footage of the phone call, that it's a reality show, this was real, it's what she signed up for, etc., etc... (It's what I expected, and I thought it was cool for her to say). The best part was when Andy asked her what her mom thought about Vicki doing the show, and Vicki said she didn't like it, because she thought it made Vicki look bad, and that she was "better than" the others. I thought it was sounding like a very motherly take, but also smart and going in an anti-reality show direction, but no - she thought Vicki deserved her own show. A spin-off! Classic.

Edited by LotusFlower
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"Hang in there"?  Wow, you just ooze with sympathy, asshole Meghan.


Can you imagine Meghan's comforting words to Jim's first wife?  Look on the bright side.  Hayley's already living with me and calling me mom, they won't even notice when you're gone.


I mean the woman was 83, did Vicky have no idea that her mother was at that age when you start to think your parents might just die?


It's not always that simple.  My grandma died at 92.  She lingered and suffered at the end, and her nine children knew her passing was a blessing.  YET - I had to pull my mother off the casket, one of my aunts was dragged away crying, and my grandma's sister was inconsolably crying to her daughter.  These were all calm and non-dramatic people.  I was in shock at how poorly they took her death.  It was as if they had convinced themselves she would live forever.  Like Vicki's mom, she was the matriarch of our family.


My dad died when I was seventeen.  I fear when my mom dies, I'm going to be a much quieter version of Vicki.


"Old lady Bunco"????  Jim is an ass. Wow.  Just an ass.  So what the hell was that with David saying he ran into that woman on the beach and it was "just weird."??  How did Shannon find out it wasn't the mistress and actually was a friend of her's?


I'm assuming Jim was parroting back Meghan calling it "old lady bunco". 


The David and the woman on the beach story was odd.  It really makes me wonder what goes through that man's head.  I knew it would upset Shannon.  I saw on Shannon's face that she was upset.  I do not know Shannon.  David knows Shannon, knows she was preparing for a party, knew she was on camera, and knew this would get her going.  I'm sorry - that was pure passive aggressive territory, in my opinion.

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AnnA -- I really hope we are wrong but I strongly felt the same way watching tonight -- between editing and no tears, etc. I would hate to think Vicki/Bravo would stoop that low. Also, I caught most of WWHL tonight I thought but didn't see Vicki . . .


Thank you.  I'm so relieved to learn that I'm not the only one who felt that way.  After reading all the sympathetic posts in this thread, I hesitated to post my opinion but I just couldn't stop myself.   

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And I give Brooks some props tonight how he was there for Vicki in her time of need. We can say alot about him as an individual but he was good in support of Vicki in this episode.


Eh, color me unimpressed.  He's like an agent with one client.  He's jobless & penniless & fully dependent on her, so he's doing what he's being paid to do & that's it.  All I see when Brooks is on cam is a con man & nothing else.


Another ep & asshole Jimmy continues to be an asshole.  Wow, for an ex-jock Jimmy sure does have a dumpy body, eh?

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Andy did a taped interview with Vicki that's on YouTube, but they showed a snippet of it at the beginning of WWHL. She said she was fine with the show airing the footage of the phone call, that it's a reality show, this was real, it's what she signed up for, etc., etc... (It's what I expected, and I thought it was cool for her to say). The best part was when Andy asked her what her mom thought about Vicki doing the show, and Vicki said she didn't like it, because she thought it made Vicki look bad, and that she was "better than" the others. I thought it was sounding like a very motherly take, but also smart and going in an anti-reality show direction, but no - she thought Vicki deserved her own show. A spin-off! Classic.

Here is the video.......  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjuScReaZiA&feature=player_detailpage





Edited by WireWrap
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In the previews, when Meghan was crying on the beach with the step-kid and saying something like, "I saw you through that lens" was she comparing Vicki's mom's death to the step-daughter's mom's cancer?! How insensitive (to say the least).

My thoughts from the snippet we saw of the conversation I thought that Meghan was saying that it could soon be her step-daughter grieving her mother. I did not think it was insensitive from that small clip, but next week I will probably be eating my words.


I also, did not mind Meghan's "Hang in there" comment to Vicki, mainly because she hasn't known Vicki long and sometimes people do not know what to say to someone going through something horrible. 



Meghan and Shannon are actually mirrors of each other in certain respects, in my opinion - neither can accept an apology, let picayune disputes go, refrain from exaggerating said disputes in their own way, etc. They both accused each other of trying to make themselves look better with gracious gestures . . . 

This so much. They both need to get over their petty disagreement, which I think they were both at fault for, and move on.  The silly jabs at each other while saying they are going to move forward make them both look worse. 

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I guess I'm going against the grain here but to me, but I just couldn't with the phone call.  Once again, it was all about Vickie.  Poor Vickie.  She doesn't have parents now.  I guess she's an orphan like Bethenny now.  I didn't see one tear come down her face.  On the other hand, Shannon had two black lines running down her face.  Sorry to all who thought it was a very emotional moment.  And yes, Vickie had no problem with Bravo airing it.  That, I find disturbing but, it is all about Vickie. 



