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S11.E23: Time Stops

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I like McKidd's fast-paced directorial style, and I was engaged with all of the medical stuff, no matter how unbelievable. Pompeo's performance was great, and although Amelia is the show's most grating character, it's understandable that her grief would make her respond as such. Meanwhile, Bailey has been feeling back to normal, and I like that Alex and Jo have a storyline -- and that there's conflict between them (but it does feel out of nowhere). As for Stephanie and the interns... well, newbies are always something this show doesn't handle very well, and although they didn't come on too strong personality-wise, it's difficult to appreciate their inclusion when they merely exist to complicate the medical situations and cover screen-time formerly reserved for departed/ing cast members. Regardless, this is probably the strongest episode in a month. 

Edited by upperco
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Dear show: please stop trying to shoehorn Ben in everywhere. He’s bland. He’s played by a bad actor. Don’t show the originals sitting around commenting on the new interns and pan to Ben as if he is one of them. He is not one of them. See also: Stephanie and Maggie and Amelia. Kill them all with fire.


I don’t even have anything especially biting to say anymore. This show is just boring. No Cristina, no MerDer, nothing that made it fun.


Is it a requirement for Shonda to have the idiotic "I can't breathe!" catchphrase in all her stupid shows?

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Look! Another set of interns who have a lot to learn *rolls eyes*. Otherwise despite everything, good episode and of course Maggie just got bad news, she is a Grey, when you are a Grey tragedy waits behind you like a shadow and then strikes. Then your next answer is: "I'm fine, I won't talk about it until a real bonding moment." 

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Look! Another set of interns who have a lot to learn *rolls eyes*. Otherwise despite everything, good episode and of course Maggie just got bad news, she is a Grey, when you are a Grey tragedy waits behind you like a shadow and then strikes. Then your next answer is: "I'm fine, I won't talk about it until a real bonding moment."

She's a webber-grey was thatchers name.
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I thought this was a really good episode.  I loved Bailey when the Chief and Kathryn were mooning over each other...deadpan, while not looking at them, "people are dying".


And, god help me, I am rarely surprised anymore by this show, but I didn't see the very last scene coming....really well played.  Looking forward to next week.


Mostly, I'm stoked to see that Grey's can still be Grey's PPD (Post Patrick Dempsey).  I was thinking of Post McDreamy Shephard, but the acronym seemed awkward!:)

Edited by pennben
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I loved seeing April bring that car in on the flatbed tow truck!  I was wondering if April would come up with some last-second save when they left her at the tunnel scene, but I was not expecting her to roll the entire car in.


So Jo's going to go into that army medical thing, huh?  I guess that's one way to break up her relationship up with Alex.


The wedding feast sounded delicious.

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So Meredith just invites herself to move into Alex's house with three kids? With no regard to the other people - Jo, Arizona - who live there? And she doesn't bother to tell Amelia, who's been taking care of her house for nine months while Meredith disappeared without telling anyone, that she wants to sell the house?  


If her old house is really the only one in Seattle she can feel at home at, she should have offered to buy it back from Alex at market rate and given him (and everyone else involved) time to find a new place while the Bainbridge Island house is in escrow. But no, what Meredith wants, Meredith must get, immediately, other people be damned.

Edited by chocolatine
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So does Arizona live in the frat house anymore?  Alex saying he didn't need to clear Meredith and three incredibly young children moving into the house with Jo sure says a lot.


I love that the Chief has so much faith in Bailey, but I can't imagine many worse candidates for chief of surgery.  Bailey has so many damn mental breakdowns that she's a disaster waiting to happen.  Of course, the same could be said for Hunt and they all seem to think he was fine, so what do I know. 


God, Alex sure was right about these new interns, they're bigger messes than he was.  Asian intern is the worst but the guy she was talking to in front of pregnant lady should have been fired on his first day.  I guess Seattle Grace got better quality candidates since it was supposed to be the best back then.


I take it Maggie's perfect parents are getting a divorce.

Edited by Starscream
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This was surprisingly a good episode.  April was awesome; I can't help but wonder if anything happened with April and Owen based on his reaction when talking to Jackson.  I didn't mind the conflict between Meredith and Amelia.  I was a bit surprised that Meredith is selling her house, but not very surprised that she's headed back to her old house.   


