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Megyn Kelly and Fox News Speculation: Where the Talking Hits the Road

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It's the same way that, in the old but not too old days, Orrin Hatch and Teddy Kennedy could be friends off the Senate floor.

Or how Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Antonin Scalia are actually good friends off the bench! 


I echo everyone wanting Megyn to ask why the heck Josh isn't there to answer questions for himself. 

  • Love 2

But here's the thing...they wrapped up teen deviant Joshie in a family-friendly candy coating and let him out in the world as their golden boy and heir apparent to the Godliest of Godlies. It's why priests and ministers can get away with so much, if they decide to...they've got God's imprimatur leading the way so people trust them automatically. Twenty years ago I had a married man and lay minister I worked for show up drunk and uninvited at my apartment at midnight one night and then when I booted him out, he said, and I quote, "But I'm a man of God." Alrighty then.

Did they really know for certain Josh wouldn't find some little Duggar groupies to prey upon? Of course they didn't because they never had him assessed in any objective way. They just decided that their reputation and the $$$ it brought in was far more important than anyone he might hurt, including their other children.

There's no talking around that reality.

  • Love 15

I'm not too worried if it's a fluff interview. IT'S TAPED.

Editing can be done to twst words or ideas.

Also, Megyn's FB page is being slammed with conservatives all righteous that she demand real answers.



This same thought keeps popping into my mind. I can see the network agreeing to the questions being approved, even to the pre-taped interview, then editing it to the point where JB & Michelle look like fools. Fox is really good at flipping the script.

  • Love 1

That is so interesting and good to know. In our discussions of the Duggars (and the Bates and Keller families) we're talking about families that are in a subset of fundamentalist/evangelical Christianity. It's all too easy to lump all "fundies" in with the batsh*t crazy Quiverfull/ATI/Gothard world. But it's not correct. I have a tonload of relatives who are rural (or small town), evangelical Baptist, politically conservative - and have never been involved in any of that cr*p. The men and the women are educated, hard-working, involved in their communities, and while not perfect they're a stark contrast to those fame-mongering nutjobs JB and Michelle. For all I know, there are a whole lot of conservatives and evangelicals who are plenty skeeved out by the Duggar freakshow and not thrilled to be identified with them. Some of them seem to be speaking up. Good.



From what I've seen and read, JimBob isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. The other day on one of these threads, somebody related watching an interview of the couple after JimBob had made a statement at a political event. It wasn't a particularly hard-hitting question, just an inquiry that followed up on what he'd said, but JB went all deer in the headlights and couldn't figure out how to answer. But Michelle's lived on a steady diet of public admiration and promotional TV appearances. If FOX goes all softball she'll do fine, and I think she's basically smarter than JB, but I don't see her coping well with any kind of serious questioning.

After listening to Jim Bob over the years, I figured out that he has a standard list of answers for every possible question. In other words, he'll never go to any interview unprepared. I can almost speak their words, both his and Michelle's, before they even utter them. That's how static and automatic their responses have been for years. I have heard people like Jim Bob before. Their answers are instantly in their head all prepared in advance. The Duggar's have had nearly two weeks to brain storm with each other about what questions will be asked and how they will answer them.


The only thing that will interrupt that thought pattern of rote answering is by putting forth a question that will be totally out of left-field and unexpected. It's almost like a person taking a lie detector test. The interviewer will ask 'safe' questions like "do you drive a car?" "Is your middle name Edward" then once the person's train of thought is lowered down to answering simplified questions, he will be asked "did you murder your wife last night?"


I don't think Megyn Kelly will do that because she doesn't want to be accused of blindsiding the Duggars.

  • Love 2

and they've portrayed themselves -- and will in the interview -- as victims.


You know your probably right. They will paint and portray themselves as the victims. And of course Josh is a victim too. All three are victims. And honestly I think that will infuriate me the most. If they actually do have the nerve to claim their victims.

  • Love 8

I think the biggest question of all "Has he done anything since and can we trust him?" Is the question Michelle and Jim Bob can "answer" but I don't know if they can honestly know. I don't know what it would take to truly convince someone that this was a adolescent situation than has never been repeated and never will be. I'm pretty pro-Duggars, but I'm not sure what it would take for me to be confident.

