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S02.E12: Reunion

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I am so glad that my unreasonable attraction to TRav is really, truly, finally dead.  Thank god!!  It never made any sense and now I'm free from it.  He and Kathryn are both awful.  She tweeted a picture last night of the 2 of them together (allegedly) watching the the reunion.  So gross.


Shep needs to grow his hair a little longer.  He looks much cuter with the little waves in his hair.  But I'm sure that doesn't fit with his new "mature" image.

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Does anyone but me hate the Bravo reunion shows in general? On a scientific scale of Bravo celeb asshattery, even with Kathryn's meltdown, this reunion didn't register as nearly as asshatish as any of the Real Housewives reunions but it certainly didn't feel fun, either. I would've much rather have seen boat rides, seances, porch chats, bar hopping - hell, grocery shopping, even- rather than a reunion show. I watch SC for the real estate porn and the good natured snark. The T-Kath drama really sucked the fun out of the reunion, as it did for the entire season.

I don't like body snarking but holy giant body part what was up with Thomas's ears??

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If I was Thomas's attorney, I would tell him to get off this show and shut the fuck up and get off all social media.  He has evidenced terrible errors in judgment.  I just can't believe someone who has a legitimate business and a good family name and a small child would be this much of a famewhore.  It is not going to look good AT ALL for him that he told the mother of his child on television that he had her followed and that he would destroy her.  The court will look at the best interests of the child when awarding custody, and he's not doing himself any favors here.  Katherine may be a few sandwiches short of a picnic, but from the limited amount of time we've seen her on the show with Kensie, she seems to be a good mom, and wants to be with Thomas.  Even though we've seen her have a few rough morning afters, she arranged alternative child care for her daughter, and I don't think a judge will have an issue with a mom taking a break once in a while.


Thomas also seems pretty fatalistic.  I think given enough time, he could probably win another election, but probably not against an incumbent like Graham.  I mean, Mark Sanford was re-elected (he succeeded Arthur Ravenel in the house of reps) despite his disappearance/extra- marital affair scandal.  It seems that the people of South Carolina can forgive, but Thomas just has to stop fucking up and stop putting it all out there.


I loved, loved this show first season.  The chemistry, the quirks of the cast, the charm, the old money, the shameless strumpets and the locale was just perfect.  But unfortunately, as with most reality shows, the cast was too affected by their own press, it seems.  I'll probably watch, but it has lost the magic for me.  Nothing gold can stay. 

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So this is it for the season, huh? A one part reunion? No secrets revealed or lost footage? Mmkay.

It felt like we missed too much in a rushed 1 part reunion. I wanted to hear more about each individual's current status, it seemed like we were missing updates on everyone with the exception of Craig. I agree, some lost footage or some input from Danni, Jennifer, J.D., etc? It felt to me like they purposely did not reveal too much as they are thinking of Season 3...

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Landon's entire outfit was just so, so nice imo.

I liked it, as well.  I wish she had been able to comb all of her hair, though, and not just the two front tendrils.  That having been said, I do believe she is actually the most well-bred of that crowd, Thomas' money notwithstanding.  When she said that KCD had "zero class", I agreed whole-heartedly. I see her as a young Patricia, happily waiting to ascend to that particular throne.

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Thomas also seems pretty fatalistic.  I think given enough time, he could probably win another election, but probably not against an incumbent like Graham.  I mean, Mark Sanford was re-elected (he succeeded Arthur Ravenel in the house of reps) despite his disappearance/extra- marital affair scandal.  It seems that the people of South Carolina can forgive, but Thomas just has to stop fucking up and stop putting it all out there.


I have always wondered why Thomas didn't run for the Ravenel seat in Congress. Perhaps because of his prison time was he not able to run yet? Was his run TOTALLY faked for the show (that's my suspicion, also). Instead of running for his FATHER's House seat....,he runs against SENATOR LINDSAY GRAHAM in a primary? What? That whole run had to be fake...or should I say insincere, at best. (way to get a plot for the show, and spend the least amount of money)


Thomas showed such misjudgment on the reunion, I can't even imagine being that stupid.