The stuff with Richard and Catherine makes me wonder if Catherine is going to appoint herself the new Chief of Surgery.

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I liked the medical stuff but this seemed like the everyone breaks up episode. Maggie's parents might be getting a divorce, April and Jackson, Richard and Catherine, Alex and Jo, all having problems. Meredith can just randomly move her family into Alex's house. 


I think the idiot saying crap in front of the pregnant woman needs to be fired. In fact the whole clueless group of interns who just talk crap in front of a pregnant, injured woman needs to go. I couldn't believe a woman could give birth without moving at all; couldn't they have put her to sleep and done a c-section?  Liked April with the car at the end.

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I was wondering the entire time why no one could use a flat bed to bring the car to the hospital when they showed all the responders and clearing crews, and then April shows up at the end with the car, and I was like "Hell Yeah!"


I complained last week that I wished they had shown April working on soldiers, so I'm really happy we got that last scene. Good night to be an April fan. I liked Jackson's scenes, I just kinda wished there had been more? I mean I get it, we saw April practically living at the ER, then going off to be a medic, so we know there's problems there. I just feel like we should be farther along in their story? 

While I'm glad that Amelia got a beat to question Meredith, it felt like they waited too long in Grey's time for it to be authentic. They said it had been a year, and while Amelia didn't accept Derek's death/let herself feel it, she waited 6 weeks to confront Meredith after she returned? I liked the scene, surprisingly, but it just felt a little too late. The story pacing has been bad on this show for years though.


The Alex/Jo drama is totally manufactured. I get why he wouldn't want to go, and I get why she wants to go (and let's face it, it makes more sense for Jo to want to go than April going) but she was pretty clear about wanting to do it as a "couple" thing. I didn't get the feeling at all that she would go without Alex, so it seemed like he completely overreacted instead of being an adult and taking a minute to have a serious moment with Jo to talk.


Do not care about Stephanie. Don't care about Catherine/Weber. Really don't care about long lost sister number 2. I actually was wondering about her dad and what was wrong with him, completely not caring how it affected Maggie. That's not good Grey's, when I care more about some kind dude who adopted someone and raised her than the kid themselves.

I really liked the directing and the quick shots, Kevin McKidd should do more episodes because it was the most engaged I've felt visually in a long time. It even felt more like old Greys than any other episode this season.

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I loved seeing April bring that car in on the flatbed tow truck!  I was wondering if April would come up with some last-second save when they left her at the tunnel scene, but I was not expecting her to roll the entire car in.


I know Shonda talks about themes throughout a season.  I don't really buy that, especially this season when all went to hell in a handbasket. 


Having said that, seeing April standing on that flatbed, with the shot looking up at her from below, was definitely a "superhero" visual.  I feel like it was an intentional callback to Amelia doing the superhero stance before operating on Hermann.  I hated the Amelia one, but loved this one.

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These last two episodes seem like the beginning of a new season.  It seems like Derick's death should have been this season's finale.  All the time jumping could have happened in episode one of the next season.  And then this episode seems like an episode two - another small time jump, Jo debuts new haircut, new group of interns.  It just seems strangely off to me.


Stephanie is obviously now being modeled after Bailey.  The way she talked to the interns,  "the nazi' style of teaching, and even the actual rhythm of how early seasons' Bailey spoke.  It can't be a coincidence. 


I'm getting a little nervous that April will have a tragic accident on top of that trailer.  Surely they won't killer her off so soon after Derick.  I know she's disliked, but I care for her character.  I was saddened by her new practical nature, but in the end she remained truly hopeful.

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Having said that, seeing April standing on that flatbed, with the shot looking up at her from below, was definitely a "superhero" visual.  I feel like it was an intentional callback to Amelia doing the superhero stance before operating on Hermann.  I hated the Amelia one, but loved this one.

It's funny you say that because my first thought was that she had just pulled off some Lara Croft ingenuity, which I chuckled at because Jo/Luddington voices Lara Croft in the new videogames.

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These last two episodes seem like the beginning of a new season. It seems like Derick's death should have been this season's finale.


