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S10.E01: Under Construction

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So David had an affair last year? I think there's much more to that story. I don't think it was just one. I was rooting for them to make it but it seems like he's just hanging in there until the kids are out of the house. The problem for women like Shannon who hold on too long is when David leaves he'll probably marry a 30 year old and start another family. She's been wasting the best years of her life being miserable and will not be able to start over as easily.




Apparently she found out about it last April (she said April 1st - Happy April Fools Day to her).  At first I didn't understand about her saying he ruined what would have otherwise been the happiest year of her life, then I realized that the show premiered the middle of April, so she had just found out about this when the show began and she started to get a lot of press for being the "new" HW. I always felt there was something below the surface there, and like a lot of folks assumed it was an affair.  For that to have been true, he would have had to have done this before at least once, since the scenes we were seeing last season were shot before she found out about his mistress. 


She is someone I want to like, but there is something very strange going on here. She did a fantastic job last season as it moved on to make us think that things were getting better in their marriage. By the time the reunion rolled around the were pretty much popping the champagne to celebrate how they had turned it all around. They talked of sleeping in the same room and of long vacations together. Her blogs made it sound like they were in such a good place. All the while they were actually still going through the shit we saw last night. It all seems contrived in some manner to me. I just cannot get that the girl we saw last year who lost her shit when Heather told someone about a text from David is now going to openly talk abut David having an affair. And do all of the shaming on national TV that will come with that. 


Their house went on the market in May, not long after she found out about the affair. I would bet anything putting the house on the market is the first step to divorce. I don't think they are really working on their marriage at all. I think it is probably just a storyline. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 13

I saw the perfect new nickname for her today...Gramballs!  LOVE IT!


So excited for tonight!  This is my favorite iteration of the Housewives and the only one where I've seen every season.  I've stopped watching New Jersey, have never seen Atlanta, and I was hit-or-miss on the Cindy Barshop (is that her last name?) season of NYC and most of the BH seasons as well.

I do like Gramballs but I still see Tamra as a big ole tampon.

I'm gonna call her Grampon


Egads...another boob job - is this her go to storyline?


There are 20 more episodes, what's next another rejuvenating of her flappy vagina?


PS Grampon you're gonna need to start botoxing your nose. When you try to make expressions all of the wrinkles congregate on your bridge like Stevie J from Love N Hip Hop

  • Love 5

Jim Edmonds used to be fucking hot. I never realized what an asshole he truly is. Professional athletes are the absolute worst when it comes to fidelity.


Jim Edmonds reminds me of what Shane Keough would have been, if he really had the athletic talent....total douche with no respect for women - no wonder Meghan (is that her name??) is wife #3....

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 19

I've always suspected that they have family money, or big bucks from some other source. Does anyone know? Plastic surgeons can make a lot of money, sure, but those houses - the old and the new - that's one percenter money, right?

They made a lot of money off the sale of their old house.  Terry grew up in an apartment so I am going to say no family money there.  Heather's family has some wealth and Heather claims she bought the lot their first mansion was on from her earnings as an actress.  Terry probably makes about three million as a surgeon/reality star if he is as busy as he claims to be and owns the practice.  As far as the other RH-people like the Hamiltons, Edmonds and even Beadors probably earn a lot more. 


I am sure the Dubrows monthly nut is probably well over $100,000.00 a month.

  • Love 3
What happened to Heather's eyebrows? Were they always asymmetrical? Did Terry do that?


Oh my gosh, yes! They were do distracting in her THs! The right one is way more arched than the left. 


She says "...put nine in a bowl".  Last season, she went on and on about how her feng shui practitioner told her to always keep 9 lemons in a bowl for prosperity or health or some dumbass new agey reason, and wouldn't let David use the lemons.


All I could think of was - "Nine? Baby wanted 12 lemons". 

  • Love 5

Does anyone know when filming began? I'm guessing Shannon meant April 2014 when she found out about the affair, but I'm not clear. I do appreciate her giving an accurate and honest portrayal of her marriage compared to the other HW BS (yes, I'm talking about you Ramona on RHONY). But, now that I understand where they are I don't need to see it every episode. They both seem very unhappy and have been for awhile so I hope they can get to a happy place whether it is together or apart.

Ugh on the new girl. Whoever said shades of Alexis and Jim relationship upthread makes a good comparison. I don't want to see the constant belittling of anyone's spouse on TV.

Regarding Brook's cancer, isn't this like the third time he's had it? I seem to remember it being in the tabloids, etc for years.

