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S05.E05: Surprise Surprise

Tara Ariano
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Wow, I can't tell if Gary is some kind of evil genius when it comes to dealing with Amber, or if he's just dumb and Amber can't keep her temper in check long enough to figure out how to call him on it.


She made a very valid point- Gary texting her sexual or flirty messages is not productive and needs to stop, and for her own sake, she needs to have a strict friends only policy with Gary. Gary responds that he's having a kid with someone else, isn't that closure? The ONLY thing Amber needed to say was, what does having a kid with someone have to do with continuing to send me propositions via text messages when you're in a relationship with someone else? She could have stayed on point and made Gary look stupid. Instead, she escalates it into a shrieking match over whether or not Gary wants the baby, which was SO not the point.


And then when she realizes she's gone off topic, and with her reaction Gary has managed to imply to the viewers that it's all in Amber's head about whether or not Gary continues to send mixed messages, and perhaps she's just deeply in denial about her romantic future with Gary despite the fact that he has a long term girlfriend and a baby on the way- well then it's all over. I can't tell if Gary planned it that way, or if he has as much trouble staying on task as she does and it just worked out for him.


I couldn't really watch the Tyler/B&T exchange. It just made me too uncomfortable. I wish Cate would have left Tyler a long time ago. Even she looked a bit embarrassed by the way he was carrying on at the airport.

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As a sober person, I gotta say- Amber needs to change some things, or she's going to be in big trouble. The lack of a support system is one of those things. She needs ONGOING therapy and anger management, so when things happen like the situation with Gary, she has professional people to discuss this with. Being that they showed them in therapy in the past, I assume the lack of therapy scenes means she's not going. No 12 step programs. Seems she is putting all her eggs in the relationship basket. A common mistake in early recovery: when that relationship falls apart (as they frequently do, because our choosing in early recovery isn't healthy) then it feels like everything fell apart. I want Amber to succeed, but she's not doing herself any favors.

Gary the Hairy Fairy is just a complete tool. Weird, his mother seems so nice.

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Eh. Maci having another kid doesn't really bother me. I don't believe that you have to be married to have a child, and abstinence certainly isn't part of the Teen Mom sex ed curriculum--the idea is "Don't have a kid if you aren't ready." But she's in pretty good shape. She's 23, not 16. She's wanted another child for a long time. She knows what she's getting into. She's got the financial resources. She owns a home. She seems to be a good, involved mom with Bentley. I also believe that Ryan's parents (not to mention Maci's) will open their hearts to the new baby, too. This isn't like Jenelle, Leah, or even Kailyn having another kid. Yeah, Maci may party a lot, and she's taking a long time to finish college, but she isn't broke, addicted, dealing with major psychological problems, etc. My only problem is that she and Taylor are a pretty new couple, but I also think that if Taylor checks out, Maci will be content to do the bulk of the parenting. (I should say that I'm 31, married, and currently childless by choice--we want to wait until things are a little more settled.)


The whole point is that Maci said they weren't trying to have another baby.  She said that like 3 times on the show (in front of Taylor.  I'm still convinced this is a Man Trap baby.)  So if you're not trying to have a baby, you USE protection.  That's where the irony of the safe sex talks come in.  I don't care if you're 35, married with a professional career, if you don't want to get pregnant, you use protection.  You also don't "accidentally" get pregnant by someone who balks at the idea of marrying you.  

Edited by lezlers
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The whole point is that Maci said they weren't trying to have another baby.  She said that like 3 times on the show (in front of Taylor.  I'm still convinced this is a Man Trap baby.)  So if you're not trying to have a baby, you USE protection.  That's where the irony of the safe sex talks come in.  I don't care if you're 35, married with a professional career, if you don't want to get pregnant, you use protection.  You also don't "accidentally" get pregnant by someone who balks at the idea of marrying you.


Exactly. If Maci feels she is ready to have another baby, that's fine. But the fact that she's all, "Oooops, thought I couldn't have kids because of my PCOS, so I wasn't using any protection, but got pregnant anyhow" really detracts from her being a spokesperson for safe sex and what-not. 

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Yes, to the poster who mentioned it upthread, Ryan's dad did seem rather intoxicated.

Good for Amber for deciding to have boundaries even if she has zero communication skills.