I think that they had to reset (PPD) before next season.  They had to show that the show could go on right now (as opposed to letting things about Dempsey linger over the summer).  So far, so good, in my opinion.

Edited by pennben
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Loved Jackson (who looks amazing) on maid of honor duty! With advice from his wife and Mer, whose friendship with I wish we saw more of. (Still love that scene where they each confide that "the chief nailed my mom.")

Surprisingly, I didn't mind Amelia's scene confronting Meredith. It didn't come out of nowhere, the megalomania was at a relative minimum, and that Meredith didn't even call her before pulling the plug when she was local (and living with them) is a completely legitimate point to discuss, or at least mention hurts, at some point.

I'm biased because I love the gang (albeit the new gang) at the house like old times, but I also liked how Mer asked Alex, and at least knew he should run it by Jo. (More consideration than she usually gives her, even with "you know how she gets.") It's his house, so don't see any reason he should have to run it by Arizona when he's going to say yes anyway. None of these people are poor with no alternative housing options. (Ditto for Amelia if Meredith does put the dreamhouse on the market. Though I hope she keeps the tumor drywall from the old house in storage, at least.)

And hey! Maybe we'll see New Zola and Old Much Younger Sofia getting to play! Or at least be in the same room.

Alex/Jo feels out of nowhere on one hand, but it's also been a year. So more than a year ago we saw him give Maggie a brief thought, then they hung out all the time for the year we missed and we have no idea how connected he and Jo stayed as they settled into long-term. Clearly he's not feeling as strongly as he once was, since clearly she liked the idea of their going together, but Alex - given Izzie, what's-her-name-blond-OB who took Arizona's Africa tour out from under him, and anyone else? - also has historical reason to get defensive and self-protective whenever his significant other might want to go somewhere. I hope the show hashes out whatever's going on with them and doesn't just conveniently break them up quickly. (Yay, story for Alex!)

Don't really care either way about Richard and Catherine, but getting a little tired of their breaking up over professional differences vs working out a way to leave it at the hospital by now.

I could kill the intern WHO TOOK OFF THE NECK BRACE. Who does that?!

Really liked April showing up with the car on a flatbed, obvious sky CGI aside. I was wondering what the twist might be when we didn't see them again. Not that I minded not watching him bleed out, but I was surprised to not see it, or at least April's return.

I really liked the directing and the quick shots, Kevin McKidd should do more episodes because it was the most engaged I've felt visually in a long time. It even felt more like old Greys than any other episode this season.

Sometimes his directing has really bothered me (to the point where it's distracting me because it feels so different, and I stop to look up who directed it), like I think the season premier?, but I didn't notice it feeling weird this time! Nice to hear it was him. Edited by WalrusGirl
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She's a webber-grey was thatchers name.

Grey was also Ellis' last name, even if it had belonged first to her ex husband rather than her father.  She used it personally and professionally until she died.  It belonged to her just as much as anyone else.  If you want to get into legal technicalities, Maggie isn't either since she was adopted and she carries a different name.  


Besides, that wasn't the point anyway.  


About the episode, that crushed car definitely has be on the hook for next week.  Nothing I want to watch more than women working together to show how freaking awesome they are.  

Edited by bluebonnet
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That was ... BAD.  Really, really, bad.  The only moment I wasn't rolling my eyes and gritting my teeth was when Alex said of course Mer could stay at the Grey home.  That felt just a little like the show I fell in love with.  The rest?  Shondaperbole.

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And now, let's give a great, big, Grey/Sloane/Shepherd Memorial Sex Closet welcome to our newly ripened redshirts!


Here's an easy test. When a new doctor appears, look at their face. If, regardless of your sexual orientation, you find it a pleasing sight you wouldn't mid seeing a lot of, congratulations, you've discovered this show's next regular.

Edited by dr pepper
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Surprisingly, I didn't mind Amelia's scene confronting Meredith. It didn't come out of nowhere, the megalomania was at a relative minimum, and that Meredith didn't even call her before pulling the plug when she was local (and living with them) is a completely legitimate point to discuss, or at least mention hurts, at some point.



