AnnaMayWong June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 (edited) My favorite Jon Snow(GULP! SOB!) is DEAD...blink blink... Edited June 15, 2015 by BookElitist 1 Link to comment
RedheadZombie June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 I screamed and cheered when Theon saved Sansa from Myranda. I knew he had it in him. Then the two of them holding hands when they jumped - so poignant. I don't think Theon makes it to the end of the story, but he's redeeming himself, and it least he'll die as Theon, rather than Reek. I will be thrilled to death if next season finds Sansa/Theon conspiring and killing Ramsay. I don't understand Thorne. I know he was a jerk who hated Jon, but I thought he had honor. It makes no sense that he allowed Jon and the Wildlings to enter, only to turn around and kill Jon. The Wildlings may have some loyalty to Jon for saving them, and they far out number the NW. Hopefully next season will find Tormund avenging Jon. Although I'm thinking Jon is only mostly dead, and Miracle Max Mel is going to save him. Problem is - true love is required. I'm very worried for Ghost. 4 Link to comment
Macbeth June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Where the hell was Ghost? Not really too fond of Jon Snow, now is he? When Jon went off with the Wildlings - Ghost stayed with the Night's Watch. We know where his loyalties lay. Surprised he didn't help with the killing So Meryn likes to beat young girls does he? My guess is that American TV censors is ok with physical violence against little girls rather than sexual violence. I can't imaging where Davos got the strength to restrain himself from outhright killing Melisandre. What is he going to do know? Mereen you drove Dany, your Queen, your Savior, away - so now the bureaucrats are running the show. And peace will now be restored. Maybe Varys is the hero of this story. 1 Link to comment
HumblePi June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 (edited) Arya's vengeance imposed a VERY hefty fine, not just herself, but her ability to navigate as no one. The sheer savagery of her treatment of Syrio's slayer made it seem like she paid with her humanity and sanity, too. Meryn Trant (formerly head of the Kings Guards for evil Joffrey) was savagely murdered, and rightly so. He deserved the worse death because of his sadism, especially to young girls. Who else was on her list of people to kill? Edited June 15, 2015 by HumblePi 1 Link to comment
Mrs. Snow June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Or he could be off for a season like they did with Bran's story. I'm so disappointed with the Dorne storyline. So pointless and now Ellaria has sent the heir to the throne to Kings Landing with dead Myrcella. What sense does that even make? I don't know. It's sounds pretty definite to me.. "I was talking to Dan Weiss and he said Jon is really dead. But George R.R. Martin left open the possibility the character might not be dead in the books. And then that cast salary contract story came out last year and it had your name among those receiving raises for season six and an option on a seventh. So let me ask you: Is Jon really dead? This is my understanding of it. I had a sit-down with Dan and David, we did the Tony Soprano walk [letting an actor know they’re being whacked]. And they said, “Look, you’re gone, it’s done.” And as far as the salary thing goes, that angered me when that story came out. I don’t know where it came from, but it was inaccurate in many ways. It’s going to put questions into your head and into fans’ heads that things are not what they are. Quite honestly, I have never been told the future of things in this show, but this is the one time I have. They sat me down and said, “This is how it is.” If anything in the future is not like that, then I don’t know about it – it’s only in David and Dan and George’s heads. But I’ve been told I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m not coming back next season. So that’s all I can tell you, really." 4 Link to comment
Morrigan2575 June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 (edited) Why are people are so certain Stannis is dead? The show went out of it's way NOT to show his fate. We don't see Brianne complete her swing, we don't see his dead body or decapitated head. Plus there's that weird motion where Brianne looks like she's tackled from behind. I think Dany, Sansa/Theon, Stannis and Jon Snow were all intended to be Cliffys. The only actual death out of the 4 was in fact Jon Snow's. ETA: Just read the quote from Kit, that certainly sounds like dead/dead. Edited June 15, 2015 by Morrigan2575 2 Link to comment
CletusMusashi June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 So, when Sam gets to the Citadel, will they check his references? And when they do, will Thorne say that he is deserter who should be arrested immediately for execution? Gilly and Quiet Never-Growing Baby are probably better off in the south. But what the hell's Sam gonna do as a fugitive? Wash dishes for Hot Pie? 1 Link to comment
catrox14 June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Tyrion is the only reason for me to watch now. And if he doesn't get more to do, it's not worth the time and money anymore. Jon Snow was a goddamn hero and this show just needed that to balance out all the other shit :(, IMO. 8 Link to comment
