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S01.E21: Grodd Lives

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GRODD RETURNS! — Barry must deal with the Reverse Flash’s latest threat to a member of the group. To make matter worse, Dr. Wells unleashes Grodd on the city in order to distract Barry and the team. Joe, Barry and Cisco head down into the sewers to catch Grodd but the gorilla quickly gets the upper hand after he kidnaps Joe. Iris and Barry have a heart to heart talk.




  Both writers Grant Morrison and Geoff Johns who were big fans of Grodd wanted to point out he was an animal in the long run. Writer Chuck Dixon touched on it in the early 90s but Johns ran with it after that. Writer Brad Meltzer who wrote in the entire Gorilla City cast showed their intelligence but at the same time just like real people. Primal instincts come in when we are cornered. 

Edited by readster

So to recap the American promo tells us that Grodd is in the next episode, that Wells sicced him on team flash and Joe gets kidnapped, the Canadian promo tells us that there will be consequences to  Iris finding out, that the flash mob is worried about the prisoners, Joe gets kidnapped and that Grodd is in the next episode.  Goes to show what they think about us americans :(

Edited by Oscirus
  • Love 4

So to recap the American promo tells us that Grodd is in the next episode, that Wells sicced him on team flash and Joe gets kidnapped, the Canadian promo tells us that there will be consequences to  Iris finding out, that the flash mob is worried about the prisoners, Joe gets kidnapped and that Grodd is in the next episode.  Goes to show what they think about us americans :(


I think it's that the two networks may have different business goals for the series.  I don't know about CTV, but for The CW, which is more likely to attract guys in their 20's away from whatever sporting event happens to be on: the hero's desired girlfriend getting all bent out of shape* at him, or a rampaging gorilla?


* I am not saying or implying that her anger is unjustified, just that watching it might be a less-attractive option than watching Big Papi at bat.

  • Love 1

I think it's that the two networks may have different business goals for the series.  I don't know about CTV, but for The CW, which is more likely to attract guys in their 20's away from whatever sporting event happens to be on: the hero's desired girlfriend getting all bent out of shape* at him, or a rampaging gorilla?


My problem with that promo wasn't as much about the lack of Iris as it was that the Canadian promo presented all the main bullet points of the next episode and advertised said rampaging gorilla while the American promo just went overboard with advertising. Hell, I'd argue that the Canadian promo did a better job of promoting Grodd.


  • Love 1

 it was that the Canadian promo presented all the main bullet points of the next episode and advertised said rampaging gorilla while the American promo just went overboard with advertising. Hell, I'd argue that the Canadian promo did a better job of promoting Grodd.

Yeah,  the Canadian promo made me want to see the next episode, partially because Joe seemed genuinely scared. The American one made me ask myself again why I watch this show.

My problem with that promo wasn't as much about the lack of Iris as it was that the Canadian promo presented all the main bullet points of the next episode and advertised said rampaging gorilla while the American promo just went overboard with advertising. Hell, I'd argue that the Canadian promo did a better job of promoting Grodd.


Canadian promos always seems better than the U.S promo for most shows, even thought sometimes I think they reveal a little too much.  Anyway, yeah their Flash promo is way better than the U.S imo.

  • Love 1

 Um, wasn't it already revealed a while ago that Eiling knew Barry was The Flash?  I remember him mocking Barry for letting Plastique see his faced before she died.  


 Why did Barry need to try the super sonic punch?  If they drew Grodd away from Joe, Barry could have just sped in and rescued him.  And what of poor Eddie?  Joe's saved and no one cares about Eddie?  Oh, he gets a mention 'cause Iris still loves him.  After a little breather, a snack maybe a nap they'll look for him again.


 Eddie, you're spawn's kinda of a mouthy bitch.  You really need to think about get child rearing help when you have kids.

