Tara Ariano May 31, 2015 Share May 31, 2015 Quote Hecate returns to her mother with a gift; Evelyn works on a new totem; the mansion is attacked; the Creature grows impatient with Frankenstein; Rusk interrogates Ethan; Vanessa and the Creature's friendship deepens; Angelique is humiliated while out with Dorian. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/
Primetimer June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 We're trained to want Penny Dreadful's Vanessa and Ethan to get together. But do we really? Read the story Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1200503
I-Kare June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 On 6/1/2015 at 3:06 AM, PreviouslyTV said: We're trained to want Penny Dreadful's Vanessa and Ethan to get together. But do we really? http://previously.tv/penny-dreadful/wolf-pact/"> Read the story Pretty much the only show I watch that I don't ship any particular couple (I'm not opposed to the ships, I just don't root for any). I love each of the characters and whoever they're with, they're with. I'm game. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1200538
pandora spocks June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 Who was the woman who was a voodoo victim and cut her own throat? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1200634
Pogojoco June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 (edited) I kind of do. He makes coffee and does the dishes. He can shoot stuff. And feels bad when it seems like he's transforming into a wolf and killing people. And he's cute. She could do worse. Edited June 1, 2015 by Pogojoco 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1200641
absolutelyido June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 Quote Who was the woman who was a voodoo victim and cut her own throat? Sir Malcom's wife. Since Sir Malcolm told Evelyn his wife would never agree to divorce, Evelyn put a spell on her so she would kill herself. Quote I kind of do. He makes coffee and does the dishes. He can shoot stuff. And feels bad when it seems like he's transforming into a wolf and killing people. She could do worse. Also, he's not too hard on the eyes. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1200653
sheetmoss June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 On 6/1/2015 at 3:57 AM, pandora spocks said: Who was the woman who was a voodoo victim and cut her own throat? Sir Malcolm's wife. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1200654
TrininisaScorp June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 (edited) Oh dear. Everyone is getting some except Ethan and Vanessa. Heh. I’ve liked their relationship from the first episode. If it becomes romantic, so be it, but I’m good with a strong relationship. It was like a cool, modern 80’s sports montage with the team getting a pep talk (a dark one) from Ethan and the household trying to pray, sage and totem the evil away. Sir Lyle makes me so happy. Sir Malcolm getting played (and hard) by Madame Kali is awful! Start putting things together, man! I’m going to have nightmares about the voodoo doll/fetish room. **Shudder** I feel bad for his wife, what terrible suffering! I finally feel like I see the Dorian that you guys liked last season after this episode. I really liked him tonight. Poor Angelique. Maybe it is b/c she resembles my darling Fee from Orphan Black and maybe b/c she is living a transgender life during fake Victorian England (something that isn’t an easy truth to live in even the modern free world), I feel predisposed to adore Angelique. Still have no clue how this relates anything else happening on the show, but I’m liking the story. Oh, Victor. Whew, what a tangled web we weave. So, he loves/lusts after Lily and she has strong feelings of something for him. Caliban is going to rip something (or someone) apart, Werewolf boy is going to flip out when this gets outs and Brona/Lily is going to lose her shit when she starts remembering Brona’s life and figures out Victor lied. Frankly, the idea of consent in this situation is also a bit squeaky. Sigh. That said, of the sexy times scenes, I found Victor/Lily’s the most compelling. It is doomed to fail, but Treadway and Piper heated it up with their tentative, then consuming passion. Can we have Vanessa being happy for a few moments each episode? Her talk with Caliban was VERY enjoyable and their dance was sweet. Edited June 1, 2015 by TrininisaScorp 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1200801
Glade June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 (edited) I was so happy to see this show broke the double standard and gave equal coverage for gay love-making! No camera cutaway as with Dorian/Ethan.. I really enjoyed Dorian and Angelique's story tonight, and that we got to see his gallery/home again! It was touching, as was Victor and Lily's sweet encounter. I take it he and Caliban have more in common they think. Caliban certainly knows rejection, I imagine he will be hurt but leave once he finds they are together. He and Vanessa make great friends, I love their conversations. I hope he transfers his affections to the daughter of his boss. I didn't realize it was Mrs. Murray until the graves of her children appeared before her. I guess Evelyn really wants to marry Malcolm as part of her plan? With so many dolls, you'd think she probably makes ones for shop-girls that get her orders wrong. She's so disgusting. I don't remember if Vanessa and Brona ever actually met in person? Perhaps just in passing, and not leaving a strong enough impression for Vanessa to recognize her in such a completely different context/appearance. I didn't enjoy hearing about the genocidal role Ethan played in his former life. I wasn't sure how he was suggesting they infiltrate and surround the witches, but then it turned out he was identifying them as the apache. Edited June 1, 2015 by Glade Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1200804
TrininisaScorp June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 (edited) Hmmm, Glade. I **think** Vanessa and Brona met once when Ethan took Brona and Dorian took Vanessa to the theater. I think that was also the episode that both ladies ran off to other things and those two gentleman had their absinthe sexy times. Looks like Vanessa didn't recognize her, which I get, as their meeting was passing. I can't imagine the hair, clothes and accent are going to fool Ethan. I think Caliban will want both things: His bosses' daughter, especially b/c of her lack of sight and slight darkness about her AND the woman his Creator promised him. I'd be surprised if he didn't take Victor and Lily having sex/relationship as a HUGE breech of the contract he made with Victor. Edited June 1, 2015 by TrininisaScorp 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1200840
