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Life In Pieces - General Discussion

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I wanted to watch at least one episode of this sitcom because of Diane Wiest and received a most pleasant surprise!!  Love this show.  All the actors are great and I even like the kid/teenager actors.  It is such a good feeling to laugh my way through an entire episode and have one specific story make me 'bark laugh'  **blushes**..  This week had the 'boobs' reactions (especially the ENT dad) and then the Scram Trapper using the bathroom.  Too too funny.  Last week was great with the way Pop Pop figured out how to win the golf game.


It's nice to see Betsy Brandt out of her BREAKING BAD purple fixation but I am expecting a purple episode soon.  Hope so.  It took a while for me to realize that it was Martin Starr as the Scram Trooper.

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Yay!  This is one of the very few shows that a lot of people I know watch, but there has been very little activity in the forum, so I wasn't sure about the general public's response.  It is one of my favorites, so very glad to see the full season pickup.

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Matt and Colleen catch Chad in the act of dognapping Princess; Jen and Greg try to be intimate for the first time since having a baby; Heather leaves her longtime hairstylist; and Tim ruins Samantha's birthday party.

This show makes me laugh out loud every time I watch it.


The hand sanitizer cracked me up. 

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Not my favorite episode so far, but still good for a lot of laughs. I'm torn between this and the Grinder for my favorite new sitcom.


The daughter's party was my favorite story. Dan Bakkedahl nails every scene. Begging his son to come out and back him up. Eating in the bathroom. Excited to tell Greg's hand sanitizer incident (just like he was about the peanut last week!)


I love that this show lets in some understated jokes. The youngest daughter going in for a kiss and the dad's reaction was hilarious.


I don't know how these episodes are only the standard 21-22 minutes long. They seem to have SO many fewer commercials and pack in more content than the Big Bang Theory.

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I don't know how these episodes are only the standard 21-22 minutes long. They seem to have SO many fewer commercials and pack in more content than the Big Bang Theory.


According to those in the BBT thread, BBT is currently running only 17 - 18 minutes long so the full 22 minutes seems like so much more in comparison. 

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My daughter had a friend stay over one night a long time ago, I think they were about 11-12 yo - I let them watch The Sixth Sense.  Bad idea.


Looks like next week they'll have an all-guys scene.  I think those are the funniest.

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Dad and daughter have a heart to heart where she makes him feel better and tells him among other things that she thought the movie was cool. Then she asks if they can bounce together for a while and they continue their talk and he starts telling her about The Shining comparing the twin girls in the movie to two Sofias. End. Then there's the preview.

I love this show more and more each week. And I'm one of the few who likes the Jordan Peele character stories I think. I love when he and Matt have conversations and Jordan's character completely revises the truth to suit his agenda and Matt corrects him with utter disbelief. The Ponzi scheme skin cream scene was gold. "It's not a pyramid scheme." "But the container is actually in the shape of a pyramid. The product is actually named Ponzi."

Edited by mansonlamps
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Colin Hanks needs an Emmy- for this or for his contributions to "Drunk History", I don't care which.  His comic timing is great.  His non-verbal acting during his  'loss of depth perception due to eye injury' was really funny.  I also liked when he was trying to tell his wife the "hot nanny" was hitting on him.


Diane Weist is growing on me.  I wasn't a big fan before but she is really funny in this.

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Were they implying at the end that the grandparents were together pranking the kids/grandkids with Cheeto, i.e. that they knew he was creepy and were enjoying freaking out the progeny and forcing them to accept him?


I thought they just decided that the pranking was fun and got in on the act.

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I LITERALLY laughed out loud several times.  This is absolutely becoming one of my favorite comedies ever.  Every single cast member plays off the others beautifully.  And I can honestly say that there's not a single character that annoys me or that I don't like.   I also think Colin Hanks stands out with his subtle goofiness.  The eye patch & aiming for the bowl of Doritos was hysterical!


Of course, it's still the first season.  I just hope the writers don't screw this up!   ;-)

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I'm not one for bathroom humor, but I loved seeing the family laughing together, it seemed very genuine.