  • Love 3

Yay, Iris. I was cheering her on as she told off her father and Barry. She called them on their bullshit and slapped down all their justifications for lying to her. I thought Iris using the "do it for me" line to help Barry concentrate was corny as hell, but also kind of sweet so was her reunion with her father.


Joe trying to give Grodd the banana was hilarious. Bwah. Apes are not monkeys, Joe. Cisco's Jurassic Park comment was even funnier in context so was his rapid questions about Grodd at the end.


I continue to hope that Amanda Pays' character shows up as a regular or recurring character. The team needs her.


Eobard is such a bastard. I wonder if he was lying to Eddie or telling him the truth so he can manipulate him into going down a dark path. I wonder what ugliness he has in store Eddie.


It is always good to see Clancy Brown. 


Gah, more crossovers next week.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 2

That's some top notch security at Star Labs if Iris can just waltz in without anyone knowing.  Good thing there isn't a homicidal maniac on the loose who has compelling reasons to kidnap/kill Caitlin and Cisco. 



Gah, more crossovers next week.

Barry has had his ass handed to him when fighting Wells solo.  Why wouldn't he call in all the backup he can get? 

  • Love 4

Well, that could have been worse. Sure, Eddie looks like a punk that needs rescuing, and Grodd is so gonna be the S2 Big Bad. But it could have sucked so much harder.


Heh  . . . Joe offered Grodd a banana. Would've been nice to see him pack it (Chekov's Fruit?), but it was good for a cheap laugh.


I thought the Big Reveal to Iris wasn't that painful, though it looks like Wells was in charge of security at STAR Labs. How could the gang not see Iris coming? And Iris took it well, considering she had been lied to all this time. She was good . . . she didn't hand out kicks to the crotch or anything, but I thought she looked like an intelligent person.


ETA: Anybody else figure "Grodd" is an acronym? The best I could think of is "Gorilla Really Ornery, Deadly, Dangerous."

  • Love 2

Good episode! Loved angry Iris. I'm so glad she gave Joe and Barry the business. She said everything to Joe that we've all be saying for months. The scene they had at the end was nice but it still doesn't erase the months and months of ridiculousness. I'm disappointed that her anger didn't last more than episode, but I guess that's better than two seconds.

Is it wrong that I didn't care when Joe was being terrorized by Grodd? I didn't want him to die, and honestly he didn't deserve to be tortured but I am just so over him due to his lies and treatment of Iris I couldn't muster enough sympathy to care about his anguish.

Still not sure why Wells is holding on to Eddie. I thought he was going to transport himself into him but no such thing happened. So what gives?

The Iris/Barry stuff was very well done. I liked the confrontations throughout the episode as well as him flashing to all the moments he's had with her over the past year when she was helping him through his fight with Grodd. Their talk at the end was nice. Glad she isn't running into his arms. First off her boyfriend is still missing and secondly no matter what Barry says he kept a big part of himself from her and has lied to “keep her safe.” That should take some time to work through.

Now that Iris knows the truth I hope she doesn't fade back to the background with no movement on her journalism career.

Also, though Eddie was shaken by Wells showing him the newspaper to prove Iris married Barry, I hope that doesn't stop him from proposing, if that's what he still wants to do. He shouldn't let psycho Wells influence the decisions he's making for his life, that is if he can help it.

How is the gang stil, using Star Labs with Wells gone? Whose paying the utility bills and the rent? Shouldn't Wells have turned off the lights by now? Why are Barry and the others not fretting about a new place to work? Surely they know they can't stay there forever now that Wells is gone and working against them.

This was the first episode in weeks that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Edited by Enero
  • Love 7

 I think I expected too much when it comes to Iris finding out the truth because everything was going great when Iris was calling out Joe and Barry but it went downhill quickly when she quickly forgave them. I get why she wasn't holding onto her anger and was willing to forgive them. But I feel manipulated. I feel like the writers didn't want to spend the time to really give Iris a pov in this situation and really have her be angry at Joe and Barry, so they set-up a situation in which Iris was kind of force to quickly forgive Barry and Joe. 