  • Love 4

David cheating is no surprise to me. He's probably cheated several times. IMO, you should not waste a single moment with someone who doesn't value your relationship or respect you. Shannon should leave...now. I've witnessed couples who stay together 'for the kids' and they actually do far more harm to their children than they realize. Shannon is her 50s, right? Her kids are fairly young so if she left when the youngest was out of the house, she'd be at least 60. Who wants to wait to start over at 60 if they have the financial means to do so now? I repeat, leave now Shannon. Focus on your own happiness. I have no doubt that she can find another man.


Lynne motherfucking Curtin ladies and gentlemen. Tamra must be truly on the outs if she had to dust off the Queen of Cuff Bracelets Lynne and pass her off as a good friend. Good gawd and one of her girls has spawned. Last I heard both of those girls were involved in adult entertainment somehow. Lynne looked pretty damn good I have to say. Wonder how she is paying for facial upkeep.


I was reading one of Andy Cohen's books (don't judge me, it was $1 at Dollar Tree and I needed a beach read) and he said a lot of the OC HWs actually stay friends even when they leave the show. Jeana and Vicki are still friends, Tammy is still close friends with the ladies, etc.


I'm with everyone else thinking that David is looking yummy. He will have and has probably had no problem attracting other ladies.

It pains me to agree with this, but I do. He is good-looking and is probably pretty charming.


Heather's new house is disgusting. It looks like a hotel, not a home. The kids will need a map and a flashlight just find mom and dad's room when they have a nightmare. I knew Dr. Dubrow was wealthy because he's a plastic surgeon in the OC, but I had no idea he was this wealthy. The property taxes, cost of upkeep and maintenance, utility bills, staff salaries, etc. will easily be in the millions every year.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 1

I'm worried too about Shannon disappointing me. I have such high hopes for her. Elevated levels that I have never placed on another HW. Dont piss me off Shannon.

I love Sharon too.


Feng Shui, candles, plaques, lemons and sage are not gonna save this marriage. It's sad that she reveals David had an affair.


Hotel receipts in his briefcase??????

Um....he wanted to be found out then.


I know she just said no divorce...but is this healthy for Sharon and her kids

  • Love 5

I love how even with Brooks's cancer (or "cancer"), Vicki still manages to make it about her.  When they were in the kitchen eating dinner, Vicki said to Brooks, "Aren't you glad you're not alone and single going through this?"  He didn't say, "Of course I am," fast enough because Vicki said to him, "You have to affirm me."  Yeah, they both deserve the hell out of each other.


What is up with Shannon's opening line: "When life gives you lemons, put mine in a bowl!"  What?  What does that even mean?


I truly believe Shannon is going to, in some way, emotionally screw up her girls just like she claims her parents screwed her up simply because she's staying in a marriage that's been long over and done.  Why can't she show them that you can be a strong, independent woman who is smart enough to walk away from something that is so unhealthy for you and your family?  She can still say that she gave it her all because she clearly has.  I just think that when her daughters are adults, they'll respect her more for that decision rather than beating this dead horse to a pulp.  Don't get me wrong, I do wish she and David could make it work, but it really and truly doesn't look like it will, sadly.  She and David obviously love those girls, so I don't have any doubt that they would be able to make a divorced family work just fine for all of them.


So, basically, one of Heather's 14 bathrooms probably costs about as much as her paycheck from Bravo for one season of work.  Jesus.


I wonder if Heather is the wealthiest of all of the Bravo housewives?  Or would one of the NYC (e.g., Bethenny?) or Beverly Hills (e.g., Lisa?  Adrienne?) housewives be richer?


Is that a pun referring to her fung-shui thing last year, about having a certain number of lemons in a bowl for good feelings in the house or something like that?  

  • Love 1

I guess it's scary for some to be "60 and alone." (Not me. Losing my sex drive was like toilet training my kids. The jail was open!), but I think Shannon is more concerned about an assymetrical Christmas card picture.

It's too bad that she doesn't consider the reality that a better relationship with her kids is miles ahead of whatever she has with David. She couldn't be more alone now if she tried.

  • Love 11

Humble Heather and her porte-cochère.... Too funny! Fine, you and your twit husband have ostentatious and pretentious aspirations, but this example is so impractical! They were/are designed for carriages/these days cars, to pull up under cover for passengers to alight and make their way into the building with protection from the weather. They are meant for chauffeured vehicles. The vehicle and driver do not park there. It's not a carport where you park your car. How the hell does that work with a modern family that surely drives their own cars? Unless the whole family is chauffeured?

I'm ok with grandiosity but can you make the grandiose feature fit a real life in some way? Yolanda's refrigerator is over the top but I love it! It's pretentious but it fits her life/lifestyle. I admire it instead of laughing at it! Maybe because she doesn't brag about it.... Maybe that's the difference?

Ps. Weren't Heather and Terry calling the porte-cochère something else last season?

