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Celebrity Family Feud - General Discussion


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CBS is really pimping Rob Gronkowski. Geez. Why? He seems kind of like a doofus.


I'm an unabashed Gronkowski fan...and a lifelong Pats fan (don't hate)...so I'm biased.  I just love that this dude squeezes every bit out of life.  He's an idiot but he doesn't let the grass grow under his feet...and yet when training starts, he's totally committed.  Anyways, they did better than I anticipated.  

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My TV setup is like someone in the '90s- no cable, no Roku, etc. Just the digital converter that was foisted on us a few years ago. One of the new channels that's become my obsession over the last few weeks is Buzzr (that's how they spell it),which is like over-the-air "Game Show Network". They're airing all those classics like the original Feud & the '70's Match Game. What a difference - Richard Dawson vs. Steve Harvey.

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I think that we just need less... "flowery" writers for the show. Why not just butt, instead of "tight bun"?  Or just "buns"? I'm not shooing kids outta my lawn, but really? "Blossoming mams"? People said "breast" on game shows in the 70s, for cryin' out loud. Just don't get vulgar and don't get too precious.


Exactly.  On Match Game, way back when, for a while, any/every answer was  "boobs," "tinkle" or "make love."  Maybe I'm an old crone - okay, I am - but I find "blossoming mams" kind of icky/cringeworthy/just plain stupid.

  • Love 4

Exactly.  On Match Game, way back when, for a while, any/every answer was  "boobs," "tinkle" or "make love."  Maybe I'm an old crone - okay, I am - but I find "blossoming mams" kind of icky/cringeworthy/just plain stupid.


I do too. I think it's not just the writers, but some of them seem a bit prudish. Come on, say butt or whatever instead of these inane phrases. We're grown ups we can handle it.

  • Love 2

Exactly.  On Match Game, way back when, for a while, any/every answer was  "boobs," "tinkle" or "make love."  Maybe I'm an old crone - okay, I am - but I find "blossoming mams" kind of icky/cringeworthy/just plain stupid.


 I think its worst because people don't say things like that, at least not where I am. My own son who is entering elementary school will say: "Chest, boobs, butt, tooshie." Blossoming Mams I have never heard of, not to mention who is this doctor going out with where they would be "blossoming?"

Edited by readster
  • Love 3

 I think its worst because people don't say things like that, at least not where I am. My own son who is entering elementary school will say: "Chest, boobs, butt, tooshie." Blossoming Mams I have never heard of, not to mention who is this doctor going out with where they would be "blossoming?"

The Champ TV term from those old shows (more The Newlywed Game and The Dating Game, but also Match Game and Hollywood Squares) was "Whoopie".


No human being off TV has probably ever used the term "Whoopie" to describe sex.  But those shows always did!!!

  • Love 2


No human being off TV has probably ever used the term "Whoopie" to describe sex.  But those shows always did!!!

There is a song "Makin Whoopee" that was pretty popular. "another season, another reason for makin' whoopee". Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra are 2 of the more popular singers to cover the song. Contestants on the original Newlywed Game and Match Game would probably be familiar with the term.

  • Love 1

There is a song "Makin Whoopee" that was pretty popular. "another season, another reason for makin' whoopee". Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra are 2 of the more popular singers to cover the song. Contestants on the original Newlywed Game and Match Game would probably be familiar with the term.

They didn't use the term because they knew a song from 1928.  They used it because the show instructed them to do so.

  • Love 1

Oh, I know the shows would never use the term "having sex". We weren't too far from the days when Lucy couldn't say she was pregnant on national TV. I'm just saying that TPTB had to use a term that would go over with both Standards and Practices and be familiar with contestants.

If I saw the term "blossoming mams" I would wonder what the heck the producers were smoking. Body parts have a name, they should be used!

  • Love 2

That doesn't surprise me. Celebrity Family Feud seemed like it would have appeal across many groups of viewers: those who liked the original Family Feud, but had never seen this one, those who like celebrity gameshows, fans of the modest celebrities who were contestants. It's the perfect "dumb summer fun." Easy nostalgia.