GEML, are you also pro-Duggar in the sense they should continue having this show that they perceive as their ministry? I'm pro-Duggar in the hope there will be justice and healing, that lives will not be further damaged, but I think continuing the show is not going to be a good thing. TLC is neither capable nor interested in exploring this situation effectively. And the younger the Duggar kids are when they can begin their lives post-show the better in the long run, I think. 

  • Love 11

I agree, Josh should be holding his own interview. It only add fuel to the fire that the kids are too controlled. Who else has their parents do interviews for them at 27? Young 'actual' celebrities may have the support of their parents but do their own interviews (with pr people input I'm sure, but still).


I  missed the quote function, but poster MLE saw 'molestion accusations' as a promo bit for the interview.  ACCUSATIONS? That bit is already a lie. He has confessed.

I think the legality issue is why they have to put accusations. He wasn't convicted of the crime, so his admission doesn't really matter.


I do agree with you about Josh; him not attending speaks volumes to the level of control hose parents have on their kids. I'm not sure he even has the proper coping skills to handle a situation like this. 


I do think everyone's social media's will be a buzz after the interview; and I don't think Megyn is going to have a choice to do anything but a softball interview. I want her to, and I think she may even want to, but whether she'll be allowed to? I don't think so. 

I think there is a pretty good chance that Josh has not done anything since these incidents, and won't do anything again. And there is a part of me that thinks that if it is the case that the people he hurt did find a way to forgive him (NOT in the immediate aftermath of the police report, but in the years afterward) then the family is probably paying too high of a price. That's just my opinion, and I say that because I don't like situations where entire families are destroyed because of something that happens when someone is so young. This is why I'm a real, honest to God liberal. (And I'd add Christian who does believe in Grace.)


And it's a big but....

How do I know?? How do his parents even know? I'm not even sure Anna can know. How does anyone get around that? And if it hasn't stopped, then he and his family can't pay a high enough price.

  • Love 10

Of course they didn't because they never had him assessed in any objective way. 

There's no talking around that reality.


See here is the thing.  We don't really know whether or not they ever had him assessed in any objective way.  We've assumed that they haven't based on the narratives in the police report.  But we don't know.  In fact, we discount the Duggars statements that the girls & Josh have received counseling because that statement doesn't fit our perception of the narrative in the police report.


If this is a real interview, it would be nice if the Duggars come forward with credible statements regarding this.  Something like Josh spent 2 years in Therapy with a certified counselor.  The victims also received therapy with a certified counselor.  These activities were monitored by the Arkansas Department of Family Services. (EDITED TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT I AM NOT SAYING THIS HAPPENED. THIS IS AN EXAMPLE.)


If they don't provide this type of information we will all continue to assume that's because it didn't happen.  But I wonder, if they do provide this type of information if anyone will believe them.  I don't mean to pick on @Oldernowiser- I've seen a lot of comments (here and on news reports) that claim to KNOW that Josh never received real counseling.  And a statement along the likes of "There's no talking around that reality." Makes me wonder if those people's minds could ever be changed.


On a personal level, I have stated before that I recognize that I am probably just wishful thinking in my hope that these incidents are not as bad as people think they are.  Even if its just over the clothes touching- that is still bad and needs to be dealt with.  But I hope that it wasn't some of the things that have been accused. This interview might be the only chance to try to clarify but even that may be too little, too late.

Edited by Kcat1971
  • Love 2

See here is the thing. We don't really know whether or not they ever had him assessed in any objective way. We've assumed that they haven't based on the narratives in the police report. But we don't know. In fact, we discount the Duggars statements that the girls & Josh have received counseling because that statement doesn't fit our perception of the narrative in the police report.

If this is a real interview, it would be nice if the Duggars come forward with credible statements regarding this. Something like Josh spent 2 years in Therapy with a certified counselor. The victims also received therapy with a certified counselor. These activities were monitored by the Arkansas Department of Family Services. (EDITED TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT I AM NOT SAYING THIS HAPPENED. THIS IS AN EXAMPLE.)