Definitely understand why Amelia was upset at not being able to say goodbye. Honestly I'm surprised it took her this long to say something. Yes, it was Meredith's decision, but she could have waited until Derek's immediate family was informed and in Amelia's case came to the hospital.  I wonder if Amelia would consider buying Derek's house since it meant so much to him.

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I didn't agree with those seeing a future romance between Alex and Maggie, but it does seem like they're setting it up.  First was the intimate knee grab from Maggie to Alex last episode, along with the fact that Alex and Jo didn't even have a scene together.  This week, Alex truly had no FTG about Jo and her future plans.  He seemed totally disconnected.  I could see Alex, Meredith, and the kids, joined by Aunt Maggie to help things out.  Meredith already gets along better with Maggie than Amelia. 


Any interpretations on why Meredith broke down in the supply room?  Guilt about not giving Amelia the chance to say goodbye?  Anger at herself for fucking things up?  Maybe second guessing that Amelia could have saved him (she couldn't). Maybe just the grief sneaking back in again.  Meredith usually reacts to people ranting at her by staying impassive and quiet.  What Amelia said seemed to really hit home.

About the episode, that crushed car definitely has be on the hook for next week.  Nothing I want to watch more than women working together to show how freaking awesome they are.  


I give the show props for never going the helpless female route.  There are two instances that I can recall (Meredith/Cristina and Meredith/Izzie), where they break up a full on brawl between two men.  They just jumped in and ripped the guys apart.  I loved it both times.  And I've always loved that Callie is in Ortho - a specialty that has very few women.

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I expected April to show up at the end, with the man heavily bandaged. possibly wrapped in duct tape with two pipes for reinforcement.


But bringing the whole car was better. Now they need to import the rescue squad from Chicago Fire. Those guys can slice the roof off a squashed car in 20 seconds flat without disturbing so much as a cup of nitroglycerine balanced un top. Seattle Fire, not so much. No wonder they don't have a show.

Also, i think that Cristina Lite and Curly Top  will be the new goto hate objects.


Baily as chief? Please-- but only if she's more like the old Baily.

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Really hate fhT they're destroying Jo/Alex without any sort of buildup at all. I didn't mind the Maggie propping but now that in goin to lost my main reason for watching im over it. I don't even think that alwx/Maggie are compatible. I love the friendship but a relationship feels so Lexie 2.0

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That was ... BAD.  Really, really, bad.  The only moment I wasn't rolling my eyes and gritting my teeth was when Alex said of course Mer could stay at the Grey home.  That felt just a little like the show I fell in love with.  The rest?  Shondaperbole.



Applause, applause.

This show is finally its own symptom in crystalline form.


This fucking "superman/doing the impossible/being a god" thing is grotesque and an insult to anyone who works for a living.   Even doctors are offended by the degradation of their own work to a fantasy of magic and self-as-everything-ever. BARF

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KEPNER!!  I love this new badass Kepner!  Gaspy McStammerface went away and "Black Tag" came back.  And with stunning highlights, I might add.


Following Alex's poignant little speech about belonging, I thought Meredith was going to tell him he had to sell the house back to her and amscray.  But yay, she's going to let him stay (while she moves in with three small children and takes the place over.)  Thanks, Mer!

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Katherine annoys me but she did get some points for having all the reception food brought to the hospital for the staff. I was with Bailey when Katherine and Weber started getting schmooopy and having sexy surgery talk in the hallway. Blech. I mean, I'm fine if surgery turns you on but to me that kind of stuff is like pooping. I know you do it, but I don't want to have to watch you do it.


I totally understand Alex not wanting to do the army trauma program for multiple reasons. First of all, I think that what he told Jo about putting down roots is a big deal. That is a big deal for him. He has bought a house and he has made some big career decisions. He is in a place where he feels like this could be his life: living in Seattle and working at Seattle Grace Death Trap for the foreseeable future (as opposed to seeing this as a temporary stop before he moves to the next job in another city).


Part of it is that they are in different stages of their careers. When you are starting your medical career, you know that you will probably have to move around a few times to do your residency, a fellowship, and then get hired somewhere. Jo is still there so she isn't thinking of Seattle as a permanent stay. This is just a stop on her journey so taking a year off to do the trauma program is just another destination for her. Alex, on the other hand, is a few years further in his career. He isn't trying to figure out what specialty he wants to concentrate on or finding a mentor or thinking about where to apply for a fellowship. He knows that he could stay at Grey Sloan indefinitely and be happy with the work that he is doing. While there is always more to learn, Alex likes peds which is different from combat trauma. But yes, please go, Jo!