If Maci's house is a set, not her real house, is Bentley's ninja turtle bedroom from the real house or the fake one? Or maybe they just prefer a modest house. She did spend some of the money on a boob job (wasted money in my opinion as is rather not see small women getting big boobs, it doesn't look right to me, but to each her own).

If Ryan's parents haven't kicked him out by now, like for real, then there's your problem. They are enabling him. He's an able bodied adult. Unless there's something we don't know, like he has health problems.

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If Maci feels she is ready to have another baby, that's fine. But the fact that she's all, "Oooops, thought I couldn't have kids because of my PCOS, so I wasn't using any protection, but got pregnant anyhow" really detracts from her being a spokesperson for safe sex and what-not.



If she used the PCOS excuse and was upset she got pregnant, that would be one thing--I'd agree that she was being hypocritical. But it's been clear for a while that she wanted to have another baby. I think that her approach was more, "If it happens, cool." She seems excited by the prospect, not freaked out like, say, Kristina seems to be.


If you're in a committed relationship, if you have the financial resources, if you'll happily accept a baby if you get pregnant (even if you think it might be difficult/impossible)--then everything she's said and done seems pretty reasonable to me. 

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I think PCOS was just the excuse she gave Taylor as to why they didn't need to use protection. I'm thinking she learned with Kyle that it was going to take a bit more effort to trap a guy into staying w her. I hate to say trap because Taylor had a part in wrapping up too. But we know that Maci has been talking baby for quite some time. Taylor happens to be the one fell in her rabbit hole.

Kyle saw Maci's baby train coming and got the hell on. I don't really think the WHO was the most important part in her equation.

Edited by Brooklynista
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I think PCOS was just the excuse she gave Taylor as to why they didn't need to use protection. I'm thinking she learned with Kyle that it was going to take a bit more effort to trap a guy into staying w her. I hate to say trap because Taylor had a part in wrapping up too. But we know that Maci has been talking baby for quite some time. Taylor happens to be the one fell in her rabbit hole.

Kyle saw Maci's baby train coming and got the hell on. I don't really think the WHO was the most important part in her equation.

What about stds? Even if you can't get pregnant it doesn't protect against stds

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Yeah, I've been thinking about how he keeps expressing this. What I fail to understand is what Tyler expects B&T to do to prove they are empathizing/sympathizing with his circumstances. The very nature of this adoption situation is that C&T are not a constant part of Carly's life and not Carly's parents apart from biology. I think his feelings on the open adoption are perhaps not as positive as they were before; he is not as idealistic and rose-colored about it. However, it is not the responsibility of B&T to make him feel better about it and they certainly can't make him feel more a part of Carly's life than he already is. They seem to be doing their best to embrace C&T and the gesture with the old baby clothes of Carly shows that too. All I can figure out with Tyler's attitude in addition to his comment of "You're up there, and we're down here" is that he wants the status quo of their relationship to change, but he needs to realize that is not reality and cannot happen. It sounds like he is having regrets.

Tyler just needs to stop. Act like an adult. He's what 22 with a mind of a 14yo. If he didn't want B&T to adopt Carly then he should've kept her. But they chose to do adoption to give Carly a better outcome and life. I feel bad for Novalee. She's always going to be compared to Carly.

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If she used the PCOS excuse and was upset she got pregnant, that would be one thing--I'd agree that she was being hypocritical. But it's been clear for a while that she wanted to have another baby. I think that her approach was more, "If it happens, cool." She seems excited by the prospect, not freaked out like, say, Kristina seems to be.


If you're in a committed relationship, if you have the financial resources, if you'll happily accept a baby if you get pregnant (even if you think it might be difficult/impossible)--then everything she's said and done seems pretty reasonable to me. 

That's all well and good, assuming your partner feels the same way you do about it.  I don't think that was the case with her and Taylor.  My guess is she told him her doctor said she couldn't get pregnant again so he didn't bother with protection.  The guy looks like he's about to puke when she mentions marriage, why would he be a.ok with having a baby with her?

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That's all well and good, assuming your partner feels the same way you do about it.  I don't think that was the case with her and Taylor.  My guess is she told him her doctor said she couldn't get pregnant again so he didn't bother with protection.  The guy looks like he's about to puke when she mentions marriage, why would he be a.ok with having a baby with her?

