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S01.E19: Who Is Harrison Wells?

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Joe and Cisco head to Starling City to continue their investigation of Dr. Wells. While in town, the duo enlists the help of Captain Lance, and Cisco meets the Black Canary, who asks him for a favor. Meanwhile, back in Central City, Barry races to catch a meta-human named Hannibal Bates who can transform himself into every person he touches - which includes Eddie, Iris, Caitlin and even The Flash.




  • Love 2

Barry knows about Crisis now.


Cisco continues to make everyone better.  Liked the interaction between him and Laurel, and being the geek he is, he got a photo with Canary.  He needs to meet Nyssa.


Joe's scenes with Quentin were good.  The Flash writers are so much better at writing Arrow characters than the Arrow writers.  And speaking of Joe, man I was hoping he would slug Eobard.  You don't bring up a man's dead wife like that jackass.  That's crossing a line.  That said, these guys have to know Eobard is onto them.


Team Flash wasn't bright in this episode.  Flash sees Everyman and stops dead in his tracks, they know Everyman can become anyone and yet don't come up with code words or anything like that, and Barry believed Eddie was out.

  • Love 7

I was kind of bored, especially during the Starling City parts, but they made up for it in the stinger. They know! They know! And they mentioned Iris' mother! And Caitlin and Iris had a scene together! Iris at the lab! 


Hannibal Bates? Dude, never had a chance.


Weird role reversal - I wanted Joe to mention Barry when discussing how hard it was to have Laurel as the ADA. That would have been a good time to mention the foster son he works with, whose well-being Lance had inquired about.


I like the female DA. She can stay.


I need to see the long version of that promo, asap.

Edited by bettername2come
  • Love 5

I've always thought the Flash writers are much better than the Arrow writers and this episode settles it. They actually got me to like Laurel. She smiled and acted nice, and it didn't seem forced. Nobody had to tell me she's a nice person or that she has a light inside her. She's just likable.

ETA: Or what Jediknight said above.

Edited by Xantar
  • Love 3

Highlights for me:


-Barry getting pizza. But he really needs to make an effort and get some genuine New York pizza.


-Cisco meeting Laurel (who I actually enjoyed tonight away from Arrow). He's such a complete nerd and I hope that never changes. By the way am I the only one who'd like to see a video of Cisco watching the new Star Wars trailer? Just to see him have a nerd-gasm?


The rest was to me was Flash vs a male version of Mystique with none of her awesomeness.

My running thoughts through the episode.


  • what a waste of pizza, boys!
  • oh god, will Caitlin die in this timeline?  (no, she just gets kissed later)
  • Can the Flash ever use his freaking speed?  Because he could have caught that metahuman before he said "you can't outrun me."  Then he could have caught the metahuman immediately after saying it.  He could have caught the metahuman (apparently, Every Man) 100 times before he turned the corner.  ffs
  • Oh god, Laurel, get the hell off my show!
  • Mrs. Bates is totally Hannibal right?  And she's going to morph into one of them.  Yup, that happened.
  • Creepy shoulder holding, ew.  She might be your sister and you might have a crush on her, but don't do the creepy shoulder touching, Barry.
  • And somehow Barry's head injury knocks him out like a normal person?  How stupidly convenient.
  • Really ladies?  Can't cll the police to come pick up the dangerous murdering criminal?  I suppose Ford just really needed to get in some advertising time.
  • How is Barry still knocked out?  He is a fast healer, ffs.  And it was just a run-of-the-mill head hit, which never hurts people on tv.
  • Again, Laurel, go away.  And jfc, Cisco was only there one day and is too busy for your shit....oh nevermind, Cisco is awesome and can do everything and he's too good for you.  Hope you blow your ear drums out.  Now go away and don't come back.
  • Dammit Barry, stop with the creepy shoulder touching!
  • Use your speed!!!  That serum should have been in the metahuman immediately.
  • Oh god, a mentally ill meta human locked up in torture prison.  I can't deal.
  • If Cisco can 'remember' what happened in the other timeline, why can't he 'remember' that Wells revealed himself to be Eobard Thawne?
  • Yes!  The found the secret room.  What the frack, indeed.