spaceghostess June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 Do I really want Ethan and Vanessa to get together? Why yes. Yes, I do.Because, this: On 6/1/2015 at 4:01 AM, Pogojoco said: He makes coffee and does the dishes. He can shoot stuff. And feels bad when it seems like he's transforming into a wolf and killing people. And he's cute. She could do worse. Also because the chemistry between Green and Hartnett is off the charts. The two of them on the staircase tonight was hotter than every sex scene this show has ever done rolled into one--and I think this show does sex really beautifully. Put me down as one who wants to see lots of gorgeous Penny Dreadful sex between Ethan and Vanessa, but who also would be quite delighted to watch them smolder for many episodes beforehand. Vanessa and "John Clare" is shaping up to be a beautiful friendship, and I don't want that ruined by JC developing a crush on her. I could watch them talk poetry and figure out how to make J.C. less socially awkward all day. I wasn't really surprised that Vanessa didn't recognize Lily/Brona. Besides Lily's hair being different, she's more physically robust than the consumptive Vanessa originally met. Plus, she's had a style upgrade (thanks to V). Oh, and V. has a few other things on her mind, like goddamned witches up in her grill every night, so there's that. Sir Malcom and Evelyn: I should not have found that hot, as he was under a stabby enchantment and poor Mrs. Sir Malcolm was being hexed to death . . . but I did. Dorian and Angelique were exquisite, even though, as many have pointed out, they're on their own show at the moment. I wonder if Angelique will discover the portrait by accident. Ethan was rather shirty with Scotland Yard, wasn't he? I guess he figured they were going to haul him in either way, so why not be a hostile interviewee? So, my theory (or not so much a theory, but an obvious prediction) is that Ethan was wolf-cursed by one or more of the Native Americans he annihilated. We shall see, but I can't wait to watch him wolf out next week. Sembene and I will not be moving from our chairs. And finally, I've been so pissed off at Vertigo/Pygmalion Victor . . . and now I'm even more pissed off at myself for finding his last scene with Lily so compelling. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1200903
Raachel2008 June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 (edited) Vanessa and Brona met briefly at the theater. I'm totally waiting for Ethan to beat the living shit out of Victor when he finds out that Victor basically killed Brona and then brainwashed her. Caliban wants his cake and he wants to eat it too. Never work, but I'm always awed by the acting there. Ethan, thy name is guilty. His backstory was kind of expected, though, it was heavily hinted past season and it is a common TV trope. Now, any bets on who will play Papa Chandler next season - because there is no way they are not going to bring the man on board. Do I really want Vanessa and Ethan together? Mixed feelings here, because I really enjoyed Brona and Ethan together, and there was some genuine affection/love there. The chemistry between EG and JH is really great, though, and they can of fit the whole two (sort of ) kind lone souls. Plus, they are really hot. But they need to give me some feelings there, as in I-fell-for-you-hard. Sir Malcom left his son behind to die and didn't even name the fucking mountain after him. He totally deserves whatever Evelyn is planned to him. Sembene should get his own spin-off. Edited June 1, 2015 by Raachel2008 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1200915
rozen June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 (edited) On 6/1/2015 at 6:33 AM, Raachel2008 said: Sir Malcom left his son behind to die and didn't even name the fucking mountain after him. He totally deserves whatever Evelyn is planned to him. This. I'd wish he was up next in the voodoo doll collection, if not for Vanessa's raging daddy issues. He doesn't even deserve this. You know Kali is a sex goddess with her fifteen million years of experience. Was this some sort of sex witching hour, wth? Great shooting by the crew, going from Eva Green shooting sparks out of her eyes during her "God's plan" talk with Ethan to completely dead and flat when she was in Sex Thrall mode. When did Harnett get this good? His eyeball acting so clearly indicated he was simultaneously trying to decide whether he needed to exorcise her again, and desperately wishing they could get it on. His face when she walked away was a sad combination of "for the best" and "goddamit". It's like the creators heard all the complaints about the quick cutaways last season and were like "fine, 10 minute long, full body, sex scene, you happy now?" I feel like they keep building up this noble angle for Dorian so that when he starts to behave properly evil it hurts. I will not be lulled into a false sense of security! Poor EC, with his rousing speech about keeping the cliff safe from infiltrators. You're already doomed, brah. His bounty hunter nemesis is going to come skulking round for his revenge at exactly the wrong time and get the other half of his face ripped off, I bet. And then Inspector Gadget will be all, "Oh, hey, the only survivor just happened to end up brutally murdered at your doorstep Mr. Mysterious Cowboy." What kind of detective puts one tail on the guy he thinks has been massacring scores of people with no witnesses for months? I r not impressed. Woflman is the Hand of God? Interesting. Edited June 1, 2015 by rozen 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1201004
Glade June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 Yes, I just re watched that scene from season 1 when the two met. It was brief, and Brona was a hot mess at the time, shaking, fidgeting, barely mumbling answers and visibly uncomfortable. So it makes sense that Vanessa only looked at her five seconds and wouldn't want to hold onto the memory or associate it with this totally different person. Brona however noticed her and became really jealous about her friendship with Ethan. So, she'd be the one more likely to remember Vanessa if she were to get those memories back. Caliban doesn't seem to remember much about his old life. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1201015