I'd tell him the same thing I told my ex when we found out I was pregnant, very very unexpectedly.


"You knew "I" wasn't using birth control, YOU should have worn a condom if you didn't want a kid."


There is a very long story behind this, but those were the words I said when he walked out on me after 12 years, when I was 5 months pregnant.

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What about stds? Even if you can't get pregnant it doesn't protect against stds

No, nope. I'm thinking we missed the news report that week and HIV, AIDS, STDS, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia have all been eradicated. Poof! All of them, gone!

There's no way they still exist with the way these people carry on. Clearly the worst thing you can get from unprotected sex nowadays is pregnant. That seems to be the only thing they are remotely concerned about preventing.

What is involved in Maci's safe sex talks? Is she only talking about pregnancy? The Clap is cool, but pregnancy? Whoa buddy!

If anything Kristina should have made sure Gary wore two condoms. I just know you can catch obesity from him.

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But it's been clear for a while that she wanted to have another baby.

Uh, yeah. Maci wanted to have anyone's baby. She was ready to have a baby with Kyle. She was ready to hitch herself to just about any guy who was willing to look at her for more than one hour. Each relationship Maci has been in, she has mentioned marriage, moving in, having a baby. That includes the guy she was with that never appeared on this show. He came after the Kyle relationship. My question to Maci would be, why are you in such a rush to be married? Since marriage was out of the question for Taylor, why have a baby with him? Are you that uncertain about him? Do you think he is going to leave you and this is how you keep him? She did this with Ryan and it didn't work. She tried this mess on Kyle, but he had to keep telling her "no". He would tell her to take things slow, but Maci had to have marriage and a baby NOW. Not sure what happened between those two, but my money is on that Kyle could not stand the pressure Maci was putting on him to have a baby.

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Yes. Kyle plainly told Maci he felt like she was "in his pocket all the time". It was great.

I think Maci is definitely a Stage 4 clinger and that's why Ryan and Kyle got sick of her. She seems like she needs constant attention and validation on how pretty and skinny she is.

Edited by Brooklynista
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I get the feeling that Maci and Taylor have a stronger relationship than we are aware of due to the lack of filming where we missed most of it.  I think they have mentioned more than once being together for 2 years (I could have heard wrong but this stands in my mind from something she said).  Plus I think they have a more mature relationship than she has had with anyone else.  She seems very calm and easy with him--and he is great with Bentley.  I really don't see any issues with them having a baby, even if it is unplanned.  I don't think they are in a bad place in their lives to handle it, and it might benefit Bentley in the end.

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While I didn't like Tyler's attitude about the whole thing, the meeting between them and Brandon and Teresa was very productive.  He may not have a right to ask those questions, but they answered them and saw his point.  I think Teresa recognized early on that Catelynn was terrified they were going to cut T&C off from Carly if Tyler didn't chill but she for whatever reason she didn't stop him from talking.  I get the vibe that Catelynn agrees with Tyler more often than not, but she's passive and therefore would NEVER ask Brandon and Teresa why it is they are allowed to famewhore with Carly but T&C aren't.  There was a shot where Tyler was talking and they focused on Catelynn (close to tears) and then a shot of Teresa next and it was clear to me she immediately understood what was going on.  And then she calmed down herself.  She seemed awful frustrated in the beginning but once she saw Catelynn that scared, she let it go.  


Thing is, they handled him.  Notice he quieted down once Brandon calmly explained their position.  


While I'm sure a few people wanted to see B&T tell Tyler to take a seat and chew him up one side and down the other, I admire them for recognizing they are dealing with two people who are still very young and have a skewed view of things due to the cameras being in their lives since they were teenagers.  I don't think cutting them off from Carly is the way to go....for her or for them.  Brandon and Teresa seem to be excellent parents.

Edited by CaughtOnTape
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I think they have mentioned more than once being together for 2 years

They had a long-distance relationship since he lived in Texas. It was one year.  When he moved to live with Maci, she became pregnant one month later. At the point they are in now, it has been two years that they have known each other.