I liked this episode.  But that prison is going to give me nightmares now.  Every Man needs therapy, not peeing on the floor and starving in solitary confinement.  


PS. Yes, Laurel was actually likeable here.  But I don't want her on The Cisco, I mean, The Flash

Edited by bluebonnet
  • Love 7

I cant believe how much people know now. Things are really cooking here.


So the way to make Laurel likable? Put her on a different show! I don't really hate Laurel, just find myself being kind of indifferent, edging on dislike, but I thought she was really good here.


Cisco makes everything better. 


Love this episode! But the creepy prison needs to be re-thought. Now that the captain and the cool new DA know about these meta humans maybe, they can build special prisons for them, or mental hospitals for guys like Hannibal who have major identity issues, while still letting them get a proper trial, and release date. 

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 1

I thought the episode was just okay until they found poor real Harrison's corpse, then it got real when they found the Reverse Flash suit and the future newspaper front page.


Now I just roll my eyes when these characters from the Arrow make appearances. I don't know who Laurel and her father are and don't give a flying f' about their father/daughter drama.


ETA: Have they ever said who feeds this imprisoned meta humans in Star Labs? Also, where are the toilet, sink, and bed in these cells? 

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 2

Tom Cavanagh is just so much fun in this show.  That last scene with him and Joe was fabulous. He manages to be creepy and charming at the same time. 


I really liked that Caitlin was calling for evidence because she, of everyone, has the least reason to believe Wells is the Reverse Flash, but what has she planning on doing?  Ringing the bell and asking him directly, "Are you perchance a murderous speedster in disguise?"

  • Love 10

Caitlin's reaction to the kiss was brilliant. At first she was all WTF, then at the end she got kind of into it for a moment. LOL. Then her taking out her frustration on regular Barry was great. She does real well with the comedy. I also liked her reasoning for not being as quick to suspect Wells as the others. Unlike Barry and CIsco, she didn't have any weird dreams or murder investigations to give her that push. Add to that the fact the it was Wells that comforted her after the particle accelerator exploded, I can see why she acted that way.


Could have done without the Laurel scenes, but she didn't annoy me. Cisco being a fan kind of did though.


I liked seeing Lance, but the forced comparisons between Joe's secret from Iris and Laurel's secret from Lance didn't fly with me. 


I especially liked Eddie this week. He really is a stand-up guy, His scenes with Barry were great.

  • Love 2

The virus that is Ray/The Atom has now infected the Flash intro -- and I think they changed Barrie's narration as well.


The whole shapeshifter implementation was poorly thought out. I get that Hannibal Bates could change shapes because the Star Labs accident changed the cells of this body, but were his clothes also changed.  Was his clothing also impacted by the dark energy from the Star Labs explosion. I thought that his ability to replicate clothes, jewelry -- even guns and ammunition -- as kind of off.    And the fact that he could replicate people by touching their clothing was even stupider.  Of course being a metahuman he had natural mad fighting skills.  How many people could Everyman maintain in his library of persona ?

  • Love 5

So, last week, Cisco manages to make me like Ray for the first time ever.  This episode, he makes me enjoy Laurel for the first time in a very long time.  That apparently is his superpower.  Need to test this theory out: send him to other shows that have horrible characters, and see if he can make them tolerable!  That said, the introduction of the Canary Cry was clunky as all get-out.


Quentin's appearance was good, and I enjoyed seeing Jesse L. Martin and Paul Blackthorne play off one another, like the pros they are.  Just wished it was more interesting.  If was annoying seeing that Joe totally knows he is overprotective of Iris, but seems proud of it.  And him hinting that Quentin needs to move on and try to forgive Laurel make him come off like a know it-all, even though he doesn't.  It wasn't a mere lie: Laurel really screwed him over horribly.   You don't know the full story there, Joe.  Then again, he's all about the lying, sadly.