Bec June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 I expect Caliban to be pissed when he finds out Lily and Victor are together. But if he tries to kill her like he did with Proteus, I hope the show subvert it and have Lily kick his ass. I know the Victor/Lily is so twisted, but the actors unexpectedly have really good chemistry together. It's oddly kind of sweet to see them falling in love with each other? Hey, it's not like he wiped her memories on purpose. That's just a side-effect of bringing her back from the dead. Okay, after he killed her. But he was ending her suffering and planning to resurrect her stronger than she was before. I can roll with it. I would also be okay with Ethan beating the crap out of Victor when he finds out what became of Brona. Though I don't want the team to break up. Well, maybe fighting the witches will bring them all back together. They'll put their differences aside for Vanessa. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1201067
luckyroll3 June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 On 6/1/2015 at 6:22 AM, spaceghostess said: So, my theory (or not so much a theory, but an obvious prediction) is that Ethan was wolf-cursed by one or more of the Native Americans he annihilated. We shall see, but I can't wait to watch him wolf out next week. Sembene and I will not be moving from our chairs. That's exactly what I was thinking as well, in regards to his affliction. On 6/1/2015 at 8:56 AM, rozen said: Was this some sort of sex witching hour, wth? Great shooting by the crew, going from Eva Green shooting sparks out of her eyes during her "God's plan" talk with Ethan to completely dead and flat when she was in Sex Thrall mode. When did Harnett get this good? His eyeball acting so clearly indicated he was simultaneously trying to decide whether he needed to exorcise her again, and desperately wishing they could get it on. His face when she walked away was a sad combination of "for the best" and "goddamit". It's like the creators heard all the complaints about the quick cutaways last season and were like "fine, 10 minute long, full body, sex scene, you happy now?" I feel like they keep building up this noble angle for Dorian so that when he starts to behave properly evil it hurts. I will not be lulled into a false sense of security! I'm still holding out for an Ethan/Dorian sex scene.... 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1201198
I-Kare June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 On 6/1/2015 at 8:56 AM, rozen said: Woflman is the Hand of God? Interesting. I think he actually said "Hound of God." On 6/1/2015 at 12:29 PM, luckyroll3 said: That's exactly what I was thinking as well, in regards to his affliction. I'm still holding out for an Ethan/Dorian sex scene.... I think you'll be waiting for a while for the Ethan/Dorian sex scene. There's a world of difference between showing us the Dorian scene last night and the scene with Ethan. The show is ballsy, but not that ballsy. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1201213
luckyroll3 June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 On 6/1/2015 at 12:39 PM, I-Kare said: I think you'll be waiting for a while for the Ethan/Dorian sex scene. There's a world of difference between showing us the Dorian scene last night and the scene with Ethan. The show is ballsy, but not that ballsy. I know. But one can always hold out hope! Lol! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1201217
I-Kare June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 On 6/1/2015 at 12:41 PM, luckyroll3 said: I know. But one can always hold out hope! Lol! I hear ya! I had hopes as well. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1201262
teddysmom June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 Did we know Lyle is Jewish? I found that that he had to hide it rather sad, altho in that era I'm sure it was completely reasonable. Previews for next episode look craz-mazing. Full moon time. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1201264
joelene June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 On 6/1/2015 at 6:22 AM, spaceghostess said: Dorian and Angelique were exquisite, even though, as many have pointed out, they're on their own show at the moment. I wonder if Angelique will discover the portrait by accident. Oh. Oh yes. Totally gonna happen I think and I feel stupid for not thinking of it. It's got to be someone we care about who can be killed off (assuming it's so terrible the one seeing it will die/be killed by Dorian) so I guess I'll have to start mourning Angelique. That scene was HAWT. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1201296
fuzzysneakers June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 Quote Did we know Lyle is Jewish? I found that that he had to hide it rather sad, altho in that era I'm sure it was completely reasonable. I don't think we did. I was happy, considering his situation with the witches, that he added to the protections of the house. I love Lyle too. He did a fine job of acting equally scared. Especially in front of the mirror, making sure the reflection was him, and then covering the mirror. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1201326
TexasGal June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 On 6/1/2015 at 6:22 AM, spaceghostess said: Sir Malcom and Evelyn: I should not have found that hot, as he was under a stabby enchantment and poor Mrs. Sir Malcolm was being hexed to death . . . but I did. Thanks for that - I couldn't decide it I thought she had enchanted him or if she was trying to get some blood to make a creepy Madame doll of him too. Is Lyle just too scared to clue Malcolm in on the witch situation? I mean, he's already put himself in a position of danger by staying in the barricaded house. I was afraid when he was skulking downstairs that he was spying on them, and then was relieved he was just praying down there. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1201445
teddysmom June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 Quote Is Lyle just too scared to clue Malcolm in on the witch situation? I mean, he's already put himself in a position of danger by staying in the barricaded house. I was afraid when he was skulking downstairs that he was spying on them, and then was relieved he was just praying down there. Madame Cali is blackmailing him to keep quiet and to help her. She has info on him that she's threatening to go public and ruin him with. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1201456