Pps. Just found the Wikipedia definition, including this bit:

"In modern usage, porte-cochères are still used on some types of buildings such as major public buildings and hotels, where they provide pick-up and drop-off space, for example for dignitaries, taxis and buses."

Bwah ha ha!

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
  • Love 11

Humble Heather and her porte-cochère.... Too funny! Fine, you and your twit husband have ostentatious and pretentious aspirations, but this example is so impractical! They were/are designed for carriages/these days cars, to pull up under cover for passengers to alight and make their way into the building with protection from the weather. They are meant for chauffeured vehicles. The vehicle and driver do not park there. It's not a carport where you park your car. How the hell does that work with a modern family that surely drives their own cars? Unless the whole family is chauffeured?

I'm ok with grandiosity but can you make the grandiose feature fit a real life in some way? Yolanda's refrigerator is over the top but I love it! It's pretentious but it fits her life/lifestyle. I admire it instead of laughing at it! Maybe because she doesn't brag about it.... Maybe that's the difference?

Ps. Weren't Heather and Terry calling the porte-cochère something else last season?

Pps. Just found the Wikipedia definition, including this bit:

"In modern usage, porte-cochères are still used on some types of buildings such as major public buildings and hotels, where they provide pick-up and drop-off space, for example for dignitaries, taxis and buses."

Bwah ha ha!

And, it never rains in SoCal, right? And snow is out of the question. So what is this thing? A sunshade. And she still pronounces it incorrectly. Over and over. Edited by SFoster21
  • Love 9

Oh Heather - it sounds so sexy to hear you talk about your "porte-cochere."  Which is French for carport - yeah I googled it.  My parents have one of those on their 1950's cape cod - har.  I do not begrudge anyone their money - I wish I had married better! But seriously - just because you can afford an over the top monstrosity on the hill looming over all of the neighbors to proclaim we are richer than you ! - is the definition of obnoxious. And please stick that $7000 sink somewhere,  I want to see it though.  How fab can it possibly be?

  • Love 7

I do like Gramballs but I still see Tamra as a big ole tampon.

I'm gonna call her Grampon


Egads...another boob job - is this her go to storyline?


There are 20 more episodes, what's next another rejuvenating of her flappy vagina?


PS Grampon you're gonna need to start botoxing your nose. When you try to make expressions all of the wrinkles congregate on your bridge like Stevie J from Love N Hip Hop

So nice to see you KFB! :)

Grampon works well too! Love all the creative nicknames for Tamrat!


Apparently she found out about it last April (she said April 1st - Happy April Fools Day to her).  At first I didn't understand about her saying he ruined what would have otherwise been the happiest year of her life, then I realized that the show premiered the middle of April, so she had just found out about this when the show began and she started to get a lot of press for being the "new" HW. I always felt there was something below the surface there, and like a lot of folks assumed it was an affair.  For that to have been true, he would have had to have done this before at least once, since the scenes we were seeing last season were shot before she found out about his mistress. 


She is someone I want to like, but there is something very strange going on here. She did a fantastic job last season as it moved on to make us think that things were getting better in their marriage. By the time the reunion rolled around the were pretty much popping the champagne to celebrate how they had turned it all around. They talked of sleeping in the same room and of long vacations together. Her blogs made it sound like they were in such a good place. All the while they were actually still going through the shit we saw last night. It all seems contrived in some manner to me. I just cannot get that the girl we saw last year who lost her shit when Heather told someone about a text from David is now going to openly talk abut David having an affair. And do all of the shaming on national TV that will come with that. 


Their house went on the market in May, not long after she found out about the affair. I would bet anything putting the house on the market is the first step to divorce. I don't think they are really working on their marriage at all. I think it is probably just a storyline. 

To me, after filming stopped but before the Reunion taped it seemed a little too good to be true that these two had reconnected and everything was perfect.  Although it sounds a little morbid, I find this storyline to be a bit more real and the other women should pay attention and not mock.  Heather Dubrow.  As Black Momba said-better than a robot baby.


So many people say get up and leave if your marriage isn't working, the kids will be better off.  What I see on this show is two great examples of women who left their marriages because they were unable to work on their marriages and now have regrets.  Vicki kids are at odds with her and she has well, Brooks.  Tamra lost her relationship with her first born daughter.  Tamra now is the primary wage earner and each year has to reinvent herself and to keep the paycheck and her boytoy husband in  lycra shorts and onesies and bicycles.


Just a clue  if you have a house that has it own gym or certainly room for its own gym be suspicious if your husband gets up at 4:30 am to go to a gym.  My other question-was David's affair perhaps married-why the need for hotel rooms? 