I LOVED it when Kathryn said Thomas said, "You can have a baby out of wedlock, but people just don't want to see it on their front porches." That's soooo right for SC voters. It's so true, I absolutely believe he said it. To me it's a clear example of Thomas' dual nature:


-- NO judgement in his personal life.....but perhaps a good policy wonk. Although he's NOT a good public speaker at all. ALL of his "political speeches" sucked. And I've never seen a bad public speaker get elected yet. But if his 'campaign events were all for show and just an afterthought...I guess it didn't matter that he sucked. Supposedly, he was poling at 11% before the hairdresser assault issue. I'm shocked he was polling THAT high at all, ever.  Could it be most voters in SC, or his district, DON'T KNOW about his -- uh -- personal behavior? Most voters aren't in his social circle, so how would they if they don't watch the show. I know he's a scion of SC with a famous name there...but most middle and lower income people who go to work every day aren't following him and his antics. When you think about it, if they don't what the show.....they may not know.


As for how he looked, I had no problem with it. Like someone else who said they had a Thomas crush. I can definitely see falling for him. Aside from some of his personality traits:):) -- and major ones, at that, he's a great catch on paper. SO is Shep, BUT you have to know how to hook guys like that....and it's NOT by getting pregnant.


Whitney is probably weeping into his mother's bosom right about now.


 Why? he and his young girlfriend are moving in together in Los Angeles.  (Oh, please)


So this is it for the season, huh? A one part reunion? No secrets revealed or lost footage? Mmkay.

It felt like we missed too much in a rushed 1 part reunion. I wanted to hear more about each individual's current status, it seemed like we were missing updates on everyone with the exception of Craig. I agree, some lost footage or some input from Danni, Jennifer, J.D., etc?


 Yes. Ditto. What's up with that?

Edited by selhars
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He looked tired and thin. I never realized what a big head he has. He could barely squeak out a smile the entire hour. Man is unhappy. Well, that's what happens when you get yourself involved with a 22 yr. old nut job. He better be thanking the Lord he was smart enough not to marry her. He needs to buy her a house in the city because we know that is what she really wants, a fancy car and offer a nice amount of monthly child support and send her on her way. The rest is up to her to do something with her life. Which I highly doubt she ever will. 


Landon and Cameron had absolutely nothing interesting to say. 


I thought Thomas did not look well, either.  


I also wondered if he has begun to realize that this show is presenting him as the obnoxious, pathetic fool he is.  He was very angry at Andy at some point, and took to his Facebook and social media to vent his anger towards Andy, so he may have also still been harboring some of those feelings during this reunion--on Andy's turf, not in South Carolina, where he probably feels more comfortable.


Thomas doesn't think before he speaks, especially when it comes to Kathryn - I cannot imagine what his father must have said to him after viewing last night's show.  Thomas is really bringing the Ravenel name down into the gutter, in a BIG way!!  

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Kathryn is NUTS. She was twitching and making crazy faces when the accusation came out that she got pregnant to add to the show/stay on the show. It's the damn truth! I remember in Season One thinking, when does this stuff actually happen *on camera*?? Meaning, some bar star screwing three guys in one social circle within mere days of each other, all three of them wealthy. Then she really zeroes in on....the 50 year old guy (admittedly better than the 46 year old Lurch guy) and actually gets pregnant within the short time frame of actual filming?? Uh, alrighty then Kathryn. Yes, you are totally transparent and ARE a gold-digger. Please stop denying it.


She has always seemed calculating and a bit off to me. She and Thomas deserve each other. Especially seeing as they're "reunited". Well isn't that special. What wack jobs. After the way they acted on that reunion they want everyone to be happy they are a couple again and they aren't even embarrassed by what people saw?? EWW.  That little girl (Kensie) is going to have lots of issues sadly.


The lighting was terrible, wow. Everyone looked anemic. Not sure I like Andy C's new glasses.  Landon's hair was so shiny. I'm glad they put Kathryn on the hot seat about her continued friendship with the stylist. Why should we believe Kathryn that she didn't set Thomas up?? We saw in Season One how she lied again and again with a straight face to Thomas about fucking Whitney. Stone cold she is.

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Could it be most voters in SC, or his district, DON'T KNOW about his -- uh -- personal behavior? Most voters aren't in his social circle, so how would they if they don't watch the show. I know he's a scion of SC with a famous name there...but most middle and lower income people who go to work every day aren't following him and his antics. When you think about it, if they don't what the show.....they may not know.