TiffanyNichelle June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 (edited) I was reminded of that random 90s movie PCU by the end of this episode. "Tonight, Everybody Gets Laid!" (Except for Ethan and Vanessa). Soooo much sex. I can barely remember what else happened before all that. Now that Dorian and Angelique are cemented can we please either fold him into the larger story or find out the rest of his deal with the mirror? If you never read the original story you have no idea what's been going on with him for the past two seasons. Either Victor's makeover skills are magical or Vanessa really didn't pay attention to Brona when they first met. I bet even Ethan wouldn't even blink an eye at meeting Lily. RME. I feel awful for Malcolm's wife. Her life sucked all the way to the end. ETA It was kind of implied that Ethan Chandler might not be Ethan's real name which makes me wonder who he is really? Did he even serve in the army or not? Edited June 1, 2015 by TiffanyNichelle 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1201893
Kat June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 I would rather Ethan and Vanessa remain very close, loving friends, who support and care for each other unconditionally. But, if Logan and TPTB of this show have other plans for them, I'm okay with that too. Josh and Eva's acting chemistry is off the charts. Quote When did Harnett get this good? His eyeball acting so clearly indicated he was simultaneously trying to decide whether he needed to exorcise her again, and desperately wishing they could get it on. His face when she walked away was a sad combination of "for the best" and "goddamit". This. Also, "eyeball acting". Hee! Quote Vanessa and "John Clare" is shaping up to be a beautiful friendship, and I don't want that ruined by JC developing a crush on her. I could watch them talk poetry and figure out how to make J.C. less socially awkward all day. I wasn't really surprised that Vanessa didn't recognize Lily/Brona. Besides Lily's hair being different, she's more physically robust than the consumptive Vanessa originally met. Plus, she's had a style upgrade (thanks to V). Oh, and V. has a few other things on her mind, like goddamned witches up in her grill every night, so there's that. Plus, when Brona and Vanessa met, Brona was so mortified/terrified that Dorian was going to say something about their previous "encounter", that she was a weird, nervous wreck who barely made eye contact with Vanessa. I also don't want a romantic thing to develop between Vanessa and John Clare, but I definitely want more poetry-share-time to happen. Quote Sir Malcolm getting played (and hard) by Madame Kali is awful! Start putting things together, man! I’m going to have nightmares about the voodoo doll/fetish room. **Shudder** I feel bad for his wife, what terrible suffering! Sir Malcolm is so frustrating. At this point I'm chalking about his poor decision making to the spell that he is clearly under; although, did you guys see the look on his face after he was pricked the first time? Like he was remembering Vanessa, Ethan, and Lyle's cautions. However, I'm super pissed that he wasn't more careful BEFORE this, especially after Lyle's warning and the harrowing night they all had with the witches coming in terrorizing them and stealing Vanessa's hair. I would have immediately severed all ties (at least temporarily) with anyone that wasn't the core group (Sembene, Ethan, Victor, Lyle, V). I don't want Sir Malcolm to die, but if he has to sacrifice himself to save one of the others, I'd be okay with that. Sad, but okay. Man, the previews for next week look batshit! Can't wait. And as spaceghostess said: Quote Sembene and I will not be moving from our chairs. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1202228
islandgal140 June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 I continue to unabashedly love Lyle. I like that they introduced him as being Jewish. So often you only see Christianity and its tenets depicted on these types of shows. I don't expect to see his faith incorporated in the show but I was intrigued by its introduction and how he had to hide it. I did wonder if covering the mirrors had anything to do with his religion or was it just that it is believed that the witches could use it for some nefarious reason? Wondering why Vanessa doesn't use some of the spells and such that the Cut Wife taught her to protect the house? Cut wife had those stones so 'others' couldn't cross, so umm why doesn't Vanessa use it? Also, just surprising that the witches just don't kill all those around Vanessa as that would leave her completely vulnerable to them. Why sidle up to Malcolm, try it with Ethan, etc. I guess there wouldn't be a show otherwise [shrugs] I have no idea about the how or why of Dorian's story and how if at all it fits into the larger plot but hot damn at that love scene. I was feeling a certain kind of way 2 episodes back when Angelique dropped the robe to reveal her gender as male and than it faded to black and we got no love scene but man did Showtime make up for it last night. That being said: Angelique, you in danger girl! I just can't get into the Frankenstein 2/3 cadaver love triangle. I really just don't care. Perhaps if Ethan were to enter stage right my interest will peak. I don't find Victor interesting or compelling. The only time I have been really interested in Victor was when they had him interacting with Van Helsing and Proteus but frigging John Clare's bitch ass put an end to that. I don't care how much poetry he spits out with Vanessa, how vulnerable and awkward he is with the blind girl and how the normies are so mean to him Clare and his monster man pain can go die in a fire. Ugh those witches. I felt no kinda way about Malcolm's wife one way or another, other than the fact she was a long suffering woman married to a selfish asshat, but damn was that an awful way to go. That voodoo doll room continues to creep me out. Now the shit grows brains too?!! What the what! On 6/1/2015 at 6:33 AM, Raachel2008 said: Do I really want Vanessa and Ethan together? Mixed feelings here, because I really enjoyed Brona and Ethan together, and there was some genuine affection/love there. The chemistry between EG and JH is really great, though, and they can of fit the whole two (sort of ) kind lone souls. Plus, they are really hot. But they need to give me some feelings there, as in I-fell-for-you-hard. Sembene should get his own spin-off. Amen on Sembene. I wouldn't be averse to an Ethan and Vanessa pairing but I am okay if they remain friends too. I was just relieved they didn't join the orgy last night. It would have been too quick and just sexual overload. I really like the scene when Vanessa ran to Ethan's bedroom in fear and slept in his bed while slept on the coach. I was never really a Brona fan (that accent ugh!) but I really did like the couple of Brona and Ethan too. I think Josh Harnett is ever so good at playing a manly man who is unafraid to be tender and loving which makes him look like even more of a man of strength. Like he would kill anyone who hurt his partner with his bear hands with no regrets and would totally hold your hair back while you vomit and clean it up afterwards and not act like he deserved a trophy because it is a basic thing he should be doing for a loved one. To date one of, if not my favorite, scene from this show is them in bed and Brona telling Ethan her backstory. Ethan wipes her tears away and says "We have all done things to survive. There are such sins at my back it would kill me to turn around." That last line gets me every time. No, it isn't elegant poetry like Nessa and Clare whisper to each other but damn does Harnett make me feel it in that moment. My second fave Brona and Ethan moment is a scene she isn't even in but Malcolm and Ethan are discussing her deteroriating health and putting her in a sanatorium. Sir Malcolm Murray: Do you hold out hope for her? Ethan Chandler: I hold out for dignity. Sir Malcolm Murray: She will cease to be who she is. Ethan Chandler: Then I will love who she becomes. Swoon!!! 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1202317
TiffanyNichelle June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 islandgal140 I loved the Brona/Ethan storyline last season also which is why I'm a little hesitant about him and Vanessa. And I desperately need for Lily to remember Brona's life or for Ethan to find out what Victor did. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1202356
spaceghostess June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 (edited) On 6/1/2015 at 2:26 PM, TexasGal said: Thanks for that - I couldn't decide it I thought she had enchanted him or if she was trying to get some blood to make a creepy Madame doll of him too. Hey, the creepy puppet doll could just as easily be true. Evelyn seems pretty efficient, so I could definitely see her killing two birds with one stabby, evil stone. Quote Is Lyle just too scared to clue Malcolm in on the witch situation? I mean, he's already put himself in a position of danger by staying in the barricaded house. I was afraid when he was skulking downstairs that he was spying on them, and then was relieved he was just praying down there. This is driving my husband crazy! (He feels the blackmail threat shouldn't outweigh joining the gang and really fighting the witches at this point.) He keeps yelling at Lyle to come clean. I found myself wondering if Sir Ferd, like Ethan, is sleeping over these days. I mean, Sir Malcolm has plenty of rooms to spare. I'd love to see everyone--Lily, Victor, Cali-Clare, Angelique, Dorian, and the rest of the gang--have a big ol' Victorian house party/sleepover. And then they could each make up a ghost story, a la Mary Shelley's inspiration for Frankenstein. Edited June 1, 2015 by spaceghostess 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1202635
msbeesknees June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 (edited) Quote Sir Lyle makes me so happy. this times 10000000000000. from the moment i set eyes upon him in the university scene in season 1 i was giddy! his hair! his superb effeminate portrayal of character! his mustache! his annunciations! his constant flirting with Ethan! everything about him is delightful... and i love that he is a secret jew. the depth of his character intrigues me. Edited June 2, 2015 by msbeesknees 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1203120
TexasGal June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 On 6/1/2015 at 9:02 PM, spaceghostess said: I'd love to see everyone--Lily, Victor, Cali-Clare, Angelique, Dorian, and the rest of the gang--have a big ol' Victorian house party/sleepover. And then they could each make up a ghost story, a la Mary Shelley's inspiration for Frankenstein. It actually is irritating to me, from a practical perspective, that the sleepover part hasn't happened. Hmmm, weird witchy creatures keep sneaking in at night and going after Vanessa. By all means, let's just send her of to her bedroom alone at night. And, by all means, keep out theatre engagements! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1203170
raven June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 (edited) Quote I feel awful for Malcolm's wife. Her life sucked all the way to the end. That was all I could think of. What a way to go. Though she was screaming when she saw her dead children, where the heck were the servants?? Nice interview with Jonny Beauchamp, who plays Angelique. He's put a lot of thought into the character and it shows in the portrayal. I hope Dorian doesn't break her heart, or something awful happens to her, I hate saying this because it's so subjective but they really have chemistry. I worry now whenever she's on screen. Their sex scene was hot IMO because they seem to love each other - well Angelique at least, I'm not sure if Dorian can love. The AV Club review makes a good point that the more comfortable the characters are with themselves and each other, the more visually explicit the scene. We get hesitant sex with Victor/Lily and a kind of desperate grasping with Kali/Malcom. Dorian/Angelique - no hesitation, desparation or prudishness there! The non-sex pairing of Vanessa/Ethan was more emotional and warm then then Victor's or Malcom's. I can go with wherever the show does with them - lovers or not. Almost every character pairing in this show works. Victor/Lily is not especially interesting, because Lily isn't really interesting. Victor is a complicated character but she is a blank slate - I get it, she is supposed to be, but that doesn't make compelling watching for me. Getting out into the world more will help. Her "Bride of Frankenstein" reaction to Caliban was a tough one for him - she was so obviously not just uninterested, but repulsed. I kept wanting him to ask her about what she was reading, what she liked to read - he's so literate, that could have been an ice-breaker. As tiresome as Caliban is with Victor, his character rebounds so much with everyone else, even his shy embarrasment with Lily. Then he's getting so comfortable with Vanessa; I love their conversations, and will have to check out the John Clare poetry. Props to our bad-ass Vanessa BTW, who goes back to working in the cholera caves and teaches Caliban to dance after being assaulted by witches in her own home. Shows being bad-ass sometimes just means getting through the day. Quote He keeps yelling at Lyle to come clean. I found myself wondering if Sir Ferd, like Ethan, is sleeping over these days. I mean, Sir Malcolm has plenty of rooms to spare. I'd love to see everyone--Lily, Victor, Cali-Clare, Angelique, Dorian, and the rest of the gang--have a big ol' Victorian house party/sleepover. And then they could each make up a ghost story, a la Mary Shelley's inspiration for Frankenstein. It's those damn byzantine dalliances, as he told Sir Malcolm (I love that phrase and wish I could work it into everyday conversation, heh) from Mr. Lyle's past. Damn past. I worry about him, I enjoy the characther so much. Don't kill off Lyle! I don't think I can explain how much I would to love to see the rest of your post happen. It reminds me of Vanessa telling Malcom in last season's finale that "the boys" should come over for Christmas. I want the Penny Dreadful family together! Edited June 2, 2015 by raven 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1203197