If they don't provide this type of information we will all continue to assume that's because it didn't happen. But I wonder, if they do provide this type of information if anyone will believe them. I don't mean to pick on @Oldernowiser- I've seen a lot of comments (here and on news reports) that claim to KNOW that Josh never received real counseling. And a statement along the likes of "There's no talking around that reality." Makes me wonder if those people's minds could ever be changed.

On a personal level, I have stated before that I recognize that I am probably just wishful thinking in my hope that these incidents are not as bad as people think they are. Even if its just over the clothes touching- that is still bad and needs to be dealt with. But I hope that it wasn't some of the things that have been accused. This interview might be the only chance to try to clarify but even that may be too little, too late.

Hey, optimism is a beautiful thing. But don't you think if they had anything like this in the bank we wouldn't have heard about it by now? Hell, they would have been trotting that out on day two, along with, "the professional therapists we consulted all agreed that keeping this private was the healthiest option for the victims as well as Josh."

Shrugs. Maybe I'm wrong.

Edited by Oldernowiser
  • Love 11

Its simple, we will never know the truth, ever.     The Duggars are liars and really really bad people.


All this discussion about why isn't Josh interviewed.   Of course he should be the one there, so that tells me the interview is worthless.   I am not interested in hearing their excuses about how they are the worst parents in the world. we already know that.

        We will never know if Anna KNEW before she married Josh. 

    We wont know jack shit.


 As another poster said today and I posted yesterday, this is all TLC driven to gauge whether they can continue the show.

      I honestly don't get why anyone would like this people, even before the scandal.  

Edited by Cherrio
  • Love 13

I think any hope for credibility went out the window when Megyn agreed to interview the Duggars on their own turf. How much do you want to bet Boob and Michelle will have the kids sitting off camera preventing Megyn from asking them any hard-hitting questions? Even if Megyn wants to cleverly stray from the agreed upon script, she can't get too personal with a bunch of children around.

  • Love 10

See here is the thing.  We don't really know whether or not they ever had him assessed in any objective way.  We've assumed that they haven't based on the narratives in the police report.  But we don't know.  In fact, we discount the Duggars statements that the girls & Josh have received counseling because that statement doesn't fit our perception of the narrative in the police report.


The reason I assume he didn't receive counseling is that when asked for specifics about the counseling that they said he'd had, Michelle said he'd been sent away to do construction instead. The timeline doesn't seem to indicate that the counseling center he was sent to help build was active at the time. So, the one solid claim I know of that there was actual professional counseling turned out not to to have taken place, and if I'm correct came after he reoffended multiple times if it did take place.


I would very much like to believe that they handled this better than I think they did, but Occam's razor seems to me to suggest that they didn't.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 5

This same thought keeps popping into my mind. I can see the network agreeing to the questions being approved, even to the pre-taped interview, then editing it to the point where JB & Michelle look like fools. Fox is really good at flipping the script.


Here's hopin.


I don't actually think much flipping of the script would be required. They give the same canned non-response responses to everything, and we can probably predict which ones they'll give here. And that'll sound stupid to anybody who notices. But their big fans are very very likely not to notice, seems to me, because what people probably love about the Duggars are just these same reassuring statements, which picture the fantasy world as the Duggars want it.


The really dumb thing about the interview, to me, is that I can't see it changing anyone's mind if they do what most of us think they'll do -- i.e., give the always-expected Duggar answers. Those answers will be totally unsatisfying to everybody who thinks what went down was bad, but they'll be quite satisfying to the people who've already decided that this is no big deal. At the end, everybody watching will just think what they thought before, seems to me.

  • Love 7

Hey, optimism is a beautiful thing. But don't you think if they had anything like this in the bank we wouldn't have heard about it by now? Hell, they would have been trotting that out on day two, along with, "the professional therapists we consulted all agreed that keeping this private was the healthiest option for the victims as well as Josh."

Shrugs. Maybe I'm wrong.


