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S07.E12: Lord Of The Manor

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Bethenny shouted in Sonja's face.  That's very different than getting heated from across the table.  There's no way Heather was more aggressive. 

Bethenny's tone and demeanor showed that she was pretty much unhinged.  She doesn't have the standing to be that frustrated that quickly with Sonja's special brand of deluded bullshit.  If anyone has the right to crack one across Sonja, it's LuAnn, or maybe Heather since Sonja has been despicably high-handed and disrespectful to both of them, while kissing Beth right on the sitbones. 


What was jarring about Bethenny losing it was how fast she unraveled.  Sonja was actually being - for Sonja - responsive to what Bethenny was saying.  Her response about holding onto her house was actually a response t what Bethenny posed, and that's unusual for Sonja.  When they got to T&C, Bethenny was really collected, and I liked how appalled she was by Ramonja's entitlement and Ramona preening in her 'borrowed' Lucite mules.  It seemed to me that Bethenny got harsh and furious really much too fast for the circumstances.

  • Love 16

She seemed to be annoyed to me, particularly when she corrected her on her line and her active wear is shape wear. Also, in the kitchen when bethenney was correcting her filling the glass in the ice machine she thAnked her and told Bethenny that she would leave the boozy stuff to her and she should leave the fashion stuff to Heather.

Heather seemed annoyed, but she handled it better than I would have. As a fellow Scorpio, I would have told Bethenny I would be happy to listen her advice the moment I started selling Yummie Tummie cocktails or the moment she managed to be successful selling any Skinny Girl fashions or shapeware otherwise she can keep her advice to herself. When I heard Bethenny pontificating, I thought "this bish has some nerve."

  • Love 13

Heather seemed annoyed, but she handled it better than I would have. As a fellow Scorpio, I would have told Bethenny I would be happy to listen her advice the moment I started selling Yummie Tummie cocktails or the moment she managed to be successful selling any Skinny Girl fashions or shapeware otherwise she can keep her advice to herself. When I heard Bethenny pontificating, I thought "this bish has some nerve."

Oh I totally think that she handled it well and a hell of a lot better than Bethenny would have if the positions were reversed. Just her face said WTF, she made the comment in the kitchen, and had a TH basically saying she knew her business so I was just disagreeing that it was a friendly conversation that Heather didn't have a problem with just because she didn't scream Shut the fuck up at Bethenny.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 6

Man, Dorinda's in-the-face hand waving and finger pointing was out of control. She might want to back that shit up a little (or a lot).


How many dinners has Beth managed to disrupt so far, three? Bitch needs to find another technique to put off eating.


I would love to see Beth's reaction if, after gifting some SG snacks, someone suggested that she drop the liquor line completely and just concentrate on popcorn. Which, is essentially the "advice" she gave Heather. Also, what was with the chickenshit of telling Heather to shut her mouth, in French? Heather's been nothing but accommodating to Beth for the past two or three episodes, yet there's Beth, still poppin' her skinny hate boner. Pathetic.


Once again, Beth announces that she's smart (does she want a banner?), which truly smart people don't feel the need to do. Sonja has at least managed to find a way to stay in her beloved home, so maybe Miss Homeless should ask Lady Morgan for advice.


At first I wondered if Chuck could be Yveline's man, and maybe that's why Ramona was trying to separate him and Sonja, but then I realized it was obviously another night out that was being discussed (I'm assuming footage wasn't filmed/shown of that event because Beth wasn't in attendance).


Not that she wasn't before, but does it seem like Carole is more empathetic to Sonja this season? She's made a sympathetic comment or two in Sonja's favor, and she quickly went inside to check on Sonja after she got plowed by Beth.


Carole is so writing a book about being a HW when her time on the show is up. I wouldn't be surprised if part of the reason she isn't writing blogs is because she may need the content for a book. Too bad she didn't start shooting lost footage last season, so she could've captured LuAnn walking Sonja on a leash in the Berkshires.


Kristen in the ocean...yowza.


So much off-show cringe Tuesday night with Andy's Snapple commercial and LuAnn's performance, oh my gosh.

Edited by jaync
  • Love 12

I actually thought when Bethenny asked about where Sonja is now, Sonja gave a good answer.  She has fought a lot of adversity to hang on to her $5 million dollar townhouse.  Bethenny was alternating between faux concern and badgering.  Sonja takes a lot from these women and she rarely lashes out.

Adversity of her own making - she committed fraud and ended up with a $7m judgment (plus interest).  I have no sympathy for her.  She was able to hire attorneys to file a BS bankruptcy to delay payment, hoping to negotiate a better deal.  And she held onto the properties because she had enough ready cash (likely from her child support) to pay the bills, because it's likely the plaintiiffs put liens on the houses so they would get their money in any sale.


Sonja is delusional.  We can't take one statement and say she had a "good answer."  Because she's also lied so many times.  She's been in fashion for decades, no she's been in hospitality for decades, no, she's the lady of the manor with P Diddy and John-John and Madonna.  When really she apparently went to the Fashion Institute, may have had a job or 2 in fashion ("buyers assistant"??), and ended up as a hostess at an upscale restaurant pushing herself at wealthy men until one stuck (for a while at least).