beeble June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 (edited) The only way that the Night's Watch has any chance for survival is if Cersei gets exiled there. Edited June 15, 2015 by beeble Link to comment
MrWhyt June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 My guess is that American TV censors is ok with physical violence against little girls rather than sexual violence. what censors? it's subscription cable. 8 Link to comment
bluvelvet June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 I don't think Melissandre can resurrect Jon, that doesn't seem to be in her tool of tricks. If anything she would have to get Thoros. Jaime and Myrcella really did have a nice moment. I think Jaime will be hell bent on revenge when all is said and done. He gets his daughter only to have her taken away. As for Myranda , what made her think she could talk to Sansa like that. No matter what Sansa is of noble blood and Myranda was the kennel masters daughter. As screwed up as Ramsey is, I don't see him taking too kindly to his side piece taking off a slice of his wife. He's legitimate now and while Myranda could mess with his other non noble side pieces I thought she over stepped her boundary there. Not that it matters. Agree with the poster who said Ramsey is going to tear up the North looking for Sansa. Don't know if Stannis is fully dead, we never saw the death so I suspect he's still alive. 2 Link to comment
CletusMusashi June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 So what's the deal with FrankenMountain, exactly? Can he just not speak? That's not a very exciting change. I don't see any crazy temper flares, either. I assumed he was going to be much stronger. So.. why again was a super-strong giant warrior in full plate armor, complete with visored helmet, unable to just barge into the Aviary or whatever they call Sparrow Central, and rescue Cersei? All that buildup, and they've apparently turned him into Hodor? 4 Link to comment
HumblePi June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Were they Dothraki? They seemed to have spears rather than the distinctive crescent-shaped swords. The were carrying the crescent shaped spears. If Daenerys can convince the Dothraki clan to fight for her, the Masters of Meereen are in for a whole lot of trouble. I want to see Khal Drogo re-emerge and join Daenerys again. 5 Link to comment
bluvelvet June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Frankenmountain looked bluish under the mask, did he splice him with an animal or something ? Let's see how much Arya will think of Jaquen as a friend now that she's blind. Also forgot to mention, Melissandre looked a bit shook up when she came back to the watch. 1 Link to comment
Constantinople June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 I hope Sam doesn't take out his student loans with the Iron Bank. I didn't realize Myrcella had a cocaine problem. Sad. I think the FTC or someone need to issue a cease and desist order to Jaqen after he told Arya she took a life that wasn't hers to take Jaqen: A girl has many names on her lips ... Joffrey, Cersei, Tywin Lannister, Ilyn Payne, the Hound. Names to offer up to the Red God. She could offer them all one by one. Valar Morghulis, Season 2 Episode 10 So serious unfair and deceptive trade practices on Jaqen's part. If I misunderstood something, I apologize. My Valyrian is a little nostril too. 23 Link to comment
Katalina June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Oh, wow, I really thought Sansa would be in the story longer. Damn. Not sorry at all to see Theon go, and their going together, holding hands, was weirdly beautiful. Ramsay's out a wife, a slave, and a mistress, all at once. Welcome home! So glad Stannis' men deserted. It was right and appropriate that Selyse killed herself. And Stannis came to his senses enough to understand the enormity of what he did to his daughter. I so dislike the coincidence that Sansa lit the candle in the ruined tower JUST as Brienne turned away from her vigil. Jon CAN'T die! Please, no, let him somehow survive. Though the attack on him was signaled with many anvil-weight hints and fore-shadowings. The idjits at the wall deserve white walker/wight deaths. The dumb bastards. -- Oh, just back from reading a couple of posts, and some have mentioned that Melisandre may revive Jon. Okay, then. She has some positive value, if that comes about. She can revive Jon then be killed by Davos. and what's up with Sansa and Reek, I hope those two crazy kids make it! Well, they showed Myranda's death from being pushed from the (fairly tall) wall, so I'm thinking we're meant to understand that Theon and Sansa are dead too. Unless we find out next season they landed in a convenient wagon of hay. I think this show is going to lose viewers by getting rid of important characters. Ain't that the mother-lovin' truth. Not to mention the viewers they lost with Shireen's death. This show is so death-oriented that it'll end up offing itself... Adding, after reading more of the posts: Many seem to think that Sansa didn't jump to her death, so that gives me hope. 2 Link to comment
