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S05.E11: Check-Up With Dr. Drew, Part 1

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I don't like Dr. Drew's way of handling these girls. I know Dr. Phil is not well-liked, but he at least calls people out. I have always said bring in the big guns like Judge Judy or at least Iyanla Vanzant. Someone at MTV likes coddling these girls. Then again, of all the reunions shows I have ever watched over the years of various shows, the reunion host is almost always "nice". I hate that. If these people can bring out the nasty and mean side time and time again, then they should be able to handle being told they are fucked up.


Something will surely set off Amber because we see in the preview that she walks off the stage.

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These kids don't need a therapist or doctor. They need to have their MTV checks pulled out from under them. Kick them to the curb and let's see how they manage without the cash.

Now that's the show I would watch. Seeing how these clowns function in the real world without the MTV tit to suck off of. I want to see Amber storm off her fry station screaming "I HAVE ANXIETY!" Or Catelynn chewing the shit out of her nails because Tyler has made friends with the girls at the Orange Julius stand.

Maci, who cares. Farrah? Farrah will be fine.

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Now that's the show I would watch. Seeing how these clowns function in the real world without the MTV tit to suck off of. I want to see Amber storm off her fry station screaming "I HAVE ANXIETY!" Or Catelynn chewing the shit out of her nails because Tyler has made friends with the girls at the Orange Julius stand.

Maci, who cares. Farrah? Farrah will be fine.

This whole thing has me busting a gut over here, but the bolded part really made me start laughing and then I began to cough my ass off. lol


I'd give anything to see MTV merge True Life with this damn show


"Teen Mom: True Life (No More Cash Money) "


Amber couldn't handle working at a fast food place. They'd make her cut them damn talons she is always sporting.


Agree about Farrah.


Maci - it would be fun to watch her not have money anymore and she bitches at Taylor as he spends time at the strip club.


Oh the possibilities are endless! This would be more fun to watch than the actual show.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I love that Dr. Drew is actually calling Ambie out on her drinking and crap relationship!

Who is this guy? This isn't the easy least question asking Drew we've always had. This guy has a bit of bite to him. Looking good Dr Drew.

Say word! The Love Cloud Fary Shirley is breaking up marriages. Guard ya ladies!

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Someone's probably going to say "Hello Amber."

My bet is on the comment "would you like a water bottle". All the factors needed to push ambers buttons. It's a question, and Amber doesn't like to be questioned. Plus it implies that Amber isn't capable of getting a water bottle and also accuses Amber of not knowing when she's thirsty or where the water is. She's a MOM guys. She knows stuff. The audacity of some people. Clearly Amber would be understandably infuriated by such a remark.
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I loved how after Ambie walked off and Bubby followed, Matt casually moved over into the spot closet to Dr. Drew. It was so telling, that was why he was there.

Talk about a superfan's wish come true! He not only got on the show, but he's at the reunion! Sitting on the couch, talking to a Dr. Drew.

Also, I thought a line by Taylor summed up why the show has gone downhill. When he was asked when he might propose to Maci, he said: when I get my next MTV check. Touché, Taylor!

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I've been hooting and laughing like I sat on a funny fork about 15 times reading this page so far: thanks people!


Oh my God. Gary is the other man. I can't even...


As much as I enjoyed the impromptu intervention, I really would have liked to see Christina/Kristina on the stage while Gary was letting that one out of the bag, just to have been able to hear the audience's reaction to the visual of all of it. I need to know more about how Gary caught her eye. Was he the loudest breather at a school function? Was he the driver of a car pool she was involved with somehow, and they locked eyes when she opened the minivan door and his gaze was set at full recline (i.e., how his seat always is set when he's driving)? Did he yell "come in!" from the couch on a rainy, hot summer day? There had better be receipts showing her former(?) husband is an epic loser; otherwise this is a whole new definition of cuckold, and someone needs to add some stuff to the Bible.