She may well have been a lot of fun to be around in her hostessing days, but, to paraphrase Yolanda, there is nothing worse than a woman in her 50's who is drinking to a blackout state. 


I can't decide if Bethenny was being genuinely concerned, but she sure went ballistic quickly.  Not healthy, and to me a symptom of the stress of the divorce.

  • Love 12

KungFuBunny I'm so glad that someone besides me noticed Ramona's malapropisms at the start of the episode with cyanide and pigs!


Also from the beginning of the episode, I’m glad that Dorinda had no problem telling Ramona she was out of line with the way she was talking to Kristen.


I am *so* not getting into the Carole and Adam thing, but just wanted to point out that she sidled into the kitchen to talk to the Scottish chef. I see you Carole!


I'm not getting into it either, but I noticed Carole doing the same thing.  I think that Carole now regrets ripping out most of her kitchen, and is not really looking for a bedmate - she just wants some hot young chef to deliver daily meals to her, so she can stop eating M&M's and pizza.

  • Love 3

Hmmmm, is Bethenny crying at this very mo?  Cue waterworks puh-lease-




Walls up, walls up, walls up, walls up, walls up, walls up, walls up . . .


But was this a week that she was w/o kid b/c of custody arrangements?  I can't fault her for it if so.

  • Love 5

Actually it's not. It is just a new beige one with lot of sharpie marks.

OMG!!!!  Just spewed my water all over my screen!!  That is PERFECT!!!!   :-)  :-)

Wow. Remember when the Housewives shows focused on beautiful homes, beautiful clothes, fantastic trips, shopping trips, eating in wonderful restaurants, interacting with family members and just generally leading fabulous lives? Yeah, me too. Now these shows are just privileged women acting like screeching, spoiled hyenas. My mother would have slapped me into next Tuesday if I'd ever acted like any one of these women on any one of these shows. They've all gotten so dark and hateful-- where's the fun?


I just returned from a six day business trip with nine other women.  By the end of the week, I was calling the group the "Real Housewives", because it was sooo much like these shows.  

Different women, from all different walks of life, different ages, different parts of the country, but craziness, bitchiness and cattiness really has no boundaries. Doesn't matter if women are privileged or not, we can all be the same!!  

  • Love 3

Yeah, but the hotels there are so memorably stunning, this joint is rather meh, in comparison.


This is where I stayed, but there are many other hotels as beautiful or even more beautiful-




The Regent Palms comes to mind.....and, there are also amazing homes at the Grace Bay Club.  

I would not want to be in any hotel while on MY vacation where the HW's are being filmed.  I like to relax on vacation, and enjoy my experience.  Screeching harpies with cameras following them from pool to beach to dining room would ruin my vacay!  I'm guessing the owners of those lovely hotels are well aware of who their clientele is and what they prefer.


Totally off topic - I'm sorry!!

I read reviews of the resort where the RHOA women stayed in Mexico last year (one of my favorites and very high-end)....the ratings on the reviews dropped considerably by the travelers who were staying there while filming was going on.  

So, maybe a villa away from the main hotel/resort area of Providenciales (capital of Turks and Caicos) is more advisable??  


From Bethenny's blog:


"There was a tiny moment with me talking to Heather about her brand. Perhaps this is to lay the groundwork for me being a know-it-all, but I think she has talent and is a great fashion designer. I was merely suggesting that she really focus on fitness, because there is a lot of opportunity there."


I still don't understand what the hell Bethenny is talking about. She was going on about this fitness segment, calling it an untapped market or something. The fitness market in terms of active wear is certainly not an untapped market. How can she even say that when brands like Nike and Under Armour and Adidas exist? Then you've also got Lululemon (has Bethenny met Yolanda, their unofficial spokeswoman?), Athleta, and some of these smaller monlthy subscriptions company (I know there's one that Kate Hudson is the face of). You can buy active wear from H&M and Free People and a whole host of other retailers as well. 


Heather is carving out space for herself with Yummie Tummie for sure, but for Bethenny to act like she was giving some valuable piece of advice? Girl, bye. When you can focus Skinny Girl on one thing then you can talk. 

I could be wrong, but I think that Heather was the first one who mentioned something about "untapped market", in a kind of off-hand, sarcastic-funny way....Bethenny was, as usual, on a roll, and offering "advice" (read - tutoring someone else....), so she repeated Heather's comment, in order to expound her business savvy advice {to someone who CLEARLY does NOT need it}.


I've noticed that Bethenny does this quite a bit while she is talking non-stop and someone tries to break into her conversation.  She picks up one or two words of the other person, and tends to incorporate that into her thoughts.  Say what you will about Bethenny, but she is one of the most quick-minded persons I've ever seen.  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 3

Hmmmm, is Bethenny crying at this very mo?  Cue waterworks puh-lease-




Walls up, walls up, walls up, walls up, walls up, walls up, walls up . . .

Thanks for the link. . . .three publicists.  Who does she think she is, Madonna?