Any interpretations on why Meredith broke down in the supply room?  Guilt about not giving Amelia the chance to say goodbye?  Anger at herself for fucking things up?  Maybe second guessing that Amelia could have saved him (she couldn't). Maybe just the grief sneaking back in again.  Meredith usually reacts to people ranting at her by staying impassive and quiet.  What Amelia said seemed to really hit home.

I think it was a combination of things. First and foremost, Amelia just poked her finger into a very painful wound for Meredith. Anything having to do with Derek's death is still going to hit her pretty hard. At the beginning of the episode, she talked about being in a bubble. Since Derek died, she has been functioning. She gets up, gets dressed, feeds the kids, goes to work, etc. but she seems like she has walled herself off from really grieving. I have seen this in people I know in real life. They're not total zombies but they go into this self preservation mode because it's so painful to let those emotions come to the surface. While everyone has been supportive since she came back, I don't think they are being direct about asking her about Derek (in other words, they're being more circumspect by asking how she is doing rather than being like a shrink and specifically asking how she is feeling about Derek being gone). My guess is that Amelia is the first person who has really done that since she got back.


I also think her reaction was guilt about several things: not calling Amelia to let her say goodbye, having to pull the plug on Derek (even when you know that's what the person wants, it can still hard emotionally to do it), and that tiny possibility that Derek could have been saved somehow.


But I also think some of it was what often happens even years after a death - something reminds you of the enormous loss and it hits you all over again, like it just happened.


Man, Hunt was lucky he didn't kill that kid. Taking such a huge risk was crazy. If he hadn't already decided to step down as chief, I bet that would have been enough for Jackson and Katherine to try to get him removed.


I loved that Bailey was the best man and Jackson was the maid of honor. They both did a good job with the bride and groom.


I do not care about the newbies. When I saw that's what everyone was so excited about, I just rolled my eyes as I recalled how disappointing the last batch of interns turned out to be. When Weber was rattling off the numbers of interns who would quit or not make it, I thought man, can we speed that process along and start cutting some of these kids right now? Seeing all those new faces made me appreciate Cristina just numbering her interns because as I was looking at them, I thought yeah, I am not going to learn all of your names. I did kind of laugh when I saw the older doctors reciting Weber's speech along with him. But ducks and chicks? No.


I was surprised that Meredith said the reason she didn't want to live at the house anymore is that it was just a house without Derek. I thought she would say that she saw him in every inch of the house and it was too painful.


What was with so many of the female doctors having their hair down in this episode? Usually once they start working on patients, they pull it up/back but tonight most of them had it all down (Jo, April, Amelia, and Bailey had not a single bobby pin, barrette, clip, or rubber band between them). Meredith, Stephanie, and Arizona were the only ones I noticed with their hair pulled back out of the way as usual.


Even though I remember Cristina getting excited when multiple traumas came in, at least she wasn't rude enough to say so right in front of one of the patients. Those new kids need to STFU.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Despite being a total rip-off of the ferry boat crash episodes (among others), that wasn't too bad an episode.  You know, for this crappy season.  And while Amelia had every right to be angry with Mer for not calling her while Derek was still alive so that she could say goodbye, that character just annoys the crap out of me, so I really just wanted to smack her.  Although I did end up feeling for her a little when she finally broke down.


Those who predicted the end of Alex & Jo appear to be correct.  I don't blame Alex for not wanting to go off and do the army thing; he's finally in a really good place in his life.  I don't blame Jo, either, though because she's younger and sees a learning opportunity which excites her, as it should.  They're just in different stages in life right now.


Oh, and dark-haired intern was hot and at least somewhat competent.  I approve of him.  (Just to clarify: I'm talking about the one who came in with the pregnant lady.  Andrew something, I think?)


Wonder what's up with Maggie?  (And who ever thought I might end up caring about her?)