God, Macy is human Lunesta (not even the cool sleep-eating Ambien stuff) and I almost forgot she was the first segment. I remember hearing something about how she got pregnant because of having PCOS, but never really paid any attention. Why does she keep talking about it? She only sounds more and more like a desperate, man-trapping do-nothing. Without taking the time to poke 1000 holes in her condom of logic, women who conceive naturally early on without much practice (her story, not mine) are at the opposite end of the spectrum from those who are diagnosed with PCOS. Yes, it's a complicated syndrome and differs from person to person, but almost all atypical cases (young, thin, no clear endocrine issues) are diagnosed by infertility, and that's often the only symptom. Her explanation only makes sense if she had been trying to conceive for 2-10 years with no luck. What kind of hillbilly doctor does she have who's put her on birth control pills, but then warns her that at 22 years old, she's running out of time to conceive?  

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OMG, Ryan.


How can he be hilariously funny one week, and a huge jerk the next. Tonight he was hilarious. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere but near Dr. Drew, talking with him. He does not care about this show at all, except for the paycheck.


The rest of Maci's interview was boring. Just like every scene she's in on the show.


Amber once again proves she's changed not an iota. Matt's repellant. But, her brother is adorable. Why hasn't someone, who cares about her, suggest she finds someone like him?

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Now that's the show I would watch. Seeing how these clowns function in the real world without the MTV tit to suck off of. I want to see Amber storm off her fry station screaming "I HAVE ANXIETY!" Or Catelynn chewing the shit out of her nails because Tyler has made friends with the girls at the Orange Julius stand.

Maci, who cares. Farrah? Farrah will be fine.

I just don't see Farrah as being fine in the long run. 


Her porn and sex toy "career" can't last forever.  She blows her cash on loser guys, her parents and useless material things.


No matter how much money she has made, I think she is living above her means.  I really expect to see a foreclosure (if she's not renting) and possibly a bankruptcy in her future.

I guess everyone found this reunion funny except for me.


The comments here are side-splitting, but the reunion itself was boring.  The OG series is dead.

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I really wish we could live blog this show with everyone here.  It would be so funny to read comments in real time!


"Ryan, do you have anything else you want to say?"




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These check-ups are such a joke. Seriously the most boring out of all my reality "reunion" shows. Sad Panda refuses to ask the serious questions, or her dances around the half-assed answers he gets, never pushes these girls on ANYTHING. 


He had Ryan on the stage and never once mentioned the fact that he doesn't always put Bentley in his carseat. Then he takes the safe route with him and Maci, it's all about "communication" issues. How about straight up asking him how often he actually has Bentley on his weekends vs. his parents??? Better yet, get Larry and Jen out there! See what they have to say. 


And Maci, yea, he addressed the issue with Farrah. Which, let me stop for a minute and say I liked that she said her problem was more with MTV than Farrah. I get that. As ridiculous as her stance is, if MTV made certain promises and went back on them, I'd be pissed too. But he didn't point out the horrible past Amber has, the things she did on camera. He didn't point out the hypocrisy and utter ridiculousness of her position. She's worried Farrah's scenes might include her going to a strip club? What about Maci's "special" when she had Bentley living in a party house and people were getting all drunk and stupid? 


Good grief. 


Then Amber and Matt. Again, pussyfooting around everything. Matt PLANS to be working full time? Okay, is he? At what? And these kids of his, what's the real story there? Why don't you have custody of them? How often do you really see them? Where do they live and why were you so willing to just up and leave them for this chick you met on Twitter??? And Amber, what kind of vetting of this guy did you do before you had him living in the home where your young daughter sleeps??? 


No, nothing gets addressed. Amber gets pissed about being asked these fairly mild questions. She protests how happy they are, that they don't fight or get violent. Ummmmm, denial, party of one? What about Vegas? You were fighting like hell there, and Matt apparently ended up punching a wall. So tell us again how this is different. 


But all we get is yawns. I'm so over this crap. Get a new host or bag the check-up specials altogether. 

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Best part of the episode?  The reaction of the black lady in the audience (and me at home) when we found out Kristina was married when she met Gary.