  • Love 8

, but I think that Heather was the first one who mentioned something about "untapped market", in a kind of off-hand, sarcastic-funny way....Bethenny was, as usual, on a roll, and offering "advice" (read - tutoring someone else....), so she repeated Heather's comment, in order to expound her business

It was Bethenney who started the conversation, called active wear an untapped market that Heather should look into while holding a pair of Yummy yoga pants; Heather and one or two of the other ladies were all like um she is already doing that with a tone of you're holding a pair of her active wear pants. Heather barely spoke except to remind B that she had a pair of Yummy denim that she liked.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 9

I could be wrong, but I think that Heather was the first one who mentioned something about "untapped market", in a kind of off-hand, sarcastic-funny way....Bethenny was, as usual, on a roll, and offering "advice" (read - tutoring someone else....), so she repeated Heather's comment, in order to expound her business savvy advice {to someone who CLEARLY does NOT need it}.


I've noticed that Bethenny does this quite a bit while she is talking non-stop and someone tries to break into her conversation.  She picks up one or two words of the other person, and tends to incorporate that into her thoughts.  Say what you will about Bethenny, but she is one of the most quick-minded persons I've ever seen.  

I believe Heather repeated the comment about "untapped markets" in her TH after Bethenny first said it, not before Bethenny said it. Also, picking a word from what someone else is trying to tell you and using it in your lecture/conversation does not necessarily make you "quick minded" if you never allow the other person a chance to express their opinion/thought, IMO, Bethenny bulldozes and controls the conversation to make her point but also to cut off the other person from making their point.


  • Love 13

It was Bethenney who started the conversation, called active wear an untapped market that Heather should look into while holding a pair of Yummy yoga pants; Heather and one or two of the other ladies were all like um she is already doing that with a tone of you're holding a pair of her active wear pants. Heather barely spoke except to remind B that she had a pair of Yummy denim that she liked.


Thanks....I am almost always so confused as to who said what first, especially when Bethenny is speaking....it's hard to figure out!!!   ;-)

I believe Heather repeated the comment about "untapped markets" in her TH after Bethenny first said it, not before Bethenny said it. Also, picking a word from what someone else is trying to tell you and using it in your lecture/conversation does not necessarily make you "quick minded" if you never allow the other person a chance to express their opinion/thought, IMO, Bethenny bulldozes and controls the conversation to make her point but also to cut off the other person from making their point.



I agree with you, but I still think she is quick-minded.  For me, especially, when I am trying to make a point, I will hear the other person, but my brain doesn't function quick enough to blithely and easily incorporate the other person's comments into the point I am trying to make.  I usually have to finish, process what I've heard, maybe ask for clarification, and then go back to it.  


But....I rarely am at the same "Speedy Gonzalez" (from the old cartoon, in case any remembers) level of energy that Bethenny seems to thrive at.

  • Love 2

Bethenny shouted in Sonja's face. That's very different than getting heated from across the table. There's no way Heather was more aggressive.

Don't forget the waving of the hands and veins bulging from her forehead. Bethenny was far from "not" aggressive IMO. But Sonja didn't seem to mind which I guess is all that really matters.

  • Love 7

Thanks....I am almost always so confused as to who said what first, especially when Bethenny is speaking....it's hard to figure out!!!   ;-)


I agree with you, but I still think she is quick-minded.  For me, especially, when I am trying to make a point, I will hear the other person, but my brain doesn't function quick enough to blithely and easily incorporate the other person's comments into the point I am trying to make.  I usually have to finish, process what I've heard, maybe ask for clarification, and then go back to it.  


But....I rarely am at the same "Speedy Gonzalez" (from the old cartoon, in case any remembers) level of energy that Bethenny seems to thrive at.

Bethenny is fast but she does not grasp what the other person is saying most of the time. She is always laser focused on her point and often misses the other persons point thus nullifying the other person altogether IMO.

Don't forget the waving of the hands and veins bulging from her forehead. Bethenny was far from "not" aggressive IMO. But Sonja didn't seem to mind which I guess is all that really matters.

I don't think Sonja minded because she thinks/believes that Bethenny's life is more messed up right now than hers is! LOL

  • Love 11

I thought Bethenny was referring specifically to shapewear activewear as opposed to activewear generally. I wish we had seen more of that conversation because it seemed sincere to me (as sincere as Bethenny is capable of being) and Heather seemed gracious enough about Bethenny's presumably unsolicited advice. It looked to me like they were just making small talk about the clothes but the scene was added to give Bethenny the BossyGirl edit.

The Yummie Tummie activewear line is shapewear activewear. I have a pair of Heather's workout leggings and they have a slimming effect that smooths out lumps.


Not totally sold on Heather as a cast member, but her YT line is really great.

  • Love 3

I have seen only one comment about this so far. This was supposed to be a carefree VACATION. So why is Beth confronting Sonja now??? Ack. I'd be upset and defensive if someone did that to me on what what supposed to be a girls' getaway. Save it for later.

Imagine Bethenny's response if any of them confronted her about her "wall" on this trip, especially the first night there! There would be dead bodies everywhere!

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 8

There's more that we DON'T see than what we actually see. During the Scary Island season, they basically left out a new HW, the party planner. Hell if I had been Bethenny in that scene with Sonja I would have been dunking her head in the ice bucket and screaming GO TO SLEEP instead of STFU.