Also loved both little girls tonight, especially the littlest one putting makeup on her uncle and him leading her to consider an alternate career path.

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I am really enjoying this show. I love the concept and everybody is quirky without being cloyingly so.

Favorite part of this episode, "Your gays or my gays?" "Yours. Mine are still pretending to be 'room mates'"  Then they find out that the chosen gay couple is already God-parenting six children! Just seems really true.

Also loved the Spanish market.

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I nearly fell off my couch laughing when the turkey (a gorgeous Royal Palm!) came out at the end, and Martin Mull's character said, "Well, that explains the smell."


That was a beautiful bird, wasn't it?


Ok, have to ask - when did "godparent" become "responsible for the kid if both parents die"?  My experience is the godparent is responsible for mentoring the religious upbringing, and the "responsible if the parents die" part is a separate conversation entirely.

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That was a beautiful bird, wasn't it?


Ok, have to ask - when did "godparent" become "responsible for the kid if both parents die"?  My experience is the godparent is responsible for mentoring the religious upbringing, and the "responsible if the parents die" part is a separate conversation entirely.

I think Godparents being responsible for the kid is a TV-specific thing, like saying "speak now or forever hold your peace" at a wedding. 

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I think Godparents being responsible for the kid is a TV-specific thing, like saying "speak now or forever hold your peace" at a wedding.

I am a Godmother who was asked to be responsible for the kid, luckily he is over 18 now, haha.

Also loved the Spanish market.

Tiny nitpick, it was a Mexican market.

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In real life though it's not automatic like it is on TV.  Godparent is often a religious thing only - it has nothing to do with being responsible for raising the kid.  And even then the responsibilities differ amongst the religions.  But on TV it almost always means you raise the kids. 

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I've watched every episode of this show and truthfully I was ready to give up on it.  IMO, a few of the previous stories were cringe-worthy.   I find several of the characters unlikeable (Jen in particular, but also Heather and IMO there's a creepy factor to Tim.  If we never see Chad again, I'll be happy.)  But, I really like both brothers, and of course, Grandma and Grandpa.  The kids are great.  


But this 8th episode was very good.  Each of the four short stories was funny and touching and hit all the right notes.  If the writers can keep this up, I may just stick around.  

Edited by ProudMary
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The only context in which I have ever heard of anyone being a godparent in real life is that it means they are the ones who take on the kid if the parents die.


I think this show has been improving week by week, and I really like it now.


LOVED that what made them choose the brother to be godparent was his anti-sexist approach and that he was willing to engage with the child on her level and seemed to enjoy just being with her and really listened to what she had to say. Also loved that they weren't interested in godparents who were closeted-- not because they objected to them being gay, but because they objected to them not being out. On the other hand, I just fully took in that they have named their child "Lark"-- I am actually all for creative naming, but somehow this seems out of character for everything they've shown of this couple so far. They just don't seem like the types to pick a name that's sounds so much like a hippy dippy choice.


If you know your cauliflower rice disagrees with people, bringing it seems like a deliberate sabotage.

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I have really enjoyed this show. I look forward to it every week and I now have it on my DVR to record every new episode, just in case!

Not one character annoys me, and that is saying a lot!

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This one wasn't as laugh out loud funny as some of the others but still very enjoyable. I wish they would give the teenage boy more stories, I think he's very funny.

I loved Mom Mom saying that when the girls first took her to that vegan restaurant she learned to carry bacon in her purse, Lol! Also Matt passing out and throwing up over the blood was some pretty good physical humor.

And not that I think this is why there are no posts here, but the episode is titled "Hospital Boudoir Time-Out Namaste" if someone can fix that.

Edited by mansonlamps
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My mom & brother watched this with me for the first time, and both are going to go back and watch all the previous episodes, they liked it that much. 


I tried to explain to them the Cheeto episode, but was laughing so hard at my mental picture of Cheeto in the fridge, I made very little sense!


Sofia is my favorite.  I loved when she worked the word "asinine" into the conversation with Heather.  Subtle, but smart.  

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