All in all, though, I think I'll finally be able to quit this mess at the end of the season.  Cross your metaphorical fingers.

Edited by proserpina65
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Alex saying he didn't need to clear Meredith and three incredibly young children moving into the house with Jo sure says a lot.


Wasn't that conversation after Jo starting talking about doing the army doctor thing for a year?  So he may think Jo will be away in the desert (Afghanistan, I guess?) while Mer and the kids are there.  But that's just me spitballing.

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I don't care how badass they try to make Kepner, to me she'll always be...Kepner.


Meredith in the supply room reminded me of the iconic Florida Evans "Damn, damn, DAMN!" scene from Good Times except less affecting.


Even though I agree with Amelia's anger at not being able to say good bye, she's such an insufferable pain in the ass that I don't care.


That wedding buffet looked wonderful. I'm a sucker for hors d'oeuvres. Brie puffs, mini spanokapitas, cocktail weenies, that cheese dip with the pesto and sun dried tomato spread. I'll eat just about anything if it's wrapped in puff pastry.

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I totally understand Alex not wanting to do the army trauma program for multiple reasons. First of all, I think that what he told Jo about putting down roots is a big deal. That is a big deal for him. He has bought a house and he has made some big career decisions. He is in a place where he feels like this could be his life: living in Seattle and working at Seattle Grace Death Trap for the foreseeable future (as opposed to seeing this as a temporary stop before he moves to the next job in another city).

Part of it is that they are in different stages of their careers. When you are starting your medical career, you know that you will probably have to move around a few times to do your residency, a fellowship, and then get hired somewhere. Jo is still there so she isn't thinking of Seattle as a permanent stay. This is just a stop on her journey so taking a year off to do the trauma program is just another destination for her. Alex, on the other hand, is a few years further in his career. He isn't trying to figure out what specialty he wants to concentrate on or finding a mentor or thinking about where to apply for a fellowship. He knows that he could stay at Grey Sloan indefinitely and be happy with the work that he is doing. While there is always more to learn, Alex likes peds which is different from combat trauma. But yes, please go, Jo!


This is exactly what I was thinking watching their scenes last night.  Alex is a pediatric surgeon.  Why would he want to take a year off from advancing in his specialty just because Jo thinks it'd be an exciting adventure?  Not that trauma surgery skills aren't useful in other areas, but it's not his specialty.

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When Richard was giving the new iconic speech to the interns counting down how many will crack under the pressure or change to another specialty or be asked to leave, I was mentally adding "X number of you will be killed by large vehicles.  Y will be shot by a crazed gunman and Z will be electrocuted in the basement and forgotten about."


But I think they really depicted the doctors can perform miracles message quite nicely by making me sort of like April Kepner tonight...

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I'm so over hearing about what a god Amelia is and just want to punch her in the throat every time she opens her mouth. Should Meredith have called her? Absolutely. Would it have changed anything at all? Nope. Can someone please knock her off her high horse already? And let's not forget that not EVERYBODY leaves her. Sometimes she's the one to leave. Remember your ex-fiance Ameila? Oh yeah, no you don't. You left him to go be a hero in Seattle. Worked out well for you, eh? WORST.

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So. The cute new dark haired intern? Tell me that in In Shonda's warped mind, she doesn't think that all she has to do is find a cutey with really good hair and all the Dempsey fans will shut up? 


Well, Proxy McBackup MAY be cute, but that little trick isn't going to work.


(still watching, but only to snark with y'all)

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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Meredith's been pretty insufferable but I'm totally on her side regarding Derek's plug pull. 


Why should Meredith share her very few last moments with Derek by bringing in Amelia, or anyone else?  YES, it would absolutely have been better for Amelia, if she could have been there to say goodbye to her brother and ease her mind that he was beyond her miraculous healing powers, but in what world is it incumbent on Meredith to be thinking of what's best for Amelia at that particular time?


If poor Derek could have communicated with Meredith, it probably wouldn't have been to say, "Where's my sister?"




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Meredith's been pretty insufferable but I'm totally on her side regarding Derek's plug pull. 