I don't think that would have worked either, but I'd bring popcorn and pull up a chair : )

  • Love 4

Why the hell are these "women" going after Kristin?! It makes no sense as Kristin is not a real "threat" on the show.  It looks like these women called each other and had a plan.  I don't know what's going on with this show? It's too staged and they now made me a Damn Kristen fan! I don't like mean. 


  Who does Beth think she is?! She is no better than anyone else on that show.  Her sense of entitlement and looking down on other's is just bizarre. 

I think this is the meanest and nastiest I have seen Sonja. It's really dissapointing


Why do they go after Kristen?  My heart says it is because it is like shooting fish in a barrel.  My head says it is all producer driven.  What would Kristen contribute to the show if she didn't have one of the others be mean to her?


I think that Kristen would like to be the Eileen Davidson (RHOBH) of this show but I don't think she can pull it off.  Kristen would like to be the voice of reason commenting on the antics of her two crazy old drunk aunts but I don't think she could manage a good "how dare you!!!" if she practiced for a week. Her standard reaction is the gaping "O" mouth.  Nothing about her is memorable.      But she is pretty!

  • Love 4

Someone mentioned Lu called Ramona a cow during the room run, so I watched that scene obsessively and didn't hear that. I don't doubt she said it, I doubt my hearing, even with my iPad volume on high. I am not a Ramona lover but for Lu to call her a cow is below the belt. Tactless bitch yes but 'cow' coming out of the mouth of the 'poster woman' on etiquette shows she lacks class herself.

Bethany believes she is a psychiatrist/therapist but she didn't get a clue out of all those sessions. Go away Bethany and stop saying such crude remarks that are going to embarrass Bryn some day.


I heard Luann say Ramona's a Cow too while she and Sonja were guarding their rooms.

I have not seen anything about thin people or fat people in general, just on the HW's.


I think every season Ramoaner tells the world about her body/ass.  Opens the door for snarking/opinions, IMO

IMO she looks bloody mahhhhvelous.  Wobbly and unsophisicated but in great shape.


Bethy  chose to call her brand SkinnyGirl for a  reason, she knew the word/lifestyle/branding 'skinny' would draw in buyers.  She did not name it HealthyGirl.  Opens the door for snarks, IMO, especially when SkinnyGirl is the 9th Housewife this season.


When folks call a HW dysfunctional, I don't take it personally just because I am dysfunctional also   :) Heck, I want to be able to snark on Sonja's loose tooth without it being an insult to loose-toothed people the world over.  lol


Bill Maher had some interesting comments on comedy/snarks  being straitjacketed by PC lately.

I agree about not shaming people for their body image.  But when people put their body in issue and go on a reality show?  Bets are off.  Bethenny made body image her motto.  Looking back at her photos from her childhood, Bethenny was not a person that had trouble gaining weight.  She was totally normal sized.  Carole too makes a big deal out of how little she eats (diet of Vodka and cucumbers).  Their meet up at the bar this season ended with them both hemming that they had a nice, "um...dinner," right.  We never saw them eat or plates being taken away.  All we saw them do was drink.  They are both very, very lean.  Carole's only fat is in her face, and that is fillers.  I am shocked she is so thin because I suspect she smokes a lot of pot.  Bethenny's hair line (especially her part) doesn't look so great.  She looks drawn and her skin looks bad.  It could be the stress of the divorce.  


I think Ramona actually eats and looks healthier than both of them even with her pooch.  She is 58.  Post menopausal women may develop more fat in the abdomen.  She has worked the hell out of it, and it is firm.  Luann looks amazing too.  I will hand it to Luann and Bethenny - they both are very physically fit.  Paddle boarding is a core activity and that yoga move of Bethenny's take some skill.


There have been rumors for years that several of the NY HWs take Adderall or the like to help curb their appetites.  I wouldn't doubt in the past that Ramona, Sonja and Bethenny have all dabbled from their manic behavior.  Maybe Sonja's ass is bigger because she is off the pills.


Sonja did say on WWHL that Ramona hit on her a few years ago when she was mixing pills and booze.  Hmmm.  I wonder what kind of pills.  Clearly Ramona needs some sort of pills.


Hi motorcitymom65


Bethenny has been on a yacht with Carole before the week of airing this last episode till now.

Several times on WWHL, HW's and Andy claim that they get to the episodes 3 days before the public sees it.

So how the heck did Bethenny write her blog?

I'm not finding it believable that Bravo would email the video to Bethenny while she is on vacation and she would put time aside while cavorting in the sun to "work"

This would be true for all of the ladies....you're done with filming and Bravo is airing the season...and every week..you're gonna get an episode to write a blog about the episode and remember your feelings at that point in time. I'm sure they all have off season priorities (well except for Sonja)

For me, I think Bravo is lying about the 3 days - I think the ladies get more than one episode at a time and are given more time to write their blogs.


Speaking of Carole - she hardly ever writes blogs...I guess it must be part of her contract...which I find funny as she should be able to whip these out being a "writer"

I think by now they have all the episodes since, as mentioned above, Andy's been calling for reunion questions.  Kristen posted a tweet with a photo of her reunion colors and a Pop of Color nail polish.  The dark gray.