I enjoy West-Allen, and I want to root for them but I don't like the fact that the writers seems to think that Iris only purpose should be LI to Barry, nothing more. I don't like feeling like West-Allen is Iris only purpose on my screen. I need the writers to see Iris as more than that and if they don't, I fear I will start resenting West-Allen instead of loving them. 


I came on this show as a Barry and JoexBarry fan first but the writers treatment of Iris is turning me into an Iris fan first, who start to resent JoexBarry's relationship.


Anyway, this was a good filler episode.

Edited by SevenStars
  • Love 9
Would've been nice to see him pack it (Chekov's Fruit?), but it was good for a cheap laugh.


We saw him take it from Cisco in the sewer.


I have to say, not once did I watch the telepathic gorilla and say, "This is ridiculous." Which I have said in other appearances.


Overall I really liked the episode. I did not even recognize Eiling. I wish we could have gotten a scene of Joe, Iris and Barry together. I feel like they handled her finding out well. And I liked seeing her replace Wells in the Team Flash rotation. I guess the three of them really can't handle things by themselves. I like when they do the casual crossover references. I'm glad Cisco just called Lyla to ask about Eiling.


Um, wasn't it already revealed a while ago that Eiling knew Barry was The Flash?  I remember him mocking Barry for letting Plastique see his faced before she died.


I think Eiling was mocking Barry to Wells. It was a reveal to Barry, not us.

Edited by bettername2come
  • Love 5

I agree..there is no reason why they could continue to be at STAR Labs using Wells' equipment and not figure that he has it all compromised in some way, or even that he has built some type of program or security system to harm them.  If he didn't, then that is just sloppy writing.  It is also crazy that even after GRODD they have not considered the fact that Wells will use the other metas, or his knowledge of their power against them.  It would seem to me that Firestorm and the Arrow are there and then Wells will release the other metahumans so that the three of them can fight against all of them.  I am not sure if they are there before or AFTER Barry tries an allegiance with Captain Cold-...which by the way is but yet another example of how they have changed Barry from being an earnest and smart scientist to an immature young man that does not make a plan...which is just what the Arrow warned him of. Not doing his research, not knowing his surroundings, underestimating his opponents. 



I didn't get the idea that Iris has forgiven them. I think if my father was kidnapped and could have been killed, I may understand that being angry about something that already happened and punishing him pales in comparison to the fact that I may never see him again.  I also don't think that she forgave Barry, just that she needs him right now to find Eddie, and she may have some small understanding of all that he has gone through.  


Some of you are being wayyy to practical.  Who gets paid in a superhero series/movie?  These people don't have jobs where they have to worry about paying bills , having the lights on etc. 


I appreciate the fact that since Barry and Eddie are friends, they did not have Iris and Barry having romantic times while Eddie is missing. I am, however, ready to have Eddie out of this equation.  I think they can find other reasons to keep them apart without involving a third ( or fourth) love interest.  I am already bored of the "teasing" of will they or won't they.  The Eddie and Iris character have no chemistry.  Oddly, initially I did not see chemistry between Iris and Barry, only Iris and the Flash, but now I am seeing chemistry with Barry.


A banana?!! Really??!! 

  • Love 3

Awww, Gorilla Grodd looked so cute and cuddly.  The WB should mass market him in oversize plushy form :)


I think I know what bugs me about this show - Iris' acting.  When she was going on about how she was mad at Barry and her father and all that, I just didn't feel it.  She seemed more irritated that her coffee from Starbucks was cold than pissed about being lied to.


And Cisco?  We love ya.  You go on with your obscure movie stuff all you want.  Your knowledge is wasted on plebs.


Eobard should be a distained name no matter what the century.  Still, scary eyes and voice trump that.


Poor Eddie's gonna need a lot of huggin' when this is all over.  Poor guy.