Calamity Jane June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Well, it looks like Jon's really gone. He did an interview with EW and said that D&D told him he wouldn't be back next season. I probably will not be watching this show then.I I am not buying that he's gone for good. As someone else said, maybe for next season, but I am going to believe he'll be back to unite with Dany & dragons to defeat the White Walkers. And I don't think any of what we saw should be taken as for sure. We didn't see Stannis die, and he was looking at something off to his left while Brienne was talking to him, so there is a possibility someone came up and attacked Brienne. If Bronn still has the antidote, maybe Myrcella isn't all the way dead, either, although I seem to remember that that witch predicted all three of Cersei's children would die. I think they have a lot of room to maneuver things around before next season. 2 Link to comment
jch323 June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Oh, wow, I really thought Sansa would be in the story longer. Damn. Not sorry at all to see Theon go, and their going together, holding hands, was weirdly beautiful. Ramsay's out a wife, a slave, and a mistress, all at once. Welcome home!So glad Stannis' men deserted. It was right and appropriate that Selyse killed herself. And Stannis came to his senses enough to understand the enormity of what he did to his daughter. I didn't read that scene as suicide at all. I thought they were counting on the snow accumulation to break their fall. Like in Frozen. lol. 9 Link to comment
peggy06 June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 (edited) Good grief. What did I just watch? More major character deaths than in any other episode, from what I can tell. Is it wrong that I am starting my own list a la Arya? Alliser. Olly. Ellaryia. Melisandre. (Can she even be killed?) So House Baratheon is basically gone, correct? Wow, just wow. It seemed like Stannis actually cheated Brienne of her revenge, by the way he responded to her. Not much cop in killing a dead man. Selyse was predictable, understandable, but still sad. I know she treated Shireen poorly in life, but I wouldn't wish her probable thoughts on my worst enemy. Now what with Melisandre? What does she hope for at Castle Black? It was extremely hard to watch Arya torturing Meryn Trant. All kinds of wrong. Not that he wasn't a horrible person, but for her to relish torturing him is just, just...wrong. Glad they showed there were consequences, even though I am very confused about them right now. I kind of hate that they left a cliffhanger re: Dany. Will Drogon come to her rescue? What did she take off her finger and drop in the grass, and why? Tyrion and Varys together again - that has to be a good thing. I loved Tyrion, Jorah and Daario bandying words. Made for a moment of humor in a very dark episode. Theon finally broke. Another cliffhanger, their Butch Cassidy moment. I would say they have to survive the fall, but maybe not both, given the body-count this episode. Finally, Jon. Biggest shocker of the season, for me. I do take it he's dead? Those idiots in the NW deserve everything that's coming to them. ETA: Closest I've come to feeling sorry for Cersei. I know they made men do that walk of shame as well, but that was just awful to watch. What kind of "religion" encourages name-calling and throwing disgusting objects at a person? High Sparrow, you're a fraud. Also, I thought the scene was waaaayyyy too long, and they dwelled too much on the nakedness - I felt uncomfortable and had to turn away from the screen. Edited June 15, 2015 by peggy06 2 Link to comment
CleoCaesar June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Welp, that was the most literal slut-shaming I've ever seen! This show reads like the sadistic porn fantasies of a bunch of man-children who've never gotten laid. You do realize that the slut-shaming was supposed to be gut-wrenching and inspire pity and compassion for an irredeemable character, and that the show's "man-children" creators weren't endorsing the slut-shaming, right? Also, interesting how you are using sex (or the lack of it) to shame the writers. You're doing the opposite of slut-shaming: virgin-shaming. Same goal, though. 16 Link to comment
Andromeda June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Wasn't that her Dothraki wedding ring? I believe once a Khol falls, the Dothraki tradition is to kill the whole family so there is no battle for succession. I figured she dropped the ring as a sign that was the way she'd gone, in case someone comes looking for her. Tiny chance of anyone seeing that ring in the grass, though. Loved this episode. So much stuff happened! It'll be a long 9 months until the next season. 3 Link to comment
annsterg June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Well, dang. If Jon is really dead, I have lost a large portion of my caring about this show. And who is there to care about at the Wall now? Am I supposed to care about, what? Davos vs Thorne? Link to comment
Timetoread June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 I think this show is going to lose viewers by getting rid of important characters. Seriously. This show and its "Zero Stark Tolerance" is bordering on becoming like The Walking Dead's "No More Than One Black Guy" rule. 7 Link to comment