If Shannon is willing to put the work into reviving her troubled marriage and David is coming to the realization that maybe he should go the distance with the family he and Shannon created. 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 10

I thought Heather's house was awful and it was totally giving me Queen of Versaille flashbacks. In terms of their money, I'm sure they do well but unless they're planning to sell soon for some ridiculous amount, I don't see the house being a good investment. I wish there was more than one new HW. Meghan seems like a good addition but we need more fresh faces. Over Vicki and Brooks. I like Shannon but I hope the whoooole season is not just about her marriage. Tamra I'm over (as is Eddie apparently). I mean, Lynn Curtin? In with the new please.

  • Love 4

Oh Heather - it sounds so sexy to hear you talk about your "porte-cochere."  Which is French for carport - yeah I googled it.  My parents have one of those on their 1950's cape cod - har.  I do not begrudge anyone their money - I wish I had married better! But seriously - just because you can afford an over the top monstrosity on the hill looming over all of the neighbors to proclaim we are richer than you ! - is the definition of obnoxious. And please stick that $7000 sink somewhere,  I want to see it though.  How fab can it possibly be?


Well....Chateau Dubrow (or, the Palais de Narcissism) will have a grand chandelier in the fifty foot high foyer, with lights AROUND the chandelier (which is a light), to highlight a light and FOURTEEN FRICKIN' BATHROOMS....I would imagine in Heather's mind, it's going to be pretty frickin' fabulous!!  


Now, if she and Terry could just figure out the proper way to pronounce "porte-cochere", they would be good (or, maybe they should just go back to calling it a motor court....)

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 16

A few observations:

Shannon will not leave David. He will be the one to pull the plug. I'm a little disappointed in him for agreeing to have his affair be brought out on national TV.


I see a marriage #4 in Mr. Edmonds future. 


Heather tries too hard to be cool in her talking heads. She's just a nerd with money. Did anybody else notice while she was giving the grand tour of the McMansion, she playfully opened the window and yelled to the neighbor for a cup of sugar? Why in hell would you spend that kind of money on a home and be on top of your neighbors like that? 


Tamra's look is old and tired. She needs to take a cue from Vicky and cut and condition that hair!


A little red flag for me: Vicki confirming with Brooks that his next chemo treatment will be while she is in Florida. Is he really having treatments. I'll reserve my judgement on that until we see more. 


Where was Lizzie??

  • Love 6
I think Tamra and Vicki look older this season. Not bad, Just older. Maybe it's because I have been watching the old episodes



I think they both looked awful.  I think it's because I am still on my re-watch of Season 3 (I have 80 episodes on my DVR).  Vicki messed with her face too much.  I don't like what she did with restructuring her chin and nose.  Also she is so botoxed up her face is completely frozen.  It's one thing to get a little botox, get the forehead done, everybody does that, but she can barely talk.  Her mouth can only move just a little bit, it's totally bizzarre.  And while I am ripping into her she is also very heavy.  In the kitchen scene with Crooks even her arms look heavy.  I am watching S3 and she was pretty, thin, wearing strapless tank tops, uh how sad.  


I think Tamra looked good when she was going in for her surgery because she looked natural without the bouffant hair and heavy makeup.  Then they flip to the TH Tamra and she's all in pageant mode. These ladies are pretty, they just need to take it down a notch.


I totally had the same thought as mentioned about Heather reminding me of Queen of Versailles.  I know they have money, but do they have THAT kind of money?  I mean yeah, MC Hammer had it all once too.  That kid is too old for a binky. And too old to be carried on the hip like like a baby.  


Sad to hear about the daughter from QOV - not to get off topic but what happened?  Was it the daughter that was not really their daughter or was it the heavy one?

  • Love 2

The Dubrow's house is, of course, ridiculous. But I still love them. Ostentatious wealth is the basis for the show and it's clear they have it. I do think they interact well with their kids. It always seems natural when Terry has his arm around one or something like that. I find it cute.


Love Vicki's short haircut. It is amazing and really frames her face. Could care less about Brooks.


Looking forward to the new girl and all the drama that might bring.


Continue to dislike Tamara. Only she would throw a shower for the expectant couple and invite her own friends. 


The marriage problems last year for David and Shannon were uncomfortable to watch and looks like we are getting more. I feel absolutely horrible for their kids that this is airing on television.

  • Love 7

I love big, gorgeous architecture and I love looking at real estate. But I just don't care about Heather's mega-mansion. I wonder how hard it'll be to eventually unload that monstrosity - I imagine it will be difficult to find a buyer. I feel like Heather will want bigger and better soon enough...25 bathrooms instead of the pitiful 14.