Lila82 June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 I can buy that Vanessa doesn't recognize Brona. They met fleetingly, but everything about Lily is different: her voice, her body language, her personality, her demeanor. I've never seen Billie Piper in anything before, but it's a testament to her acting skills how different the two characters are. Accent aside, of course. Also? Bronlily knows how to pick them. She's found the same inherent sweetness in her romance with Victor as she did with Ethan. But what is the birth control routine for a formerly virginal inventor and his reanimated corpse girlfriend? Unanswered Questions and Parallels: - Vanessa won't commit suicide to escape her very real demons, but Mrs. Murray takes her own life to escape her imagined ones. In addition to reporting back to Ethan after she's killed someone. I guess the question is, is that person herself? - Angelique suffers in order to be herself; Lyle suffers to be what he wants Quote I was never really a Brona fan (that accent ugh!) but I really did like the couple of Brona and Ethan too. I think Josh Harnett is ever so good at playing a manly man who is unafraid to be tender and loving which makes him look like even more of a man of strength. Way to get inside my head! I didn't love Ethan/Brona either, but I loved how he loved her. I adored them at the theater, all that joy shimmering in his eyes at seeing her so happy. I'll also add that in addition to being a man of strength (and cooking/washing dishes/shooting things) he's an unabashed brooder with a wicked sense of humor. Really, a perfect man. And a Wolf King to boot! That post-credits scene did things to me. Ethan Chandler, or whoever he is, can protect my cliff any day. And now, I'll see myself out... Quote I continue to unabashedly love Lyle. I like that they introduced him as being Jewish. So often you only see Christianity and its tenets depicted on these types of shows. I don't expect to see his faith incorporated in the show but I was intrigued by its introduction and how he had to hide it. I did wonder if covering the mirrors had anything to do with his religion or was it just that it is believed that the witches could use it for some nefarious reason? In Judaism, mirrors are traditionally covered during shiva (mourning) as a way of avoiding vanity and focusing on celebrating the life of the deceased and comforting the mourners. In this case, I thought it was a metaphor for Lyle returning to the person he projects rather than the man he truly is, hiding his true self to achieve superficial things like money and fame. Simon Russell Beale does a terrific job of portraying his vulnerability despite the foppishness. I wish we knew which prayer he said, but given the severity and way he was wearing the tallis, my best guess is the Shema. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1203273
raven June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 Quote I adored them at the theater, all that joy shimmering in his eyes at seeing her so happy. I'll also add that in addition to being a man of strength (and cooking/washing dishes/shooting things) he's an unabashed brooder with a wicked sense of humor. Really, a perfect man. And a Wolf King to boot! That post-credits scene did things to me. Ethan Chandler, or whoever he is, can protect my cliff any day. And now, I'll see myself out... This x a LOT, hee. If he had put the apron on, I wouldn't have been responsible for my actions. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1203312
Byzantine June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 I'm in the camp that can take Ethan and Vanessa as lovers or just close friends, they are lovely either way But can Vanessa have sex? If she does are we positive it will turn the demon switch on? has she had sex where it didn't switch it on that we know of ? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1203519
LittleIggy June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 I find Billy Piper to be so singularly unattractive that I can't get into Lily or care what happens to her. Dorian and Angelique were off the chart hot tonight. My pet peeve about Dorian is that he never wears a tie/cravat. It takes me right out of the period setting. I love Mr. Lyle, too. I want Vanessa and Ethan to be just friends. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1203578
BuddhaBelly June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 I need Ethan and Vanessa to be together. From that first charged moment when Ethan pulled The Lovers and Hartnett and Green served up prime time eye sex, I needed it to happen. The way she rushed to his room seeking comfort and knowing she would find it was perfect. I agree that once Caliban and Victor interact I want to change the channel. Put Caliban with anyone else and my interest is there. Now what is Ethan's real name? That bit of his background didn't surprise me. They dropped lots of hints that the wolf wasn't his darkest secret. It says a lot that when they were choosing rituals, Ethan burned sage. He didn't choose the Bible, but something sacred to people he's harmed. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1203815
mister gloom June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 Re: Mr. Lyle, its worth noting that he's helping the protagonists far more than he's helping the witches: He's warned Sir Malcolm against Evelynn, he helped (without any attempt at betrayal) in warding the house, he pretty much lied to Evelynn Poole about Ethan (albeit in a way that left him plausible denialability). He's not quite going far enough to stick his neck out and reveal everything...but the signs point in a positive directions. I genuinely did not know that about mirrors, I assumed that he covered the mirror out of fear of...partially backing out of his agreement. I like Ethan and Vanessa more as friends (though I could live with it), but I just don't see the John Clare/Vanessa shipping, they definitely work better as friends/philosophical debate partners. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1204034