Ha! I already knew this, but that was pretty funny. I do wish we could have delved more into that issue. Forget fame-whore Matt, get Kristina out there and get some answers. I need a picture of her ex, STAT. And a full background. He has got to be pretty downright awful for her to leave him, the father of her kid, for Gary. 


Seriously, Ryan is sometimes funny. "Would you mind if we bought Maci out?" "You do every time". I guess, keep being you, Ryan.


Ryan's DGAF attitude is awesome when dealing with MTV and crew. The sad thing is, he has that attitude with basically everyone in his life, including his son. 

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I swear I want to wring Sad Panda's throat the way he softballs these losers. I mean seriously, not to call Maci out of her stupid approach to birth control. And how about her running around the country giving speeches about not being a teen mom whilst being pregnant with baby #2 with baby daddy #2 who she isn't even engaged to. How about asking her about her never to be finished college degree or about her plans to support her children once the MTV money stops. How about asking her why she quit, then came back herself if she had such an issue with Farrah being on the show? Why is it better for Bentley to be off, but it's a-ok for Maci. Such a freaking hypocrite, that one. 

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Wait, the reunion is in real time right? Like, filmed very recently? Maci was photographed wearing what looked like an engagement ring about a month ago. So...are they engaged and just not telling MTV? Or was Maci just wearing a diamond ring on her engagement finger for the hell of it? Or was the reunion taped more than a month ago and they got engaged afterwards?

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The reunion can't be live, Maci gave birth to her little girl on May 29th. I don't understand all the Maci hatred? She's made mistakes along the way, but she's no where nearly as screwed up as Farrah and Amber are. The fact that Ryan's parents seem to like her very much speaks volumes to me. She seems to be trying to raise Bentley to be a nice little kid with activities to do and even though his father is a total idiot, she allows him to continue to have visitation.

Tyler and Caitlin have grown up so much given the absolute disfunction they grew up around. And I don't see them putting up with that stuff should it start up again, given the fact that they both genuinely seem to want what's best for their daughter.

While I applaud Amber's efforts, she's pretty much the same person she always was minus the domestic violence. She's hooked up with yet another total loser, and is no longer sober or working a program. Sorry kiddo, you can't call yourself sober and still drink wine socially, that's not how it works. She's got 3 men in her life, Gary the slug, (just looking at him makes me want to gag) whatever the fame whore dude she's with now and thank God, a brother who appears to have his head on straight.

Farrah is a fake (inside and out), she's also an egotistical, rude, self-entitled, bitch period, and I don't see that changing any time soon, if ever.

Edited by missbonnie
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I didn't see this episode, but wanted to comment on Kristina's ex. I remember reading on a tabloid site after she left him that he was shocked, their friends were shocked, and he filed for divorce to keep her from putting their daughter on television.  I think he thought the were going to work it out at some point, only to find out cameras had shown up so he filed for divorce. I'm pretty sure it was in comments on the article, so I don't want to bother searching for it. It just made sense at the time.


The fact he won't let his daughter on camera makes me like him more than her, without knowing any other info. It is entirely possibly that she is just like Matt.

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Rahhn dropped his phone while he was driving, bent to pick it up, and woke up covered in blood. This is like Grey's Anatomy, except less ridiculous.



I'm reminded of Albert Brooks in the opening of Defending Your Life, which had a pre-cell phone (1991) take on this maneuver. 

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Ryan looks like a drug addict. His skin is pale and has huge dark circles under his eyes.

He was hilarious though, highlight of this boring reunion show.

I loved how Amber got out of her drinking issue by changing the subject to her father dying...Dr Drew then dropped the whole topic. Ugh.

Does anyone think this show will get renewed? I hope not.

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By the way, is it just me or does Ryan seem to have some sort of brain injury from his accident? I mean that while he was never the brightest crayon in the box, something seems a little off there.

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Rahhn dropped his phone while he was driving, bent to pick it up, and woke up covered in blood. This is like Grey's Anatomy, except less ridiculous.


And instead of Lame Panda launching into how dangerous it is to be messing with your phone and driving, he just makes sure Ryan wasn't under the influence and brushes the whole thing off. What if Bentley had been in the car when he was so worried about his precious phone??