Candy Spelling's home was a monstrosity that took a couple of years to sell and even then, it was to some billionaire's twenty-something daughter for half the asking price.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 10

To me, after filming stopped but before the Reunion taped it seemed a little too good to be true that these two had reconnected and everything was perfect.  Although it sounds a little morbid, I find this storyline to be a bit more real and the other women should pay attention and not mock.  Heather Dubrow.  As Black Momba said-better than a robot baby.


So many people say get up and leave if your marriage isn't working, the kids will be better off.  What I see on this show is two great examples of women who left their marriages because they were unable to work on their marriages and now have regrets.  Vicki kids are at odds with her and she has well, Brooks.  Tamra lost her relationship with her first born daughter.  Tamra now is the primary wage earner and each year has to reinvent herself and to keep the paycheck and her boytoy husband in  lycra shorts and onesies and bicycles.


Just a clue  if you have a house that has it own gym or certainly room for its own gym be suspicious if your husband gets up at 4:30 am to go to a gym.  My other question-was David's affair perhaps married-why the need for hotel rooms? 


If Shannon is willing to put the work into reviving her troubled marriage and David is coming to the realization that maybe he should go the distance with the family he and Shannon created. 

I agree with you about everything, but at the end of the day, I just don't get why they would do it. While I hate all the HW's coming on and having something to hock, at least I get what they are doing and why. Those people come on these shows because they want to get something out of it. More acting roles, sell a product, remind folks they write books, etc. Some of them probably really need the money (Tamra). I just cannot understand why Shannon is here. Her bad marriage was front and center her story from the very beginning. She doesn't seem to have any business to hustle for, and if I understand David's business, he relies on government contracts, so more visibility on the show won't help him. Someone posted their net worth last year and from what I remember they have more money than they could ever spend.  I struggle in trying to figure out why this bothers me, but for some reason it makes Shannon seem more of a famewhore than the rest of them because she seems to be on here for the sole purpose of being somewhat famous for a time at the expense of showing us her sad family.

  • Love 9

The Dubrow's house is, of course, ridiculous. But I still love them. Ostentatious wealth is the basis for the show and it's clear they have it. I do think they interact well with their kids. It always seems natural when Terry has his arm around one or something like that. I find it cute.



Ugh, the house. I hate those huge mansions. Why, just why? I would actually not hate it so much if I thought they would decorate it in a manner I would like. Some way that would create warmth and a feeling of family. They didn't with their last home, so I cannot imagine this one will be different. 


I still love Heather, however. She is the only person on this show that I can tolerate - even a little bit (OK, there are lots of things I like about Shannon).  I think Heather is just as real as Shannon. She has heard the criticism for years, but she is still doing what she does. She likes nice stuff and likes to make a big deal about liking and having nice stuff. She could pretend to be otherwise, which might make people like her more, but she doesn't, which I dig. While I find the house ridiculous, I will take her reality over the one that Shannon is showing any day. What Shannon is opening up to the world cannot possibly be good for her kids. 

  • Love 15

My wish for this season


The Dubrow eyesore is completed and they move in.

Heather tells the other ladies she believes her Port-A-Crap-Palace is haunted.

She has become paranoid because strange things are happenning.

She goes into her son's room and catches whiffs of hooch on his balcony but her son is too young to know what that is and Terri is away filming Botched.

She makes pancakes with chocolate chip smiley faces for Collette, but when she goes to move the plate to Collette...the eyeballs are gone.

Empty liquor bottles are found in Heather's private quarters


Then fast forward to a night scene on the estate.

The camera pans in......OMG it's Sara Winchester frolicking on the lawn eating fondant cake bows

  • Love 21

Thanks, zoeysmom!

I think they both looked awful. I think it's because I am still on my re-watch of Season 3 (I have 80 episodes on my DVR). Vicki messed with her face too much. I don't like what she did with restructuring her chin and nose. Also she is so botoxed up her face is completely frozen. It's one thing to get a little botox, get the forehead done, everybody does that, but she can barely talk. Her mouth can only move just a little bit, it's totally bizzarre. And while I am ripping into her she is also very heavy. In the kitchen scene with Crooks even her arms look heavy. I am watching S3 and she was pretty, thin, wearing strapless tank tops, uh how sad.

I think Tamra looked good when she was going in for her surgery because she looked natural without the bouffant hair and heavy makeup. Then they flip to the TH Tamra and she's all in pageant mode. These ladies are pretty, they just need to take it down a notch.

I totally had the same thought as mentioned about Heather reminding me of Queen of Versailles. I know they have money, but do they have THAT kind of money? I mean yeah, MC Hammer had it all once too. That kid is too old for a binky. And too old to be carried on the hip like like a baby.

Sad to hear about the daughter from QOV - not to get off topic but what happened? Was it the daughter that was not really their daughter or was it the heavy one?