I agree, I would have expected to hear about it before now.  I don't know how long it really takes to get all your ducks in a row.  They did issue a statement pretty quickly where Josh CLAIMED "my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling."  Since then its been radio silence, while we believe that TLC & Some Crisis Management people have been involved in crafting the next step.


I'd like to say I'm optimistic but actually I'm not.  I think that its more likely that you are right.  BUT I just think its important to be clear when something is speculation rather than stating things as if they are known facts-- like what type of counseling he received.  As someone posted after me-- the truth is there is a lot we don't know and won't ever know.  Some people will be predisposed to believe the Duggars, some people will be predisposed to think they are lying no matter what they say.


It's sad.  That's the bottom line.  I only occasionally watched this show, but I've come to root for the kids.  I want them to have a good life.  Truthfully, in some part to me that meant that I hoped that they got away from the family and started to make decisions about what they believed and what lifestyles they wanted for themselves. And it makes me incredibly sad that they suffered from more than just under-education and goofy parents.

The reason I assume he didn't receive counseling is that when asked for specifics about the counseling that they said he'd had, Michelle said he'd been sent away to do construction instead. The timeline doesn't seem to indicate that the counseling center he was sent to help build was active at the time. So, the one solid claim I know of that there was actual professional counseling turned out not to to have taken place, and if I'm correct came after he reoffended multiple times if it did take place.


I would very much like to believe that they handled this better than I think they did, but Occam's razor seems to me to suggest that they didn't.


That is what the police report narrative says.  It is possible that counseling/therapy occurred after the Police Report which lead to a "Family In Need of Services" referral.  Even though, if that counseling did occur, it was much later than I would have liked, it is better than nothing.  Its also more likely that if counseling/therapy was mandated by the Arkansas Dept of Health & Human Services that it was REAL, CERTIFIED counseling.

  • Love 1

I don't think waiting for an official interview to release news is a bad idea. And I'm not upset they are doing it on Fox, or on their home turf, etc. I just really don't believe he ever had what any of us would consider objective counseling. And no, I don't consider the police report the "truth" - but even if they say he talked with a pastor or something like that, it's still not good enough. (That said, a reputable Christian counselor is fine - but not someone affiliated with their church. We need a LITTLE breathing space here.)

Oh darn, at their home is no fun!!!  Megyn will wear pants and it will be all friendly. Just Megyn Kelly coming for a visit....


I wanted them in the studio with the full treatment. Like a professional interview. Like a news/journalist interview. 


This totally ruined it for me. This is gonna be another fluff piece. Blah, I'm out. 

  • Love 2

If Megyn exposes Gothard as the charlaton (think Elmer Gantry) he is, then I'm with her. If she sugar coats his dangerous influence and gambles that losing a significant part of Fox's audience isn't worth it, then she's no better than Ailes IMO.  

Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 4

Its simple, we will never know the truth, ever.     The Duggars are liars and really really bad people.


All this discussion about why isn't Josh interviewed.   Of course he should be the one there, so that tells me the interview is worthless.   I am not interested in hearing their excuses about how they are the worst parents in the world. we already know that.

        We will never know if Anna KNEW before she married Josh. 

    We wont know jack shit.


 As another poster said today and I posted yesterday, this is all TLC driven to gauge whether they can continue the show.

      I honestly don't get why anyone would like this people, even before the scandal.

ITA . I really can't understand why they are even doing this interview unless it is to test the winds or are they really that out of touch with public sentiment. Everyone has deduced who 4 of the 5 victims are but technically that hasn't and shouldn't be released. Consequently They won't address anything having to do with the victims then or now. This means no discussion on any type of follow up or therapy ( who am I kidding, like that would ever happen). Or how the girls are coping now. Josh is a 27 year old married father....it will look beyond ridiculous to have them answering questions on his behalf. Not to mention they really are in no position to know or comment on whether he continues to be threat to children. So really they only thing they can discuss is how they handled it which I think has been universally condemned.

Fox News is going to be the big winner here. I go out of my NOT to watch Fox but I will probably tune in just in the off chance I might see some humility and dare I say, shame , for what they have put their family through. I'm quite sure they are blaming Satan for all of this coming to light. I choose to beleive it is karma. As I tell my 14 year old daughter all the time. We are punished by our sins not for our sins.