I like Kristen too.  I think they are gas lighting her.  Ramona is still holding a grudge from last season/season before. And I think Bethenny before the season started decided she was going to have no time for Kristen.  She is the weakest link.  She never did anything to Bethenny prior to AOA, yet Bethenny had a hard on for her (and Heather).  Kristen actually did everything right with Bethenny, according to Bethenny, she never asked personal questions - she kept it light and rarely approached her.  And as for dumb, it wouldn't take her 20 minutes to understand "Bros before Hos."  Maybe Andy wants her off because Josh kept shoving Eboost on camera last season, and Bravo doesn't get a dime from it. But production was clearly supporting a feud b/w Bethenny and Kristen.  Which wasn't even much of a feud. 

  • Love 8

I like Kristen too.  I think they are gas lighting her.  Ramona is still holding a grudge from last season/season before. And I think Bethenny before the season started decided she was going to have no time for Kristen.  She is the weakest link.  She never did anything to Bethenny prior to AOA, yet Bethenny had a hard on for her (and Heather).  Kristen actually did everything right with Bethenny, according to Bethenny, she never asked personal questions - she kept it light and rarely approached her.  And as for dumb, it wouldn't take her 20 minutes to understand "Bros before Hos."  Maybe Andy wants her off because Josh kept shoving Eboost on camera last season, and Bravo doesn't get a dime from it. But production was clearly supporting a feud b/w Bethenny and Kristen.  Which wasn't even much of a feud. 


It's the majority of the HW's that are gaslighting Kristen


I do think ALL of the ladies with the exception of Bethenny & Dorinda feel they need to put the odds in their favor to lock in an apple for next season. The best way to do that is to throw another one under the bus and Kristen is the slowest of the herd


Bethenny is the apple of Bravo's eye. She is bringing it in terms of publicity and social media platform activity. it doesn't matter if you hate her or love her - people are chattering everywhere. Look at this site alone...count one page of posts and tally up how many posts are about each HW, you'll see the majority are about B. Every week in articles ...you type in Real Housewives of NY - the first 3 articles will have Bethenny references. Even the day after Luanne performed her song...there were references of Bethenny in the article. She is sort of like Teresa NJ - Bravo is salivating to get her back. I don't think Bethenny has anything against Kristen - she is sort of a non-entity in her world. As for Dorinda, she's too new to know the game rules.


I hope when the real T&C drama unfolds...we'll be posting about the other ladies...namely Luanne/Carole/Heather.

  • Love 5

The Yummie Tummie activewear line is shapewear activewear. I have a pair of Heather's workout leggings and they have a slimming effect that smooths out lumps.


Not totally sold on Heather as a cast member, but her YT line is really great.


Right, that's what I was getting at. I was referring to Bethenny saying Heather could "break into" activewear and that it's an untapped market. That would be a dumb comment if she were talking about all of activewear being an untapped market, but I believe she was referring specifically to YT being able to carve out a niche as shapewear-activewear.

  • Love 1

Right, that's what I was getting at. I was referring to Bethenny saying Heather could "break into" activewear and that it's an untapped market. That would be a dumb comment if she were talking about all of activewear being an untapped market, but I believe she was referring specifically to YT being able to carve out a niche as shapewear-activewear.

But that is what Yummy has been doing for awhile, her active wear is shape wear active wear, so I still think it was a stupid comment.

  • Love 1

But that is what Yummy has been doing for awhile, her active wear is shape wear active wear, so I still think it was a stupid comment.


OK. Maybe it was a stupid comment, but not for the reason the poster above me said it was. I was responding to a poster who said



I still don't understand what the hell Bethenny is talking about. She was going on about this fitness segment, calling it an untapped market or something. The fitness market in terms of active wear is certainly not an untapped market. How can she even say that when brands like Nike and Under Armour and Adidas exist? Then you've also got Lululemon (has Bethenny met Yolanda, their unofficial spokeswoman?), Athleta, and some of these smaller monlthy subscriptions company (I know there's one that Kate Hudson is the face of). You can buy active wear from H&M and Free People and a whole host of other retailers as well.


Bethenny's comment is less dumb if you interpret it as referring to shapewear specifically and not all activewear broadly. That's all I was saying. Sheesh.

  • Love 2

For me, it is not a matter of the content of Bethy's advice to Heather, shapewear, activewear, shapewear as active wear or active shapewear.....or whatever.  It is more a case that Bethy clearly did not like Heather up until this point and she decides to grace Heather with her advice on helping Heather with her business.


I would have laughed had Heather said "Thank you for scrambling over your wall to grace me with your expert advice on my business, I am glad you won't mind when give you some advice on your cocktail line.  Let me know when you need help getting back over your wall"



Edited by Crikey
  • Love 14

I dunno, I sometimes think that Beth is intimidated by women who are beautiful and young. I know that "she's just 'jellus'" is often thrown around when people are mean to each other but here I think it rings true.

You're probably right. Have we ever seen B befriend a woman younger and hotter than she is? Her current bestie seems to be Carole.
  • Love 3

OK. Maybe it was a stupid comment, but not for the reason the poster above me said it was. I was responding to a poster who said



Bethenny's comment is less dumb if you interpret it as referring to shapewear specifically and not all activewear broadly. That's all I was saying. Sheesh.