I didn't realize until the last few weeks how easy Fast Money was. It seemed like at least half the questions had two really obvious answers designed to get each contestant around 50 points apiece. Oh, gameshows -- still dumbing yourself down for celebrities (or "celebrities").

  • Love 1

The dumbed down Celeb version of Fast Money (with SO many questions at the end that only had two logical answers) pissed me off too.

That said, I religiously watched every episode of this, and even managed to somewhat enjoy the ones with celebs who I loathe. Even with the stupid stuff they put on the board occasionally instead of the real answers. It is indeed great simple Summer entertainment, and probably would (will?) also work for Holiday periods (the old "what do you program for December thing...). Really as long as you have a host with a quick wit (and love or hate Steve Harvey's schtick, he definitely DOES have a quick wit) then the formula works. You can tell Harvey knows all the tricks. Stuff like focusing on one particular Family member per episode as either a consistent target for his mockery, or as a confidante/pet. When exactly to violate the game's premise a bit to make it obvious he knows someone gave an answer that stands no chance of being up there (or is so good it's SURE to be up there). When to push someone for an answer (vs. letting them time out and get buzzed). He's good at this.

What in the hell does a lizard have to do with a cat ?  Why wasn't fish an answer ?

I fully expected Fish too. But afterwards I thought about it and it makes sense. Anyone from Florida would say Lizard pretty quickly. Fish should still be up there in that sample, not totally absent, but Lizard DOES kind of make sense if their random calling around the country to poll people reached a few retirees.

I like game shows and so I enjoyed this.   Would have preferred Match Game or the cast of ...  but I enjoyed this.  I would watch it next season.

I liked this season, but I couldn't help but wonder why they couldn't get better celebrities? I mean compare this show to Lip Sync Battle or Hollywood Game Night where you are getting oscar/emmy winners and legitimate TV stars, and this show is getting Duck Dynasty people and a second rate celebrity chef. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Considering it is on ABC in primetime you would think that ABC/Disney could push some of their stars to show up, kind of as a promotional thing. I am not expecting Robert Downey Jr to show up, but how hard would it be to get someone from Grey's Anatomy or Last Man Standing or Agents of Shield to show up with their family or cast mates? 

I was so hoping Vicki Lawrence would pull a Mama and tell Steve "we are gonna play, damn it!" The Family Feud episode of Mama's Family os one of my favorite and I say that line every time someone can't decide whether they're going to play or pass.

I was getting really annoyed with Mario's comments every time Courtney had a good answer, which was a lot!

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I liked this season, but I couldn't help but wonder why they couldn't get better celebrities?

I think it is b/c this was a trial run basically. ABC didn't know how this show would go over during the summer, and we have to think it was filmed, probably months ago and i'm sure some of the bigger name celebrities they might have reached out to just heard "Family Feud" and balked at the idea. That being said, I wouldn't be so sure if they didn't do this next summer or whenever that we don't see more higher profile celebrities, to casts from TV shows.

I wouldn't mind there being nighttime versions of game shows once again if for no other reason than to get rid of some of this reality crap.

Is it legal to rig a game if the money goes to charity? Seriously, Kellie Pickler flamed out and her one good answer just happened to have the exact points they need to win the 25k? I kind of suspected it last year when all the games got at least 200 points, but this made me about 95 percent convinced. Not that I mind because giving to charity is always a good thing. But there's no suspense.

Also? Kellie, girl. Stop rambling and spit it out! You only have 25 seconds.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Snow Apple said:

Is it legal to rig a game if the money goes to charity? Seriously, Kellie Pickler flamed out and her one good answer just happened to have the exact points they need to win the 25k? I kind of suspected it last year when all the games got at least 200 points, but this made me about 95 percent convinced. Not that I mind because giving to charity is always a good thing. But there's no suspense.

Also? Kellie, girl. Stop rambling and spit it out! You only have 25 seconds.

It wasn't exact. It actually put them four points over. She just got lucky she gave the perfect answer.