I think that a lot average South Carolinians would know about it. I think the cocaine/prison time would be something that would definitely be on the news, not only because he was a public official going to prison but also because of his father/his Ravenal name/etc. 


(I'm referring specifically to the prison time fiasco. I can see how they may not know about the Kathryn drama, yes.)

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I agreed with Whitney once this season...his analogy of Kathryn & Thomas as Richard Burton & Liz Taylor. That type of bat sh@t crazy love/hate relationship. They can't live with each other but can't seem to function without each other. I think they were meant for each other, if Kathryn was just a few years older maybe? They both deserve each other. Thomas' actions and comments as of late make him look tragic.

Craig was the only one (Landon wasn't there for season 1 so she doesn't count) to understand that the circumstances of how they met, how Kathryn got pregnant, none of that matters anymore because now the focus is and should be on the fact that Kenzie is here. The fact that Kathryn may have intended to get pregnant is irrelevant at this point, because he & Cameran reminded us that Thomas knew what could happen and did it anyway. He was complicit and not a victim even though Whitney claims Kathryn was the problem. Kathryn was 21! They both made bad and reckless decisions but Thomas is not innocent. Anyone his age that behaved this way should have known what he was getting into and would have made sure he was being "careful" if he really didn't want Kathryn to get pregnant.

I really like Cameran. Boy is she beautiful, obviously gets her looks from her mother, but I was disappointed in her at times. Yes, she's the Greek chorus, but I didn't like how she sided up to Whitney. Perhaps it's her role, behind the scenes or she feels she needs to get a bit dirty to keep her spot. Shep and Cameran both seemed off to me not necessarily that we now see their true selves. I think their actions were planned and scripted.

Interesting that Craig & Landon are rooming together...just in time for filming season 3...

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That tweeted photo reminds me of George Jones and Tammy Wynette!  lol  


While it may seem like poetic justice that Kahtryn and Thomas deserve each other, I'm not convinced that would work for the child.  I can't imagine the egg shells a child would walk on with those people as parents.  Most would not fare well growing up in a whack-a-doodle home where hostility is the most constant emotion.  I wish they would stop paying lip service to how much they love their child.  If they really did, they would get off of the crazy train and do something with her real interest at heart. 

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I hope I do this right and it's in the right place.  But it seems that they are back together and watched the reunion together.   How sweet....NOT.  Gross.




I think Andy may have been right about Kathryn and Thomas being like Liz Taylor and Richard Burton - they can't live with each other, but yet, can't live without each other, either.   They will need to realize that they are each their own worst enemies, and figure out how much damage this "relationship" will cause for Kenzie as she gets older.  (Besides the fact that I think they are both varying degrees of batshit  crazy....)


Regarding Liz Taylor and Richard Burton - I totally cracked up at the blank stare from Kathryn when Andy made this comment - I said to my husband that Kathryn doesn't have a frickin' clue who they are/were.....  :-)

Edited by njbchlover
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I think Andy may have been right about Kathryn and Thomas being like Liz Taylor and Richard Burton - they can't live with each other, but yet, can't live without each other, either.   They will need to realize that they are each their own worse enemies, and figure out how much damage this "relationship" will cause for Kenzie as she gets older.  (Besides the fact that I think they are both varying degrees of batshit  crazy....)


Regarding Liz Taylor and Richard Burton - I totally cracked up at the blank stare from Kathryn when Andy made this comment - I said to my husband that Kathryn doesn't have a frickin' clue who they are/were.....  :-)

Ha ha, she has no idea!

Whitney has made that comment during the Season first. I can't remember which episode though. I thought it was interesting that Andy repeated it...as that means he agreed with the analogy like we do, or he was supporting that analogy of the intended storyline.

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Regarding Liz Taylor and Richard Burton - I totally cracked up at the blank stare from Kathryn when Andy made this comment - I said to my husband that Kathryn doesn't have a frickin' clue who they are/were.....  :-)


I saw that. And thought that too. Then thought. wait a minute....she has to know who Elizabeth Taylor was, right? Please don't tell me she does NOT know who ET was. So maybe she knows who ET was, but not RB.....THAT I could see. But even with ET, I could see Kathryn just saying "she was some actress right?" So she could know who ET was, and without knowing the RB part -- she wouldn't get the relationship comparison to them.