I understand what you are saying but I think the other posters are just pointing out that Bethenny ignored the fact that Heather's YT line was already "tapped into the shape/active wear clothing market". IMO, Bethenny did so to make herself look knowledgeable in a market she knows little to nothing about, active wear, and in a market she failed at, shape wear. Bethenny is well aware that all of Heathers YT line is shape wear, be it pure shape wear underclothes, her jeans/tops, her active wear or her upcoming  lingerie line. JMO

You're probably right. Have we ever seen B befriend a woman younger and hotter than she is? Her current bestie seems to be Carole.

OR, friends with someone as, or close to, successful as she is business wise.

  • Love 3

I understand what you are saying but I think the other posters are just pointing out that Bethenny ignored the fact that Heather's YT line was already "tapped into the shape/active wear clothing market". IMO, Bethenny did so to make herself look knowledgeable in a market she knows little to nothing about, active wear, and in a market she failed at, shape wear. Bethenny is well aware that all of Heathers YT line is shape wear, be it pure shape wear underclothes, her jeans/tops, her active wear or her upcoming  lingerie line. JMO.


Yeah, I completely agree with this from the brief snippet of conversation we were given. It's why I would like to have seen more context for that statement. Bethenny is like nails on a chalkboard to me but I don't think she's stupid. Having been given YT activewear swag and holding it in her hand at the time, I don't believe she is ignorant of the fact that YT is already doing activewear. I think she just wasn't being particularly articulate in the moment, much like myself now!


Personally I think Bethenny was trying, in her weird and tone-deaf way, to relate to Heather and give her props for getting into activewear, but it came out as "Hey, I just had a brilliant idea all on my own! You should try making activewear!"

  • Love 6

Thank you all for indulging my *insert emoji eyes* appreciation of that man, Chuck (thanks, Zaldamo!). Mr. tall, dark, and fine was just...tall, dark, fahn


Ramona just annoys me on that end. I had to wonder if her "concern" was more about Chuck being black than anything else. He looks older than Sonja's boy toy, and Ramona doesn't like that boy toy because he's 24, so...what gives? (I already know the answer. Ramona's made enough slick comments over the years--saying to Heather two seasons ago that they weren't on 125th Street when Heather was upset with her; her "She's not some, ya know, black rapper" when commenting on Heather's use of "mama"; now he cockblocking while Chuck flirted with Sonja--for me to constantly give her the cyanide.)

Absolutely it was because he was black. I mentioned this in the first look thread. She had me rolling at cyanide and groaning over the cockblock, and did she really use the phrase "animal attraction?" Oh Ramona. NO.

  • Love 1

Bethenny shouted in Sonja's face.  That's very different than getting heated from across the table.  There's no way Heather was more aggressive. 


Heather  touched someone who clearly didn't want to be touched, and then tried to lead an adult human being out of a room -- crossing someone's physical boundaries like that (esp in a heated moment) is extremely aggressive.


And why is Heather lecturing Ramona about enabling Sonja? The very first step relatives and friends of addicts are advised about (re: classic codependent behavior) is exactly what Heather says she's been doing -- getting a drunk Sonja home and into bed -- all of them are enabling, not just Ramona.

  • Love 2

Man, Dorinda's in-the-face hand waving and finger pointing was out of control. She might want to back that shit up a little (or a lot).


How many dinners has Beth managed to disrupt so far, three? Bitch needs to find another technique to put off eating.


I would love to see Beth's reaction if, after gifting some SG snacks, someone suggested that she drop the liquor line completely and just concentrate on popcorn. Which, is essentially the "advice" she gave Heather. Also, what was with the chickenshit of telling Heather to shut her mouth, in French? Heather's been nothing but accommodating to Beth for the past two or three episodes, yet there's Beth, still poppin' her skinny hate boner. Pathetic.


Once again, Beth announces that she's smart (does she want a banner?), which truly smart people don't feel the need to do. Sonja has at least managed to find a way to stay in her beloved home, so maybe Miss Homeless should ask Lady Morgan for advice.


At first I wondered if Chuck could be Yveline's man, and maybe that's why Ramona was trying to separate him and Sonja, but then I realized it was obviously another night out that was being discussed (I'm assuming footage wasn't filmed/shown of that event because Beth wasn't in attendance).


Not that she wasn't before, but does it seem like Carole is more empathetic to Sonja this season? She's made a sympathetic comment or two in Sonja's favor, and she quickly went inside to check on Sonja after she got plowed by Beth.


Carole is so writing a book about being a HW when her time on the show is up. I wouldn't be surprised if part of the reason she isn't writing blogs is because she may need the content for a book. Too bad she didn't start shooting lost footage last season, so she could've captured LuAnn walking Sonja on a leash in the Berkshires.


Kristen in the ocean...yowza.


So much off-show cringe Tuesday night with Andy's Snapple commercial and LuAnn's performance, oh my gosh.

BOOM!!!!!!  You nailed it!  This is the best thing I've read on this episode's thread so far!!!

  • Love 1

You're probably right. Have we ever seen B befriend a woman younger and hotter than she is? Her current bestie seems to be Carole.

Why would she "befriend" someone "younger and hotter"? Is that how anyone chooses their friends?