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The whole point is that Maci said they weren't trying to have another baby.  She said that like 3 times on the show (in front of Taylor.  I'm still convinced this is a Man Trap baby.)  So if you're not trying to have a baby, you USE protection.  That's where the irony of the safe sex talks come in.  I don't care if you're 35, married with a professional career, if you don't want to get pregnant, you use protection.  You also don't "accidentally" get pregnant by someone who balks at the idea of marrying you.

Exactly! I could care less if people get pregnant without being married but if you are giving speeches for a living about how to protect your self and prevent pregnancy, that makes her kind of a hypocrite to get knocked up again. Its not difficult to prevent pregnancy. yes accidents do occasionally happen but "oh my doctor might of, sort of, maybe mentioned there's a slight possibility of not being able to get pregnant" so I'm just not going to use ANY protection is not an accident. I  don't think its a good idea to have a baby with someone you have only been with for a year or two especially if that person is freaked out by the idea of marrying you. I think she wanted another baby so she can prolong her oh I'm so busy with the kid I can't attend college full time thing because Bentley is in school now so guess what- have another baby to fill up that free time.  Giving speeches about how this show has reduced teen pregnancy is laughable. Almost every girl on TM and TM2 has gotten pregnant again except for Farrah and Chelsie.

Edited by kira28
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Exactly! I could care less if people get pregnant without being marred but if you are giving speeches for a living about how to protect your self and prevent pregnancy, that makes her kind of a hypocrite to get knocked up again. Its not difficult to prevent pregnancy. yes accidents do occasionally happen but "oh my doctor might of, sort of, maybe mentioned there's a slight possibility of not being able to get pregnant" so I'm just not going to use ANY protection is not an accident. I don't think its a good idea to have a baby with someone you have only been with for a year or two especially if that person is freaked out by the idea of marrying you. I think she wanted another baby so she can prolong her oh I'm so busy with the kid I can't attend college full time thing because Bentley is in school now so guess what- have another baby to fill up that free time. Giving speeches about how this show has reduced teen pregnancy is laughable. Almost every girl on TM and TM2 has gotten pregnant again except for Farrah and Chelsie.

Could just be me, but I thought they were kind of trying. I think it was a case of Maci being told that conceiving might be hard (why? What was she told? I wish she would be specific.) so they stopped using anything immediately to see if they could get pregnant. I felt like it was sooner than they expected, but not exactly a Gary level oh shit moment. I think they thought they would have more time to settle in and plan a wedding, but I don't think it was exactly an accident. A much older, wiser friend of mine was told it might be difficult for her to get pregnant so she and her husband starting trying on their honeymoon assuming it might take a year or more, like her doctor had warned her. Their son was born 9 months later. They were totally happy but a little freaked out because they thought it would take longer.

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I agree that there is something shady about Gary's gf Kristin. My theory is that she thinks getting knocked up by Gary will make her MTV-famous. Gross either way. 
Speaking of MTV-famous, Tyler just doesn't mature at all, does he? All these years later and he is still acting like a punk and calling Carly HIS. Dude, get a clue. And I have to wonder how long his career as an adoption speaker is going to last if he continues to sit on tv and say it was all bull and complain about the parameters. B&T were saints bc he was popping off at the mouth too much for my liking. I would have responded back with a few wisecracks of my own about how he was going to revenge himself right out of Carly's life. I do agree that Catelynn looked like she wanted to tell his shut up but didn't dare. I fear he is twice the JO offscreen that he is on. Sad for Catelynn. 

Maci, the safe sex speaker. hahaha. She should have just said the pregnancy was planned if she didn't want to undermine her "career". 

No words for Farrah and her ridiculous face. 


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Exactly! I could care less if people get pregnant without being marred but if you are giving speeches for a living about how to protect your self and prevent pregnancy, that makes her kind of a hypocrite to get knocked up again. Its not difficult to prevent pregnancy. yes accidents do occasionally happen but "oh my doctor might of, sort of, maybe mentioned there's a slight possibility of not being able to get pregnant" so I'm just not going to use ANY protection is not an accident. I don't think its a good idea to have a baby with someone you have only been with for a year or two especially if that person is freaked out by the idea of marrying you. I think she wanted another baby so she can prolong her oh I'm so busy with the kid I can't attend college full time thing because Bentley is in school now so guess what- have another baby to fill up that free time. Giving speeches about how this show has reduced teen pregnancy is laughable. Almost every girl on TM and TM2 has gotten pregnant again except for Farrah and Chelsie.