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I was wondering why they didn't film a scene with Maci, Ryan and his parents about his admission that he doesn't always put Bentley in a car seat. That definitely should have happened, especially if it's MTV's desire to educate young people. IF that's what they are saying that's the purpose of this show.

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Was Tyler wearing an Apple watch?

That was my thought too. And I was not pleased. Jealous maybe? Most likely irritated that these kids who do nothing and have no education are making bank while I have two degrees and have worked since I was 16 barely make enough to keep my head above water, damn medical expenses. Bitter. Party of one. I don't know. But they showed a clip of him at Nova's birth with the same watch. Nova was born before the Apple watch came out. I assume it is a Pebble watch he was wearing.

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I need to know more about how Gary caught her eye. Was he the loudest breather at a school function? Was he the driver of a car pool she was involved with somehow, and they locked eyes when she opened the minivan door and his gaze was set at full recline (i.e., how his seat always is set when he's driving)? Did he yell "come in!" from the couch on a rainy, hot summer day?


Hilarious! I definitely would want to see the Gary/Christina origin story! It's too bad that she wasn't at the reunion as well, and throw her ex-husband on to the panel for good measure! What on earth could she possibly see in Gary? From what we have seen, it's not like he is particularly nice to her! 


All in all, this was tremendously boring. Amber used to be the highlight of the reunion specials with her crazy, but this was dullsville. I'm not sure I'll be able to tolerate Dr. Panda kissing Tyler's ass next week. Ugh.

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I just can't with Amber.


What she needs is someone to tell her she's full of shit and to sit the fuck down or she's not getting paid.  She's ridiculous and such a baby.  And the fake tears when Gary said he wasn't sure if he trusted her with Leah.  Oh.my.God.....it's HER FAULT he feels that way.  


"I just needed to calm down."

Moron.  Dr. Drew wasn't even talking to her when she had her big baby shit fit and walked away.  He was talking to Matt who was answering his questions rather honestly from what I could tell.  


I hate her "It's none of anyone's business!" attitude.  Well it's sure my business when you want me to buy a book touting how clean, sober and together you are.  I have no doubt Matt will slap or hit her at some point and we'll get some "How I survived domestic abuse" crap from her.  Nevermind she was point blank warned several times about it and did nothing.

She's still not making good decisions.  And she wonders why Gary doesn't want to leave her alone with Leah for too long.

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So here was Amber's segment in a nut shell. 


Drew: So if it looks like a ducks, quacks like a duck, then it's a duck. Do you agree, Amber?


Bubba: I think it's a duck.

Drew: Bubba, have you told them that?

Bubba: Not yet. (Turns to Matt) You're a duck.

Amber: But WE'RE HAPPY!!!

Drew: Matt, what would your sober coach say right now.

Matt: That I'm a duck.

Drew: Yes, that's why it's so concerning. 

Amber: BUT WE'RE HAPPY!!!!!! (storms off stage)

Edited by aurora296
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I don't understand all the Maci hatred? She's made mistakes along the way, but she's no where nearly as screwed up as Farrah and Amber are.


My problem with Maci is that of all the TMs, she had the biggest chance to really do something fantastic. In her 16 &P and the beginning of the TM series, she recognized that getting pg at 16 was a problem, that Rhine wasn't going to step up and  make a family, she seemed to be focused on career and not letting her situation hold her back. She also had the advantage of supportive family on both sides. So FF 7 years and where is Maci? Still no college degree, no job, knocked up by another guy and don't forget, she pretty much begged Kye have a baby and get married at what 19? 20? She has also gone through eleventy cars, houses, etc. That screams that she is not planning for the long term. I don't hate Maci, I'm disappointed. I was hoping for more than an oops baby and new Jeep and new baby daddy and no career plans from her. Contrasted with the other OGs, she had all the advantages. I mean jeez, look at Kate an that household she grew up in, or Amber's dysfunctional background, or Farrah, Maci had a fighting chance. Now she's just another unemployed baby mama with number 2 on the way. 