And yes when I said I wondered about voters not knowing about T-Rav's shenanigans I meant the Kathryn/Southern Charm part. I don't doubt they all know about cocaine. THAT part is common knowledge, I'd think.

Edited by selhars
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I love that Patricia thought it too unseemly to come to the reunion.

I liked that Whitney used "unseemly" -- a fave of mine -- but yeah, I think Pat just wanted to "host" the reunion on her turf. AND she's "afeered" of Kathryn!

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Silly random thoughts (aiii, these people have sucked me in):

When a gentleman sits down, he unbuttons his jacket. WTF with Thomas & Craig all buttoned up? Well Craig doesn't know how to say the word lapel so there is that. I hate to admit that I did like Andy's shout out with his (unbuttoned) seersucker suit.

Whitney seeming so disgusted by the discussion about who has the best "game" like he is above all that. Yet, this is a 50 year old man who alludes to the sex act with infantile hand gestures and doesn't have a better euphemism for sex than "sticking it in". Perhaps it was the thought of hetero sex that so disgusted him.

Andy trying to shit stir on how great the K&T sex must be but getting shut down. ... This is the one thing these two bozos can be discrete about!?!?

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I always want to be sympathetic towards Kathryn because Thomas seems like an ass, and yet she loses me everytime. Not that I side with Thomas. I'm just reminded that they both are immature selfish crazies.

Shep seems really jealous and mean spirited towards Craig and it comes off bad.

Andy was so annoying, trying to push Kathryn and Thomas to hook up. I'm sure the would eventually but don't encourage them. They are not good for each other.

They have a child to think of,they're not Richard Burton and Liz Taylor.

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Yeah what was Shep's deal? When they were talking about his impression of Craig and Cameran (I think it was Cameran?) says, "That really hurt Craig's feelings," Shep's response is to immediately launch into said feeling-hurting impression?! Seriously? That is some 7th-grade level business right there. Hopefully it was just editing and it didn't really happen in that order... Regardless, it's awfully childish and mean-spirited to openly mock someone to their face (and on television, no less).

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Holy Jeebus, Thomas looked like he was auditioning for Happy Gilmore in that fugly red Shooter McGavin jacket.


He is aging terribly right now.  Obviously Kathryn and their toxic relationship are sucking the vitality right out of him.  He barely resembles the man of season 1.


I was cringing during their exchanges and especially when he was telling Kathryn that he cared for her and she was practically beginning for him to admit how much he truly cares for her.  Did he say love at all?  And these two are the classic definition of codependent.  Reality gold but a match made in hell.


While I do think Thomas can certainly pony up more than $2500 a month, I don't think he should have to pay to support Kathryn and her clown makeup.  He should most definitely provide for his daughter but there is no reason why Kathryn can't be responsible for providing for Kensie as well. 


OF COURSE she got pregnant intentionally.  Just watch season 1.  She admitted she wasn't on birth control and if it happened, it happened.  Thomas is a damn fool.  Yes, he has a beautiful daughter but now he has a lifelong connection to Kathryn.


"Sheppie" did not come off well during the reunion.  He seemed very petty and childish.  Sad to see from Tweets posted above that he and Craig don't seem to have a real friendship. 


I hope that Craig has honestly gotten himself together.  He did make me laugh with his comment about having a large homosexual African American following.  Oh Craig, don't change, sweetheart.


Whitney was Whitney.  I'm sure he was hanging upside down in the closet later to plot how to win Thomas' heart once and for all.


Cameran seemed to have a lot of makeup or tanner on.  Watch out, Kathryn, or she may take the Hozo the Clown tag from you.


Landon was a bit giggly and screechy but she probably looked the best out of all of them.


Disappointing reunion, all things given.

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Thomas will probably arrange to make some support payments directly to the providers, minimizing the actual cash he hands over to Kathryn. I can see him paying directly for housing, insurance, a car, etc.


I resent women (and men like Sherry Shephard's ex-husband) who try to cash out with child support. Kathryn can get off her crazy behind and develop a career and income. Then she and Thomas can equally support their child.

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I resent women (and men like Sherry Shephard's ex-husband) who try to cash out with child support. Kathryn can get off her crazy behind and develop a career and income. Then she and Thomas can equally support their child




She doesn't have a job, has a half-way college education, and it seems like Thomas isn't doing any childcare of his own (have we seen him and Kensie without Kathryn or a nanny?). I hope she takes him to court, hires a forensic accountant, and gets *more* money. He's not even paying the 2500 a month, since he apparently hasn't been sending checks regularly.