I kind of suspected it was coming, but I still yelled "Whoa!", when Grodd caught Barry's first mid-air, during the big Super Sonic Punch.  That is certainly one way to sell someone as a big baddie.  I enjoyed the Grodd stuff, but it really helped looking at it from a B-movie perspective.  I mean, it had all the traits: shoddy CGI (this being the CW, I wonder if they just borrowed the gorilla footage from The 100), dumb decisions (did they really think the Barry/Joe/Cisco team had any shot at taking on a badass gorilla?), nervous one-liners, and much, much more.  I think my favorite thing though was Eiling's return.  Clancy Brown is just awesome in the role, and I loved how different his voice was and how worn out he looked, when he was possessed.  Hopefully he'll be back a thorn in Barry's side.


Big episode for Iris, to say the least.  She even got a voiceover!  Thought Candace Patton did a good job, but mainly, I'm just glad Iris finally gave Barry and Joe a piece of her mind.  And, she pretty much covered all of it: how maybe if she knew, she could have helped.  Or maybe she would have been able to protect herself better. How it's hard to buy Barry's "We're BFFs!" responses, when you hide something that big (and, nice try, Barry, but no: Iris lying to you/herself that she doesn't have feelings for you, is still far behind what you did.  Thanks for playing, though.)  And, of course: how Joe's general behavior has been some of the biggest sexist bullshit on the planet.  That was so satisfying to here.


But, of course, she already forgives them.  I have to think it was all thanks to Grodd.  Had they not almost been pulverized by a telepathic gorilla, she would have probably held a much bigger grudge over them.  Consider yourself lucky, guys!


Not much Eobard/Harrison this time, but Tom Cavanagh still made the most of it.  Loved how he kept trolling poor Eddie.  You are such a dick, Eobard!  And that ending!  Can't wait to see what else he has up his sleeve.  If better be big, if he had Grodd of all people (or gorillas), used only as a distraction.


I love Cisco, but they did go overboard with the movie references this time.  Two is enough, Cisco.


Fun seeing Iris hang out with Team Flash, but this episode did make me concern about it's future, because the absence of Harrison was noticeable.  The team needs a leader of some kind to work.  I can't see Joe being that, and everyone is probably too young and immature.


Next week: Barry's getting the big guns out for Eobard.  Not one, but BOTH Amells!

  • Love 3

 I think I expected too much when it comes to Iris finding out the truth because everything was going great when Iris was calling out Joe and Barry but it went downhill quickly when she quickly forgave them. I get why she wasn't holding onto her anger and was willing to forgive them. But I feel manipulated. I feel like the writers didn't want to spend the time to really give Iris a pov in this situation and really have her be angry at Joe and Barry, so they set-up a situation in which Iris was kind of force to quickly forgive Barry and Joe. 


I enjoy West-Allen, and I want to root for them but I don't like the fact that the writers seems to think that Iris only person should be LI to Barry, nothing more. I don't like feeling like West-Allen is Iris only purpose on my screen. I need the writers to see Iris as more than that and if they don't because I fear I will start resenting West-Allen instead of loving them.


This is exactly how I feel. I guess I tricked myself into believing that the way the show went SO over the top in letting everyone in the world except Iris know the secret (including, you know, everyone in Starling City) was intentional. That once she found out, she was going to go nuclear--or at least nuclear winter--that she would lay into everyone and then freeze them out. Because that is what she deserves to do; that is what she would do, if the writers were interested in her character at all. But they're not. Evidenced by the fact that there was no further purpose to keeping her in the dark, no character journey, no repercussions or consequences. No long-lasting drama at all. That drama is all done--they spent a season on it for Barry's character. Iris's character? Gets to be mad for half an episode and then basically let her dad and Barry off the hook. And Barry's secret is equated to Iris's not being willing to face her feelings for him. THOSE THINGS ARE NOT EQUAL.


We're exactly where we were relationship-wise, except now it's all out in the open, and Iris "gets" to be in on the secret now. Yay? Ugh, what a disappointment.