And Amber
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You beat me to it, Brooklynista. But, Farrah had her moment too. She went around saying she was likely pregnant from the porn actor.


Why do Gary and Kristina always worry about what Amber will think about anything they talk about? They both look like they are scared shitless. lol I get Gary, because he still has a thing for Amber, but why Kristina? What has Gary told her that makes her seem so worried that anything they do will likely cause Amber to go upside their heads?

Edited by GreatKazu
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They had a long-distance relationship since he lived in Texas. It was one year.  When he moved to live with Maci, she became pregnant one month later. At the point they are in now, it has been two years that they have known each other.


Holy crap, so she basically immediately got pregnant once he moved in.  So much for the "can't get pregnant due to PCOS" theory.  I do blame Taylor for not taking any personal responsibility in using protection himself, but guys that age aren't really the brightest tools in the shed and I can definitely see Maci telling him she couldn't get pregnant and him buying it.  


Also, I'm surprised at people who think that dating for 2 years makes you ready to have a baby.  Really?  Two years is nothing.  The honeymoon period is barely over at that point.  You really think you're ready to have a BABY, even when your partner balks at the idea of marrying you?



Could just be me, but I thought they were kind of trying. I think it was a case of Maci being told that conceiving might be hard (why? What was she told? I wish she would be specific.) so they stopped using anything immediately to see if they could get pregnant. I felt like it was sooner than they expected, but not exactly a Gary level oh shit moment. I think they thought they would have more time to settle in and plan a wedding, but I don't think it was exactly an accident. A much older, wiser friend of mine was told it might be difficult for her to get pregnant so she and her husband starting trying on their honeymoon assuming it might take a year or more, like her doctor had warned her. Their son was born 9 months later. They were totally happy but a little freaked out because they thought it would take longer.


Plan a wedding?  He freaks out when the idea of getting married is even mentioned.  Just because MACI wants to get married, doesn't mean a wedding is happening.  Maci is one of those girls who just wants to be a SAHM and be married, she's not really even particularly picky about with whom.  She just wants to lock it down so she doesn't have to worry about anything else, like supporting herself or trying to etch out a career (reminds me of Leah from Teen Mom 2 in that respect, which is why she's in her early twenties with 3 kids and soon to be two ex-husbands.  This is what happens when you marry for the wrong reasons, kids.)

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Holy crap, so she basically immediately got pregnant once he moved in.  So much for the "can't get pregnant due to PCOS" theory.  I do blame Taylor for not taking any personal responsibility in using protection himself, but guys that age aren't really the brightest tools in the shed and I can definitely see Maci telling him she couldn't get pregnant and him buying it.  


Also, I'm surprised at people who think that dating for 2 years makes you ready to have a baby.  Really?  Two years is nothing.  The honeymoon period is barely over at that point.  You really think you're ready to have a BABY, even when your partner balks at the idea of marrying you?




Plan a wedding?  He freaks out when the idea of getting married is even mentioned.  Just because MACI wants to get married, doesn't mean a wedding is happening.  Maci is one of those girls who just wants to be a SAHM and be married, she's not really even particularly picky about with whom.  She just wants to lock it down so she doesn't have to worry about anything else, like supporting herself or trying to etch out a career (reminds me of Leah from Teen Mom 2 in that respect, which is why she's in her early twenties with 3 kids and soon to be two ex-husbands.  This is what happens when you marry for the wrong reasons, kids.)


I agree with this. Regardless of whether or not this baby was planned (or at least, not actively prevented because both Maci and Taylor were que sera, sera about it) I do NOT get the impression Taylor wants to get married at this point in his life. He may care for Maci, and he may be excited about impending fatherhood, but I don't think he's 100% settled on Maci as a life partner. I don't know that Maci is 100% settled on him either, but like you said, I think she's 100% settled on getting married, ASAP, to whoever that winds up being.

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Does Amber have any friends besides that blonde producer? It doesn't seem like it.