catrox14 June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 You do realize that the slut-shaming was supposed to be gut-wrenching and inspire pity and compassion for an irredeemable character, and that the show's "man-children" creators weren't endorsing the slut-shaming, right? Also, interesting how you are using sex (or the lack of it) to shame the writers. You're doing the opposite of slut-shaming: virgin-shaming. Same goal, though. I think it was supposed to do both things personally. For those who think what Cersei did was irredeemable, she got what was coming to her. And for others, that think even if she did do something irredeemable, there should be compassion because she was humiliated. Whether Cersei felt humiliated we probably won't ever know. She could use it to fuel vengeance rather than any redemption. Who knows I think the scene went on far too long. The shame vs just punishment point IMO was made the moment her hair was shorn and she was made to be naked in front of the city. Personally, the length made it less interesting. JMO As far as Arya, I think being blinded was way too harsh for her vengeance. 3 Link to comment
bunnyblue June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Dear God, I just don't know what to say. Why do I watch this show? It is so incredibly brutal and depressing and heart wrenching and there is never any justice. But lord help me, I will continue to watch and don't know how I'm going to survive 10 whole months until I get some answers. My beloved Starks, why have the Gods cursed you so??? I refuse to believe Jon is dead. Davos and Melisandre and Ghost and Edd are still at Castle Black. One of them is sure to find him bleeding in the snow and carry him inside. Mel can set the entire Night's Watch on fire for all I care as long as she brings Jon back to life. Fucking Olly, I want Ghost to rip him to shreds and I want Tormund to disembowel Thorne. I need those 2 fuckers to suffer greatly. Melisandre's arrival just before the betrayal has to mean something. And Jon didn't close his eyes so he must be only mostly dead. Please. Don't do this to me, show. I never thought I'd care for Theon but saving Sansa from Miranda made me like him a tiny bit. I'm glad the Theon of old was still in there. I can't believe they jumped from that parapet. I know they were pressed for time but surely they could've climbed down a few floors and jumped from another window or walkway. There was a lot of snow on the ground so I'm hoping they had a soft landing. Please let them run into Brienne and Pod. We are due for something good to happen, right? Arya killing Trant was so cold blooded but oh so satisfying. She made him suffer. She enjoyed it. I enjoyed it. But there's a part of me that mourns for the sweet, tomboy Arya of S1. Between this gruesome killing and going blind, I think Arya is irrevocably damaged. Would she even care if she ever encountered her siblings again?? Just heartbreaking what has happened to the Starks. Maybe it was a good thing Bran was left out this season because 4 Stark kids in danger/dead/blind would have been too much for me. Drogon better not be dying. I hope he's just exhausted from flying all the way to the Dothraki lands and needs a few hours of rest. Though he may not get even that if once again he has to go rescue Dany. I liked seeing Dothraki warriors again. Reminded me that I miss Khal Drogo. Man, was he hot. 9 Link to comment
cynic June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 ...I just felt the episode was poorly paced. Cersei's walk went on way too long. Other scenes seemed too short. ... ITA. I understand that Cersei's walk was a huge scene, a culmination of all her short-sighted, evil schemes and pivotal to her character, but that just took way too much time in such a packed episode. I feel like some of the other scenes could have had more impact if they were allowed more time. I also could have done without Dany's scene. It felt unnecessary. I would have preferred her story to have ended last week with her flying off on the dragon and then begun next season with meeting up with the Dothraki. 7 Link to comment
Subrookie June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Overall, I have been disappointed with this season. We spent a stupid amount of time on Arya and her plot has gone virtually nowhere. Most of the rest of the characters are now either dead or in purgatory like Arya's two brothers who have been completely MIA all season. Just disappointed that I have to wait another year to continue plots that didn't go anywhere this season. Like Sansa, other than getting raped by Ramsey her plot went nowhere. 5 Link to comment
HumblePi June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 (edited) I can see revenge already brewing in the eyes of Cersei as she enters the gates of the Red Keep. The High Keep warned her about not being truthful and there would be dire consequences. She acknowledge to him that she understood this. If she demands revenge to the sparrows I feel that Cersei will be captured and a far worse fate will be in store for her. Oh, I did chuckle a little bit when someone in the crowd yelled "brother-fucker" Edited June 15, 2015 by HumblePi 4 Link to comment