  • Love 10


I continue to hope that Amanda Pays' character shows up as a regular or recurring character. The team needs her.




Fun seeing Iris hang out with Team Flash, but this episode did make me concern about it's future, because the absence of Harrison was noticeable.  The team needs a leader of some kind to work.  I can't see Joe being that, and everyone is probably too young and immature.


Problem solved.

  • Love 1

I was so happy that Grodd did not disappoint!  I was hoping that Eiling/ Clancy Brown would remain Grodd's voice.  To hear Grodd in Eiling's mouth was chilling. I wonder if Caitlyn would still be considered "good" to Grodd if he was aware of The Pipeline. 


Caitlyn and Cisco are awful folks; they did not ask me to sit down with them as they, no doubt, listened in on Joe and Iris. ;p Nosy for "science"? *g*


For all of Barry's promises to get Joe and Eddie back, why isn't Barry continuing his search for Eddie?  So he can try to get his "BFF" to admit she doesn't love the man she is living with?  Eddie, in his continued taunting of Wells even after the scary red eyes and vibra-voice, showed why we need to keep Eddie around. Also, please Eddie, do not listen to the unreliable narrator from the future! There may be things he can't actually lie about, but that doesn't mean he can't lie at all! Keep the faith, Detective!


Security in Central City is pretty crap. Not only STAR Labs, but The Picture News offices! Reporters work in a storefront, just off the street. Also, apparently, they don't have anyone lock-up! Any ol' whoever can waltz in and murder or kidnap or just continue to make lame excuses to his daughter.  I can actually see this as a way that Iris is kidnapped at some point, if this is not corrected. Iris is working late, putting a story in it's final draft and just as she finishes, a Rogue of some kind comes in and 'naps her. For gravy sake, a wanted fugitive was able to waltz into the PD and get to the floor with the detective squad!


I hope that Iris isn't finished with making Joe and Barry realize the scope of their wrongheadedness. I did like that Caitlyn apologized for lying about Ronnie. I yelled at my TV when Barry was all " Joe told me to, but I didn't have to [lie to Iris]." How is that making anything better, Barry? All of Barry's "I wanted to tell you"s don't help, even if , like Joe, it came from a pure desire to protect her. Iris gave Joe the reasoning we have all been saying for months: maybe she could have been more helpful if she'd been aware. Barry needed a version, if not the same statement.  I am glad that Iris is able to not go predictably nuclear, even if it was spectacularly earned. I am ambivalent that there is going to be any more to the "Joe 'cold shoulder treatment'" from Iris.  Oh, so glad Barry loves Iris so much that he totally forgot her helping to break the telepathic gorilla's hold on him!  At least Caitlyn remembered. 

Gee, it's a shame Barry doesn't have something to wear over that headset to keep it from falling off with so much as a sneeze.  If only he had a cowl.....


I... no. words.



A) Did anyone get a Grodd is going to go King Kong and grab Iris vibe at the end? It felt a little like that, but I really hope they don't go there.  I could see why he would, Iris was able to beat Grodd's telepathic hold. I just think it would be bad cheesy to have Grodd kidnap Iris.

B) Why aren't the Flash Mob grilling Gideon? Okay, maybe not grill, but asking pointed questions about Wells/Thawne? She is a futuristic AI; Cisco should be camped out and geeking over Gideon, imo.

C) Have the Flash Mob looked over Cisco's schematics and seen whether there is a sewer connection? (See? Answering the question about how the prisoners are cared for would have helped explain this. Something as simple as holding cell toilets are hooked into the regular restrooms when replaced in their slot/grid/ area of the pipeline.)

D) Captain Singh totally knows, right?


Despite my gripes, I enjoyed the hour and was surprised it flew  by.  




Those of you who are so pissed at Barry for hiding his secret from Iris: are you also pissed at Iris for hiding her feelings from him?