No one has any clue who B's friends are in real life. Maybe Carole appeals because she has half a brain. What younger, "hotter" (hate that word) person would be likely to "befriend" an older woman?

She's not the damn devil. She's accomplished a great deal by using the tools at her disposal. She is a flawed human being, as am I.

I am not a lesbian, but given a choice between fucking B or K, no contest. B!

  • Love 6

I'm rewatching and I agree with those who think Ramona started waving her hand between the hot man and Sonja during the party at the Warwick just because he's black.


Also, I"m hoping Dorinda won't do a second-season makeover. I can't be a total Dorinda fan because of the coat check situation, but i can't help but like her.  I also think she looks better than most of the Housewives - she's thin but not skeletal, I love shorter hairstyles, her makeup isn't ever crazy, she likes fashion, and her face looks natural - she looks her age in the way Kristen looks like her own age.  No crazy boobies (Sonja, Ramona, Bethenny), crazy fillers (Carole)...but they are always seduced by their second season, right?  Sigh.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 3

Wow, Bethenny's a toxic piece of work.  Or piece of something else.  Her blog, on Kristen:



If Kristen had something she wanted to discuss with me or ask me, there is a way to do it. Starting with a negative tone certainly doesn't motivate me to have a conversation. Kristen is a beautiful and fashionable girl who cares a lot about looking pretty, and no doubt she knows a lot more than I do about nail polish. I wish her all the luck and success in the world. I am no expert in anything. I just go by my personal experience and my gut.


Sometimes the 'jus' jellus' argument happens to be on the nose.  I agree with those who think Bethenny is not inclined to like particularly attractive women, or women who in any way trigger something in her to suggest she's not top dog/top bitch.  I defy the idea that Kristen's done anything to suggest she 'cares a lot about looking pretty' in a manner that truly distinguishes her from any Housewife.  In particular, I doubt she shops/consumes with the truly manic frenzy of a Bethenny.  Bethenny is a crazy consumer of high-end goods, and of recent trends - she has a 6-figure Birkin collection, gets assistants to buy up 'collaborations' when they hit the streets.  B is such a stain.


Further - if we unpack the disingenuous posture of "I am no expert in anything" shouldn't she shut her shrill trap about shapewear/activewear and can the advice for Sonja?


Re Heather and Bethenny's unsolicited business advice:



There was a tiny moment with me talking to Heather about her brand. Perhaps this is to lay the groundwork for me being a know-it-all, but I think she has talent and is a great fashion designer. I was merely suggesting that she really focus on fitness, because there is a lot of opportunity there. She seemed to take offense to that. Everyone is a little sensitive and touchy. I think I'm missing that chip, so I often say something to offend them. As Kathy Griffin says, "You can't be who you're not".


It really is me at this point, because I don't need to insert myself into Sonja's life. I'm just trying to be constructive, because she seems to have alienated the other women at this point. I hope this isn't a shame-on-me-for-trying moment, but I can only do what I can do.

I understand Sonja feeling very paranoid and not trusting of this group. I genuinely want the best for her and for her to succeed in all areas of life. There really is a lot going on for many women in this group emotionally.


Italics are mine.  Good god!  Really, Bethenny is missing the chip and doesn't get sensitive and touchy?  Is she on more than Adderall?  Something that obliterates recent memories?  Chick is a damned basketcase and touchy as fuck!  There's a pic of her with strained neck tendons next to 'touchy' in the damned dictionary.


...and what's constructive about getting in front of an unrepentant con woman and shrieking 'Shut the fuck up!!"


This trick.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 13

Wow, Bethenny's a toxic piece of work.  Or piece of something else.  Her blog, on Kristen:



Sometimes the 'jus' jellus' argument happens to be on the nose.  I agree with those who think Bethenny is not inclined to like particularly attractive women, or women who in any way trigger something in her to suggest she's not top dog/top bitch.  I defy the idea that Kristen's done anything to suggest she 'cares a lot about looking pretty' in a manner that truly distinguishes her from any Housewife.  In particular, I doubt she shops/consumes with the truly manic frenzy of a Bethenny.  Bethenny is a crazy consumer of high-end goods, and of recent trends - she has a 6-figure Birkin collection, gets assistants to buy up 'collaborations' when they hit the streets.  B is such a stain.


Further - if we unpack the disingenuous posture of "I am no expert in anything" shouldn't she shut her shrill trap about shapewear/activewear and can the advice for Sonja?


Re Heather and Bethenny's unsolicited business advice:



Italics are mine.  Good god!  Really, Bethenny is missing the chip and doesn't get sensitive and touchy?  Is she on more than Adderall?  Something that obliterates recent memories?  Chick is a damned basketcase and touchy as fuck!  There's a pic of her with strained neck tendons next to 'touchy' in the damned dictionary.


...and what's constructive about getting in front of an unrepentant con woman and shrieking 'Shut the fuck up!!"


This trick.

IMO, none of the other women have shut Sonja out or turned their backs on her. They have all expressed concern about her out of control, blackout drunk antics and her pie in the sky get rich quick schemes but none have expressed they want to or are "alienating" her! Bethenny is trying way to hard too look/sound like she is "saving Sonja" or that only she can save her and the show itself! LOL      JMO

  • Love 7

Wow, Bethenny's a toxic piece of work.  Or piece of something else.  Her blog, on Kristen:



Sometimes the 'jus' jellus' argument happens to be on the nose.  I agree with those who think Bethenny is not inclined to like particularly attractive women, or women who in any way trigger something in her to suggest she's not top dog/top bitch.  