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Maci reminds me of the girl in high school who does a ton of extracurricular activities and volunteers regularly, but only does it to pad her college applications, and actually has no interest in the activities. When she goes to her volunteer appts, she comes late, leaves early, and interacts as little as possible with the others. When she's doing school activities, whether it's sports, yearbook, newspaper, etc, she's only putting her time in there as well- she skips as often as she can get away with, she sits to the side and doesn't participate, etc. Yet, she smugly accepts accolades when people toast her for being such a caring person and such a team player and wonderingly ask her how she is able to do it all. She probably calls herself an overachiever too.


That's Maci in a nutshell to me. She's always doing stuff (in my estimation) for the sole purpose of looking good to others and then basking in the praise. No, it's not on evil Farrah's level or psycho Amber's, but it IS irritating.

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Well said poeticlicensed. Allow me to throw in her hypocritical attitude. I don't know about anyone else, but people who are hypocrites really make me grind my teeth. She has no problem with the drug-addict and the domestic violence that was going on this show while her child was in the previous scene. What makes her look real stupid, is the fact that her claim that her child would be shown playing baseball in one scene and the next scene would be Farrah at a strip club. Guess what? There were no such scenes of either!


Think about it. When have we watched Bentley doing any kind of sports or when has he had scenes that didn't include some argument that involved Maci and (insert any guy here)? I know he is five and he is likely not to have a lot going on, but Maci makes it sound like there have been a lot of scenes that focus on HIM. Seriously? The scenes where we see Bentley are usually when he is being dropped off to Ryan or his parents, and then some fucking argument ensues. Either Maci is pissed at Ryan for being late or she gets off the car and begins to argue with Ryan about something. Bentley has been shown in the middle of one of Maci's conversations with her guy (insert any guy here) about their "future".  Maci can shut the hell up with her "concerns" about Bentley being shown in a scene when the poor kid is rarely highlighted expect for a birthday scene.


Maci and Ryan are both slut-shaming Farrah. Thank goodness DD for mentioning how some young mothers will sometimes do things to support their kids. Farrah didn't have her child's father around since he died. Maci had it made and she should have something more to show for herself than being saddled with two kids with two different guys at such a young age while still not having acquired an education or basic job skills.


When Maci sat there smirking as Ryan rattled off the fake body parts comment and such, it really pissed me off. You know, the girls I grew up with would have easily called out Maci for being a whore or a slut for her behavior. Two baby daddies at her age with two guys that she had sex with in between, and one of them she lived with for quite some time? Maci, don't be mad because Farrah gets paid for guys to see her, jacking off to her, and buying her moldy body parts while you give it away and all you get is another kid and no ring.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Dr. Drew really annoys me, when he's talking to Amber he basically says she's not making very good decisions, drinking, violent boyfriend and that she should be taking her sobriety a little more seriously. Obviously Amber has her own issues she needs to deal with and getting more custody of Leah doesn't seem to be what she needs. So Gary, while he is totally gross, has given Leah a completely stable and safe life. For Dr. Drew to tell Gary that he should give into Amber's wants for more custody instead of court seems dumb. She absolutely needs to go through court because I would hope she would be shot down, she needs to get more time with Leah slowly but surely. She's still newly released and has a long way to go.

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I thought Maci's explanation last night made way more sense.   she has PCOS and she doesn't ovulate regularly.  This has been a problem for several of my friends with PCOS.  Her doctor told it "might be an issue" for her to get pregnant so given that she and Taylor thinking they might want to have kids stopped prevention.  Then getting pregnant was still a surprise but not an oops.  I have one friend with PCOS who had her first through IVF and then got pregnant with her second without assistance because although she doesn't ovulate regularly the timing was just right. 


The other issue is how far apart in age do you want your children.  Even now Bentley and the baby are 6 years apart.  As a parent I think about the age between sibs and I think it's nice when siblings are close enough in age to play together. 


Amber is heading for relapse in every possible way.  She is not in a program, she is breaking every rule and in the end I don't agree with Dr. Phil, I don't know that she will easily get joint custody at all. 

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