islandgal140 June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 One of the things I am loving and wish to see more of is the team working on the puzzle/Satan's narrative. Love how it is written on a bunch of objects in different languages, some of which are extinct, and they have to decipher it. Such fun. On 6/2/2015 at 12:02 AM, msbeesknees said: this times 10000000000000. from the moment i set eyes upon him in the university scene in season 1 i was giddy! his hair! his superb effeminate portrayal of character! his mustache! his annunciations! his constant flirting with Ethan! everything about him is delightful... and i love that he is a secret jew. the depth of his character intrigues me. Yes. Lyle has layers. He is the delicious parfait cake of Penny Dreadful. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1205695
tennisgurl June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 I would take Vanessa as they are, close platonic friends, or romantically. They are just the best together. Of course, I say that about most characters on this show, but this time, I really mean it! Which montage do I prefer...the sex montage, or the faith montage? Both? The whole sequence of everyone praying was beautifully shot. Especially the part with Lyle, who is Jewish, as it turns out. Poor guy. Has to hide his sexuality, and his faith from society. He was just ripe for blackmail. I love how much they are adding to his character. On most shows, he would be the funny, campy guy who is just there for laughs, but Lyle is just delightfully real. Its like a said a few weeks ago. The characters are all clear archetypes, but then, when you look a little closer, you can see how they have more depth than originally though. Ethan is a hound of God then? Isn't that a part of Eastern European mythology? Ethan has a lot of connections to Native Americans, even using sage to pray with. I think he either became involved with a Native American tribe, became close to them, and then they were slaughtered through some fault of his, or he could even be half Native American? On his mothers side? I could watch a whole adorable show about Angelique and Dorian. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1205826
msbeesknees June 2, 2015 Share June 2, 2015 Quote Yes. Lyle has layers. He is the delicious parfait cake of Penny Dreadful. Delicious and "tenacious" :) I wonder if anyone is keeping track of Sir Lyle's quotes? His annunciations of common words make them sound so exotic! I often fixate on his sounds the moment he starts speaking and miss what he's actually saying whilst giggling away "like a school girl." I need to re-watch when he first meets Ethan Chandler... dear god that was adorably cheeky. He was so smitten. Ha! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1206088
Epeolatrix June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 Maybe the Hound of God reference comes from Thiess of Kaltenbrun. Quote This done, Thiess related that the wolves travelled to a place that was located "beyond the sea". This spot was a swamp near Lemburg, about half a mile away from the estate of the court's chairman. Here they entered into Hell, where they battled both the Devil and the malevolent witches who were loyal to him, beating them with long iron rods and chasing them like dogs. Thiess furthermore told the judges that the werewolves "cannot tolerate the devil", and that they were the "hounds of God". 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1206415
Ravenya003 June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 I have been fairly indifferent to all the potential ships on this show; but damn - that scene between Ethan and Vanessa on the staircase hit me like a ton of bricks. Just something about how he slowly climbed toward her ... that was more intense that all the sex scenes that surrounded it (well, to me anyway). Hopefully we'll get a full episode backstory for Ethan soon - my theory is that his curse is somehow bound up in his crimes against the Native Americans. But perhaps the most interesting thing to come out of this episode is that "lupus dei" is a part of the monk's testimony. Had to laugh that after a long montage of putting protective measures on the house and several grand speeches about fortifying themselves against evil, Malcolm immediately goes out and screws the witch that's trying to kill them all. So how come Vanessa's voodoo doll needed a strand of her hair and Mrs Murray's didn't? Or are we meant to infer that one of the witches got something of hers off-screen? I felt so terrible for her; not just in the awful way she died but that she died alone. (Though bringing back the actors for Peter and Mina seemed a bit of a waste. They were interesting characters while they lasted, and our last sight of them may well be as zombies). At first I was a little disappointed in Vanessa that she didn't recognize Brona/Lily; not even a little "have we met before?" moment, but I suspect it was a commentary on the all-consuming class differences. Still, Brona was namedropped earlier in the episode (between Ethan and the Detective), so the truth is bound to come out sooner or later. Don't kill Lyle! I wish he'd just come out and tell the others what's really going on. There's no one in that house who's going to care in the slightest that he's gay. Heck, they're not stupid - I'm sure they've reached that conclusion all on their own. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1206575
Dobian June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 Despite Ethan's exhortations about defending the cliff, it would seem that Team Monster Mash is compromised all over the place. But that's what makes it fun, right? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1206577
