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There was an episode (the end of the year party where Lynn's daughters showed up drunk and Lynn whined that 'it was a big limo, I couldn't see what they were doing at the other end....but they're fine')...Jeana's daughter basically took the two women aside and calmly forced them to bury the hatchet, at least on camera.

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I've been watching off and on over the past seasons. When did Jeana and Tamara make up after the cyst-and-disease letter and the wine throw? Was it ever on camera?

Jean stayed friendly with Simon after the big split, as did Jim and Alexis. Jeana felt Tamra was wrong to call the police on Simon "to document" a leash tossing incident. So Jeana called Tamra during her custody battle and offered support (Tamra lost custody of one of her children) and this made it okay. Jeana's daughter claims Tamra mis-characterizes Jeana's support but it seems Tmra is being smart and realizes the viewers want to see Jeana again so she is being nice.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Wow that is awful - I did not even know that Michael had other children.


I am watching the season with Peggy Tanuous now.  I think this is season 7?  This is the season of Gretchen calling Slade Tubba Wubba, Slade being in the press for his child support problems, etc.  I just watched the episode where Slade was trying to get into "art" where he took Gretchen to an art studio.  Are these two still together as a couple?  They never did get married I presume?

I suspect they broke up minutes after Gretchen was no longer on the show.

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I googled them!  They are still "together"  LOL.  They were on another cable show called Marriage Bootcamp.  They supposedly were planning a wedding just a couple months ago but shocker it did not take place.  Watching the older episodes they seem even faker than I remember.  Remember when Slade was doing a radio show?  Haaa ha he thought he was going to get into comedy.  So funny.


I just watched the episode the other night where Tamra and Vicki got into the BIG fight over Brooks (evil eye argument) at Heather's house.  There are like a million ways that fight could have been diffused.  Like why didn't Tamra just say yeah I rolled my eyes at you so what.  ??  That whole scene was crazy.  But I was LOL at Vicki and preening over her fur coat that turned out to be rented.  She wore it the entire night, everyone else took their coats off after they arrived and spent the night at the party in their dresses but Vicki left her coat on the entire time so everyone could be sure to see it.  

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I am no fan of Simon's but that man was fighting a losing battle when it came to that beady eyed rodent with the fried blonde hair.  I think their marriage was likely always doomed (because of Ryan if nothing else) but once Tamra joined the show and became partners in crime with Vicki, it was all over.  Tamra is the ultimate mean girl and acts as though she's permanently stuck at around 14 years old.  She wants to be at the popular kids' table, plain and simple.  And while Simon was an ass, I don't think he wanted "a trucker with tits" as a wife. 


I'm always amazed how quickly these hos move from one man to another.  Tamra splits with Simon and she's with Eddie within a month and they married fairly quickly after her divorce was final as I recall.  Why not take a break, catch your breath, focus on your kids, your career . . . I just don't get it.


I never minded Alexis during her seasons, she seemed harmless.  Funny how she was berated for talking nothing but money and all Heather's done this season so far is let us know how much the Dubrow Monstrosity is costing.  Pot, kettle.


I didn't mind Lynne initially either because I just assumed she was a ditzy, goofy pothead but clearly she was/is blind and stupid too.  Both her kids are effed up.

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I'm at home this week as I'm having some landscaping done. I'm watching the Naked Wasted episode right now - Vicki's brother is having a BBQ at his house, and Vicki's mom has just said "I'm not going to be alive much longer".  Whoa!  She's also chewing Vicki out for being obsessed with money and that she might be more content if she didn't pursue money all the time. And Vicki is so selfish - she said that she's the only one of the five children who needs to be told her Mom loves her, the other children don't need it.


Vicki's mom was so vivacious and had such a big, genuine smile. She looked like a lovely lady.


ETA:  I'd forgotten that Vicki had lovely dimples in her cheeks when she smiled. Fillers and facelifts have erased those now, taking away a lovely, natural facial characteristic.

Edited by essexjan
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I always thought she looked better pre-reconstruction.  She was not a classic beauty, but she is not one now either, and what she did was add that fake plastic surgery look to boot.  She was cute before and when she smiled her face was alive and genuine.  I think the face work she gotten has actually aged her.  The worst thing she did honestly is what she did to her eyes.  Watch the scene where she went to visit Michael in College, granted this was years ago but she looked better.  Sorry she let all the public comments get to her and changed herself.  Look at people her same age like Tammy Knickerbocker and Ramona Singer, they did not seriously alter their faces and they look good.  Tamra - take note of this.

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Watching this now on Hulu, on season 3 so far. So many interesting things in retrospect - getting to see the housewives real friends; getting to see a lot more of their family; not so much over the top stuff (i.e. Laurie's & Georges bday party for their daughters). I must say that I now understand why I couldn't stand watching OC when it originally premiered: most of the young adults were such assholes. I was the same age at the time and my parents would have killed me if acted that way. But anyway my favorite thing is the cheesy porn music they play when the ladies are being naughty.