Didn't she say she got a degree in political science? 


College education or not, she has parents that are helping her and she certainly has the ability to complete schooling (if she hasn't) or get a job.  No excuse in my book.  It takes two to make a baby, it should take two to support a baby.

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The reunion set in Andy's club house looked ridiculous. I know they've done a few reunions there rather than going on location. They did the Blood, Sweat and Heels, that cruise ship show, the Miami wives first season. It just looks ridiculous to have so many people crammed together. And frankly, they all looked physically uncomfortable on those chairs with the close body spacing, ....I don't think they get the best reactions or openness from the cast. It kind of diminishes everyone too. It looks like a school production. Shep shaking his foot like an overgrown kid who couldn't wait to leave the room . And I agree the lighting was baaaad. Shep and TRav looked so washed out.  Given that the charming Charleston location is partly what makes this show - they should have gone there for the reunion. Actually having the reunion in Patricia's back yard would have been real fun ! 



TRav - Yes his ears looked so big. I think he lost wait in his face (stress?), plus he had a new short haricut. Then that silly bright red jacket totally buttoned made him look like he was just out of prep school


You know who Kathryn ad TRav remind me of? Elaine and Puddy.(Seinfeld) The breaking up and getting back together every five minutes. TRav is really immature. I blame him more than Kathryn for their dysfunction. He should know better as to what to say and when to not say it. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Didn't she say she got a degree in political science? 


College education or not, she has parents that are helping her and she certainly has the ability to complete schooling (if she hasn't) or get a job.  No excuse in my book.  It takes two to make a baby, it should take two to support a baby.


I don't think that Kathryn graduated from University of South Carolina but I think she mentioned something about studying Political Science while there.


If anything, there are a ton of boutiques on King Street where she could probably get a job.  It may not be the "perfect" job for her, but it is something (and maybe she could get an employee discount, so she wouldn't have to moan about wearing "Target pants"....)   :-)

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Babyfoot, for the most part, ita with you

I love patricia and whitney! W/O these two the show would be totally boring!

I mean, who does everyone snark on the most.....bingo, whitney! Contrary to most opinons here, he is intelligent

I love his sardonic wit and vocabulary

Do I think he has the hots for t-rav.....a resounding yes, but it just adds to his 'charm'

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well, they're *~together again~* so maybe the child support isn't an issue anymore.


Eh give it another..oh.... 72 hours or so.  It will be an issue again.


You know who Kathryn ad TRav remind me of? Elaine and Puddy.(Seinfeld) The breaking up and getting back together every five minutes. TRav is really immature. I blame him more than Kathryn for their dysfunction. He should know better as to what to say and when to not say it.



HA!  Oh how I love this analogy.  I'm sure they'll each have their very own Vegetable Lasagna to break them apart soon enough. 

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Even if Kathryn is able to secure employment - which I think she needs to do for her own edification and maturation, not to mention her general emotional state - the premise that she should be contributing "equally" to the finances of Kensie is just downright insane to me. It's apparent she boasts no assets of her own. Thomas, on the other hand, spent all spring compulsively citing the nine hundred thou that everyone from Kathryn to Andy Cohen cost him. So he can devote a mill to a quixotic vanity campaign that even he admits he had no chance of winning, but he can only scrape together 2500 every now and then for his own daughter? Not to mention, if Kathryn has primary custody - which it sounds like she presently does - then the distribution of practical/physical responsibility is already inequitable. And even though I feel that some sort of occupation would benefit Kathryn, Thomas specifically stated on national television multiple times that Kathryn's place - and the place of mothers in general - is at home, cooking, cleaning, etc. Coolness, then that should still apply even if Kathryn is no longer his partner; she's still Kensie's mom and has to make mayonnaise-slathered salmon. And someone -namely Thomas- has got to pay for it! . . . By definition, Kathryn didn't "ensnare" anyone into a relationship. In season one, Thomas could not stop alluding to her fertility; expressing his immediate desire fore children; and continued having sex with Kathryn after she told him she was late and they took their drunken gander to CVS. It blows my mind that the narrative that she tricked a man three decades her senior somehow gained traction, all broadcast evidence to the contrary . . . As for how Patricia (and the rest of the women) and Kathryn are alike: an angle is still an angle irrespective of the trappings, in my opinion. Old Pat certainly went about her mountaineering more intelligently than young Kathryn, in my opinion, but, by the time she wed Howard Altschul (how is a twenty-one year age difference significantly more "appropriate" than a twenty-nine-year one?), she had ample practice: she'd previously been married to two other wealthy men. And good for her. She's set for life and is definitely more erudite and cultured than Kathryn; but she was one of the chief proponents of the premise that Kathryn was somehow pulling the wool over Thomas's eyes with her wiles (what wiles?), and that is baldly hypocritical, in my opinion. Pat's just got better game. And, likewise, Cameran criticizing Kathryn for factoring in "security" into her desire for Thomas is the pot calling the kettle black. Cam is smoother and not more finessed than Kathryn, but wasn't she working a makeup counter until she leveraged her wealthy social connections and subsequently married up?