That said, I'm just not buying that what I saw on TV tonight was in "real time."  I think it was another reenactment by Vicki just like the one she did after learning about Briana's marriage.  If that's true (and I believe it is) I have more contempt for Vicki than ever.  Unfortunately, we'll probably never know for sure.



Yeah, I am on the fence about the realness. Vicki had that conversation with her brother on speaker phone ... she was cognizant she was being filmed.  And there were no tears. Sorry, call me cold, I thought it was sad at first but then, skepticism set in.  


Jim Edmunds is the worst. Is he botoxed up? He never moves his face!! And I thought Jeanna's face looked awful. Looks like she's been nipped too much.


I tivoed through the Brooks and Tamra scenes.

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I'm disgusted. Disgusted that they filmed this. And continued to film this. Disgusted that no one told them to shut it down. Disgusted that Vicky was OK with them showing this. Disgusted that Vicky's reaction and words that night are already being dissected and used against her. I mean, she said it herself - she had just talked to her mom that morning. She gets all the passes in the world from me for her reaction that evening.

But mostly I'm disgusted with myself for watching it.

I know death is reality. But I don't enjoy it being made into "reality TV". Huh, who knew I actually had a limit. I think I'm done with this season.

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I would have said "Meghead, when you are done packing, bring your neck and yourself over to my home so I can throw some dice at you.  Love, Drunko."  Looked to me Shannon had a drink and then called back giraffe neck.  Shannon's on the first season pink cloud.  We all know what happens in Season 2, Season 3, Season 4.  If she follows Tamrat's footsteps and takes a bath with Jimmy, I will boycott.  Just because.  Hard to watch Shannon/David affair stuff.  You can be in a beautiful multi milli home and be miserable.  


Heather, does he really have to watch hair cuts?  Enjoy dinner already.  What's up with these rich chicks? 


I like the fun stuff, without seeing Vicki's nekkid behind.  


Tamrat, what do you know, except "How to lose a daughter in 10 months."


I'm sorry Vicki.  That was hard to watch.  I felt like I was intruding. I don't know what I would do losing one of my parents.

Edited by Lablover27
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No snark from me tonight. We shall all be in the same place one day with our parents deaths. I know that my moms days are growing less and less with each passing year that I grow older. This is the the way of life/death.


I just can't comment on anyone in their deepest moment of grief. It's devastating and hits you like a ton of bricks. We just don't have cameras on us so everyone can witness what we're saying in that moment. We say things we hardly remember later, things that might not make a lot of sense if someone played them back to us. I found myself fast forwarding through the scenes. I felt so awful for her.


The only thing that jolted me out of it was Meghan's "Hang in there" comment. Okay Meghan! I'll hang in there! I guess she tried.

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Yeah, I am on the fence about the realness. Vicki had that conversation with her brother on speaker phone ... she was cognizant she was being filmed.  And there were no tears. Sorry, call me cold, I thought it was sad at first but then, skepticism set in. 



I was skeptical until I heard Vicki tell her brother "wake her up."    That one line convinced me it was a reenactment and not "live."

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Another ep & asshole Jimmy continues to be an asshole.  Wow, for an ex-jock Jimmy sure does have a dumpy body, eh?


I think once you're heading for your mid forties, it's difficult to be as fit as when you were a professional athlete.  I don't think Jim is looking that bad.  He's been officially retired for four years now.  Although I'm a huge Cardinals fan, Jim never appealed to me much, although I could appreciate he was good looking.  Jim was a bit of a pretty boy, and as he's aged (as sometimes happens), his looks have softened and become more feminine. 






Somehow, Meghan out skinnies the skinny girl herself.



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For those of us, myself included, that complain when a scene looks staged or scripted, I feel like I can't complain when they show a real moment.  As we know, the cameras aren't on them 24/7 (which is why so many scenes come off as so contrived or even re-enacted), and sometimes, frustratingly, a season-long drama is centered around something that happened off-camera.  Here was something dramatic and real that happened while filming, and the cameras captured it.  It's a reality show, and for once - the cameras captured a part-of-life reality in Vicki's life.    I do think there are some things that would cross the line, but I don't think showing someone getting this phone call qualifies.  I'm thinking maybe it was Vicki's over-the-top reaction that has some people thinking it was inappropriate.

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Heather, does he really have to watch hair cuts?  Enjoy dinner already.  What's up with these rich chicks?



Haha. Poor little rich kids. I thought it was very revealing that Heather said Terry just wants to be a star. She practically called him a famewhore on tv.  

Edited by TheFinalRose
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Why did Vicks get the death call on Shannon's landline & not on her own phone?  Sniff, sniff, sniff -- am I smelling a Satan Andy setup here?


No one called Vicki on Shannon's landline; they showed Vicki asking Shannon if she could use her landline to make a phone call.  Someone upthread mentioned that maybe Vicki was asked (perhaps via text) to call Brianna on a landline so that it wasn't recorded.  I can believe that to be a possibility.  Still, the fact that it was recorded at all, even on Vicki's side of it, was disturbing.

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For those of us, myself included, that complain when a scene looks staged or scripted, I feel like I can't complain when they show a real moment.