Is Hannibal Bates an actual name from comics?  Because, it kept cracking me up.  How could that guy not end up becoming a bad guy, when his full name includes not just one, but two popular fictional serial killers (Hannibal Lector and Norman Bates!)  Anyway, he was fine I guess as an episodic villain, even if he was basically a male Mystique.  I did like seeing Grant Gustin play a more sinister character.  And, while brief, Candice Patton seemed to be having fun too.  I'm sure it is nice to change things a bit.


Not surprised Caitlin didn't buy into the "Harrison Wells is the Reverse Flash" story automatically, but I'm sure she is one board now.  Now, I really hope she can work on that poker face.  She barely could after "Barry" kissed her.  I can't see how whey can look at him, when she thinks he's the big baddie.


Wells tazing Fake Barry was the best.  Tom Cavanagh is just so much fun to watch.  I really hope they find some way to keep him onboard, even if this season's endgame is for Eobard Thawn to go down.


It was nice seeing Rick Cosnett finally get some stuff to do.  At least he told Iris some of the truth, by saying he's working with "The Flash."  Still hiding that it is Barry, but it's better then nothing, I guess.

  • Love 4

Tom Cavanagh is such a revelation on this show. His ending scene with Joe was equal parts chilling/threatening and somewhat sympathetic. I really hope they find a way to keep him on this show for the long haul.

They could go with Harrison's mind is melded with Eobard's and some of what we've seen like Harrison calling Cisco a son in the reset, and his talk with Cisco about why he hired him were the real Harrison's thoughts.

So-so episode. Laurel dragged, though not as bad. I guess that is Cisco's true power . . . to make the unlovable lovable. But I kept wanting her to mention her sister. You know, the real Black Canary. As opposed to the Whack Canary. Cisco is such a nerd.


Nice that Caitlin isn't chugging Eobard's Kool-Aide. Things were moving too fast, and we needed a skeptic. Liked her reaction to "Barry" kissing her.


Also nice: shoutout to Coast City. Is it too much to ask for a Green Lantern that's not a crushing disappointment?  BTW, I'm betting two of the pies are for Barry, minimum.


As much as I'm liking the stingers . . . we're not gonna see Grodd until S2, aren't we? I guess we can settle for Reverse Flash . . . for now, anyway.


ETA: I think the "Bates" part of the guy's name is a shoutout to writer Cary Bates.


ETA2: I think it's odd to see Quentin without him carrying the hatchet he wants to bury in Oliver Queen's back.

  • Love 3

I enjoyed this episode for the most part.

I was so HAPPY when Det. Lance gave Joe pause over the lying to his daughter issue by relating that was why he and Laurel were on the outs. Brilliant. Finally. And a mention of Iris' mother/Joe's wife!!! OMGosh - FINALLY! Although Harrison referencing all of that felt like a very thinly veiled threat. Iris definitely better watch her back.

Oh? She doesn't KNOW to watch her back? Yeah - still mad about that.

BUT can we talk about the fact that 1) even though Iris doesn't know ANYTHING about what's happening with The Flash/Barry and Star Labs and she doesn't have the info that Mason had, she managed (all by herself) to literally blow that case WIDE OPEN all on her own.

I wish they had SHOWN us some of that - but whatever - I'll take it! Iris kicked ASS tonight in investigating that story with NO help from anyone. I hope she's still digging to find out what happened to Mason.

Also, based on her scene with Caitlin in the car (we need more scenes with them), she definitely knows that Ronnie is the burning man still and hasn't forgotten AND she thusly knows that Caitlin is a lying liar who lies.

So she'll have a nice long list of folks to be pissed at when she finds out the truth: Joe, Barry, Eddie, Cisco, Caitlin... all of them.

And crazy thing - Harrison seems to be the ONLY character who actually seems to have a healthy respect for Iris. He did it once at his press conference and then again tonight.

The scene where Iris is showing the video of fakeEddie killing the cops and she looks at fakeBarry and Caitlin like "Don't you see it?" and both of them are clueless, lol (about Eddie being left handed, etc).

I really, really liked Eddie in this episode - he's really a good guy, which confirms my theory that something bad is gonna happen to make him turn dark. I hope Harrison/Eobard doesn't take him over like he did Harrison Prime.