  • Love 8

Lucky Megyn, she will be served some American cheese slices on a paper plate that Josie licked.

No, I think she will have to get it herself.  But then they can have the opportunity to try to derail the questioning by going over the baby Josie story one more time to show ....


I just can't.  What date is this crapfest suppose to air?  Who will come drinking with me?

  • Love 1

The interview is airing at 9E on Wednesday. Some accompanying fluff is due to air Friday night, same time I believe. 


I think my opinion has been covered. Even though it's a foregone conclusion that this will be all softballs, I imagine that TLC wants to see viewer response before making a final decision w/r/t the future of the show. If enough of us are vocal enough about it accomplishing nothing, maybe TLC will listen. Maybe. Not holding my breath...

  • Love 1

"Megyn! Megyn! Wait! Before you start your interview with Michelle and Jim Bob, can you please add just one last question for both of them?  Ask them if they'd be okay having 'Caitlyn' Jenner come into the girls bathroom at a restaurant you happen to be dining in, while your daughters are in there? Would that be okay with them?"



Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 13

I saw speculation in one of the other threads that they won't even use the word molestation, or that they will talk around what really happened. That won't surprise me from JB & Michelle, but i just saw my first promo for the interview on Fox and it said "molestation accusations". FWIW.

Ummm, shouldn't that have been "molestation admissions"?

  • Love 1

Thanks Sew Sumi.  One drink for every time MeeShell stares adoringly at JimBoob.  I am going to need a trip to the liquor store.  Be right back.



The Official Duggar Drink game


Fill a 16 ounce cup with your frosty beverage and the shot glass with hard liquor, and let the games begin.


The rules are simple. Every time the Duggars use one of the following words, you have to drink:

    Jesus – God – Christ – pray – forgive – sin – soul – heart – lust – mistake – love – heal


If they use any of the following phrases, you have to do a shot:

    Only a child – just 14 years old – asked for forgiveness – sought God’s love – a long time ago – private family matter


If Megyn Kelley says “heartbreaking,” the first person to finish their drink gets to make a new rule.

The first person to pass out gets “I love the Duggars” written on their forehead with a Sharpie.

The last person to vomit, considering the interview is undoubtedly intended to show support for a confessed child molester, wins.




(by the way.....that's the 'look' that I've been reserving for God all my life)

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 16

This is a really good point. I've been rooting for Megyn, but with some reservations, and I think this is exactly why. I've seen her tear into a political guest, but by the end the "thanks/goodbye" part seemed genuinely friendly. Political folks can separate business and personal, but Jim Bob and Michelle probably can't (or won't). Also, the interview being on their turf will probably make it harder for her to go for the jugular. I hope she goes for it anyway, though. Surely she's seen how many people, even conservative evangelicals, don't want her to go easy on them.


But they are political people, aren't they?  Wasn't he a politician at one point?  And he ran for US Senate and made his intolerant views public.  And she lent her "personality" to rant against transgender people by phone.  And Josh is behind the scenes politically.  So she shouldn't go any softer on them than any other political personality.

  • Love 5



On a personal level, I have stated before that I recognize that I am probably just wishful thinking in my hope that these incidents are not as bad as people think they are.  Even if its just over the clothes touching- that is still bad and needs to be dealt with.  But I hope that it wasn't some of the things that have been accused. This interview might be the only chance to try to clarify but even that may be too little, too late.

It isn't "just" touching through clothes, even if that is all that happened (which I think the police report made clear was not the case - I can't bear to read it again).


In the terms of his own culture when those minor children defrauded him, he was damaging them beyond repair.  In the terms of his own culture all of those girls are now broken bicycles.  In the terms of his own culture he has committed acts that that same culture will not permit those girls to move past.  Fondling through clothes is not nuttin'.


There is nothing new about family "values" that put father first, eldest son second, all other sons spare heirs, mother (often a series of mothers) as baby-makers, and daughters as domestic servants who may someday cost a much-grudged dowry.  But in the greater culture within which this family lives, what happened has no acceptable defense.  And I'm sorry, it can not be merely categorized as something that is "just" minor.  