Bort June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 On 6/3/2015 at 1:01 AM, Ravenya003 said: I have been fairly indifferent to all the potential ships on this show; but damn - that scene between Ethan and Vanessa on the staircase hit me like a ton of bricks. Just something about how he slowly climbed toward her ... that was more intense that all the sex scenes that surrounded it (well, to me anyway). That's what I liked about the sex scenes framing Ethan and Vanessa's scene on the stairs, it really ratcheted up the tension by making it seem like we were going to get another one with them (even more imposing being the knowledge of what happens to Vanessa when she gets some) but then it ended up just being two ships passing in the night. With Vanessa doing the hand thing that she and John Claire spoke of earlier. Quote So how come Vanessa's voodoo doll needed a strand of her hair and Mrs Murray's didn't? Or are we meant to infer that one of the witches got something of hers off-screen? That's what happened. One of the witch minions returned at the very beginning with a lock of hair, presumably having to drag ass halfway across the countryside and back. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1207022
Dirtybubble June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 Quote I have been fairly indifferent to all the potential ships on this show; but damn - that scene between Ethan and Vanessa on the staircase hit me like a ton of bricks. Just something about how he slowly climbed toward her ... that was more intense that all the sex scenes that surrounded it (well, to me anyway). ITA! There is an art to sexual tension and a lot of times it can be much more provocative & steamy than just simply hoping in bed at the drop of a hat. It also helps that both Ethan & Vanessa are likeable characters so rooting for them is easy. And speaking of likeable characters... Quote I could watch a whole adorable show about Angelique and Dorian. Me too! These 2 are great together but my only fuss is that it doesn't seem to be part of the show in any way. Unless I've missed something I don't see how this storyline wraps in with anyone else on the show so IDK it's like 2 different stories happening. I miss the days of Dorian chasing after Vanessa and well....the bromance with he and Ethan. From the previews for next week it looks like Dorian and Angelique are attending some sort of social function together that would perhaps contain more of the other characters in the show. Quote I know the Victor/Lily is so twisted, but the actors unexpectedly have really good chemistry together. It's oddly kind of sweet to see them falling in love with each other? Hey, it's not like he wiped her memories on purpose. That's just a side-effect of bringing her back from the dead. Okay, after he killed her. But he was ending her suffering and planning to resurrect her stronger than she was before. I can roll with it. Everybody's getting laid on this show aren't they! =D So yeah this relationship bugged me at first but again 2 more likeable and more sympathetic characters in the story so I guess all is forgiveable on Victor's part. And since Brona/Lily dropped that stupid accent she is much more tolerable now than S1. Of course she will eventually get her memory back (I predict somewhere near the season finale) and kinda flip the F out when she realizes Victor is the one who actually killer her! That is if Caliban doesn't ring her neck first. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1207990
Dobian June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 On 6/1/2015 at 10:23 AM, Bec said: I know the Victor/Lily is so twisted, but the actors unexpectedly have really good chemistry together. It's oddly kind of sweet to see them falling in love with each other? Hey, it's not like he wiped her memories on purpose. That's just a side-effect of bringing her back from the dead. Okay, after he killed her. But he was ending her suffering and planning to resurrect her stronger than she was before. I can roll with it. I would also be okay with Ethan beating the crap out of Victor when he finds out what became of Brona. Though I don't want the team to break up. Well, maybe fighting the witches will bring them all back together. They'll put their differences aside for Vanessa. I guess you could rationalize that what Victor did isn't so bad, except for the part where he and Caliban lie to her about who she really is. How long does Victor expect this charade to last? He knows that even if she never gets her memories back, she'll eventually cross paths with people who know her, and one of them (Ethan) is really close at hand. I'm sure Ethan will stomp Victor when the time comes, though Brona/Lily will probably throw herself on Victor to spare him. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1208335
spaceghostess June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 (edited) On 6/3/2015 at 3:56 PM, Dobian said: I'm sure Ethan will stomp Victor when the time comes . . . God, I can't wait for this to happen (and it had better happen). Quote . . . though Brona/Lily will probably throw herself on Victor to spare him. This, not so much--although I'm sure you're right about it. ETA: Wouldn't it be great if Lilona joined in on the stomping? Insofar as I found the thunderstorm love scene simultaneously appealing and appalling, I still feel that Victor is, after Evil-yn, the Wrongest Wrongdoer Who Ever Wronged on this show (having taken up the mantle from Sir Malcolm, who remains on my shit list, but at least he didn't kill a lady to reanimate her to perv on her indefinitely. Which I know wasn't Victor's plan, but still). Edited June 3, 2015 by spaceghostess Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1208953
iMonrey June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 Quote Wondering why Vanessa doesn't use some of the spells and such that the Cut Wife taught her to protect the house? Cut wife had those stones so 'others' couldn't cross, so umm why doesn't Vanessa use it? And didn't Vanessa see Evelynn Poole back when she was staying with the Cutwife? Doesn't she already know who she is? This part is baffling to me. I fully expected the camera to pull back from Victor and Lily having sex to Caliban watching them from a window or in the shadows, so I was kind of surprised (pleasantly so) that they didn't go there. Would have been too soap-opera contrived. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1209309
Bort June 3, 2015 Share June 3, 2015 On 6/3/2015 at 8:45 PM, iMonrey said: And didn't Vanessa see Evelynn Poole back when she was staying with the Cutwife? Doesn't she already know who she is? This part is baffling to me. No, Evelyn/Madam Kali made it a point to hide her face when Vanessa was looking her way. I know it's confusing, since the narrative was set up like Vanessa was telling the story, yet it played out like a straight-out flashback from a third person perspective. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/27173-s02e05-above-the-vaulted-sky/#findComment-1209589
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