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"The Daily Show": Week of 6/1/15

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The McChrystal interview was predictably frustrating. The man is well-trained in the art of pivoting. When Jon asked him if we had to be in Iraq because we created the mess to begin with, McChrystal said we did only to the extent that we created the technology they are now using to recruit terrorists. Nice side-step, there. Kind of P.O.'d Jon let that slide.

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The McChrystal interview was predictably frustrating. The man is well-trained in the art of pivoting. When Jon asked him if we had to be in Iraq because we created the mess to begin with, McChrystal said we did only to the extent that we created the technology they are now using to recruit terrorists. Nice side-step, there. Kind of P.O.'d Jon let that slide.

I felt the exact same way.  ISIS is pretty much a direct result of removing the Baath party membership and the military without any options.

Loved Jon's takedown of those idiots saying we should blindly arm this group or that group.  Especially since those are mostly the same idiots who thought it would be a peachy keen idea to take out a secular strongman in the area.  And then to leave a huge power vacuum in that area.  Oh, and then to disband and then disarm Saddam's army.  What the fark did they think was going to happen!?  That suddenly a Western style democracy was going to sprout up?  Oh wait...that IS what they thought.  <facepalm>


I know it frustrates Jon to no end (as it does me for quite some time) that the MSM keeps putting on these morons who gave birth to this Iraq policy nonsense and STILL consider them some sort of experts on the matter.  Not to mention all those Republicans who keep spouting their usual nonsense about what is going on and the Democrats STILL not effectively countering it.  Just annoys me beyond belief. 


I also liked Jon's Jenner segment too.  Except I wish he would have smacked down some of those Fox commentator's snarky comments about Jenner's Vanity Fair photos and not just relegated it to the MoZ.

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Learning curves are indeed for pussies. In fact, learning is for pussies, if you're a Republican right wing shit for brains asshole who never believes they're wrong, never apologizes for anything stupid they do, and who blames other people for the mess they created. Trevor's got some big shoes to fill.


Bruce Jenner was more man than Neil Cavuto will ever be. And Caitlyn Jenner is more woman than Neil Cavuto could ever handle.

Edited by Victor the Crab
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Loved Jon's takedown of those idiots saying we should blindly arm this group or that group. Especially since those are mostly the same idiots who thought it would be a peachy keen idea to take out a secular strongman in the area. And then to leave a huge power vacuum in that area. Oh, and then to disband and then disarm Saddam's army. What the fark did they think was going to happen!? That suddenly a Western style democracy was going to sprout up? Oh wait...that IS what they thought. <facepalm>


I thought that whole first segment was brilliant. I am going to miss Jon so much. I really, really want him to have Bernie Sanders as a guest before he leaves. And give him the whole 2 segment bit plus a longer interview on the web. The viewing audience needs to know there is someone sane running for president and hear what he has to say.

Edited by SpiritSong
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You know, while Jon and Hasan joke about how Muslim Americans need to conduct themselves in their own country, there are lots of hateful, loud mouthed, Islamophobic bigots out there (Pam Geller) that would say they're absolutely right.


Was that Jordan's wife I saw at the end of that segment?


Now that was nice and sweet. Melissa McCarthy in a komodo with faces of Jon all over it. A neat little tribute to him. And that movie with her and Jason Strathan looks promising.

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Was that Jordan's wife I saw at the end of that segment?


I wondered if that was his real wife too. I absolutely loved that segment and agree 100% with the lady who wrote "Free Range Kids." When I was just five or six years old I remember walking blocks away to a playground all by myself or with other little kids and no parents to take us there, and nobody batted an eye. I don't know what the hell happened to make parents suddenly so over-protective. Mostly I blame the media.


Melissa McCarthy seems to have lost quite a bit of weight, she's really looking good lately. But none of the trailers I've seen for Spy have impressed me. She was great in Bridesmaids and Identity Thief was OK but her last couple of films were kind of turkeys.

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I wondered if that was his real wife too. 

       Well, iMonrey, you and Victor are right. That woman at the end of Jordan's segment was his wife, Laura Grey. She's also part of the Upright Citizens Brigade NY like her husband and and they both released a few web videos "chronicling" the weeks in preparation of the wedding. She writes, acts, improvises and creates sketches; in other words, she's like Samantha Bee. If there are more openings for correspondents (if the Trevor Noah era will need any) I hope she'll audition for a correspondent. Gotta keep the tradition of having a correspondent couple... ;)

Were those his parents, too?


Man, that Fox News psychiatrist (or whatever she was) was so annoying with her sarcasm and everything else. Sheesh. 


I'm rather old, but I sometimes think back about my "free range" childhood, though of course it wasn't called that. I'd play outside with other neighbor kids well into darkness -- The best way to play hide-and-seek -- and my brother and i, when very young, walked many blocks by ourselves trying to get to the top of the local hill. (We didn't come close.) My friends and I would walk down to the shopping center, Taco Bell, park. Just different. And don't get me started about Halloween!