  • Love 1

Did the Pickler family get the vapors over every single question?  And Kellie?  I don't know who taught you the old "pretty girls can't be smart" BS, but they did you no favors.  She may genuinely be as dumb as a box of rocks (sorry, box of rocks, that was uncalled for), but I get the impression it's all a big old act, because she thinks being a brainless ditz is somehow charming.  It's not, honey.  And, Pickler family, I know that, generally, it's considered proper to include the celeb in Fast Money on CFF, but, just this once, no one would have judged you for slapping a muzzle on the celeb and sending in any other two people to handle it.  How did anyone genuinely expect the girl who kept asking "has the clock started?" to actually get all five answers in before time ran out? 

I felt bad for the Bass family.  It had to sting to get so thoroughly spanked by the Picklers, of all families.  

Apologies to anyone who genuinely enjoys her, but, Nene Leakes - why?  Why is she famous?  Why??  I wish they would have matched her up opposite the Pickler family, so I could handily FF through half the show.  

Loved Ernie's family, and they absolutely killed Fast Money.  

And, yes, they clearly decided to just go for it with the "adult" questions after people complained about the mature content last time around.  They went for it right out of the gate there.  

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Racj82 said:

It wasn't exact. It actually put them four points over. She just got lucky she gave the perfect answer.

I thought Steve said they need 51 points and the answer got 51 points because I remember thinking "No way!" But maybe I was mistaken.

Still, the buzzer already buzzed but Steve still asked the question and let her answer, which made my eyes roll.

Edited by Snow Apple
8 hours ago, Snow Apple said:

I thought Steve said they need 51 points and the answer got 51 points because I remember thinking "No way!" But maybe I was mistaken.

Still, the buzzer already buzzed but Steve still asked the question and let her answer, which made my eyes roll.

She scored 204 which means she got more than what she needed.

On June 27, 2016 at 1:45 AM, Racj82 said:

I have the assume the producers heard all of the complaining about the raunchier jokes and said fuck it. We'll double down. I mean, I don't care. It's 2016. Family hour is dead and gone. I just find it funny.

And I wish they'd back off just a bit.  I'm no prude, but with my eight year old watching, why does every question have to be about sex in some way?  He's at the stage where he's old enough to ask why you would want to put whipped cream on someone, but not quite old enough to understand the answer. While family hour is dead and gone, 8 is a little early for an hour of sex jokes. They should switch this and 100K Pyramid.


Steve Harvey is a riot, however.

  • Love 5

I was surprised that in the second Fast Money  Easter (When do kids get dressed up?) was a goose egg. Couldn't that be swept into an answer of 'church'? Despite the flood of ads for that holiday/observance, does no one dress up for it anymore?

Also, in the first game, I did not get why Steve Harvey got all over the gentleman who answered "steering wheel" to the "I never argue with my wife when she is holding [blank]." I, too, thought gun, but after 30 years, Mr. A and I try not to argue when the other is actually driving, a.k.a. holding a steering wheel. Who the heck would hold a steering wheel in the kitchen? The question said nothing about kitchens specifically. Baby was an answer that was roundly applauded, but is not kitchen-specific either. Though, I enjoyed it almost as much as the NFC gentleman when the AFC gentleman replied "Driving" to "Something some people do sexier than others."

Also, also? Trees.

Edited by Actionmage
  • Love 2
13 hours ago, irisheyes said:

And I wish they'd back off just a bit.  I'm no prude, but with my eight year old watching, why does every question have to be about sex in some way?  He's at the stage where he's old enough to ask why you would want to put whipped cream on someone, but not quite old enough to understand the answer. While family hour is dead and gone, 8 is a little early for an hour of sex jokes. They should switch this and 100K Pyramid.


Steve Harvey is a riot, however.

The 100k Pyramid isn't innocent in that area either. So people can't win. A lot of the older shows had their share of innuendo as well.

6 hours ago, Actionmage said:

I was surprised that in the second Fast Money  Easter (When do kids get dressed up?) was a goose egg. Couldn't that be swept into an answer of 'church'? Despite the flood of ads for that holiday/observance, does no one dress up for it anymore?

Also, in the first game, I did not get why Steve Harvey got all over the gentleman who answered "steering wheel" to the "I never argue with my wife when she is holding [blank]." I, too, thought gun, but after 30 years, Mr. A and I try not to argue when the other is actually driving, a.k.a. holding a steering wheel. Who the heck would hold a steering wheel in the kitchen? The question said nothing about kitchens specifically. Baby was an answer that was roundly applauded, but is not kitchen-specific either. Though, I enjoyed it almost as much as the NFC gentleman when the AFC gentleman replied "Driving" to "Something some people do sexier than others."