As for Eddie's "I'm working with The Flash" -- I hope Iris doesn't fall for that. Why would Eddie keep that from her anyway?

Oh and what about that part at the end with Barry fighting everyman as Iris, Caitlin and Eddie? Iris and Caitlin kicked ass in that part! That was entertaining to watch... they looked like they were having a lot of fun... and Barry looked freaked out, lol.

Edited by phoenics
  • Love 3

A vast improvement over last week's episode.  The Wells investigation heated up big time and I can't believe how much they found out this week.  Didn't expect them to get into Wells' lair.  I'm really interested in seeing how this whole situation resolves itself.  It's a great storyline but it's tough to see the complete destruction of the Team Arrow dynamic that I love.


The meta-human villain was a good one too.  The way he used his powers and made his moves made things interesting.  The reveal of what he really looked like at the end was legit creepy.


Although both characters have been getting on my nerves lately, I've been looking forward to seeing Joe and Quentin meeting each other and it didn't disappoint.  Definitely the most likeable Lance has been in a while.  Nice to see Joe having to react to what secrets do to a relationship although by the end of the episode he didn't learn a thing.


I laughed at the Cisco and Canary picture...finally Laurel's usual facial expressions are put to good use.  I agree though, Laurel came off more likeable and entertaining here.  It seems Cisco brings out the best in just about everyone he appears in a scene with.


Eddie was great in this episode.


Wells tazing Hannibal was great.  Agreed about how great and creepy TC's final scene with Joe was.


I like how Captain Singh is defending the Flash.  Felt like he knows who he is.  He probably does since Joe said Barry's name on the phone while next to him.  More on that later.


The episode had its flaws as the show continues to struggle with its female characters.  Eddie is on the Iris lie train but then again, Barry's secret isn't his to tell.  It would be nice if Oliver and Felicity realized that with them telling everyone they work with that Barry is the Flash.  Then again, Barry continues to do a terrible job with keeping his secret identity AND with his plotting against Wells.  Seriously, Barry, don't you think Star Labs is the WORST place to be loudly discussing your suspicions about Wells?  Might want to be careful with the internet history there too, Caitlin.

  • Love 3

I'm pretty sure Wells is already onto them. He does have cameras on Barry's loft (that's how he saw Barry get hit by lightning), so I'm fairly certain he already knows they're onto him.

That's why he went to visit Joe - to basically toy with him and let him know he knows - or maybe to confirm it and kinda threaten him a bit.

Tom Cav is amazing though - I both am terrified of Wells and I pity him.

  • Love 3

Cisco is a treasure. I knew he would make Laurel tolerable just from the trailer for this episode, and he did! I actually like how the two played off each other because it was so fun!


I am now hoping Eddie doesn't turn bad, because I like his speech to Barry about Barry freeing Eddie the right way. It was very heroic of Eddie and showed just how much Barry cares about Eddie-who Barry seemed to actively hate for a while. I especially like Barry making sure all the folks Everyman set up got released.


I noticed how easily Iris fit at Star Labs. It was the exact opposite of Laurel's early visits to the Arrow Cave. I hope Iris's visit foreshadows her being told the truth-the whole truth-in the near future.


I wish Captain Lance and Joe's collaboration had been a tad less anvil-y. It made sense they talked about their daughters, but I would have liked more cop banter instead. I did enjoy their investigation scenes for the most part.


The kiss. Wow. Panabaker played Caitlin's reactions just right, although I rolled my eyes when Caitlin flinched at Barry's attagirl pat on the back.


When the trio found Well's hidden room I knew shit is about to get real and I can't wait!

Edited by steelyis
  • Love 1

I'm pretty sure Wells is already onto them. He does have cameras on Barry's loft (that's how he saw Barry get hit by lightning), so I'm fairly certain he already knows they're onto him.


Do we know this for sure?  I had assumed Wells set up a situation where Barry was always going to get hit by lightening and just monitored his fortune telling room to make sure it would definitely happen.  I don't really remember anything about cameras.  