The family was on Celebrity Wife Swap. This situation is discussed in that thread.

I live about a mile from where Meghan and Jim were having their "viewing party" at his restaurant here in StL.  Kinda wish I had gone to it just to see the look on her face as her introduction was shown....and the ring thing at dinner.  That was a hilarious edit.  Looking forward to this season for sure.


Heather's even more annoying, it appears.  That house is gauche.

  • Love 5

Shannon's revelation of her marriage woes and being so open about her life last season is one of the reasons I liked her and thought she was a good fit, however, it wasn't the main reason. What really sold me on Shannon was she wasn't the easy win or the easy mark that Heather and Satan's concubine Tamra thought she was. Those two thought because of her weird new age beliefs, her apparent fragileness and her soft voice that they could paint her to be some crazy lady on the verge of a breakdown. SHANNON. WAS. NOT. THE. ONE. I fucking loved the ways she got out those bitches. She refused to be gaslighted by them. She called them to the carpet and made them both look like terrible people last season. Truth be told, Shannon is one of the main reasons why Tamra had such a bad year. I love her for that reason alone and she will get much leeway from me simply due to that. 


I wonder if Heather is the wealthiest of all of the Bravo housewives?  Or would one of the NYC (e.g., Bethenny?) or Beverly Hills (e.g., Lisa?  Adrienne?) housewives be richer?


I have to say that the Dubrow finances confound me. I just can't wrap my mind around a plastic surgeon having such a high income. I'd believe it if he was in the tech field, an engineer/inventor, investment banking, etc., but it just always makes me scratch my head.  The land cost about $4.1 million I heard. The house has to cost at least 3-5 times (and up) the land price. Didn't they sell their last home for about $16 million? I am sure they had to pay off a mortgage but I believe they probably made some money off the sale. So it looks like they could afford it. 


Seeing how close their neighbors are I am wondering how big their lot is.



I am sure the Dubrows monthly nut is probably well over $100,000.00 a month.


LOL! This made me holler. I didn't think they had it in them. Maybe they should convert their home into a brothel?


With the Queen of Versailles comparison, I have a hard time figuring out which one is the Queen, Heather or Terry?

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 12

I didn't watch but it sounds like it's wash, rinse, repeat with the storylines again. I think I'll skip the show, maybe just catch up here.


I had to look up Meghan after everyone was talking about how pretty she is. Her husband looks like a douche and he's not attractive at all. Anyway, I finally figured out who Meghan reminded me of. She looks like a blonde Joann from Gypsy Sisters.


  • Love 2

As for Megan and the baseball dude.


I'm guessing he married his nanny/personal mover.


Dude got a vasectomy...why would you want a kid with this man unless you think that will ensure you some money in your upcoming divorce?

You must have a pre-nup...they only thing you'll be getting is his misplaced wedding ring to hock

Maybe the Dubrows can tie a lead rope to little Colette's pacifier so they can keep track of where she is in the new home and reel her in when it's time for dinner.

The house will look like this with no binky or Collette in sight.

Free Collette!!!!



  • Love 4
Jim Edmonds used to be fucking hot. I never realized what an asshole he truly is. Professional athletes are the absolute worst when it comes to fidelity.


I haven't watched Real Housewives of anything in a long time, and just happened to turn this on last night during the part where Meghan as discussing Jim's knowledge of her soul, which seemed more to be Jim's sincere effort to ignore Meghan by staring at his phone and being rude. 


I'm from St. Louis, and a Cardinals fan and I did used to hear that he was not the nicest person.   It appears he married the dimmest bulb he could find in the drawer.  But she was having those $300,000 sales in her old job, so she doesn't need "all" his money. 

  • Love 2
Did anybody else notice while she was giving the grand tour of the McMansion, she playfully opened the window and yelled to the neighbor for a cup of sugar? Why in hell would you spend that kind of money on a home and be on top of your neighbors like that?


Amen to that! I'd rather live in 900 square feet and have some SPACE between the neighbors and I. Better yet, no neighbors. 


A little red flag for me: Vicki confirming with Brooks that his next chemo treatment will be while she is in Florida. Is he really having treatments. I'll reserve my judgement on that until we see more.


I am right there with you! I tend to be skeptical by nature, but Brooks's entire storyline is giving me a mad case of side eye. I want to SEE him getting chemo or puking or something to make me believe he really has cancer. 


I really hope Brooks cancer is real. Not that I want him sick, no way. But a fake cancer storyline would be even worse. Andy would truly be Satan.


No doubt. But I'm skeptical as hell. One possibility I see is that Brooks does have cancer, but it's very minor and he (with or without Vicks) is blowing it way out proportion. Like he had a mole removed and is now totally in the clear.