Other than her cousin, it doesn't seem like it. Though I have to say the blonde producer being around makes feel less icky about watching Amber. It's one of the reasons that I don't mind the 4th wall being broken - it makes me feel better than someone seems to care about her. Amber has done some dumb things (see Gary for example one of A Dumb Thing) and certainly has been self-destructive, but she does now seem to be genuinely trying. It would be better to see Amber trying to do something productive with school or a job instead of just loafing around all the time being so tied up with the men in her life. She's got to draw some self esteem from something other than Gary or WhoeverNewGuy is.

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You beat me to it, Brooklynista. But, Farrah had her moment too. She went around saying she was likely pregnant from the porn actor.

Why do Gary and Kristina always worry about what Amber will think about anything they talk about? They both look like they are scared shitless. lol I get Gary, because he still has a thing for Amber, but why Kristina? What has Gary told her that makes her seem so worried that anything they do will likely cause Amber to go upside their heads?

Wait. You can get pregnant from anal?? Was there an updated version of Changing Bodies Changing Lives???

See, I don't understand the dancing on eggshells around Amber. If I were Kristina I would be pissed and certainly not faint hearted. Bitch she watched your kid while your ass was locked up in gel, and Amber doesnt have the decency to say hello on the first day of school? How about a damn THANK YOU?

I wouldn't spend a moment of time wondering how Inmate AP-2157 was going to take the news of my pregnancy. If that's who Gary wants? Go head tubby. Those two wack jobs can have each other.

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But, Farrah had her moment too. She went around saying she was likely pregnant from the porn actor.


Yea, she paid a professional photographer to take "candid" photos of her buying a pregnancy test at a drug store (all dressed up, of course).  Then she submitted them to all of the usual outlets like TMZ, who ran with the non story.




Edited for grammar.

Edited by Bella Roche
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Also, I'm surprised at people who think that dating for 2 years makes you ready to have a baby.  Really?  Two years is nothing.  The honeymoon period is barely over at that point.  You really think you're ready to have a BABY, even when your partner balks at the idea of marrying you?


The time period doesn't bother me so much. Sometimes things really do move that quickly. My husband and I moved in together after 4 months of dating. We had our first son 1.5 years later. Now 10 years and 2 more kids later we're still going strong. What is more of a red flag is Taylor's hesitancy to get married. I wish people would put more stock in deciding if someone is right for them before having a baby. Whether it takes you 4 months or 2 years, be more discerning, people! And it's not like Taylor is objecting to marriage entirely, which I don't have a problem with. He just seems like he's not sure about forever with THIS chick. But it's totally okay to just have a kid with someone. These people baffle me. It's like they never have conversations about these things. You know - are we getting married, what's the time frame, do you want kids, how many, when? Etc. Etc. They just jump in and hope for the best. 


See, I don't understand the dancing on eggshells around Amber. If I were Kristina I would be pissed and certainly not faint hearted. Bitch she watched your kid while your ass was locked up in gel, and Amber doesnt have the decency to say hello on the first day of school? How about a damn THANK YOU?


YES! I get Amber having some jealousy issues with Kristina, but I wish she would stop and think about how involved this woman has been in her daughter's life. I wish she would be the bigger person and make the first move, initiate a conversation. They don't have to be best friends, but Amber could at least acknowledge what Kristina has done and open the door for better communication between both households. If all Gary does is talk about his penis, maybe Amber could work on having Kristina as the one she contacts with regard to Leah. 

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The time period doesn't bother me so much. Sometimes things really do move that quickly. My husband and I moved in together after 4 months of dating. We had our first son 1.5 years later. Now 10 years and 2 more kids later we're still going strong. What is more of a red flag is Taylor's hesitancy to get married. I wish people would put more stock in deciding if someone is right for them before having a baby. Whether it takes you 4 months or 2 years, be more discerning, people! And it's not like Taylor is objecting to marriage entirely, which I don't have a problem with. He just seems like he's not sure about forever with THIS chick. But it's totally okay to just have a kid with someone. These people baffle me. It's like they never have conversations about these things. You know - are we getting married, what's the time frame, do you want kids, how many, when? Etc. Etc. They just jump in and hope for the best. 