He was trying to equate romantic feelings she may or may not have for Barry with Barry not telling Iris about a major, life-changing incident and resulting life/lifestyle for almost a year. He also insists that they are still best friends, even after keeping this massive piece of information from her, while expecting her to not get angry at anyone, especially him. ( I hate that he's covering for Joe, the 'hate me, not him' line was not cool. Iris  gets to be angry at whoever she damn well pleases Barry.)


Iris being unsure of her feelings =/= keeping major, life-changing information from a best friend, confidant and hoped-for snugglebunny.



Edited by Actionmage
  • Love 7

Yeah, so I did like the episode and I love Iris being in the know, but I do feel frustrated that she forgave them so quickly. I kind of understand why she forgave Joe, at least to an extent; he was in danger and she was scared, so when she saw him, she felt like she had to. But Barry? I was hoping she'd be more pissed and for longer. I was hoping nothing would be resolved and she would stay angry, even just internally, for the rest of the season. She can still be helpful, but she can also be like Eddie and calling them out on their crap. Look, none of them seemed entirely worried about Eddie, I guess because they know him and Eobard are related and thus he can't get killed, but still. 


Honestly, I think I was more happy with the fact that Iris is now on Flash Mob and she fit in perfectly with everyone. Plus, Iris/Caitlin scenes. That made me so happy to see, and they got along great. I think that's what I've wanted and that's why I'm not hating the episode.


Grodd was surprisingly terrifying. At least, I was taken aback by how scary he really was at times.


Part of me wanted Eddie to come out of his binds and call Wells out on his bluffs about him. What would have happened if Eddie stabbed himself in the neck? Wells would probably get pretty worried about his timeline, that's for sure, and he'd have to take him to a hospital or at least get a doctor to save him. It would suck for Eddie, but he either dies and has Wells die with him, or he gets saved and he can try to contact people. Either way, that would be kind of awesome and would speed up things (pun intended). But damn Eddie, I feel bad for the guy. 


How did none of them, besides Joe, realize it was a trap? They had Caitlin and Iris standing around, watching the screens all this time! At least have Iris manning the cameras and Caitlin continuing to find Eddie! That is still a priority, guys! And why did all three men go down there? Barry has super speed. He should be able to zip through the sewers and locate Grodd! Ok, this isn't my biggest problem about the episode. 


I am glad, though, that even briefly, Iris got to call out Barry and Joe on everything and basically echoed my own thoughts. What I did not like was Barry going on the defensive and blaming Iris for not telling him about her own feelings. Dude, it doesn't even equate to your secret! It's possible she was in denial about them all this time. Also, she's in a relationship with another guy who she also has feelings for. It's not that easy to confess and then start dating Barry. 


Also, why did Iris not lock the door to the newspaper that late at night? I get it was so Iris didn't have to open the door for Joe, but geez!


Despite the qualms, I still enjoyed the episode and liked Iris enough. And finally, an Iris/Joe scene that worked! 

  • Love 5

Very good episode.  Grodd was a lot of fun and he didn't disappoint.


First off, I can't believe that Barry and Joe STILL were keeping Iris in the dark after the last episode where Wells nearly KILLED her.  That is just sociopathic lying on both of their parts.  I'm glad she told them both off and hope she continues to be angry with them.


Clancy Brown talking as Grodd was pretty cool.  Has he ever voiced the character before?  I do like the détente that him and Barry have at the moment.  Should be interesting to see where that goes.


Team Flash definitely doesn't feel the same without Wells there...that dynamic I'm going to badly miss.  The interaction between Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin got better as the episode went along but I do think this team needs a new mentor figure to complete the dynamic.


The visual of Cisco holding the banana in the sewer cracked me up.


TC is a lot of fun playing an unlikeable bastard.  He was a dick to Eddie but I have to admit, I was laughing at him trolling him.


Star Labs has no security and apparently Wells hasn't had them evicted.  Probably the whole "I still need Barry" thing.

Edited by benteen
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