Aside from her failed marriage (which is not uncommon), there's more about Bethenny that makes others "jus' jellus" than the other way around.  If by chance you were referring to Kristen and suggesting that Bethenny might be jealous of her, I just don't get it.  Kristen is irrelevant in this group of women and about as interesting as watching paint dry.


Kristen looked awesome diving into the water in T&C but I think her features, although good for a model, are too hard to be considered pretty.   To me "pretty" has a much softer look than this:





IMO, none of the other women have shut Sonja out or turned their backs on her. They have all expressed concern about her out of control, blackout drunk antics and her pie in the sky get rich quick schemes but none have expressed they want to or are "alienating" her! Bethenny is trying way to hard too look/sound like she is "saving Sonja" or that only she can save her and the show itself! LOL      JMO


My impression was that the other women already gave up trying to get through to Sonja, which leaves Bethenny.  I remember Bethenny saying she would try to get through to her when they were on their way to Atlantic City and the other women wished her luck.  Since that Atlantic City trip, tales of Sonja's black out escapades have become a hot topic in the group so there's a lot at stake.  Instead of being critical of Bethenny for taking on Sonja, I give her props for trying.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 6

Not singling out your post, out of many posts by many, it was just the last post I saw, but would any of y'all agree that what Beth is really doing is saying she is an expert on "marketing" period, not necessarily on a given item? She is the Miss Market Your Brand, in her view. What I mean is she would feel comfortable telling anyone how to market anything, since she views herself as a marketing wiz.


Which I actually find quite comical. She's a genius alright. Let's see, have your friend make a logo for you, slap it on every shirt, pants, car, hat, underwear etc you can find, and talk endlessly about your product anywhere and everywhere you go. And eventually someone will come along who likes the product and the real business people will take it from there.

I don't begrudge her hustle. She did the hard work. She reminds me of one of those guys who a business hires to wear a sign and stroll the sidewalks for 8 hrs a day. It's shit work but it gets noticed. But a marketing genius it does not make IMO.

  • Love 6

Aside from her failed marriage (which is not uncommon), there's more about Bethenny that makes others "jus' jellus" than the other way around.  If by chance you were referring to Kristen and suggesting that Bethenny might be jealous of her, I just don't get it.  Kristen is irrelevant in this group of women and about as interesting as watching paint dry.


Kristen looked awesome diving into the water in T&C but I think her features, although good for a model, are too hard to be considered pretty.   To me "pretty" has a much softer look than this:






My impression was that the other women already gave up trying to get through to Sonja, which leaves Bethenny.  I remember Bethenny saying she would try to get through to her when they were on their way to Atlantic City and the other women wished her luck.  Since that Atlantic City trip, tales of Sonja's black out escapades have become a hot topic in the group so there's a lot at stake.  Instead of being critical of Bethenny for taking on Sonja, I give her props for trying.

Where does this concept of 'irrelevance' come from?  I think it's a failed metric.  More to the point, yeah, to many, Kristen is boring.  To me, tearful/rageful Bethenny's a fucking snoozer.  Back to relevance:   there is no doubt whatsoever that Bravo and Andy are propping Bethenny up, retconning the entire series with TH's and WWHL.  The 'relevance' is being centered and deliberately edited around 1 maniac in an apparently unsuccessful bid for ratings, not an entire cast** -- it's no one's fault but that of the editors and powers that be at Bravo; I don't hold Kristen any more responsible for that than I do Dorinda or Heather.  The Twitter/social media stuff is a red herring.  Of course Kristen doesn't have Bethenny's following -- why would she?  She's on her first reality show, not her fourth, and not 10 years in, going back to B's failed bid on Martha Stewart's apprentice.  When Bethenny was having her honeymoon filmed, Kristen was modeling, raising kids, and being a frigging NYC housewife.  I ain't mad at that. 


I simply don't understand why Bethenny should get props for injecting a note of high-pitched soprano-shrieking tension into their first frigging night on this trip by confronting Sonja.  She spiraled out of control more quickly than sexy J!  That's a tough thing to accomplish but Bethenny managed it. 


And we all are right in assessing beauty differently and having different preferences, but I don't think a single bad shot of Kristen changes anything with respect to Bethenny making that snide fucking blog comment about how important being beautiful is to Kristen.  To Beth, I'd say: give it up, ho.   If her looks are not something that rankles, that part of her little attempted snarkfest wouldn't even need to be written.


** And so far the ratings are bad!  So if Beth is the fulcrum, the show is built around her, the ratings are shit le stink, who is irrelevant?  Bethenny.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 20

Where does this concept of 'irrelevance' come from?  I think it's a failed metric.  More to the point, yeah, to many, Kristen is boring.  To me, tearful/rageful Bethenny's a fucking snoozer...........  [snipped to save space]


............ who is irrelevant?  Bethenny.


OK.  Your opinions are valid, as are mine.  We'll just have to agree to disagree.

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