Do we know this for sure?  I had assumed Wells set up a situation where Barry was always going to get hit by lightening and just monitored his fortune telling room to make sure it would definitely happen.  I don't really remember anything about cameras.

In the pilot or one of the early episodes, Harrison is literally watching a video feed of Barry's loft as Barry gets hit by lightning. So yes, we do know this for sure.

Whether or not the writers remember this is anyone's game - but I hope they do - and that Wells is completely playing them.

  • Love 2

In the pilot or one of the early episodes, Harrison is literally watching a video feed of Barry's loft as Barry gets hit by lightning. So yes, we do know this for sure.

Whether or not the writers remember this is anyone's game - but I hope they do - and that Wells is completely playing them.

Hahaha, it would be hilarious if the writers forgot this.  

  • Love 1

Never die again, Cisco - you are the best!  And props to Iris, for doing her own sleuthing rather than waiting for someone else to save Eddie.

When the trio found Well's hidden room I knew shit is about to get real and I can't wait!


I hope next week's episode picks up at exactly this moment so we can see the three of them theorizing what it all means.  I can see Cisco trying to read ahead in the paper and Caitlyn telling him it's cheating to do that.  And wouldn't Gideon tell Dr. Wells they were in there? Does he expect them to find out, given the door is coded for at least speedsters and not just Dr. Wells? It's like a train gathering speed at the top of a very steep hill at this point!


I felt sorry for Harrison Bates, not knowing how to get back to his own face. 

  • Love 2

Well, that was  a fun ride!


I was a bit disappointed in Barry's field work.Yeah, he's a lab guy officially, but he's been picking things up with Joe and with the STAR Labs crew for the better part of a year. 'How do I catch a suspect, Dr. Wells?' 'Run, Barry, like everyone else does.' Thankfully the rest of the story was delightful! The new-to-us DA! Eddie being cool and brave and the voice of reason to an upset Barry! Investigative Iris!


The two cop dads was fun, despite Quentin being too polite to shut down his fellow police officer's bs about lying to family. IA with the poster upthread: How presumptuous is Joe being when he has zero knowledge of what's gone on. I, too, was hoping more for shop talk, but then the case and the lying, while warranted, came up again. Still, Quentin and Joe on-screen was nice. Now I want more, please.


Tom Cavanagh is givng a master class on how to do comicbook villainy.  I hope the Emmy folks get over themselves and nominate him for supporting actor when the time comes. Then again, any scene with Messrs. Martin and Cavanagh are treats!


I really had to roll my eyes at Caitlin's reaction to the friendly backpat. Really, Caitlin and Writers? Just because she smooched "Barry" doesn't mean she did anything wrong, even if she is secretly hoping to get back with Ronnie. Caitlin is not some fallen woman or someone who needs to be ashamed or embarrassed about kissing Barry, even around Iris. (Even though Caitlin is more respectful of Iris' feelings than Barry and Joe.) 


I am thinking that Captain Singh does suspect, if not knows, about Barry. He's doing the plausible deniability thing that Quentin did last season. Captain Singh seems more open to The Flash. That would be easier, I guess, because The Flash isn't going around killing folks, so there is that. *g*


I was expecting Gideon to welcome "Mr. Allen", especially since it was relatively easy to get into the hidden space. My question: For all the respect Wells gives Cisco for his scientific acumen, why did Wells never sabotage the scans Cisco ran? Even if Wells wasn't told directly, you can't tell me he never periodically snoops into his two employees' work.  Unless Cisco labeled the scans as 'Potential Names -Metahuman Villains', I think that Wells would go through any folder, etc. on Cisco's work station.


Bring on next week!

  • Love 2

I forgot to mention how much I liked Iris in this episode. She was allowed to take some initiative and get in on the action at Star Labs, where she surprisingly didn't annoy me. I was expecting her to ruin the place to way Laurel ruined Team Arrow for me.


There was no forced Barry/Iris drama to drag her character down this week. I fear that if they try to go down the Barry/Iris route (because comics!) it will continue to be forced and not help her character at all. Anyway, I really like her with Eddie. He's a good guy.