  • Love 5

Random thoughts:

Did anyone else think Meghan was a lot like Kristen on the NY franchise - pretty but not real bright, and has an asshole for a husband. I never heard of him before since I don't follow baseball, but wow what a douchebag. Thanks Bravo editors for making Meghan look even more dumb for bragging on their marriage and what a great guy he is, interspersed with clips of him being a rude asshole to her, and his daughter laughing her ass off at her being ridiculed.. Gotta love that.


Loved Shannon last year, but this season am not sure - I really don't want to watch the marriage therapy sessions. Some things shouldn't be filmed and that was one of them. I feel bad for David. Hope we don't have weeks of this to look forward to. I thought her tagline was clever.


Tamara - still ugh. Don't care about  her, her 3rd boob job, her son, etc. I'm probably in the minority that I didn't start watching this franchise until last season, so I had no clue who her friend was at the baby shower with the grandbaby. But from what you guys have posted about her she sounds like a winner in the mom department.


Vicki - have never been a fan, so I try to ignore, but as has been said hope Brooks isn't faking his illness. So wrong if he is.


Heather - don't like her or her famewhore husband. Agree with everyone on that monstrosity of a house. Her eyebrows are very bizarre. Also did anyone catch when she was giving her kids and Terry a tour of the house, she said "And this is MY bedroom". Not "our" bedroom. Interesting.


Random random observation - channel surfing over the weekend and caught an episode of "Botched". Patient had a Birkin bag. Terry just had to make a point to compliment and commented that they cost $50,000, he tried to get one for his wife but is on a waiting list at Hermes. Like wife, like husband, with the bragging and namedropping. I guess I'm strange but if I ever had the kind of money these people have, I could never and would never spend $50,000. On a purse.

Edited by parrotlover
  • Love 6

Does anyone know if Heather's new house has a spectacular view?   I could live in a shed if I had a beautiful waterfront view, or amazing hills and trees.  If her neighbors are as close as it seems on tv, I would not be happy.  Also, I wonder if she still has the 2 cute puppies.


David and Shannon...I don't see him going anywhere.  Men seem content to stick around forever and do the occasional affair, or even keep someone else on the side for years.  He is getting something from his marriage, I doubt that he is miserable all the time.  I think he cares for Shannon, but he knows she is not a happy person.  He reminds me of many men I've observed over the years, he won't leave until Shannon makes that decision. 


The new girl is pretty and her husband was baseball royalty.  He will have adoring fans forever.  Good luck to her.


Tamra and Eddie...boring.  Vicki is still the gift that keeps on giving.  Vicki has no equals in the reality world, IMO, she is a shining star among a bunch of wannabes.  God love her.

  • Love 4


No doubt. But I'm skeptical as hell. One possibility I see is that Brooks does have cancer, but it's very minor and he (with or without Vicks) is blowing it way out proportion. Like he had a mole removed and is now totally in the clear.

I think blowing it out of proportion is probably the culprit. I hate the idea of anyone faking cancer, especially to garner sympathy. I keep thinking back to Kim of RHoA not!cancer scare. It was a strange, garbled story. 


As for Shannon.....sigh....I really do not see her moving past David's affair, just judging from her personality. If the marriage is going to work, obviously David has to stop the affair, but Shannon is going to have to forgive and move forward. I can just see her holding it over David's head, which she has every right to do, but not if she wants a good marriage. David seemed very unhappy last season and while I do think they might have gotten back on track for a bit, (though who knows David might have been happier because of who he was having an affair with) unless some major changes are made I do not see them being in a happy marriage. I do think they have love for each other, but overall be happier apart. It sounds like they have tried a lot to fix it, but it is possible that nothing besides going their separate ways will work.

Edited by Misslindsey
  • Love 3

I agree with you about everything, but at the end of the day, I just don't get why they would do it. While I hate all the HW's coming on and having something to hock, at least I get what they are doing and why. Those people come on these shows because they want to get something out of it. More acting roles, sell a product, remind folks they write books, etc. Some of them probably really need the money (Tamra). I just cannot understand why Shannon is here. Her bad marriage was front and center her story from the very beginning. She doesn't seem to have any business to hustle for, and if I understand David's business, he relies on government contracts, so more visibility on the show won't help him. Someone posted their net worth last year and from what I remember they have more money than they could ever spend.  I struggle in trying to figure out why this bothers me, but for some reason it makes Shannon seem more of a famewhore than the rest of them because she seems to be on here for the sole purpose of being somewhat famous for a time at the expense of showing us her sad family.