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I've been catching up with past seasons and one thing that strikes me is how much richer the housewives are now. In season six with Peggy Tanous and Alexis Bellino I was surprised at their houses. Not to say they aren't nice, especially compared to where I live, but they certainly don't suggest an opulent lifestyle. The camera angles were always close up so you couldn't see just how packed in their houses were with their standard two car garages that were on the front of the house just like average middle class homes. The kitchens were small and the master baths had the standard square garden tub. Peggy's closet was small too.

Compared to Shannon and Heather now watching these older shows its kind of interesting to see how not so fabulous their places were. Vicki has a great house and though Jeana's was big it was junky with those old tvs shoved into the particle board entertainment. Just really outdated.

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Funny how people are now saying Vicki looked good on the early seasons. At the time most referred to her as Miss Piggy which in turn motivated her to get plastic surgery.


I know, right? She did look like Miss Piggy back then, but she's getting older. I think what shocks me is how YOUNG she looks. Like a teenage. All the plastic surgery has just made her look strange. Though I think her hair now is WAY better than it was before. 

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I've been doing a rewatch of the first few seasons of each of the Housewives shows. Wow have they all changed.

Vicki was always a needy attention suck though. I can't remember the exact episode but in one scene Vicki is asking Briana "Colby likes me right? He likes me doesn't he? Is Colby proud of me"?

Now why would Briana's high school boyfriend be proud of his girlfriend's mom and why the hell does Vicki need the approval of her daughter's high school boyfriend?

She's a strange bird.

Edited because I realized his name is Colby not Coby.

Edited by Maharincess
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Not a fan of Kara but I thought she was sweet to Alexa at the wrap party when Raquel had ditched her and she was upset because her parents wouldn't let her have a martini. Which season was that? I'm sad Bravo isn't including the reunions with these mini-marathons. I'd like to try to find the reunion for this season online and watch it.

I find her really annoying. I had high hopes for her based on her education and obvious brains, but it seems she went the route of her mom by marrying a pro athlete and having good looking kids.  Well, we don't know that yet, she's still pregnant, lol. 




Looks like he earned a key to the executive washroom:


Mummy must be so proud....

Okay seriously? I generally like Mike but I get irritated when people who party through college and land jobs because of their parents are able to buy a home in Pacific Beach! Vicki posted this on her FB  page: I'm so excited for my son Mike Wolfsmith. His offer was just accepted on an amazing home in Pacific Beach. He will now be an official homeowner! Woo hoo! Congratulations Mike."



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I couldn't agree with you more misschung.

all we know about Michael's endeavors and job success is that he has worked for his mommy since he was a teenager.

it strikes me as odd/coincidental, that both Mike and Brianna are purchasing homes in very expensive parts of Southern California at the same time.

Although I don't like Brianna, at least she graduated from nursing school and made a career for herself outside of Coto Insurance.

Michael appears to be riding on the coattails of his mom all the while complaining about her.

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Sorry for your problems with your mom PhilMarlowe2. I can definitely see how that would give you the viewpoint that you have. That is what i love about the posters on PT....we all have experienced different lives, parental upbringing etc.

I love reading about other posters experiences and feel like I am a part of a big PT family.

I have no children,bros,sisters or relatives so I'm just a big pile of sentimental mush now that the holidays are near.

Anyway, back to the Vicki snark..it's anybody's guess what Vicki is up to regarding saving face, She's got a lot of time to figure out the best strategy before next season

Edited by chenoa333
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I don't know how to PM anyone maharincess, if you do, please contact me so we don't start annoying anyone!

Back to the Vickster! I know Celebrity Networth is not a reliable source, however, I'm going to quote their statistics on Vicki...$7 million and $500,000 per episode.That sounds like a lot of dough but here in Southern California, it's not enough for Vicki to support herself, Michael with a new home and Brianna with a home in Ladera ranch. But who knows what the OG of the OC has accumulated from mom dying,all the years on RHOC, her first divorce from Mike Wolfsmith(?) the sale of her first home in Coto de Casa.

Hell, I'll marry the old bag!lol..I'm sure she's still worth something.

Edited by chenoa333
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Vicki's net worth was revealed when she went through her divorce with Don.  It was nothing close to what the celebrity net worth sites were claiming.  They had to do an accounting of all her assets and money in order to reach an equitable settlement. 


However, her worth could be more now, if she has invested wisely.  I know she will always try to buy her children's love.


I do have to say that Brooks is a drug she can not live without, she has gone through a lot to be with that man.  I do not believe they are really broken up and think she will continue to see him on the down low.