I like how Caitlin still didn't tell Iris about Ronnie being the Burning Man. Iris has always come across as more Barry's friend than Caitlin's, and given that Iris is a reporter it is perfectly reasonable for Caitlin to not tell her anything. Besides, it isn't her secret to tell. Its refreshing seeing her keep Ronnie's secret, when Team Arrow seems to be freely spreading around Barry's identity as the Flash. Makes me lose a lot of respect for them.  

  • Love 2

Good stuff:


1. Iris, using her brain, instead of just getting caught in lies and love triangles! Can we have more of this?


2. Eddie, telling Iris at least part of the truth. Thank you, Eddie. 


3. Laurel!  Begging the question, where the hell has this Laurel been for three seasons of Arrow?  


4. Speaking of the crossovers, I had to laugh that after episode after episode of no one in Starling City doing anything in the daylight this season, the Flash guys pop over and - wow! Starling City HAS SUNLIGHT!  Who knew? I don't think we've seen that on Arrow since the season premiere.


6. The final scene between Joe and Wells, and the hints about Iris' mother. Great work from both actors - and I loved the framing right under the Justice mural.


7. Caitlin and Iris teamed up in the lab! 


8. Eddie's voice. I've brought it up before, but I think it needs to be brought up again.  


9. Barry, Cisco and Caitlin have found the Newspaper of Future Doom.  Dum dum DUM!


Questionable stuff:


1. I do find it mildly hilarious that the shows finally gave us a likeable Laurel - and then immediately sidelined her and kept her away from both plots of this episode.


2. Joe, right now you're the last person on either show who should be giving parenting advice, and I'm including Malcolm and Ra's in this.  


3. I'm good with Barry ending up with Iris or Caitlin, so I'm fine with shipteasing both in the same episode - but I'm a little less fine that both of the first kisses have turned out to be fakeouts in some way, either with time travel (and it kinda sucks that Iris will never really remember the first kiss she had with Barry) or in this case, disguise. Sigh.


Bad stuff:


1. So, now that Iris has been told part of the truth, can she be told the rest, please? Especially since, if I'm not mistaken, the episode added two more people - Laurel and Hannibal Bates - who definitely know the truth, and at least two more people - the Captain and the prosecutor - who probably know the truth. This is the worst kept secret on any TV show, ever.


2. Surprisingly, I found the villain a little bland - maybe because he was played by virtually everyone in the show. I think the actors had a lot of fun, and it was entertaining to see him try not to reveal just how little he knew what was going on, but still, bland.

Edited by quarks
  • Love 6

Now that the Reverse Flash stuff is heating up, I find myself wanting to stall it.  I like Tom Cavanaugh so much in this creepy role, I don't want Wells to be found out.


When Barry, Cisco and Caitlin were exploring the hidden room, i thought "It's Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys!"


Cisco really does make everyone better.  First Ray last week and now Laurel.  I was really hoping that Quentin Lance would convince Joe to tell Iris because of how much secrets from loved ones hurt, but instead Joe was telling him to forgive Laurel. I hate to say this but Joe, STFU.


Caitlin's reaction to Real Barry trying to hug her was funny,  I can't help it, I much prefer SnowBarry to WestAllen, maybe because I like Eddie so much.  I was happy to see that he's wasn't turning evil yet, it was the shape-shifter who shot the cops.


The stupidest part of the episode was Iris insisting she take the bad guy to the police station. She's not a cop, she's all of 98 pounds and she knows the guy can change into someone else.   Maybe they're right not to tell her.



It wasn't mentioned here but I'm sure Wells wants to keep Eddie safe since Eddie is an ancestor.

I think he said Eddie was "a distant cousin" so maybe all that's the butterfly effect.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 2

As some others I did kind of liked Laurel cameo... I only rolled my eyes twice and both times were over Cisco geeking out about her being kicking ass and then her threatening to kill him; both of these made me snort laugh and think: kick ass? Buckles? is this an alternate universe is Sara spirit taken over Laurel? cause last i've seen buckles was getting her ass handed to her by a lowly League member... hack an Starling City policeman can probably take her down.. with his bare hands.