And if it was a staged moment based on reality?  Seems really, really, really icky to me if that's what Vicks & Satan Andy were up to here.  Ew, just ew.


I had Vicks' wailing on mute mostly & I can't watch this again.  No repeat viewings of this ep for me.  And given that I usually re-watch these eps a zillion times, that's saying a lot.  I'd much rather watch the NYC bitches in Turks & Caicos, thanks.

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Yea I was with Vicky, rolling around on Shannon's floor sobbing, until she whined "who will worry about me now". Uh ok Vicks.

I mean the woman was 83, did Vicky have no idea that her mother was at that age when you start to think your parents might just die?

And she is just not a pretty crier. Though not many are.

You can think you are ready for it, you can know your mother won't live forever, you can be all grown up and over 50 and still not be ready when it happens, especially if they weren't even sick.  It can knock the wind out of you. 




Her reaction seemed so young - like a person losing a parent at a young age, asking questions like "why did she have to die?" and " who will worry about me?" and saying "I want my mom!" and "I don't want anyone else in my life to die." It was also all pretty characteristic of Vicki.


When my 70 year old grandmother died my mom was 49; she said she felt like she was six years old, lost,  and alone even though she had a great husband and two grown kids.    Now I'm close to Vickie's age, I know that day is coming but I honestly don't even like to think about it. I suspect my reaction will also be a quieter version of Vicki's reaction. 


After ten seasons of watching the OG of the OC I will say that I think she almost never plays for the camera - for one thing she's not an actress but mostly I don't think she censors anything since  most of it isn't very flattering and she just keeps putting it out there. 


I really enjoyed Vicki's mom.  In one of the early seasons she went home and her mom was hilariously unimpressed with Vicki. 


My heart broke for Vicks tonight.   It was a little too real for me.  I watch my ho-wives for entertainment, not sorrow.  Sorry, there must be  something in my eye. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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And if it was a staged moment based on reality?  Seems really, really, really icky to me if that's what Vicks & Satan Andy were up to here.  Ew, just ew.



It was real.  These ladies aren't actresses.  (Woops - sorry, Heather).  And as cynical and skeptical as I am about the "reality" of reality tv, there's no way Bravo would ask Vicki to re-enact such a scene. 

  • Love 19
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I think once you're heading for your mid forties, it's difficult to be as fit as when you were a professional athlete.


Maybe that's the myth & an old excuse, but I, and at least several hundred guys I know of, would prove you absolutely dead wrong.  He's in crap shape & he's aging like shit.  But it doesn't help his looks that he's such an asshole either, I suppose.


Well, at least Meghan didn't do any of that annoying hashtag bullshit in this ep.

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Maybe that's the myth & an old excuse, but I, and at least several hundred guys I know of, would prove you absolutely dead wrong.  He's in crap shape & he's aging like shit.  But it doesn't help his looks that he's such an asshole either, I suppose.


Well, at least Meghan didn't do any of that annoying hashtag bullshit in this ep.


Well Scoobs, all I have to say to that is - can you introduce me to some of your friends?  I'm Jim's age, and there aren't many men I know with bodies like young professional athletes. 


ETA:  I'm trying to imagine what hashtag Meghan would have chosen.  How about #deathsucks?

Edited by RedheadZombie
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How big is Shannon's house anyway?  I'm surprised no one heard Vicki wailing in the next room.  The cynical part of me thought she was wailing to get attention, but no one was coming.   Scripted or not, Vicki's mom still passed away, and for that, I feel very bad for her.  Vicki, Billy and their mom had a very close relationship and I thought it was special how close they all were.  


The second part of Meghan's comment:  "Hang in there.  You got this."  Um, OK.  Comforting.  

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It was real.  These ladies aren't actresses.  (Woops - sorry, Heather).  And as cynical and skeptical as I am about the "reality" of reality tv, there's no way Bravo would ask Vicki to re-enact such a scene.

Ten seasons on the OC is more than enough to make an actress out of Vicki.

I'm just not as sure as you are about what Bravo would or would not ask a HW to do.

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Putting aside how horrible it was to see Vicki learn about her mother’s death, let’s lighten things up with some snark.


Meghan, Shannon does not have to prove anything to you.  You can attend a party to which you are most likely contractually obligated to attend or not.   Attempting to secure your spot by being obnoxious is doing you no favors, especially when your husband has the personality of a rotting block of wood.  At the same time, Shannon, what is the relevance of Meghan’s age?  If she was 50, would you have something to prove to her?  What exactly is the age cutoff?


The first instance of “Thanks for keeping it classy, Bravo” in this episode – the clip from Botched in which Terry says the woman’s vagina is pulled up to her belly button.  Yeah, no.  Her pubis might be pulled up but her vagina is still where it was originally.  Is that clip supposed to make us want to watch that show?


The “healer” working with Brooks and Vicki is blowing more out of her ass than he’ll be putting into his ass. 


On to the weird editing for Vicki’s call, I think we missed the part where she checked her phone and Briana asked her to call her as soon as possible.  Vicki thinking there might be a problem, wanted to use a land line.  It could be that Briana suggested that or the cell coverage has some problems near Briana’s house.

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