AMEN to this entire post, lunastartron.

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Even if Kathryn is able to secure employment - which I think she needs to do for her own edification and maturation, not to mention her general emotional state - the premise that she should be contributing "equally" to the finances of Kensie is just downright insane to me. It's apparent she boasts no assets of her own. Thomas, on the other hand, spent all spring compulsively citing the nine hundred thou that everyone from Kathryn to Andy Cohen cost him. So he can devote a mill to a quixotic vanity campaign that even he admits he had no chance of winning, but he can only scrape together 2500 every now and then for his own daughter? Not to mention, if Kathryn has primary custody - which it sounds like she presently does - then the distribution of practical/physical responsibility is already inequitable. And even though I feel that some sort of occupation would benefit Kathryn, Thomas specifically stated on national television multiple times that Kathryn's place - and the place of mothers in general - is at home, cooking, cleaning, etc. Coolness, then that should still apply even if Kathryn is no longer his partner; she's still Kensie's mom and has to make mayonnaise-slathered salmon. And someone -namely Thomas- has got to pay for it! . . . By definition, Kathryn didn't "ensnare" anyone into a relationship. In season one, Thomas could not stop alluding to her fertility; expressing his immediate desire fore children; and continued having sex with Kathryn after she told him she was late and they took their drunken gander to CVS. It blows my mind that the narrative that she tricked a man three decades her senior somehow gained traction, all broadcast evidence to the contrary . . . As for how Patricia (and the rest of the women) and Kathryn are alike: an angle is still an angle irrespective of the trappings, in my opinion. Old Pat certainly went about her mountaineering more intelligently than young Kathryn, in my opinion, but, by the time she wed Howard Altschul (how is a twenty-one year age difference significantly more "appropriate" than a twenty-nine-year one?), she had ample practice: she'd previously been married to two other wealthy men. And good for her. She's set for life and is definitely more erudite and cultured than Kathryn; but she was one of the chief proponents of the premise that Kathryn was somehow pulling the wool over Thomas's eyes with her wiles (what wiles?), and that is baldly hypocritical, in my opinion. Pat's just got better game. And, likewise, Cameran criticizing Kathryn for factoring in "security" into her desire for Thomas is the pot calling the kettle black. Cam is smoother and not more finessed than Kathryn, but wasn't she working a makeup counter until she leveraged her wealthy social connections and subsequently married up?

Thank you!!!

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At least Thomas' final word to Andy about it was that he's very skeptical that the relationship with Kathryn would ever work. And her glare at that statement said it all. She'll always be crazy. You can't fix crazy.

What was the word that Whitney kept using over and over? It was something he'd say regarding Kathryn, as if he'd spent time looking up the word and practicing.

The editing was really choppy. I think a lot of stuff hit the cutting room floor that we'll never see or hear.

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I agree, Cooks. The editing felt forced, choppy, wonky, rushed - just poor quality overall. Even if you don't like what happened by or to the castmates during regular episodes, the show is at least pretty to watch. I think more happened, too. The others had all indicated on social media that they couldn't believe everything that happened when they were taping. I bet it has something to do with season 3.

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I'd love to see Shep's "Why Craig's a Douche" list.