Why should Meredith share her very few last moments with Derek by bringing in Amelia, or anyone else?  YES, it would absolutely have been better for Amelia, if she could have been there to say goodbye to her brother and ease her mind that he was beyond her miraculous healing powers, but in what world is it incumbent on Meredith to be thinking of what's best for Amelia at that particular time?


If poor Derek could have communicated with Meredith, it probably wouldn't have been to say, "Where's my sister?"


And if Amelia was there, Derek would have said "Where are all my other sisters?".

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Meredith's been pretty insufferable but I'm totally on her side regarding Derek's plug pull. 


Why should Meredith share her very few last moments with Derek by bringing in Amelia, or anyone else?  YES, it would absolutely have been better for Amelia, if she could have been there to say goodbye to her brother and ease her mind that he was beyond her miraculous healing powers, but in what world is it incumbent on Meredith to be thinking of what's best for Amelia at that particular time?


If poor Derek could have communicated with Meredith, it probably wouldn't have been to say, "Where's my sister?"

Having sat and watched while my father was dying, I have to say that I'm on Amelia's side regarding allowing family members who were actually in the same damned city the opportunity to say goodbye.  I mean, I sort of understand why Mer didn't call her, but I also understand Amelia's reasonable anger about her not having done so.  I just wish Amelia wasn't such a freaking annoying character, so I could take her side without feeling bad about it.

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Surprisingly, I enjoyed this episode, even though it had many elements of my least favorite Grey's episodes: huge catastrophe, contrived drama and new interns. Maybe its because the last 3-4 episodes have been so bad and focused on characters that I just don't care about or am tired of, but I was engaged for pretty much the whole episode and that never happens anymore.

I love Richard Webber and I want him to be happy, but dear god he has the worst taste in women (well, I did like Adele sometimes). Catherine is shrill and overbearing, but I think that their drama is realistic and it will be fun to see who gets caught in their crossfire.

April looks great, but methinks she is going a little cuckoo. She seemed a little too close to deranged on that truck at the end, but I will take her badassery and super-heroics over Amelia's screeching and ridiculous poses any day.

So, Alex and Jo, huh? Not only are they trying to cram a season's worth of storyline into two episodes, they are also seeming to pick up where they left off with the Mer/Jo/Alex triangle 20 odd episodes ago. The only problem is that entire storyline happened off-screen, so none of this makes sense. “You know how Wilson gets?” Really, Mer? She lets you kick her out of bed and offers to watch your kids? Whoo boy, what an unreasonable bitch.

The Alex/Jo drama is totally manufactured. I get why he wouldn't want to go, and I get why she wants to go (and let's face it, it makes more sense for Jo to want to go than April going) but she was pretty clear about wanting to do it as a "couple" thing. I didn't get the feeling at all that she would go without Alex, so it seemed like he completely overreacted instead of being an adult and taking a minute to have a serious moment with Jo to talk.

Its completely maufactured, and I agree, this didn't seem like anything that she had seriously looked into, just an idea that occured to her after talking to April and seeing the surgery. Either Alex (read: the writers) is looking for an excuse to get rid of her, or it is his normal crappy defense mechanism asserting itself once again. I thought he had somewhat grown out of that, but it has been a crappy year.

I could see Alex, Meredith, and the kids, joined by Aunt Maggie to help things out. Meredith already gets along better with Maggie than Amelia.

As an Alex fan, this is my worst fucking nightmare. It Takes A Village/Who's the Boss starring Alex Karev. See Alex buying tampons, see Alex raise Mer's brood, see Alex listening to the gals hygiene issues and ping-ponging between Maggie and Mer when they need a love interest. All the while they go off to be super-hero doctors working on cool surgeries and Alex assists them and tells them how awesome they are. Although, since Mer has two daughters, he will find a place to channel that new-found paternalistic attitude that he was showing off this episode. I'm tempted to tell Jo and her kicky new haircut to go find love in the army or with that hot new intern. But, no, I want things to work out for them. Once upon a time, (or you know, a few episodes ago) they were very happy, can we please just try to work it out.

Honestly, he has been a GREAT friend this year. For the love of Denny, can he NOT have something of his own that doesn't involve a Daughter of Ellis?