I agree with this.  I also moved in with my husband after 5 months, we were married a few months shy of our two year dating anniversary and our son was born a couple of weeks before our first wedding anniversary.  6 years and 2 kids later, we're all good. The difference being, we were absolutely on the same page from day ONE.  I think we may have discussed kids ect on our second date.  People like Maci (and Leah) never really have this conversations, they just kind of let things happen then the rest of their relationship tends to be more reactive than proactive (get pregnant within months of dating, get married because you have a kid, ect.)  If you never talk about these things and just have the attitude of "oh well, two years is good enough, let's have a baby even though we're not on the same page with any other life decisions!!" things aren't going to end well for you.

The time period doesn't bother me so much. Sometimes things really do move that quickly. My husband and I moved in together after 4 months of dating. We had our first son 1.5 years later. Now 10 years and 2 more kids later we're still going strong. What is more of a red flag is Taylor's hesitancy to get married. I wish people would put more stock in deciding if someone is right for them before having a baby. Whether it takes you 4 months or 2 years, be more discerning, people! And it's not like Taylor is objecting to marriage entirely, which I don't have a problem with. He just seems like he's not sure about forever with THIS chick. But it's totally okay to just have a kid with someone. These people baffle me. It's like they never have conversations about these things. You know - are we getting married, what's the time frame, do you want kids, how many, when? Etc. Etc. They just jump in and hope for the best. 



I agree with this.  I also moved in with my husband after 5 months, we were married a few months shy of our two year dating anniversary and our son was born a couple of weeks before our first wedding anniversary.  6 years and 2 kids later, we're all good. The difference being, we were absolutely on the same page from day ONE.  I think we may have discussed kids ect on our second date.  People like Maci (and Leah) never really have this conversations, they just kind of let things happen then the rest of their relationship tends to be more reactive than proactive (get pregnant within months of dating, get married because you have a kid, ect.)  If you never talk about these things and just have the attitude of "oh well, two years is good enough, let's have a baby even though we're not on the same page with any other life decisions!!" things aren't going to end well for you.

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I don't understand why people think they can't get pregnant because of PCOS. People with pcos get pregnant all the time. The only issue is that ovulation doesn't happen on a predictable schedule so it's a little bit more unpredictable than it normally would be. I have it and while I don't have any children yet, no doctor has ever said that it would be very "hard" for me to have kids or that I would never have them. Maci is full of shit with her pcos story.

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Yea, she paid a professional photographer to take "candid" photos of her buying a pregnancy test at a drug store (all dressed up, of course).  Then she submitted them to all of the usual outlets like TMZ, who ran with the non story.




Edited for grammar.

Right. That was all PR so it would make her story about the leaked sex tape a bit more believable. The story being that Farrah was dating the porn guy, not that he was just doing his job.  Farrah and her parents even appeared on some random tv show called The Test (syndicated show) to talk about that supposed pregnancy.



My husband and I moved in together after 4 months of dating. We had our first son 1.5 years later. Now 10 years and 2 more kids later we're still going strong. What is more of a red flag is Taylor's hesitancy to get married. I wish people would put more stock in deciding if someone is right for them before having a baby. Whether it takes you 4 months or 2 years, be more discerning, people! And it's not like Taylor is objecting to marriage entirely, which I don't have a problem with. He just seems like he's not sure about forever with THIS chick

Congrats!  I get that many people have relationships that moved forward quickly. However, I will assume you didn't have a history of dating guys and having them move-in with you right after dating a few times, talking marriage and then talking about having their babies, correct?


The pattern with Maci is, meet a guy, have sex with him, have him move in and see if she can get him to commit either through marriage or a baby. If it doesn't work, move on to the next guy, and the next guy, and the next guy.


I agree, Taylor doesn't seem to want to ever marry Maci. I get the feeling Taylor is going through the motions because he, like Gary, doesn't have the balls to say they don't want to commit. Ever! But, it is okay to commit a child to two people who likely won't ever be committed to one another. Great message there! Maci, in my opinion, hasn't moved forward in life, she has only added more birthday candles to her cake.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Maybe it's partly about where they are from and what's the norm, but the girls (Ahem, Maci) seem to have this attitude of "well, I'm already a young mom, so let me audition New Daddy/Future Sperm Donor candidates." Like they've already broken the seal on young motherhood, so what's the big deal? Yet, they largely date guys their own age, who don't have kids and who have no idea what it's like to be a parent. Yeah, Taylor seems nice, but he's Bintley's occasional playmate. Is there anything about him that screams "I'm ready (or want) to be a dad?" Maci should be focused on thinking about what if Taylor splits and she's got to take care of two on her own. He's shown no signs of commitment (yes, he moved, but the MTV gravy train probably contributed most to that decision).