Edited by kassygreene
  • Love 14

If TLC is really behind this, the FRC won't be mentioned. They managed to sidestep exactly what Josh has done for almost two years. No way the robocalls get mentioned. Remember who is doing this interview. 


eta: Part two, which is not interview, but apparently some Duggar fluff, airs Friday in the same time slot. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 2

I think any hope for credibility went out the window when Megyn agreed to interview the Duggars on their own turf. How much do you want to bet Boob and Michelle will have the kids sitting off camera preventing Megyn from asking them any hard-hitting questions? Even if Megyn wants to cleverly stray from the agreed upon script, she can't get too personal with a bunch of children around.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure we will not hear the phrases, vaginal touching, breast touching. Those facts will morph into the oh so gentle "improper touching".

Edited by SoSueMe
fixed broken quotes :)

But they are political people, aren't they? Wasn't he a politician at one point? And he ran for US Senate and made his intolerant views public. And she lent her "personality" to rant against transgender people by phone. And Josh is behind the scenes politically. So she shouldn't go any softer on them than any other political personality.

You're right, they are or were politically active (albeit kind of bad at it). I was just thinking of them being in the role of concerned parents rather than running for office or lobbying.


When does this air?

I'm hoping that even if the Duggars managed to get all of their children lined up in the room so that it makes it much more awkward and they can use the excuse of "not appropriate for the children" or whatever to ask to the hard-hitting questions, that Megyn somehow figures out a way to do it anyway. Even if she has to ask Mechelle and Jim Boob to remove all kids from the room.

And oh my yes, I bet she'll be wearing a dress above the knee!

Edited by juneday
  • Love 1

On the O'Reilly show today, Megyn called what Josh did "child molestation. She also had positive things to say about Caitlyn Jenner.


On the other hand, she seems to be focusing her ire on the police who allowed the report to be publicized against the will of the victims who did not want this publicized. Hmmm. I see the TLC angle...

  • Love 9

Megyn just teased the Duggar interview on Bill O'Reilly..  She said she is flying in on Wednesday morning to interview the parents.  She said she was going to ask them about what they did and didn't do, etc. but what bothered me was that she said that she was also going to pursue the angle of the story about the a police chief who released the information that should never have been made public (paraphrasing).  She said that the victims never wanted any of this out there.  

Thanks Sew Sumi.  One drink for every time MeeShell stares adoringly at JimBoob.  I am going to need a trip to the liquor store.  Be right back.



We really do need to make this "take a bite out of a cookie" even for those of us who drink. Alcohol poisoning isn't pretty ...


So our choices are alcohol poisoning or obesity and increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Are you sure that isn't just letting the Duggars win?

  • Love 12

Does anyone here really think this will be a hard-hitting, let's get to the truth of the matter interview? Not a chance. I'm more likely to win the lottery on Wednesday than Boob and J'Chelle are to reveal anything of substance. 100% certain that this will be a big yawn fest. Michelle will alternately be dabbing her eyes with a kleenex and gazing adoringly at Boob. Both of them will be deftly dodging whatever pre-approved questions come their way with canned answers they could phone in while asleep.

They are probably misjudging the level of disgust among the public regarding these revelations and figuring if they just talk about the "difficult journey" they went through all will be forgiven and they'll have their gravy train back. What they fail to grasp is that out here in the real world child molesters are considered the lowest of the low and those who cover up child molestation are no better.

Edited by Hpmec
  • Love 5

Photofox, I totally agree and I do think that needs to be investigated if for no other reason than one of the victims isn't a Duggar.


My concern with it is that it focuses attention away from Jimbob knowing his son was molesting in 2002 and does nothing at all until 2003, and from all the "Josh has had counseling/therepy/hardwork" lies, and from asking Michelle some hard questions about what help the victims got and how was Josh supervised in their home, and turns it all into "The Duggars did all they could and this guy was a minor and so were the victims so how is this NOT a nice Christian family being intentionally persecuted".

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