Edited by Deanie87
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While I totally understand how upset I would be if my sister's husband didn't call me in a similar situation, all I could think during that scene is how Amelia makes everything about herself. Why didn't you call ME? (never mind my other family members) I could have saved Derek! I have proven that I perform miracles every day! She just annoys me so much that even though I think she should have been given the opportunity to say goodbye in theory, I just want her to STFU.

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In regards to Alex and Jo, how do you go from "I'm going to marry that girl" to "I don't need to ask Jo (about Mer and the kids moving in)" without ANY build up?!  You just don't.  Justin Chambers deserves better story wise.  He hasn't had anything to do this season.


ETA:  marceline: I've been watching Good Times reruns on Saturdays when I'm doing stuff around the house but have yet to see this.  Shocking though, because Florida Evans doesn't curse!  Can't wait to see it!  

Edited by Slider
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Was the new intern that everyone assumed was a doctor, was he the brother from Baby Daddy? I saw Baby Daddy briefly while flipping channels earlier yesterday, and the brother who plays hockey had a guest spot on General Hospital. I thought it might be possible since General Hospital is a part of ABC. The actors really look alike if it's not him. 

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Why should Meredith share her very few last moments with Derek by bringing in Amelia, or anyone else?  YES, it would absolutely have been better for Amelia, if she could have been there to say goodbye to her brother and ease her mind that he was beyond her miraculous healing powers, but in what world is it incumbent on Meredith to be thinking of what's best for Amelia at that particular time?


I don't give Meredith a pass on not calling Amelia.  She had plenty of time between when the cops showed up at her house and before she even got to the hospital to call Amelia.  She sat in a car on the way to the ferry and could have picked up her cell phone and texted Amelia, if nothing else.  She sat on the ferry for however long before getting to the mainland.  She sat in another car for however long from the ferry to the hospital.  A text takes 5 seconds.  "Derek's in xyz hospital after a car crash."


Why should she have taken a moment to think of Amelia?  That's what people do.  That's what family does for each other.  Amelia is not some random stranger - she was living with them.

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I love Richard Webber and I want him to be happy, but dear god he has the worst taste in women (well, I did like Adele sometimes). Catherine is shrill and overbearing, but I think that their drama is realistic and it will be fun to see who gets caught in their crossfire.


Jesus Christ. SO much word. Adele was a bit of a harpie (but you really couldn't blame her). Ellis was just a bitchy SHREW, and now Catherine Avery, who rivals Papa Pope over on Scandal, for sheer amount of scenery chewed on a single show? Wow. Your "type" is really bad, Chief (I never stopped calling you that). 

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While I totally understand how upset I would be if my sister's husband didn't call me in a similar situation, all I could think during that scene is how Amelia makes everything about herself. Why didn't you call ME? (never mind my other family members) I could have saved Derek! I have proven that I perform miracles every day! She just annoys me so much that even though I think she should have been given the opportunity to say goodbye in theory, I just want her to STFU.


Amelia said that stuff precisely because she didn't get to see Derek and didn't get to say goodbye.  Had she been there, she wouldn't be tormenting herself right now wondering if she could have saved him - she would have known it was too late because she would have seen it herself.  And she's probably been tormenting herself with that thought for the entire year Meredith disappeared and she couldn't talk with her about it.

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I could kill the intern WHO TOOK OFF THE NECK BRACE. Who does that?!


I thought that he would be stopped at the last minute by whatshername (Stephanie?) and the others.  The only medicine I know is from TV and from medical thriller novels and even I know that you never touch a collar without official okay.  Idiot.


I thought that the intern who came in with the pregnant lady would turn out to be a guy just pretending to be a doctor (and they would find out only after he had been treating people in the ER for hours).  I never thought he would be one of the new interns.  I'm not sure how I feel about the new batch, but I was happy to see Wiley from 'The Mentalist' (the guy with the curly blonde hair.  I forget the actor's name).  I like him.  Loved Bailey reaming him out in the hallway (Something like:  'Is that brie?'  'And while carrying lab specimens?  That's nasty.')


I liked April bringing in the patient w/car at the end, but I fully expected to see a cape flying out behind her. 


Why didn't Meredith just ask Alex or a couple of others to move in with her and the kids.  That might gradually change the atmosphere of the house.  (I love that house.  I want that house.)

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