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These are the really old ones and I'm thoroughly enjoying them:

Shane talks about the rumors of the moms wanting him but he denies doing anything with the MIFL set.

Joe gets her dream job against Slade's wishes. She asks Shane to come over and shoot the rabbits in her yard.

Vicki gives the Lake Havasu water patrol lip and Donn tells her off for being a dumb shit.

Lauri's daughter buys a new car with only $300 in savings and then quits her job only to have her car towed and Josh is in Juvie.

Jenna gives a pool party and her nasty ex (is she divorced yet?) actually says nice things about her but disappears from the party.

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Wonderful waking up to the first season. I just loved those early seasons-so much less contrived and a lot more real!

Edited by LVmom
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I'm working from home today, got up early, saw Ubiquitous' post (thank you thank you!) and went to town on the oldies. Great to see those old eps again.

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I know!!  When a storyline was over, IT WAS OVER.  No endless talk of Munnschausens!  No who's-on-whose-side!  And gee, those ladies back in the early seasons had more adventures in ONE EPISODE than an entire season now.

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I definitely prefer the older seasons, with the exception of the Josh stuff. His challenges always broke my heart, and I didn't/don't enjoy seeing them played out onscreen. I enjoyed watching the other kids though. Cast interactions seemed much more genuine, and less contrived.

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I remember Lauri getting a lot of heat for "punishing" Josh by getting a public defender for Josh and being more interestednin getting invited to a Playboy mansion than her son's welfare. Ick, I feel filthy thinking about being there. Yeah, I forgot what a loser Ashley was.

It was sad to see Slade's son with cancer. Did he already have it at the time? I noticed a scene with Jo helping him with a breathing mask or inhaler. Oh! I laughed at Slade trying to use Jo to "accidentally" meet the noveau riche asshole who put CZ on everything and getting a pool made with gold gilded tiling! 

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Remember when Alexa got an extra spray tan & Raquel lost her shit?  I sympathized with that...I could see my sister & me freaking out over such a situation when we were teenagers.  I kind of love just those regular-people moments in reality shows most of all

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Totally forgot Fernanda was on the series.  Lynn's shocked face when Tamballs told her about kissing Fernanda was hilarious considering Lynn's daughter Alexa was a budding porn star.  Lynn came off as such a prude.  

Also forgot about "Alexis Couture" show when Icki called Tamballs to say she was bleeding out her ass.  LOL

Edited by urusai
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I'm watching the Season 8 finale right now and I forgot how much of a dink Ryan, Brianna's husband, was to Lydia's mom at Vicki's Winter Wonderland party. Was it wrong for Lydia's mom to put her feet up on Vicki's couch without asking if it was okay? I guess, but his reaction to what happened was pretty scary and way over the top. And Brianna sticking up for her hotheaded husband and not being embarrassed by his awful behavior is pretty telling. 

It's also clear that his behavior had been an issue by the way Vicki's brother was reacting to Ryan's blowup. 

What an asshole. 

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On 6/9/2016 at 3:23 PM, Chrissytd said:

There's an uncensored (basically behind-the-scenes stuff) special of Season 8 airing Monday night.

I just watched it.  I loved that the producers call out the ladies on stuff. 

Gretchen saying the other weren't at her engagement party was the producers choice. Cut to  Producer,  that's a lie,  why wouldn't we want them there?  Lol. 

When Tamra threw Alexis out of her dinner party, Heather running up to producer and telling them she has friends she she can call to be on the show right now.  It's all so funny. 


I've been skipping out on the housewives ,  but watching these old scenes got me a little excited about OC. 

Loved seeing Vicki lose her mind on that snowy mountain! 

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On ‎6‎/‎9‎/‎2016 at 3:23 PM, Chrissytd said:

There's an uncensored (basically behind-the-scenes stuff) special of Season 8 airing Monday night.

Darn, I missed it! I sure hope Bravo repeats it some day... ;-)

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I've been watching the early seasons and is Slade's mom the same person all throughout the show? When his parents came to visit in the RV and he called them the "Clampett's" his mom looked like a different person than the mom that visited in a later season when he was with Gretchen. Was the mom with his dad his step mom?

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On June 16, 2016 at 2:55 PM, Pdxblonde said:

I've been watching the early seasons and is Slade's mom the same person all throughout the show? When his parents came to visit in the RV and he called them the "Clampett's" his mom looked like a different person than the mom that visited in a later season when he was with Gretchen. Was the mom with his dad his step mom?


18 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

Yes, they're different people but I don't remember the details.

Remember how ridiculous Gretchen was acting when Slade's mom was there?  "I'm going to the supermarket... ha ha HA what's a SUPERMARKET??"

I just remember thinking that Gretch was trying really hard to be dumb like Jessica Simpson.  And she is dumb, but she was trying to make it cute.  It was so gross.

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