If I had been on the flight with the Muslim woman who was denied a can of soda, I certainly would have spoken up for her. And as for the guy telling her to shut the fuck up, I certainly would have confronted him. The whole incident just astounds me.


Loved Melissa's kimono. The shape was very flattering to her as well. I hope the movie is as terrific as the buzz is leading us to believe.

When we saw Caitlyn Jenner's Vanity Fair cover my husband immediately made a remark about how she should have worn more clothing.  It was such an embarrassing validation of what Jon Stewart said.  Welcome to being a woman, indeed.


I loved that piece.  "Welcome to being a woman" is what I'd been muttering in response to media and online reaction to the Vanity Fair piece, so to see TDS - which sometimes does a great job and sometimes joins the masses in missing, or even perpetuating, the sexism underlying the latest media frenzy - lay it out so clearly was a thoroughly refreshing end to my day.  I especially loved the "wait for it" introduction to the "for her age" line of commentary. 

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I loved that piece.  "Welcome to being a woman" is what I'd been muttering in response to media and online reaction to the Vanity Fair piece, so to see TDS - which sometimes does a great job and sometimes joins the masses in missing, or even perpetuating, the sexism underlying the latest media frenzy - lay it out so clearly was a thoroughly refreshing end to my day.  I especially loved the "wait for it" introduction to the "for her age" line of commentary. 

Doesn't that make all of the comments here about Melissa McCarthy's kimono kind of ironic?

Man, that Fox News psychiatrist (or whatever she was) was so annoying with her sarcasm and everything else. Sheesh.

What was her point supposed to be? Seeing her retool her answer to Jordan's comments made it impossible for me to figure out her deal.


If I had been on the flight with the Muslim woman who was denied a can of soda, I certainly would have spoken up for her. And as for the guy telling her to shut the fuck up, I certainly would have confronted him. The whole incident just astounds me.

I know. WTF? It's a can of soda. Open it first if you're so worried it will become a weapon. FFS.


Doesn't that make all of the comments here about Melissa McCarthy's kimono kind of ironic?

More like depressingly predictable, IMO.

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Doesn't that make all of the comments here about Melissa McCarthy's kimono kind of ironic?


To be fair, I think if Denis Leary came on the show wearing a Jon Stewart themed suit or male equivalent of the dress(? kimono?) maybe a robe or something, there'd be the same chatter. Except I'd change my comment about wanting to get one for myself and make it that I'd want one for my husband. And also it'd probably be less awkward for the camera to zoom in on the chest of that outfit.

Edited by solotrek
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My friends and I would walk down to the shopping center, Taco Bell, park. Just different. And don't get me started about Halloween!


I took the public bus down to the mall to watch movies and was out on Halloween by myself probably by the time I was 8.  Kids my age walked to school, to the local park, even to the school bus stop (which was several blocks away, not right in front of our house or even on our corner) all the time.  Its just amazing that I have to wonder when someone's going to call the cops on me for allowing my 10 and 8 year old to walk to school alone (despite their being in view of crossing guards the entire way).


Doesn't that make all of the comments here about Melissa McCarthy's kimono kind of ironic?


Except that people are commenting about the fabric of the kimono, that its printed with  Jon Stewart's faces all over it.  If it was just a solid color, or stripes or whatever, people wouldn't make a comment about it.  Well, most people. At least not like how they are commenting about Jenner and what she's wearing.  But yeah, welcome Caitlyn to the world of people commenting on what you're wearing and how you look, as opposed to what you think.

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Didn't Caitlyn Jenner get a photo published of herself in a sexy pose with sexy clothes?

So people will comment on what she was wearing and how she looked.


To me it seems simple cause and effect. Don't understand all the hoopla about women being objectified by media when the woman in question was objectifying herself


What am I missing here?

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What was released was not just the cover photo, but an extended excerpt of an article that included Jenner's thoughts on a variety of important topics.  Coverage of that release focused almost exclusively on what she looked like -- what she was wearing (and whether she should have worn it), how much the image had been retouched, who she resembles, the "for her age" caveat about looking good, etc.

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Doesn't that make all of the comments here about Melissa McCarthy's kimono kind of ironic?

I actually thought twice about whether or not to post that the kimono was flattering to her, but I decided to do it. I don't see my comment as sexist. Men and women alike wear clothes that look good on their bodies or not. I know certain styles suit me. That kimono style suited Melissa.

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I take it the misspelling of Jon's name for the montage was intentional.


How could it not be intentional?


I was wondering, by the way, why Jon Stewart keeps calling men he respects "young man." He did it with Letterman, the Mets guy (who's actually a young man) and Steve Buscemi. Is this a new thing? Or am I just noticing it now?


Just when I thought I couldn't love Jessica Williams any more than I already do, she calls Jeb Bush a jar of mayonnaise. I really hope she wants to stay when Noah takes over.


I wish Jon had asked Buscemi about his Snickers ad with Danny Trejo. It's become one of my all-time favorites. I never not laugh when Trejo slams his axe into the coffee table and yells, "Shut up!"

Edited by dubbel zout
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