Also, also? Trees.

You wouldn't be holding a steering wheel at any point in your house which made it dumb answer regardless of what room it was. 

The trees thing was fine to me though. You make paper from trees. It's not that off kilter.

  • Love 1


You wouldn't be holding a steering wheel at any point in your house which made it dumb answer regardless of what room it was. 

The trees thing was fine to me though. You make paper from trees. It's not that off kilter.


In my post, I stated that the question was not area-specific, i.e. the holding could happen anywhere, so 'steering wheel' was reasonable, even if it didn't appear.

As to the tree thing, I just mentioned it because it was fun.

Edited by Actionmage
Just trying to clarify my initial post.

It was cool to see Snoop so competitive and Sugar Ray so laid back. (We got a double dip with Snoop; he was on Pyramid just after this show!) 

Mr. A and I will be trying to use 'pie in the horse' in conversations whenever we can! *g* 


The women of the Ali family were looking sharp! They also totally nailed Fast Money.

  • Love 6

Okay so I was just watching the Celebrity Family Feud episode with Ali vs Hamilton...and one of the answers just blew my mind.  The question was name someone you would be shocked to find out your best friend was marrying.  One of the answers on the board was:


Okay cousin totally make sense...but what in the name of all that is holy and unholy is an ELROD?  I had never heard that term in my life so I turned to the internet.  The dictionary sites threw up their hands in puzzlement as that is not a real word.  Google pointed me to lots of sites featuring people with that name and of course genealogy trees for sale of actual families with the surname of Elrod.   UrbanDictionary gave me the following possibilities...Spanish fishing pole (LOL), inappropriate word screamed out at the top of your lungs, poser who enjoys shopping with their mother, a queer.   Which one of those things would have been said and grouped with Cousin?!?  Can someone please explain to me what I am missing or were the producers smoking some of Snoop's stash from the previous episode and just slipped any random made-up word on the board to see if anyone noticed?

Edited by Xenith22
  • Love 1
18 hours ago, Xenith22 said:

Okay cousin totally make sense...but what in the name of all that is holy and unholy is an ELROD? 

They were pushing their Disney connection in the most obscure possible.  There is a mannequin on the Big Thunder Mountain ride called "Cousin Elrod". ctp319319SMALL.jpg

From https://disneyparks.disney.go.com/blog/2012/07/caption-this-cousin-elrod-cools-off-at-magic-kingdom-park/

On 6/27/2016 at 1:19 PM, KerleyQ said:

And, yes, they clearly decided to just go for it with the "adult" questions after people complained about the mature content last time around.  They went for it right out of the gate there.  

I love the adult questions, only because Steve Harvey gets so indignant when people give "adult" answers. I love his quasi-shaming the contestants routine. When he gets so "disgusted" by an answer that he nearly walks away...hysterical.

I've enjoyed all these episodes. The football players were fun. I loved how one team laughed at another team's answer.

Sadly, this doesn't seem to be doing as well this year. Probably being up against the trials for the Zika Virus Olympics doesn't help.

  • Love 3

I try to enjoy this show, but the insipidness of the answers from whoever the 100 people are, coupled with the dumbing down of the questions for the celebrity version (name a color on a traffic light?), just causes me too much annoyance. I've lost count of how many ridiculous answers are on the board while reasonable ones are not. They need a new way of getting their answers. Ask 100 people on a college campus? Ask 100 people at NASA? Something.

Edited by Ottis
  • Love 2

I'm still stuck on "stick a thermometer in your leg." I hate to say it, but the boxers made the NFL teams look like Mensa candidates. "Don't fight with your wife when she's holding the steering wheel in the kitchen" is downright genius compared to "a woman loads her makeup."

And just when I thought it couldn't get more uncomfortable...here's Keegan Hawk to tell us how important a woman's looks are to men and the most popular present on Valentine's Day.

Last night was just awkward on top of awkward.

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