In the beginning, at that was a long time ago, I thought the show was more about the various relationships within the family.  Certainly Jeana and Vicki were trying for maximum exposure for their businesses.  My guess is Shannon at first thought by going on TV, her husband would have to snap to it.  There is always the income from the show that helps a stay at home mom's self worth.  I also think they were trying to sell their house.  It was originally listed before Shannon aired on RHOC.  The original introduction of Shannon could have been just as easily a tour for Million Dollar Listing.


I hate the term famewhore because there are just so many out there that are far more guilty of the title.  All I can think of is once Shannon agreed to do the show-probably in 2013, she realized that it was not a fix for the bumps in the marriage and then was left scrambling.  Originally I felt for the kids with the affair business - I have a sneaky feeling they found out because of their parents newfound notoriety.  A good time to deal with it and it seems they are having to tackle it as a family.  I think her girls do well and I wonder if that trip David took to Italy last year was maybe what convinced him to smarten up. he had the best of both worlds away from the nag and time with the child but only one of three.


For the Tamra's of the world who think it is better to move on because it is all about their happiness and I am sure Tamra thinks Shannon should divorce, she almost drooled at the possibility last season, sometimes a little hard work pays off and as parents you get to experience the ups and downs of raising your children under one roof.  How many women would want Meghan Edmonds raising their children 50% of the time?  Or having someone like Meghan at birthdays, graduations and weddings.  David needs to suck it up as well - yes he is getting older and maybe he should think about his family instead of himself.  No one else can make you happy it is up to you to try and find it with the commitments you made in life.   Shannon needs to cut way back on the nagging.  She brings to mind the tired old saying-get off the cross we need the wood.  It is not about whether or not David went to cotillion or eats potatoes and certainly some of her new age crap needs to be checked.  I live fairly close to Marin County, the home of new age and I don't see how Shannon can't possibly see how maybe it is hard to deal with someone who goes with the latest fad.  I mean  - yeast - vinegar but vodka is okay? Maybe she thinks she is entitled or she has no other coping mechanisms but geez try a little flexibility.


I am only commenting on  my take and even though I quoted Motorcitymom's post it is not meant as a rebuff.  I see an interesting season ahead.

I didn't watch but it sounds like it's wash, rinse, repeat with the storylines again. I think I'll skip the show, maybe just catch up here.


I had to look up Meghan after everyone was talking about how pretty she is. Her husband looks like a douche and he's not attractive at all. Anyway, I finally figured out who Meghan reminded me of. She looks like a blonde Joann from Gypsy Sisters.

I think Jim Edmonds looks like a pre-pickled Matt Keough.  Is there a certain style for former baseball players?

  • Love 11

Ryan's instragam cougar looks amazing at 9 months pregnant. I really am dying to know her real age.




She didn't even look pregnant to me - I kept thinking "nine months....where's the baby?".  


Not only that, but she definitely has beautified herself.  She was rather plain looking when we saw her last season (pretty, but in a regular person way)...Last night, she looked to have been professionally made up and styled.  

  • Love 4

Watching Shannon is painful.   Her focus on a strict holistic, feng shui, crystal hanging lifestyle seems to be part of the problem.   David came across as a more "meat & potatoes" kind of guy and doesn't seem to "get" her fixations on these things, but just goes along.   She seems to be perpetually confused, and he just seems tired of dealing with it.     When she said they had already gone to see a Pastor, a counselor, whoever she consulted and sold her those "relationship" crystals, and now a retreat, it made me think she's desperately searching for somebody who will tell her what she wants to hear, and place the blame squarely on David.


I have been dealing with a client  who reminds me of the Dubrows for going on three years now.  Total remodel of their interior - and after it was done, the wife decided she had seen another style of kitchen she liked better, so the less than 6 mo old kitchen was ripped out.   They have  dropped about 1.5 million just for the excavation for a new underground home theater. (the latest folly)   They have gone through 3 specialty theater consultants, and are currently dealing with #4.   When you get a client where money is no object, it can be a nightmare, or a dream come true.  Everything seems to get bigger, more expensive, more mind boggling.   This couple also demanded a port cochere for their entrance.   It was important for guests to be able to pull up, get out, and have their valet part the car.   I looked at the Dubrows new house as over the top, but I also see how many contractors, architects & designers have steady employment ; - ) 

  • Love 8

Well, I forgot it was on, so I only caught a little of it.  I can comment on what I did see.


Shannon - puts the "real" back in "reality".   I respect her and her husband for putting it all out there,  but that was painful to watch. I'm talking about the workshop segment. 


Heather - ugh, as obnoxious as always with the freaking house.  Who cares?


The next segment was Tams Tacky Shower with her skeevy son.  And I turned it off.   I was over her last season and her tears about her friendship with Vickie - well, yeah, who screwed that up Tams?


So all total, I didn't watch much, but don't feel like I missed much. 

  • Love 8

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