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I am also bothered by Amber's refusal to communicate with or even meet Kristina. The woman has been living with and taking care of her daughter for what, 2 years now?  It's bizarre to me that she doesn't care enough to meet someone who is so involved in Bew Bew's life. Amber claims she is an "amazing mom" but the fact is that she is very selfish and immature and doesn't put Leah first. It would be good for Leah to see her mom and Kristina be cordial. I think Kristina would be very wiling to do so -- but instead Leah has to worry about her mom getting mad about seeing them together on TV and so on. Very sad.

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I read on IMDB that Kristina cheated on and left her hubby of 9 years to be with Gary. Now, I want to know how awful the ex -husband was that Gary seemed liked viable alternative.


Good Lord, yes, someone get to the bottom of this! Personally, finding out Kristina's backstory and motivations for being with this assquatch (great name, cheatincheetos!) = the most interesting thing on this show right now. I just can't wrap my mind around it and I need answers!

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Exactly. If Maci feels she is ready to have another baby, that's fine. But the fact that she's all, "Oooops, thought I couldn't have kids because of my PCOS, so I wasn't using any protection, but got pregnant anyhow" really detracts from her being a spokesperson for safe sex and what-not.


I think PCOS was just the excuse she gave Taylor as to why they didn't need to use protection. I'm thinking she learned with Kyle that it was going to take a bit more effort to trap a guy into staying w her. I hate to say trap because Taylor had a part in wrapping up too. But we know that Maci has been talking baby for quite some time. Taylor happens to be the one fell in her rabbit hole.

Kyle saw Maci's baby train coming and got the hell on. I don't really think the WHO was the most important part in her equation.

Absolutely agree that both Maci and Kristina got pregnant on purpose to trap their boyfriends.

One thing I can respect about Tyler & Catelynn (and there's not a lot to respect about Tyler), is that they never tried to play the pregnancy with Novalee as an "accident." I may not agree with their decision to have another child, but I appreciate that they are at least honest that they wanted and planned to do so.

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Thanks! I love it here. Its so much better than "that other place" was.

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Speaking of MTV-famous, Tyler just doesn't mature at all, does he? All these years later and he is still acting like a punk and calling Carly HIS. Dude, get a clue. And I have to wonder how long his career as an adoption speaker is going to last if he continues to sit on tv and say it was all bull and complain about the parameters. B&T were saints bc he was popping off at the mouth too much for my liking. I would have responded back with a few wisecracks of my own about how he was going to revenge himself right out of Carly's life. I do agree that Catelynn looked like she wanted to tell his shut up but didn't dare. I fear he is twice the JO offscreen that he is on. Sad for Catelynn.

What is a JO?

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So Leah gets picked up at school by Gary and tells him she has accidentally pooped her pants because the teacher wouldn't let her use the bathroom.  Gary takes her over to Amber's and she plops herself on Amber's lap and both Amber and Gary start commenting on Leah having poop in her pants, kidding about her needing a diaper, blah, blah, blah, next subject.  Why wasn't anyone making an effort asap to clean the poor child up and give her some clean underwear?  Parents of the year these two. SMH

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So Leah gets picked up at school by Gary and tells him she has accidentally pooped her pants because the teacher wouldn't let her use the bathroom.  Gary takes her over to Amber's and she plops herself on Amber's lap and both Amber and Gary start commenting on Leah having poop in her pants, kidding about her needing a diaper, blah, blah, blah, next subject.  Why wasn't anyone making an effort asap to clean the poor child up and give her some clean underwear?  Parents of the year these two. SMH


Those 2 must have a high tolerance for shit because if that were me I couldn't get home fast enough to get that kid out of her clothes and into the shower. I would then promptly call Amber to let her know we're running late because Leah had an accident at school.  I would have a talk with Leah about making sure to let the teacher know when she had to go to the potty, and last but not least, I'd call that teacher up, let her know that for some reason Leah didn't want to tell her she had to go to the potty.  Why?


That was gross. 

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