Love June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 (edited) Now I really need for Benjen to be alive for real. He needs to come back and take down the traitorous NWmen, not only for killing his nephew but for doing it in his name. Having said that, I will not believe Jon is truly dead until I see his body on a pyre with the funky coloured eyes. As has been mentioned, Mel showed up for a reason. Damn she got there quick though. Davos is quickly becoming one of my fave characters. I will only admit this once, but I maybe kind of liked Theon there for a short minute. I like how he had Sansa's (another one I have grown to like this season) back. When them camera panned down before the jump, it didn't look to me like soft snow. I couldn't concentrate on Arya's story. Or Dany's. That scene with Tyrion, Daario & Jorah seemed to go on forever. I did love Drogon. Poor baby just wanted some rest. Makes me feel bad for his brothers. Are they still locked up? Oh, and how is it possible that Jon never learned that Sansa was back at Winterfell married to Ramsay? Whatever happened to the raven network? Edited June 15, 2015 by Love 3 Link to comment
CeeBeeGee June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 So Stannis is Macbeth. And Jon Snow is Julius Caesar. 3 Link to comment
FishyJoe June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 This show has never been shy of showing people being killed or their heads being cut off. I don't see any good reason why they wouldn't show Stannis getting his head cut off, if that's what actually happened. 3 Link to comment
CletusMusashi June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 (edited) So Stannis is Macbeth. And Jon Snow is Julius Caesar. And Myrcella is Juliet. Also, yeah, I totally agree they were going for an "Et tu" moment, but... With Olly? Really? I mean, if the final stab was from Edd, I'd be shocked. If it were from Sam, I'd be horrified. If it were from Tormund, or Ghost, or Quiet Never-Growing Baby, I'd be very confused. But that scene had all of the predictability of Shireen's burning, minus the quality. Edited June 15, 2015 by CletusMusashi 4 Link to comment
Calamity Jane June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Where was Ghost? They better not have killed him! And Myrcella is Juliet. Will Tristane be Romeo? Tune in next year! 6 Link to comment
Dobian June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Well it's a banner end of the season for the Starks. One dead, one blind, and one probably crawling into the woods on broken legs. They need to start rationing out the Stark butchering so they don't run out of them before the series is over. Link to comment
Daisy June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Honestly, what did the Starks do to deserve this?Ned, dead, Robb, dead, Baby Robb dead, Catelyn dead. Sansa presumed dead, Jon, dead, Uncle Stark missing presumed dead, Bran and Rikkdon presumed dead but at some glowing tree or whatever, Arya blind, and serving a god of Dead people so she'll probably end up dead (sigh) I don't like quitting shows, but the author and show runners need to stop killing people I like. Or start balancing things out a bit more. Cersi's walk of atonement was really tough. my poor Jon :( 4 Link to comment
TheodoraK June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 so many endless scenes. cersei's walk of shame. the dothrakis circling Dani. Arye and the freaking many faced whatever -- just creepy and pointless. the only thing that made me happy was Varys and Tyrion. melissandre will definitely save jon snow. there is no other reason for her to be there. god knows how that will warp him. can't a whitewalker kill her off? does sir davos know how shireen died? who is benjen? sorry. i'm tired and lazy. i'll go look it up. Link to comment
CletusMusashi June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 I don't believe Arya is blind. I believe Bran is crippled, because he was thrown out of a tower. But Arya's final scene this season had all the accountability of a peyote hallucination. I say she'll go through a deep, mystical testing ritual, and she'll get her sight back, plus a zany new power or two, and she'll learn an important lesson in the process. Maybe not the lesson that A Man claims to be trying to teach her.. but with trickster-gurus you never really know, do you? 9 Link to comment
Love June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Benjen was Ned's brother who brought Jon to The Wall in S1. He was First Ranger, went out on a mission & never came back. Only his horse did. 3 Link to comment
bbolto June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 This show has never been shy of showing people being killed or their heads being cut off. I don't see any good reason why they wouldn't show Stannis getting his head cut off, if that's what actually happened. As a devotee of Joe Bob Briggs back in the day I have been ghooooulishly keeping count of how many heads have actually rolled on Game Of Thrones and I think it's only been four: - the Night's Watch deserter in the first episode - Lord Karstark, by Robb Stark - Ser whosit that Theon clumsily beheads, and I'm not actually sure about that - the guy in the Meereen fighting pits this season 3 of them are executions. We do NOT actually see Ned Stark's head come off (though that shot is pretty unambiguous and we see his head on the ground next episode). I just rewatched it. There is also the Mountain chopping off his horse's head in that tournament, if you want to extend it to animals. I think that by Game of Thrones standards Stannis is super dead. If you want to just go wild with it I suppose you can imagine he's on a boat with Syrio Forel somewhere! 6 Link to comment