1. Never offers to pay for tolls

2. Showers regularly

3. Combs hair

4. He's a Winter and I'm an Autumn

5. Likes Turkey Bacon

Change #5 out for turkey sausage and I agree!  Shep had a list of 7 offenses but wouldn't let Andy read them.  Yet then Shep rattles off that Craig is the type to forget sunscreen at the beach, a charged battery for his phone etc etc.  Making it seem like Craig is either an irresponsible or intentional moocher.  That Shep created a real list is embarrassing.  Had Shep mocked up a funny list, sprinkled with truth, that would have been more fitting for the image we've been sold.


Kathryn is NUTS. She was twitching and making crazy faces when the accusation came out that she got pregnant to add to the show/stay on the show. It's the damn truth! I remember in Season One thinking, when does this stuff actually happen *on camera*?? Meaning, some bar star screwing three guys in one social circle within mere days of each other, all three of them wealthy. Then she really zeroes in on....the 50 year old guy (admittedly better than the 46 year old Lurch guy) and actually gets pregnant within the short time frame of actual filming?? Uh, alrighty then Kathryn. Yes, you are totally transparent and ARE a gold-digger. Please stop denying it.

Kathryn didn't get pregnant while filming S1.  That was a false alarm.  During S1 we saw Thomas talk about propagating with JD, his minister, Shep, just about everyone.  And we heard K talk about it with the other women.  We even saw K & T talk about it.  Thomas has admitted that he wanted a scion.  K got pregnant after S1 while living with T in Boca Raton.  She was totally transparent.  Thomas wasn't hoodwinked.   It just hasn't played out how each other wanted and they are both playing games with each other because of it.


Thomas looked like Howdy Doody. As someone else mentioned, he called His daughter Cassidy and never caught the mistake. Which makes me think he's not very involved as a father.

Makes me think that Thomas met someone named Cassidy in the hotel bar earlier.   He was half out of the bag to start the show.


Hated the clubhouse set up.  Guessing Andy didn't want to fly out of town before his big Memorial day plans on LI.  I'm sure production could have found something in the meat packing district - even Hotel G would have worked.  They did put the cast up there.  Maybe they didn't want to pay for a ballroom?

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So, after hearing about Thomas's claim regarding child support, out of curiosity, I checked out the South Carolina child support page.  They have a calculator to determine child support.  Unless I did something wrong, according to this calculator, if the father has an income of $20000 a month (I picked a random number) and the mother has no income and has the custody, it calculates $1524 to be paid in child support for one child.  So a parent making $240000 a year pays a little over $18000 in child support.  That's outrageous to me.  That's less than 10 percent of income. 


Interesting, if the combined total income for both parents is over $30000 a month, then it's determined on a individual basis.  The amount on $29999 is $2043.  So if Thomas is claiming he's only required to pay $2500, then he's making more than $360000 a year.  Or maybe I've got this all wrong....



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I don't like either Thomas or Katheryn.  I don't think just because someone pushes out a baby they should be treated with any more respect than anyone else, and I don't see why a person should be handled with kit gloves just because they're young.  I think Katheryn had a crush on Thomas, but I don't think she would have slept with him had he been broke and if she did, she certainly wouldn't have had a child with him.


I have never liked Shep and last night I realized why.  Craig is a nice young man, and Shep really needs to grow up.  

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My daughter was talking over the last 5 or so minutes of the show when T-Rav and Kathryn were talking, so I missed what they were saying, but they had pained, lovelorn expressions. Were they expressing their love and getting back together after all of that destroying each other business earlier on?! That was hilarious when Kathryn was saying how OVER it is and that they were last together 3 entire--or maybe even 4--weeks ago! And then everyone else was cracking up because, duh, yeah, they obviously are caught in this back and forth turmoil, but neither Kathryn nor T-Rav seem to recognize that. Oh, and the other part of their fighting that cracked me up was when Kathryn was saying how Thomas cheated on her with a lesbian wrestler, T-Rav said that Kathryn was with her first! But, wow, they are exhausting. They are for sure 100% impassioned in the extremes. But the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference, so the fact that they get so worked up over each other shows the emotions are still there. If one of them ever stopped caring what the other one was up to and would call off the private investegators and FB rants, then maybe they'd really be over-over, but I think at this rate they're going to keep it up ad nauseum. For the record, I have heard of Richard Burton as one of Liz Taylor's husbands, but I have no background knowledge of what their relationship was like or what that means as an anology for Kathryn and T-Rav--and I'm 41.

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