This episode proves that Laurel Lance is painfully miscast and miswritten (in that order).


but enough about Buckles,

This was a very good episode. things are finally moving!

Can I get three hip-hip-horay to Eddie for having what all the other men on this show don't have? Balls to tell Iris at least part of the truth. I was okay with him not saying Barry was the Flash, that is indeed Barry's secret to tell.

I loved Iris in the lab.

Tom continues to be awesome as Wells/Ebone, so creepy but in a good way.


And holy cow that ending!

  • Love 1

I've always thought the Flash writers are much better than that Arrow writers and this episode settles it. They actually got me to like Laurel. She smiled and acted nice, and it didn't seem forced. Nobody had to tell me she's a nice person or that she has a light inside her. She's just likable.

ETA: Or what Jediknight said above.

I forced myself to watch Laurel's scenes again because my first reaction was convulsive body shivers of cringing embarrassment.  Second time around wasn't as bad but I do hold to my first impression that Laurel came off really weird.   Probably more likable but unlike with Ray where his interaction still felt like Ray, this wasn't the way Laurel normally behaves.  Well, the ADA that strode in demanding info for her case was. 


And I guess I believed how much she enjoyed the adulation she was getting from Cisco but the rest of it was weird.  I mean, Laurel has NEVER been friendly and smiley with anyone that she'd classify as "the help".  It took her three seasons before she said a civil word to Felicity and another half a season before a kind word followed.  I'm still not sure she's ever been friendly toward Diggle or even Roy.  There was such a huge disconnect between her in this scene and EVERYTHING else I've ever seen her in. 


It would be nice if Oliver and Felicity realized that with them telling everyone they work with that Barry is the Flash


Laurel said she actually met Barry when he was visiting. It had to be a "missing" scene from the crossover.  In this case I think Barry shared. 


Change of subject


Anyone else laugh at the rubber hand belonging to Well's skeleton?  It was just flopping around when they were digging, lol.  

  • Love 6

So-so episode. Laurel dragged, though not as bad. I guess that is Cisco's true power . . . to make the unlovable lovable. But I kept wanting her to mention her sister. You know, the real Black Canary. As opposed to the Whack Canary. Cisco is such a nerd.


Nice that Caitlin isn't chugging Eobard's Kool-Aide. Things were moving too fast, and we needed a skeptic. Liked her reaction to "Barry" kissing her.


Also nice: shoutout to Coast City. Is it too much to ask for a Green Lantern that's not a crushing disappointment?  BTW, I'm betting two of the pies are for Barry, minimum.


As much as I'm liking the stingers . . . we're not gonna see Grodd until S2, aren't we? I guess we can settle for Reverse Flash . . . for now, anyway.


ETA: I think the "Bates" part of the guy's name is a shoutout to writer Cary Bates.


ETA2: I think it's odd to see Quentin without him carrying the hatchet he wants to bury in Oliver Queen's back.


Per Wikipedia, he's a Grant Morrison creation, so even if the article didn't say it outright I'd lean towards the name being a nod to Norman.  Unless you know something different, Lantern.


And being a Grant Morrison creation, in the comics he apparently can't just touch people to copy them, he has to eat something from them... their fingernails, their hair.  So I am perfectly content to be happy with the version we got.


Caitlin kicking herself over the Snowbarry kiss was funny stuff.

  • Love 1

Laurel did meet Barry Allen in "The Brave and the Bold," when Oliver and Barry came to the Starling City police station to talk to Quentin. It was a blink and you'll miss it moment, but it was there.


I think the implication is that she put two and two together - the Arrow just happened to show up in Central City, and then a few days later a Central City guy called Barry Allen pops up in Starling, hanging out with Oliver, who has not exactly gone out of his way to make friends since his return. How she knew about Cisco, though, was pretty unclear.


Fingers crossed that the pizza place just happens to be owned by a Green Lantern. I can hope, right?

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