Dobian June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Seriously. This show and its "Zero Stark Tolerance" is bordering on becoming like The Walking Dead's "No More Than One Black Guy" rule. I think Martin and the show's writers get off on all this Stark abuse. 2 Link to comment
CletusMusashi June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 (edited) Benjen was Ned's brother who brought Jon to The Wall in S1. He was First Ranger, went out on a mission & never came back. Only his horse did. Maybe next season we'll see the adventures of Ghost, Nymeria, Benjen's horse, and Ser Pounce. As a devotee of Joe Bob Briggs back in the day I have been ghooooulishly keeping count of how many heads have actually rolled on Game Of Thrones and I think it's only been four: - the Night's Watch deserter in the first episode - Lord Karstark, by Robb Stark - Ser whosit that Theon clumsily beheads, and I'm not actually sure about that - the guy in the Meereen fighting pits this season 3 of them are executions. We do NOT actually see Ned Stark's head come off (though that shot is pretty unambiguous and we see his head on the ground next episode). I just rewatched it. There is also the Mountain chopping off his horse's head in that tournament, if you want to extend it to animals. I think that by Game of Thrones standards Stannis is super dead. If you want to just go wild with it I suppose you can imagine he's on a boat with Syrio Forel somewhere! What about Slynt? And didn't Khal Drogo, in his final duel, rip the guy's head off? I love the Joe Bob shoutout, but I know there are more heads to count! Edited June 15, 2015 by CletusMusashi 4 Link to comment
peggy06 June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 (edited) I just can't believe Jon Snow is actually gone for good. What about all the hinting around this season, about his parents? I almost think that interview quoted upthread is a deliberate con. They've had bad luck this year with stuff getting leaked, so maybe they are taking extra precautions. No? Shall I take off my tinfoil hat? I also firmly believe Sansa is alive. Theon might die saving her, but I don't see them killing her off at this moment, after Theon makes it possible for her to try an escape. It seems like a waste of a "moment" for the show. Of course, Ramsay has dogs, so the likelihood of either of them getting away is pretty small. Stannis - I think he's dead, but I didn't see the person come up behind her as some posters have mentioned. If Stannis is not dead, it's hard to see what kind of storyline he could have going forward. Edited June 15, 2015 by peggy06 4 Link to comment
Andromeda June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 (edited) This show has never been shy of showing people being killed or their heads being cut off. I don't see any good reason why they wouldn't show Stannis getting his head cut off, if that's what actually happened. I just think they were having creative editing fun -- you see Brienne's sword coming down, and it turns into Ramsay's sword finishing off one of Stannis' men. I also choose to believe that Pod was watching her back while she had her revenge moment, so no one could threaten her from behind. Because that had me on pins and needles, worrying someone would sneak up on her during her righteous speechifying. Edited June 15, 2015 by Andromeda 5 Link to comment
Artsda June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 OMG Jon. :( I wasn't expecting that at all. After his father and brother, I shouldn't be shocked but I was. Cersai's walk of shame was wow, powerful job by Lena and brave of her also. 2 Link to comment
bbolto June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 What about Slynt? And didn't Khal Drogo, in his final duel, rip the guy's head off? I love the Joe Bob shoutout, but I know there are more heads to count! Slynt: Forgot that one! Khal Drogo: No! He cuts open the other guy's throat and tears out his tongue! I just watched it. Damn I miss Khal Drogo, those were some proper threats! 2 Link to comment
bbolto June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Gendry = Rosencrantz Bran = Guildenstern Jaime = Bottom Ramsay = Tybalt, at best Littlefinger = like a lazy stoner Iago or something Varys = low-key Prospero Tyrion = Falstaff, if he entered the Hunger Games 4 Link to comment
Schmoopy June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 1 19 Link to comment
Hecate7 June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 As we all know, there's a big difference between "all dead" and "mostly dead." Without Jon Snow there really is no point in the story. I love Tyrion but you can't have a show about just Tyrion and Arya. It is very bad writing to have Jon Snow's mystery and all that, going on for so long, and then kill him off. The one good thing about it is that when the White Walkers show up and kill everyone at the Wall, I won't mind now. 10 Link to comment
VCRTracking June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 Et tu, Olly? 3 Link to comment
CletusMusashi June 15, 2015 Share June 15, 2015 How the hell do the Watch not think that the Wildlings are going to massacre them now? Working from a wide open space in broad daylight, the giant alone could kill most of them by throwing snowballs! 5 Link to comment
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